Home Wisdom teeth The meaning of the name Ekaterina. The meaning of the name - Ekaterina What does the name Ekaterina mean, its meaning

The meaning of the name Ekaterina. The meaning of the name - Ekaterina What does the name Ekaterina mean, its meaning

A woman named Catherine must be beautiful in everything. The name obliges us to do this. There is something royal, proud and ideal about him. Let's remember the legendary actress Catherine Deneuve. French beauty with a chiseled figure and huge eyes. Alas, often Lady Catherine is not as ideal as her beautiful namesake, the actress.


As stated in the annotation, the name Catherine is an improved version of Catherine for Western ears. It is believed that this version is American. But there is a version that this name originates in France. And in sound it is closer to French. In America, it would most likely be Kat. Translated as “pure”, “immaculate”, “unsullied”.


We talked about the origin of the name Catherine above. Now let's remember what awaits its bearer during the wonderful time of childhood. These babies are very curious. They need to know everything, everything is interesting. Sometimes they confuse adults with their reasoning.

Little Katrin is a lively girl who looks at the world with wide open eyes. She is naive, and this quality follows her throughout her youth. He loves to read, so he has a fairly broad outlook for a child. If something becomes interesting in a lesson, she is able to lead the teacher far from the topic being explained with her thoughtful questions.

Katrin is good at friendship, but she has few friends. The girl is extraordinary. If necessary, she is capable of defending her opinion with her fists. She cannot be called the ringleader and the soul of the company, nor can she be called a leader. But he won’t follow the lead of others either. We have our own childish principles. Katrin is a good student. The humanities are easier for her. Teachers love Katrin for her spontaneity and naivety.


What does the name Katrin mean for its owner in adolescence? The girl's character begins to change. If earlier she was a fidget, then, as she grows up, she becomes more balanced. She loves animals very much, all the dogs and cats in the yard are her friends. This love continues in an adult woman.

In an effort to please the opposite sex, the girl begins to experiment with her image. This is expressed in extravagant makeup and completely unschool clothes. During this period, parents will have to especially monitor their daughter, correct her ability to make up and dress. Monogamous by nature, Katrin falls in love early. And it’s good if this love is mutual. If not, she is able to withdraw into herself and no longer try to have relationships with the opposite sex.

As a rule, from a young age he knows what he wants to become. Attracts to animals and nature. Among the “Russian version” of women there are many dog ​​handlers and veterinarians. Compassionate, always ready to help everyone.

Adult years

Catherine is usually beautiful, just like her namesake - Catherine Deneuve. A slender woman with large eyes and dark hair. Although appearance does not depend on the name, of course.

How can you characterize an adult lady named with a wondrous name? Monogamous and careerist. As she gets older, she has almost no friends left, and has difficulty making new ones. This is explained by the woman’s inner timidity, although she knows how to make friends.

There are no flowers in Katrin's house, but our little brothers live there. If a woman is not married, then there may be too many animals. If it’s a family one, then it will be limited to a dog and a cat.


The name Catherine carries with it a penchant for business. This woman can organize her own dog training school or veterinary clinic. Considering that Katrin is a creatively gifted person, given her external characteristics, she has a direct path to television or the modeling business. Those who God did not give them beautiful appearance can try themselves in journalism.

This woman will not be left without money; she will be able to earn money. If she likes her work, she devotes herself completely to it, she can forget about her family, not get married, but quickly fly up the career ladder. If Katrin doesn’t love what she does, she will continue to look for her path until she finds it. Changing jobs is a common thing for her.

Marriage and family

We have almost examined the character and fate of Catherine. Only the details remain. But these are some of the most important details in the life of a woman named Catherine. She does not get married for a long time, although she is not deprived of admirers. She doesn’t know how to trust, she’s used to relying on her own strengths. If Katrin is a careerist, then she simply may not be interested in men.

In marriage, she is a devoted wife, but does not like to run a household. She will not cheat on her husband, she will always support him, but if he begins to demand perfectly washed floors or some kind of enchanting dinner, a scandal is likely. Katrin will not wash the floors three times a day to make them shine. Just like standing at the stove for half a day is not for her. Not a bad mother. She loves her children and gives them everything she can. Typically, these women have one or two children at most.

Pros of the name

The name Catherine is beautiful. Women wearing it achieve certain heights in their careers. Animal and nature lovers. Faithful friends and wives.


Katrin is a lazy woman in the field of housekeeping. She is far from an ideal wife in this regard. She cannot always raise a child well due to the fact that she spends a lot of energy on her work. A very difficult perception in combination with a patronymic for Russian ears.


What should a woman named Catherine pay attention to? Primarily on the gastrointestinal tract. You need to watch your diet, do not overuse coffee and do not smoke. Some Katrins also have poor eyesight. This is influenced by childhood, when little girls read in insane quantities, without paying attention to the quality of lighting in the room.

To maintain your figure, it is enough to follow a light diet: no baking and minimal consumption of sweets. You can do jogging or step aerobics. Many women choose the dance industry, such as half-dancing, and achieve excellent results and a beautiful figure.


For those women who are baptized with the name Catherine, the great martyr will become the patron saint. Name Day is celebrated on December 7th.


The name Katrin is beautiful, unusual and sonorous. These women are careerists, but their personal lives do not always work out. If you direct Katrin in the right direction in time, she can achieve dizzying heights in her career.

