Home Prevention Structure and main functions of hospitals. Medical institutions and the organization of their work The medical and preventive areas include medical institutions

Structure and main functions of hospitals. Medical institutions and the organization of their work The medical and preventive areas include medical institutions

Clinic in Moscow (top)
Hospital in Denmark.

Treatment and prevention institutions or Medical institutions- specialized medical and preventive institutions in which people with certain diseases are provided with a full range of medical services: diagnostics, treatment, rehabilitation after illnesses.

As a rule, medical care for the population in Russia consists of several systems.

  1. Therapeutic medical institutions,
  2. Surgical and traumatological institutions.
  3. Pediatric medical institutions,
  4. Preventive medical institutions - sanatoriums and dispensaries,
  5. Special medical institutions - examination departments, ambulance stations and departments, medical rescue services, blood transfusion departments and stations,


Therapeutic medical institutions unite institutions involved in the treatment, prevention and medical examination of the population over 15 years of age, in some cases, the population from the moment of birth, and includes hospitals and clinics. The clinics have departments of local doctors, as well as specialized doctors - surgeons, neurologists, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, phthisiatricians, endocrinologists. As a rule, clinics are departments of hospitals. The main forms of treatment in hospitals are inpatient - the patient is sometimes in places of non-medical stay, as well as outpatient - the patient is not in places of medical stay. The hospitals have resuscitation, intensive care, surgery, otolaryngolic, neurological, gynecological, andrological, and oncology departments. There are also departments of universities and scientific institutions. There is a sanitary inspection room and a patient register. The system of therapeutic medical institutions also includes medical units and medical posts of enterprises, medical service institutions in transport, and railways.

Pediatric healthcare facilities

Pediatric medical institutions are similar in structure to therapeutic medical institutions. Therapeutic and preventive measures are carried out with children under 15 years of age. Pediatricians and children's nurses, according to the staffing schedule, work in outpatient clinics, children's hospitals, schools, children's factories and children's health institutions. Particular attention is paid to young children (from 0 to 3 years).


Preventive medical institutions provide sanatorium-therapeutic services to children and adults, both at their place of residence and in different regions of the country.


Special medical institutions provide services of a special nature.

Alternative medicine medical centers

There are a large number of medical centers specializing in the use of knowledge and techniques of alternative medicine in the treatment of various types of pathologies.

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  • Treatment book for foreigners
  • Fasting and dietary therapy

See what “Medical and preventive institutions” are in other dictionaries:

    Treatment and prevention institutions- Institutions for the implementation of primarily therapeutic measures with patients in remission (without exacerbation). The main types of L. are p.u. include: Sanatoriums for predominantly natural treatment (climate, mineral waters,... ... Adaptive physical culture. Concise encyclopedic dictionary

    medical institutions- the general name of medical institutions intended to provide medical and preventive care to the population; to the number of L.p.u. include hospitals, outpatient clinics, sanatorium and resort institutions, dispensaries, ambulance stations and... ... Large medical dictionary

    Treatment and prevention institutions- Medical institutions to provide treatment and preventive care to the population. To psychiatric, drug treatment L.p.u. include hospitals, dispensaries, semi-hospitals (day and night), specialized ambulance teams... Explanatory dictionary of psychiatric terms

    Manual for MGSN 4.12-97: Medical and preventive institutions. Section IV issue 6. Specialized and auxiliary departments. Departments of physiotherapy and physical therapy. Remote lithotripsy rooms. Labor therapy (industrial) workshops. Hospital pharmacies. Centralized sterilization departments. Disinfection departments. Laundries. Food units - Terminology Manual for MGSN 4.12 97: Medical and preventive institutions. Section IV issue 6. Specialized and auxiliary departments. Departments of physiotherapy and physical therapy. Remote lithotripsy rooms. Therapeutic labor... ...

