Home Tooth pain Alumni reunion evening. Humorous greeting

Alumni reunion evening. Humorous greeting

Today, our native school once again warmly opened its doors to its graduates, inviting you to plunge into the world of memories, where there were childhood tears, joys, mistakes, good luck, first love and disappointments, as well as faith in the future and dreams, dreams, dreams...

Let school youth come to us.



Alumni reunion evening.


Today, our native school once again warmly opened its doors to its graduates, inviting you to plunge into the world of memories, where there were childhood tears, joys, mistakes, good luck, first love and disappointments, as well as faith in the future and dreams, dreams, dreams...

Years that are reverently and pleasantly remembered,
Years that the memory sacredly cherishes,
Well, let's look through them back,
Let school youth come to us.

1: We are glad that graduates from different years came to us today. For us, you are all equally dear.

2: Thank you for coming to our holiday

They brought the warmth of their hearts with them.

2: The floor for congratulations is given to the school director N.N. Makarova.

Song “What they teach at school.”

2: School! School! What is school!”? How does it begin and how does it end?

1: So it’s all simple. Clear day. September. Daisies.

2: Bow. Braids. First graders.

1: Twice two. Primer. Five.

2: The classroom is being cleaned for the first time.

1: Pharaohs. Globe. Map.

2: Painted desk.

1: Alkali. Pythagoras. Acids.

2: Leo Tolstoy. Straits. Notes.

1: Friend, preparing for a test,

2: And in the gym - training.

1: Dancing. Festival. Guitar.

2: Kiss. Three for a quarter.

1: GIA. Unified State Exam. Farewell ball.

2: Joy mixed with sadness.

1: Certificate. Flowers in the window.

2: Why am I so sad?

1: That’s how school life is, it flies by.

2: What kind of school life did our graduates have?

1: Dear students, the floor is yours. (Students talk)

1: There is no escape, the years cannot be returned.
Everyone leaves childhood someday.

2: How you lived - we don’t know
Everyone has their own path in life.
You won't get back your school days - we understand
That's why we're a little sad.

1. If you say the word school, you immediately remember your childhood.

2: If you say the word childhood, you immediately remember school, because these two concepts are inseparable.

Song Childhood

1. You are already called by your patronymic, our younger generation.
But everyone values ​​school friendship, just like in the old days.
To each other you are still the same girls and boys,
For whom the whole country simply became a class.

2. Dear Students! Which one of you is ready
Should I perform on this stage now?
Don't be shy, come out boldly,
Tell us a little about yourself.
You can sing and dance,
Or poetry for all of us to read! (students)

1.Time flies quickly, everything changes
Colleges and lyceums are appearing everywhere.
And among them is our usual
Our high school is excellent.

2: You will appreciate the school only then
When they flash by like the moments of a year,
Often at night she will dream
No one will forget their school years.

1. Let the years rush by quickly and boldly

Like the waters of raging rivers -

  1. But the haven of childhood,

But the haven of the heart

The school will remain forever!

1. To avoid getting bored,
Let's try to play.
Let's go back to your childhood for a moment,
Let's have a little fun and laugh!

2. And those who will actively play,
We will be giving awards here today!

1. So, to start the game,
It’s time to explain the conditions to me!
"Your favorite song!"
You will all sing it together.

2. Wit and ingenuity
They have helped you in your life more than once.
If you don't mind the time,
Prove it to us now.
Let's play a little more
It's very boring to live without a game,
After all, the game helps many
Remember your childhood and love life!

1. Game "Auction"
The presenters announce each lot in turn. The one who guesses correctly receives the named prize. (If there are pauses in the hall, the presenters can give small hints about the items being played.)
1.Lot No. 1
White, sizzling, aromatic foam and a lot of pleasure. That's all there is to say about this lot!
2.Lot No. 2
A fun product that will brighten up any holiday!
1.Lot No. 3
This lot will make any woman beautiful, no matter how old she is!
2.Lot No. 4
And this is an absolutely necessary item! He will instantly dispel any darkness!
1.Lot No. 5
Evening restaurant lights, coffeeto bed, Hilton Hotel! Buy this lot - an indispensable attribute of the sweet life!(Chocolate.)
2.Lot No. 6
Are you tired, frustrated, tired of life? Smile - and everything will pass! This lot will give you a sincere smile.

1. But as always, some period of time passes after graduation, and some of you were glad that you graduated from school, while others regret that your school years flew by so quickly. So I want you to continue my proposal:

Schools for me were.........................

2. We are starting the “Wheel of History” quiz

I explain to you the conditions of the game. For every correct answer you get a prize, everyone participates.

Signs, beliefs and superstitions have existed since time immemorial. And, of course, not only in Rus'. For example, they say: if you spill salt, it means a quarrel. But the ancient Romans said exactly the same thing. You see the same beliefs among both the Russian people and other peoples. And many of them are still alive, but their deep meaning is often lost. Now you will try to explain the meaning of some beliefs.

1. Why do they think that a cat should be the first to be let into a new home?

(Starting a new business, a new stage of life, requires sacrifice. In this case, the cat should take on the role of the victim. It was believed that the first person to cross the threshold of a new house or spend the night in it would be the first to die. And also because a cat is able to find the healthiest and most comfortable place in a home, usually a bed was placed in this place, and after the birth of a child, a cradle.)

2. If you stand on your left foot, there will be no way.

(This superstition, like many similar ones, comes from the belief that behind a person’s left shoulder is the tempter, the devil, and behind the right is a Guardian Angel. Or the following explanation: in the morning, praying to the sun, that is, turning his face to the east, the person on the left felt the cold of the north (evil forces), on the right - the warmth of the south (forces of good), which is why there are beliefs and superstitions associated with the left side: the left hand is not offered when greeting, one cannot start the day with the left foot.)

1. They do not match on Wednesday and Friday.

(This is due to the fact that Wednesday and Friday are fast days. On the one hand, it is inappropriate to think about matchmaking on the day of fasting; on the other hand, if matchmakers come, problems arise with food. Fasting on these days is commanded because on Wednesday Judas betrayed Jesus, and on Friday Christ was crucified)

2. There are a large number of popular expressions, many of them have been forgotten by us, many of them we pronounce. But sometimes we don’t know the deep meaning of these expressions. Now we’ll check if you know the meaning of some of these expressions.

"Nick down"

(The nose is a memorial plaque, a tag for recording. They carried it with them and made notches as souvenirs. Means “remember for a long time.”

“Shouting at the top of Ivanovo”

(In the Moscow Kremlin, near the bell tower of Ivan the Great, there was Ivanovo Square. On it, important sovereign decrees were publicly announced to the people. This expression is used in the sense of condemnation when a person speaks too loudly.)

“Stay with your nose”

(“A petitioner in Tsarist Russia, when he applied to an institution or court, brought an offering to speed up the consideration of cases. If his “gift” was not accepted, then he went back with his offering or nose, i.e. with what he brought . Means “to leave with nothing, to achieve nothing”)

1. Elusive years

It is not in our power to stop.

So let it always be like this:

The more years, the more happiness!

2. We wish you never to get sick,

Never grieve about anything

Strength, health, creative daring -

Have a happy life, success in everything!

1. We welcome you, friends!

And congratulations will be brief.

For the first time here you put words together

And they wrote them down in notebooks.

2. Here you learned to think and count

Now we are learning addition

Like you, we strive for self-expression

Like you, we learn to compose poems.

  1. But we are children, just like you once were

And we believe in miracles

The wind will be fair

And the scarlet sails will inflate.

2. But he will always wait from swimming,

Like a mother, an old lady - school!

Let's never forget

Visit her more often

How to meet again on the pier here!

2.: Dear friends, today so much has been said about our school! Let me offer you a quick survey!

Finish the phrase: “School, we are without you...”

I will ask our current graduates the exact same question. Guys, continue the phrase “we are a school without you.......”

Children presenters answer:

Like a marathon without running
-Like a teacher without a magazine
-Like a barbecuer without a barbecue
-Like a thunderstorm without a black cloud
-Like soldiers without attack
-Like a train without carriages

1. School time. There are so many joys and disappointments, discoveries and mistakes during these best years of childhood. Eh, I wish I could start all over again... But time cannot be turned back.

All that remains is to remember.....

2: Today we find last year's graduates in the hall. They probably still feel like schoolchildren and have not completely divorced themselves from their native school nest. We ask them to come on stage. Let's hold a competition called “What's in my briefcase?”

