Home Gums Why do you dream about a meteorite - interpretation of the dream. Why do you dream about a meteorite falling to the ground?

Why do you dream about a meteorite - interpretation of the dream. Why do you dream about a meteorite falling to the ground?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Meteorite - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To the rumor of the death of a friend.

Dreaming of "Meteor" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a meteorite in a dream means believing in the other world.

Seeing a Meteorite in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Often a dream about meteorites indicates to you some unusual events in life. It is believed that the bad or good effect of this dream is short-lived, just as the meteorite itself is short-lived. If your deputy dreams that you are watching a meteorite fall, then important events await you. If …

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you had a dream in bad weather, your wish will come true. Cut off a lock of your hair and burn it, your wish will come true as soon as your hair grows. If you had a dream in good weather, then in the near future you will lose something. To …

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Meteorite?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Spirituality descending to earth. A messenger associated with an angel. Prediction of the future.

I have a dream about a meteorite

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A meteorite suddenly falling from the sky and falling at your feet is the first gray hair you will have.

Dream - Meteorite - what to expect?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Witnessing the fall of a large meteorite is fleeting happiness, the memory of which you will carry throughout your entire life. A falling meteorite foretells that you will hesitate between desires and duty, but the sense of duty will win.

What does the dream portend: Meteorite

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To news from afar.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Meteorite?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a bright meteor trail is a sign that something unexpected may happen in your life. The overall atmosphere of the dream and the feelings you experience can indicate whether the event will be favorable or not. A meteorite falling to the ground portends...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Meteorite?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

An unexpected incident that will disrupt your plans and completely confuse you.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Meteorite?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

This is nothing more than a flurry of emotions and passions that will fall on you completely unexpectedly. The moment has come in your life when you will literally lose your head from love and crazy passion. You won't have time for...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Falling stars, meteorites?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A shooting star is a flying and quickly passing joy. A brilliant meteor that leaves a trace is an illusion of success, success from deception. The shower of shooting stars is a deep imprint of the phenomena of the external world on your inner way of life. Seeing a shooting star is a fantasy game that has turned into...

If you had a dream - Meteorite

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Light pricks in the heart caused by memories. Don't focus on them, otherwise it will lead to negative emotions.

Sleep online - Fly by

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A meteorite flies past, but does not fall to the ground - a change of residence.

Sleep online - Fall

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dishes falling into the well means a joyful event. If you see a live horse in the house, there will be a letter from your son. Frost falls along with the snow - do not expect a successful completion in the case. Leaves fall from a large tree - a happy event in the house. ...

Sleep online - Past

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A meteorite flies past, but does not fall to the ground - a change of residence.


Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Meteorite - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To the rumor of the death of a friend.

Dreaming of "Meteor" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a meteorite in a dream means believing in the other world.

Seeing a Meteorite in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Often a dream about meteorites indicates to you some unusual events in life. It is believed that the bad or good effect of this dream is short-lived, just as the meteorite itself is short-lived. If your deputy dreams that you are watching a meteorite fall, then important events await you. If …

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you had a dream in bad weather, your wish will come true. Cut off a lock of your hair and burn it, your wish will come true as soon as your hair grows. If you had a dream in good weather, then in the near future you will lose something. To …

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Spirituality descending to earth. A messenger associated with an angel. Prediction of the future.

I have a dream about a meteorite

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A meteorite suddenly falling from the sky and falling at your feet is the first gray hair you will have.

Dream - Meteorite - what to expect?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Witnessing the fall of a large meteorite is fleeting happiness, the memory of which you will carry throughout your entire life. A falling meteorite foretells that you will hesitate between desires and duty, but the sense of duty will win.

What does the dream portend: Meteorite

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To news from afar.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Meteorite?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a bright meteor trail is a sign that something unexpected may happen in your life. The overall atmosphere of the dream and the feelings you experience can indicate whether the event will be favorable or not. A meteorite falling to the ground portends...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Meteorite?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

An unexpected incident that will disrupt your plans and completely confuse you.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Meteorite?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

This is nothing more than a flurry of emotions and passions that will fall on you completely unexpectedly. The moment has come in your life when you will literally lose your head from love and crazy passion. You won't have time for...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Falling stars, meteorites?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A shooting star is a flying and quickly passing joy. A brilliant meteor that leaves a trace is an illusion of success, success from deception. The shower of shooting stars is a deep imprint of the phenomena of the external world on your inner way of life. Seeing a shooting star is a fantasy game that has turned into...

If you had a dream - Meteorite

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Light pricks in the heart caused by memories. Don't focus on them, otherwise it will lead to negative emotions.

Sleep online - Fly by

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Sleep online - Fall

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dishes falling into the well means a joyful event. If you see a live horse in the house, there will be a letter from your son. Frost falls along with the snow - do not expect a successful completion in the case. Leaves fall from a large tree - a happy event in the house. ...

Sleep online - Past

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A meteorite flies past, but does not fall to the ground - a change of residence.

Good sign

If the dream of a heavenly stone falling on causes delight, then the dreamer will soon expect impressive changes. Risky business started during this period will have a good prospect and bring success.

