Home Removal Elevated hCG with ovarian cyst. Is it possible to confuse an ovarian cyst with pregnancy?

Elevated hCG with ovarian cyst. Is it possible to confuse an ovarian cyst with pregnancy?

23.09.2016, 01:58

I am 40 years old. Menstruation is regular, not painful. There is 1 child, birth in 2011.
On September 8, 2016, my period was delayed by 6 days. I take a pregnancy test - there is a barely visible second line on the test. BUT! an hour after the test, menstruation began, lasting three days, and not the usual six days. It didn’t smear, but just menstruation.
On September 10, I repeat the test - the second stripe is already more pronounced. I do tests every two days, the second strip is already clearly visible.
On September 19, 2016 there was an ultrasound. Diagnosis: no pregnancy, follicular cyst on the left ovary.
09/22/2016 I do a test, the second line is VERY! clear. I go for an ultrasound - the diagnosis is no pregnancy, an endometrioid cyst of the left ovary is 7 cm. It cannot be treated, it is necessary to operate.
Two ultrasounds (different doctors) did not confirm the pregnancy, and the types of cysts diagnosed were different. Ultrasound results dated September 19, 2016 are attached.
What should I do?
Agree to the operation?
Why does hCG increase (according to pregnancy tests, the brightness of the strip increases)?

23.09.2016, 20:54

Hello, please tell me whether a benign ovarian tumor or cyst can cause an increase in hCG or only malignant tumors and ovarian cysts cause an increase in hCG?
What hCG level in a non-pregnant woman may indicate a malignant tumor or ovarian cyst?
What hCG level in a non-pregnant woman may indicate a benign ovarian cyst or tumor?

24.09.2016, 14:59

I’ll also add about myself:
Age 40 years, weight 43 kg, menstruation since 15 years.

25.09.2016, 12:29

09/24/2016 hCG test 188. I have had spotting brown discharge for 10 days. Is it oncology?

03.10.2016, 23:00

there IS pregnancy - this is indicated by a positive hCG
The free hCG subunit does NOT increase during pregnancy, its testing is necessary for rare conditions - you don’t have them
Contact your gynecologist!!!

03.10.2016, 23:23

Thanks a lot! For your answer.
Today 10/3/16 total b-hCG is 486. I saw the gynecologist. They don't see pregnancy. By my calculations it must be over six weeks already.
09/30/16 total b-hCG was 469.
My glucose is 5 mmol/l (normal).
I’ve already read all the Internet about oncology.
What ways are there to make a diagnosis? And if you are pregnant, how can you see it? How not to miss anything important?

04.10.2016, 23:03

repeat hCG after 2 days
at this level of hCG, pregnancy in the uterus cannot be seen
we are not talking about oncology
What tactics did the in-person doctors suggest?

05.10.2016, 02:53

According to my calculations, the period should be more than 6 weeks. First, in one laboratory, on 09/24/16 the total b-hCG was 188, on 09/29/16 the total b-hCG was 195.
Then I changed the laboratory to INVITRO, and at INVITRO on 09/30/16 the total b-hCG was 469, on 10/3/16 the total b-hCG was 486.
On 10/06/16 I will definitely take HCG again.

1. One full-time gynecologist on September 24, 2016 says to undergo laparoscopy to remove the cyst. He says hCG is growing due to an endomitriosis cyst larger than 6 cm on the left ovary according to ultrasound.
2. The second full-time gynecologist on September 27, 2016 suggested going to the hospital and waiting. He says it's ectopic. But I have a 5-year-old child, there was no one to leave with then, I wrote a refusal to be hospitalized.
3. Another doctor on the phone says to wait for hCG 1000, and go for an ultrasound to look for an ectopic or frozen pregnancy, then take action. He says there is no point in going to the hospital, they will just wait there, and I will go crazy there from boredom.

None of the doctors see the slightest chance of developing a normal intrauterine pregnancy. So I don’t know what to do? What is the chance of a normal intrauterine pregnancy with this hCG?

06.10.2016, 22:17

today 10/6/2016 b - total hCG increased to 507 (09/30/16 total b-hCG was 469, 10/3/16 total b-hCG 486). Everything was taken at the same time in one INVITRO laboratory on an empty stomach at 7.30 am. Can you please guide me what this all means and what my actions should be?

