Home Children's dentistry Essay on me and my profession. Essay on the topic “Me and my profession”

Essay on me and my profession. Essay on the topic “Me and my profession”

Larisa Zhukova
Essay “Me and my profession”

Essay: “Me and my profession”

There are many different professions in the world

And each has its own charm.

But there is nothing more noble, more necessary and more wonderful

Than the one I work for!

Choice - who to be? - I decided by myself. Of course, as a teacher, the years of study at a pedagogical school, practice in kindergarten, the first days of being in a group with children will forever remain in my memory.

Fate brought me to kindergarten in November 1971, and now this is my home, where little people are waiting for me, loving me, and to whom I rush every day.

A teacher is, for me, rather not a profession, but a way of life. Every morning when I come to work, I see the eyes of my children. In some - wariness, in others - interest, and in others - hope. How different they are! Everyone has their own special world that cannot be destroyed, which must be helped to open up. When I come to work, I find myself in a real anthill, where everyone, young and old, is in a hurry somewhere, busy with something. Several dozen pairs of eyes are watching you, several pairs of ears catch your every word, follow the intonation of your voice. This requires a lot. Therefore, when I find myself in various situations, I try to remember that a teacher must be able to control his character and mood. For me, the first condition in working with children is a smile, joy, praise, and sincere interest in the problems of the little person. I want every child to feel comfortable and cozy with me.

I consider Love and Kindness to be the basis of my profession, since life does not spoil most of our children. And in this case, in my work, simple human things come to the fore: to help, to see the beautiful, to caress, sympathize, to talk heart to heart. Because the greatest value on earth is children. What we live for.

I consider it my calling to find and develop in every child the abilities that every little person necessarily has, to introduce him to the world around him, giving him knowledge about the world, about its nature, about man as the main component of this world. And I think that when my children grow up and become adults, they will appreciate my efforts. The best reward for my work will be the ability of my students to live in harmony with the world around them, the ability to cultivate these qualities in their children.

My teaching career began forty-seven years ago, but this is the last century. Now is a new time, in which there are new requirements for teachers and education, new technologies and developments, children and parents of a new generation. I understand that I can, want and will meet all the requirements at the present stage of development of society. Therefore, I constantly improve the level of my professional competence: I educate myself, improve my qualifications, study the latest pedagogical literature, take course training, and get acquainted with the experience of my colleagues.

Can I call myself an Educator with a capital E? I believe that this title should be based on the reviews of parents and, of course, our children, whom I cannot even call “pupils,” but only “my children.”

I would like to say about my parents, they are wonderful. I managed to gain their trust, relationship and affection. Seeing the result of my work in their children, they became full participants in the educational process. They always respond to any request, are not indifferent to the development of their children - they listen to my advice, try to help their children overcome various difficulties in development and learning at this stage, they are my assistants in any endeavor, they support me in everything. We are like one big, friendly family. After all, parents give children a start in life, but I am a teacher who helps them take the second step. And parents and educators must work in close contact and unity. We have one main goal - raising the Man of the future.

Time goes fast. There are already more than one graduation of children to school behind us. They grow up and move on to another, new life. And I remember them again and again. After all, the days and years spent together are so precious, where there was everything, tears, smiles, worries, and joys. I want to believe that my students will grow up to be competent, worthy people, because I give them my knowledge, skills, and a part of myself. The children will grow up, some of them may become famous, some will accomplish a feat, become just a good, happy person. And I will know that this is my merit.

After all this, is it possible not to love the profession of an educator?

"And every hour and every minute

Eternal concern about someone's destinies,

Giving a piece of your heart to someone

This is the kind of work we have with you...”

Each person seeks his own path in the turbulent streams of time. We choose our friends, our profession, and feel the desire to achieve something.

How to find your unique place in life and understand whether you made the right choice? The answer to this seemingly simple question always remains a mystery.Not everyone succeeds in finding their true path in life, their recognition.

My journey into the teaching profession began with a childhood dream. An important role in choosing a profession was played by the people who were the first to meet in my life - these were the first educators. Back then, in my distant childhood, the work of a teacher seemed to me like one big, never-ending holiday, full of enthusiasm and fun.. When I remember the kindergarten where I went as a child, the kind eyes of the teacher who greeted me every morning come to mind. A lot of time has passed, but I still remember the name of my teacher. Her kindness and care remained in my heart. Maybe that’s why, even then, I decided that I really wanted to be like her, like Tatyana Petrovna. I didn’t even suspect that the teaching profession would be the only one for me... There were no teachers or educators in my family, but already from adolescence I understood that teaching is what interests me, what fascinates me.Over time, my ideas about the teaching profession have expanded. I realized the seriousness and importance of this work.