Two briefcases are brought onto the stage. One of them contains a ribbon, a bell, disposable gloves, lipstick, and an empty jar (it is advisable to give this briefcase to the young man).

The second briefcase may contain sunglasses, a toy car, playing cards, roulette, an artificial flower (it is advisable to give this briefcase to the girl).

1.: The situation is this: there are things in your briefcase that are not related to the educational process, and your task is to convince those present of the need for these items during school hours. Taking out one item at a time and showing it to the room, you say “I need this for...” or “I need this for...”The winner will be the author of the most original answers. The winner will be determined by the applause of the audience.

2.: Our meeting is coming to an end. We wish you, friends, success in your studies and work! Be kind, energetic, strong in spirit.

1.Remember that your successes, your joy are both our successes and our joy.

2. Don’t forget your home school, and come here more often, here they remember you, love you and are waiting for you.

1. We wish you clear skies, bright sunshine and just a good mood. We believe that school will continue to be our second home.

Song Bakhettә, shatlykta

You will appreciate the school only then

When years flash by like moments.

Often at night I dream about her, it will be.

No one will forget their school years!


Khozesanovskaya secondary school


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Khozesanovskaya secondary school


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Khozesanovskaya secondary school


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Khozesanovskaya secondary school


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Khozesanovskaya secondary school


Respect _______________________________________

Khozesanovskaya secondary school

Scenario for Homecoming Evening – 2015

Developed by Shchetinina E.V. Deputy Director for VR

MKOU Secondary School No. 3 named after V.N. Drozdov

village of Kommunar, Krasnogvardeisky district


Moshkarova. Good evening ladies and gentlemen.

Youth invited you here!..

Medvedev. What are you weaving here?

“Gentlemen” and “youth”. What happened to you?

Moshkarova. Don't disturb, people have gathered here:

Remember your childhood, sit and talk...

Medvedev. I see... my parents are sitting there,

They look at me suspiciously...

Is there a parents' meeting here, or what?

What did they forget at my school?!

Moshkarova. This school is ours, not yours!

The school family has gathered here!

Who studied here, loved, dreamed,

Who graduated here at school!

Medvedev. Are these all graduates around?

And for them we stand here together?

Well, then hello... oh! Hello, friends!

I am very glad to welcome you here.


Every year in February there comes a Saturday,

When you, even if you are not on the way,

Taking time off from home, from school, from work,

Hurry up and come to our meeting.

We are waiting for you here as welcome guests,

We think about you very often,

We speak from the heart - come quickly!

Let's start the evening of meeting friends!

Kisterev Vadim. Hello , dear graduates Kommunarovskaya school No. 3 . It was no coincidence that we opened this evening this song . We wanted you to remember your school days. At your graduation ceremony, you promised not to forget your school and your teachers who were always there for you. We say “thank you” to you for coming to this evening, and therefore keeping your word. Thank you.

Bryantseva Elizaveta:

What a joy it is to meet everyone at school -
Get together for an evening meeting once a year!

Parakhina Christina:

Your friends in class and school,
You will see your teachers again.
Today, like many years ago,
"Welcome!" - they say at the entrance.

Bryantseva Elizaveta.
The school years have flown by,
You have not been schoolchildren for a long time,
But you will never forget school -
Childhood memories are here for all years.

Moshkarova Inga :

School time... So much joy and disappointment, discoveries and mistakes occur in these best years of childhood. Eh, I wish I could start all over again... But time cannot be turned back. All that remains is to remember...


Kisterev Vadim :

To greet graduates of different years, the floor is given to the director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 3, Larisa Nikolaevna Durneva.

Medvedeva Anastasia. Today in our hall there are teachers who met many of you when you first came to school. And also those who led you through the land of knowledge for 10-11 years.

Moshkarova Inga:

Teacher! After all, you shape souls!

And in every big accomplishment,

Your not the last share,

After all, feats are the birthplace

Still at school.

And those who go on flights,

And those who go to the starts,

Passed through your heart

They were men at the school desk.

Let you be silent about yourself,

Live modestly

But the proud name is Teacher

It sounds loud even without it!

For you, dear teachers, this musical gift sounds, the song “School”, sung by Angelina Kistereva.

Kisterev Vadim: Leafing through the pages of the school chronicle, looking at old school photographs, we see the young, energetic faces of teachers. The years fly by, our dear teachers grow old. One by one they leave their combat post to finally give rest to their restless hearts. But we cannot do without you. And in the turmoil of affairs, on holidays, we often remember you, our dear veterans.

Kirilikhina Ekaterina:

You will always stay with us,

Because we always need

So you will never grow old

Never, never, never.

Let us honor with a minute of silence those teachers and graduates who are no longer with us.

Medvedeva Anastasia: Today, students from different years of graduating from high school came to our meeting. Young and not so young, exemplary in the past, and sometimes uncontrollable...

For us, you are all equally dear. But there are those among you for whom this is an anniversary year.

Moshkarova Inga:

The guests of honor today are graduates who graduated from school 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40,45, 50 years ago. Now let's shake things up a little. We present the graduates of different years present in the hall.

Bryantseva Elizaveta .

A year has already flown by since we parted ways with school,

But it seems like yesterday to you.

And today you all met,

To meet again, friends!

Kirilikhina Ekaterina: In 2011, 8 students graduated from Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 3, class teachers: Drozdova Lyubov Petrovna, Gorodnitskaya Olga Yuryevna, Teslyuk Sergey Petrovich, the first teachers Abramova Lyudmila Vladimirovna and Kochetova Anna Ivanovna. Almost a year of independent living has passed.

Moshkarova Inga: The fates of all our graduates turned out differently.

Medvedeva Anastasia: Different paths have been chosen. Among them are doctors, builders, and executives.

Moshkarova Inga: Bankers, lawyers, representatives of working professions.

Medvedeva Anastasia: Entrepreneurs, law enforcement officials.

Moshkarova Inga: And each of them is a person with a capital letter.

Medvedeva Anastasia: They say that we do not choose the roads, but they choose us. And for graduates of the last 5 years, the path to independent life is just beginning.

Moshkarova Inga: They are still like small children, separated from their mother, missing school, rushing here at every opportunity.

Medvedeva Anastasia. 5 years ago, in 2007, 12 graduates graduated from Kommunarovskaya secondary school No. 3, class teachers Inna Sergeevna Drozdova, Nikolai Ivanovich Kisterev, Lilia Valerievna Gadzhiradova, the first teacher Nadezhda Alekseevna Abramova.

You have already achieved something

They became someone, found something.

So you didn't study in vain

And they came to us five years later.

Moshkarova Inga: 10 years ago in 2002, 18 graduates graduated from the school, the class teacher was Larisa Nikolaevna Chernikova, the first teacher was Marina Ivanovna Volotova.

10 years flew by like birds

And where have the years gone?

I wish I could go to school again

And always meet with friends.

Medvedeva Anastasia:

Graduates! Which one of you is ready?

Should I perform on stage now?

Don't be shy, come out boldly,

Tell us a little about yourself

You can sing and dance,

We wish our teachers happiness.

Graduates of the year 2000 are invited to celebrate.

_____________ performs the song “____________”

Parakhina Christina:

School years are like steps

They took you up high for a long time,

The time has come to look back!

They are sitting in this room with you now

Those with whom we spent many school years

We equally shared the burden of troubles and victories!

Kisterev Vadim. In 1997, 15 years ago, 8 graduates graduated from the school, class teachers Nina Dmitrievna Snitko and Valery Anatolyevich Kochetov, first teacher Galina Nikolaevna Karaseva

And not 10, but not yet 20

Only 15 years have flown by

Time is fleeting, just look back

You and your kids are back at school!

Bryantseva Elizaveta.

Where are you, school books?

And homework?

Who is sitting at the desk now?

Behind the fourth by the window?

Your girls got married

Your boys got married.

And for you, for classmates,

The whole country became a class.

Parakhina Christina.

He's already calling you by your patronymic

Our generation is the youngest.

But everyone values ​​school friendship,

Just like in the old days.

To each other you are still -

The same girls and boys.

For whom, simply,

The whole country became a class.

Medvedeva Anastasia. And now we present the graduates 1992, 20 years ago 26 graduates graduated from school No. 3 in the village of Kommunar. Class teachers Valentina Aleksandrovna Maslova, Tamara Georgievna Balashova and Lyubov Petrovna Drozdova, first teacher Anna Ivanovna Pishchulina and Nadezhda Alekseevna Abramova.