The meaning of the name Catherine is very interesting. It comes from the ancient Greek Haikaterine, which translates as “immaculate” and “pure.” The first mention of this name is found in the Moscow census, which was carried out in 1638. However, the popularity of this name increased after Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich gave his daughter the name Catherine. The meaning of the name is quite interesting, but nowadays its popularity has lost a little. It ranks last among the 10 most popular.

Name day

The protector of all women who bear the name Catherine is the Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria. In addition, she is considered the patroness of all future wives. Catholics consider this saint the patroness of women, children, students and schoolchildren.

Catherine of Alexandria lived in the fourth century BC. In those days, she was a learned lady, knew several languages, and also studied the works of all the healers known at that time. Catherine received baptism after her significant dream, in which she saw the Mother of God with little Jesus in her arms. Since then, Catherine of Alexandria began to sacredly believe in Christ, and also boldly exposed the pagan king, who subjected all Christians to terrible persecution in those years. However, for preaching Christianity, this woman was sentenced to terrible torture and later beheaded. Traditions say that the body of Catherine of Alexandria was transferred by the angels themselves to the monastery, which was located on Mount Sinai.

At baptism, the name Catherine remains unchanged; it is also mentioned in the calendar. All women who are owners of the name Catherine celebrate their name days on February 5, September 20, December 7 and 17.

Perhaps parents who are planning to name their daughters this way want to know everything about the name Ekaterina. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with its characteristics in more detail.

Characteristics and meaning

The name Catherine in Russia is associated with the famous Russian Empress Catherine the Great. That is why all girls named Katya can be called little queens from childhood, since they are characterized by regal manners and a large amount of pride. However, perhaps this only seems to others, who associate the name Catherine with the queen. Women who are owners of the name Ekaterina are always bright personalities. But at heart they are timid and unsure of themselves. The meaning of the name suggests that outwardly these women are real queens, unapproachable and proud. By their character type, Catherine is choleric. They are very emotional and easily offended and angry. But at the same time they are very smart. You can feel this from the first minutes of communication with them.

Considering everything about the name Ekaterina, you should also pay attention to the fact that these women are characterized by excessive subjectivity. They are prone to introspection and always blame only themselves for everything, relying on their own strengths. Catherines are very intelligent and intelligent individuals, but they always lack a sense of confidence. They have vulnerable pride and should not be criticized under any circumstances. These women do not forgive offenders; they can even take cruel revenge on them.

Considering the name Ekaterina, the meaning of the name and fate, it should be said that these individuals have a very contradictory and difficult character, which will depend on exactly what mood they are in. These natures are capable of such attacks of anger that can shock absolutely everyone around them. But in parallel with this, Catherines can be kind, generous, calm, even majestic.

Speaking about what the name Ekaterina represents, the meaning and fate of the name, it should be noted that these women get along very well with the team, but if they don’t like someone, they will not hide their feelings towards this person. For Catherine, it is very important what other people think about them, but these ladies never admit it. These natures lose their temper very easily; they tend to take absolutely any remark personally to heart, which is why they suffer greatly from this.

When characterizing the Russian female name Ekaterina, it should be noted that many of its owners have one big drawback, which is excessive vanity and complacency. Katyushas consider themselves much smarter than everyone else. For this reason, they often fail in business. But Catherine, like a phoenix, rises from the ashes and starts all over again. These women are able to withstand the blows of fate.

In general, the behavior of owners of the name Catherine will largely depend on the circumstances in which they find themselves. They can perfectly control their own feelings and anger if they need to. These strong women can adapt to any life circumstances. In parallel with this, they continue to suffer from far-fetched feelings of inferiority. Catherine has a very difficult time accepting superiority from other people.

Before naming your daughter, you should pay attention to the signs of the name Ekaterina. As a rule, such girls grow into extravagant personalities with complex characters. However, this is only an outward manifestation of the inner anxiety that women live with throughout their lives. Those with the name Katya and Ekaterina, wanting to gain confidence, resort to various methods. They can become interested in religion, turn to psychics and fortune tellers, and use black magic. Catherine has a rather rich imagination, which never gives them peace.

What else does the name Ekaterina mean? Owners of this name are very fond of pets, but they should not have very large breed dogs at home. These women are simply not able to cope with raising such large pets, since the impulsiveness and nervousness of their character will be transferred to the animal. if it is large in size, it will be difficult to cope with it.

Catherine’s character develops in such a way that they are able to be good friends. What they value most in a person is fidelity. What is important to them is that they can share both joys and sorrows with a friend. These individuals know how to provide support. At the same time, they expect the same in response. Catherines are born optimists and consider themselves unworthy of sadness.

The characteristics of the name Katya also indicate that, in terms of their internal energy, these natures are not prone to cruelty and aggression. They never accumulate irritation, but throw it out immediately. It is for this reason that most grievances and quarrels are not protracted, but pass immediately after Katenka’s angry attack. Despite all the character difficulties noted in the description of the name Ekaterina, most often these women live rich and full lives, in which they leave no room for despondency and melancholy. In life, these individuals are interesting, bright, noble and generous.


The girls, whose name is Ekaterina, are always cheerful, smiling, and very charming. Most of them love to demonstrate their talents (dance, sing, show their drawings) and are always very happy with praise. They know how to gain authority among their peers, they always have a lot of girlfriends.

At school, these girls study well; it is very important for them to be the first in everything. They are friends with the best students, and since they themselves are very shy, they need a reliable support. Catherine has a well-developed sense of imagination, they are very inquisitive, so studying comes easily to them. Katya is thrifty as a child and does not like to share her knowledge or toys with other children. Little Catherines skillfully avoid conflicts with classmates; they have practically no enemies.

