Home Gums Inscription - what is it? How and why is registration organized? Teenage orgies at the “incorporation”: What parents need to know so that your child does not get into trouble What is an entry.

Inscription - what is it? How and why is registration organized? Teenage orgies at the “incorporation”: What parents need to know so that your child does not get into trouble What is an entry.

The slang expression “sign in” has long been used in communication. In this post we will examine in detail the meaning of the word, which has become very popular among young people.

What does it mean?

So, in slang, it’s an invitation to have fun in a noisy company at someone’s apartment. By the way, jargon appeared back in Soviet times, when young people were looking for a free apartment for entertainment and recreation.

The founders of the unusual word became members of the hippie subculture. The guys often traveled around the country and, due to lack of finances, stayed overnight in the houses or apartments of their friends, acquaintances, and even strangers. Such overnight stays were usually called “inscriptions”.

To date registrations for teenagers- these are visits to parties at home or in an apartment, which involve a subsequent overnight stay. Such gatherings promise to be noisy and lengthy. Alcoholic drinks are drunk at the registers.

Very often, such events are held at someone’s acquaintance’s place when parents of teenagers go on vacation or on a business trip. The most important thing is to have an empty apartment, house or even a dacha.

In some cases, registration in youth slang can mean temporarily living in someone's apartment for several days.

Main purpose of the event

What is the purpose of such parties? It's simple. The youth movement is organized away from adults, who often bore teenagers with teachings, instructions and advice. The guys want to be away from their elders and have fun.

By the way, sometimes registration is considered only as an overnight stay. For example, a person does not have money for a hotel or rent, but needs somewhere to spend the night. Or someone simply missed the last bus or tram, and the owner of the apartment, in order not to kick the guest out at such a late time, leaves him overnight (such cases are called “unplanned check-in”).

Types of parties

What do they do at the so-called “registrations”? It all depends on the type of event. Now we will tell you in more detail about each of them.


One of the safest and most harmless entries. People who know each other very well come to such an event. They gather not only to drink alcohol, but also to have interesting conversations. A small nuance: initially guys gather at the legions, and then they invite unfamiliar girls to visit. This is often done through social media.


Another completely harmless type of entry. The guys get together just to do what they love together. This could be listening to music or playing computer games.


Youth slang is replete with similar expressions. What does it mean? It turns out that a submarine is an unusual entry in which young people lock themselves in an apartment or in a country house in order to have fun. Its goal is detachment from the familiar world. While the “submarine” lasts, you cannot leave the premises, house or apartment, and you are prohibited from using mobile phones and electrical appliances.

On the side

Such registration is considered unsafe, because people who don’t know each other come to it. Another problem with the event is that it can be canceled at the last minute.

Road party

A party on the way somewhere. Usually young people gather in a sleeping car compartment.


The word translated from English means “crush.” These are accommodations with such a huge number of people that there is simply no free space left in the apartment. By the way, not all teenagers like this state of affairs. But on the other hand, this is a great opportunity to meet someone who will invite you to your next party.


A party to which none of the invited girls came.

How to get registered?

It's easy to get registered. You can simply use the search on the social network VKontakte. It’s easy to find a user there who gathers guys at his home for a party for one or several nights.

But it is worth remembering that when attending such events, you should be careful, because the consequences can be the most unpredictable!

Are there any rules?

To “fit in” with any crowd, you should know that there are certain rules of behavior at such events.

A prerequisite is politeness towards those present. It is considered indecent to ask where to sleep in an apartment. The owner can indicate the sleeping place himself, but usually guests sit directly on the floor.

It is forbidden to take things that belong to the owner of the house and especially to take them outside the home without asking. You can use the telephone and bathroom only with the consent of the owner.

It is advisable to bring food and alcoholic drinks with you to registration!

You can learn even more interesting information about entries from the video:

Now you know everything about these parties!

At all times, young people have been looking for ways to separate themselves, at least for a while, to isolate themselves from the world of supervising adults and spend it the way they would like. This issue arises most acutely when the interests and lifestyle of young people differ sharply from that accepted in society, namely when various subcultures arise. For such meetings, a meeting format called “writing” was invented. Listings are divided into types, each with its own characteristics, which are discussed in more detail in the article.

In Soviet times, the most vibrant and rebellious subculture was the hippie, which is distinguished not only by freedom of thought, but also by freedom in choosing life morals. Hippies are often credited with freedom in sex and a free attitude towards soft drugs. In order for their freedom not to be limited, it was necessary to gather somewhere to communicate. Therefore, it is with the hippie movement that the emergence of such a thing as writing is associated.