We know that many of you took an active part in amateur performances. So please sing a verse of your favorite song.

Moshkarova Inga: Let's ask them: introduce yourself, how did your fate turn out? Where do you work? By whom? What do you remember most from your school life? What was the name of your geography teacher? Tell us an interesting incident from your school life.

Your wishes to future graduates.

Moshkarova Inga:

We would like to give you our gift.

He is very kind and will not upset you.

A good laugh can bring a smile.

Concert number! It is for you, for everyone!

Perhaps for a few minutes

The artists will bring back their school years.

For you, this number is “____________”, performed by ____________________.

Parakhina Christina: The bell rang, 25 have already passed,

We decided to get together and remember what was wonderful

Childhood came flooding back and happiness inhaled

Oh school! I remember you often!

Bryantseva Elizaveta: 25 years ago in 1987, 17 graduates graduated from the school.

The first teachers of our graduates were: Denisova Maria Vasilievna and Abramova Nadezhda Alekseevna, class teachers Maslova Valentina Aleksandrovna and Snitko Nina Dmitrievna.

Moshkarova Inga: The wind is humming and howling outside the window

But your heart is so light

Today on this winter blizzard evening

Friends came to celebrate their childhood.

Not everyone was able to gather in this room.

Family, worries, but there are no others...

How much has changed in your life?

Over these past 25 years.

Please remember how many girls there were in the class? (). Who was the head teacher at that time? What do you remember most from your school life? Sing a verse of a pioneer song.

Kirilikhina Ekaterina:

We were told today

Who is gathered in this hall

Here is a worker and a builder

Doctor, driver and our teacher

The seller is also a seamstress

Even my mother is here.

Kisterev Vadim: 30 years ago in 1982, 30 graduates graduated from our school. The class teacher was Nina Gavrilovna Guzynina. The first teacher was Anna Vasilievna Ivanova.

Medvedeva Anastasia:

Between adulthood and childhood

there are no bridges and no fairy tales,

It remains our inheritance

Only the memory of school years

School is always in our lives.

We come here when we turn 7 years old

We bring our children here when they turn 7 years old.

We will bring our grandchildren here when they turn 7 years old.

And for them the song “______________” is played, performed by __________.

Kirilikhina Ek: Let the gray hair turn silver

Everything is alive, as if it was just yesterday.

After all, I united you in my hearts forever,

School time tied tightly.

Everyone now has their own path,

But still beckons to the fatherland,

And it seems when you see a friend,

That your youth has returned again.

Moshkarova Inga: 35 years ago in 1977, 54 graduates graduated from our school.

The class teachers were Chernikova Larisa Nikolaevna, Balashova Tamara Georgievna and Alaeva Alla Gavrilovna. The first teachers were: Denisova Maria Vasilievna and Pishchulina Anna Ivanovna.

Medvedeva Anastasia. Let's continue the relay of time.

The forty-year-old pulse beats

do you hear footsteps from the past

They follow.

We are given an echo of memory -

We all have one.

The elusive years to stop

Not in our power

So let it always be like this!

The more years, the more happiness.

Let them be your friends:

Health, joy, happiness, laughter

In the family - peace, prosperity,

Creative success at work!

Kirilikhina Ekaterina: Graduates of 1972 are present at our evening. 40 years ago 38 graduates graduated from Kommunarovskaya secondary school No. 3, class teacher Raisa Mikhailovna Snimshchikova, first teachers Georgy Konstantinovich Pashkov and Agripina Kuzminishna Stepanova.

Moshkarova Inga:. Today they, although already with gray hair at the temples, are the same as they were 40 years ago. Dear graduates, the floor is yours. Please tell us about your school years and what you have achieved in life.

For our anniversaries this musical gift: dance ______________

Kisterev Vadim: In 1967, 45 years ago 54 graduates graduated from the Kommunard school. The class teachers were Olga Stepanovna Ponomareva and Raisa Mikhailovna Snimshchikova.

The first teachers were Anna Vasilievna Ivanova and Zoya Petrovna Tufikova.

Moshkarova Inga: In 1962, 12 graduates graduated from our school, 50 years ago.

The class teacher was Olga Semyonovna Gulenko,

The first teacher was Valentina Aleksandrovna Maslova.

This number of amateur performances is for our heroes of the day.


Parakhina Christina:

Hail, teacher, who gives us knowledge,

Giver of heart, living at school.

There are no random, cold people here.

There are no such teachers!

We are lucky to study at this school!

Every teacher can be proud.

Medvedeva Anastasia:

There are many pearls in the school crown,

Both the chemist and the lyricist are important and needed here.

Everyone is a guiding light for us.

We walked with them from class to class

We went on hikes with them and to museums.

We are happy to walk in step with them,

To comprehend life, to get to know people.

Moshkarova Inga:

Dear graduates!

The evening of the meeting does not end there.

It continues in your former classes!

Good teachers are waiting for you there

And old school friends.

And we say goodbye to all of you:

"See you again, friends,

And goodbye!"

Former graduates go to their classes to meet with friends and teachers.

Alumni reunion evening scenario


1. On a winter evening, when at the doorstep
February snowstorm and cold

The teachers are excitedly waiting for you,
Knowing for sure - you will come here.

2. Every year in February there comes a Saturday,
When you, even if you are not on the way,
Taking time off from home, from school, from work,
Hurry up to meet us

3. We welcome you here as welcome guests,
We remember you very often.
We speak from the heart - come soon!
Together: Let's start the evening of meeting friends!


Presenter 1: Hello, dear friends!

Presenter 2: We are glad to see all of you within the walls of our native school!

Presenter 1: For 95 years now, the school has hospitably opened its doors.

Presenter 2: May you all be warm and cozy today, joyful from meeting each other and your beloved, dear teachers.



Years pass, but as always
We gather graduates at the school.
Friends, sometimes you remember
What happens without you and we miss you.


You went to school together for many years,
They ran around the classes with the bell ringing.
It's a February day and at this time
I'm glad to see someone I knew.

1: We are happy to see graduates of the anniversary years and pleased to see graduates of all years.

Musical number

February, Saturday, quiet evening,
And in the school windows there is a bright light,
Warmth and light here mean
Joyful greetings to those entering.

The years have flown by - fast walkers,
And they became wiser with gray hair,
Those many girls with big eyes,
The boys are noisy and curly-haired.
And they were drawn home.

Home! And that means going to school.
Enter and look at it.
For what is dear and close
Thank the teachers.

Perhaps there is something more beautiful in the world
And the yard, and the building, and the garden.
But only this school is ours.
And it couldn’t be better - fact!

After all, school opened the way to life for us,
Someone might be inspired.
And everyone became rich in something,
But it still pulls everyone back,

To my native school, to that village,
Where childhood was, but has passed.
Visiting graduate and local,
Your path has not tired you.

You were sure - in the school hall,
When meeting cool friends,
Worried teachers
You can't help but rest.

And white-winged visions
On the dim lake windows,
They melt from the warmth of their souls,
As if they understand
How everyone needs this meeting.

I want you to get to know each other,
Congratulations to all teachers,
Well, especially those
Who trusted the naughty girl?
And he justified his trust.

What today? February evening
But it’s not simple, it’s an evening of meetings,
And in this hall there is a happy look,
Souls have wonderful impulses,
Try to save it!

Musical number

1: The floor for greetings is given to the director of the Municipal government educational institution of secondary school No. 9 Andrey Viktorovich Bulovin

Musical number

Presenter 1. But history cannot sound in only major tones; its music is sometimes sad.

/Quiet mournful music sounds/.

Presenter1: These days, we remember with special love and tenderness the teachers who created the history of our school, lived and worked in such a way that the light from them will warm us all for a long time:

Reshetnyak Panteley Ivanovich, Kryukova Natalya Fillipovna. Zhelezovsky Vasily Ivanovich, Russkikh Pavel Georgivich, Startsev Pavel Petrovich, Stukanovsky Ivan Nikoforovich, Pashchenko Nikolay Karpovich, Ivanova Natalya Timofeevna, Rassoshkina Ksenia Andreevna, Eremchenko Lyubov Stepanovna.

Presenter 2: But it is unbearably painful when those who are young, whose life journey is just beginning, leave.

Presenter 1:

We keep their names in memory
Let's stand up, remember, be silent.

