Home Pulpitis Children's poems about cooking. Children's poems about food Measure is in every thing

Children's poems about cooking. Children's poems about food Measure is in every thing

I'm giving dinner to the enemy!
(But I can’t not drink tea...
with it a cookie, a piece of marmalade -
Now I'll probably fall asleep sweetly...

But no, my husband came home.
I’ll eat a piece of meat: what if
did you oversalt? And potatoes...)
I tried a little...

Oh, I’m not losing weight at all!
But why?! After all, I don’t eat!!!

Food tourism
Summer is coming... Me again, setting sail
To a remote but overseas land,
I'll gorge myself on their grub
So, either drag or die.

You will remember your honest mother twenty times,
Before you stop shaking in your hands:
In Bangladesh, boiled cobra
They sell it as tape - by the meter.

In the cordillera with a drunken Inca,
Paying tribute to the chef's skill,
I treated myself to fried pig -
Small, but tasty! Nautical…

In Poland too, without really hearing it,
I didn’t bother to clarify due to simplicity:
SushistUsha, or ushimyshi?
I cleaned it with both this and that...

Last time I pleased my wife,
Knowing that I am weak on fish,
Echinodermous rubbish - Fu-gu fish,
And he kept an eye on who would give the oak first?

But, of course, the most relish is in China!
There people grumble for good health
Everything that prowls and flies in the house,
That is, Prussians and mosquitoes.

It doesn’t matter that the stomach is a burden,
What smelled like spices:
In our scales, if not a snack -
This means the dry food is in a hurry.

It seems that everything you want is affordable,
But with taste - complete fluff and ruin,
And amuse the gourmet's darling
Nowhere but in foreign countries!

And then in winter, having pecked a little,
Sit your family in a tight circle,
And lie - how fun it was to chew
Something in batter called “Cook”.

Don't look, I beg you
Buns on me.
Now I don’t consume you -
I'm on a diet!
The refrigerator is prohibited.
You can't eat after six.
Thank God it's summer now:
Vegetables are appreciated...
No, I'm not disgusted at all
Eating tasteless rice.
It's just a little offensive...
There's an iris melting in the vase.
Willpower is a matter of honor!
I'll wait a little
And then out of a sense of revenge
I'll eat a couple of Snickers.

Diet prayer
Save, save me, God, from buns, jam, sweets,
From fried chicken too, from gingerbread, cakes, biscuits.
From noodle soup, kulebyaki, cheesecakes, dumplings, cutlets.
Let the potatoes be bad for me, and let me shout to the pancakes - NO!
I’d rather be a sheep and just nibble grass.
I pray to you endlessly: let your hands forget to grab,
And my nose is always in the refrigerator to smell and eat something.
Oh my God! Grant me permission to go on an evil diet on Monday.....

Monday is a hard day
So let's live in a new way
I'm on a diet now
This means you can’t eat anymore!
Tuesday. Breakfast - one buckwheat
Mineral water flows like a river
The arrows jump on the scales
And they inspire wild fear
On Wednesday we eat soups
And airy dreams
Jeans are pressing on my stomach
And the food doesn't fit into my mouth
It's Thursday. For breakfast - porridge
And for an afternoon snack, yogurt
Happy cat eats dinner
I'm just trying the compote.
Friday. Heavy sigh
Apples, carrots, peas.
In the evening - don't eat at all
Tomorrow I have to fit into a dress!
Day off. Hurray, it came true
The dress still gave way!
Exhale while lying on your back -
The belt fits me!
What are we having, a theater, a ball?
Who invited you to the evening?
Nowadays you can go to the cinema
I don't care today!
Sunday. Let's rest
Before the hardest day
Lie on the bed
Make sandwiches
And then five cutlets
There's no room for potatoes
But he will always find
Place chocolate cake!
I hide the scales under the table
A waist like a wasp's...
Exactly! From tomorrow
I will live in a new way!

Temptation is a terrible force!
The demon misled me on this.
Well, I just ate some sausage...
200 grams - such garbage...

But I successfully fight temptation,
he won't take me without difficulty.
I ate fish and chicken at once,
although I didn’t want it at all then.

I walked around the room a little,
I understand that I can’t sleep anymore.
I made crumbs out of the cake,
If it's in crumbs, then it's just a little bit...

I drank sweet tea in one gulp
with a sandwich, don't drink it empty...
All! I’m turning off temptations now!
In the morning - only dill infusion.

Well, since I decided to be serious
I will approach the issue of food,
Then I’ll try some salsa from the cold...
I won't die from such nonsense...

A drop of horseradish for brighter taste
and some fried potatoes...
Kulebyaku... just half a bite...
I don’t even want to eat at all.

I have with an iron will
and I can curb my appetite...
If only my stomach was happy...
He is happy... as long as he is full.

Our Tanya is crying loudly -
They hide the stew from her.
Hiding lard and potatoes
They don't give you a spoon for lunch.
Herring, squid, ivashi -
Don’t even ask Tanya!
Stuffed cabbage rolls and kulebyaki,
Pies with raki beer,
Pilaf, meatballs and omelet
They are banned.
Mountains of cream and halva
Girls' dreams are disturbing
They seem to be stealthily
She poops with chocolate
And absolutely to the extreme -
Buckwheat porridge scoop.
What kind of despot and tyrant
Have you turned off the calorie tap?
That's a platoon of girlfriends for a holiday
Gave her a hula hoop!
I was already sweating while getting dressed -
It doesn't go below the neck!

With a long loaf under his arm
A boy was coming from the bakery,
Next with a red beard
The dog minced short.
The boy didn't turn around
And the loaf was shortened.
O. Grigoriev


One two three four.
There are four weights on the scales,
And on the other hand
There are pancakes on the scales.
On a plaque near the house
I baked them myself.
Not a single one came out lumpy,
Not a single one was set on fire!
Damn you, damn him
And others one by one.
Eat faster
Don't look!
If you don't want to eat, come out!
G. Ladonshchikov

Borisky and Anton

Two pussies-
Two Boriska
They sit on planks,
There are two toffees in front of them -
They don't eat them
They are looking at the poodle
Named Anton,
Who eats a bun
The name is loaf.
And Boriska's salivating
Just have time to swallow...
- Anton, take some toffee.
Let me chew some bread...
V. Simonov


- Stop crying, girl!
- Not enough...
- What's your name, girl?
- Ka-a-cha...
- Katya, who offended you?
- No offense...Have you seen the bagel?
He first rolled into the grass,
And then I found myself under a bush,
And then I played in the sand...
- Here's the bagel you're holding in your hand.
And I’ve already taken a bite.
- Take a bite too!
- Thank you.
Y. Akim

Bagel, bagel,
Loaf and loaf
Baker's dough
Bake it early.
V. Bakhrevsky


Weird mathematician
Lived in Germany.
He's bread and sausage
Accidentally folded it.
Then the result
He put it in his mouth.
That's how man
G. Sapgir

On a hot day

A bug drinks from a cup
Bluebell juice.
Happy insects are drinking
Scented juice from chamomile.
A smart moth
Strawberry loves juice.
There will be enough juice for everyone in the forest!
A bumblebee treats a wasp:
- Here are two glasses for you,
dandelion juice.
A. Maslennikova


Sergei has no patience,
He eats jam with his hands.
Seryozha’s fingers are stuck together,
The shirt has grown to the skin.
You can't take your feet off the floor,
You can't take your hands off your feet.
Elbows and knees stuck together.
The ears were stuck together with jam.
A pathetic sob is heard.
Sergei stuck to himself.
O. Grigoriev


