Home Smell from the mouth “live broadcast” - the whole truth about the divorce of Buzova and Tarasov. Tatyana Kirilyuk about the divorce of Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova Kirilyuk about the divorce of Buzova 18

“live broadcast” - the whole truth about the divorce of Buzova and Tarasov. Tatyana Kirilyuk about the divorce of Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova Kirilyuk about the divorce of Buzova 18

The broadcast of Boris Korchevnikov’s program was, as usual, hot. And of course, the presenter cannot ignore the topic of Tarasov’s divorce from his famous wife. After all, as Korchevnikov suggested, perhaps the divorce from Olga Buzova is the reason that the football player is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. To find out how things are going with Tarabuzik, people who know the host of the reality show “Dom-2” were invited to the studio.

Experts in Buzova’s personal life turned out to be Tatyana Kirilyuk and Rustam Solntsev. Tatyana officially announced what was only rumored: yes, Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov are getting divorced. Boris Korchevnikov once again asked Kirilyuk about the star couple’s divorce, and Tatyana once again confirmed: “They are getting divorced. I heard from their close friends.”

By the way, Kirilyuk was presented on “Live” as a writer and close friend of Buzova and Tarasov, although, judging by social networks, where Buzova posts detailed reports about her life, in the list of close friends of red-haired Tatyana, remembered by many for scandals on reality shows and candid photo sessions are not included. Tatyana decided to add details and reported that she once observed a “terrible picture”: Tarasov walked in front, followed by Buzova in huge heels on a thick layer of pebbles; Olga stumbles and falls, and Dmitry pays zero attention. Kirilyuk accused the football player of always being inattentive to his wife.

Boris Korchevnikov tried to understand the situations

Vokrug.tv / Photo: screenshot Russia 1

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The Russia-1 TV channel decided to dwell on the topic of the divorce of the famous TV presenter Olga Buzova and football player Dmitry Tarasov. The role of the “main” expert was Tatyana Kirilyuk, a former participant in the reality show DOM-2. For some reason, Olga Buzova herself, as well as her husband, were not invited to the program and “washed their bones” in absentia. Most likely, “Live Broadcast” decided to raise its rating in this way. Buzova was shown in an unflattering light and was not even given the opportunity to justify herself.

Tatyana Kirilyuk brought up all the ins and outs about Olga Buzova for discussion. Tatyana considers Olga’s behavior to be incorrect, because she was caught in intimate correspondence with another man while still married to Tarasov. This man turned out to be not just anyone, but Dmitry Nagiyev himself, who consoled the girl and advised her on relaxation methods.

Nagiyev, according to Kirilyuk, simply laughed at Buzova and, just for fun, asked to send him photos and videos. Olga Buzova, who sought Nagiyev’s support, for some reason, fulfilled his request, but Olga’s face is not visible in the video and it is not a fact that it is her. Although many recognized her coral dress and accessories.

Recently, hackers hacked Buzova’s phone, where these incriminating evidence was discovered. In addition to the correspondence with Nagiyev, there were also messages with my mother and husband. Nobody asked Buzova’s opinion on this matter; they didn’t even contact her on the phone to shed light on this situation.

Tatyana Kirilyuk is extremely outraged that Olya, while married, conducted this correspondence and filmed an explicit video. Let’s say that everything is as they say in the program, and Olga really sent a video with naked parts of her body to Dmitry Nagiyev, so be it. But, she did not post this video on social media. the network is for everyone to see, and in general - this is her personal business, but Tatyana Kirilyuk has real experience in taking photographs of an erotic nature and anyone can see her crotch by typing the search query “Tatiana Kirilyuk naked” into Google. Below is a photo of Tatyana Kirilyuk from this series in more or less decent form.

Kirilyuk herself tried to justify herself on the program and said that it was a very long time ago, and that in this way she was trying to earn money to get her drug addict boyfriend out of prison. Excuse me - then why did they allow Kirilyuk to justify herself, but did not allow Buzova to speak out? Maybe it’s not really like that, maybe it’s a fake? Maybe there was this correspondence, but it should be perceived as friendly, and the video was shot for Tarasov, because no one saw him in the outbox.

One thing is not clear, what prompted Tatyana Kirilyuk to speak so negatively about Olga Buzova? It turns out that Tatyana invited the TV presenter, who has more than 7 million subscribers on Instagram, to promote a certain product, to which she received a categorical refusal, because Olga considered it to be of low quality.

Some generally believe that Buzova herself decided to stir up interest in her person in this way and herself posted everything online.

Today on channel “Russia 1” there was a program “Live broadcast” with Boris Korchevnikov, which was dedicated to a scandal in the family. The presenter and invited participants tried to understand a recent incident near a nightclub, when Dmitry Tarasov got into an accident. The second participant in this accident was invited to the studio - Nadezhda Fedoseenkova, who told how everything happened. Naturally, the broadcast did not go without discussing the personal life of the football player and his wife.

A former participant of House-2 was invited to the program as a guest Tatiana Kirilyuk, who told those present about the reason for the discord in the Tarabuzik family. She confirmed that Olya and Dima are really getting divorced, their five-year marriage came to an end.

According to Tatyana, it seemed to everyone around that they loved each other very much, but this was largely due to Olga - she posted declarations of love to her husband on social networks and boasted about his expensive gifts. And talk about divorce is not rumors at all. Kirilyuk knows this for sure, since she was told this by close friends of the star couple, with whom she communicates very closely. The ex-participant of the TV show is sure that this tragedy in the Buzova family is not accidental - she once took Tarasov away from the family and built her happiness on someone else’s grief, and now everything has come back to her like a boomerang. Now Tarasov cheats on her and many know this, because he is seen every day in the company of a girl, 22-year-old model Anna Kostenko. As his relatives say, he is currently living with this beauty and she is even in an “interesting situation.” One of the main versions of the discord in the couple Buzova and Tarasov is the lack of children. Olga did not give her beloved husband a child, and he decided to build another, third family. Tatyana also spoke about another conflict in this couple, this time material. As the guest stated, recently their family had started to fight over their house and cars. As you know, the athlete transferred his luxurious country home worth 160 million rubles to his mother, and all the cars to himself. Naturally, Olga did not like this and she began to be indignant. Dmitry's close friends now believe that she became his wife solely out of convenience. Kirilyuk herself believes that there was no love in this couple, they were just playing - if Olya really loved Dima madly, she would not care who the house was registered to and everything else.

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