  • A meteorite falls from - the personification of the dreamer’s spirituality. There is a high probability that the dreamer has some kind of gift that requires development.

Harbinger from space

If in a dream you know for sure that a falling body is coming, in reality you will receive stunning news. This will radically change your attitude towards life, make you reconsider your habits, and inspire many ideas.

Why do you dream about a meteor? Interpreters still cannot give a definite answer. In many ways, the prediction will depend on what mood you were in at the time of sleep. A meteorite in a dream, as in reality, can evoke completely different emotions, from complete delight to fear that fetters and paralyzes a person.

Celestial bodies in a dream

Opinion of dream interpreters

Interpreter of the Wanderer

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Children's interpreter

Interpreter Grishina

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Interpreter from “A” to “Z”

Modern interpretation of sleep

Expect change

According to the dream book, a meteorite falls to the ground - a sign of imminent and dramatic changes in fate. Only your feeling at the time of watching a dream can tell you whether your life will improve, or, on the contrary, everything will only get worse.

Many predictors say that the dreamer will be visited by such feelings that they will completely overwhelm him. You will stop thinking about work, and about your relatives and responsibilities. It will be more of a painful passion than true feelings.

When you felt delighted in a dream, new horizons and tempting prospects will soon open up before you. All you have to do is take advantage of the given chance.

Your mark:

Watching a meteor shower in a dream, admiring it from afar, means revealing your hidden talent and gift. A dream means that you are on the verge of grandiose changes in fate if you dreamed of a beautiful starfall. What dreams of falling celestial bodies mean is interpreted differently by modern and ancient dream books.

Miller's Dream Book: popular interpretations

On the one hand, frightening scenes of destruction in a dream symbolize separation from a loved one, on the other hand, they are a harbinger of a new relationship. If you dreamed that the star managed to burn out completely while still in the atmosphere, it means that feelings between former partners have completely cooled down. Whether you regret it or not is up to you to decide.

To finally understand why you dream of a meteor shower, Miller’s dream book suggests taking into account the details:

  • admiring the scatterings in the sky - to universal recognition of your talent;
  • seeing just a couple of stars means mutual love;
  • heavy sparks fall to the ground - to the loss of loved ones, separation for a long time;
  • Finding yourself in the epicenter of a natural disaster means unpleasant news.

Triumph is just around the corner

Becoming everyone's favorite, showing rare abilities, declaring your talent to the world - this is exactly what meteor showers mean in dreams. Felomena's dream book guarantees favorable changes in creative life. Moreover, a wide range of people will become aware of successes and victories.

If you dreamed of beautiful sparks that flew to you and melted right in your palms, be prepared for miraculous transformations. The dream means that your upcoming endeavors will have great results. If there are unfulfilled projects, you can safely implement them.

Let yourself fall in love once and for all

Seeing two small celestial bodies that fell at your feet in a dream means a happy marriage. It’s even better if you dreamed that you watched the phenomenon together with your loved one. The interpretation of the dream in Tsvetkov’s dream book has only one meaning - lovers will never part and will delight each other for many years.

Psychologists explain why meteor showers are seen in dreams based on the emotional state of the dreamer. Admiring comets and other rapidly approaching celestial “guests” in a dream means positive changes in your personal life. For married couples, seers predict the birth of a baby.

Don't be discouraged - everything will work out

If heavy stones fall to the ground from above, get ready for a real challenge. Seeing destruction and wildfire in a dream means the collapse of hopes, separation from family and friends. Moreover, relatives may leave for a long time and your separation will become real torture for everyone.

The article on the topic: “dream book of meteorite fall” provides current information on this issue for 2018.

Such an unusual natural phenomenon as the fall of a meteorite causes a storm of emotions in real life, and if we saw something like this in a dream, it makes us tremble with delight.

Often dreams with natural phenomena indicate some very important and extraordinary changes in the dreamer’s life. And the quite obvious question - why do you dream about a meteorite - has a right to exist after what you saw in a dream.

It is believed that this or that action prophesied by a dreamed meteorite is short-lived - just like in reality. And the dreamer’s emotions are very important when he dreams of this natural phenomenon.

  • If the dream causes awe and delight, then the prophecy will be favorable.
  • If the emotions are more similar to fear, then the dreamer will have to take some precautions to avoid incidents in reality.

Good sign

A meteorite in a dream prophesies very unexpected, but very bright and impressive events for a person. These events will also affect the dreamer’s immediate circle. If you see a meteorite in a dream, then for the dreamer this means an ardent passion that will take possession of him completely, forcing him to forget about the rest for a while.

If the dream of a heavenly stone falling to the ground causes delight, then the dreamer will soon expect impressive changes. Risky business started during this period will have a good prospect and bring success.

  • A falling meteorite caused destruction - means a meeting with a person who will be very significant in your life.
  • Fell not far from you - such a vision prophesies a date that will change the dreamer’s life. A man will propose to his beloved; a woman will meet her “soul mate”.
  • A meteorite falls from the sky - the personification of the dreamer’s spirituality. There is a high probability that the dreamer has some kind of gift that requires development.