Listing- this is a temporary shelter, a shelter for loved ones who really need it. Usually, those who want to spend time doing certain activities are invited to the vacated apartment as a result of parents leaving on a business trip, to the dacha, or to their own. The proposed activities can be completely varied, either a regular party, or listening to music, or the same activities for which the founders of the hippie group gathered.

Types of registration
Inscription now has different meanings, and there are several types of inscription.

The simplest one is called flat entry. No matter how mysterious it may sound, it simply means a daytime gathering of like-minded people (listening to music, discussing sports events, politics, etc.).

The safest is a registration called legion. It happens when people who have known each other for a long time gather, and this is not the first time they have gathered. The purpose of such meetings is not only to drink alcohol, but also to communicate. The number of guys is equal to the number of girls, and the latter are invited almost every time, which brings some variety to the communication process. But after 3-4 times, the participants get tired of this entry, and they begin to look for other entries.

Registration on the side is organized by complete strangers, so going there alone is a completely reckless act; it is better to find a reliable friend for company.

Hustle registration involves so many people that not only sitting (lying down), but also standing are all cramped and there is nowhere.

A shuffle type entry, on the contrary, is a gathering of a very small number of people with similar interests to discuss pressing problems of humanity, science and art.

A submarine is a pre-planned entry. The name is no coincidence, because the initiator buys an extra sufficient amount of booze and snacks to go with it, gathers like-minded people with whom he locks up for several days in some place remote from civilization. At the same time, communication with the outside world is cut off, they are fenced off from it in every possible way.

If none of the invited girls showed up for the scheduled entry, then such an entry automatically receives the name sausage entry.

Road party - registration somewhere along the way: in a train compartment, in a trailer, etc.

Entries are also divided into planned and unplanned.

Unplanned entries
Occur after one of the guests discovers that he was late for the metro, bus, tram, etc. A whole company can sit too long. To prevent people from spending the night in doorways and on the street, the owner, willy-nilly, has to leave them overnight until the metro opens or other transport arrives.

Scheduled entries
Usually associated with parents who vacated the apartment for the weekend due to leaving for the country. And only spending the night in a sheltered house distinguishes it from an ordinary party. In addition, the planned entries include the need to accommodate a team of fans who followed their favorite team to the competition. This also includes hitchhikers who have arrived in a new city and need an overnight stay so that in the morning, with renewed vigor, they can go to places unknown to them.

Tourist registration
For those who like to travel without any restrictions on freedom and, most importantly, without extra costs, there is a kind of registration. It lies in the fact that in almost every country in the world there are people who are ready to let travelers stay for free, for the sake of good company. They either themselves advertise on the Internet on those sites where “savages” who like to travel usually communicate, or those same “savages” share the addresses and telephone numbers of these people. Avid hippie travelers may have a lot of such phones, but not all of them will work and not every call will be ready to answer them, but there is always a chance and rarely does anyone in an unfamiliar city spend the night on the street. This term also applies when a traveler asks to spend the night with one of his relatives living in this locality.

Registration rules
Those who want to fit in without problems and not be kicked out of the place of registration after a couple of hours must follow some rules that are more of a moral and ethical nature than legislative.

1) You should not insist too actively on registration when you are denied it, because this is not the sacred duty of the owner, but his free desire, therefore, in this case, perseverance and impudence are not applicable.

2) Politeness is a mandatory condition for staying in the owner’s house, and not only with the owner, but with those whom he may have sheltered.
3) Complete and unconditional submission to the regime of the owners of the house, i.e. if the house is used to going to bed early, it is necessary to do this with everyone together, and if sleep does not come without communication and cheerful gatherings, you will have to support the company, even if you have no strength at all.

4) It would not be entirely correct to ask where “your” bed is; if there is one, the owner himself will show you, but usually you have to sleep on the floor, so those who have a sleeping bag with them will always be in the most advantageous position. It takes up little space, weighs little, and the advantage of its presence is undeniable, so there is a reason to take a sleeping bag with you on your free trip.

5) The same goes for food. There is no need to ask what food the owner has, but offering food you brought with you, or at least something for tea, is simply necessary. If you wish, you can carefully inquire about the possibility of using the kitchen and the equipment available there for cooking.

6) Cleanliness and neatness will make any guest welcome. Wash the dishes after yourself and the owner, carefully so as not to interfere with basic cleaning, take out the trash - this is the minimum that hospitable hosts expect from those they shelter.