Katyusha's favorite hobby is studying the exact sciences, history, as well as dancing and reading. As a child, Catherine did not show any inclination towards social activities. They love company, animals and trips to nature. Parents should give their girls maximum independence and should also help them gain self-confidence. Girls also need encouragement and praise. Catherine’s independence reflects well on their studies, and in the future, on their careers.

Much in character will depend on the time of birth. Girls born in the summer grow up to be choleric, fickle, spoiled women. They will always be lucky ones and leaders in life. Katya is able to get out of absolutely any situation with dignity.

Winter Catherines are silent and suspicious homebodies. They are often harsh and know how to weave intrigues behind their backs. Spring Katyas grow up to be good educators or educators; they are obliging and pedantic individuals. Autumn girls can become good bank workers or office employees. They are diligent, pedantic and neat.


Women named Ekaterina have an unstable nervous system, they get tired quite quickly, they always need to follow a daily routine and also get a good night's sleep. They cannot work hard because it undermines their health. Catherine gets tired quickly, but it takes a very long time to regain her strength.

In addition, their metabolism may be impaired, which causes a tendency to gain excess weight. From childhood, these individuals should be involved in the prevention of diseases of the respiratory system, as well as the heart.


Catherines are very sensual people who truly love sex. With its long absence, women become irritable, anxious and even boring. But it is difficult for them to find a partner, since due to their arrogance and coldness, these women often scare away the opposite sex. All her life, Catherine has been looking for love, reaching out to it. The reward for a man who can conquer such a woman will be tender sensuality and complete emancipation.

Career and business

Catherines are not characterized by any strong hobbies, so they are unlikely to surprise with an original approach or a non-standard solution. At home they do not feel the need to work, although they may give the impression of hectic business activity. Katya is happy to shift concerns about the financial well-being of the family to her husband.

The career growth of these women is often hampered by pride and excessive temper. Women waste themselves in various directions, as a result of which they do not achieve much success in any one task.

Compatibility and marriage

Catherine always has many admirers, but they are very selective, so early marriage is not typical for them. They take their choice of husband very seriously and rarely make mistakes. Ekaterina intuitively chooses a congenial partner for herself. These natures make a faithful, reliable wife, the support of the family, although Catherine can hardly be called a good housewife. They don’t like to cook, and their home cannot be called exemplary either. Most often, they don’t know how to raise Catherine’s children. In the family, Katya always claims to be the leader, but when necessary, she makes compromises. These women constantly remind their husbands that they have received a truly valuable diamond in their lives.

Catherine, with her characteristic virtues, endures all family difficulties and problems and never gives up. Family is the main goal in life of such women. For the sake of the well-being of the family, they are ready to do anything. However, the husband must ensure that, while striving for leadership, Catherine does not become a family despot.

A successful marriage will be with a man named Vitaly, Anatoly, Peter, Denis, Semyon, Pavel or Anton. It is not recommended to marry a man named Yakov, Victor, Kirill, Nikolai, Sergei or Philip.

Now it’s worth familiarizing yourself in more detail with the character traits according to the horoscope.


Women with impeccable appearance, but not particularly smart. They need to take everything at once; they do not know how to move smoothly towards their goal. As a result, these individuals make many mistakes, including not only work, but also personal life. They choose only mature and strong men as partners.


Diligent and delicate Catherines who approach any task as responsibly as possible. They are hidden leaders, including in love relationships. The husband of such a woman feels like the head of the family, unaware of who actually controls everything in his house.


Sociable and witty personalities. These women enthusiastically tackle several things at once, but in the end they do not complete any of them. They like to shift their responsibility onto other people. Men change often, they love sex very much.


Tender and sensual natures. Homebodies prefer a monotonous, but at the same time stable life. These Catherines are a great success among men; they always want to be protected and cherished. Among a large number of fans, Catherine will choose the one who is best financially secure.

a lion

Frank and liberated individuals who prefer to shock others. They are not afraid to speak the truth in person and do not care about their reputation. They know how to use people for their own interests. Sexy beautiful women are very popular with men.


Self-confident and practical natures who are irritated by indecisive people. They clearly move towards their goals, for the sake of material well-being and high status they are ready to sacrifice any moral principle. In relationships with the opposite sex, Katya claims to be a leader, but she can tame her own temperament if she truly loves someone.


Compliant and modest women have refined manners. They love nature, travel, animals and noisy parties. They value their own freedom, so they get married late or don’t get married at all. They often have short-term affairs.


Hot-tempered and contradictory women with whom it is very difficult to find a common language. They often swim against the current, creating additional difficulties for themselves. They are sensual and tender at heart, but they hide it. Such Catherines need a very patient man who can understand them. With age, Scorpio's character changes for the better.


Great optimists, open and cheerful people. They are very trusting and cannot understand people, which is why they often encounter deception and betrayal. But at the same time they do not lose heart and start all over again. They sincerely believe in selfless and pure love.


Very changeable personalities who are prone to frequent mood changes. They can be friendly and cheerful, but a minute later they are already sarcastic and gloomy. They crave stability in relationships, but are very afraid of losing their own independence.


Romantic natures, prone to idealizing the entire world around them. Their lofty dreams very rarely come true; they are often left alone. These Catherines have a good-natured character, but they can withdraw into themselves. Aquarians are waiting for a prince on a white horse, which is why they can give birth to him throughout their lives.