The old lady decided
Bake cheesecakes.
I put the dough
Yes, the stove was flooded.
The old lady decided
Bake cheesecakes
And how many of them are needed?
I completely forgot.
Two things - for my granddaughter,
Two things - for grandfather,
Two things - for Tanya,
Neighbor's daughters...
I counted and counted, but lost my way,
And the stove was completely heated!
Help the old lady -
Count the cheesecakes!
V. Kudryavtseva

The ship was carrying caramel,
The ship ran aground.
And the sailors for three weeks
Caramel ate broke.
V. Bakhrevsky

Delicious porridge

Buckwheat porridge.
Where was it cooked? In the oven.
Boiled, reproached,
So that Olenka eats,
She praised porridge
I divided it among everyone...
Got it by the spoonful
Geese on the path,
Chickens in a basket,
To the tits in the window.
A spoonful was enough
Dog and cat
And Olya finished eating
Last crumbs!
Z. Alexandrova

Groceries are being delivered to the store,
But not vegetables, not fruits.
Cheese, sour cream and cottage cheese,
Glazed curd.
Brought from afar
Three cans of milk.
Our children love it very much
Yoghurts and curdled milk.
This is very useful for them
Ours is a dairy store.
V. Nishchev

If from milk
There were clouds.
In winter, delighting the whole world,
Ice cream would fall from the sky.
V. Shlyakhin

If there are no sweets in the house,
Don't invite guests over
It's impossible to have fun
No sweets and no cakes.
E. Stekvashov

Greedy dog

Greedy dog
Brought firewood
He applied water
Kneaded the dough
Baked some pies
Hid it in a corner
And he ate it himself -
V. Kvitka

The seagull made tea
From seaweed.
The fish drank
- The seagull's tea is delicious.
I. Demyanov

The hare is a kind soul
It became cold. Krinichka
It was slightly frosty.
Five bags of flour on a chaise
The hare brought it from the mill.
And he said:
- First duty
Let's treat the forest animals.
The bunny baked a lot
Delicious buns for them.
Happy kids. The hare is happy:
Nice job.
The aroma from the hut
Spread through the forest.
So the squirrels are in a hurry,
Hedgehogs, tits...
Hare - kind soul -
Hands out gifts.
B. Belash


If the stove bakes,
If it’s a cut, then it’s a cut,
If it’s buckwheat, then does it buckwheat?
No, no
She is growing!..
If you collect buckwheat
And put it in a pot,
If buckwheat is water
Fill from the river,
And then,
And then
Cook for a long time in the oven,
It will turn out to be ours
Favorite porridge!
I. Maznin


The candy can be simple or with fudge,
A little sour and sickly sweet,
In a shiny and unattractive wrapper,
Strawberry, raspberry and chocolate.
And soft, and hard, and even viscous,
There are a whole bunch of nuts in it.
And everyone who has tried it understands:
It is never unnecessary.
D. Polovnev


We're not in a hot oven
Let's bake Easter cakes:
It's not flour we need -
Just a handful of sand.
Pour sand into a bucket,
Slam it once.
Easter cakes are good
Although not from the oven.
This is what the mouth asks:
- Break me a piece.
E. Stekvashova

Lazy person

Kostya chews dry bread.
- You should eat it with fish soup!
Kostya is blushing from ear to ear,
He decided to be truthful:
- I would eat it with fish soup, but after
I need to wash the plate!
I. Demyanov

Frog's purchases

-Where are you coming from, frog frog?
- Home from the market, dear friend.
- What did you buy?
- A little bit of everything:
I bought kva-pusto, kva-salt and kva-rtoshka.
V. Orlov

Masha cooks

We asked our Masha:
- What are you doing, Masha?
- Colored porridge made from flowers
I'm cooking for the cat.
I. Melnichuk

We bake pancakes
Okay, okay,
We bake pancakes
We bake pancakes...
For whom? For grandma!
Well, what remains
You and I will get it!
S. Pshenichnaya

Mouse Natasha
I ate porridge:
In a mouse bowl -
Not another crumb!
Bored without porridge
Natasha the mouse.
A. Gramolin

Bake for Varyusha
Cheesecake's girlfriend.
Girlfriend pillow
Made by Varyushka.
V. Bakhrevsky


Let's bake a pie out of sand,
Let's invite mom to visit,
We invite you too, friends,
You just can't eat the pie.
V. Orlov


- Where are you from, pie?
- I come from the field, my friend.
I was born there as grain,
I was at the mill later.
I visited the bakery
And now it’s on the table.
T. Dmitriev

Grandma put it in the oven
Bake pies with cabbage.
For Natasha, Kolya, Vova
The pies are already ready.
Yes, one more pie
The cat was dragged under the bench.
Yes, there are four in the oven.
The grandchildren are counting the pies.
If you can, help
Count the pies.
N. Konchalovskaya


The British love
Have PUDDING for dinner.
Because PUDDING -
Very tasty BLUEDING.
Someone who loves PUDDING
And often goes to GOSTING,
There is no such thing as HOODING,
And sometimes there is TOLSTING!
A. Usachev


Sasha walked along the highway,
He carried drying goods in a bag.
Drying - Grisha,
Drying - Misha.
There are dryers Proshe,
Vasyusha and Antosha.
Two more dryings
Nyusha and Petrushka.
V. Timoshenko


My mother brought me some dryers,
I looked and there were freckles on them.
Cleared the dishes from the table
And he said to her:
- I won’t eat!
- Why? - Mom asked.
He didn’t lie, he answered directly:
- If I eat these dryers,
Freckles will come to me.
But in vain I thought like this:
It was just poppy seeds that were drying.
I. Vinokurov

Counting book

White poodle,
Ludin poodle
Carried on a saucer
Sweet pudding.
White poodle,
Ludin's dog
Whole pudding
Lude carried.
White poodle,
Ludin poodle
Ate on the sly
Sweet pudding!
White poodle,
Faithful dog
Why are you pudding
Didn't get it?
L. Mezinov
Mouse reader
One two three four,
Let's count the holes in the cheese.
If in cheese
Lots of holes
Cheese will be delicious.
If there is one hole in it,
So it's delicious
V. Levin

At the porch

I got up early today
To bake a rosy pie.
I bake it with viburnum
Not from dough, but from clay.
On the bench by the porch
The sun warms like a stove.
- Sun, sun, help,
Bake me some pies!
B. Iovlev

Milk ran away

The milk ran out.
Ran far away!
Down the stairs
It rolled down
Down the street
It started
Through the square
It's leaking
Under the bench
It slipped through
Three old ladies got wet
Treated two kittens
Warmed up - and back:
Down the street
It flew
And it crawled into the pan,
Puffing heavily.
Then the hostess arrived:
- Is it boiling?
- It's boiling!
M. Boroditskaya
I peel vegetables for cabbage soup.
How many vegetables do you need?
Three potatoes, two carrots,
One and a half heads of onion,
Yes, a parsley root,
Yes, cabbage cob.
Make room, cabbage,
You make the pot thick!
One-two-three, the fire is lit -
Stump, get out!
M. Boroditskaya

This is not your pie
With a crispy crust,
And the ruddy ship,
The most real one.
- Full speed ahead!
- There is full speed!
- Right in your mouth!
- Eat it straight into your mouth!
This delicious ship
Baked by mom.
Lucky cherries
In the middle itself.
R. Kulikova

I decided to cook compote
On mom's birthday.
I took raisins, nuts, honey,
A kilogram of jam.
I put everything in the pan,
Stirred, poured water,
I put it on the stove
And he turned up the fire.
To make it tastier,
I won't regret anything.
Two carrots, onion, banana,
Cucumber, glass of flour,
Half a cracker
I added it to my compote.
Everything was boiling, steam was swirling...
Finally, the compote is cooked!
I took the pan to my mother:
- Happy birthday, mommy!
Mom was very surprised
She laughed and was delighted.
I poured compote for her -
Let him try it soon!
Mom drank a little
And... she coughed into her palm,
And then she said sadly:
- Miracle - cabbage soup! Thank you!
M. Druzhinina

Currently topic healthy eating is especially relevant. Healthy eating includes several aspects that are worth considering. The food we eat should be consistent with the activity we engage in; We also need to take into account the time of year, day, region in which we are located, age and other circumstances. For example, a pregnant woman must adhere to a certain diet, while outside of this position, sometimes she can allow herself some weaknesses. Or for a person who has decided to devote a day to yogic practices, it may be better to abstain from food altogether during this time. By the way, fasting days can also be attributed to aspects of a healthy diet, since they help cleanse the body and teach us the main thing - moderation. Other methods of cleansing the body, in turn, allow us to adapt to a new type of nutrition, updating the intestinal microflora, which dictates our eating habits.