7) You should not bother with your conversations and express your thoughts when it is not interesting and no one asked about them, i.e. distract the owners as little as possible.

8) Owner’s belongings are taboo. You cannot take them without asking, examine them, and especially take them out of the house, even if you plan to return them without fail in the future. It is strictly prohibited to look into closets and bedside tables, to “manage” in the absence of people receiving.

9) The opportunity to use the bathroom should also be discussed with the owner, since not everyone wants to see a stranger in their bathroom.

10) A landline telephone can also be used only by agreement with the owner and preferably only for local calls. Naturally, these conversations should not last an hour.

11) It is imperative to agree in advance on how many people are applying for registration. The easiest way is when there are no more than 3 applicants; if a large company is traveling, you will have to split into small subgroups. And you need to start worrying about your overnight stay in the morning, and not when it’s already dark outside.

12) If for some reason the need for registration has disappeared, it is necessary to notify about this the people who agreed to give their shelter.

13) Once you find yourself in a company of similar travelers, it is highly recommended to get to know them, because... this acquaintance makes it possible to acquire additional phone numbers for registration in other cities.

Although these rules are not written, compliance with them forms a certain opinion about the traveler and, in the case of positive memories and emotions left behind, is some guarantee that next time he will be received with great pleasure.

Why are registrations dangerous?

Those unplanned registrations, when people do not know at all who invited them, of course, carry with them a number of unpleasant moments. You can run into inappropriate hosts, just as hosts can accommodate inappropriate guests. But the great danger is associated with the fact that the vast majority of registrations involve drinking alcohol, and in unlimited quantities. And this is fraught with a lot of trouble the next morning. And it’s good if only a certain amount of money is discovered missing, even if your health is completely intact. And, therefore, the most important rule for those who fit in is to be careful in consuming alcohol and other unknown substances offered.

In general, registration is a good opportunity to meet new people and expand your social circle.

Not every person can understand the slang of modern youth. For example, what is a registration? Let's figure it out.

The word “registration” means to stay overnight, to “register” with someone for one night. As a rule, such pastime is associated with drinking alcohol, sex, loud music, smoking cigarettes, etc. Previously, this word was used by representatives of hippies who gathered in whole groups in someone’s apartment. Today, registration is characterized as a large-scale party in the apartment of a person who is ready to receive a large number of visitors and provide them with proper fun.

It would seem that everything is clear: teenagers gather at their friend’s place, get drunk, get corrupted, get high and turn the whole apartment upside down. It's actually not all that sad. The entries have a small set of rules that each participant in the event must adhere to. These include:

  • Politeness to everyone present at the registration;
  • No questions about sleeping space. Typically, most guests sleep on the floor;
  • You cannot touch the apartment owner’s things and take them outside the home;
  • Use of the bathroom and landline telephone is only possible with the consent of the owner.

Also, registration organizers can establish additional rules that are needed to exercise control over the party.

Stills from the film “Project X got the hang of it”

Types of entries

The most interesting thing is that there are several types of entries, each of which has its own name.

  • Legion. It is considered the safest type of registration due to the fact that all those present know each other and gather not so much to drink alcoholic beverages, but, for example, to communicate about interests. It’s interesting that initially guys gather at the legions, who then invite girls to visit, often strangers, for example, from VKontakte. Legions are held about 3-5 times, after which the guys begin to get bored with this situation.
  • Flat. Also a registration, but much more secure. As a rule, young people gather on the flat to do what they love, which can be listening to music. It is noteworthy that in the language of informals, the word “flat” means a “hard” party with the most unfavorable conditions for a party.
  • On the side. The registration is unsafe for the reason that it brings together complete strangers collected on a social network. The problem may also be that at the very last moment the registration may simply be cancelled.
  • Submarine. It would seem that this is a completely customary registration, during which the company gets together and locks itself in an apartment or goes to the country for several days in order to have a good time. However, during the entire “submarine” you cannot leave the apartment (dacha), and all electrical appliances are completely ignored. Phones are also not allowed. In this way, the effect of complete distance from the familiar world is achieved.
  • Hustle. Translated from English, this word means hustle and bustle. As you might have guessed, hustle refers to those registrations where such a huge number of people gather that the apartment simply cannot be crowded. Not everyone likes such registrations, but at the same time it is much easier to meet people with whom you can hang out next time.
  • Road party. As you might guess, this is a party that takes place on the way somewhere. Most often, road parties can be observed in the compartment of a sleeping car.
  • Sausage entry. This funny name was given to a party where there were not a single girl who had promised to attend this event.

