Home Removal A vowel consonant syllable cannot be stressed. How to denote an unstressed vowel sound with a letter

A vowel consonant syllable cannot be stressed. How to denote an unstressed vowel sound with a letter


§ 10. The concept of a phoneme as a unit of language. Phoneme and sound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

§ 11. System of vowel phonemes. Strong and weak positions of vowel phonemes.

§ 12. System of consonant phonemes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

§ 13. Strong and weak positions of consonant phonemes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


§ 14. The subject of graphics as a scientific discipline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

§ 15. Characteristics of the Russian alphabet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

§ 16. The syllabic principle of Russian graphics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

II. BRIEF GLOSSARY OF TERMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

III. PRACTICAL LESSONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

IV. TASKS FOR INDEPENDENT WORK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

V. CONTROL WORK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Test No. 1 on the topic “Phonetics” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Test No. 2 on the topics “Phonetics. Phonology. Graphic arts." . . . . .



VIII. QUESTIONS FOR THE EXAM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

IX. LITERATURE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



The concept of phonetic transcription

Phonetic transcription is a special system for recording spoken speech. This transcription is done in square brackets. One sign in transcription always denotes the same sound (i.e., the same sign is always used to denote one sound). There are several basic rules for transcribing.

1. The transcription uses signs that resemble vowel letters of the Russian alphabet, except I, yo, yu. Sign e denotes the sound [e] of the front row, sign uh– sound [e] of the front-middle row.

2. Signs ъ And b are used to denote reduced vowel sounds of the 2nd degree of reduction: [ъ] - reduced middle row of the middle rise, non-labialized, [b] - reduced front row of the upper-middle rise, non-labialized.

3. A reduced sound close to [a] is indicated in transcription by the sign [Λ]. The reduced sound, intermediate between [i] and [e] (or “[i] with an overtone [e]”), is denoted in transcription [and e]. The sound intermediate between [s] and [e] (or “[s] with an overtone [e]”) is denoted in transcription [s e].

4. A dot above the vowel sound of the non-front row indicates the advancement of the stressed vowel forward under the influence of neighboring soft consonants, for example: [lá˙n’], [l’˙ońon], [l’˙ú˙d’ And].

5. The sign ^ above the front vowel indicates tension, closedness of the stressed vowel, which appears under the influence of soft consonants: .

6. A line under a vowel sound indicates a quantitative reduction of an unstressed vowel of the upper rise, for example: [ s].

7. The transcription uses signs reminiscent of the consonant letters of the Russian alphabet, except for shch. The sound it denotes in transcription is conveyed by the sign [w’:], for example: [w’:i]. To indicate a middle language sonorant consonant, the sign is used Latin alphabet[j] or [th]. To denote a voiced fricative velar consonant, often used in words with church themes, the sign of the Greek alphabet [γ] is used, for example: [bóγъ ра́˙д’ And].

8. The softness of a consonant is indicated by the sign “apostrophe”, for example: [d’]. The absence of an apostrophe indicates the hardness of the consonant sound, for example: [d].

9. The length of a consonant sound is indicated either by a line above the sound [ka´съ], or by a colon after the sound, for example: [ka´с:ъ].

10. The sign under a sonorant consonant indicates the deafening of a sonorant sound, for example: [wet ^].

11. An arc over a combination of consonants means their continuous pronunciation: [no˙d’zh’-b s]

12. The dash “-” means that two (or more) lexical words are one phonetic (unstressed words are adjacent to stressed words in pronunciation), for example: [ at-house] [to-us-l’ And]

13. Not used in transcription capital letters and there are no punctuation marks.

14. The sign / indicates a pause in speech stream, with the help of this sign the phrase is divided into syntagms. At the end of the phrase, put //, because this pause is longer.

15. In every phonetic word When transcribing, the emphasis is indicated.

Classification of vowel sounds

Vowel sounds of the modern Russian language are classified according to three criteria:

1. according to the degree of elevation of the tongue when forming a vowel sound;

2. based on the row (at the place where the tongue rises), i.e. by the horizontal movement of the tongue in oral cavity;

3. in relation to labialization, i.e. participation/non-participation of the lips in the formation of a vowel sound.

Basic stressed vowel sounds

§3. Classification of consonants

All consonants of the modern Russian language are classified according to four articulatory characteristics:

2. at the place of noise generation;

3. by the method of noise generation;

4. by the presence/absence of palatalization (additional iota articulation).