It is with nutrition that global changes often begin not only in our health, but also in our way of thinking and life. In our opinion, even the formulation “Conscious nutrition” can be considered more correct, since for it to be truly healthy, we now need lion's share awareness in the approach to choosing products. For the most part, this is what we present to your attention with poems on the topic of Healthy, Conscious Nutrition from the author Alexei Gagarin.

Feast for the whole world

There's a holiday on the table today,
Full of flavor and colors,
A variety of aromas,
From the most distant shores.

From Morocco tangerines
They brought us vitamins,
Ecuador across the ocean
Sent a banana to us.

Pineapple came from the East,
From tropical lands
Here's a red-sided peach
Arrived from Spain.

Orange with Turkish light
I was sated for a whole year,
Kiwi with warm greetings
Iran transmits to us.

Here is a wonderful gift from Crimea -
Bunches of ripe cherries,
And behind them are two giant ones,
Two Astrakhan watermelons.

A pair of apples crowns
This feast is full of benefits.
Those who didn't know will now find out:
The world has gathered on the table!

Forest store

People used to go to the forest
And today to the store.
But the baskets, as they were,
That's right - one to one.

As people searched before,
What should they eat one of these days?
So they are looking for, so they will be -
It's in the roots.

But not everything in the forest is edible:
Lots of berries and mushrooms
Not at all suitable
For our hungry mouths.

Nowadays in every store
It is also important to choose:
What is asked for in baskets,
It’s not always worth taking!

Anything measure colors

Every thing is measured in measure,
And especially food.
I've eaten enough and that's enough,
Ate more - so expect trouble.

The body is such a thing:
It's better to always be friends with him.
Asks for onions - means onions,
He asks for water - he needs to drink.

You need to feel and hear
You need to know your body
How he eats, how he breathes,
What is the most comfortable way for him to sleep?

He likes the cover
His hunger cannot be appeased
He can't eat a little
He can eat anything.

Distinguish where the mind is and where the body is
Everyone should be able to
Who doesn't want to
Accidentally gain weight.

Going to the store, friends

When you go to the store, friends,
I was surprised today.
Instead of GOSTs, which were strict in the past,
Here are the ingredients of many products:
Glutomate, flavoring,

Sweetener, elmulsifier,
Preservatives and dye,
Unknown baking powder.
Even a small nut
Already contains a couple of “Eshek”.

Further along the rows I walk
And I involuntarily notice:
Someone put it "accidentally"
Local palm oil in cottage cheese
And also in all products!
God is only vegetables and fruits
From a tropical scourge,
Like from a fiery mouth
I was able to save... But what next?
Will it be with us? The answer is simple:
Or we pray and fast,
Or we demand, as before,
To return the old GOST!

Very often children do not want and do not like to eat - read these wonderful poems together for them to lift their mood and appetite!
Instructive poems - poems about nutrition, about food for children

About a girl who didn't eat well
Julia doesn't eat well
Doesn't listen to anyone.
-Eat an egg, Yulechka!
-I don’t want to, mommy!
-Eat a sandwich with sausage! -
Julia covers her mouth
- Soup?
Yulechka's lunch is getting cold.
-What's wrong with you, Yulechka?
-Nothing, mommy!
-Take a sip, granddaughter.
Swallow another bite!
Have pity on us, Yulechka!
-I can’t, grandma! –
Mom and grandmother are in tears -
Julia is melting before our eyes!
A children's doctor appeared -
Gleb Sergeevich Pugach,
He looks sternly and angrily:
- Does Yulia have no appetite?
I just see that she
Definitely not sick!
And I'll tell you, girl:
Everyone eats -
And the beast and the bird,
From hares to kittens
Everyone in the world wants to eat.
With a crunch, the Horse chews oats.
The yard dog is gnawing on a bone.
The sparrows are pecking the grain,
Wherever they can get it,
The Elephant has breakfast in the morning -
He loves fruits.
Brown Bear licks honey.
The Mole is having dinner in the hole.
The monkey eats a banana.
Boar is looking for acorns.
The clever Swift catches a midge.
Cheese and lard
Mouse loves...
The doctor said goodbye to Yulia -
Gleb Sergeevich Pugach.
And Julia said loudly:
- Feed me, mommy!
S. Mikhalkov

I put it
I, of course,
Helped her:
Into the dough
A handful of
poured it out
A jar
I'm a pie
To the glory!..

But there is it
Could not.
Roman Sef

Song of Kuzka's brownie
If you put cottage cheese inside,
it turns out to be a pie.
If they put it on top,
They call it cheesecake.
So and so good!
So and so delicious!
V. Berestov

Dali in kindergarten.
And in a glass
In plain sight -
And below,
And at the wall
Give me my strainer!
Give me my drinking bowl!
I won't walk
I will not play,
I'll stay sitting here
And look at the foam.
And everything is re-
and re-
E. Moshkovskaya

Weird mathematician
Lived in Germany.
He's bread and sausage
Accidentally folded it.
Then the result
He put it in his mouth.
That's how man
Invented the Sandwich.
Genrikh Sapgir

Mouse in a green circle
I cooked millet porridge.
There are a dozen kids
Waiting for dinner.
Everyone got a spoonful -
Not a speck was left.
from Czech folk poetry

Breakfast recipe
If you have mom for breakfast
So tasteless sour cottage cheese
Under the pretext that it is useful,
Will try to serve
You say: “What are you mom!
It's just not relevant.
Gotta make it appetizing
We'll tell you how.

A pile of plain cottage cheese
Put a little sour cream
To make the cottage cheese softer
And more pleasant to the tongue.
Feel free to add to that mass
You are raisins, coconut shavings,
A little vanilla
And don't forget the cinnamon.
Now mix everything
And put it on a bun,
What is cut into pieces
About a finger thick.
Bake everything in the oven
And in 5 minutes we will get
Crunchy and tender
A delicacy for children.
That's when we have an appetite
Crispy curd cheese
And more than once supplements
We’ll manage to ask.”
Kira Kononovich

Pasta lunch
Make-believe pasta
were called "pasta".
rolled along the path.
A big army has gathered
collect pasta:
Mouse, Cat, dog Timoshka,
fly Nyushka,
Chernushka beetle and some kind of frog.
Yes, but to the Mouse, yes, but to the Cat,
Yes, but stupid Timoshka, Mushka Nyushka
And Chernushka (Just like someone else's frog)
They don't need pasta, they find pasta funny
And to taste, and to hear, and to touch, and to smell!
The cat only loves lard.
The mouse eats quite a bit.
Timoshka the dog loves soup.
Mushkin's taste is quite rough.
Morning, afternoon and evening
Chernushka beetle eats bark.
“Well, why,” asked Mushka, “
What does a frog eat?
And the frog answered her:
- Come for lunch!
And went to her swamp,
Closing the gate behind you.