Impulsive and emotional women who are not inclined to think rationally. Their personal lives are often chaotic, and relationships are unclear and confusing. Protracted romances deplete Catherine’s spiritual strength, so she is often unhappy.

The mystery of the name

For many people this information is very important.

  • Catherine's zodiac sign is Sagittarius.
  • Patron planet - Jupiter.
  • Plant - lotus, cedar.
  • Color - blue.
  • The stone is chrysolite.
  • Happy day is Wednesday.
  • The time of year is autumn.
  • The number is eight.

Now you know everything about the name Ekaterina.

Meaning of the name Ekaterina: This name for a girl means “pure”, “flawless”, “immaculate”.

Origin of the name Ekaterina: Ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of name: Katya, Katyusha, Katyunya, Katena, Katyasha, Katerinka.

What does the name Ekaterina mean: The name Catherine comes from the Greek word “katerini” - lit. “eternally pure”, “immaculate”. The meaning of the name Ekaterina is a tendency to exaggerate one’s shortcomings and not notice one’s advantages. But those around her see beauty, goodwill and intelligence, so the girl has many friends and admirers.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Catherine celebrates her name day once a year: (December 7) November 24 - St. Great Martyr Catherine was a maiden of a princely family and very learned; received holy baptism after a miraculous vision in a dream of the Mother of God with the baby Jesus. Catherine boldly denounced the pagan king for his persecution of Christians; suffered great torment for Christ and was beheaded in the 4th century. At the sight of Catherine's execution, they believed in Christ and St. died as a martyr. Queen Augusta, wife of the pagan king, Porphyry the commander and two hundred warriors.

Signs: Evening under Catherine is a time for divination. Before going to bed, girls put a piece of bread under their pillow and make a guess as to what their betrothed will be.

Meaning of a girl's name

Early childhood: A little girl with this name attracts with her open eyes and calm prudence. Ekaterina loves various outdoor games and quickly remembers everything in kindergarten. Katya loves books very much, easily memorizes poems, recites them with pleasure, but the girl Ekaterina is not without vanity: she is waiting for applause, some kind of gift. Little Ekaterina finds it difficult to get along with other children. She is greedy, does not like to share sweets with peers or parents, and does not allow other children to play with her toys. Katya is capricious and proud; her parents have a hard time dealing with the girl’s difficult character. At the same time, it is difficult for her to instill such traits as respect for elders, kindness and generosity.

Teenager: At school, Ekaterina strives for self-realization through good studies and participation in extracurricular activities. She studies well and behaves well. Among her classmates, Catherine has few close relationships. Ekaterina is proud, it is important for her to be first in class. The girl is friends with the best students because she herself is very indecisive, shy, and needs a reliable support. However, if the teacher is wrong and does not openly admit the mistake, he will forever lose his authority for Katya. Ekaterina is a very inquisitive girl and loves to learn. She is a dreamer, she has a well-developed imagination.

Adult: Having matured, the girl Ekaterina seems proud and unapproachable, although in reality she is still just as timid and unsure of herself. It all seems to her that she is not smart enough, that she has bad taste, that she will not be able to answer as she should... Ekaterina is inclined to take everything upon herself and is overly subjective. In fact, this is a person with high intelligence. Katya attaches great importance to taste and tact, and lives an interesting and eventful life. Catherine strives to rely only on her own strength, in vain neglecting the help of others. Having failed to solve the problem on her own, Katerina is capable of such an attack of anger that can shock her loved ones.

Ekaterina has not had an inclination towards any profession since childhood; her choice is often accidental. But she is able to cope with any work, because she is persistent, stubborn, and it is extremely important for her to achieve a good result in any business she takes on. Catherine has difficulties in communicating with others due to her difficult character; she is able to control herself, but not for long, and often provokes quarrels. However, the owner of this name has no shortage of fans.

Character of the name Ekaterina

P.A. Florensky believed that the name Katya was closest to Nikolai, his feminine complement.

Positive features: Name owners are divided into two types: active and passive.

The meaning of the name Ekaterina is active type: mobility, sociability, cheerful disposition. The name Ekaterina gives courage and the desire for self-affirmation. She has an inquisitive mind of a masculine type and subtle feminine intuition. The young girl with the name Ekaterina is a leader in games, brave, and can ride a motorcycle with the boys. If her parents provide her with the necessary freedom, then Catherine can become independent early. Under favorable conditions, Katerina can receive an excellent education and successfully apply it in her career.

The meaning of the name Catherine of the second type (passive): calm, modesty and even shyness, good nature, cordiality, gentleness, high spirituality. These women often resemble a swan: they are beautiful, graceful, majestic. Catherines do not succumb to external influence; in any situation they remain themselves. Catherine is very dependent on her own mood: she can be kind, majestically calm, easily excitable, quickly lose her temper, and she has a rather difficult character.

Negative features: The character of the active type corresponds to complacency and excessive rigidity. A girl named Ekaterina considers herself very smart, and sometimes evaluates those around her as “complete fools”, has difficulty accepting someone’s superiority, and strives to be the first. Katya is capable of fits of anger; she lacks self-control. A woman bearing the name Ekaterina gives the impression of a woman “with pretension”, she seems proud and unapproachable, although she is often worried and anxious.

The second type of Catherine (passive) is characterized by isolation, dissatisfaction with oneself, timidity, and indecisiveness. Katerinas of this type do not shine in their studies; exact sciences are difficult for them. They often follow their more active friends.