Sonorous are the most sonorous of all consonant sounds. Their formation involves the voice with a slight participation of noise (approximately 75% - voice, 25% - noise).

Noisy are those consonants in the formation of which noise predominates over the voice or the voice is completely absent. Noisy voiced consonants consist of noise with little vocal participation (approximately 75% noise, 25% voice). Noisy deaf are formed without the participation of the voice and consist entirely of noise.

Many noisy consonants are paired based on the participation of voice and noise. Paired are noisy consonants that differ only in this one feature (with the others being common): [b] - [p]; [b’] - [p’], etc. Sonorant consonants do not have a pair based on the “participation of voice and noise” feature.

Note: For a list of consonants, paired and unpaired by voice and noise, see the “Phonology” section.

In other unstressed layers ha x after soft hissing in place A, according to norms m am of Russian orthoepy, pronounced unstressed z woo to, reminiscent of [and], but significantly OS Labeled (indicated by [ь]): watchmaker - [whose] owler, enchanter neither tsa - [whose] rovnitsa, chanovoy - [whose] new, parts s y - [ch]stick, Chartoriysk - [ch]rtoriisk, Chakalarovo - [ch] ka Larovo, Charodinsky district - [ch]ro Di district.

In rare foreign countries strange words on the spot A after [h] save nya there is [a]: teariker - [tea]riker, chaturanga - [cha]turanga, h ah khan - [chay]khana, Changyrtash - [cha]ngyrtash, Cham P eriko-[cha]periko, Chattopadhyaya - [cha]ttopadhyaya.

Orthoepy. Unstressed - e, i, e, and

In place of sounds e And I after soft which consonants in the first pre-stressed syllable are pronounced without shock [ie]: spring - [in "ie]sleep, carry - [n"ee ]sti, cedar forest - [k"ie] woodwood forest, Beshtau-[b"i uh ]shtau, Venice - [vie] netia, Regina - [r "ie] gina, rowan - [r"ee ]bina, frog - [l"ie]gushka, dance - p[l"ie] With at, Vyazovka - [v"ie]zovka, Myaskovsky - [m"ie]s co Vsky. Pronunciation on the spot e And I distinct vowel [i] - [v"i]sna, [r"i]bina, [b"i]shtau, [m"i]skovsky - is not a letter atur nom.

In less common words ah maybe pronunciation. nonreduction rowa data vowels: alegretto - a[l"e]gretto, bestseller - [b"e]stseller, l yeah then - [l"e]gato, Renklod - [r"e]nklod, Cape Town - [k"e]iptown, Medea - [m"e]dea, Nero - [n"e]ron, Vespucci - [v" e]spucci; gyaur - [g"a]ur, kariz - [k"a]riz, Nya asshole in - [n"a]zhlov, Shyashupe - [sh"a]shupe, Lyashko - [l"a]shko.

At the beginning the words are in place e And I In the first in the pre-stressed syllable, an unstressed [ie] is pronounced in combination with the preceding [th]: riding - [yie]zda, Elabuga - [yie]labuga, jarl s k-[yie]rlyk, Japan - [yie]poniya, and also in the middle of a word after a vowel: trains - po[ yee ]zda, to hurt - to [yee] to call. The pronunciation [ya]rlyk, [ya]poniya is incorrect.

In the rest we are pre-shocked x syllables, as well as in stressed syllables in place e And I By sl e soft consonants are pronounced unstressed [ъ]: led IR an - [v"b]lykan, generator - [g"b]nerator, ice od ny - [l'y] profitable, laborist - [l'y] borist sk y, endure - vy[n'b]sti, field - po[l'b], Peter op Avlovsk - [p"b]tropavlovsk, Gelendzhik - [g"b]lendzhik, Venezuela - [v"ьн] Suela, Mesopotamia - [m"b]sopotamia, B er stovsky - [v'b]rstovsky, Mendeleev - [m'b]ndeleev, Nest er ov - nes[t"b]rov, Vrubel - vru[b"l"]; piglet [p]tachok, frog - [l"b]gushachiy, Vyazovaya - [v"b]zovaya, Pyatigorsk - [p]t Ig Orsk.

