Home Prevention Questions for guys for all occasions. Questions for pen pals: what to ask? What to ask a guy in a text message

Questions for guys for all occasions. Questions for pen pals: what to ask? What to ask a guy in a text message

In this article you will learn about what topics of conversation exist with men.

A correctly posed question can become a successful start to a dialogue and influence your relationship with a man. In order not to get confused at an important moment and always interest your interlocutor, it is important to know in advance what you can and should ask him about.

Questions for correspondence:

  • Hello! How are you spending your evening?
  • How are you feeling today?
  • What are your plans? What are you doing?
  • How to cheer you up?
  • I want to surprise you with something, do you think I can do it?
  • Hello! Let's play something?
  • I want adventure, and you?
  • There are evenings when it’s especially boring, don’t you think?
  • Mortal melancholy! Can you recommend any good movie?
  • How did you spend this day? Was he successful today?
  • Would you like to chat with a dreary but terribly interesting person?
  • I'm boiling inside, don't you want to listen?
  • Let's spend the evening together?
  • Have you watched this series (title)?
  • I love music, can you give me a couple of great tracks?
  • Long time no chat, how are you? What changed?
  • Do you still play sports (fishing, basketball, dancing)?
  • Have you heard the latest news about (person's name)?
  • When was the last time you went to the cinema? Maybe we can go see something together?
  • I’m listening to a great track, you’ll definitely like it, can I send it to you?
  • Do you remember how we danced to this song? (drop track)
  • Hello! I already forgot what you look like, maybe we can meet?

What questions can you ask a guy when talking on the phone: list

Questions for a telephone conversation:

  • I haven't heard from you for ages, how are you?
  • How nice it is to hear your voice! Are you all right?
  • Thanks for calling! I hope nothing happened to you?
  • It's good that you called! Let's agree that you will call me more often?
  • Hello, are you bored tonight?
  • Hello, have you forgotten my voice yet?
  • Hello! Guess who's calling?
  • I'll give you 3 chances to guess my name. Will you try?
  • Hello! Do you want some fun tonight?
  • How would you like me to invite you to have a couple of cocktails together?

What questions can you ask a guy when meeting him: list

  • Dear, does your mother need a daughter-in-law by any chance?
  • I’m sure I saw you somewhere, maybe in my dreams?
  • Are you by any chance the man of my dreams?
  • I really want to meet you, won’t you leave your phone number?
  • My mom will definitely like you, let's check it out?
  • I have never seen such a handsome man in my life! Have you already been told something like this?
  • Will you leave me your phone number so we can talk later and have a good time?
  • Do you happen to want a new romantic and completely crazy relationship?
  • I liked you at first sight, and you liked me?

IMPORTANT: Do not hesitate to ask a man even the most “piquant” questions, getting to know him better.

What questions can you ask a guy to get him interested?

Question options:

  • Do you like my eyes?
  • People often tell me that I look good, what do you think?
  • I have a feeling that we knew each other, don't you think so?
  • I have many interests, would you like to share some?
  • I'm sorry, but can I fall in love with you?
  • You have a beautiful look, have you heard that before?
  • How often do you go on dates? I want to invite you to another one!
  • How long have you watched a movie with kissing spots?
  • I was once told that I am a good kisser, would you like to check it out?
  • Have you ever drank champagne under the moon? Me not. Let's try it together?

What questions can you ask a guy on a first date?

Every woman's dream is the perfect date. It can only go well when you know exactly what you can talk about on a date. Preliminary preparation of topics and questions can help you with this.

Good question options:

№ 1

№ 2

№ 3

№ 4

What questions can you ask a guy when communicating?

If communication with a man is established, you can fully count on signs of attention from him. Try to ask him as many questions as possible about his hobbies and passions.

Things to talk about:

Conversation Ideas

What questions will tell you more about a man? What can you ask a guy?

When you get to know your beloved man better, you will be able to understand what your life with him will be like in the future. Use a selection of “interesting” questions designed to obtain as much detailed information as possible.

Things to ask:

Themes and ideas

What questions and what can you ask a guy you like?

It’s very easy to “scare off” the guy you like with a funny or inappropriate question, so choose your phrases carefully and take into account all the features of your relationship.


№ 1

№ 2

What questions can you ask your boyfriend, your beloved?

If your relationship has already “started”, you should not let your guard down and relax. Try to remain interested in your man's life. This way you can earn his trust and attention!

Conversation starter ideas:


What question can I ask a guy to find out if he likes me?

Very often, a woman is tormented by questions about mutual sympathy on the part of a man; try to ask him about this directly and independently, asking a delicate question.

Conversation ideas:


Questions for meeting a guy on the Internet, VKontakte?

Suitable topics:

For "Contact"

Interesting questions for a guy, on any topic: list

A love relationship is not only about sex and attention, it is also about conversations and mutual interests. Don't lose the thread of understanding by asking your partner questions about his personal life, adventures, successes and women.

Suitable topics:

What can you ask?

What intimate questions can you ask a guy?

Questions like these will help you improve your sex life, make adjustments to it and set rules. Feel free to talk to your partner about sex.

Conversation ideas:

"Intimate" selection

What erotic questions can you ask a guy?