Name Ekaterina in love and marriage

Does the meaning of the name Catherine promise happiness in love? Katya of the first type is a strong, attractive woman who has success in communicating with the opposite sex, has many love affairs and novels. Catherine of the second type always has a lot of admirers, but she doesn’t get married for a long time, she is looking for a person close to her psychological make-up, a reliable support.

In love and marriage, a girl is looking for reliability, an opportunity to gain self-confidence. She is in no hurry to get married, although she has quite a wide choice. More often than not, she makes no mistakes and chooses a person close to her in spirit.

In her future wife, Catherine is looking for the ability to support and take care of her, to give her self-confidence. If such a person meets on Catherine’s life path, she is able to create a very favorable family union with him, and is even capable of changing for the better under the influence of her feelings.

Ekaterina does not cheat on her husband, she is usually a good housewife and a loving mother. Katerina knows how to create comfort and tranquility in the home. She becomes the support of her family, the members of the household especially feel this when she leaves somewhere or gets sick. Often the process of raising children is carried out by the spouse, since it is difficult for Catherine to choose consistent tactics when raising them - the mother is either excessively strict with the children, or is ready to fulfill their every whim.

Compatibility with male names

Ideal name compatibility:

  • Ekaterina and Anton
  • Ekaterina and Vitaly
  • Ekaterina and Denis
  • Ekaterina and Peter
  • Ekaterina and Pavel
  • Ekaterina and Semyon

Failed name compatibility:

  • Ekaterina and Victor
  • Ekaterina and Kirill
  • Ekaterina and Nikolai
  • Catherine and Philip
  • Ekaterina and Yakov

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Ekaterina of the active type copes well with any work in any form. Her life is full of surprises, as a rule, it develops in an unusual way, noticeably different from routine life - this is favorable for scientists, government and public figures, and people of art. Ekaterina does household chores as needed. Catherine of the second type is a good housewife, a caring mother, but she can prove herself as a conscientious worker in the service sector, in production, and in agriculture.

This girl does an excellent job in any profession; Ekaterina has no priority. She is conscientious, but work does not occupy her, she does not feel that she needs work. But, driven by ambition, she will achieve noticeable success, although she will not contribute anything new or extraordinary. Katenka is most often the head of a department of engineers and economists; she will be a good journalist and TV presenter.

In a team, a woman named Ekaterina tries to be balanced and restrained. But if she dislikes someone, which happens rarely, she will not restrain or hide her feelings.

Business and career: Katerina’s conscientiousness and perseverance help her ultimately achieve success and wealth, but Catherine of the first type needs prudence, caution, and the ability to choose a middle ground, and the second type needs determination and determination. Both need qualities such as thriftiness and the ability to run a rational household.

Health and energy named after

Health and talents named after Ekaterina: From early childhood, a girl named Ekaterina was very capricious. Develops normally. Teeth are hard to come by, and the temperature rises at this time. At three years old, Ekaterina can suffer from pneumonia.

A girl named Katerina, if she was born in February - the “February” one has a weak nervous system, Katerina can throw a tantrum. She has weakened bronchi, laryngitis often occurs, there may be a malfunction of the thyroid gland, be careful not to catch a cold in the kidneys. However, overheating in the sun is contraindicated for her. The problem may be with the teeth, an incorrect bite.

There is a possibility of a stomach problem; the name Ekaterina may have colitis. She has stomach problems mainly due to taking a large number of antibiotics. Ekaterina has been weakened throughout her life, she is unbalanced, hot-tempered, and has nervous breakdowns. This mainly concerns the “November”, “December” and “February” Catherines.

Katya needs a calm lifestyle, long sleep, and fresh air. Some of the Katyas are being monitored at the neurological clinic due to complications after birth injuries. Ekaterina may start speaking late, but she surprises with her intelligence, fearlessness and phenomenal memory. She is susceptible to stress and may stutter after a fright. May suffer from enuresis. "Mayskaya" is prone to rheumatism, which is a complication after the flu.

Katya, who was born in January - in her old age, the “January” develops cholecystitis, her legs hurt, and with diabetes, non-healing wounds appear on her lower legs. At this age, the vascular system of the name Ekaterina is disrupted, and there is a possibility of vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is accompanied by severe headaches. Her vision is weakened, polyarthritis and thrombophlebitis develop. Sometimes a woman does not have children due to inflammation of the ovaries. A girl cannot be named Katenka in honor of her grandmother, mother or other relative. In this case, Katyusha will often get sick and develop poorly.

Horoscope named after Catherine

Catherine-Aries: a purposeful and luxurious woman. Her goals in life are the most lofty, but Catherine-Aries moves towards them impulsively. Catherine does not know how to think for a long time, because she wants to get what she wants as quickly as possible. And thoughtlessness leads to mistakes. This woman attracts with her majesty and impeccable appearance. She likes experienced, confident men who could provide and protect her if necessary.

Catherine-Taurus: well-mannered, executive personality. She behaves politely with others, but at a respectful distance, and treats her duties carefully and intelligently. Catherine irresistibly attracts representatives of the stronger sex, because next to Catherine-Taurus they feel like real men. This woman quietly dominates her partner, while being careful about his feelings.

Catherine-Gemini: nature is quick-witted, dynamic, witty. She is able to carry out several tasks at the same time, and does not complete many of them, but deftly shifts them onto the shoulders of others. Catherine-Gemini is the soul of any company, her imagination is inexhaustible, her supply of activity is limitless. Her fans simply don't have time to keep up with her. Today with one, tomorrow with another, until a deep feeling finally makes her come to her senses. But not for long...