In non-Russian zai ms written words in place of letters e And I after soft consonants va no pronunciations are saved re duced vowels: becquerel - [b" e] Kkerel, Berkeleyanism - [b"e]rkleianism, bersa l er - [b"e]rsalier, Weismanism - [v"ey]man And zm, genocide - [g"e]nocide, cenotaph - [k"e]notaf, Besançon - [b"e]z a nso n, Benvenuto - [b"e]nvenuto, Lekuv re r - [l "e]ku vr er; giardiasis - [l"a]mbliosis, kamancha - [k"a]mancha, ryasophora - [r"a]With orophoric, shamisen - [s "a] misen, Ganj ah ay - [g"a]njachay, Lyalmikar - [l"a]lmikar, Shyash uv is - [sh"a]shuvis, Lyatoshinsky - [l"a]tosh ins cue, Byalynitsky-Birulya - [b "a] Lynitsky-Birulya.

In place of a vowel I, and A after [h] and [w":] in unstressed endings iyah pronounced [b]: seas, fields - mo[r"b], po[l"b], brothers, branches - bra[t"yy" ], su[chy]; burden, flame - bre[m"b], pla[m"b]; songs, drops - pes[n"mi], drops[l"mi]; sitting, playing - si[d "ъ], game[yъ]; new, red - new [yъ], cr asna[y]; dacha, thicket - yes[ch], cha[sh":b].

After [zh], [w], [ts] in place e in the first prev in a stressed syllable, a sound is pronounced, the middle one between [s] and [e] - [ye]: woolly - [shye]rthy, whisper - [shye]ptat, Sheksna - [shy uh ]ksna, Shelon - [shye]lon, Shevchenko - [shye]vchenko; yolk - [zhye]yolk, yellow Yesi sty - [zhye]leezy, chew - [zhye]vat, Zhelcha-[zhye]lcha, Zhernovsky district - [zhye]rnovsky district, Zhelyab ov - [zhye]lyabov, Zheromsky - [zhye]romsky; price - [tsye]na, cement - [tsye]menty, appreciate - [ tsye ]thread, Tselinny - [tselinny].

In some borrowed words it is possible t be pronunciable. without vowel reduction: masterpiece - [she]devr, sherhebel - [she]erhebel, Cherbourg - [she]rbur, Shetl en children's islands - [she]tland islands, Chenier - [she]nye; ginseng - [zhe]ginseng, geode - [zhe]oda, AND emaite - [zhe]maite, Gervais - [zhe]rvais, Gerard - [zhe]rar; time trouble - [tsey]tnot, centuria - [tse]nturia, Cieschanow - [tse]sh en uv, Ceres - [ce]rera.
In some foreign words in zmo please pronounce [uh] on the spot e after a vowel And in the first pre-stressed syllable: myelitis - mi[e]lit, piety - pi[e]tet, Pierre and I - pi[e]ria, Tiete - ti[e]te.

In the remaining unstressed syllables
sl e [w], [zh], in place of the letter e pronounced - [b]: silkworm - [sh']lkopryad, woolen - [sh']wool, shelu shi to be - [sh']obey, to ours - to [sh']mu, Shevardino - [sh']vardino, Shepetovka - [sh']petovka, She ba lin - [sh']balin, Shelgunov - [sh']lgunov, iron ore - [zh'] leznyak, tin - [zh'] styanoy, gesticulate -[and ъ]sticulate, also - so[zh], Zheleznovodsk - [zhа]leznovodsk, Zhelnino - [zhа]lnino, Zhemch yy ova - [zh']mchugova, cellophane - [ts']llophane, entirely - [ts'] face, cement - [ts']ment, tree - tree [ts], Whole in fence - [ts]linograd, Celebes Sea - [ts]lebes sea.

In some foreign words in order to accurately convey the sound appearance of the word, the pronunciation of the vowel can be preserved: “Chevrolet” - [she]vrole, sh ate interdek - [she]lterdek, shenapan - [she]napan, Shentala - [she]ntala, Sheridan - [she]ridan, " Shek pendekh" - [she]kpendekh; germinal - [zhe]germinal, Zhetykol - [zhe]tykdol, Zhenisya - [zhe]nisya, Gerardin - [zhe]r ar den, Gericault - [zhe]riko, tsevadin - [tse]vadin, celibate - [tse]libate, cerapadus - [tse]rapadus, Tse denb al - [tse] denbal.

At the beginning of foreign words, as well as in position ii after the vowel in place of the letter uh pronounced [e]: screen - [e]kran, ether - [e]fir, eucalyptus - [e]vcalyptus, Eif e l - [e]yfel, Eurydice - [e]vrydice, Echmiadzin - [e]chmiadzin, dielectric - di[e]lekt ri k, coefficient - coefficient, muezzin - mu[e]dzin, Buenaventura - bu[e]naventura, Joinville - ju[e]nville, Lohengrin - lo[e]n green.