The profession of a teacher is one of the most important and significant in the life of modern society, because it is thanks to the teacher that a child first gets acquainted with society, expresses himself in joint activities and, of course, develops as a person. As you know, parents often do not have enough time to instill simple truths in their child, teach him good manners and explain what is good and what is bad, and this is where we, responsive educators, come to the rescue.

What does it mean to me to be a teacher?!

Being a teacher is my calling.This means living childhood with each child, seeing the world through his eyes, being surprised and learning with him, enjoying something new as if for the first time, being indispensable when he needs help and support. It is important to teach your students to follow the difficult paths of knowledge, not to wait for ready-made solutions, but to seek and find knowledge themselves. To be a guide for children, an assistant on the road of achievements and discoveries.

I consider the teaching profession to be the best for women, because the main quality of a woman is motherhood, and in kindergarten, like a mother, you surround twenty-five tomboys with care, affection and attention, and in return you receive a new charge of positivity and energy. Sometimes it seems, well, I know everything and have experienced everything, but again and again you realize how much you still need to learn and do. And here I remember the lines of M. Yu. Lermontov: “Educating... is the most difficult thing. You think: well, it’s all over now! No such luck: it’s all just beginning!”

Being a teacher is a responsibility. This means seeing the uniqueness of each child, realizing that his life and his soul are in my hands, taking care of them and trying to do everything to make childhood meaningful and joyful, because his entire future adult life depends on how a person’s childhood goes..

To be an educator means to serve as an example to your students. For In order to teach a child something new, to cultivate good qualities in him, I myself must possess them. Makarenko A.S. said this very accurately: “Don’t think that you raise a child only when you talk to him or teach him... You raise him at every moment of your life... How you dress, how you talking with other people and about other people, how you are happy or sad, how you laugh... - all this is of great importance for a child.” Setting a positive example is not so easy, because you have to remake yourself to some extent. We all know that it is very easy to change others, but much more difficult to change ourselves.

Being a teacher is a joy. This means seeing how the baby grows, how every year he can understand and do more and more, feel his affection and trust, give him your love. I admit frankly that it is impossible to immediately love all of your students. They are different and evoke different feelings. And then I decided to engage in self-education - to learn to treat all children objectively. It is very difficult not to be influenced and remain yourself.

This year I started working with the little residents of the kindergarten - the second youngest group. Today I remember my uncertain and timid “steps” with the kids - after all, this is a very interesting contingent of children. I really wanted to become a good teacher, a second mother for children, a true friend whom my parents entrusted to me. And today I already explain simple and amazing things to my kids, teach self-care skills and tell them how important it is to be kind and honest, to love not only yourself, but also your loved ones. It is also very important for me to praise every child, even when his successes are very modest. This gives children self-confidence and a desire to take the next step. I have my own “golden key” - sincerity, frankness, love. This key opens the main casket - a casket with children's hearts that are waiting for warmth, a kind word, new knowledge and are always ready to reciprocate my feelings. Walking through life hand in hand with children, it is impossible to forget such concepts as laughter and smile, kindness and innocence.

Being a teacher is talent and high professionalism. The main thing is to notice in time the “spark” that is inherent in every child from birth, to develop even its tiniest inclinations. The ability to discern this “spark of light” and not let it go out is the talent of a teacher. Helvetius said: “A teacher is a magician who opens the door to the world of adults for children. And what and how he teaches his pupils depends on what the teacher knows and can do.”

And now I can say that my profession is not only boundless creativity, not only serious responsibility, but also difficult, painstaking work that requires great effort and expense. The teacher must constantly work on himself, learn something new, expand his horizons, set high goals for himself, move towards them, no matter what, and when achieving them, do not stop, move forward to new goals. Only then can he be interesting, loved by his students and do his job professionally. Children are provided with a kind and bright childhood by pedagogically savvy, wise and patient professionals in their field.

The art of being a kindergarten teacher is as multifaceted and complex as any other art. Depending on the circumstances, I have to act in different roles: I am a teacher for children, who knows everything, teaches everything, and a playmate, and a loved one who will understand everything and support them in difficult times.

Finding a recipe for professional success is the dream of any educator!For me, the first components of the recipe are:


O - responsibility;


P - truthfulness;

I - sincerity;

T-hard work;



E - also goodwill;


b - softness.