If in a dream it was not possible to see how a meteorite fell, but the dreamer is sure that this happened, then in reality he will be able to strengthen his financial situation.

Very often, a falling meteorite is a harbinger of grandiose changes in the dreamer’s life. This could be either a planned trip to distant countries or a change of residence - for example, moving to another city or even country.

Why do you dream of a meteorite that fell next to the dreamer? A very significant event is expected in which the sleeper will take part. It is recommended to enjoy it to the fullest, since the joyful event will be very short, but the memories and pleasant aftertaste will remain with the dreamer for a very long time.

Harbinger from space

Why do you dream about meteor shower? Seeing a meteor shower in reality is an exciting and quite rare event. But in a dream, anyone can become a happy witness. Such a natural phenomenon is a sign of unexpected changes for the dreamer. It is very important to prepare yourself for the fact that drastic changes will occur in your life. True, they will be short-term, but good impressions will remain forever.

  • You may dream that you hear a conversation about a meteor shower - this portends the receipt of a gift or the purchase of a long-awaited item.
  • A meteor with a brilliant trail behind it is short-term happiness from success.
  • Buy a fragment of a celestial body - you should reconsider your views on life and learn to accept the present.
  • Watching the bright trail of a meteor fall is a fleeting joy.
  • Looking at several falling cosmic bodies at the same time - short-term joy will illuminate your life with light for many years.
  • Watching a meteor fly means a quick move.
  • Before falling, the meteorite exploded - you will be overwhelmed by various feelings, which will cause discomfort. However, soon everything will pass, and a sense of duty will prevail.
  • If you dreamed of a meteorite that you are looking at while holding in your hands, some important matter will move forward.

If in a dream you know for sure that the falling body is a comet, in reality you will receive stunning news. This will radically change your attitude towards life, make you reconsider your habits, and inspire many ideas.

If in a dream you experience positive emotions, then this indicates the protection of higher powers. A meteorite is included in the dream book as the personification of a storm of emotions. They suddenly grab you and just as unexpectedly let you go.

There comes a time in life when you are ready to do things that few people expect from you. And despite the nature of these actions and the emotions they carry, warm and pleasant memories will remain with you forever.

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Why do you dream of a meteorite?

The interpretation of what a meteorite means in a dream is largely determined by the mood of the dreamer.

Each person perceives the appearance of cosmic bodies in dreams differently: for some they cause fear or delight, and for others - curiosity.

Popular interpretations of dream books

The soothsayer Vanga saw in this symbol a foreshadowing of global cataclysms, and even the end of the world. In the esoteric dream book, meteorite rain is a sign of smaller-scale changes. Unexpected, but nevertheless bright events will directly affect the dreamer and his immediate environment. But this is far from the only explanation of why a meteorite dreams. The erotic dream book sees this dream from a different angle. The interpreter promises the dreamer an incredible passion that will overwhelm him. A crazy romance will turn out to be much more important than relatives, friends and important matters. If the dream of the fall of a celestial body evoked pleasant emotions, then brilliant prospects await the sleeper. Very soon a period will come that will be conducive to risky undertakings: they will certainly be crowned with success.

  • The fall of a meteorite, causing destruction, is a sign of a fateful meeting. Someone will appear in life who will play an important role in your destiny;
  • A meteorite fell next to you - an unforgettable romantic date. The man will decide to propose to his chosen one, and the woman will find a life partner;
  • A meteorite falls from the sky to earth - a sign of the dreamer’s high spirituality and inclination towards mysticism. It is possible that you are endowed with a gift that should be developed.

A falling cosmic body in a dream can be a harbinger of drastic changes in the dreamer’s fate. Perhaps you will soon be moving to another city or country, or on a long journey. Moreover, changes can also happen in the lives of homebodies: they will experience a change in lifestyle or work. Hasse's dream book tells why one dreams of a meteorite falling near the dreamer. An incredible event awaits him in the near future. Happiness will be short-lived, so you need to fully enjoy what is happening. No less interesting are the assumptions of psychologists about dreams about meteorites. From a psychological point of view, seeing mysterious cosmic bodies in a dream happens to people who often lose touch with reality, both voluntarily and due to mental disorders.

Other interpretations

In esotericism, a meteorite symbolizes surprise, an important decision and a bright event. A dream in which a cosmic object falls to the ground means that circumstances will burst into your life that will overturn your ideas about existing reality and force you to change your mind. Hearing in a dream the news that a meteorite has fallen means that your life will soon undergo serious changes, which will certainly be associated with changes in society.