Incorrect pronunciation in place of a letter uh sound [and] - it is gives a reduced stylistic coloring of speech. Moreover, such a sound [e] can sue az to understand the meaning of the speaker’s statement: the pronunciation [i]kran instead of [e]kran evokes an association with the word no aniyam and crane, [and] world instead of [e] world - s and world, [and] mission instead of [e] mission - s and mission.

Pronunciation [and], [u], [s] in unstressed rn y syllables occur somewhat weakened compared to stressed syllables, but they do not change qualitatively: fox - [l "i] sits A, chipmunk - [bur]nduk, Kyzyl-[ky]zyl.

On the spot And, if in the flow of speech it merges I with the preceding word on a hard consonant, according to the rules of orthoepy, is pronounced [s]: light and shadow - light-[ y]- shadow, cat and cook - cat-[s]-cook, in Italy - [in-s]talia, from Spain - [from-s]spain.

If the speaker needs to give a clear presentation talking about the sound of the unfamiliar foreign word, resort to a backlash pause between it and the previous word, more often a sentence O homo. Then in the second word starting with a vowel And, will be pronounced [i]: so about The story was published in "Ibaraki Shimbun" (not [in-s] baraki shibun), we arrived at Ikwe (not: [k-y]kwe), our journey no began with Isakly (not: [s-s] sakly).

In compound words, the first part of which x ends with a hard consonant, and the second begins with a vowel [i], in place And according to the norms of orthoepy oi pronounced unstressed [s]: Gosizdat - gos[y]zdat, city executive committee - city [s]polkbm, pedin st itut - pedagogical institute, Sovinformburo - sov[y]informburo. But the distinct vowel [i] is pronounced in the word Kom in turn - com[i]ntern.

After [sh], [zh], [ts] in place of a vowel And in no beat in the arny position it is pronounced [s]: rosehip - [shy]povnik, gaiters - gama[shy], Gramsci - gram[shy]; giraffe - [wы]р af, beaches - beaches [zhy], Zhiguli-[zhy]guli, Gilardi - [zhy]lyardi; mat - [tsy]novka, cyclonic esk ii - [tsy]clonic, Civil - [tsy]ville, Cincinnati - [tsyntsy]nnati.

To learn to speak beautifully and competently, study what learning the orthoepy of the Russian language, as well as consolidating the studied material in practice.After you have figured out the vowel sounds, look at how they are pronounced

Vowels are sounds that, unlike consonants, arise when a tone is formed without the participation of noise. In addition, unlike consonants, vowel sounds are capable of forming a syllable and participating in the formation of stress. It must be said that there are languages ​​where syllables can also be formed by some consonants, mainly sonorant ones.

There are six basic, stressed, vowel sounds in the Russian language: [a], [o], [u], [e], [s], [i]. Moreover, there are ten letters denoting vowels, since

i, ё, yu, e, denoting the sounds [a], [o], [u], [e], also have additional functions (indicating the softness of a consonant or the sound [j] in writing).

The differences in vowels we hear are related to the shape of the oral cavity - the resonator, which changes depending on the movement of the tongue up, down, forward, backward - and the opening formed by the lips. Depending on this, vowels of different rise (the back of the tongue moves up or down), row (the tongue moves forward or backward), as well as labialized or rounded (the lips are pulled out into a tube) and non-labialized or unrounded (the lips are not pulled forward) are distinguished. These are the main characteristics of vowel sounds.

Stressed vowel sounds perform a semantic distinguishing function. Compare the words mal, mole, mule, soap, which we distinguish by ear only due to differences in vowels.

In unstressed syllables, vowels are pronounced less energetically. As a result, vowel reduction occurs, i.e., a change in sound. These changes affect only the strength and duration of the sound (chipmunk [chipmunk]) or can be more significant: the quality of the sound changes, then one vowel sound, losing its characteristics, becomes indistinguishable from another vowel (lesa - fox [l "isa], compare: forests - fox [l "esa = l "isa]). Hence the difficulties that arise when writing words with unstressed vowels. It is clear that if only the strength and duration of the pronunciation of a sound changes, then it retains the ability to perform a meaningful function (empty [empty] - wait [pastoj]), and if its quality changes, then this function is lost and (if all other sounds in words coincide) homophones may arise ([l'isa] - forests - [l'isa] - fox).