12.10.2016, 07:47

Your action is to consult a gynecologist in person

18.10.2016, 03:05

HCG rose to 600, the right tube was removed. Ectopic pregnancy. Also emergency laproscopy, salpingectomy on the right, coagulation of the focus of external genital endometriosis, adgeolysis. After the operation, I was prescribed to take Rigevidon for 6 months to prevent the growth of endometriosis. I'm afraid of gaining weight from hormonal medications and other side problems due to taking hormones. I had never taken hormonal contraceptives before. Is it necessary to take this medicine (it’s easier for me not to be sexually active at all)?

19.10.2016, 06:57

in the presence of a modern special medicine for endometriosis, the choice of treating doctors is not very clear
your fears about taking hormonal contraceptives are exaggerated and unfounded, of course

15.01.2017, 01:21

I still don’t take Rigevidon. The doctor said that it is enough to protect yourself with condoms. I noticed that after the removal of the tube, my menstrual cycle was greatly reduced (it used to be on average 26 days, but now it’s 21 days, the last cycle was only 18 days). There is no pain, the discharge is not too abundant and not scanty for 5-6 days. Please tell me whether such a shortening of the cycle after removal of the right pipe is the norm? What examinations need to be carried out?

A protrusion filled with liquid contents that forms on the surface of one or two ovaries at once is called a cyst.

In most cases, it is formed from a follicle that did not rupture in time, but there are other types of neoplasms.

As for the anatomical structure of the cyst, it is a sac-like formation with thin walls.

They can vary from a few millimeters to two tens of centimeters in diameter.

What it is

Cystic formations in almost 90% of cases are or , which are associated with failures occurring in the work of the organ itself.

A follicular cyst is formed if the follicle does not burst, but remains in the ovary and accumulates fluid. A luteal cyst is formed when there is a malfunction in the corpus luteum - a temporary gland that remains at the site of the follicle rupture.

There are organic cysts, the causes and mechanism of development of which are somewhat different.

Such cysts include:

  • and others.

Most cysts are benign neoplasms that never transform into a malignant tumor, but, for example, a dysongenetic cyst can provoke oncological processes.

Since it is impossible to independently determine a cyst, its type and potential danger, if a cystic formation is present, a woman should undergo a thorough diagnosis and be observed by a professional doctor.

Clinical picture

The initial stages of cyst development are almost never accompanied by a clinical picture; most often, a woman learns about her diagnosis during a routine examination.

As a rule, they begin to be observed when the formation becomes complicated or reaches a significant size and interferes with the functioning of other organs.

Of course, the signs of a cyst directly depend on the type of neoplasm, but there are also general symptoms that may indicate the presence of a cyst:

  • feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • , which are most often aching, but in some cases sharp and strong;
  • , which are not the norm;
  • violations Menstruation may become more frequent or absent altogether;
  • unpleasant or even painful sensations during;
  • an increase in the size of the abdomen, in some cases this phenomenon can be observed only on one side;
  • stable, slightly elevated temperature;
  • constipation;
  • frequent urination, which is associated with the pressure of the tumor on the bladder.

A very dangerous condition is when the cyst ruptures; in this case, urgent hospitalization of the patient is necessary.

accompanied by the following symptoms:
  • severe pain that forces a woman to take an unnatural body position;
  • vomit;
  • abdominal swelling;
  • bleeding;
  • sometimes there is loss of consciousness;
  • a sharp increase in temperature, while antipyretics remain ineffective;
  • the skin turns pale, lips may become bluish.

Diagnostic measures

In order not to miss the development of a cyst, it is necessary to undergo a diagnostic examination at least once a year.

Differential diagnosis is as follows:

  • gynecological examination and palpation. An experienced doctor, through visual examination and palpation, can determine the presence of a tumor in the ovaries. This may also be indicated by hypertrophied appendages and pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Ultrasound. This study allows not only to establish the presence of a cyst and estimate its size, but also to trace the dynamics of the pathology;
  • . This examination may be diagnostic or therapeutic in nature;
  • laboratory blood test. As a rule, in this case it is especially important to examine the blood for tumor markers so as not to miss the onset of the development of the oncological process;
  • puncture. Examination of the fluid that fills the cystic formation;
  • CT or MRI. Most often, these studies are prescribed before surgery to obtain more information about the tumor.