There is one secret: every man not only loves sex, but also any conversations about sex. Feel free to be interested in any topics about sex: experience, technique, number of women.

Conversation ideas:

Erotic compilation

What kind of dirty questions can you ask a guy?

Every man has his own hidden sexual fantasies and dreams; by talking to him about this, you not only give him your attention, but also show him love.

Conversation ideas:

"Vulgar" selection

What tricky, tricky questions can you ask a guy?

Do you want to surprise your man? Intrigue? Show that you are not such a simple person? Feel free to ask him unusual questions and let him try to answer them!

Conversation ideas:

"Tricky" selection

What “unusual” questions can you ask a guy?

Surprising the man you love is not easy, but try asking him a non-standard question and see how he answers it!

Ways to start a conversation:

What to ask your “other half”?

What “frank” questions can you ask a guy?

The line between an interesting and an unnecessary question is very thin. With the help of “frank” questions, you can not only become closer, but also ruin your entire relationship. Try to choose the right topics for conversation.

What to talk about:

Original selection

What romantic questions can you ask a guy?

Having learned some nuances about the romantic nature of your beloved man, you will be able to understand what your relationship will be like in the future.

What to ask:

What questions about love and relationships can you ask a guy?

Relationships are difficult work and if you do not discuss some of the nuances between each other, you can lose understanding and trust.

Suitable questions:

Selection “love”

What questions can you ask a guy to confuse him?

Conversation ideas:

  • Are you just looking at me or do you have special plans for me?
  • Tell me honestly: do you want me?
  • Am I attracted to you as a woman?
  • Would you like me to show you something interesting?
  • Do you think I can surprise you in bed?
  • Is this your friend or lover?
  • Have you ever slept with your friends' girlfriends?

Video: “Men’s questions?”

When a young man is shy, a girl suggests topics for conversation to a man in order to find out in person, in correspondence, or on a date.
What to ask? Let's create a questionnaire for a lively conversation.

What questions to ask a guy to interest him?

To get to know a person, talk about him on a date. Asking a guy a question to stump him means slowing down the conversation.

The interlocutor should be interested.

What questions can you ask the guy you like?

The weather, hobbies are topics that people usually talk about.

But don’t be afraid to seem funny to a man by saying ridiculous phrases in live communication or correspondence.

What questions can you ask a guy when texting?

Questions you can ask your pen pal 100 questions that will be useful for online dating:

  • Who are you rooting for? What are you playing?
  • What is an echo sounder/spinning rod/wobbler?
  • What cars do you like?
  • Do you know how to make a fire without matches/lay out a tent?
  • Where do you recommend to relax in the summer?
  • Who's cooler: Superman or Flash?
  • What series/movie do you recommend watching? Is your girlfriend jealous?
  • Do you meet often?
  • How do you have fun?
  • Do you like ice cream/Pepsi/beer/ramming/skiing/skating/fishing/hunting/art/sports?
  • Is it cool for guys/girls to have long hair?
  • What questions to ask a pen pal to crack him open like a nut?
  • What do you associate with the word “tool”?
  • What would you do if the faucet leaked at home/your wife came home late/the cat stole your lard sandwich/the child painted your face while you were sleeping?
  • I can’t stand grannies who shout “give way,” and you?
  • Tell me, is it stupid to give girls flowers/toys/jewelry?
  • An open relationship is heaven, do you agree with me?
  • What do you like more: milk, tea or cognac?
  • Has it ever happened to you that you woke up in an unfamiliar place in unfamiliar company?
  • To get to know a person, enrich your message with lyrics when meeting.
  • What's your craziest thing?
  • What do you dream about most?
  • Do you have fish, a cat or a dog at home?
  • Did you grow up in a complete family? Who raised you?
  • Do you remember Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Mr.Bean/Jackie Chan?
  • Did you have a railroad?
  • Have you broken toys/undressed dolls/operated on soft toys?
  • Did you have any childhood trauma?
  • What about imaginary friends?
  • Did you write notes to the girls / pull their pigtails / show other signs of attention?
  • Fought over girls?
  • Have you ever broken your leg (arm, collarbone) and how did it happen?
  • Did you have to stay in the hospital?
  • Do you like autumn/snow/crackling wood in the stove/song of birds in summer/smell of grass in spring? Do you love New Year/birthday/Easter? Do you like giving/receiving gifts?
  • What special thing did you give and to whom?
  • Have you been given the gifts of your dreams?
  • Have you ever broken up?
  • Who are your closest people?
  • Are you friends with guys from school/college/university?
  • How many friends do you have?
  • Who does what?

Backfilling for the brave:

  • What to cook?
  • Do you know how to bake pancakes?
  • Interesting with me?
  • In which photo did I look great?
  • What do you think of my hair/outfit?
  • Am I attractive?
  • Do you want to meet/go to attractions/cinema/shopping/spa with me?
  • Are you ready to play Truth or Dare/Strip Cards?
  • How old were you when you became a man? Is sex in your mind considered cheating?
  • What position do you like to have sex in?
  • How do you feel about swinging/threesome/BDSM/home videos?
  • Which celebrities excite your erotic fantasy?

What questions to ask a guy on the first date

What questions can you ask a guy when meeting him so that the communication continues on the date and develops into a relationship/love?