    Manual for MGSN 4.12-97: Medical and preventive institutions. Section V issue 7. Outpatient clinics- Terminology Manual for MGSN 4.12 97: Medical and preventive institutions. Section V issue 7. Outpatient clinics: 2. PREPARED for approval and publication by the Office of Advanced Design, Standards and Coordination... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Manual for MGSN 4.12-97: Medical and preventive institutions. Section III. Issue 5. Diagnostic departments. Departments (offices) of functional diagnostics. Endoscopy departments (rooms). Departments (departments) of radiation diagnostics (x-ray, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, radionuclide diagnostics) - Terminology Manual for MGSN 4.12 97: Medical and preventive institutions. Section III. Issue 5. Diagnostic departments. Departments (offices) of functional diagnostics. Endoscopy departments (rooms). Divisions (departments) of radiation... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Manual for MGSN 4.12-97: Medical and preventive institutions. Section II. Hospitals. Issue 3. Operating blocks. Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation. Hemodialysis and detoxification departments. Department of industrial transfusiology. Hyperbaric oxygenation departments- Terminology Manual for MGSN 4.12 97: Medical and preventive institutions. Section II. Hospitals. Issue 3. Operating blocks. Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation. Hemodialysis and detoxification departments. Department of Industrial Transfusiology… Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Medical (therapeutic and preventive) correctional institutions- 8. Convicts specified in part two of Article 101 of this Code serve their sentences in medical correctional institutions and medical and preventive institutions. Treatment and preventive institutions perform the functions of correctional institutions... Official terminology

    MDS 35-5.2000: Recommendations for the design of the environment, buildings and structures taking into account the needs of people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups. Issue 10. Public buildings and structures. Treatment and preventive institutions: clinics, outpatient clinics, pharmacies- Terminology MDS 35 5.2000: Recommendations for the design of the environment, buildings and structures taking into account the needs of people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups. Issue 10. Public buildings and structures. Treatment facilities... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

Nomenclature of medical organizations

With changes and additions from:

I. Nomenclature of medical organizations by type of medical activity

1. Treatment and preventive medical organizations:

1.1. Hospital (including children's).

1.2. Emergency hospital.

1.3. Local hospital.

1.4. Specialized hospitals (including those specialized in medical care), as well as specialized hospitals of state and municipal health care systems:



infectious, including children's;

medical rehabilitation, including children's;

drug treatment;



psychiatric, including children's;

psychiatric (hospital) specialized type;

psychiatric (inpatient) specialized type with intensive observation;

psychoneurological, including children's;

tuberculosis, including children.

1.5. Maternity hospital.

1.6. Hospital.

1.7. Medical and sanitary part, including the central one.

1.8. Nursing home (hospital).

1.9. Hospice.

1.10. Leper colony.

1.11. Dispensaries, including dispensaries of state and municipal health care systems:

medical and physical education;



drug treatment;






1.12. Outpatient clinic, including medical clinic.

1.13. Clinics (including children's), as well as clinics of state and municipal health care systems:

consultative and diagnostic, including for children;

medical rehabilitation;


dental, including children's;


1.14. Women's consultation.

1.15. Children's home, including a specialized one.

1.16. Dairy kitchen.

1.17. Centers (including children's), as well as specialized centers of the state and municipal healthcare systems:

assisted reproductive technologies;

high medical technologies, including the profile of medical care;





consultative and diagnostic, including for children;

clinical diagnostic;

therapeutic and preventive nutrition;

treatment and rehabilitation;

physical therapy and sports medicine;

manual therapy;


medical genetics (consultation);

medical rehabilitation for internationalist soldiers;

medical rehabilitation, including children's;

medical rehabilitation for disabled people and disabled children with consequences of cerebral palsy;

medical and social examination and rehabilitation of disabled people;

medical and social rehabilitation, including a department for permanent residence of disabled people and disabled children with severe forms of cerebral palsy who cannot move independently and do not care for themselves;

medical and social rehabilitation of drug addicts;



general medical practice (family medicine);

protection of motherhood and childhood;

family health and reproduction;

adolescent reproductive health;

palliative care;

speech pathology and neurorehabilitation;


occupational pathology;

prevention and control of AIDS;

psychophysiological diagnostics;

hearing rehabilitation;


specialized (according to medical care profiles);

specialized types of medical care;


1.18. Medical organizations for emergency medical care and blood transfusion:

ambulance station;

blood transfusion station;

blood center

1.19. Sanatorium and resort organizations:

balneological hospital;

mud bath;

resort clinic;


sanatoriums for children, including for children with parents;


year-round sanatorium health camp.