Vowel sounds, the characteristics of which have changed so much that they are no longer comparable in sound to any stressed vowel, are denoted in Iranian interpretation by the signs [ъ] (a strongly reduced vowel sound after a hard consonant: to the dates [gdat'm]) and [ь] (a strongly reduced vowel sound after a soft consonant: for children [d'et'm]). Unstressed sound, which has similarities with one or another shock, can be denoted by the same sign, but without the stress symbol (vina [v’ina] - wine [v’ino]).

The degree of change in the vowel sound (reduction) depends on the syllable in which it is located in relation to the stressed one (drum [drum]).

How to identify vowel sounds?
What letters represent vowel sounds in writing?

Differences between a vowel and a consonant:

  • the vowel sound consists only of the voice;

  • when pronouncing a vowel sound, air passes through the mouth freely, without obstructions;

  • a vowel sound forms a syllable: u | cha | ta .

Note! The word vowel is formed from the obsolete word glas (voice). Therefore, we can say that a vowel sound means “vocal”.

Spelling words with an unstressed vowel sound at the root.

Remember! A vowel sound in a stressed syllable (under stress) is called stressed. A vowel sound in an unstressed syllable (without stress) is called unstressed.

Note! Words tiger and tigers, birch and birches are forms of the same word. The words tiger and tiger cubs, birch and birch are words with the same root.

Note! The same vowel sound in an unstressed syllable can be represented by different letters.

[a] [a] [a] [a]
Shafts, rooks, tables, dew.

Note! An unstressed vowel sound in the root of words with the same root and forms of the same word is denoted by the same letter that denotes a stressed vowel sound in the same root: snow - snow - snowman - Snow Maiden.

Word being checked - this is a word in which the spelling of the letter denoting an unstressed vowel sound is checked: To oh ver , page e la , P and smo .
Test word - this is a word in which the letter being tested indicates a stressed vowel sound: To o scream , arrows , arrow , letters .

To choose a test word to indicate by letter unstressed vowel sound at the root, you need:

a) or replace the form of the word (m o rya - sea, by the sea) ;
b) or choose a single root word (tr and vá - grass, green - green) - so that the unstressed vowel sound becomes root percussion.

In the test and test words, vowels in the stressed and unstressed syllables of the root spelled the same.

Note! If the letter e is written under stress at the root of a word, then the letter e is written without stress in the forms of the same word and in words with the same root: tears - tears, bee - bee, sisters - sister.

When do you need to remember the spelling of letters denoting unstressed vowel sounds at the roots of words?

Remember! There are words in the Russian language in which the spelling of the letter denoting the unstressed vowel sound in the root is can't be verified: l O pata, k A artina, p A lto, O hope The spelling of such words is necessary either remember, or check according to the spelling dictionary.
At school such words are sometimes called vocabulary. But this is not a scientific name. In each class you will be introduced to new vocabulary words.

Note! We have already talked about words in which letters are highlighted or missing. These are spelling letters. Their writing follows the rules that you learn in Russian lessons.
Spelling we will call letter, which needs to be written check or remember.

The letter denoting the unstressed vowel sound at the root of a word is an orthogram. Its spelling must be checked or memorized.


To remember the topics we have already covered in the Russian language, let’s solve a crossword puzzle. To do this, we will write words vertically in empty cells, guessing them by meaning.

Rice. 1.Crossword

  1. I hear sounds, but will I hear letters?...
  2. Emphasizing a syllable in a word by using stronger voice or raising the tone.
  3. Sounds that form a syllable.
  4. Icons for recording sounds.
  5. We write and read letters, and we pronounce and hear...?
  6. The smallest pronunciation unit.
  7. A collection of words arranged in alphabetical order, with explanations, references, interpretations, and translations into other languages.

Let's check ourselves.

Rice. 2. Completed crossword puzzle with code word

In the selected horizontal cells we have the word RULE.

Let us repeat: speech consists of sounds. The sounds are vowels and consonants. They help each other. Vowel sounds combine consonants into syllables. And words are built from syllables, like bricks. In every word one brick is the most important. This is a stressed syllable. If the emphasis is placed incorrectly, the word will be difficult to understand.

Stressed and unstressed vowels

Let’s complete the task: look at the photos and name what is shown on them.

Rice. 3()

Flowers, pine, balls. Let's put stress in the words and show the vowels that are in an unstressed position by emphasizing them. Flowers, from sleep, ball. Let's read these words not syllable by syllable, but quickly. It is noticeable that unstressed vowels were pronounced less clearly.

Vowels under stress - stressed vowels - are in strong position. Vowels without stress, they are called unstressed - in weak position . Letters that represent sounds in weak positions are called spellings. Spelling - (from the Greek orthos - correct and gramma - writing) - writing words according to some spelling rules.