Presenter 2: Our school was founded in 1965 and was called an eight-year school.

And on September 1, 1989, the school became a secondary school. Over the past time, the school has been led by: Mayatskaya Galina.Dmitrievna., Kurta Nikolai.Ivanovich., Russkikh Pavel Georgievich, Startsev Pavel Petrovich., Stukanovsky Ivan Nikiforovich., Pashchenko Nikolay Karpovich., Podolyak Valentina.Ivanovna., Prosyanov Dmitry Dmitrievich, Moroz Nadezhda. Mikhailovna., Khozhaeva Tatyana Nikolaevna., Bulovin Andrey Viktorovich. (Heads the school since September 1, 2010)

Over the entire history of its existence, the school has graduated more than 800 students. 12 graduates became the pride of the school - they graduated with a silver and gold medal:

Presenter 1: Moroz Sergey and Tuz Natalya - graduates of 1997;

Presenter 2: Magomedova Uma, Braiko Elena, Vasilyeva Diana - graduates of 1998;

Presenter 1: Ivanova Anastasia, Kolomiets Nadezhda, Bondarenko Olga - graduates of 2001;

Presenter 2: Svetlana Ivashchenko - graduate of 2002;

Presenter 1: Akaeva Svetlana - graduate of 2012.

Presenter 2: Peas Valeria - graduate of 2014

Presenter 1: Ivanko Igor - graduate of 2015

Presenter 1: School statistics show that 30 of our graduates received a law degree, 14 people went into medicine, more than 30 people are engaged in business and quite successfully, 7 returned to school as teachers.

Presenter 2: Among our graduates there are also managers and economists, builders and architects.

Presenter 1: We closely monitor how the future fate and even personal lives of our graduates develop.

Presenter 2: Our school currently employs teachers with more than 30 years of experience: GvozdetskayaL. M., Polonskaya V.V., Moroz N.M.. The word for congratulations is given to Gvozdetskaya L.M.

Presenter 2: A song sounds for our respected teachers

Presenter: Today our school celebrates the anniversary of the greenest graduating class. These are graduates of the class of 2015.

Leading: Class teacher: Nadezhda Mikhailovna Moroz

Leading: A class that brought the school a huge number of certificates and diplomas from regional, regional and all-Russian competitions.

Presenter: He added the school's twelfth gold medal to the school's collection of medalists.

Leading: And they were also remembered for their number. There were only 3 of them: Igor, Dasha and Petya.

Music. 11th graders come out dressed as first-graders.

1st first grader: I'm afraid that Nadeda Mikhailovna will leave and abandon us, and there are so many people here - we'll get lost!

2nd first grader: Do not be afraid! I know everything! And the school, and all the teachers, and even where the toilet is.

3rd first grader: Wow! Hammer!

2nd first grader: Surely, I’ll be sitting here for the second year.

First grader: What a bow I have... Beautiful?

First grader I'll tell you a poem now! Listen!

My dad is talented, my mom is brilliant!
I live with my grandmother - she’s the only normal one!

1st first grader: Quiet! Begin!

They read poetry out loud.

1st first grader:

Today is a wonderful holiday,

It's a remarkable day in February.

2nd first grader:

We are getting older this day.
It’s too lazy to teach us lessons, imagine.

1st first grader: Well, what are you saying, Petya? You confused the rhyme - onion grief.

2nd first grader: Oh! Of course, we are not too lazy to teach us lessons!

3rd first grader:

Well, do you remember your golden childhood?
When the school bell rings...

All: You had no peace!

2nd first grader:

We were told today
Who is gathered in this room?
There are workers, students,
Even special correspondents
Nurse and seamstress
Even my mother is here!

3rd first grader:

There's a milkmaid and a builder here,
Doctor, driver and our teacher,
Turner, mechanic, journalist
And honored artist.

First grader:

Those who build, sow, plow,
Teaches, heals, sews, bakes,
Takes care of our Russia,
Everyone we honor.
We figured out the secret:

All: This is a release from different years!

Leading: And we give the floor to the guests of our holiday - graduates ______________

Leading: Time does not stand still. Children grow up as they move from class to class. New subjects and new teachers appear.

Presenter: True, we finally understood what these new subjects were about by the last exam.

Leading: And how we loved to write down everything that happened at school in a beautiful notebook with a hand-written drawing.

Presenter: Leonid, wait, wait, our guest is the magazine “Krasnaya Burda” with the humorous “Diary of a Student”


  • Today my mother sent me to the store to buy bread and eggs. I bought Coca-Cola with all my money, because it is much tastier and healthier than bread and eggs combined. Got a belt. The belt is tasteless, although useful.
  • Mathematics is growing wilder by leaps and bounds. Today she said that I don’t know mathematics at all and wrote some number in my diary.
  • Today there should be a city test in the Russian language. There were seven calls that the school was mined. I know five of them, but who else is there?
  • We went to fight in a parallel class. We made them! They beat us.
  • Today they called to the director for yesterday. I didn’t even have time to shoot videos. The director just rolled me around the office by my hair.
  • The teachers' strike began. As a class, we wrote a letter to the government that first we need to pay off the miners and pensioners.
  • I thought about the army. I don't feel like going there. They will also kill. Maybe have two children? No, then the parents will kill you. And who invented this army? I would kill him!
  • My mother helps me study chemistry, my father helps me study behavior.
  • Yesterday I finally got an A in physics. After class, I sat down and calculated my average score - it still turned out to be 1.88 for the quarter. Need to do something. Arguments like “physics is nonsense” no longer convince my father.
  • Yesterday I got a "couple" in history. Half a lesson proved to the teacher that I didn’t take that damned Ishmael. And in general, who is this Ishmael?
  • At school they assigned an essay on the topic “My parents.” Your son wrote: “I got my parents at such an age that I can no longer wean them from many habits!” Think about it!
  • Your son provided an interesting account of his absenteeism. In the last month alone, his apartment burned down twice, there was a gas leak three times, water pipes burst 5 times and his car broke down 6 times! Dear parents, take safety measures.
  • The magazine “Krasnaya Burda” thanks you for your attention and wishes current students to receive as many similar entries as possible, so that future graduates have something to laugh about at an evening meeting of school friends.

Musical number

Presenter: Today, graduates of the class of 2011 are celebrating their fifth anniversary. Namely: Alieva Aminat, Andryushchenko Victoria, Boyko Anastasia, Koroleva Anastasia, Koroleva Natalya, Merkotun Maria, Rabadanova Marina, Teymurov Vadim, Tuz Nina, Shchetinina Olga.

Classroom teacher: Berezhnaya Antonina Ivanovna

Leading: These were serious, independent, active guys. They were the “favorites” of many teachers, because they wanted to go to lessons with them.

Presenter: We have prepared a small gift for them.


Leading: So, graduates and class teacher, please take the stage.

“Today everyone believes that every graduate present at this ball will certainly become something great, unique and world famous, most likely this will be the case. The question is what and which of them needs to do so that the world starts talking about them . This box contains comic forecasts about this, everyone can pull it out, find out for themselves and tell those present, because only those who are able to sincerely rejoice at success have gathered here.

Each graduate must draw a card from the box, say the phrase: “The whole world will know about me, because...”, then read the prediction.

Variants of comic predictions:

  1. I will join the royal family by winning the heart of one (one) of the heirs (heirs).
  2. I’ll come up with a new style in clothing design and call it by my name.
  3. I will become an active fighter for the rights of pets, in particular their right to decide for themselves whether to continue their family or not.
  4. I will become a missionary in Africa and at the age of 80 I will receive the Albert Schweitzer Medal and the Prize for Humanism.
  5. I will become an actor (actress), but I will proudly refuse to act in films, for which I will be awarded a special award “For Honor and Dignity” at the film festival.
  6. One day I will hold a press conference at which I will declare myself the son (daughter) of F. Kirkorov and A. Pugacheva, and as evidence I will present a test tube stolen from the chemistry room.
  7. While practicing in a karaoke bar, one day I will realize that I hear the eighth note and tell the world about it.
  8. I will win a billion dollars in a casino and, in front of an astonished public, refuse to take it.
  9. I will enter the Guinness Book of Records with the attraction of “unprecedented generosity”: I will buy cakes for all the children in my city and bite into each one.
  10. I will declare myself a successor to Lenin’s work and will walk as the “ghost of communism across Europe”
  11. I will travel around the world on an inflatable banana.
  12. I will declare myself a “clairaudient” (clairaudient) who predicts the future through mobile communications.
  13. I will build a hut and live in it with my loved one for 33 years and 3 days.
  14. Having trained for many years, I will surpass Mona Lisa, showing the world my mysterious smile.
  15. I will breed a new breed of dog, the Chao-Ciao, which in translation will mean: “Goodbye, school, hello adult life!”
  16. Make friends with Bigfoot
  17. Establish contact with an alien civilization.
  18. I clone myself and will come to the next meeting of classmates in triplicate.
  19. I will invent a cure for unhappy love.