2. Special type medical organizations:

2.1. Centers:

medical prevention;

disaster medicine;

medical mobilization reserves "Reserve";

medical information and analytical;

medical biophysical;

military medical examination;

medical and social examination;

medical statistics;


forensic medical examination.

2.3. Laboratories:

clinical diagnostic;

bacteriological, including the diagnosis of tuberculosis.

2.4. Medical detachment, including special purpose (military district, navy).

Information about changes:

Subsection 2 was supplemented with paragraph 2.5 from October 14, 2019 - Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated August 8, 2019 N 615N

2.5. Separate medical battalion.

3. Medical organizations for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being.

By order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of October 7, 2005 No. 627, it was approved Unified nomenclature of state and municipal healthcare institutions . Today, the names of all healthcare institutions must comply with this Nomenclature.

The unified nomenclature includes four types of health care facilities:

Treatment and prophylaxis;

Institutions of a special type;

Institutions for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being;

Pharmacy establishments.

Treatment and prevention institutions include:

1) hospital institutions;

2) dispensaries: oncology, tuberculosis, etc.;

3) outpatient clinics;

4) centers, including scientific and practical ones;

5) emergency medical care institutions;

6) institutions for the protection of motherhood and childhood;

7) sanatorium and resort institutions.

Clinical institutions are medical and preventive institutions (hospitals, dispensaries, maternity hospitals and other institutions) used for teaching purposes by higher medical educational institutions (faculties) or for scientific purposes by medical research organizations.

Hospitals . There are the following types of hospitals: local, district, city (including children's), and other types. Hospital institutions are designed to treat patients in a hospital setting (from the Latin Stationarius - standing, motionless). Hospitals may include a polyclinic (outpatient clinic). It provides emergency medical care, as well as assistance to patients who need constant monitoring or the use of treatment methods that are impossible or difficult in an outpatient setting - at home or in a clinic (surgeries, frequent intravenous, intramuscular and other injections and other manipulations).

Distinguish monoprofile (specialized) hospitals designed to treat patients with a single disease (for example, tuberculosis) and multidisciplinary - these are hospitals that include various departments (for example, surgical, neurological, therapeutic, etc.).

The structure of a hospital usually includes an admissions department, diagnostic and treatment departments, medical departments, a pharmacy, a catering department, etc. The functional responsibilities of a nurse in a hospital depend on the profile of the department and the specifics of her work in it (nurse of the admissions department, surgical department, treatment room, ward nurse, etc.).

Specialized hospitals, including rehabilitation treatment, gynecological, geriatric, infectious diseases, drug addiction, oncology, ophthalmological, psychoneurological, psychiatry, tuberculosis.

Hospital - (from Latin hospitalis, hospitable) a medical institution designed to provide medical care to military personnel. In some countries, civilian medical institutions are also called hospitals.

Treatment and prevention outpatient institutions - These are clinics and outpatient clinics.

Clinic - a multidisciplinary medical and preventive institution designed to provide medical care to patients, including specialized care; if necessary - for examination and treatment of patients at home.

The clinic sees doctors of various profiles (therapists, surgeons, ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists, cardiologists, etc.), and also operates diagnostic rooms (endoscopic, x-ray, functional diagnostic rooms), a laboratory, a physiotherapy department, and a treatment room.

The basic principle of the clinic's work is territorial and local. The territory served by the clinic is divided into areas, to which a local doctor and a local nurse are assigned, with a certain number of people.