In addition to topics about hobbies, it would not be out of place to say: “What do I look like?” or: “Does this dress suit me?”

What are the best questions to ask a guy to get him interested on a first date? Talk about him and his hobbies.

Interesting questions to interest a guy

Find out what interests a man and finish him off by asking him about the meaning of unknown words.

Take into account when meeting on the first date the 1st paragraph of the above “100” list.

How can you ask a guy a question to find out if he loves you?

To find out if there is love, a man does not need interrogation. It is necessary to observe his words and actions. Take a closer look at how he looks at and how much initiative he takes for further communication.

How to ask dirty questions correctly

Tell funny stories, become friends. Let the man open up. And what vulgar questions you can ask your boyfriend, see above in the “100” list.

What intimate questions can you ask a guy so that he has a good opinion of you?

Baring the soul: about childhood traumas, first love, etc. It’s easier for a man who has had sex to say obscenities. What questions can you ask your beloved guy? All.

What questions to ask your boyfriend to understand him better

To tune in to your loved one’s wavelength, ask questions ranging from what dish he hates to how he would raise a child.

Communication is usually a two-way process, involving communication between interlocutors. Consequently, it is impossible to do without questions that concern one of the parties and answers.

This rule also applies to conversations between girls and members of the opposite sex.

When meeting a man on VK or communicating with a loved one online, young ladies are constantly wondering what questions they can ask a guy so as not to destroy the relationship, but, on the contrary, to strengthen it.

You don’t need to blush and be embarrassed, but with such a “casual” acquaintance, you cannot assess with one hundred percent certainty the interest of your counterpart.

To interest the guy you like and not seem like a boring conversationalist, try to follow a few rules of communication by correspondence, which psychologists never tire of repeating.

Rule #1: Start by asking about your mood.

This means that your communication moves to the next level of relationships, as people share their difficulties, happy moments and simply interesting events with the interlocutor who they like and inspires a certain trust.

Rule No. 2. Focus on the time of day

You can ask a young man how his day was if the communication takes place in the late afternoon. In the morning correspondence, you can ask what his plans are for the coming day. You will not only show yourself as a polite person, but also determine his area of ​​interest.

His answers will suggest topics for conversation that can be developed in the future. For example, today he is taking a test, working out in the gym, going to a family dinner or meeting with friends. This means that you don’t have to rack your brains over what questions to ask a young man when corresponding on VK.

Rule #3: Discuss the news

A good reason for conversation is the latest big news that everyone around is discussing. You can ask his opinion about what happened.

This will show your awareness, and will also help you better study your interlocutor - whether he knows how to sympathize or is indifferent, whether he is involved in global events or “cooked” in his own little world.

Questions for your boyfriend can be presented in the form of a request for advice. Of course, you shouldn't ask if you need to go on a diet or cut off your bangs, but discussing more masculine topics is very acceptable. For example, ask what nutrition to choose when playing sports, which ones are best to buy.

Of course, initially try to find out what the young man is interested in, whether he understands anything about the topics of conversation you propose. If you managed to interest him, he will be happy to give you a detailed answer.

Neutral questions suitable for all guys

The list of clarifying phrases largely depends on how closely you know a particular young man and what you want to learn from him. You can, of course, ask a lot, but whether a man will like your curiosity is unknown.

The following questions for unfamiliar guys can also be asked to those young men with whom correspondence has just begun:

  • What do you consider to be the most reckless thing you have ever done in your life?
  • What genre of films do you prefer?
  • What do you prefer - noisy parties or private dates?
  • Do you love everything romantic?
  • Do you play any sports?
  • Where would you go on vacation?
  • How do you feel about everything psychic and otherworldly?
  • What book did you read last?

The list, as you understand, can be continued endlessly. It is useful to use suggestive phrases in VK correspondence that can reveal the character traits of a young man and his life priorities. A well-posed question can interest a guy and arouse in him a desire to get to know you better.

Questions for your loved one

You can probably ask your favorite guy any questions. Therefore, communicating with him by correspondence is also much easier. Focus on the previous rules, discuss all sorts of topics, even the most intimate ones. This way you can get to know him better and also understand whether he likes your communication.

Think about what you haven’t asked your loved one yet, and be sure to ask when corresponding. Here are just a few common conversation topics:

  1. His hobbies. You don’t know everything about him yet, which is quite natural. Therefore, do not hesitate to ask and clarify the slightest nuances - what exactly interested him in diving or parachute jumping, why he began to get involved in professional photography.
  2. His plans for the future. To decide whether a serious relationship is possible for you in the future, ask your beloved guy what his plans are for the future, what he wants to do in the coming years or in a couple of decades.
  3. Common interests. To get to know each other better, when you first meet and in further correspondence, ask about his views, interests, and judgments. This way you can find common ground and understand how much your loved one likes your hobby.
  4. Children's stories. Find out what cool and funny stories happened to the guy in childhood. Also ask about the main family traditions and rituals. Surely your beloved young man has in his stash a couple of interesting stories about his preschool or school years.

The most original and at the same time vulgar questions look like this:

  • Which part of my body attracts you most?
  • Which Kama Sutra position would you like to try?
  • Will you go to the nudist beach with me?
  • Have you ever spied on girls in the school locker room?