Working in a kindergarten, I never once doubted my choice of profession, but every year I realize more and more how difficult it is to raise children. They believe in you, they rely on you, they expect understanding and devotion from you, and I must correspond to all this, always be on top. After all, it is me who largely determines how children will turn out in school life. I see the fruits of my labor: children's trust, their selfless love and recognition, the respect of their parents. I can call myself a happy person who gives his knowledge, his energy, his love to children. I give everything good, kind, bright that is in me and simply give it to them, to my preschool children. I am convinced of the correctness of the words of the Roman historian Sallust: “Every man is the creator of his own destiny,” and I create my destiny myself. My second home was a planet called Kindergarten.

“... To become a real teacher of children, you need to give them your heart” V. A. Sukhomlinsky

“What should a teacher be like?
Of course, he must be kind!
Love children, love learning,
love your profession!

What should a teacher be like?
Of course, you must be generous!
All of himself without regret he must
give it to children!”

I am a teacher of children! Working with children is a great happiness. Children and only they know how to love unselfishly! Everything I do is only for them, my boys and girls! I feel with all my heart that they need me, and they need me.

I often remember the kindergarten where I went as a child; the kind eyes of the teachers who greeted me every morning are reflected in my memory. A lot of time has passed, but I still remember the names of my teachers. Their kind and caring attitude towards me will forever remain in my heart. I still remember myself as that little girl with pigtails dreaming of becoming a teacher. I loved to sit dolls around me and tell them fairy tales, and sing lullabies to them. Throughout my youth, the thought never left me - I want to be a teacher, and having received a specialty, my dream came true.

“I remember the joy and excitement I felt when I went to my first day of work, I had a feeling of flying and at the same time excitement: will I cope, will everything work out for me? A teacher is not a profession for me, it is a calling, a state of mind, a way of life! Since I am a creative person, I love to create beauty with my own hands, my family are irreplaceable helpers, always rushing to help.

Only the person who loves can be a teacher. He loves children, his work, his family, the world around him, but, above all, he loves children. This is a friend to children, their helper, with an open soul and a kind heart. Together with my children, I grow, develop, and live the happiest years!

At an equal distance, eye to eye, this is how I communicate with my little friends. Every day I fantasize about how interesting it is for us to spend the day, how to surprise us. Happiness for a child is an energetic teacher who is interested in everything. I teach children to be friendly, polite, attentive, respect each other, be tolerant of each other. Kindergarten is a special world in which the main thing is understanding, trust, and sympathy. Here we communicate, study, and every time something new and unusual opens up for me.

I try to make the children have fun and comfort with me, I gave each of them a piece of my soul, my heart! There is nothing more pleasant than hearing sincere declarations of love from your students or receiving crafts made by their little hands as gifts. The highest reward for me is the happy smiles of children, recognition and love, trust. I really want to see happy children - now and in the future, when they grow up, so that the smile never leaves their face. Parents entrusted their children to me, and I try to justify this high trust. Children are joy, the most precious thing we have. There are no other people's children for me, so I treat every child as if it were my own, with maternal affection, care and tenderness.

Having worked in kindergarten for 10 years, I do not doubt for a minute that I chose my profession correctly. I am certainly happy that I made the right choice, my profession found me and I can be useful in raising the younger generation. This is how I live: I go to work with pleasure in the morning, and go home in the evening, happy that the day has not been lived in vain. And at home, family matters await me, conversations about everything in the world, and of course about them, about children. I would like to end my essay with sincere words:

There are many different professions in the world,
And each has its own charm.
But there is nothing more noble, more necessary and more wonderful,
Than the one I work for!

From flowers, sometimes very different,
I will fold one big bouquet
Children are the flowers of our lives,
I love them, there is no other word!

International literary competition “About pedagogy - with love”

Teaching is our calling
Innate desire of the soul...

Who to be? This question sooner or later arises before every young person. When I went to first grade and first met my first teacher Taruta A.F., I decided that I would be exactly like her. Growing up, I did not change my decision that I would work at school as a teacher. My mother and teachers advised me to choose the profession of a primary school teacher.

Time passed... I graduated from the Rudny Pedagogical College named after I. Altynsarin and... returned to my home school. At first it was very scary. I, yesterday’s student, today must be on par with my teachers. Later, having received higher education, I remained in my native school. And now I have been working for 20 years, first as a primary school teacher, and now I hold the position of deputy director for educational work.

Teacher, educator... How difficult it is to carry this honorary title throughout your life! You are visible every day, your every movement, your every step, your behavior, your attitude...

No matter how bad it is, I have to be collected, fit, smiling. Because for many, especially in the villages, a teacher is an ideal in everything.

A modern teacher is a highly qualified specialist who has a certain amount of knowledge not only in his subject, but also in the field of pedagogy, psychology, culture, sociology, medicine...