The local doctor and nurse are responsible for carrying out all therapeutic and preventive measures in the territory of this site. In addition, great importance is attached to conducting medical examinations of the population.

Clinical examination - This is the organization of systematic monitoring of the health of the population, the study of working and living conditions, and the identification of patients with chronic diseases.

The district nurse of the clinic helps the doctor during the appointment of patients, maintains various documentation, explains to patients how to collect this or that material for laboratory research, how to prepare for instrumental and x-ray examinations, fills out statistical coupons, forms for referrals for research, carries out the doctor’s prescriptions for at home, if necessary, teaches the patient’s relatives the elements of caring for him.

In addition to the district ones, the clinic has procedural nurses, physical therapy nurses, etc. Currently, the clinics have first-aid rooms: here the nurse measures the patient’s body temperature and blood pressure.

Outpatient clinic - This is a medical and preventive institution, which, like the clinic, provides medical care to patients in rural areas. The work of an outpatient clinic, like a clinic, is structured on a local-territorial principle, but unlike a clinic, a smaller volume of medical care is provided here. There are usually no more than five doctors working in an outpatient clinic.

The work of an outpatient nurse resembles the work of a district nurse in a clinic, but requires even greater independence and responsibility from her.

Medical and sanitary unit - a specialized healthcare institution designed to organize preliminary (upon entry to work) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations of workers with harmful and dangerous working conditions at large enterprises. Their activities are based on the principle of shop division.

The structure of medical and sanitary units varies; they may include a clinic or outpatient clinic, a hospital, health centers, a dental clinic, a dispensary, sanatoriums, children’s health camps, etc.

The functions of medical units are varied. In addition to providing outpatient medical care and treating patients in a hospital, employees of the medical unit carry out a lot of work on dispensary monitoring of the health status of workers and employees through systematic preventive examinations, identifying people suffering from chronic diseases, all those who are ill in an outpatient setting or in a hospital.

District (shop) doctors and nurses, paramedics at health centers study the working conditions of workers and directly at the workplace, identify occupational hazards and take part in the development of a set of preventive measures aimed at improving the working and living conditions of enterprise employees.

Health centers (medical, paramedic) are structural divisions of healthcare institutions or organizations and are intended to provide first aid to workers, employees and students. The health center is not an independent medical and preventive institution, but is usually part of a clinic or the medical and sanitary part of an enterprise. The medical staff of the health center (doctor, paramedic, nurse) provides pre-medical and first aid, carries out the necessary procedures prescribed by the doctor of the clinic or medical unit (injections, dressings), gives vaccinations, and performs sanitary education work.

Ambulance stations- These are medical institutions designed to provide round-the-clock emergency medical care to patients at the prehospital stage for all life-threatening conditions (trauma, wounds, poisoning, bleeding), as well as during childbirth. At emergency medical stations, personnel work in teams consisting of 2-3 people (a doctor and one or two paramedics).

TO institutions for the protection of motherhood and childhood include antenatal clinics and maternity hospitals. Maternity clinics, like clinics, operate on a local-territorial basis. Here they carry out medical examinations, identify and treat women with gynecological diseases, and also conduct clinical monitoring of pregnant women.

The staff of antenatal clinics and maternity hospitals carries out extensive sanitary and educational work with pregnant and postpartum women. Nurses usually work in treatment rooms of antenatal clinics and maternity hospitals, as well as in operating rooms and children's departments of maternity hospitals as ward nurses.

TO sanatorium-type institutions include sanatoriums (from the Latin sanare - to treat, to heal), dispensaries, recreation camps for children, and sanatorium-improving areas. The activities of these treatment and prevention institutions are based on the use of predominantly natural healing factors (mineral waters, mud therapy), as well as herbal medicine, physiotherapy and physical therapy to treat patients.