Quite often, doctors ask patients to do a hCG test (for pregnancy), since the manifestations of an ectopic pregnancy are very similar to cystic formations. This study is necessary to differentiate the disease and determine adequate therapy.

The most effective examination method

Most often, cystic neoplasms in women are diagnosed using ultrasound. This study is carried out on a full bladder, which makes it possible to determine with maximum accuracy the size of the woman’s genital organs, their shape and the degree of damage to ovarian cystosis. The reliability of this study is 99%.

If the doctor still has doubts about the correctness of the diagnosis after the ultrasound, the patient is offered to undergo a CT or MRI. But most often, ultrasound is sufficient, and these techniques are prescribed in complex cases when it is difficult to make a diagnosis.

The most common and effective way that doctors diagnose cystic neoplasms is through ultrasound. During this procedure, the patient does not experience any negative sensations, and ultrasound can be performed as many times as necessary during treatment and after removal of the cyst, without fear of a negative effect on the body. Ultrasound can be performed transabdominally or transvaginally (using special sensors). Transvaginal ultrasound gives a more detailed picture of the pathology, since in this case an umbrella with a sensor is inserted into the patient’s vagina, which determines the structure of the tumor and its type, the effectiveness of the therapy prescribed by the doctor depends on this.

What does a cyst look like on an ultrasound?

A cystic formation (simple) looks like an anechoic cavity with thin walls, the increase in the echo signal is clearly visible. There is no dense content in a simple cyst, and there is no blood flow.

As for malignant neoplasms, they are rare, especially if a single-chamber cyst is diagnosed. As a rule, functional cysts are identified that have formed against the background of hormonal imbalances in the body.

Simple neoplasms that do not exceed 3 cm, as a rule, do not pose a danger. If the size of the cyst after menopause reaches 7 cm, most often these are also benign formations.

If it is difficult to analyze any foreign inclusions on ultrasound, the patient may be prescribed an additional examination - CT or MRI.

When diagnosing a follicular cyst, ultrasound reveals a single-chamber thin-walled formation. If there is bleeding in the formation, a diffuse suspension can be observed.

A characteristic sign of a follicular cyst on ultrasound is that there is no blood flow inside the cavity.

A luteal cyst is identified by the numerous blood vessels that are observed in its walls. There is no blood supply inside the cavity.

A hemorrhagic cyst is a single-chamber cyst, inside of which a hypoechoic suspension is visible. You can also see an openwork mesh of fibrin threads. There is blood flow along the periphery, but there is none inside the formation.

The paraovarian cyst has a stalk. It can be single-chamber or double-chamber. The fluid inside the cavity is anechoic, but if there is hemorrhage, fibrin admixture is noticeable.

The endometrioid cyst is filled with dark contents inside. External seals are visible. There are areas of endometriosis.

Teratoma is a single-chamber cyst that has a hypoechoic structure; internal inclusions that are hyperechoic can also be traced.

The photo below shows an ultrasound of an ovarian cyst.

When to do an ultrasound?

When exactly to do an ultrasound, you need to check with your doctor, since it depends on the purposes of this study.

A routine examination of the ovaries to determine possible pathology is most often prescribed on days 6-7 of the cycle - immediately after the end of menstruation or in its last days.

To assess the functionality of the organ, it is necessary to conduct the study several times during one menstrual cycle - on days 9-10, on days 15-16, on days 23-24.

It is necessary to prepare for the procedure, and the preparation depends on the way the doctor will conduct the study:

  • before transrectal During the examination, the bladder must be emptied. 12 hours before the examination, it is necessary to empty the intestines naturally, or with the help of laxatives, enemas, suppositories;
  • before transvaginal During the study, you need to take sorbents for a couple of days to reduce gas formation. The bladder must be emptied before the study;
  • before transabdominal research requires eliminating foods that cause fermentation from the diet. An hour before the test, you need to drink about a liter of still water, and after that do not urinate.

Blood analysis

Diagnostics includes:

  • clinical analysis– general and biochemical analysis, analysis for infections, coagulogram;
  • hormonal analysis– progesterone, prolactin, testosterone, estradiol, LH, FSH;
  • – SA-125, NE-4, REA.