  • Hearing a conversation about a meteor shower in a dream means receiving a long-awaited gift or making a purchase that you have dreamed of for so long;
  • A brilliant meteor leaving a mark in the sky - success from deception, the illusion of happiness;
  • Finding or buying a fragment of a meteorite means an unwillingness to live in the present and the future. Anyone who dreams of a meteorite in this form lives in the past, which can harm his personality;
  • Seeing a bright flash from the fall of a cosmic body is fleeting happiness;
  • Observe several meteorites at once - short-term happiness will be bright and illuminate your future life with its light;
  • When it fell, the meteorite caused destruction - a mystical event, the intervention of otherworldly forces in the dreamer’s life;
  • Watching the flight of a meteorite means changing your place of residence;
  • A falling and exploding meteorite means complex and contradictory feelings will suddenly overtake you. The sense of duty will win;
  • Looking at or holding a fragment of a meteorite in your hands means progress in an important matter.

According to well-known dream books, a meteorite seen in night dreams is nothing more than a wave of emotions and passions that will surge unexpectedly. There comes a time in life when you will literally lose your head from love and passion. You will catastrophically not have enough time either for friends or for important things that will be put on the back burner. Your loved one and your intimate life will come to the fore.

Why do you dream of a meteorite - interpretation of sleep

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

Often a dream about meteorites indicates to you some unusual events in life. It is believed that the bad or good effect of this dream is short-lived, just as the meteorite itself is short-lived. If you dream that you are watching a meteorite fall, then important events await you. If in a dream a meteorite falls near you and you are not afraid, then you will have a lucky chance. If in a dream the fall of a meteorite caused destruction and terrified you, then you should be as careful as possible to avoid an accident in some kind of mess or with some kind of crowd of people.

"Vanga's Dream Book"

A meteorite in a dream symbolizes a surprise, an incredible event, an important decision.

A falling meteorite in a dream:

If in a dream you see a meteorite falling, then this dream predicts the occurrence of circumstances that will change your ideas about what is happening around you and force you to change your mind.

News about a meteorite falling in a dream:

Hearing in a dream that a meteorite has fallen on Earth is a sign of serious changes in your life that will be associated with social changes.

Why do you dream of a meteorite according to the dream book -

"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

To witness the fall of a large meteorite in a dream is fleeting happiness, the memory of which you will carry throughout your life. A falling meteorite foretells that you will hesitate between desires and duty, but the sense of duty will win.

Why do you dream of a meteorite according to the dream book -

"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of a meteorite, fleeting happiness awaits you.

The meaning of a dream about a meteorite

at the Women's Club!

Many of us like to look at the stars before going to bed, sometimes we even manage to make a wish on a “shooting star.” But we all know that this is just a flying meteorite. Have you ever wondered why you dream of a meteor shower?

Often, a dream about a meteorite falling speaks of interesting events that will happen in your life. Science has established that a meteorite burns up in the atmosphere, i.e. it is short-lived. Likewise, the effect of sleep will be rapid. Have time to enjoy the consequences!

We look at the sky and wait for changes

In a dream, a falling meteorite is a harbinger of big changes in the fate of the sleeper. It is possible to change your place of residence: starting from another apartment or house, ending with another country. Changes in this way should revitalize you. Moving is always accompanied by a lot of positive emotions. Involve your friends and loved ones - together it’s always more fun and interesting.

For people who tend to sit still, seeing a meteorite in a dream will mean a sudden change of place of work. You may want to get away from a routine that has been consuming you for a long time. Cheer up, take a small step towards a new, unknown world. Big changes in life await you.

  • Seeing a huge stone fall to the ground and cause destruction is a sign of the meeting of your life. The person who will play a huge role in your future destiny will appear nearby.
  • If you see a meteorite falling nearby, right next to your feet, this means a wonderful romantic meeting. Your chosen one will pluck up courage and say those cherished words that you have long dreamed of.
  • A dream about a cosmic body falling from the sky speaks of your hidden gift, which cannot yet manifest itself. But there are definitely notes of mysticism in you. Contact the seers, they will help you reveal your abilities.
  • If you dreamed of talking about meteors, this means receiving a pleasant gift, a surprise from a person to whom you are not indifferent. The memory of him will remain for many years. Also, such a dream prophesies major successful transactions or big purchases.
  • When you dream of a meteorite, a fragment of which you are holding in your hands, such a dream promises career advancement and recognition in professional circles.

Scientists-psychologists explain why a meteorite is dreamed of in this way: observing cosmic bodies in a dream most often falls to people who tend to leave, disconnect from reality and live in their own world. These are people with their own point of view, different from others, on any situation and who know how to prove this point of view.

If a meteorite fell into your yard in a dream, then this is a harbinger of rumors and news. By the size of the stone on the ground you can judge whether it will be important news or whether it is not worth focusing on. The larger the stone, the larger the message.

Looking into an erotic dream book, you can find out: a meteorite in a dream is a symbol of great emotions that will soon overwhelm you and your loved one. You will focus only on each other and forget to think about other things. The fire will flare up again in married couples. But don’t get too carried away - don’t start a fire.

According to Grishina’s dream book, a dream about a bright trail from a meteor promises success and exaltation. However, it will be short-lived. Have time to enjoy your merits.

A modern dream book about a meteorite falling at lightning speed suggests that you will be surprised soon. Some event or news will hit you very hard.