In order not to scare off your beloved young man, first find out during the correspondence process how pleasant such questions are to him and whether he thinks that decent girls do not communicate on such topics.

What questions are better not to ask?

There is also a whole group of questions that you should generally avoid when meeting or communicating with men on VK. For example, you should not ask your beloved guy:

  • Aren't you bored in my company?
  • Have I gained a lot of weight?
  • What is your salary?
  • Have you forgotten what date is tomorrow?

When communicating with a young man, the main thing is to show him your sincere interest. You can ask thousands of original, funny, interesting questions, but if a man does not notice real emotions in correspondence and in person, he will no longer want to communicate with you. Good luck!

People get to know each other in the process of communication, which is the most important way to build harmonious relationships (friendships, love, family, work). Often, many problems between people arise due to the fact that they did not know each other well enough or they formed the wrong idea about their partner, friend, or beloved boyfriend.

Representatives of the fair sex often think about what questions they can ask a guy in order to get to know him better. After all, well-chosen questions can show everything that is most important and valuable in a person, reveal many of his innermost secrets, and bare his soul. Various unpleasant consequences can be avoided if you communicate with the guy correctly. This is especially important when a girl is thinking about a serious relationship.

People are often not who they diligently pretend to be. Someone hides their true feelings, intentions, thoughts, afraid to show their true selves, considering this to be too risky a step. Such behavior is a consequence of serious psychological trauma that prevents a person from fully communicating with people, expressing thoughts, ideas, and emotions. Such people usually withdraw into themselves and hide their true feelings. But you can find an approach to them in the process of communication. By choosing the right key to the heart, showing the guy that he has nothing to fear, you can reveal the whole Universe in him, which he diligently hid within himself.

Someone hides himself and his inner world, pursuing his own, far from noble goals. Such a person can cause pain, betray, turn his back at the most exciting moment in life. This is why it is so important to get to know the guy as best as possible in time. And correctly composed questions of various types will help with this.

Don’t be afraid to ask a guy, be interested in his life, tastes, views, habits. It is best to learn about all the pitfalls before you tie the knot with a person or become attached to him. People open up in unusual situations when the mind loses control over behavior for a while. Bold, interesting questions will also help reveal a guy.

You can ask the guy general questions that will initially form the correct idea about him. Below is a list that will be useful to every girl who wants to get to know a guy better.

  1. How do you imagine the future? Where will you be in 10-15 years? What will you do? What to do? How to look?
  2. What is the main task in your life?
  3. Which book is your favorite? Which writer do you like best and why?
  4. What 3 adjectives would you use to describe yourself?
  5. List 3 of your weaknesses?
  6. What moment or period in your life influenced you and how have you changed since then?
  7. What decisions have you made that have negatively impacted your life?
  8. What kind of people do you dislike? Who doesn't like you and why?
  9. What are your goals in life? What do you expect from the future?
  10. What does the phrase “no smoke without fire” mean?
  11. Tell us about your idol, a person whom you sincerely admire and respect?
  12. What is most important to you in life?
  13. What would you like to ask me?
  14. Tell us about your attitude to politics?
  15. What movie do you remember most and why?
  16. If you had the opportunity to make 5 wishes that would certainly come true, what wishes would you make?
  17. What song do you like to listen to alone? What songs make you happy? What kind of music do you like best?
  18. What is your favorite hobby, what do you like to do in your free time?
  19. What would you prefer: watch a movie or read a book?
  20. Do you like to dance? Did you go to dance classes as a child?
  21. Which celebrity would you like to meet?
  22. If you could travel back in time, what time would you be in and what would you do?

Thoughtful, tricky questions relating to various areas of life will bring clarity to relationships. They will show the masculine nature and reveal the guy’s inner world. Questions for a guy with a trick are good because they require maximum concentration and instantly reveal the slightest insincerity. In addition, such an interesting and useful pastime will bring new feelings and sensations into the relationship and diversify it. Many cool, interesting questions from the list can be asked while communicating on social networks.

  1. Do you like hugging people? In what cases do you do this and how often?
  2. Who should take the leading position in a relationship between a man and a woman and why?
  3. What would you like to do if you suddenly found yourself in a woman's body or became invisible?
  4. If there is a fire in the house, what thing will you take out first?
  5. Do you have difficulty communicating with the opposite sex?
  6. If you suddenly had the opportunity to commit a crime for which you did not have to pay, what crime would you commit?
  7. What is more important in a man: intelligence or beauty?
  8. Who would you like to send to a mental hospital?
  9. What do you value more in a girl: external data or internal beauty?
  10. How many times a week should people bathe?
  11. How often should you change your underwear?
  12. Can you calmly treat a person whose breath smells and their clothes are dirty? Is it worth talking to him about this topic?
  13. Can you tolerate burping or gas?

Complex financial issues

It is important to know a man’s attitude towards finances in advance. This topic becomes especially relevant during marriage or cohabitation. After all, many problems in families often arise on financial grounds. To avoid them, you need to learn about how the guy distributes funds, spends them and earns them. This information will tell you a lot about the essence of your loved one.