By berry
Nikla to the ground,
Frozen from the heat,
Hid behind the pine needles...
Well, I won’t be lazy:
I'll bend down low.
That's where the touchy ones are!
Not alone! A lot of them!
For a silk belt
Tied a tuesok
From white birch bark
For ripe berries.
Berries for you, my friend,
The pie will be sweet.
L. Korchagina

Pot-bellied teapot
I love the pot-bellied teapot!
He's busy with hot business
He whistles his song
And the lid rattles!
Puff-puff, cheerful delicious steam
It flies out of the teapot like a ball,
And sometimes from the nose
Sticks out like a question mark.
The pot-bellied teapot is famous
In any season,
Especially when it's worth
Bad weather.
Then jam or honey
Mom gets it in no time
And two big buns
For a little party!
I smile from ear to ear
And my kettle is rattling,
Laughs like an ant
It tickles him to tears!
Puff-puff, hot delicious tea
Dispels boredom and sadness.
He's with honey, he's with jam,
In a wonderful mood!
And the teapot dances on the table,
Feasting with us
And I sing in its warmth
a song for mom about the teapot:
"The pot-bellied teapot is famous
In any season,
Especially when it's worth
Bad weather.
Puff-puff, hot delicious tea
Dispels boredom and sadness.
He's with honey, he's with jam,
In a wonderful mood!

What is a sandwich?
What is a sandwich?
This is ON
And this is UNDER.

What goes on top-ON?
Butter, fish, ham,
Cucumber, caviar and cheese,
And a piece of sausage...
The bread is placed from below, UNDER-
and the burger comes out!
A. Usachev

Sad sausages
On Lariska's plate
two sausages are bored -
sad sausages
Lariska doesn't like it.
If only there were sausages
give it to the dog bowl
they would be there in sadness
You wouldn't be bored for long.
Tim Sobakin

Friends, it's hard for me to breathe,
The last hour has come...
Damn apple pie!
He finished me off.

I ate too many sardines
And custard rings...
Let this little banana
It will sweeten the end for me.

Alas, the earth will not last long
I still have to live!..
Friends, salad Olivier
Is it possible to put it on?

Don't cry, my dears,
There's no need for tears here!..
That's a piece of pudding
And a slice of ham...

Farewell! The light in my eyes has gone out,
And life has expired.
Eh, finally now
eat one more time!..
S. Milligan (translated by G. Kruzhkov)
Chocolate Train
Very tasty and elegant
The chocolate train was rushing by.
Along the carriages
The inscription went-
All the cars in it
There were pure chocolate,
And the carriage benches
There were cancerous necks.
He rushed like the wind,
But unfortunately
Vez is sweet.
These terrible sweet tooths
All carriages
And then they couldn’t resist
The locomotive with the chimney was eaten
And of course, halfway
They had to walk.
Roman Sef

Who is more likely to finish his drink?
Mom a cup of milk
Masha poured it.
“Meow,” the pussy says, “
Here I come!”
Pussy in a bowl
It's more fun to drink together.
Come on,
Who will finish drinking sooner?
Who's not a bit
Won't it spill?
S. Kaputikyan

If the stove bakes,
If it’s a cut, then it’s a cut,
If it’s buckwheat, then does it buckwheat?
No, no
She is growing!..
If you collect buckwheat
And put it in a pot,
If buckwheat is water
Fill from the river,
And then,
And then
Cook for a long time in the oven,
It will turn out to be ours
Favorite porridge!
I. Maznin

Once upon a time there lived a funny Bobik
In the booth.
Ate for breakfast
For lunch
He eat
And for dinner -
He's a fragrant sausage
Gave it to a neighbor
And when he walked
On a visit,
Brought it under my arm
G. Novitskaya

Why did lunch disappear?
-Cook, cook,
Where's lunch?
- I don’t have lunch!
There was lunch, but from him
There's nothing left!
I remember it was for lunch
one hundred eleven cutlets,
One hundred and eleven cakes-
Custard and all kinds.
And three buckets of compote
It was brewed in the morning.
In that cauldron
there were potatoes
And in another -
There was okroshka
And there was cottage cheese in the pan.
I tried a little
And then-
Just a little more
And then-
Just a little more
And then-
Just a little more
And then-
Another piece
And then-
I also tasted
Afterwards I sat down and had lunch,
I looked - there was no lunch!
I don’t know where lunch is!
V. Orlov

I love dumplings
I'm making dumplings
I love dumplings
I like it with cottage cheese, with strawberries,
With meat, with cherries, with blueberries,
With blackberries and cloudberries,
But most powerfully - With potatoes!

Oh, dumplings with potatoes
They swim sideways in boiling water,
Deliciously waving scallops,
They smell like fried onions!

From the pan ajar
The king of dumplings with his retinue
»My queen
He's afraid here
I'm ready and worried - Where's the gravy or sauce?

Get into the pan with a spoon
There are dumplings with potatoes,
Curly curled!

How will we get it out of there?
How to put them on a plate - The whole city, the whole world
Coming to us for lunch:

Isn't it yours, isn't it yours
In golden onions, in oil
White-faced dumpling king
Did you purr with the queen?

Well, of course! Fly in
For dumplings with potatoes,
Dip in onion sauce
All dumplings with potatoes!

I'm making dumplings -
I will feed everyone in the world!
Come with a fork, with a spoon
For dumplings with potatoes!
Y. Moritz

I'm learning a poem
And quietly eat the jam.
Spoon, spoon, spoon again.
Just a little bit until the end!
Chocolate, marmalade,
How sweet it is to learn!
I learned a poem
I would learn it
But at the buffet, unfortunately,
There's nothing left!
V. Orlov
Masha and porridge
Good girl.
Her name is Masha!
And this is-
her plate.
And in this plate...
No, not porridge,
No, not porridge,
And you guessed right!
Masha village,
Ate porridge-
How much they gave!
E. Moshkovskaya

Semolina porridge recipe
Boil the milk
Add salt, sugar,
Stir everything easily
Season with semolina slowly,
Stirring vigorously,
Cool, but not too much
And tied a bib,
Porridge can be given to children.
Igor Konkov

Naked potatoes
Raw potatoes are walking along the path:
jacket potatoes, potatoes in stockings,
potatoes in a shirt, potatoes in boots,
potatoes in tights, potatoes in socks,
potatoes in earflaps, potatoes in a robe,
potatoes in a sheepskin coat, potatoes in shorts,
potatoes in a green coat on cotton wool,
potato in a sweatshirt with a flower in her hair.
They walk and see - walking along the path
towards the potatoes completely naked,
completely without a shirt, completely without clothes,
another potato, like eating naked.
He walks without everything, is afraid of nothing,
no pompom hat, no plaid trousers.
And he doesn’t even want to cover himself with a scarf,
as if he doesn’t see that people are around!
He goes without a scarf, without fear of catching a cold,
without leather shoes, without warm galoshes...
- What impudence! What shamelessness!
Look what the youth have come to!
The potato laughs: - Come on, stop it!
There is no need to be shy, what does shame have to do with it?
I came out of the bathhouse here for a walk,
catch your breath a little, cool down a little.
I cooked for a long time in a wide pan,
I rubbed both my legs and my back,
and so I washed myself, and sweetly clean
I'm going to the boy Yura for lunch!

Vinaigrette and borscht
Was in a hurry for lunch
The vinaigrette…
Tried so hard
I was in such a hurry
what's in the pan
dropped into boiling water - the vinaigrette was cooked!

Here's a big spoon-
try it a little.
Boiled vinaigrette,
chilled with sour cream...
That's the same!
Tim Sobakin

Masha and porridge
- I won’t eat this porridge! -
Masha screamed at dinner.
“And rightly so,” thought the porridge, “
Good girl Masha!"

White refined sugar,
Strong refined sugar
- I'm very hard
- I give the diamond -
Friend and brother.