The dream book of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite also puts forward his own version of why a meteorite is dreamed of. A dream in which you saw a meteor falling is a harbinger of a meeting with old acquaintances. These will be people from your past, friends from whom fate separated you. You will be reunited again.

Let millions of stars fall from the sky, creating beautiful landscapes. Let your wishes come true not only in a dream when you watch a falling star, but also in reality - always and under any circumstances. Believe in the best, and it will definitely happen to you.

And the most important advice

  • Dream interpretation of meteorite fall

    Dream interpretation meteorite falls to the ground

    Why do you dream about a meteor? Interpreters still cannot give a definite answer. In many ways, the prediction will depend on what mood you were in at the time of sleep. A meteorite in a dream, as in reality, can evoke completely different emotions, from complete delight to fear that fetters and paralyzes a person.

    Celestial bodies in a dream

    Before you start deciphering your night vision, it’s worth remembering whether you saw a meteorite that flew to the ground in a single quantity, or whether it was a real meteor shower.

    Dream interpreters often focus the dreamer’s attention on a number of fairly significant factors that can radically change the prediction.

    Opinion of dream interpreters

    I dreamed about the fall of a celestial body

    Often meteorites falling to the ground in a dream promise the appearance of new people and interesting events in the life of a sleeping person. Each dream book views this vision differently, sometimes there are even negative predictions.

    Interpreter of the Wanderer

    Did you dream about a meteorite? Then in reality you are in great danger, this is what this dream book thinks. Events will develop at such a speed that you will not be able to keep up with them.

    The interpreter believes that the dreamer will meet a person who will be much stronger in spirit than him, and will try to subjugate the sleeping person to his will.

    Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

    Why do you dream about a meteor? According to the interpreter, happiness awaits the dreamer, however, it will be fleeting, like the vision of the fall of a celestial body.

    Children's interpreter

    Seeing in a dream a clear mark in the sky from a fall

    If you dreamed of a meteorite, then an unexpected event will happen soon. It will be fateful and will completely change your plans and unsettle you for a long time.

    Interpreter Grishina

    If in a dream you see a trace left in the sky from the fall of a celestial body, then you began to celebrate success too early. Your business is not yet finished, but you are already completely confident that it will end in success. This dream suggests that you are deceiving yourself and the people around you.

    A meteorite that destroys everything in its path means higher powers are interfering in your life. True, the interpreter will not clarify exactly how these forces influence you.

    Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

    When you see a meteorite leaving a bright trail in the sky, then an event that is significant for you will happen in your life. In order to understand in which direction the changes will take place, you need to remember your feelings at the time of viewing this story.

    A dream about a meteorite that has already fallen to the ground promises obstacles on the way to achieving your goal. The closer you are to the crash site, the more difficult it will be to cope with new circumstances.

    Dreaming of a crater after the fall of a celestial body

    Interpreter from “A” to “Z”

    When in a dream you see a huge meteorite approaching the Earth, you will have to experience some very pleasant moments in your life. These moments will be fleeting, although the interpreter believes that the sleeping person will carry memories of them throughout his life.

    When a celestial body fell and an explosion occurred, you will be faced with a difficult choice. Conflicting feelings will begin to overcome you, you will try to understand what is happening, but it will be quite difficult. The interpreter advises you to listen to what your heart tells you.

    Holding a piece of a fallen body in your hands means an important task that you have been working on for a long time will finally achieve success.

    Modern interpretation of sleep

    The interpreter believes that when in a night vision you saw a celestial body fall to the ground, then you will soon have a long trip.

    The dream book also talks about certain situations that you may dream about:

    Hearing about a meteor shower in a dream

    • not to see, but only to hear the conversation that a meteor shower has begun - you will acquire a valuable thing or receive an expensive gift;
    • a girl who sees that a meteorite has fallen nearby may soon get married;
    • for a man, the same dream may mean that he will decide to take a brave step;
    • when married couples see the same dream, pleasant changes will soon occur in their lives;
    • when a meteorite leads to destruction in a dream, the sleeping person can meet his fate, enter into intimacy in an unusual environment.

    Expect change

    The great seer Vanga believed that a meteorite in a dream could promise great cataclysms that would soon happen to humanity.

    Other interpreters believed that big changes were coming when the dreamer completely changed his opinion about a particular situation. Changes will affect not only you, but also your loved ones.

  • Many of us like to look at the stars before going to bed, sometimes we even manage to make a wish on a “shooting star.” But we all know that this is just a flying meteorite. Have you ever wondered why you dream of a meteor shower?

    Often, a dream about a meteorite falling speaks of interesting events that will happen in your life. Science has established that a meteorite burns up in the atmosphere, i.e. it is short-lived. Likewise, the effect of sleep will be rapid. Have time to enjoy the consequences!

    We look at the sky and wait for changes

    In a dream, a falling meteorite is a harbinger of big changes in the fate of the sleeper. It is possible to change your place of residence: starting from another apartment or house, ending with another country. Changes in this way should revitalize you. Moving is always accompanied by a lot of positive emotions. Involve your friends and loved ones - together it’s always more fun and interesting.