And here it is important to remember that life does not stand still. What seemed correct and modern yesterday has lost its meaning today. In this regard, new textbooks are appearing, new technologies and approaches to both teaching and education are being developed. Students need to master not only basic knowledge, but also master a certain educational level, ways of obtaining all knowledge.

This is the only way to promote the development of schoolchildren’s ability to think, analyze, and independently find solutions. One way or another, the main task that I set for myself when planning and conducting educational activities is to arouse the student’s interest.

To achieve this, you need to know how the current younger generation lives: their hobbies, interests, habits, tastes. In addition, I must always be sociable, proactive, mobile, original, ready to answer any question and captivate children at any time. And at the same time, we should not forget about kindness, justice, honesty, morality and, of course, love for children.

Someone will ask: “Why?” Yes, because the profession obliges! For the rest of their lives, children remember the first line, the first call. And for the school graduate, the last school line and the last call. And I have to make it really memorable. Without interest in the personalities of teachers, there is no interest in school affairs.

I love my profession and am proud of it. What do I like about my profession? I like that I am needed . Our students need us, our students’ parents need us, because they have entrusted us with the most precious thing - their beloved children. And it depends on me how interesting the child’s school life will turn out. It depends on me how parents will relate to school, whether they will become faithful associates, like-minded people, and helpers. And I'm not afraid to constantly ask my parents for advice.

I need it for my colleagues, from whom I often ask for advice, sometimes I just share my painful issues and reveal my secrets for raising schoolchildren, with whom I do my job every day, so difficult, but so interesting and necessary! The school does not remain aloof from the changes taking place in society. Being involved in the educational work of the school, I realized that raising children is not only about giving them maximum knowledge, skills and abilities, but this means helping children in their socialization, preparing them for a future independent life.

It’s difficult and simple to talk about my work at the same time. After all, these are educational plans, analytical material, reporting documentation, checking notebooks, student diaries... On the other hand: these are creative meetings, interesting things, events, conferences, meetings, holidays, projects, discoveries small and large. And every day I communicate with children, teachers, parents. And that is great!

I believe that I am also a mentor. Because I give children knowledge, skills, and educate them. But to achieve results, we need to become a friend to every child. And I am absolutely sure that the love and trust of children cannot be won only by arming ourselves with modern methods of educational work. It takes hard work of the soul.

The main thing is to learn to see and appreciate in each child that unique individuality that distinguishes us all from each other, to be able to ensure the freedom of self-expression of his personality and to understand that a child is a person who has his own idea of ​​the world, his own experience, his own emotions and feelings.

Dzhugan Natalya Vyacheslavovna, Deputy. Director for VR, State Institution "Altynsarinskaya Secondary School of the Education Department of the Akimat of the Kamystinsky District", Kamystinsky District.

Me and my future profession

“The best thing in life is the opportunity to do something that is worth it.” Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States.

A profession (from the Latin profession - “I declare my business”) is a historically established form of labor activity, for the performance of which a person must have certain knowledge and skills, have special abilities and developed professionally important qualities.

The question “Who will I be?” every young man asks himself. And the main thing here is not to get confused, get your bearings and make the right choice.

The right choice made by an older teenager is the beginning of the path to success, to self-realization, to psychological and material well-being in the future.

Socio-economic transformations in our country predetermined the emergence of the labor market and competition on it. And this means that each of the schoolchildren needs to comprehend the wisdom of professional self-determination. Approximately 40% of young people, due to ignorance of the rules for choosing a profession and lack of experience in professional activities, choose a profession that does not correspond to their interests, inclinations, and internal beliefs. This entails disappointment, and even mental disorders.

What does it take to choose a profession?


Error one:

opinion that a profession is chosen once and for all.

Error two:

choosing a profession for reasons of prestige .

Error three:

choice of profession under direct or indirect

influence of friends, relatives and acquaintances .

Error four:

ignorance or underestimation of one's capabilities and abilities.

Error five:

ignorance of the basic content of labor actions and operations in the chosen profession or a poor understanding of it X.

Error six:

passion for the external or private side of the profession .

Error seventh:

identification of an educational subject with a profession .

Error eight:

choice of profession without taking into account the industrial nature of professional activity.

What specialties are in demand on the global labor market?

IN Great Britain: business related to banking and insurance, auditing and consulting, information technology.

IN Germany: For every thousand jobs available in management, an additional 420 jobs will appear, and in consulting this figure will almost double.


France: the highest recruitment index of young specialists for audit companies.

IN Australia: The largest increase in job growth was demonstrated by the civil service.

IN Canada: Promising areas include social work and teaching.

IN THE USA: Nursing and school teaching are among the top five most respected professions.

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