But one evening
He met
With boiling water.
And melted
Hard sugar
In liquid tea with milk.
Roman Sef

Cabbage soup - cabbage soup
I peel vegetables for cabbage soup,
How many vegetables do you need?
Three potatoes
Two carrots
One and a half heads of onion,
Yes, a parsley root,
Yes, cabbage cob.
Make room, cabbage,
You're making the pot thick!
Once! Two! Three!
The fire is lit.
Get out!

Bought two bagels
Little Ira
Every bagel
There was a hole
Irochka will eat two bagels with milk
And let the holes lie there for later.
S. Kogan

Oh yeah soup!
Deep - not shallow,
Ships in saucers:
onion head,
red carrot,
And a little grains.
Here the boat is sailing,
Swims right into your mouth!
Irina Tokmakova

-Where did the spoon come from?
- She appeared from a teaspoon,
who ate oatmeal and grew up
per tablespoon!
- Where did the fork come from?
- And the fork appeared from huge forks,
who didn't love oatmeal And
turned into a small fork...
Tim Sobakin

So, so...
Lunch is being cooked on the stove,
Auntie makes an agreement with us:
-So, like this: rinse the noodles
I'll ask you, children.
Chop potatoes into soup
And - cook a little.
Give this fish to your pussy.
Add sugar to compote
And please clean up
Throw it in the garbage disposal.
And remove the bones from the soup
And throw it in the dog's bowl.
Well guys, I'm off...

Here I am! Well how are you?
We report to aunt
About the work done?
-So, it’s like this: the noodles have been washed,
Cleanings crumbled into soup
And - cooked a little,
Sugar was poured into potatoes
The bones were thrown into the compote,
Fish - into the garbage chute.
-Where are you taking your pussy?
-Over there, in the dog bowl...
-My heart is bursting!..
This aunt is talking.
A. Shibaev

There are no more amazing words in the world,
than these-
jacket potatoes.
I imagine:
potatoes with gloves!
covered with dazzling gold!
With a sword,
With Spurs,
in dress boots
bypasses the troops
commander Potato.
EYES - his eyes,
My head is round,
On a forged helmet
Sultan of the tops.
N. Cordo

Delicious flour
Flour is pouring out
Over the edge of the bag.
Will become a test-
The kettle is cramped.
Put it in the oven
Bake pies,
The smell is like this...
Full without pies.
And you swallow a piece -
You want more.
V. Stepanov

See other topics in this section here -

With pleasure today
In the morning the kids got up.
Everyone gathers quickly -
Previously in children's
Sad to come. They are being taken to the factory,
Where all the sweets live.
First for the guys
The way of life here is unclear. Here is cocoa and flour
Served from a bag,
Eating sugar with milk
For nuts later...And the next room
He bewitched all the guys:
Chocolate pours from above
Pouring marmalade and hazelnuts,
Lightly glazed
And on the soufflé lines
Passes with creme brulee. Cranberries in sugar run,
There is caramel in the tank,
The gingerbread has taken shape
And he went into the box!.. Life in the factory is in full swing,
Builds up appetite;
Everything the children wished for
They were offered it from the heart. And when they were seen off,
They were given a lot of sweets!

A. Bekhterev

Chocolate King

Behind the mountains, behind the forests, behind the wonderful valleys
The chocolate country has occupied the seashore.
From selected chocolates
The palace was built there, okay. And the Great Chocolate
He's happy to rule on the throne! He has a Prime Minister
Truffle, dedicated artist.
He is always the first in the morning
On the king’s carpet. The king asks a question:
- How did my country sleep?
He is always happy to answer:
- Sweet! Oh Great Chocolate! From a big chest
The king got it then
Chocolate for a flatterer.
The Prime Minister ate it in no time,
Glorified the Kingdom! So until tomorrow
All work was completed!
Chocolate Country
This is how I lived the day day, and great Chocolate
I was always happy about that! You, my little reader,
You’ve been thinking for a long time, big dreamer:
- I wish I could get to that country!
Where can I find her?!

A. Bekhterev

A soldier was walking, a soldier was walking!

A soldier was walking
A soldier walked
One hundred and fifteen days in a row.
One hundred and fifteen days in a row
The soldier didn’t eat anything! How is that possible? Oho-ho!
One hundred and fifteen days in a row?
How so? Oho-ho!
Didn't the soldier eat anything? If only he were in the field,
Field kitchen!
There would be porridge in it,
So delicious...Suddenly out of nowhere -
Dear grandmother:
- Here, soldier, refresh yourself,
He was waiting for me, I know.
Oil porridge,
Painted spoon...I've been a grandmother for a long time
I didn't beg!

N. Pikuleva

Tricky mess

Our porridge is cunning
Our porridge is wise.
You're still sleeping, she comes
Right into sleep, in the morning. The cat’s nose wakes up,
The mustache straightens in a smile,
A cat, smooth as a dream,
Goes on reconnaissance
The tail is a fluffy pipe. Cat, cat,
I'm with you!

N. Pikuleva

Professor once for his anniversary
I decided to please my friends,
And with a thick cookbook
He skips and runs to the kitchen. And now he’s kneading the dough,
I have prepared a place in the oven,
And on top there will be sweet cream:
Everyone will love the cake! There was a big bag in the corner,
Which contains white powder.
He puts it in the cake without fear,
It's a no brainer - it's sugar. He brings the cake to the table quickly,
The guests are already at the door.
“What a wonderful still life,
What a delicious cake this must be!”
But there’s something the guests don’t eat
And the dissatisfied ones sit.”What is my mistake, friends?
I did everything according to the recipe!
But it turned out that the cake was layered
Not sweet at all, but salty!” Do you want to know the answer? Please:
There was not sugar in the bag, but salt!

A. Monvizh-Montvid

Sweet tooth

Our kids have a sweet tooth,
They always have problems in their stomachs.
There are eerie black gaps in baby teeth,
From a variety of delicious colored caramels.
Yes, even sweet things can be bitter,
If they eat too much of it.

E. Stekvashova

Sweet tooth

Chocolate, raisins, persimmons...
Sweets are my hobby!
I'm crazy about halva.
For both cheeks
I kill everything that I need
Served with dessert.
Often even in a dream
I'm chewing candy.
And gap-toothed brother Anton
He says with a grin:
“You, Olefka, are from Flaften
Famous smoothie!”

A. Byvshev

Family cake

Dad was proud today!
He baked a huge cake.
The cake is beautiful and flaky.
But he was so salty
Surprisingly tasteless.
Dad walks around sad and sad. He explained to everyone later,
How he confused salt with sand.
He said he was stupid.
I feel sorry for dad! Apparently new
The Japanese recipe was like this -
Sprinkle salt on each layer! Oh, how my mother was surprised.
She was surprised and smiled.
And then she said:
- The beginning is always the hardest!
Let's forget the failure.
We won’t bake in Japanese.
Let's bake a big one now
Delicious cake for the whole family!

T. Petukhova

Grandfather shares breakfast with Any

Grandfather shares breakfast with Any:
Semolina porridge, omelette.
Eats faster than grandfather Lyuba -
She has four teeth.

E. Stekvashova

Talk about proper nutrition

Dear parents, attention!
The program is in front of you
about proper nutrition! ………………… Let's start the conversation
About proper nutrition.
Introducing a unique
Educational course. Thanks to this program
Many fathers and mothers
Can understand the basics
Eating proper, healthy food. Course initiator –
Nestlé company -
Leader in production
Products on Earth. About proper nutrition
Very important to know
And diet
Observe strictly. If the time is right
Breakfast, lunch,
But the child doesn’t want to eat -
The fidget gallops... Let him help set the table,
Prepare the dishes.
Such a welcome for food
It will allow you to tune in.