Leading: And who will their class teacher finally become?

Leading: Today, graduates of the class of 2006 are celebrating their tenth anniversary.

Presenter: Class teacher: Polonskaya Valentina Vasilievna

Leading: It seems that just recently you were standing on the line dedicated to the last call. You were simultaneously happy that school was behind you and sad: after all, there was an unknown life ahead, you were parting with school, with your friends.

Leading: But 10 years have passed since that moment. You graduated from your educational institutions, work, started families, became mothers and fathers. Few of you remained in the village, most live far from their homes, but you maintain relationships with each other and know everything about your classmates.

Leading: Your class teacher Valentina Vasilievna Polonskaya often thinks about you. Your noisy, interesting classes, social events, New Year's Eve parties.

Leading: Dear graduates, imagine that you are now in a literature lesson, reading a fairy tale by role. But before the performance, you need to prepare.

In the meantime, you are preparing for the transfer of the battle of teachers

One reads the text, and four “artists” simply play out what they heard.

Characters: Grandfather, Baba, Horse, Bull, Goat

“Once upon a time there lived Grandfather and Baba. They had no children, but they had a household: a playful Horse, a mighty Bull, and a playful Goat. Every morning, Grandfather and Grandmother went out into the open field to catch their favorite cattle and stretch their old bones. Grandfather and Grandmother were doing exercises, and Horse, Bull and Goat were running nearby, nibbling grass, and playing with each other. One day, Grandfather bent over, but his back caught and he couldn’t straighten up. Grandma came up, gave him a gentle massage, and then pressed her knee into Grandfather’s back, and he straightened up. To celebrate, Grandfather hugged Grandma and began scratching behind the ears of his pets Horse and Bull. Out of pleasure, the Horse began to neigh loudly and beat its hoof, and the Bull began to spin around and moo invitingly. From these sounds, Grandma began to hiccup, and the Goat began to wink hysterically at everyone, and the Horse and the Bull tried to playfully butt. Grandma, looking at her playful Goat, also decided to remember her youth and lightly pushed Grandfather. So they frolicked, and then decided that it was time to end the fairy tale and leave: Grandmother took on Grandfather, Horse took on Baba, Goat took on Horse, and Bull took on Goat, and, dancing merrily, they went to invite everyone to dance.”

Battle of the teachers

9th grade presenter: So, let's start the program, “battle of teachers” - today we have a new task and our viewers do not believe that our teachers will cope with this difficult task. We hasten to warn you that everything is fair with us and without any setups, tricks, tips or steps.

Primary school teacher Marya Ivanovna Ivanova is invited to complete the task. Marya Ivanovna you will have to enter the classroom today and force third-grade student Vasya Sidorov to give him a diary.

Teacher: Sidorov, please give me the diary.

Student: I'm not giving it.

Teacher: Sidorov, open your briefcase, take out your diary.

Student: My grandmother took it from me to read before bed.

Teacher: Vasya, give me the diary, otherwise I’ll put two in the journal.

Vasya: For what?

9th grade presenter: Unfortunately, time is up.

We invite the second teacher - Petrov Petrovich.

Teacher: Vasily, give me the diary, and I’ll give you some candy.

Student: My father is the director of a candy factory.

Teacher: Vasily, I'll put you in a corner!

Student: And what didn't I see there?

9th grade presenter: It’s unfortunate, but the second teacher didn’t have time to complete this task either. We invite our third candidate Sidorova Vasilisa Petrovna

Teacher: Vasily Vasilyevich, why don’t you give the diary to teachers?

Student: Forgot at home ( slides under the desk)

Teacher: Give me the diary, PLEASE.

Student: Nope. ( uncertain)

Teacher: I'm calling my father ( takes out his phone, pretends to select it from contacts)

Student: (takes out the diary he was sitting on) Mom on the diary, just don’t call your father! those

9th grade presenter: As practice has shown, all our teachers are professionals, but without parental help it can be very difficult for them. The cooperation of teachers and parents yielded results this week - time will tell what the next one will be like.....


Presenter: Today, graduates of the class of 2001 are celebrating their 15th anniversary. Leading: Namely: (last names of graduates)

Class teacher: Berezhnaya Antonina Ivanovna

Presenter: This class was very creative. Not a single event at school was complete without the participation of these students.

Presenter: 3 students from this class graduated from school with a silver medal

Presenter: Dear graduates, there is a number for you


Bench. The grandfather sits on it and reads the newspaper. There is a clock hanging above the bench. It's 17-00 on them. A young man with flowers approaches.

Grandfather: A date, perhaps?

Young man: Date!

Grandfather:(looking at his watch) Well done, he came on time. Minute to minute.

Young man: No, even earlier. We have a date at 18-00. And I arrived a little early. Maybe she'll come early too.

Grandfather: A naive young idiot.

Young man: Well, let him not come earlier. I'll wait here and think about her.

Grandfather: Well, well, come on, come on

Young man: Right now she is probably drinking tea, holding the cup with her elegant, slightly plump hand. With her snow-white teeth she bites into the cookie and begins to eat it...

Grandfather: And slurp!

Young man: No, no! She's cultured. And then she quickly gets up, goes to the mirror and powders her pretty nose...

Grandfather: With a wart!

Young man: What do you?! She doesn't have any warts. Having powdered her nose, she begins to paint her eyes, which glow like two suns, and combs her hair...

Grandfather: And the dandruff falls off!

Young man: She doesn't have any dandruff! Her hair smells like lavender. Then she puts on little shoes, and her feet...

Grandfather: Curves, perhaps?!

Young man: What have you done? You haven't seen her! And anyway, who gave you the right to talk about her like that?! She is the best in the world!

Grandfather: Best of all, best of all... Wait here for a couple of hours and you’ll find out who gave me this right.

An hour has passed. A girl appears. She wants to approach the young man, but her grandmother won’t let her in.

Grandma: Costs? Waiting? Thinks about you.

Young woman: Well, I'll go.

Grandma: Wait, honey! Girls must be late. He will think about you and love you more.

Young woman: Is it true?

Grandma: That's the cross!

Young woman: Well, then I'll go to the store for now.

Another hour passed.

Grandfather: Here! It's already 19-00. Where is your princess?

Young man: Probably, he’s sipping tea with a friend right now, holding a liter mug with his thick, hairy hand, sticking out his crooked little finger with a bitten nail! With all her twenty-three yellow teeth she bites a loaf of butter and begins to chew it...

Grandfather: And slurp!

Young man: Yes Yes! Slurp! It’s already crackling behind the ears! She slurps, licking her thick lips! And then she waddles up and, shuffling with slippers, trudges towards the mirror. He's powdering his nose...

Grandfather: With a wart!

Young man: With a huge wart! Covers up pimples, although this makes them even more noticeable. Draws eyebrows that don't exist and never will. Combing his dirty greasy hair...

Grandfather: And the dandruff falls off!

Young man: Snowfall! Then he puts his paws into the trampled shoes, and her knives...

Grandfather: Curves, perhaps?!

The Grandfather and the Young Man hit each other's palms as a sign of solidarity.

Young man: And I'm waiting for such a monster?!

A girl appears.

Young woman: Hi, darling! How long have you been waiting for me?

Young man: For a long time

Young woman: Perhaps he was thinking about me?

Young man: Thought!

Young woman: What have you decided?

Young man: You know! You know!!! In my opinion, I don't deserve you! (leaves)

Young woman: Yura! Yura! Where are you going?! Wait! Why?! (runs after him)

Grandma comes out. Suitable for grandfather.

Grandfather: Well, old man, six zero in my favor!


Leading: Today celebrates its 20th anniversary (list of names of graduates)

Presenter: This is how your class teacher remembers you...

Leading: How many years, how many winters have passed since the time when you, young, beautiful, happy, left school.