Tests are taken on an empty stomach; the last meal should be no later than 10 hours before blood donation. You need to exclude coffee, tea, and sweet drinks from your diet. The day before the test, you are not allowed to consume alcohol, fatty or fried foods, or medications, and it is also advisable to reduce physical activity.

Tumor marker test

A tumor marker is a protein that belongs to a glycoprotein. Human blood contains a large number of antigens, and in the event of a malignant process, their number exceeds the norm. Therefore, this analysis allows you to get ahead of the malignant process even before clinical signs appear.

Indications for this analysis:

  • weight loss for no apparent reason;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • unbreakable subfertile temperature;
  • bloody vaginal discharge;
  • pain during intimacy;
  • false urge to urinate;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • increase in abdominal volume.

Conclusion and conclusions

To summarize, we can say that the diagnosis of cystic neoplasms in the ovary consists of the following activities:

  • taking anamnesis;
  • examination in a gynecological chair;
  • laboratory blood tests;
  • pregnancy test;
  • Ultrasound, CT, MRI;
  • Doppler color mapping;
  • laparoscopy.

In order for treatment to be as effective as possible, it must be correct. Prescribing the correct treatment is possible only with a thorough and comprehensive diagnosis. Therefore, doctors rarely prescribe any one type of study; most often it is a diagnostic complex.

Useful video

The video talks about the diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cysts:

In contact with

2013-09-16 11:30:52

Daria asks:

Cyst or Pregnancy?
Hello. The delay in menstruation affected the visit to Zh. Consultation, at first the doctor, upon examination in the chair, said that the uterus was enlarged and the pregnancy was 6-7 weeks. They sent me for an ultrasound. The ultrasound said that there was no pregnancy, they found a cyst on the left ovary (when she brought the result with a photo to the doctor, she said that the cyst was large.) but sent blood from a vein for hCG-beta. HCG - they said positive - the result was 780.291 IU/l. I have a question: can there be a pregnancy, or can an increase in hCG occur with a cyst? I very much doubt that I am pregnant, since I was using protection (condoms). In the last few months I have been running to the toilet very often (small ones) almost every 5 minutes. the lower abdomen hurts, at night there are sharp but short pains, throughout the day and even at night the lower abdomen pulls as if during menstruation, for a couple of times it felt like my arms, shoulders and even my head went numb - is this all connected? Or could there be different reasons for all this?

Answers Korchinskaya Ivanna Ivanovna:

There cannot be an increase in the level of hCG in the presence of a cyst; the level of hCG can only increase during pregnancy! I advise you to donate blood for hCG in dynamics, every 2 days, normally the indicator should double. HCG result 780 answers 4-5 weeks. pregnancy. Another thing is that the analysis could be carried out incorrectly if you are almost sure that there is no pregnancy and you took contraception. If the hCG level increases exponentially, then it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs at 7 weeks. pregnancy, at this stage a heartbeat should already be visualized. I wish you success!

2011-04-27 14:37:48

Ira asks:

With an ovarian cyst, there may be a delay of menstruation for 2 months or more or not.

2010-01-14 20:10:01

Natalia asks:

Please consult. Last menstruation from 12/5/09 to 12/9/09 The pregnancy test is positive. Ultrasound: the uterus measures 53x40x44 mm. The myometrium is homogeneous, in the uterine cavity there are signs of a fertilized egg 7 mm in d.Right. ovary without features, left - 57x51mm, with echo-negative formation - 44mm in d. free fluid in the liquid water is not visible. Ultrasound diagnosis: short term uterine pregnancy 3 weeks. Corpus luteum cyst in the left ovary. Pain in the lower abdomen (ovary). Question: could this be a delay caused by a cyst or is it still pregnancy. Is it possible to have an abortion with a cyst or treat it first?

Answers Silina Natalya Konstantinovna:

Good afternoon. If you decide to have an abortion, the method of choice should be a medical abortion (a “safe” abortion, since the walls of the uterus and the cervical canal are not injured), which is carried out before 5 weeks of pregnancy. Corpus luteum cyst will go away after pregnancy.