    For people who tend to sit still, seeing a meteorite in a dream will mean a sudden change of place of work. You may want to get away from a routine that has been consuming you for a long time. Cheer up, take a small step towards a new, unknown world. Big changes in life await you.

    • Seeing a huge stone fall to the ground and cause destruction is a sign of the meeting of your life. The person who will play a huge role in your future destiny will appear nearby.
    • If you see a meteorite falling nearby, right next to your feet, this means a wonderful romantic meeting. Your chosen one will pluck up courage and say those cherished words that you have long dreamed of.
    • A dream about falling from a cosmic body speaks of your hidden gift, which cannot yet manifest itself. But there are definitely notes of mysticism in you. Contact the seers, they will help you reveal your abilities.
    • If you dreamed of talking about meteors, this means receiving a pleasant gift, a surprise from a person to whom you are not indifferent. The memory of him will remain for many years. Also, such a dream prophesies major successful transactions or big purchases.
    • When you dream of a meteorite, a fragment of which you are holding in your hands, such a dream promises career advancement and recognition in professional circles.

    Scientists-psychologists explain why a meteorite is dreamed of in this way: observing cosmic bodies in a dream most often falls to people who tend to leave, disconnect from reality and live in their own world. These are people with their own point of view, different from others, on any situation and who know how to prove this point of view.

    If a meteorite fell into your yard in a dream, then this is a harbinger of rumors and news. By the size of the stone on the ground you can judge whether it will be important news or whether it is not worth focusing on. The larger the stone, the larger the message.

    Looking into an erotic dream book, you can find out: a meteorite in a dream is a symbol of great emotions that will soon overwhelm you and your loved one. You will focus only on each other and forget to think about other things. The fire will flare up again in married couples. But don’t get too carried away - don’t start a fire.

    According to Grishina’s dream book, a dream about a bright trail from a meteor promises success and exaltation. However, it will be short-lived. Have time to enjoy your merits.

    A modern dream book about a meteorite falling at lightning speed suggests that you will be surprised soon. Some event or news will hit you very hard.

    The dream book of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite also puts forward his own version of why a meteorite is dreamed of. A dream in which you saw a meteor falling is a harbinger of a meeting with old acquaintances. These will be people from your past, friends from whom fate separated you. You will be reunited again.

    Let millions of stars fall from the sky, creating beautiful landscapes. Let your wishes come true not only in a dream when you watch a falling star, but also in reality - always and under any circumstances. Believe in the best, and it will definitely happen to you. Author: Tatyana Malinina

    In a dream, a comet or other cosmic body may appear before an important or especially joyful event. the dream book will tell you in detail why you dream about a guest from outer space.

    Why do you dream about a comet?

    A tailed cosmic guest, a comet, falling on the dreamer in a dream promises him not only pleasant news, but downright stunning. The information will be so powerful and relevant that it will simply change the entire life of the sleeper. He will be ready for self-development, self-knowledge and self-improvement. An inspired person, inspired by his own successes and having learned the secret of the universe, can move mountains and turn back rivers if no one puts a spoke in his wheels.

    If you happen to see a comet rushing at breakneck speed across the sky, then such a vision cannot be called good, since it promises famine, war, devastation and general chaos. And if she maneuvers between the stars, then we should expect the imminent death of a close relative. When a comet falls to Earth at full speed, killing all living things and destroying cities, the dreamer will have to experience poverty, because his financial situation will sharply worsen.

    Why do you dream about a satellite?

    If you dreamed of an artificial Earth satellite flying across the sky and blinking, then soon the dreamer will receive powerful support from the outside. It is not necessary that this help will come from people. It is possible that the Higher Mind itself paid attention to the dreamer and will help him in every possible way in business, and in life too.

    If you see a natural satellite of a planet, for example, Jupiter, then this means that the dreamer will finally find his soulmate and will be very happy in marriage. It is also possible that the sleeping person will have a new friend who will never betray, sell, or let him down. When a satellite leaves its orbit and falls to the Earth, leaving an impressive crater on its surface, such a vision foreshadows difficult times for the sleeper, which reliable friends will help him survive.

    Why do you dream about an asteroid?

    Anyone who sees an asteroid in a dream need not be upset: this celestial body is a symbol of success and a harbinger of opening prospects. A particularly favorable dream is one in which the dreamer sits on an asteroid and travels around the galaxy on it. If a person holds a piece of an asteroid in his hands, this means that all his ideas, even the craziest ones, will be brought to life and successfully implemented.

    A falling asteroid is a harbinger of future disappointments, and if it flies at an incredibly high speed, then you should expect difficulties that will soon arise on the path of life. When a cosmic body falls not far from the dreamer, this foreshadows an early meeting with a person with whom you can safely connect your destiny. An asteroid flying past but not falling promises a quick move to a new place of residence. Watching the movement of an asteroid in a dream means traveling or a long journey. If a cosmic body exploded before reaching the Earth, you will have to carefully think through and weigh all your decisions.

    Why do you dream of a meteorite?