  1. Should there be a common treasury in the family or should each spouse keep the money he personally earns and manage it independently?
  2. If a woman wants to purchase any item (household appliances, dishes, clothes), should she get her husband's approval? Does the money she managed to save belong to her?
  3. Does a wife need to report to her husband after shopping?
  4. To whom should real estate be registered when purchasing during marriage?
  5. Could you trust me with your finances?
  6. If you had a large sum of money, how would you spend it?
  7. Is it necessary in a marriage to be honest about the amount of money you earn?
  8. How do you feel about husbands giving their wives their salaries?
  9. Should a husband have a personal, secret piggy bank or should all funds be invested in the family?

Questions about bosses, friendships and careers

Tricky questions for a guy include those that show his attitude towards work, career, colleagues and superiors. A person’s character and habits can be revealed by listening to how he talks about other people and speaks about them.

  1. Describe your boss. What is he like? What is your attitude towards him?
  2. Do you spend a lot of time on work and friends?
  3. What are you willing to do for the good of your family? Will you be able to quit your job or reduce the number of meetings with friends?
  4. If your spouse expressed a desire to move to another city to get a well-paid job, what would your reaction be?
  5. How do you feel about my girlfriends?
  6. Will you allow your wife to meet her friends often or bring them home? Can you spend time with your wife and her friends?
  7. What would you choose between an evening with friends or a romantic dinner with your girlfriend?

Questions about relationships

Questions about love, relationships are of particular interest to the fair sex. Set questions for your boyfriend preferably in a pleasant, romantic atmosphere and do it unobtrusively, during a conversation. A man who has warm feelings for a woman will be happy to respond to them.

  1. How do you perceive the emancipation of women?
  2. Are you ready to deceive your beloved girl if you know that your deception will never be revealed?
  3. Is dancing in a nightclub with guys while you're away cheating or not?
  4. If your ex-girlfriend suddenly showed up and suggested you try again, how would you react?
  5. Do you think a girl should tell a guy about her past relationships?
  6. Is it possible to read emails from a loved one without their permission?
  7. Do you like my clothing style? How do you want me to look? How would you like to see me every day?
  8. Who should give in if there is a disagreement?
  9. Do you have a desire to be alone without me?
  10. How do you react to your partner’s words that it is better to postpone the wedding for a while?
  11. How will you behave if your relatives forbid you to marry the girl you love and threaten you with deprivation of your inheritance?
  12. Should you compliment your significant other and how often should you do it?
  13. Are you a jealous person? How do you feel about men complimenting your wife?
  14. Does a girl have the right to read your correspondence in chats, SMS in phones and study your contact list?
  15. Can you openly tell a girl what her shortcomings are?
  16. Are you ready to give up your religion to marry a girl?

Questions for a guy about relationships can be tricky, bold and even uncomfortable. They are least expected and take you by surprise, therefore they show the way of thinking of a loved one and his worldview.

  1. What is your reaction to your wife's news about her infertility? Will infertility interfere with marriage?
  2. How do you feel about maternity leave? How long should a woman take maternity leave?
  3. Do you think separate vacations are right or should husband and wife vacation together? Are you ready to let your wife and her friends go to sea?
  4. How do you feel about family life with your wife's parents? Are you ready to see your mother-in-law every day?
  5. Do you believe in friendship between a man and a woman? Will you allow your wife to maintain a friendly relationship with a man?
  6. If your parents become seriously ill and cannot take care of themselves, what will you do? Will you hire a nurse, send it to a boarding school, or do it yourself?
  7. Are you ready to adopt a child if your wife expresses such a desire?
  8. If you notice that your words and behavior irritate the woman you love, will you break off your relationship with her?
  9. What is your reaction to someone raising their hand against your son or daughter?
  10. Should a father attend parent-teacher conferences?
  11. Being married, will you refuse financial assistance to your parents?
  12. What will you do if you notice that your spouse no longer wants to be intimate with you?
  13. Who is more valuable to you, wife, child or mother?
  14. How do you feel about prenuptial agreements? Are you ready to enter into a contract if the bride wants?
  15. Will you call your mother-in-law mom and father-in-law?
  16. If a girl wants to keep her maiden name, how do you behave?
  17. Do you like my family? How do you feel about my parents?

If a girl thinks about what question to ask a guy, with whom she only recently began a relationship, she should pay attention to the advice of psychologists. They do not recommend asking tricky questions at first. At the beginning of a relationship, it is advisable to select easy, simple questions, and it is better to postpone unusual ones, since the reaction to them may be the most unexpected. The guy may be offended, embarrassed, angry. Each person has his own temperament and character, so the reaction is purely individual. Questions for guys communication with whom only recently began should be of a general nature and not touch on deeply personal, intimate topics.

You need to ask and learn new things gradually in the process of communication, avoiding complex and ambiguous topics until the guy begins to trust and himself shows interest and a desire to learn more about the girl. If a person refuses to answer a particular question, you should not categorically find out the answer to it. In such situations, psychologists recommend putting this topic aside and making a note to yourself in order to return to the discussion in the future and understand the guy’s reaction. It is important to know, what questions can you ask a guy? but you also need to know how to ask them correctly. An interrogation by a girl can be intimidating. You can ask playfully and flirtatiously, without drawing attention. This will defuse the situation and help the guy relax.

How to ask intimate questions

You shouldn’t ask a guy you don’t know or don’t know vulgarly. In order not to be considered vulgar, you need to ask extremely carefully. Dirty questions for a guy with whom the girl has strong, trusting connections will add special charm and sensuality to the relationship.