Give him some juice bye
Or a glass of milk. You can offer fruits:
Apple or pear.
The salad can be vegetable
Give him something to eat. And fruit salad
The kids are very happy! These dishes are known
Stimulates appetite
It's tasty and healthy! –
That's what science says. Baby nutrition
Must be complete
To saturate the body
Needed and valuable by everyone. Protein products –
Not vegetables, not fruits.
These are cheesecakes, omelette,
Porridge - all with milk. For breakfast, dinner
To all the guys
These dishes
We must give. Meat food is also important
And children need it for development. Lack of meat
And its surplus
Little kids. Fats are a source of energy,
The body needs it very much - This is a building material
For a child, know!
Natural oils
Include it in your diet. In addition to fat, they contain
Minerals, vitamins.
This is for every child
Valuable and necessary. Cereal dishes –
This is just a miracle! Porridges, casseroles
From buckwheat and semolina, from oatmeal and millet,
From wheat grain -
Useful without a doubt
Easy to prepare. Plant food -
Source of vitamins
And also minerals
All necessary. Fruits and vegetables for children
Give it every day.
Better if fresh
And don't forget: With butter or cream,
Sour cream, mayonnaise,
Fruits and vegetables in salads
More valuable and useful. And also food
Must be high in calories
If your child
Mobile and active. If your baby is not enough
Moves, walks -
Overweight very quickly
He will then save up. Many adults
Mistakenly believed
The fact that children are overweight
Health increases. Kids love sweets:
Both girls and boys...
What to do? How to be?
What to replace candy with? You are candy from the table
Then remove it
You have a sweet tooth with jam,
Treat me with honey. If your baby asks
Something to "snack"
Apple or carrot
You can offer it to him. And for dinner you will serve
Wheat and rye bread,
And also for the body
Bran bread is healthy. If your child loves
Play sports -
In carbohydrates and proteins
He will need it. Meat, fish, milk,
Cottage cheese and eggs
To a young athlete
They will be very useful. . . . We hope our advice
They will certainly help you.
And we wish everyone good health:
For both you and your kids!

S. Bogdan

For mom's sake

For our mother's sake
Let's drink milk.
And we'll eat all the porridge
Together with brother Sasha.
Mom will be happy.
But why does she need
So we can eat this
If there is CANDY!

I. Druzhaeva

About Mishka (about the benefits of porridge)

The bear didn’t want to eat -
I didn’t eat tasty porridge.
Vitya, Kolya, Nadya, Dasha
We ate all the porridge on our plates.
The bear was the only one who didn’t eat,
Then he looked stubbornly at the table,
He looked from under his eyebrows
He is angry with the children.
The children stood up together
And everyone said “thank you”...
Mishka even lost weight
Mishkin’s stomach hurts...
- Children! Let's say to Mishka together:
“Children need to eat porridge!”

S. Bogdan

Drank delicious cocoa
Svetochka and Sanka.
Sveta was devouring a bagel,
Well, Sanka is a cod.

We ate cookies together
Pretzel and bagel.
Sanka ate some more jam
A small jar.

We drank compote with the cake,
Even though he is cold.
Dad came home from work here -
So hungry!

Offers brother Sveta:
- Let's have tea with dad.
Get out the candy quickly
"Teddy Bear"!

A. Paroshin

Walnut Tale

The nuts gathered for a secret council:
How to feed the whole world with them? - It would seem,
The world is full
We are everywhere:
And in Africa we are
On Manchurian soil! There's a lot of us growing
In European forests,
In America we are maturing;
We are in all places! However, we would like
Many children
Taste our taste
On a huge planet! That's why we
Let's get together from now on
And we will knock
For every apartment! The nuts settled down
In a big truck;
Hazelnut got behind the wheel,
They all drove away in an instant! And so they stop by
They're in the cities
And every nut
Introduces himself! - Not born yet
In the world for now
The nut tastes better
What Hazelnut is! - Brazil Nut
Will not let everyone lie -
Children would like
You know the taste! Blurred Almonds
In your sweet languor:
- I don’t even have sweets
Sweetest of all in the house! - The smartest,
Of course, Walnut,
He inspires everyone
To a resounding success! - One kind of coconut
Will always answer -
I'm enough for everyone
For lunch, friends! The pistachios have opened
In a cheerful smile:
- Just look at us -
And the fun is ready! - Manchurian nut
The most powerful
Of all: Split me
Can only be done in the oven
It's no use knocking
By the powerful head! And all because
What's in the Manchurian forests
I live in very very
Harsh places! And so, he performs
Pine nut:
- I smell like pine needles
And white as snow! - Cashew, like a moon
Floating in the fog
And with this to yourself
Attracts people! And suddenly - it started falling
Peas from the sky -
Peanut leads
All the children are delighted! On this unrestrained
A note of fun
Nut Ball
Spun me around like a carousel!

A. Bekhterev

Olezhka has a sweet tooth

I have a friend Olezhka -
He's a boy with a sweet tooth.
Can eat a kilo of candy -
There are no restrictions for him!
And Olezhka can
Eat five big cakes!
True, when he ate everything,
Immediately I blushed deeply.
Why is he all red?
Diathesis has started!

L. Ogurtsova

Lots of pancakes
I baked it.
I didn’t eat
I called my friends.
Two red squirrels
came from the terrace
We ate all the pancakes
and then they left.
-Where is THANK YOU? —
I screamed after him.
- Thank you very much! —
the foliage whispered.

E. Zlatkevich

The ram boarded the ship
And I went to the garden.
In the garden somewhere in the garden
Chocolates are growing,
Come, help yourself, lick your lips! And noodles
And noodles
She was born good!
Large and juicy
Sweet, milky,
Just know - water it
Yes, chase the sparrows:
The sparrow thieves love and love her!

K. Chukovsky

I had a sister
She sat by the fire
And I caught a big sturgeon in the fire. But there was a sturgeon
And again he dived into the fire. And she remained hungry
She was left without lunch.
I haven't eaten anything for three days
I didn’t have a crumb in my mouth. All I ate, poor fellow,
Like fifty little pigs
Yes, fifty goslings,
Yes, a dozen chickens,
Yes, a dozen ducklings
Yes piece of cake
A little more than that stack,
Yes twenty barrels
Salted honey fungus,
Yes four pots
Yes, thirty fagots
Yes, forty-four pancakes.
And she became so thin from hunger,
Why shouldn't she come in now?
Through this door.
And if it goes into which one,
So neither back nor forward.

K. Chukovsky

Ice cream

On the way - knock and knock -
A painted chest is on its way.
The old man is taking him,
He yells to the whole street: “Excellent.”
Ice cream!.. We guys are barefoot
We follow the chest.
The chest will stop -
Everyone stands around. Sugary
Ice cream
On platters
It's supposed to
Thick and sweet
Eat without reserve! Gave each of us
A narrow spoon
And we eat for an hour,
Typing every time
A little from the edge. - On the way - knock and knock -
A painted chest is on its way. Summer morning in the chest
The winter cold is coming -
Blue ice on the river
It was split in the spring. Round jars in ice
They chatter as they go.
From parking lot to parking lot
Banks are talking:
"There will be a feast
For the whole world.
We are bringing ice cream for you
And strawberry
Ice cream!" — A fat man is running towards the chest,
He got all soft from the heat,
Cheeks like pillows
Hat on top of head. - Hey! - he shouts. - Hurry up
Put it down for five rubles! The ice cream man took a flatbread,
I rinsed the big spoon
I dipped the spoon into the jar,
Scooped up a soft ball
Smoothed the edges with a spoon
And covered it with another flatbread. I scooped it up a dozen times.
- Receive your order! The fat man didn't blink an eye,
Ate the ice cream at once
And then he shouts again: “Give me another twenty-five.”
Yes, in addition to fifty dollars -
Today is my birthday! - For your name day
Take it, citizen!
Ice cream!
- On the way - knock and knock -
The chest is moving slowly,
Rumbling, almost empty,
And the fat man wheezes: “Wait!”
Give me a spoon of ice cream
Just a spoon on the path
For the sake of the holiday:
It's my birthday! - For your birthday
Have a treat -
Ice cream! The fat man didn't say a word.
Buys for a ruble,
And then for as many as three.
Everyone shouts to him: - Look,
The back of your head is blue
There is frost on the eyebrows,
Like on a tree in the forest,
And an icicle on his nose!.. And the fat man is silent - he doesn’t hear,
It breathes pineapple steam. There is a snowdrift on his back.
The crimson forehead turned white. Both ears turned blue.
The beard is whiter than fluff. There is a snowball on the back of my head.
Snow on the hat cap. He stands and doesn't move,
And the snowstorm is noisy all around... Like our yard
Today the mountain has grown.
The whole road is blocked
People are riding in sleds.
There is no ice under the runners,
And strawberry
Ice cream!