Catherine-Cancer: an unusually sensual, pampered woman. She appreciates the usual way of life, is very attached to her family and is as affectionate as a kitten. I want to take care of her, carry her in my arms, protect her from life’s problems. By the way, this is what Catherine-Cancer needs. Behind the mask of weakness hides an observant mind: she is waiting for the right man to lure him into her net and safely hide behind his back. In response, Catherine-Cancer is ready to bestow her chosen one with unearthly love and affection.

Catherine-Leo: a spectacular, passionate, straightforward woman. With her emancipation she can confuse anyone. People, as a rule, are not used to being told the truth “in their face,” and Catherine-Leo does just that. Men completely lose their heads from her stunning appearance and overt sexuality. A partner often becomes a toy in the hands of this lady: she considers the man her property, is not inferior to him in anything, and openly brazenly uses her charms.

Catherine-Virgo: a practical and self-confident woman. She is annoyed by indecisive, soft people, because she herself clearly knows what she wants from life. She is convinced that any cruelty can be forgiven for the sake of achieving a high position and material wealth. Catherine-Virgo likes men who are confident, assertive and strong. She is ready to give up the leading position to such a person, provided that he is not too temperamental.

Catherine-Libra: a modest and compliant personality, with refined manners. She enjoys crowded company, meeting new people, trips and traveling. This woman needs “open space”, she is rarely at home at all and cannot stand “family holidays”. Catherine-Libra “bathes” in male attention and often starts short affairs. She will avoid marriage in every possible way for as long as possible.

Catherine-Scorpio: controversial, hot-tempered personality. It is difficult to find a common language with this woman, because she herself does not want this: the more kindly you treat her, the more arrogant she behaves. One gets the impression that Catherine-Scorpio is challenging the whole world. In fact, she has a tender, receptive soul and a trembling heart. Anyone who falls in love with Catherine-Scorpio should not pay attention to her antics: this will pass over time.

Catherine-Sagittarius: a frank, cheerful woman with an optimistic outlook on life. She does not lose heart, no matter how the circumstances develop, and trusts people. Completely inexperienced in the sphere of feelings, Catherine-Sagittarius often gets into trouble. Deception, betrayal, and betrayal do not undermine this woman’s faith in love, and she continues to look for her lover.

Catherine-Capricorn: nature is changeable. This woman is a person of mood, and her affairs depend on it. Sometimes she is full of enthusiasm, friendly, cheerful, and sometimes she falls into apathy, becomes gloomy and bilious. Naturally, her relationship with her partner will also be unstable. On the one hand, Catherine-Capricorn dreams of constancy in her feelings, and on the other, she constantly tries to avoid dependence on a man.

Catherine-Aquarius: a romantic, evasive woman with idealistic views on things. Her plans are always lofty, she dreams of improving all of humanity, and tries to treat people kindly. Catherine-Aquarius often finds herself misunderstood. Then she withdraws into herself._ This woman is always surrounded by admirers and gives the impression of being successful, but her soul is burdened by loneliness. She longs for ideal feelings and relationships, although with her mind she understands that they simply do not exist.

Catherine-Pisces: an emotional and sensitive woman. She thinks too abstractly, stormy emotions sometimes push her into rash actions - Catherine-Pisces is extremely attractive, and her series of novels lasts indefinitely. The constant change of partners depletes her mental strength and makes her become confused in her own feelings. This woman needs stability and understanding.

Catherine's talismans

  • Zodiac – Sagittarius
  • Planet – Jupiter
  • Catherine's color is blue
  • Auspicious tree – Cedar
  • Catherine's Treasured Plant – Lotus
  • Patron – termite
  • Talisman stone – chrysolite

The fate of the name Ekaterina

  1. Ekaterina Alekseevna Dolgorukova (1712–1745) – princess, daughter of Prince Alexei Grigorievich Dolgorukov.
  2. Ekaterina Romanovna Dashkova (1743-1810), nee Countess Vorontsova, married Princess Dashkova. Friend and associate of Empress Catherine II, participant in the 1762 coup d'etat, president of the Imperial Academy of Sciences (1783-96).
  3. Catherine de' Medici or Catherine Maria Romola di Lorenzo de' Medici (1519 - 1589) - queen and regent of France (1560-1563 and 1574), wife of Henry II, king of France from the Angoulême line of the Valois dynasty.
  4. Ekaterina Gordeeva (born 1971) is a Soviet and Russian figure skater who competed in pair skating. Together with Sergei Grinkov, she is a two-time Olympic champion in 1988 and 1994, a four-time world champion, a three-time European champion and a three-time professional world champion.
  5. Ekaterina Budanova (1916 - 1943) - the first female pilot, Hero of the Russian Federation, fighter pilot.
  6. Ekaterina Maksimova (1939 - 2009) - Soviet and Russian ballerina, choreographer, choreographer, ballet teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1973). Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1981).
  7. Catherine Deneuve (born 1943) née Catherine Fabienne Dorléac is a French actress. The third of four daughters of French actors Maurice Dorleac and Rene Deneuve.
  8. Ekaterina Furtseva (1910 - 1974) - Soviet statesman and party leader. Minister of Culture of the USSR from 1960 to 1974.
  9. Katharina Witt (born 1965) - outstanding German figure skater, two-time Olympic champion in single skating (1984, 1988), four-time world champion (1984, 1985, 1987, 1988), six-time European champion (1983-1988 in a row), eight-time champion of the GDR .
  10. Katharina Böhm is a Swiss film actress.
  11. Ekaterina Vasilyeva (born 1945) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1987).
  12. Ekaterina Radziwill (1858 - 1941) - Polish writer and swindler, representative of the Rzewuski count family. Niece of Karolina Sobanska and Evelina Hanska.
  13. Ekaterina Raikina (born 1938) is a Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR.
  14. Catherine Zeta-Jones (born 1969) is an English film actress.
  15. Katherine Heigl (born 1978) is an American film actress.
  16. Ekaterina Semyonova - stage name - Katya Semyonova; Russian pop singer, composer and film actress.
  17. Ekaterina Bagration - nee - Skavronskaya; princess, wife of commander Bagration, famous in Europe for her beauty and carefree behavior.