  1. Have you seen other people making love?
  2. Among the different types of sex, list those that you have tried?
  3. Which celebrity would you like to see in your bed?
  4. Do you often watch porn? When was the last time you did this?
  5. Should a man shave his hair in his intimate area? Is that what you do?
  6. How do you feel about group sex?
  7. Do women's breasts turn you on?
  8. Do you dream about sex with an unknown woman?
  9. How do you feel about foreplay? What kind of caresses do you prefer?
  10. What is it about sex that you have a categorically negative attitude towards?
  11. Have you had sex with a woman of easy virtue?
  12. Are you masturbating?
  13. Have you ever tried drugs?
  14. What unusual places have you had sex in?
  15. Do you want to sleep with someone of the same sex?
  16. Do lesbians turn you on?
  17. What is your favorite sex position?
  18. How long can you go without sex?
  19. At what age did you first make love and with whom?

Questions about eternal values

Questions for men may also relate to eternal values, such as loyalty, respect, hope, goodness, justice. They will help you find out how your loved one will behave in extreme situations, can you count on him, trust him?

  1. Can you sacrifice your life for the one you love?
  2. What is love?
  3. Is love ever perfect?
  4. Will you support your loved one, even if you know that he is wrong?
  5. What will you do for your family?
  6. What will you never forgive the woman you love?
  7. Are there ideal people?
  8. Do you believe that every person has a soul mate?
  9. Is it possible to forgive betrayal?
  10. Can you trust a person who has already let you down?

Tough questions that make you think

In addition to general questions that touch on all the most interesting things, the guy should also ask complex questions. They will make him think and learn more about himself. They will help you look deep into your loved one’s soul and find out your innermost thoughts.

  1. What is the most valuable thing in life for you?
  2. Tell us about your dreams?
  3. Do you want eternal life?
  4. Have you done something in your life that you are ashamed to remember?
  5. When was the last time you cried?
  6. Do you often lie? For what reasons do you cheat most often?
  7. Do you have a hard time dealing with the death of loved ones?
  8. Have you ever thought about suicide?
  9. Would you be able to give a kidney to a loved one if there was a need for it?
  10. Can you raise your hand to your wife?
  11. How do you feel about divorce?
  12. Do you welcome long distance relationships?
  13. Are you afraid of death?
  14. Are you a vindictive person?
  15. Are you a believer?
  16. Have you ever turned to psychics?
  17. Is it possible to give a person a second chance?
  18. What does happiness mean to you?
  19. Is it possible to tell a white lie?
  20. Does a person learn from other people's mistakes?
  21. Is it better to achieve a high position through bed or to be poor but honest?
  22. Will you cover for a child who committed a crime?

Funny questions that lift your spirits

Ingoda, it’s useful to defuse the situation and add laughter to communication. Funny, crazy questions asked of the guys will help you do this. Cool questions will certainly be appreciated by a person with a good sense of humor.

  1. Are you taking revenge on the alarm clock that woke you up early?
  2. What color are aliens?
  3. What weather are you?
  4. Have you ever gone to work or anywhere wearing slippers?
  5. Are you talking to yourself?
  6. What kind of tree are you?
  7. Do you love playing with bubbles on film?
  8. Do you watch cartoons?
  9. What flower would you turn into if you could?
  10. Where do your socks usually go?
  11. Are you talking to the car?
  12. You are mischievous?
  13. Which letter do you love more than all the others?
  14. Do you swear in front of your parents?
  15. Have you ever copied someone else's behavior or mannerisms?

Many girls who want to impress their significant other or get closer to the person they like, think about What an interesting question to ask a guy. After all, sometimes it happens that it is difficult to maintain a conversation, to find topics that can be easily developed. In such cases, communication does not cause pleasant emotions and does not last long. To avoid communication difficulties, ask interesting questions, which are listed below. Interesting questions for a guy may cover a wide variety of topics. They will help you figure out what topics are pleasant and easy to discuss with a guy, and what arouses his interest.

  1. What would you take with you to a desert island if you were only allowed to take 3 things?
  2. How do you communicate with your parents? Do you visit them often?
  3. Why do people like to start new things on Monday?
  4. Do you think pets understand people?
  5. Why do all healthy foods lag behind harmful ones in taste?
  6. Do plants get hurt?
  7. Why are asphalts black and not colored?
  8. Why does the boomerang always come back?
  9. Have you served in the army?
  10. Do you like to repair things?
  11. Do you like to remember your childhood?
  12. Tell me about the film you watched last time?
  13. Do you like hiking? Did you go hiking with your parents as a child?
  14. What don't you like to eat?
  15. What dessert do you order most often?
  16. How do you feel about spiders?
  17. What are your favorite wild animals?
  18. What animal would you like to be reincarnated as and why?
  19. What language would you like to speak fluently?
  20. Do you believe in fortune telling?
  21. What words did you pronounce incorrectly as a child?
  22. Do you have prophetic dreams? Do you believe in dreams?
  23. What item do you think is irreplaceable?
  24. What were you afraid of as a child?
  25. How did you meet your best friend?
  26. What do you love more, mountains or sea?