Spelling - (from the Greek word: “orthos” - correct, and “grapho” - “write”) - rules of written speech (i.e. writing words). In Russian they say "spelling".

Pronunciation of unstressed vowels

Let's look at the words:

mushrooms, flowers- I hear And what should I write? I or E?

water, grass- I hear A, what should I write? A or O?

balls, rows- I hear an unclear sound. And what should I write? I? E? AND?

Conclusion - in the unstressed position we do not hear a clear sound and can make a mistake when writing.

In the modern Russian language there is a law - in unstressed syllables the sound O is not pronounced. The sound A works instead. And it will return to its place only when it becomes percussive. This is how sounds work in turn. Compare : sea - seas, table - tables, elephant - elephants. Other vowel sounds behave the same way: in unstressed syllables, each of them is replaced by some other one.

Unstressed syllables do not have the vowel sound E. Say the word floors. It is not pronounced as it is written. It is not difficult to notice that the sound U in words is not dangerous; it is pronounced well and clearly even in an unstressed position.

For competent writing, it is very important to learn to identify unstressed vowels by ear without errors in order to anticipate the place in the word where a mistake can be made. Sometimes they say - find a dangerous place in a word. Let's write down the proposals.

The squirrel was on a twig. We hear unstressed sounds clearly and understand all words.

Children play with a ball. It is not clear what the children are playing with: a ball or a sword.

Checking an unstressed vowel

To understand written language, it is important to learn how to write words without errors. There is a law in the Russian language: check a weak position with a strong one.

Let's read the sentences and find a clue in them.

The cat - to? Daddy. Cat - Oh, that means kittens are also Oh.

The tiger has t? dirty. Tiger - And, that means the cubs are also I.

Here's an elephant. Does he have sl? Nyata. Elephant - Oh, that means baby elephants are also Oh.

Remember the rule: To check the spelling of a weak position, you need to change the word. How to do it?

Step 1: Say the word being tested.

Does it have vowels in unstressed syllables?

If there are, what are they?

Step 2: Choose a test word, change the word so that the sound being tested is stressed.

Step 3: Write the vowel letter in accordance with the sound that is heard under the stress.

Step 4: Check what you have written, read the word syllable by syllable.

Now we will go to the zoo. All animals are listed here so visitors know what they are looking at. Here are different birds. Let's sign their names.

This owl. Impact sound A. How to write without error - owl or sava ? How will we proceed? Let's select a test word, change the word owl on With O You, Now under the accent O, that means we’ll write owl. Then we proceed in the same way.

Rice. 11. Crane ()

Crossbills? Blackbirds? Cranes? Rooks?

What to do with words sparrow, nightingale, crow, magpie?

Using a spelling dictionary

Worth taking advantage spelling dictionary , with which you can check spelling.

Rice. 17. Spelling dictionary ()

You just need to know the secrets of the dictionary and remember the alphabet well. Very often, short spelling dictionaries can be found at the end of Russian language textbooks. If you don’t have a dictionary at hand, ask an adult or a teacher for the spelling. Remember, the main thing is not to write with an error. It is better to leave space for the letter, marking it with a dot, and enter the letter when there is no doubt at all.

Let's draw a conclusion. The position of an unstressed vowel sound in a word is a danger that requires proof. Unstressed vowels cannot be trusted. Today in class we learned how to check them different ways: by strong position, i.e., by selecting a test word, and by the dictionary, if there is no test word. Remember this:

Unstressed vowel sound
Causes a lot of pain.
So that there is no doubt,
We put emphasis on the sound. Or check it using a spelling dictionary.

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    1. Andrianova T.M., Ilyukhina V.A. Russian language 1. M.: Astrel, 2011. Pp. 26, ex. 2; Page 28, ex. 3.
    2. Finish the word. Which letter will you insert? Fur hat - what kind of hat? (m.khovaya- E). Here is the garden, what kind of strawberries grow there? ( garden- A). Here is the forest, what kind of strawberries are there? ( forest- E).
    3. Read words with unstressed vowels. Select test words, name the vowel: sl.va, star.zda, sh.ry, b.ly, c.kidney. (Sl.va - word- Oh, the stars - the stars- E, sh.ry - ball- A, b.ly - pain- Oh, c.kidney - chain- E.)
    4. * Using the knowledge acquired in the lesson, compose 5 sentences with missing unstressed vowels in words, explain the spelling.

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