In sanatoriums, patients undergo outpatient treatment. Dispensaries organized at large industrial enterprises are used for treatment and preventive measures, usually in free time.

The work of nurses in sanatorium-type medical institutions resembles the work of nurses in clinics, hospitals, dispensaries, etc.

Nursing home (hospital) - a healthcare institution to provide qualified care to elderly and senile patients suffering from chronic diseases and for health reasons not in need of active treatment.

Hospice - a healthcare institution to provide medical, social, spiritual, psychological and legal assistance to incurable (not amenable to treatment) cancer patients and their families, both during the period of illness and after the loss of their loved ones.

Leper colony (from Late Latin lepergosus - leper). Treatment facility for leprosy patients. In some countries (Brazil, India), leprosy is treated on an outpatient basis.

Clinics - medical and preventive institutions (hospitals, maternity hospitals and other health care institutions) that are part of higher medical educational institutions, medical scientific organizations or subordinate to medical universities and scientific organizations are their structural divisions.

Questions for self-preparation for the practical lesson:

1.Structural levels of the healthcare system in the Russian Federation.

2. State organizational structures dealing with nursing issues.

3.List outpatient and inpatient healthcare facilities.

4. Main types of hospital medical documentation.

In our country, a wide network of treatment and preventive institutions has been created to provide medical care. These institutions include: outpatient clinics, clinics, hospitals, clinics, medical units, health centers, dispensaries, antenatal clinics, maternity hospitals, emergency rooms, ambulance stations, blood transfusion stations, etc.

Outpatient clinic is a medical institution where medical care is provided to visiting patients and patients at home. The clinic provides the patient with qualified assistance from various specialists. The outpatient clinic accepts only doctors of basic specialties: therapist, surgeon, dentist.

The clinic is equipped with the necessary equipment for examining and treating patients. All outpatient clinics have three groups of premises: for registration and waiting for a doctor’s appointment, medical and diagnostic premises, premises for service and utility purposes.

The register is located near the entrance. There is also a directory of rooms and a schedule for seeing patients by specialists. In the corridor of the clinic and waiting rooms there are tables with literature (brochures) introducing patients to the issues of disease prevention. From the waiting room, the patient goes to the doctor’s office or to the dressing room, treatment room and other treatment rooms. The doctor’s office should have everything necessary for his work: a desk for the doctor and nurse, chairs, a couch, hot and cold water, a towel, a robe, a blood pressure monitor, a phonendoscope, prescription forms, etc.

Hospital outpatient department is an outpatient treatment and preventive institution that has: doctors’ offices for such main clinical profiles as therapy, surgery, neurology, eye diseases, ear, nose and throat diseases, endocrinology, orthopedics, traumatology, cardio-rheumatology. The clinic also has main diagnostic rooms: X-ray, ultrasound, functional diagnostics, clinical and biochemical laboratories, as well as rooms and departments for medical procedures and doctor’s appointments (procedural or manipulation rooms, a physiotherapy department with equipment for electro- and light therapy, for aquatic procedures, physical therapy room, etc.). The clinic has a registry office, office rooms and a number of utility rooms.

The outpatient department serves the population of a certain territory on a local basis, and therefore medical areas are organized according to certain standards.

The positions of district nurses are established in accordance with the positions of district therapists and therapists of workshop medical districts.

Dispensary is an outpatient treatment and prevention facility whose responsibilities include the treatment and prevention of diseases of a certain profile. There are the following, the most common types of dispensaries: anti-tuberculosis, psychoneurological, dermatovenerological, oncological and physical therapy.

Medical and sanitary unit is an outpatient treatment and prevention facility where workers of a given enterprise or military unit are served on a workshop basis.

The main task of the medical unit is to provide first aid, prevent diseases associated with the work process and treat them. Large medical and sanitary units have their own hospitals: in factories and factories, on collective farms and state farms there are health centers, paramedics and paramedic-obstetric stations, which are subordinate to the medical units or clinics and work under their leadership.