S. Marshak

Masha can't handle porridge

Masha can't handle porridge
Can't put it in your mouth from a spoon,
And candy without any hassle
They just pop into your mouth.
Is Masha to blame?
There's not enough room for porridge.

E. Stekvashova

We're not in a hot oven
Let's bake Easter cakes:
It's not flour we need -
Just a handful of sand.
Pour sand into a bucket,
Slam it once.
Easter cakes are good
Although not from the oven.
This is what the mouth asks:
- Break me a piece.

E. Stekvashova

Who ate the jam?

Mukha looks angry and sad,
Spoiled mood:
Someone entered the storage room without permission,
I ate the jam from the jar.
There are pieces of paper from sweets in the sideboard -
Who needs it without sweets?
They offended Mukha and stole lunch!
Or maybe even dinner.
Yeah, Cockroaches are sitting in the corners...
And suspicion fell on them.
And the Fly shouted: “Here I’ll ask you!”
- Why did you finish the jam?
The cockroaches are grumbling, tugging at their mustaches,
They don't like the accusation:
— We ourselves wanted to ask you:
Didn't you make the jam?
Then the Mouse sneaked into the pantry secretly,
Looking sideways at the door with suspicion.
And the Fly sat astride the Mouse:
- Why did you lick the jam?
- Yes, what about you, madam? - she squeaked, -
I eat very little.
And she darted into the hole when she saw the cat,
Creeping from the threshold.
Well, the issue has finally been resolved:
Mucha has run out of patience.
And the Fly grabbed the Cat by the tail:
- So that’s who ate all the jam!
Yawning lazily, waving his tail,
The cat answered her with indignation:
- Yes, even if I were the hungriest Cat,
I wouldn't touch that jam!
Like a bullet, the boy flew into the closet,
My whole nose is smeared with jam.
- So, who is creating chaos here!
An unprecedented crime!

A. Metzger

Chocolate candies
Loves to eat Sveta.
But from these sweets
No more joy. Brush your teeth twice a day
Our Sveta was lazy.
That's why there's such confusion -
A huge flux has come off!

N. Hilton

Who likes what

The hare likes cabbage:
It’s crunchy and very tasty. The dog loves bones,
The elephant - carrots, the horse - oats. The sparrow pecks nimbly
A reindeer is looking for grain from its feeder
Moss under the snow all day long. The cat likes sour cream,
It’s a pity, they don’t give it consistently. And the bear is honey from bees
I would eat and eat all year round. There is a cow in the meadow
Ready to chew until dark. For a shaggy puppy
Joy is a saucer of milk. Well, I love jam,
This is simply delicious. Nothing tastes better,
This is clearer!

M. Plyatskovsky

I have one concern -
How to get to the compote.
He's on the top shelf
Between jam and pickling. I moved my chair closer,
He extended his hand to the jar.
And now I look like a cat
He's licking my compote off the floor.

E. Stekvashova

There are apples in a jar,
Everyone was comfortably seated.
They were poured with boiling water
With dissolved sugar. Give it time to brew
And soak up the syrup.
After this compote
Looks delicious in the mouth!

A. Bekhterev


Well, I guess I'll take a chance:
I'll try the strawberry.
One for myself, one more,
Perhaps for my sister. Two berries are such a trifle,
Nobody will notice.
But everything turned out wrong
Now I'm on a diet. I didn't wash the berries, and so
The mud made my stomach hurt.
Yes, it turned out that way - whatever one may say,
There is no escaping the truth, brothers.

E. Stekvashova

I poured rice into a bowl
And he filled it with water.
The rice has swollen and burst into color,
Breathes, glows, as if alive. Steam billows from under the lid,
The lid jumps, ringing.
Come everyone and learn
Cook for me.

G. Lyushnin

Come on, come on, come on, come on!
Don't grumble, pots!
Don't grumble, don't hiss,
Cook sweet porridge,
Cook sweet porridge,
Feed our children.

I. Tokmakova

I baked the loaf myself
Weighing ten kilograms. Wheat flour dough
Kneaded on the table for half a day,
For everyone to sit around,
So that everyone can eat,
So that it’s left for me. That’s what a loaf is for
I invite you to the holiday.

G. Lyushnin

Like a spikelet of bread came to the table

A spikelet grew in the field.
How could he become bread?
The spikelet is full of houses!
A grain has ripened in everyone. And from the grain in due time
There will be a new spikelet!…
First things first, in order -
We will solve the riddle. We went out into the tractor field,
It's time for them to plow the land,
To sow rye, wheat...
After all, Bread will be born in the field! Everything is ready for sowing!
And the work is in full swing again...
The seeders are full
Grain is poured.
From early dawn until dark
It is sown in the ground! The sun warms the earth,
The rain pours down generously.
By the end of summer the deadline passed -
A spikelet grew in a field! The field was flooded with sunshine,
They say it's golden...
The spikelets grew, worked,
Filled with sunlight,
Strength was taken from the Earth -
They were able to become gold! The days flew by... It’s coming
Harvest time...The agronomist went out into the field -
He is intimately familiar with the land.
Knows what to grow and how -
He is a master in this matter!
I took the spikelets in my hands...
“The harvest is ready!” - said. Everyone got down to business together
And the work began to boil!
From early dawn until night
The engine of the combine is bubbling...He skillfully reaps the ears,
Grain is being poured into a truck!
How noble this is!
And the farmer got used to work! Cars are driving to the fields
To have time to harvest the harvest,
While it's warm, the earth is dry,
The harvester is in a hurry to reap the ears.
And the sky is already covered in gray clouds...
I wish I could make it before the rain... Let's get to work! They're transporting grain to the elevator.
And there is a hard worker-excavator...
He will mix the grain,
To ventilate it,
To dry under the sun,
And it preserves better in winter. As soon as the grain is ventilated -
They take him to the mill.
The wind turns the millstone,
Turns grains into flour...
You prepare only bags -
There's enough flour here for everyone! White-white powder
They pour it into our bag.
... So we have flour
From wheat grain.
Like a little white thing, small -
Excellent quality!
How should we proceed now?
What to knead the dough from? Well, let's start... Sift the flour.
Pour it in a heap.
We pour water into the middle,
We fill with oil.
And now a little salt -
Just a pinch, no more... Add an egg, sugar too,
This will help the test
Be lush and very tasty.
Let's work skillfully! In the meantime, let's prepare the dough
For the test we set:
Yeast with milk, flour
Let's beat it and leave it.
Let it stay warm,
So that it doubles in size! Now the dough is ready.
Now you can mix everything.
Carefully and accurately
To give strength to bread! Bakers have a secret
This is the only place for the patient!
The longer we knead the dough -
The more magnificent the bread will be! The dough must be allowed to rise,
So that you can gain strength,
So that it is airy and lush...
Delicious bread will not be superfluous! Place the dough in the molds,
Let it sit for a while.
Turn up the heat in the oven -
The fire burns more merrily!
Still need to wait -
He will grow up... and put him in the oven. Time passed quickly -
The dough began to breathe in the molds:
Became loose, spongy
And airy, like cotton wool.
It's time to put the dough in the oven,
To bake some bread! The house smelled of bread.
This means everything is ready!
We take it out of the oven,
Cheesecakes, buns, rolls,
The buns are fragrant,
Noble loaves!
The crusts are crispy,
Ruddy, shiny! Loaf... Oh, beauty!
This bread is for a celebration.
Not every craftswoman
Maybe such bread will be born! Wheat and rye bread,
Custard and bran...
Buns, buns and cheesecakes,
Bagels, bagels and dryers,
Waffles, crackers, cookies,
And a cake with jam,
Pies and pies -
Everything is made from bread flour!
Pasta everything in the world:
Horns, shells and spaghetti,
Manti and famous dumplings...
We cannot replace flour with anything! Take care of your bread, guys!
Never litter with them!
Many hands raised him,
They collected, threshed,
Sometimes there was no rest,
They stood at the stove for a long time,
To bake something useful for us
The bread is fragrant and wonderful!
That's a small spikelet
I was able to bring bread to the table! July 1-5, 2011