Leading: Looking at you, already matured, accomplished people, I remember what you were like when, back in 1989, I became your class teacher, and we went through 7 difficult years together.

Leading: These graduates were active, perky, loud, and optimistic.

Presenter: Dear graduates, today we invite you to return to your school childhood.

  1. Tell me, who was the school principal when you were studying?
  2. Have you ever wanted to burn a school magazine?
  3. Where does childhood go?
  4. Which teacher has the most memorable voice?
  5. Do you often run away from class?
  6. Who did you like to copy from?
  7. Who is the youngest in your class?
  8. In what subject was the most joyful grade for you?
  9. What subject have you studied for 11 years and its name has not changed in 11 years?
  10. What's your favorite moment in class?
  11. What's your favorite place in school?
  1. A place that students don't like to go to. (Board.)
  2. Surprise on the teacher's chair. (Button.)
  3. Flat globe. (Map.)
  4. Dating club for parents and teachers. (Parent meeting.)
  5. Album for parents' autographs. (Diary.)
  6. From two to five. (Grade.)
  7. A place where children serve 11 years. (School.)
  8. A signal for the beginning and end of torment. (Ring.)
  9. School-wide president. (Director.)
  10. Frontal place in the classroom. (Board.)
  11. Boys don't wear this. In any case, Russian (Skirt.)
  12. It is worn by horsemen and hidden by schoolchildren. (Spur.)
  13. Three months of happiness. (Holidays.)
  14. Ten minutes of freedom. (Turn.)

Leading: I invite Nadezhda Mikhailovna Moroz, head of the school from 1988-2004, to our microphone.


During the break our class thinned out sharply,
After all, we have a small gap in health.
Certificates fly in a flock in summer and winter,
But the teacher said: “Follow me!”
We're going to rock for two lessons -
Strengthen your spirit in a healthy body.
I hung on the uneven bars like a foreign fruit,
Gathering the heroic spirit into a fist.
I wanted to pull myself up, but I just blushed!
Suddenly I fell and fell - that means I was in time!
And someone nearby takes heights,
And you can hear the rumble of the plank a mile away!
A hundred meters in an hour! This is not the limit!
I ran for a kilometer and lost weight before my eyes...
Here's a circle or two and I'll go home!
If I crawl to the finish line alive!
The whole body aches and the muscles are cramped,
But I passed this standard anyway!
Not important to us at all! result!
But it is very difficult to live without rewards

Presenter: Today, graduates of the class of 1981 are celebrating their 35th anniversary, graduates of the class of 1976 are celebrating their 40th anniversary, and graduates of 1971 are celebrating their 45th anniversary.

Against the backdrop of patriotic music “Raise the fires...”

Leading.: All graduates of these years went through the school of the young builder of communism.

Presenter: You can argue as much as you like about the correctness of upbringing in those years...

Leading: But the October School, Pioneer and Komsomol are bright and memorable moments of school life.

Presenter: How joyful it was to receive a squad flag and see the October star on your chest And proudly bear the name: I am an October boy

Leading: I, Matsak Lyubov, joining the ranks of the All-Union Pioneer Organization, solemnly swear...

Presenter: Remember? Yes, these are the exciting moments of the ceremonial ceremony when you are accepted as a pioneer.

Leading: What about the school troop of buglers and drummers? Only the best pioneers could join it.


Here on the chest a scarlet tie blossomed,
Youth rages like spring waters.
Soon we will join the Komsomol,
This is how the school years continue.

Leading: All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union.

Presenter: Communist subbotniks

Leading: Komsomol meetings

Presenter: The Komsomol school committee signed orders to party congresses.

Leading: Take a closer look at these spiritual, serious faces.

Presenter: There is so much hope in them to make life better and more beautiful...

Presentation with music

Leading: 2 graduates are invited to the stage.

Presenter: Where do you like to relax the most?

Turn your back to the audience. Now we will glue sheets with the names of your favorite vacation spots. Answer the questions

The words “disco”, “school”, “bathhouse”, “parental home”, “market” are written on large sheets of paper.

  1. How often do you visit this institution?
  2. With whom?
  3. What are you taking with you?
  4. What are you doing there?
  5. What sensations do you experience?
  6. Where do you think you've been?

Music number:

Presenter: Our meeting at wonderful school No. 9 is coming to an end.

Leading. We thank everyone who came to visit us.

Presenter:. And wherever you are, no matter what happens to you...

Leading: Know that there is a place on earth where they will always wait for you...

Presenter. Where you will always be welcome

Leading: This is your home school!

Leading: And as a farewell, let’s all sing together the song “It’s great that we are all gathered here today.”

Leading: Goodbye! See you next year!

Scenario of the holiday “Evening of alumni meeting”.

The scenario of the holiday dedicated to the Day of the Native School provides for the implementation of several educational tasks: the socialization of the personality of students and the spiritual and moral development of the individual. The scenario was developed based on the use of personality-oriented learning technology with elements of information and communication technology. The holiday is built in the form of a concert on the principles of individualization, humanism, creativity and success. The form of the event provides an opportunity for self-knowledge, introspection, introspection and self-assessment of students.
The event has a practical orientation. Students get acquainted with the successes of graduates, the history of the gymnasium and significant events to form their active civic position and value orientations.
Expected results:
success of personal growth;
self-development and self-realization of a high school student’s personality;
designing life success.
Objectives of the event:
1) nurturing love and respect for one’s small homeland, native school, knowledge of its history and traditions,
2) creating conditions for the formation of clear ideas of the student about the educational institution,
3) exchange of information between graduates and future applicants.
The event is prepared and conducted using personality-oriented technology that allows you to develop the personal potential of each student.
Leading methods of the holiday: verbal (words of presenters, guests) and illustrative (presentation of a film, performance of creative groups, games).
Types of tasks at the holiday: dialogue, games.
The holiday is intended for graduates of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Buranchinskaya Secondary School"
Time spending: extracurricular
Duration: 90 minutes.
Technological support: innovative technologies, person-oriented technologies, KTD.

Progress of the event

Girl 1. To our comrades and friends,
Girl 2. To our teachers and students,
Ved 1. To yesterday's, today's and future graduates,
Ved 2. To everyone who shares with us the worries, anxieties and joys of school life,
Dedicated to our festive evening, the alumni reunion evening!
Ved 1. Good afternoon to you, young people!
Ved 2. Hello, warm hearts!
Ved 1. Just recently from a familiar porch
The long road has taken you away
Do great things.
Ved 2. It's like yesterday you left school,
And time flew by unnoticeably.
You are as young as you were as good as ever.
Ved 1. Good afternoon to you, dear graduates!

Together. Hello, from the bottom of my heart!
(1.Song “Hello friends”)
Presenter 1. Hello, dear friends! Thank you for not forgetting your school and coming to us to meet with friends and teachers.
Presenter 2. February is playing outside the window, it has become more fun.
Our school welcomes its friends again.
Students start their day every day
The silence is only broken by school bells.
Presenter 1. Our dear graduates! We are sincerely glad that those whose ringing voices filled the school with life a year or five years ago have once again gathered within these walls. Whose victories and defeats were the source of joy and sorrow for the teachers. For those who enter the classroom with excitement and love every day, you are still students.

Presenter 1.
Dear graduates, guests of our holiday, to make our meeting more pleasant and interesting, let’s say hello.
Everyone get up and repeat the movements after us.
Let's wave! Like this...
Let's wave another one! Like this...
Both together, more friendly!
This is how we meet friends!
Presenter 2.
We'll shake our neighbor's hands! Like this...
Let's shake another neighbor! Like this...
Let's shake hands amicably!
This is how we meet friends!

Presenter 1.
Let's hug our neighbor! Like this...
Let's hug someone else! Like this...
This is how we meet friends!

Presenter 1.
We are glad that graduates from different years came to us today. For us, you are all equally dear. But there are those among you for whom this is an anniversary year.

Presenter 2
The guests of honor today are graduates
Let's greet them with applause, etc.