To institutions inpatient (or hospital) type include hospitals, clinics, hospitals, maternity hospitals, sanatoriums. Depending on the performance of tasks and the nature of subordination, hospitals are distinguished between republican, regional, city, district and rural. In addition, there are multidisciplinary hospitals, with specialized departments for treating patients with various diseases, and single-profile hospitals, designed to treat patients with certain diseases (tuberculosis, psychoneurological, infectious, dermatovenereal, etc.).

Hospital- a medical institution in which patients are placed who require long-term bed rest, careful examination and treatment.

District and city hospitals consist of the following structural units: a hospital with an emergency department, a clinic, diagnostic and treatment departments, offices and laboratories, emergency rooms, an organizational and methodological office, a morgue, a pharmacy, and a kitchen.

The district hospital also includes a sanitary and epidemiological service. The regional hospital has a different structure, since it is an advisory, organizational and methodological center. In addition to specialized departments, it includes an X-ray and radiological department, a department of emergency and planned advisory medical care with means of air ambulance and ground transport, an organizational and methodological department with separate departments of medical statistics, a polyclinic that provides advisory assistance to patients referred from the regions .

Clinic is a hospital where students are trained and research work is carried out.

Hospital It is customary to call in our country a hospital for military and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War.

Maternity hospital is a medical and preventive institution that provides medical care to pregnant women, women in labor and postpartum women. Large maternity hospitals also provide assistance to gynecological patients. Maternity hospitals are closely connected with medical and preventive institutions of the region (with a clinic, anti-tuberculosis and dermatovenerological dispensaries), which creates conditions for comprehensive and complete medical care. The maternity hospital includes an antenatal clinic and provides social and legal assistance to pregnant women.

Sanatoriums- these are hospitals in which further follow-up treatment of patients is carried out using natural factors: air, sea water, mineral waters, therapeutic mud, etc.

In Russia, a wide network of medical and preventive institutions (HCI) has been created to provide medical care to the population.

The following types of treatment and preventive institutions are distinguished:




TO stationary(health care facilities) include hospitals And hospitals. They are intended to provide emergency medical care, as well as planned treatment, perform complex and voluminous diagnostic procedures and studies in cases where this is not possible on an outpatient basis for medical reasons or for technical reasons. There are monoprofile ones, i.e. specialized hospitals that are designed to treat patients with any one disease and multidisciplinary. A multidisciplinary hospital includes several departments, for example, surgical, therapeutic, gynecological, etc. Inpatient facilities also include maternity, whose functions include obstetrics, treatment of pregnant women and postpartum women.

Hospitals They mainly provide medical care to current and former employees of law enforcement agencies, war veterans, as well as persons injured as a result of hostilities.

Clinic(clinical hospital) - an inpatient institution in which, in addition to medical work, scientific research is carried out without fail, and students and specialists are trained.

In addition to inpatient ones, there are also outpatient, sanatorium-resort and ambulance stations.

The functions of outpatient facilities vary.

Dispensaries provide therapeutic and preventive care to certain groups of patients (rheumatological, dermatovenerological, psychoneurological, anti-tuberculosis, oncological and other dispensaries).

The scope of this assistance includes:

Active identification of specialized patients among the population;

Systematic active monitoring of identified patients (patronage);

Providing specialized medical care;

Prevention measures.

In addition, the dispensary conducts morbidity studies and health education work among the population and patients.

Polyclinics are multidisciplinary treatment and preventive institutions (HCI) - designed to provide medical (including specialized) care and examination of patients on a territorial-precinct basis.

Outpatient clinics- these are healthcare facilities, in contrast to clinics, that provide specialized medical care on a smaller scale. Doctors provide consultations only in basic specialties. The principle of operation of outpatient clinics is also local, but they are located mainly in rural areas, not far from medical and obstetric centers.