2016-08-25 08:28:49

Elena asks:

Good afternoon. I had my period on 07/20/16, the cycle was 30 days, today it’s 37 days. Delay 7 days. At 32 d.c. I did an ultrasound and found a corpus luteum cyst of the left ovary measuring 4.4*4.1. In the middle of the cycle (days 15-17) there were signs of ovulation, discharge similar to egg white, then it stopped, but at 23 days. I also had this discharge for one day. There was a PPA just at 20-25 b.c. I donated blood for hCG at 33 dc - the result is negative. Now it’s 37 dc. The breasts are very sore and engorged and the body temperature stays at 37 for several days, there are no periods. Could there be breast tenderness and temperature with a gastrointestinal cyst? or is it pregnancy? Should the hCG be at 33 d.c. Is there already something to show in the blood or is it too early? What if ovulation was just at 23 d.c. when I saw discharge... but it was also in the middle of the cycle... Please tell me.

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello, Elena! If the hCG test is negative, then pregnancy can be ruled out. If you wish, you can retake the hCG test again, but pregnancy is 99% excluded. I advise you to undergo an ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs to determine the cause of the delay.

2015-07-24 06:53:39

Evgenia asks:

Good afternoon
I would like to get a complete answer to the question, because at the moment it is not possible to contact a gynecologist, the fact is that at the moment, I have a cyst in the right ovary, the last M was on June 23, duration 5-7 days, cycle 28 days, now I have a delay of several days, because my M cycle should arrive around July 21, but it’s already July 24 and there’s nothing, my breasts are swollen like during M, my stomach doesn’t pull, there’s no discomfort, could this be the reason for the delay in M ​​due to a cyst due to climate change? If it is important, then the PA was several times, unprotected. I am 21 years old. Thank you in advance for your response.

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Hello! Read about the possible reasons for a delay in menstruation and the actions that need to be taken in such a situation in the popular science article on our medical portal. Climate change can cause a short delay in menstruation, no more than 5 days. Take care of your health!

2015-01-24 06:30:16

Ekaterina asks:

Hello. I’m 28 years old. I’ve never had any female health problems. I’ve had one pregnancy, one birth. There have been no abortions. I have one and permanent partner. A year and a half ago, a corpus luteum cyst... of the left ovary ruptured. The ovary was preserved. Internal hemorrhage was 1.5 liters. .then 10 months of taking OK Dimia. decided to give birth to a second... 3 cycles did not get pregnant... on the 4th cycle there was a delay, again cysts, only on both sides on the ovaries. large cysts of 5 cm... 5 days of injection progesterone, period came. cysts went away along with period. second month on Dimia again... today is the 27th day of the cycle, 3rd empty pill, still no period... feeling like something is moving on the right side. could it be recurrence of cysts when taking OK.

2014-08-07 04:53:40

Maria asks:

Hello, I'm 26 years old, I haven't given birth, my cycle is 27-28
days, contraceptive pills have been canceled since May,
after the withdrawal, my periods became painful and
ovulation (if I understand correctly, ovulation
occurs in each cycle on a different ovary), and
the right one hurts every time, it turns out to be a cycle
good, but the cycle hurts.
11.06. There was a laparoscopy of the ovarian cyst on the right (removed
mucinous cyst 2.5 cm), more pathologies
it says no, the smear is clean.
We are planning a pregnancy, I had my last period
16.07., sexual intercourse on 25.07., and 28.07. I was ovulating
painful, and since then it has been constantly tingling
aches and pulls in the lower abdomen and lower right,
almost a week and a half.
I went to the doctor, she examined me and felt it, it didn’t hurt when palpated, she said that this is a feature of the body, wait for menstruation or a delay
Tell me, is it normal for such painful ovulation on just one ovary or is it a disease and how does it work?
- why does the lower abdomen ache for so long, because before
Is your period still far away?
- could this be pregnancy? I really want pregnancy but I’m afraid of an ectopic one (((I took a test on August 7, negative
thank you in advance

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Ovulation can be painful. I advise you to wait for your period or, if the delay is more than a week, donate blood for hCG to establish the fact of pregnancy. If there is no pregnancy, then after the end of menstruation it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs.

2014-06-23 14:26:29

Inessa asks:

Thank you) on Friday it was 602, today it’s 2816)
old question and answer
Question: good evening. I have a delay, I can’t say exactly how long. The tests are positive. I did an ultrasound today, here’s the conclusion: a fluid formation in the right ovary, presumably a corpus luteum cyst. An ectopic b on the right cannot be ruled out. Could it be that the fertilized egg is still did not reach the uterine cavity?
Name: Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna
info: Gynecologist, reproductive specialist
answer: How long is your delay? I would advise donating blood for hCG over time, every 2 days. Normally, during a normally developing intrauterine pregnancy, the indicator should double. After a week, you must undergo a control ultrasound scan.