    Any celestial body you dream about can cause conflicting feelings. Meteorite is no exception. From such a vision, the dreamer can experience both indescribable delight and primitive fear. Naturally, to correctly decipher a dream, one should take into account both the emotional state and the general sensations of the sleeper.

    When a fallen meteorite arouses the dreamer’s interest, this is the first sign that even his most risky undertakings will be successful and will not cause any complications. If a meteorite destroyed a house or an entire city when it fell, then soon the dreamer will meet a person who will greatly influence his fate.

    Knowing for sure that a meteorite fell, but not seeing it, is a good sign. This promises a serious improvement in one’s financial situation. A meteorite falling under your feet is a harbinger of a romantic date, and if it falls somewhere nearby, then a bright and joyful event will soon occur in the life of the sleeper. Meteor shower predicts changes in life, but, according to the Bulgarian fortuneteller Vanga, such a vision promises planet Earth a global catastrophe at the level of the End of the World.

    Why do you dream about a car?

    It is not easy to see the car in all its glory in reality, since it burns out instantly and leaves behind only a trace. But in a dream everything is possible. Therefore, seeing a golden-colored car, there is a chance in reality to receive an inheritance, and this will be a complete surprise for the dreamer. A silver car portends the purchase of a new car. It’s not hard to guess what color it will be – metallic silver. A fireball that leaves a red mark on the sky is a harbinger of ill health, and a green one is a harbinger of lack of money.

    If the car flies too quickly and there is absolutely no trace left of its flight, then this is not a very good sign. Such an anomaly means that the plan is not destined to come true or is destined, but not immediately. Such a tedious wait is clearly not part of the dreamer’s plans, so he will alter something and radically change it, but such actions will not bring the desired result.

    It is quite logical that most people would like to unravel one or another of their dreams, because in essence we are talking about one of the simple and accessible ways to look into their future. However, sometimes people are not even aware of the serious secret meaning hidden in this or that vision, such as in a dream in which a meteorite appeared.

    What if you dream about a meteorite?

    A lot of authoritative authors of various interpreters and astrology specialists do not give any special meaning to the meteorite seen in a dream and, it must be said, it is completely in vain, because this sign is very bad and not only for the dreamer.

    Often, ancient dream books interpret a flying meteorite in a dream as news, mortal danger, or some minor consequences from such a vision, such as gray hair on the head or nostalgic sad mood. In fact, everything is much worse, if not more terrible, because we are talking about a very dangerous symbol that carries a threat of enormous proportions.

    Scale means danger not only for one dreamer, but sometimes for entire peoples and countries. Perhaps we are talking about some strong shocks, a severe decline in the economy and, as a result, a rapid decline in living standards, natural and natural disasters, armed conflicts, terrorist attacks and even wars (both internal civil ones and in the form of a difficult struggle with an external enemy ).

    At the same time, it is very important to understand that the events that the dream promises are a foregone conclusion and the whole question lies only in the time of occurrence and the scale of the impending disaster, which can be determined by paying attention to the number of meteorites and the distance of their location from the dreamer.

    So, if a person in a dream sees that he somehow ended up in space or his attention is presented to a broadcast of something happening somewhere in very distant places in our universe, then the countdown has begun - there will be a catastrophe, but not very soon.

    Sometimes whole years or even tens of years pass before its onset, during which this dream is repeated, but in a different form and in the immediate vicinity of what is happening.

    Seeing meteorites flying in space and feeling genuine horror from this spectacle in a dream is undoubtedly a bad sign, foreshadowing major upheavals.

    However, even worse is a dream in which a person, being on Earth in close proximity to his home, becomes an involuntary witness to a real starfall. This means that trouble is already on the doorstep and it will be quite difficult to hide from it.

    It is considered a particularly bad omen if these burning fragments begin to land on the ground, causing enormous damage to all living things.

    What does it portend?

    This dream, of course, is a completely bad harbinger of an impending global catastrophe, but for the dreamer himself there is a chance of salvation in real life if in a dream he and everything that is dear to him (relatives, property, etc.) remains untouched while others disappear under the influence of the elements, as they say, they are simply wiped off the face of the earth.

    Seeing someone's blood everywhere means that in the coming catastrophe the dreamer's relatives or friends will still suffer, since this symbol almost always symbolizes family (blood) ties.

    A vision in which meteorites fall to the ground, but do not cause any harm to people, houses or their environment; to observe in a dream the complete absence of sparks, fire and destruction, despite kilotons of falling objects, most likely promises that the dreamer’s homeland will be on the verge of mortal danger, but by some miracle, trouble will bypass her and her inhabitants.

    You should not fall into depression or panic after reading the above information, because such dreams have power and informational message only if the person has not thought about anything like that in real life (didn’t watch science fiction programs the day before, didn’t watch any with whom did I talk about this topic, etc.).

    The dream book believes that the interpretation of what a meteorite means in a dream is largely determined by the mood of the sleeper. A cosmic body in a dream can evoke fear, curiosity or delight. It appears in splendid isolation or in the company of its own kind. These and other details are taken into account when deciphering the dream.