Medical and midwifery station (FAP)- outpatient clinic in rural areas. It is organized in rural areas if the locality is more than 4-6 kilometers away from other medical institutions. It works on a local basis. Part of a rural or central district hospital. As a rule, the staff of a FAP is: paramedic - midwife - nurse. FAP staff provides first aid at outpatient appointments and at home. He is responsible for carrying out doctor’s prescriptions, attracting residents of the site for routine examinations, participating in medical examinations of the population and carrying out preventive measures.

An important section of the work of the FAP is the provision of medical care during pregnancy and childbirth, obstetrics, monitoring of postpartum women at home, after their discharge from the hospital, monitoring of children under the age of 3 years, medical care of preschool institutions and schools on the site. FAP workers ensure early detection of infectious patients, carry out anti-epidemic measures, sanitary supervision of populated areas, production facilities, water supply, catering establishments, trade, and communal facilities. FAP employees provide emergency and emergency first aid. The structure of the FAP provides beds for hospitalization of women in labor, as well as for temporary isolation of infectious patients. There should be a pharmacy for the sale of ready-made medicines and sanitary and hygiene items.

Health centers Usually they are not independent health care facilities and are part of either clinics or medical units. They are usually located close to the workplace of the service population (large workshop, construction site, etc.) and come in two types: medical and paramedic. They provide pre-medical and first medical aid for injuries, poisoning, and sudden illnesses. Health center staff actively participate in medical examinations and health education work.

Outpatient facilities also include antenatal clinics . Their functions include early detection, treatment and medical examination of patients with gynecological diseases; dispensary observation, and, if necessary, treatment of pregnant women. An important place in their work is given to health education and teaching pregnant women the necessary skills to care for newborns.

Medical and sanitary unit (MSU) is a complex of health care facilities designed for medical care of workers and employees of industrial enterprises and organizations. It operates on the principle of shop locality and is as close as possible to the place of work of workers and employees. The medical unit may include: a clinic, a hospital, health centers, a dispensary, etc. Functions of the medical unit: providing outpatient and inpatient medical care, conducting medical examinations, developing a set of preventive measures aimed at improving working conditions, identifying and monitoring occupational hazards.

Territorial Medical Association (TMO), like the medical unit, is a complex of health care facilities, but the medical center provides medical care not on a production basis, but on a territorial basis.

Ambulance stations- medical institutions that provide emergency medical care to the population around the clock (in case of injuries, poisoning, wounds, life-threatening sudden illnesses) at the pre-hospital stage, as well as during childbirth, and hospitalization of patients in need of hospital treatment, or women in labor in maternity hospitals. In large cities there are linear ambulance substations and specialized ones, such as cardiology, intensive care, psychiatric, etc.

To institutions sanatorium This type includes sanatoriums, dispensaries and other institutions whose activities are based on the use of predominantly natural healing factors (climate, healing mud, mineral springs, etc.) for the treatment and prevention of diseases, as well as diet therapy, physiotherapy and exercise therapy.

The hospital includes an admissions department, treatment and diagnostic departments, administrative and utility blocks.

Hospitalization is the placement in a hospital of a medical institution of persons in need of examination, treatment or obstetric care. Hospitalization can be of two types - emergency and planned.

Emergency hospitalization (usually with delivery of the patient to the hospital by linear and specialized ambulance and emergency teams) is carried out in cases where the patient’s condition requires urgent qualified or specialized medical care in a hospital setting (patients with injuries, burns, acute or exacerbations of chronic diseases).

During planned hospitalization, the patient is admitted by a doctor at an outpatient clinic in cases where the ongoing diagnostic and treatment measures are not effective or cannot be carried out at home. Depending on the severity of the patient’s condition, his age, and household factors, he can be delivered to the emergency room by ambulance or come on his own: by transfer from another hospital after preliminary consultations with specialists, agreement and consent of the patient and the administration of these medical institutions.

In some cases, the patient may be transferred from another hospital.

The patient can also seek help without a referral, in cases where, for example, an accident occurred close to the hospital or the person felt unwell and independently went to the nearest hospital.

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