Presenter 1
With love and gratitude, we are pleased to welcome you, dear teachers: both those who work today, and those who gave their talent, soul and heart to the school, and still do not forget their second home, their school. We think that everyone is pleased to visit again this cloudless childhood home, where you were loved, where you learned to live and think, and you are all so pleased to say again: “Hello, school!”
2. Number (Song about school, Shatunov)
Boys' songs

Presenter 3
School time has passed.
And you are no longer a child,
But in early February
It’s not in vain that you hurry to school -
To see friends from class,
Hug your teachers
To remember your graduation party,
Where did you dance for the first time?
And the most fabulous sunrise
What he was like at 17 years old!
(3. Number. Waltz, performed by 9th grade)
Presenter 4
Today, former students of different years have gathered here - young and not so young, exemplary in the past, and sometimes uncontrollable.
But it’s always joyful to remember
Old, dear years!
Presenter: 5
We are at our beloved school
We live wonderfully -
We win at the Olympics
And we dance and we sing,
We publish our own newspaper
We even receive grants
More about the school
Our director will tell you.
Ved 4. The floor is given to the school principal………
Ved 1 This is great news!
Ved 2. Today, on the day of our meeting, I really want to thank our teachers, everyone who taught you and teaches us today, with all my heart and on your behalf, graduates.
It is thanks to these amazing, selfless people that the school continues to live and develop. Concert number for you, dear teachers

(4. Number for teachers “We love you)
Presenter: 3
February is coming - a time of joyful meetings,
Helping to preserve the memory of our youth.
After all, we once not only studied together,
But we often walked and had fun.
Remembering the funny things, we will laugh out loud.
We don't need to be afraid of the director anymore!
We are growing up, getting wiser, of course, not in vain
My favorite teachers tried.
Presenter: 4
We welcome you teachers who are now on well-deserved retirement. Today, on behalf of every heart, on behalf of every graduate, we say to you Ziyada Nurgalievna, Lyubov Ivanovna, Mikhail Vasilyevich - thank you! Everyone loves you very much! And we are very grateful to you that you devoted so many years to your native school, raising students.

(5. Scene “Grandmothers”)

Presenter 2
School…. How simple and easy everything was about her.
How carefree childhood floated,
Lessons flowed in succession.
We have mastered all the sciences,
Sometimes we felt agony,
And sometimes it got to us.
(Number 6 “Am I Guilty.”)
Presenter 1.Tragic - lyrical song - confession “Am I to blame.” Performed for the first time in the role of teacher Zhanzakov Adalina.
Am I to blame, am I to blame
Am I to blame for loving?
Am I to blame for my hand shaking?
When did you give him a bad grade?

Is it her fault that her hand trembled,
When did you give him a bad grade?

Brought, harrassed, brought, harrassed,
I never learned anything.
But I believed everything, took guarantees,
Because she loved him.

And you believed everything, took bail,
Because she loved him.

Oh, you are my director, oh, you are my director,
Let me go to rest.

With him, life is good, the soul is cheerful,
At least there’s not a sliver of it in the notebooks.

Blame for everything, blame all around,
You still want to justify yourself.
So why, why, did you “stake” him?

Oh, why, why, did she slap him with a stake?
Or I could give it a “five”.

Presenter 1. Baurzhan, you know, many things have an amazing property - to return to people the memory of the past, to give the joy of lived moments that have not been allowed to repeat for a long time
Presenter 2. And when we look back at the path we have traveled, when we are looking for support and support, we open our school album.
Presenter 1. Our school album contains episodes of school life - amazing events and incidents, joys and failures, moments of meetings with you, our graduates, captured in a flash.
Presenter 2. You want to dedicate at least a few shots to each of you, but where can you find film that could accommodate you all?
Presenter 1. Don’t be offended by us for choosing the group portrait genre for our photo album - after all, in it you will see yourself, your teachers, as you were in your school years.
Presenter 2. So, get ready! Please don’t make stern faces, don’t attach importance to film defects and the imperfections of our photographic skills. Smile with us. Attention - we are filming!)
photo album

Presenter 5
Our school is full of talents
Both dancers and musicians!
Please accept our concert number
Appreciate him!
(No. 7. Dance)

Presenter: 3
So that you don't get bored,
Let's try to play.
Let's go back to your childhood for a moment,
Let's have a little fun and laugh!

(Games with alumni)
The bell rings for first class
First lesson - Russian language.
Dear students, please be quiet, it's time to start lessons. And the first lesson today is Russian language. We will write an essay. Let's remember our school days again and look at them with humor. Which of you wrote essays best?..... (several graduates are invited). We haven’t forgotten the Russian language yet, do you remember what an adjective is? Name adjectives and funnier ones, and you write them down and in 5 minutes we will have an essay ready on the topic: “We are graduates!”
(the named adjectives are inserted into the prepared text)
“Once upon a time……………… years ago, September 1st came, it was the most……………………………. day in our life. We put on the ………………….. uniform, …………………………… backpacks and with …………………….. a bouquet of flowers we went to first grade for the first time. Hello………………………………school!
What are the …………………………… classes, …………………………… desks and ……………………………. teachers with………………………Smiles! We enjoyed learning the basics of science and dreamed of becoming………………………….and……………………………………………………….
Time flew by. We made a lot of …………………………… friends and …………………………… school subjects. Every day we happily rushed to school. And then came…………………………………. Day of presentation of certificates. We came with…………………………. trembling in the soul and ………………………..trembling in the knees. Everyone's faces were…………………..
Gait………………………………. But when we picked up this ………………… document, we immediately became ……………………………..! After all,……………………… paths have opened before us. And now --- years later we are sitting at the ………………… table, with ………………… snacks and …………………………… drinks and celebrating our …………… …………meeting! Let's raise our glasses and drink to us, such………………………. AND…………………………….! Long live we the most ………………………..Graduates of 19.. (or 20...) years!!
(then the received text is solemnly read out)
Well done, lesson is over. You can go to your seats
The bell rings for second period
The girl gives a call
Dear graduates, please get ready for your physical education lesson.

Second lesson - Physical education.
Presenter: Why is everyone without a uniform? So now you will explain why they didn’t bring these (funny pants are shown, with notes in them) sports pants. And you will start with the words: “In my pants...”

Girl; Change, change, change
(Room “Scene”)

The bell rings for third period

Lesson three - Geometry.
Presenter. Let's not relax, we have our next lesson. And the topic of the lesson is building pyramids. They will go to the board......(ask the teacher who is better to call, you need the two best in geometry)
(2 applicants are given an A3 sheet each, they must place as many of their friends on it as possible, but so as not to go over the edges.)

The bell rings for fourth period

Lesson Four - History
Presenter: In this lesson we will look at the most famous sculptures in Europe.
The essence of the competition: call several couples (M-F), distribute cards of world-famous sculptures, which depict two heroes: “A Russian soldier with a German girl in his arms,” etc. and to the appropriate music, each couple depicts their composition.
Little girl rings the bell for recess
Change, change, change
(Number Dance)
The bell rings for fifth period
Let's get ready for a literature lesson

Fifth lesson - Literature.
Do you love fairy tales?
We will read the fairy tale by role. They will go to the blackboard... (if there is a literature teacher in the room, then invite him to name 15 candidates, if not, then conduct a poll about who was the best in this subject or who considers himself to be such)
The bell rings for sixth period
Lesson six - Singing

Presenter 1. In the meantime, our talented children perform for you
(10. Number children's song)
Presenter 1. School in our memory is bright classrooms,
Presenter 2. School is a blackboard covered with chalk
Presenter 1. Strict teachers
Presenter 2. A diary lost somewhere
Presenter 1. Parent notations,
Presenter 2. First love...
Presenter 1. And how wonderful the school bell rang from the last lesson! Hooray! Books flew into the briefcase like birds!
Presenter 2. It’s not without reason that they say that you only truly appreciate something when you lose it. And now we will give the floor to school graduates. You probably also want to say something to teachers and future graduates.
(Speech by graduates)
Presenter 1
Thank you for your kind words!
Presenter 1
When the heart is lonely, sad,
And sometimes I want to cry -
Sit quietly at the computer
And open the forum in Odnoklassniki.
Presenter 3
Leafing through page after page,
Having read the poems and wishes,
You will suddenly understand that the “sadness” in your soul has melted.
And the melancholy slipped out the door.
It's good that there is this page:
Where can you open your soul to a friend,
He will silently listen to everything and quietly say:
“Well, you know, everything happens, you need to move on with your life!”
And, despite the difficulties -
Be grateful to fate.
It's good that there is a page on the Internet,
Where there is no place for sadness and longing!
(11. Song number “Don’t forget your friends”)

-Can you imagine in a year we will also come to our native school as graduates!
Presenter 1:
- Even a little sad...
Presenter 1:
-Don’t be sad, look into the hall and you will see a sea of ​​happy eyes...
After all, a school is like a mother, and graduates are her children!
And returning to your mother is happiness!
What is happiness? I can answer:
This is when the stars are lit by the wind,
And when the shirt sticks to the body,
And when the sun makes the skin hard.
Happiness is in the morning, when you go to work,
Know the worries of the world - and your worries.
Cut a path for those who are behind you.
What is happiness? It's very simple:
This is when people light up the stars!