S. Bogdan

The cutlet story

Once upon a time there lived a boy, Petya,
And one day somehow suddenly
It's in a crispy cutlet
I saw a nasty onion. Petya wrinkled his lips sourly,
Doesn't look at the cutlet
Saliva hung in the air,
Lost appetite. "What is this? How is this possible? —
The fork fell out of my hands.
Very tasty cutlet
And here you go - ugly onion! "Ugh!! - blushing with rage,
Our Petya began to cry,
If only a fairy would come
Then I would ask
To add to meat
Chocolate and marmalade,
Then they rolled in sugar,
Topping up the lemonade!
So that when you chew a cutlet,
There was a sweet crunch -
Oh, how delicious! And wherein,
No onions, no cabbages!.. The breeze slid down my neck...
Suddenly, out of nowhere,
Aunt Fairy appeared
Flew down to Petya
And hung over the parquet:
“It was as if you were calling me?
Here is the desired cutlet -
Everything is as you ordered:
Mixed with lemonade
Sugar, meat, marmalade,
Chocolate with hazelnuts -
All the yummy things in a row!” And, lightly waving his hand,
Looks mysterious
And gives him this
Something strange looking.
Petya took a wonderful dish,
I took a careful bite,
Swallowed it and - what a miracle -
As always he said:
"Ugh!! - blushing with rage, -
Give it all back!” "Fine! - said the fairy, -
As you wish! Goodbye...” After that she took off,
Taking away a strange dish,
I hit the ceiling with my foot,
Without calculating my flight.
And a magic rocket
Flashed outside the window... There is a cutlet on the table
Very tasty, with onions.
Petya skillfully with a fork
On the plate - knock and knock!
Yum Yum Yum! - how delicious it is!
What a beauty this bow is! Since then, our Petya has been friends
With a wonderful beam -
Became obedient and, moreover,
He became a healthy boy.
His sore throat does not take him away,
And it's already been a year
He is with the fairy tale “CHIPPOLINO”
He falls asleep and gets up!

S. Oleksyak

Brownies and porridge

Dunyasha shouts at the table:
"Don't want! I won’t make porridge!”
Mom and Dad:
"What happened to you?"
Grandfather and grandmother:
Aunt and uncle:
“Eat it, Dunyash!”
“Breakfast is ours!”

But Dunyasha turns up his nose:
“I'm tired of this porridge!”
Mom and Dad:
Grandfather and grandmother:
"Oh no no no!"
Aunt and uncle:
"Shame and disgrace!"
"Yum Yum Yum!"

Dunyasha is surprised:
“Where did the porridge go?”
Mom and Dad:
“Who could?”
Grandfather and grandmother:
"Oh oh oh!"
Aunt and uncle:
“Look, those little eyes!”

Dunyasha became smart:
“Cook porridge in the morning!”
Mom and Dad:
Grandfather and grandmother:
“Oh, beauty!”
Aunt and uncle:
"Well done!"
Wow, how he eats, what a deal!
Spoon to the right, spoon to the left;
You've been taught a lesson, he'll know!
Quickly into the crack under the bed.” © Copyright: Kirill Avdeenko, 2009

K. Avdeenko

Geese on the path,
Chickens in a basket,
To the tits in the window.

A spoonful was enough
Dog and cat
And Olya finished eating
Last crumbs!

Z. Alexandrova

Was - and no!

Tanya had a lot of fun.
- Mom, I'm hungry
I can't wait for lunch.
It seemed like there was a piece somewhere...
No, not cheese, but sausages!
Mom, can you help? Let me have some cups
I'll take it and put it on the table.
Ooh, the soup is delicious today!
I love soups and porridges
And compote and yogurt,
And bagels and cheesecakes,
Pies and just buns!.. -

Tanya talked for a long time.
Mom made it for her daughter
Sandwich with sausage,
Yes, smoked, not plain!

The gray cat smelled it.
He's off the couch - jump! - on a grand scale,
Paw a delicious sausage
Hooked it and - go under the bench!

Tanya: - Oh, the cat scammer!
Stole my sandwich!

The cat under the bench licked his lips
And he smiled slyly:
- Be deaf and dumb while eating,
Otherwise I’ll eat the soup!

Z. Alexandrova

Oh yeah soup!

Deep - not shallow
Ships in saucers:
onion head,
red carrot,
And a little grains,
Here the boat is sailing,
Swims right into your mouth!

I. Tokmakova

By reading poems about food to children during feeding, parents instill in them the right attitude towards food and cultivate a culture of healthy eating. The missed elements of development and education will affect the future. Then the parents will throw up their hands in surprise, not understanding what they did wrong, what they missed.

It’s nice to look at conscientious parents who learn to properly develop and raise their children without setting bad examples for them. There is no need to educate children: you need to educate yourself, and they will be able to repeat the behavior of their parents on their own. When feeding a baby, putting a serious approach to this important aspect into poems about food human life, parents will reap the results of the same attitude towards food in their children.

Some young parents, remembering the education system in their families, simply pass on the life experience of previous generations to their children. It is especially important to develop their speech. Poems for little ones for all occasions are a serious help in this regard. Little nursery rhymes, jokes, lullabies and many other forms of children's poetic speech should accompany any type of communication with young children:

· going to bed;

· awakening;

· dressing procedure;

· bathing;

· eating.

The sooner the baby hears literate speech, preferably its perfect forms (artistic words, for the little ones, poems on vital topics), the more developed and literate his speech will be, the higher his speech will be. general level culture, better intelligence. Therefore, those parents are right who “coo” with him while he is awake and sing lullabies before bed:

· firstly, they harmoniously and unobtrusively convey to children the centuries-old experience of Slavic culture;

Secondly, they cultivate a culture of communication;

· thirdly, they develop the right attitude towards food, products, and table manners.

These small and funny, at first glance, words, selected according to the topic in poems about food, contain a person’s life philosophy in relation to healthy image life and nutrition in a language they can understand. They are about such simple and eternal actions as:

· familiarity with the names of dishes (porridge, beloved by children, in all its variants: soft, sweet, etc.). In addition to porridge, various names of dishes are called. They naturally master the features of Slavic cuisine;

· acquaintance with kitchen utensils, dishes, furniture also occurs;

· rules of behavior at the table.

As a result of painstaking work, children are introduced to everyday culture through a unique system of education, through games and artistic expression. This is not an easy, frivolous game, but a well-thought-out system for raising young children that produces excellent results, proven by the experience of more than one generation.

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