Name translation

The translation of the name Catherine in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In English, the name is translated as Catherine - Catherine, in Spanish Catalina - Catalina, in Italian Caterina - Katerina, in French Catherine - Catherine, in Polish Katarzyna - Katarzyna (Katarzyna).

How the name is declined according to cases

  • Nominative case: Ekaterina
  • Genitive case: Catherine
  • Dative case: Catherine
  • Accusative case: Catherine
  • Instrumental case: Ekaterina
  • Prepositional case: Catherine

The Greek name Catherine gained great popularity in the Russian Empire in the 17th century, during the reign of Catherine the Second. It is with royalty that many parents have an association when choosing a name for their future baby. In reality, the meaning of the name Katya is much broader.

History of the origin of the female name Ekaterina

The origin of the name Catherine is associated with the Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria, who, despite being born into a wealthy family, went to the commoners and suffered martyrdom for the Christian faith.

In the context of Greek terminology, the girl’s name began to be interpreted as “pure”, “immaculate”.

The meaning of the name Katya for a girl

The ancient Greek name Katya for a girl will be of great importance not only at an early age, but also until adulthood.

  1. Early childhood. The meaning of the name form predicts leadership and organizational qualities for the child, which go hand in hand with narcissism, straightforwardness, toughness, ambition, activity and honesty. Because of this significance of the name in childhood, Katya wants everything to be according to their wishes, regardless of the feelings of others. Although the childhood of bearers of this name is associated with disappointments and resentments due to unfulfilled expectations, their inherent childlike integrity will have a positive impact on the learning process and career growth in the future.
  2. Adolescence. When a child reaches school age, leadership qualities begin to manifest themselves with even greater force. Capricious and touchy in the past, Katerina tries to become and becomes a leader, from whom it is now very difficult to get tears. Integrity, fairness, honesty and benevolence, commitment, assertiveness, diligence in the absence of such important qualities as tact and diplomacy make her a central figure, surrounded by weak-willed natures looking for a leader, but not a friend. The desire to excel in everything can become a huge disadvantage, pushing the bearer of the name to rash actions.
  3. Mature woman. Adult Catherine gradually acquires previously missing character traits: diplomacy, tact, eloquence and restraint. Mastering self-control enables Katerina to fight doubts and fears. Now she knows how not to show them to others, thereby creating the impression of arrogance.

In adulthood, the bearer of such a name is able to occupy a significant place in society and acquire a large number of friends who will not only admire such a diverse nature, but also value a constructive, cheerful, cheerful, balanced and always ready to help woman. However, prudence, the manifestations of which are noted at an early age, pushes Katya without hesitation to abandon unprofitable relationships in favor of more promising ones.

Name day for Catherine

Guardian Angel Day of bearers of the name form Katya (full name - Ekaterina) is celebrated annually on December 7. The patron saint is a learned maiden from a princely family named Catherine of Alexandria, who was baptized after the appearance in dreams of the Mother of God and Child and was subsequently beheaded because of her bold denunciation of the pagan king. Death was preceded by prolonged suffering.

Character and fate associated with the name

The works of many researchers are devoted to the influence of the meaning of a name on the formation of character and the future fate of a person named after Ekaterina.

Many scientists with different points of view agree on one thing: girls named by this name are demanding and arrogant.

They belong to the choleric type of temperament - they lose their temper easily and are emotional. Catherine is very self-critical, which is often the cause of internal contradictions that negatively affect moral and mental health.

Due to her ambition and determination, which does not put up with failures, Ekaterina builds a successful career in any industry. However, the family life of representatives of the fair sex can hardly be called happy due to the uncompromising, narcissistic and selfishness of the bearers of this name form, who are also indifferent to home comfort and do not like to cook. Catherine is unlikely to become a mother-friend because of her firmness, sometimes even callousness of character, which does not tolerate objections or any pressure from members of the household.

Compatibility of the name Ekaterina with patronymics

When choosing this name for a child, it is worth considering its compatibility with the patronymic:

  • If the father’s name is Alexey, Andrey, Artyom, Valentin, Vasily, Vladimir, Vitaly, Evgeny, Ivan, Ilya, Mikhail, Peter, Sergey, Fedor or Yuri, then the future name promises the girl to become hot-tempered and unbalanced. Her unconditional leadership will lead to the creation of a family with a flexible, compliant man who, after many years of married life, can break off the relationship in search of peace, at least at the end of the road. Katya will always consider only the man who was unable to save the marriage to blame for the situation. Children, most likely, will not see a true friend in a mother with such a name and patronymic.
  • In the case when the father's name is Alexander, Arkady, Boris, Vadim, Grigory, Kirill, Maxim, Matvey, Nathan, Nikita, Pavel, Roman, Taras, Eduard or Yakov, Ekaterina is distinguished by her straightforwardness and demandingness towards loved ones. A powerful nature, which does not tolerate male hypocrisy and female society, does not see itself as the keeper of the hearth. She is completely occupied with herself, building a career, maintaining a slim figure and winning new men, captivated by the girl’s sharp mind.
  • Bogdan, Vladislav, Vyacheslav, Gennady, Georgy, Danil, Egor, Konstantin, Makar, Robert, Svyatoslav, Yan, Yaroslav, naming their daughter Katya, should know that the girl will be more reasonable and balanced, despite the fact that narcissism and critical judgment and pride remain key character traits. Catherines with such patronymics value relationships filled with romantic feelings, but do not care at all about the everyday side of family life, preferring to grow unique, exotic plant specimens rather than cook and create a cozy atmosphere at home.
  • Catherine, whose fathers are Anton, Arthur, Valery, German, Gleb, Denis, Igor, Leonid, Lev, Miron, Oleg, Ruslan, Semyon, Philip, Emmanuel, unlike their previous namesakes, are economical, love to cook and organize gatherings with friends , demonstrating the harmony and comfort reigning in the house. However, female representatives with a similar name and patronymic are distinguished by rancor and vindictiveness. They are able to stand up for themselves and take very painful revenge on the offender - especially a loved one who caused mental suffering.
  • Ekaterina Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Feliksovna is very emotional. A representative of the fair half with a jealous nature and unbridled energy enters into a marriage early, which does not last long. The second marriage, in which children are born, also cannot be called happy because of the leadership character.

What male names will lead to a happy family life?

The female name Katya is most compatible with the following male name forms:

  • Anton;
  • Vitaly;
  • Denis;
  • Peter;
  • Paul;
  • Semyon.

Talismans for the name Katya

The main talisman of the majestic name is the rod, which symbolizes the masculine principle.

Owning a talisman will strengthen your fortitude, allowing you to quickly achieve your goals, conquering the most inaccessible peaks.

Plants-mascots of women named Katya:

  • Cedar – protects against negative influences, giving vital energy and well-being in various areas of life.
  • Lotus - a flower helps to find harmony in family life.

Iron is Catherine's metal, symbolizing rigidity and strength of character.

Suitable stones for Catherine:

  • Agate – gives calmness and calms the nervous system.
  • Chrysolite - protects against rash actions, bringing happiness to family life.

Despite the meaning of the name, there are still a lot of dynamic and static factors that influence the formation of the character and future fate of Catherine - upbringing, environment, time of year and even the day of the week of birth.

Video on the topic

The main traits of the owners of this name are passion and strength. Catherines are focused on internal growth, proud, sensitive and ambitious.

The name Catherine, translated from Greek, means “immaculate.”

Origin of the name Ekaterina:

The name comes from the ancient Greek word "katharios", which means "purification".

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Ekaterina:

Already as a little girl, Ekaterina has her mind on her own and clearly knows what she wants. She is cunning and smart, she knows how to get sweets and gifts from her parents. She is smart in her studies, always clearly understands what is expected of her and what is beneficial for her. Ekaterina perceives the success of her peers painfully; she strives to be the first in everything; in the company of children and teenagers she is often the “center” or, at least, forms an elite around herself. If there is not enough mental strength to lead, he strives at all costs to get into the company of “significant ones.” She has been smart since childhood, but is irritable and quickly loses her temper. Painfully endures the collapse of fantasies.

Ekaterina does not show any inclination towards any particular field of activity; she can choose any one. He quickly gets tired of unloved monotonous work, becomes touchy and capricious. Hardworking and ready to move forward. In his career, he relies only on his own strengths and subconsciously always strives to surpass his colleagues, to be at least a step higher. A strong will usually leads her to success, but uncertainty can undermine her strength. Catherine is interested in art, has a keen sense of music, and even in adulthood does not leave the childhood world of her fantasies, but she is practically devoid of deep passions and internal contradictions with herself. As they age, their superstitiousness and suspiciousness intensifies; the middle-aged Catherines are often quarrelsome and loud.

They look for understanding, help and support in Catherine’s friends. They themselves and their loved ones are always generous, their souls are wide open. A deeply offended Catherine can become petty, and the offender will remain in her good memory for a long time. Impulsiveness leads her to ill-considered actions, and here friends who will not allow her to make mistakes are important for Catherine. She is not the most insightful friend or witty conversationalist, but she is intelligent and noble, ready to provide support.

Catherines rarely have a non-standard appearance; they are beautiful with simple and bright, “Russian” beauty, have regular, “light”, somewhat small facial features and a proportional figure. They love to dress beautifully. Insecure and prone to worry, Catherine can be a little extravagant, but nothing excessive. Catherines willingly emphasize their advantages, are feminine and charming. In men they value understanding and kindness, seek affection and protection, and are picky to the point of dryness. Aesthetic nature makes Catherine sensitive and relaxed in bed. Her sex life directly affects her character; deep dissatisfaction makes her irritable, unkind, and capable of betrayal.

Catherines are diligent housewives, but not very skillful. They love children, but they often don’t know how to raise them; they sometimes spoil them, sometimes they treat them with excessive severity, and sometimes they don’t understand their daughters.

Catherine’s alliance with Pavel, Igor, Semyon, Anatoly and Boris will be successful; problems may arise in marriage with Nikolai, Yakov, Victor and Kirill.

Catherines, born in winter, are inventive and sophisticated in love, “summer” ones are no less passionate, but shy. “Spring” people are ambitious and vulnerable, while those born in autumn are natural seductresses and coquettes.

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