(12. Kazakh dance number Concert number - to all graduates!)
Presenter 1:
The evening is over
The meeting ended
The hour of parting has come.
Even if you are tired
But they kept everyone warm
Smiles and the light of your eyes.
At the end, we invite everyone to sing a song together.

13. (The final song is performed)
Presenter 2
We invite you to continue the evening,
Go to your former classroom, sit down at your desk,
May your meetings be joyful today,
For our school, we are HER students.
Presenter 1
Well, see you again, friends,
Let it be friendly
Our school family!
Until next time! Goodbye!

Scenario for Homecoming Evening "Fun Lessons 45 Years Later"

1. Presenter . Hello, dear guests! Every year, on the first Saturday of February, the school opens its doors to its old acquaintances - graduates of past years.

What a joy it is to meet everyone at school -

Get together for an evening meeting once a year!

Your friends in class and school,

You will see your teachers again.

Today, like many years ago,

Together: "Welcome!" - they say at the entrance.

2. Presenter. Thank you for not forgetting your school and coming here to meet your school friends and teachers. In each of you lives the memory of a carefree school life. Everything changes. People come and go, but only good things remain in memory. And most of this wonderful past is connected with our school.

So let at least one evening a year take us back to the past, distant for some, not so distant for others, to that time of apprenticeship, which, I have no doubt, is remembered with tenderness and warmth by all those gathered here.

1 presenter. Now we’ll do our homework and remember your school years again.

First lesson - Russian language.

And the first lesson today is Russian. We will write an essay. Let's remember our school days again and look at them with humor. Which of you wrote essays best?..... The Russian language has not yet been forgotten, do you remember what an adjective is? Name adjectives and funnier ones, and in 5 minutes we will have an essay ready on the topic: “We are graduates!”

(the named adjectives are inserted into the prepared text)

2 presenter. Second lesson - The world around us. (or a little about everything). I will ask you questions, you must answer them correctly.

1. Karl Marx wrote...(Capital)
2. When adding numbers you get (sum)

3.What notes do sailors use to measure distance? (Mi-la-mi)

4. Which question cannot be answered in the affirmative? (Are you sleeping?)
5 . There are teeth, but no mouth. What is this? (Saw)
6. When it is needed, the sailors throw it away, when not, they raise it... (Anchor)
7. What can you break in peacetime and receive gratitude for it? (Garden)
8 . What branch does not grow from a tree? (Railway)
9. Which guest in kitchens, dining rooms and restaurants has a mustache longer than his legs? (At the cockroach)
10. What do the rider and the rooster have in common? (Spurs)
11. When can you carry water in a sieve? (Winter)

12.Birds whose wings are covered with scales. (Penguins)

13.Where can’t you find a dry stone? (In water)

14. What grows upside down? (Icicle)

15. Do migratory birds build nests in the south? (No)

16. When do women talk the least? (In February. This month has only 28 days)

Leading. You completed all the tasks with dignity, which means that the teachers taught you for a reason. The first lesson is over (the bell rings). I ask you not to leave for recess.

1 Presenter. Third lesson - Mathematics.

Please remember a proverb, a song, a fairy tale, a riddle that contains numbers. For example. There is safety in numbers. Million Scarlet roses. The wolf and the seven Young goats

2 Presenter. Now we’ll play the game and see, HOW did you really spend your school years? ( Confession game - cards with answers and questions)

1 Presenter:

Dear graduates! Do you remember school well? Let's conduct a short survey:

3. How old is our school?

4. Name your first teacher?

5. Name the class teacher in 11th grade?

6. What school holiday do you remember?

7. What games were popular in your age?

8. What was the rage?

9. What dish was considered your signature dish in the school cafeteria?

10. Did you have a favorite subject?

11. Did you run away from class?

12. What did you dream of becoming when you were in school?

13. Who influenced your choice of profession?

14. Do you remember your school days?

Well, bravo! Your school years live in your memory!

2. Presenter:

Many adults believe that children have unconventional thinking. You,

Of course, far from children. Now we will hold an erudition competition.

Guess which famous fairy tales we are talking about:

1. A fairy tale about a vegetable farm (Turnip)

2. On the advantage of stone buildings over thatched ones (The Three Little Pigs)

3. About overcrowding of living space, which led to the destruction of the building (Teremok)

4. About the difficult path of a bakery product to the consumer (Kolobok)

5. The tale of how a psychic gave the president a radar device (golden cockerel)

6. About the first victim of a bad investment (Pinocchio)

7. About how love turns a beast into a man (The Scarlet Flower)

8. About a girl who almost entered into an unequal marriage three times, but then

I finally found my prince (Thumbelina)

Well done! And you remember fairy tales!

Let's play at recess.

You left school a long time ago and haven’t seen each other for many years. During this time, a lot has changed for all of us. But if everyone talks about their lives, then we will be “stuck” here for a month. And for this case, we have a magic bell that will help us find out everything about everyone.

The host approaches the first person at the table and rings the magic bell above his head. When the bell stops ringing, the DJ plays a previously prepared composition. And so for each classmate.

Leading. Dear graduates! So our meeting has come to an end. We would like to wish you never to grow old in soul and never forget your school, your teachers, your school friends. I wish you health, success and prosperity!

(Confession game - cards with answers and questions)

1 Have you ever had to hide around the corner of a school with a cigarette?

2 Have you ever played gambling in class?

3 Have you ever wanted to burn your school magazine?

4. Do you often run away from class?

5 Have you copied your homework?

6 Have you put buttons on chairs?

7 Have you often fallen in love?

8 Did you sleep in class?

9 Did you spy in the locker room?

10 Were your parents often called to school?

11 Have you used cheat sheets?

12 Have you corrected the deuces in your diary?

13 Did you spy on your neighbor’s tests?

14 Did you hide your diary from your parents?

15 Did you break windows at school?

16 Are you often late for work (school)?

17 Are you capable of a noble act?

18 Do you believe in love at first sight?

19 Do you often promise more than you are able to deliver?

20 Are you dangerous when you are angry?

21 Are you lucky?

22 Do you approve of a healthy lifestyle?

23 Do you ever feel scared?

24 Do you remember your friends’ birthdays?

25 Do you like getting up early in the morning?

26 Do you like to take risks?

27 Could you accomplish a feat for the sake of love?


I often had to suffer from this.

This happened against my will.

My embarrassment tells me I should remain silent.

What do you care?

I don’t answer such questions.

I don't even allow the thought of this.

Yes, I advise you too.

Yes, although that's not all.

This is my dream.

How did you guess?

Only in a hammock under a tree.

It gives me a lot of pleasure.

It’s not necessary once at a time...

I've been used to this since childhood

Especially in the dentist's office.

I spend all my free time like this.

My head is fine for now.

Yes, I have always had many talents!

Yes, but today I'm resting.

Only if no one sees.

If the situation is hopeless, then yes.

Only in the company of friends.

Life forces you.

Only in dreams.

At every opportunity.

Every night.

This is quite possible, given my appearance.

Let's talk about this without witnesses.

My financial situation doesn't allow it.


“Once upon a time, 45 years ago, September 1st came, it was the most……………………………. day in our life. We put on the ………………….. uniform, …………………………… backpacks and with …………………….. a bouquet of flowers we went to first grade for the first time. Hello………………………………school!

What are the …………………………… classes, …………………………… desks and ……………………………. teachers with………………………Smiles! We enjoyed learning the basics of science and dreamed of becoming………………………….and……………………………………………………….

Time flew by. We made a lot of …………………………… friends and …………………………… school subjects. Every day we happily rushed to school. And then came…………………………………. Day of presentation of certificates. We came with…………………………. trembling in the soul and ………………………..trembling in the knees. Everyone's faces were…………………..

Gait………………………………. But when we picked up this ………………… document, we immediately became ……………………………..! After all,……………………… paths have opened before us. And now, 45 years later, we are sitting at ………………… desks. Long live we, the most …………………..Graduates of 1973!!

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