And finally, it’s worth telling that registrations on VKontakte are popular today. A certain user gathers complete strangers at his place, who party all night long, or even several. Finding such entries is not difficult - just use the search in VK. Just remember that such events can end in disaster!

No matter how difficult various foreign languages ​​are to learn, it can be very difficult to understand even your own when it comes to youth slang. In this environment, words are constantly changing - a newly coined term will disappear very soon, and a new concept will take its place. However, some terminology lingers.

You should not try to understand the meaning of this word from the dictionary, at least if young people use it. “Copying” will definitely not mean adding something to the finished text.


Some believe that this concept appeared around during the hippie era. Then groups of people often tried to find some relatively secluded place where they could relax and have fun. The apartments of friends or complete strangers came to the rescue. Those who had practically no money remained there.

Today this word already has several meanings. To begin with, it is worth considering new interpretations, and then dwelling in more detail on the key meaning.

  • The entry may be a specific place in the city where hitchhikers or other budget travelers can stop for free. In turn, the one who lived in this way is obliged to provide his accommodation to other travelers.
  • The same word can be used to describe a simple overnight stay with a friend.
  • A kind of extended overnight stay, that is, staying for several days, is also considered a registration.
  • This concept may not have anything to do with housing at all. It is also used in relation to free admission to a concert with the help of acquaintances and connections.

Entry options

So, the key meaning of the word “inscription” is noisy party, most often accompanied by a large amount of alcohol in the company of unfamiliar people. Of course, this is not always the case. There are other options.

  • For example, a registration may occur not for the sake of drinking drinks, but for the sake of discussing interests, but this does not happen often. Sometimes people come to an apartment due to a passion for a certain type of music.
  • It is not uncommon for strangers to gather together in a stranger’s home.
  • Some people prefer to hold submarine-style parties. That is, a group of friends gets together, but they must not leave their home all night, and it is also prohibited to use electrical appliances.
  • Sometimes the purpose of registration is to gather as many people as possible. The resulting flea market is called Hustle.

Why do we need registrations and how to get to them?

People attend these events for a variety of reasons. Some people like the company of strangers; for them this is a way to start an open relationship. Others simply don't care who they hang out with as long as it involves alcohol and fun.

As a rule, you can find a really good entry t only with the help of friends, who have the number of a verified person. However, luck can turn around on the VKontakte social network. It’s not difficult to find groups in which people offer to join. The only difficult thing is to choose the most adequate and safe option.

An entry in youth slang is a so-called invitation to have fun in a very noisy company, that is, to relax and have fun in someone’s spare apartment. During registration, music must be played loudly.

By the way, the word “registration” itself appeared in the USSR, when young people were looking for a free apartment for entertainment and recreation. The advantage of all “entries” is that you can come there empty-handed and no one will kick you out.

This unusual word was invented by members of the subculture - hippies, rsute.ru reports about this. The guys often traveled around the country, and due to lack of money, they had to ask their friends, acquaintances, or even complete strangers to stay overnight.

Everyone called such overnight stays “discounts.” This is where the word that is popular today comes from.

At the moment, registration for teenagers means attending various parties at home or in an apartment. Such events promise to be very noisy and long; such an event can last a day, or maybe several. A lot of alcohol is always drunk at registrations. Often such gatherings are held when parents of teenagers go on vacation or on a business trip. The main thing is to have a free apartment, house or cottage. Sometimes ''vpiska'' in youth slang can simply mean temporarily living in someone's apartment for a certain time, but generally this word means a party.


This is a fairly safe and harmless entry. People who have known each other for a long time come to such an event. Their goal is not only to drink alcohol, they come there simply for interesting communication.


This is also a harmless type of registration. The guys get together only to do something together. This could be listening to music or playing computer games.


This is a rather strange entry in which the guys lock themselves in an apartment in order to have fun. The goal is to detach from the familiar world. While such a party lasts, you cannot leave the apartment, it is forbidden to use mobile phones, they all go in a box and are distributed only at the end of the party, and it is also forbidden to use any electrical appliances.

On the side.

This type of party is unsafe because people who do not know each other come to it.

Road party.

This is a party while traveling, on the way somewhere. Usually young people gather in a carriage compartment.


This party has another name - “hustle”. These are parties with an incredibly large number of people, so that there is simply no free space left in the apartment, this is the essence of such a party.

Getting registered is quite easy. You just need to use a social network, for example, Vkontakte. There you just need to find a user who decided to gather people at his home for a party for one, or maybe several nights. But it must be remembered that attending such events can be fraught with bad consequences.

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