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello, Inessa! Based on the hCG level, we can talk about approximately 5 weeks of pregnancy. Those. for now we can conclude that there is definitely a pregnancy and it is developing. I advise you to undergo an ultrasound scan again; at 5 weeks the fertilized egg should be clearly visualized in the uterine cavity.

2014-06-05 14:42:46

Vitalina asks:

Hello! I had a temperature of 37.1-37.4 (at the same time, I had a 14-day delay, although my periods are always irregular and delays happen twice a year) I was sent to a gynecologist during the examination there was a suspicion of a cyst on the left ovary. I went for an ultrasound and they said that there was no cyst, it was either a hormonal imbalance or an early pregnancy, but at the same time my breasts began to engorgement and ache, and when I pressed a transparent, thick droplet appeared, it’s been three days since my period began, but there is discharge from the breast. What could this be?

Popular articles on the topic: can there be a delay with an ovarian cyst?

Ovarian cyst... Many women who hear this diagnosis are seized with panic. What to do? It’s good if an experienced doctor calms you down and explains everything. And if not? Read about whether an ovarian cyst is so scary, what is behind the diagnosis and what treatment will be effective.

Modern diagnostic methods make it possible to make a fairly accurate diagnosis. However, in gynecological practice there are cases when a doctor may confuse a cyst and pregnancy. This happens in cases where the ultrasound equipment is very old or in poor condition, as well as when the doctors are insufficiently competent and experienced.

– benign formation, usually of a hormonal nature. Some types of cysts, for example, form before ovulation and resolve on their own with the onset of menstruation. Some neoplasms do not go away on their own and require treatment, mainly hormonal, and in some cases surgical.

Whatever type of cyst is diagnosed, with this neoplasm the woman experiences the following symptoms:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen on the side where the tumor is localized. For example, if pain on the right indicates and. There may be a feeling of bloating, like after a fatty or heavy meal.
  2. Pain or... There may be a decrease or increase in sexual desire (libido).
  3. If the ovarian cyst reaches a large size, it begins to put pressure on neighboring organs, so you may feel the need to urinate more often (if there is pressure on the bladder), disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of constipation or diarrhea. Sometimes nausea or even vomiting occurs (a rare symptom).
  4. In some cases, there is weakness, drowsiness, and general malaise.

The main sign of the presence of a cyst is menstrual disorder. Since cysts are hormonal in nature, ovulation may not occur at all or may occur with a delay. The work of the ovaries is disrupted (since instead of the corpus luteum, a cyst is localized on the ovary) and as a result, instead of the usual menstruation, the woman observes spotting.

There are other specific signs of a neoplasm that indicate the hormonal nature of the disease:

  • the presence of acne, especially in the chin area;
  • weight gain;
  • increased oily skin and greasy hair.

Comparison of symptoms

It would seem how one can confuse an ovarian cyst with pregnancy if the neoplasm is localized on the ovary, and the fetus develops in the uterus. However, pregnancy has a number of symptoms similar to a cyst, but there are also differences.

Diagnosis Pregnancy Cyst
Disorders of the menstrual cycle, delayed menstruation The first and most important sign to suspect pregnancy is a delay in menstruation There may be a delay or change in the nature of menstruation, for example, very scanty discharge.
Nausea, vomiting Yes, often. This is due to changes in hormonal levels and blood composition Maybe, but rarely
Gastrointestinal disorders (constipation, diarrhea) Eat. This is again due to a hormonal surge Eat. Associated with the pressure of the cyst on the intestines
Presence of vaginal discharge, its nature May be present throughout pregnancy. Sometimes they have a natural course in the form of detachment of a certain amount of the endometrium, sometimes they talk about the threat of termination of pregnancy (if they are mixed with blood) Eat. Can appear at any time of the cycle, have a different color and consistency
Basal temperature* Increasing. This is a natural physiological process that creates favorable conditions for the development of the fetus. Is not a pathology Absent. May increase slightly with the onset of ovulation
Presence of pain in the abdomen Yes, but in the early stages this symptom is not always present. Pain may be felt in the uterus There is, on one side, in the area of ​​the ovary where the cyst is located
Frequent urge to urinate Present due to changes in hormone ratios, as well as changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract Present due to pressure of the cyst on the bladder
Manifestations of libido, presence of pain during sexual intercourse Libido manifests itself differently for everyone, some increase, some decrease. There should be no pain during sexual intercourse during normal pregnancy. Libido may also increase or decrease, pain is present during sex
Manifestations from the central nervous system Drowsiness, fatigue, sudden mood swings, excessive irritability, moodiness may appear Possible feeling of weakness, malaise, fatigue
External manifestations: weight, quality of skin, hair Subject to change. As a rule, the quality of skin and hair improves, weight increases They can change, but unlike pregnancy, for the worse: hair falls out, becomes dull and brittle, and acne appears. Weight may change or remain the same
Pain and engorgement of the mammary glands Present. Breasts increase in size during pregnancy and their sensitivity also increases. As a rule, there are none, since ovulation does not occur