The most interesting question- this is the one that helps a guy feel relaxed and relaxed, open to communication. You should not criticize the answers of your loved one, you need to respect his preferences and choices, listen with interest so that the interlocutor wants to continue the conversation. If a girl clarifies some points from the guy’s answers, thereby showing him that she is interested in him and his words, she can count on continued communication and relationships.

Simple questions

What to ask a guy to defuse the situation after an unpleasant conversation? Simple things will help you get rid of the prevailing tension: , cool questions for a guy, listed below.

  1. What signs do you believe in?
  2. What would you like to be in your next life?
  3. Do you give your car affectionate names?
  4. What's your favorite holiday?
  5. Is the glass half empty or half full?
  6. Do you like to walk?
  7. What is your attitude towards alcohol?
  8. Which social network do you spend the most time on?
  9. What time of year do you love most?
  10. Where do you get invited most often?
  11. Do you do exercises in the morning?
  12. Do you talk to your reflection in the mirror?
  13. What kind of pet would you like to have?
  14. Would you like to star in a film?
  15. Do you sing in the shower?
  16. Did you make jokes at school about your classmates and teachers?
  17. What's your nickname?
  18. Have you ever ridden a bicycle?
  19. What New Year's costumes did they buy you as a child?
  20. Which fruit most reminds you?
  21. What unusual power would you like to have?
  22. What kind of superhero would you be?
  23. What joke do you like best?
  24. What cartoon character would you be?

Provocative questions

Among the most interesting questions that can show character, surprise and make you laugh, guys especially remember those that can provoke certain actions. Provocative questions for a guy will leave vivid memories and emotions, but they should also be treated with caution. Do not ask them to a stranger, a stranger.

  1. Do you want to kiss me?
  2. What color underwear am I wearing right now?
  3. Will you do a striptease for me?
  4. Will you commit a crime for the girl you love?
  5. Have you ever been detained by the police?
  6. Do you like to give gifts to girls?
  7. Are you capable of doing crazy things?
  8. Can you lose the last thing in poker?
  9. How do you feel about same-sex marriage?
  10. Ask me a question you're embarrassed to ask?

Questions about hobbies

Men, contrary to popular belief, love to talk about themselves. They are happy to answer unique, funny questions with a joke, talk about their interests, hobbies, and favorite things.

  1. Do you like traveling?
  2. Do you often read books?
  3. Do you play computer games?
  4. Which sport appeals to you the most?
  5. Which pet do you love most and why?
  6. Do you like to sing?
  7. Have you ever written poetry?
  8. Do you play any musical instrument?
  9. What TV series do you watch?
  10. Do you love skiing?
  11. How do you feel about extreme sports?
  12. Have you jumped with a parachute?
  13. Can you ride a horse?
  14. Are you tech savvy?
  15. Do you like cooking?

If you ask questions correctly, you can find out a lot of useful information about a guy and understand your relationship with him. Questions for friends can also be varied and interesting. A person always feels a sincere attitude and genuine interest in his person, so correctly selected questions for a loved one, family and friends will mend damaged relationships, add warmth, tenderness and trust to them.

Have you recently met a guy and don't know what to talk to him about? What to do when you are walking down the street, communicating, but sometimes there are awkward pauses? In this case, every girl should have a list of unusual, but very simple questions in her head that can be asked without any problems.

You can ask anything. When asking a guy questions, it is important not to seem intrusive or vulgar, especially in the early stages of a relationship. This will allow you to get to know him even better and soon you will be able to communicate on any topic. We offer you the following interesting and unusual questions:

  • Do you run fast?
  • When you are in the forest, do the silence reigning there scare you?
  • Do you like the way they cook in canteens?
  • What are your favorite topics at university?
  • Does love for your parents mean a lot in your life?
  • Do you like any kind of ice cream?
  • How long does it take you to start trusting a person?
  • How many steps are there from love to hate?
  • What are the best pets?
  • Do you like songs on Armenian radio?
  • Ever worn unconventional clothes?
  • Do you think the men you love are happy?

What tricky questions can you ask?

By asking these types of questions, you can better understand the young man you like. This will also allow you to get to know him better, and sometimes even jokingly “put him in a stupor.” Asking such unusual questions can sometimes even make the time spent together more interesting and unusual. Such questions can even become “aerobatics” when communicating with men. Here is a list of unusual and tricky questions:

  • Do guys like to cheat? Why are they doing this?
  • Who is more important in a relationship: the guy or the girl?
  • What would you do if you became a woman for a day?
  • Is it easy for you to communicate with girls?
  • What action can you not forgive your loved one for?
  • Tell me, which girls are NOT your type?
  • Can I buy you?
  • Does it take a long time to find out your shortcomings?
  • Do you like it when a girl behaves vulgarly?
  • Was this evening interesting for you?
  • What was your craziest thing?
  • Have you ever danced a striptease for your girlfriend?

But no matter what tricky questions there are, remember: you can only ask them to someone you are already dating. His opinion of you may be wrong. Therefore, before you ask, think about his reaction so as not to ruin the relationship.

What questions to ask a guy to get to know him better?