    A harbinger of disaster

    If you dreamed of a meteor shower, in reality you should be prepared for any surprises. The prophetess Vanga saw in this symbol an omen of global catastrophes, almost the end of the world.

    The esoteric dream book considers meteor showers to be a harbinger of changes on a much smaller scale. Unpredictable, however, bright events will affect only the dreamer himself and his immediate environment.

    This is not the only explanation for why meteor showers occur in dreams. An erotic dream book promises sudden passion that will overwhelm you. Crazy love will be higher than relatives, friends, important matters and other functions in society.

    Good signs

    If the fall of a meteorite in a dream arouses interest and admiration, the Modern Dream Book promises the dreamer brilliant prospects. The coming period is favorable for risky undertakings; they will be crowned with success.

    If you dreamed about how the fall of a meteorite caused severe destruction, in reality a fateful meeting awaits. A person will appear in the sleeper’s life who will later play an important role in his destiny.

    When in a dream you were unable to see with your own eyes how a meteorite fell, nevertheless, you know for sure that it happened, in reality you will be able to significantly improve your financial situation.

    If in a dream a meteorite falls to the ground right under your feet, in reality you will have an unforgettable date. The man will finally decide to propose to his chosen one. A woman will have a chance to discern a future life partner in someone she knows.

    Often a falling meteorite foreshadows great changes in the fate of the sleeper. For example, moving to another city, country or a long long journey. Many surprises await homebodies, including a change in activity or lifestyle.

    Interpretation of dreams Hasse tells why you dream about how a meteorite fell nearby. A bright, joyful event awaits the dreamer. You need to have time to fully enjoy what is happening, as happiness will be short-lived. But pleasant memories will remain with you forever.

    The autumn dream book of birthday people explains what dreams mean when a meteorite falls from the sky to the ground. What you dreamed about speaks about your spirituality and penchant for mysticism. Perhaps you have a gift that needs to be developed.

    The dream book of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite considers a falling meteorite to be a guest from the past. Past unpleasant events can remind you of themselves. Don't be upset about something that can't be fixed.

    It’s interesting to know what a meteorite means in dreams from a psychological point of view. Seeing mysterious space objects often happens to those who, even while awake, sometimes lose touch with reality voluntarily or due to mental disorders.

    Space Messengers

    The spring dream book for birthday people warns that anyone who happened to see a falling asteroid in a dream will soon be upset by the sad news about someone close to them. Fortunately, the rumors will not be confirmed.

    If, according to the plot of the dream, you know for sure that the celestial body you dreamed of is a comet, stunning news awaits you in reality. The information you receive will turn your world upside down and inspire you to self-development and new achievements.

    When a dream about the fall of a star evokes exclusively positive emotions, Miller’s dream book explains what he saw in a dream as the patronage of a Higher Power.

    The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

    • To news from afar.

    The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

    • Meteorite- to news from afar.

    Esoteric dream book

    • Meteorite- slight pricks in the heart caused by memories. Don't focus on them, otherwise it will lead to negative emotions.

    Esoteric dream book

    • Light pricks in the heart caused by memories. Don't focus on them, otherwise it will lead to negative emotions.

    • A meteorite in a dream is nothing more than a flurry of emotions and passions that will fall on you completely unexpectedly. The moment has come in your life when you will literally lose your head from love and crazy passion. You will have no time left for friends or relatives, work and household chores will be postponed “for later”, and in the foreground - only your loved one, you and sex.

    Danilova's Dream Interpretation (Erotic)

    • Meteorite in a dream- nothing more than a flurry of emotions and passions that will fall on you completely unexpectedly. The moment has come in your life when you will literally lose your head from love and crazy passion. You will have no time left for friends or relatives, work and household chores will be postponed “for later”, and in the foreground only your loved one, you and sex.

    Children's dream book

    • A meteorite is an unexpected arrival that will disrupt your plans and completely confuse you.

    Children's dream book

    • Meteorite- an unexpected incident that will disrupt your plans and completely confuse you.

    Noble dream book by N. Grishina

    • A brilliant, trailing meteor- illusion of success, success from deception.
    • A meteorite destroys something by falling- a strange event / obvious interference of otherworldly forces in your life.

    Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

    • Divine Truth. Symbolic liberation from earthly problems, restrictions and conflicts. Archetype of the Magician.

    Dream Interpretation Maya

    • Good value
      If you had a dream in bad weather, your wish will come true. Cut off a lock of your hair and burn it, your wish will come true as soon as your hair grows.
    • Bad value
      If you had a dream in good weather, then in the near future you will lose something. To make the loss insignificant, drip corn oil on your most valuable things or sprinkle them with tobacco.

    Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

    • A meteorite flies by, but does not fall to the ground. - Presages a change of residence.

    Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

    • Seeing a bright meteor trail in a dream- a sign that something unexpected may happen in your life. The overall atmosphere of the dream and the feelings you experience can indicate whether the event will be favorable or not.
    • Meteorite falling to earth- portends some unforeseen difficulties. The closer to you the fall occurs, the more difficult the problem may be for you.

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