*Basal temperature can be measured in the mouth, rectum or vagina. To more accurately determine pregnancy, it is better to use the latter method.

Examinations and tests

A diagnosis cannot be made based on the patient’s external manifestations and sensations alone. It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination, which includes several stages:

  1. Pregnancy test. If you suspect pregnancy, the first thing you can do on your own is to do a rapid test for the presence of the hCG hormone.

In some cases, the test may give a false positive result:

  • when taking certain hormonal drugs that stimulate ovulation (if a woman is undergoing treatment for infertility);
  • if the test is performed after a miscarriage, abortion, surgical removal of an ectopic pregnancy, then the hCG hormone can remain in the blood for another couple of months.

A false negative result occurs when conception occurred shortly before the start of menstruation, if the period is already more than 12 weeks, with an ectopic pregnancy and the threat of miscarriage. Errors may also occur due to excessive intake of fluids or diuretics. The test results may be incorrect if the test is expired, of poor quality, or damaged in any way.

Usually the results do not depend on the time of day, but many experts advise doing it in the morning for more accurate results.

  1. A blood test for hormones in general and the presence of hCG in particular will help to create a more accurate picture - with a cyst, hCG is not produced, but there may be a change in the ratio of other hormones.
  2. An examination by a gynecologist may show an increase in the size of the uterus if pregnancy has occurred, or an enlargement of the ovary if a cyst has formed on it. The ovary can also be enlarged due to an inflammatory process, so the doctor takes smears to determine the presence of pathogenic microflora.
  3. An ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is mandatory, which helps to more accurately determine whether the patient has a cyst or pregnancy.

Reasons for the unreliability of ultrasound

Cases of erroneous diagnosis by ultrasound are not so frequent, but are still known in medical practice. There may be several reasons for this:

  1. Equipment malfunction is a common case in which both the ultrasonic sensor and the screen may be faulty. In both cases, the picture of the pelvic organs will be blurry.
  2. Insufficient qualifications or inattention of the ultrasound specialist.
  3. The presence of an inflammatory process in the ovaries or uterus. With inflammation, these organs will be enlarged, so several diseases can be confused.
  4. Some types of cysts, such as dermoid cysts, are not always visible on ultrasound. But if they are present, the uterus will be enlarged and the endometrial layer will be thickened. In this case, it is very easy to mistake the cyst for pregnancy.
  5. The opposite situation, when pregnancy is mistaken for a cyst, is a low level of the hCG hormone. This happens when the pregnancy is early, the egg has just been fertilized, and the ovary from which it came is enlarged. In this case, the fetus is not yet visible, and the enlarged ovary is mistaken for a cyst.
  6. The uterus may be swollen in almost all cases of cysts. If during pregnancy the process of enlargement of the uterus is a physiological norm, preparation for bearing and giving birth to a child, then with a cyst it will be a pathology.

If doctors still confuse the diagnoses or the patient herself has any doubts about the reliability of the tests, she should undergo a re-examination in a week or two, on a different day of the cycle.

If the cyst is still confirmed, this is not a reason to despair. In most cases, such neoplasms are treated without surgery, with hormonal therapy, or even go away on their own after several cycles. After complete recovery, there is a high probability of pregnancy.

Watch the shocking story of how doctors confused an ovarian cyst with twins:

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