Getting to know guys is quite easy, because if he is interested in you, then you can ask your future boyfriend about anything. But you can ask him about his childhood, what he liked to do when he was very little. It is best to ask all this to your one and only loved one in a relaxed atmosphere. Having relaxed a little, the man will certainly open up to you. After communicating in such an environment, you can feel his sympathy:

  • Tell me what you were interested in when you were little?
  • What was your relationship like with your first friend?
  • Was there love in kindergarten?
  • What are your favorite pets?
  • Tell me, what can attract you in general? Hunting, fishing, cars?
  • What type of holiday do you think is the best?
  • What actions irritate you the most?
  • What events from summer camp do you remember most?
  • What genre of films do you like best?
  • What is your relationship with computer games?
  • What dishes do you prefer?

Don't know what to ask? It's simple: ask what you want to know here and now! For example, you are interested in finding out what unusual hobbies or interests a young man has.

Questions regarding correspondence

When dating and when communicating with a guy by correspondence on the Internet, you can ask him both general and more specific questions. But what questions would be appropriate to ask a guy when communicating on VKontakte? After all, we don’t know who exactly is on the other side of the monitor. Therefore, before meeting each other, it is better to chat a little online and understand what topic will be common for you. What questions can you ask by correspondence:

  • How old are you?
  • Are you still studying or already working?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • What city do you live in?
  • Can I ask what kind of girls do you like?
  • What are your favorite films?
  • What is the most important thing in a man's life?
  • Do you have Brother or sister?
  • What are your favorite films?

If, judging by the photographs, the young man with whom you are corresponding is interested in cars, you can start there by asking him at least a hundred questions on this topic. You can also glean some information from his profile and find a topic for communication. You can ask the guy about his interests and how he likes to spend his free time. It’s better to start asking questions about love and something more intimate a little later.

Questions about relationships and love

We recommend asking intimate questions and questions about relationships after you have talked about more abstract topics. But what to ask a guy if you are not yet in a relationship with him? Here are some ideas:

  • Would you move with me to another city?
  • What would you like to ask me if we were alone?
  • What are the disadvantages of love at first sight?
  • Do you consider yourself a real man?
  • Do you consider yourself to be one of the decent guys?
  • What are forbidden topics for you when communicating with a girl?
  • Do you consider me your only one?
  • Do I have a better figure and appearance than your ex?
  • What can I please you with tonight?
  • Do you like walking with me?
  • Do you remember the beginning of our love?
  • Will our relationship lead to something more serious?
  • Do you know when we're together, other men envy you?

And so that he can be as open and honest with you as possible, you can win him over by inviting him to visit and preparing dinner by candlelight. Then, no topic will be taboo for you...

Fun and weird questions to lift your spirits

Do you want to get to know a man better who has already become quite close? Here are a little strange and wild questions for such a case:

  • What sports game is easiest for you?
  • Which man is your hero?
  • What songs would you come up with for your child?
  • Can you remember your worst movie?
  • Who was your scariest girlfriend?
  • Favorite topic in quantum physics?
  • Ever taken a selfie with a handsome guy?
  • Do you often get recognized on buses?
  • Can you write a list of my advantages?
  • What questions would you like to ask me?

Life questions

What question can you ask to understand whether the young man in front of you is promising? Now this is important for many girls:

  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years? After 10 years?
  • What are your goals in life?
  • What actions distinguish a boy from a man?
  • What is your most difficult and difficult decision in life?
  • Do you have any actions that you can be proud of?
  • Do you have your own home?
  • What should a girl do for the guy she loves?
  • What was the theme of the last book you read? Do you like her?
  • May I know your weaknesses?

The person with whom you want to build a long and reliable relationship needs to ask as many questions as possible. Of course, it’s better to gradually ask the guy them in order to get to know him better as the conversation progresses. You can “torture” him unnoticed, unobtrusively, and then, after several days of acquaintance, you will already know exactly what kind of person is in front of you.

TOP original and non-standard questions for a guy

What questions to ask to interest a guy without being intrusive? Questions can be asked to get a laugh, lighten the mood a little, or even bring up an important topic. Here's a list of questions on any topic:

  • What was your name at school?
  • Can you tell me an incident from your life that you can’t forget?
  • What do you think I’m willing to do for my loved one?
  • Ever been afraid of brownies?
  • When did you stop believing in Santa Claus?
  • Theme of the pictures that you like?
  • The most interesting days of your life?
  • Would you like to feel with your body what it is like to be a girl?
  • Would you like to go to a hot spot for your birthday?
  • What's the most awkward question you've been asked?
  • Do you often look into the refrigerator at night? Shall we talk about this topic?
  • Do you think I'm interesting?

List of quick questions for men

You can ask a guy or a man quick questions, both specific and general. What questions can you ask to better understand how witty and erudite he is? Blitz can be on any topic:

  • List the three most interesting days of your life?
  • Which three men would you like to be like?
  • Will you make a list, the questions in which will concern only me?
  • What thematic exhibitions would you not go to?
  • Tell us about the most interesting job offers?
  • Which man influences you the most?
  • Name the three most interesting subjects at school.
  • What topic of conversation is taboo for you?
  • Interesting trip or money?
  • If you were in front of Putin, what topic would you raise?

Now you know the best questions to ask a guy to see his reaction and how he will answer. With such a blitz, the girl will appreciate the erudition of the young man and the fact that the topic of conversation is not interesting or forbidden for him.


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