Home Wisdom teeth How to get into another person's dream spell. How to dream about another person? Powerful conspiracy! Ways to get into sleep

How to get into another person's dream spell. How to dream about another person? Powerful conspiracy! Ways to get into sleep

Sometimes there is a desire to get into someone else’s dream in order to find out what a person thinks or communicate with him on his “territory”. To fulfill such a desire, there are techniques.

To penetrate someone else's dream and impose a certain dream on another person, just follow a few simple steps.

Preliminary actions

Take the most comfortable position for your body. It is necessary to achieve a state of maximum relaxation. You need to close your eyes, lower your head down and throw out all thoughts about your problems, clear your mind, leaving only emptiness in your head. The main thing is to enjoy this state of complete relaxation.

Knowing how to get into someone else's dream, you can achieve clarity of consciousness, and then you need to very clearly imagine the image of the person whose dream you want to penetrate. Imagine him as if he were nearby. It is imperative to imagine him sleeping, and not in a state of wakefulness.

Then you need to focus on the person’s face, on the decor of his bedroom. And just by observing, you can slowly penetrate the subconscious of a sleeping person. If you can’t immediately imagine his image, you need to relax and try again, it will definitely work in a few minutes.

Penetration into someone else's dream

And now the most important thing, penetration into someone else's dream. When you know how to get into a dream, you need to imagine the necessary image; perhaps some pictures from his dream will appear, completely meaningless. Then you don’t need to do anything, you just need to calmly continue to observe. The main task is to penetrate into the area of ​​a person’s “third eye”. If this succeeds, we can consider that the goal has been achieved.

Now you can tell this person anything in a dream, warn him about something, express your feelings, remind him of some important events that have already happened or will happen in the future.

But you need to remember that this is just a dream, and many people do not attach importance to their dreams or simply forget them.

Staying in someone else's dream is unsafe; a person is very vulnerable at this moment, so you need to be very careful and think carefully before entering someone else's dreams.

Get into someone else's dream This is possible only if you master the technique of lucid dreaming. In all other cases, all attempts at such penetration, regardless of whether you want to influence another person or just watch his dream, will be pointless. This is due, first of all, to the fact that penetration into someone else’s dream cannot be accomplished while awake. However, it is impossible to do this in an ordinary (non-lucid) dream, where nothing will be subject to the control of the mind.

It can take years to master the technique of lucid dreaming and further penetration into other people's dreams. So be prepared to deal with what how to get into someone else's dream, not right away.
If you have never practiced lucid dreaming, but are still wondering how to get into someone else's dream, try following the algorithm below.
1. Choose a time to sleep when you are sure no one will disturb you. The optimal time for this is the weekend, when you don’t have to worry about oversleeping at work.
2. Set your alarm about an hour before you usually wake up. Get out of bed and do not lie back down until the drowsiness has completely passed.
3. Go back to bed. Now the sleep will be superficial, and it will be much easier for you to realize that you are dreaming.
4. Start controlling your dreams. You can try to fly up, go through a wall, control other people.
5. Clearly imagine the image of the person whose dream you want to enter. The best way to get into someone else's dream is if you know exactly in what environment he sleeps and are able to accurately remember the smallest details of his face.
6. Move to this person. Stand next to him and look into his face. At this time, you will gradually begin to penetrate his dream. Most likely, the fragments of his dream will be incoherent, and you will not be able to understand everything that he sees.
7. To make a person remember your appearance in his dream, make him wake up by scaring him or explaining to him that he is in a dream.
Many people want to know how to watch other people's dreams, do not take into account a very important aspect: you can see someone else’s dream only if you try to do it when the other person is sleeping. Therefore, you must be sure that the person you are interested in is in a state of sleep.

The ability to get into someone else's dream: truth and myths

Some theorists lucid dreams they doubt the possibility of entering someone else's dream if the other person does not want it. This is due to the fact that lucid dreams are primarily related to our subconscious, rather than objective reality, as well as the unconscious of other people.
However, there are real reviews those who managed to see the same dream together. However, most often this happened in the case of joint practice of lucid dreams, and not as a result of forcibly introducing a person with similar abilities into someone else's dream.

If you have already become acquainted with such a phenomenon as magic, then dreams are probably of some interest. A dream is a part of our life, which means that in the process of sleep we can impose someone else’s will on a person, as well as warn him about some danger. If you don’t know how to do this, you just need to get into the dream. Making a person see the dream you need is quite simple, you just need to follow some rules. So, in this article we will try to answer the question: is it possible to penetrate someone else’s dream?

How to enter another person's dream

  • Take the most comfortable position for your body: lie down, sit in a lotus, etc. The main thing is to achieve complete relaxation. Lower your head down, you can also close your eyes. You must let go of all the problems and thoughts that torment you. There should be only one emptiness left in your head, so for some time you will have to leave your plans outside your consciousness. Enjoy this extraordinary distance of relaxation.
  • Having achieved purity of consciousness, you can begin to next step– imagine in the smallest detail the image of the person you want to dream about. You need to see him in a sleeping state as clearly as possible, as if he were in front of your eyes. You should not make any sudden movements, gently focus on the person you need, on the decor of his bedroom, on his face. At this stage you have to be just an observer. You don't need to take absolutely any actions, you just slowly enter the person's subconscious. You may not immediately be able to imagine the sleeping person, but do not despair - it is just a matter of time. After about 10 minutes, you will notice visible progress.
  • Now is the time to get an answer to the question: how to penetrate a person’s dream? When the desired image appears before your eyes, you will sometimes see incoherent pictures from his dream. At this moment it is important to remain passive and not try to interfere with anything. After all, your task is to get into the so-called “third eye” area of ​​a sleeping person. As soon as you manage to penetrate the dream world of the person you need, you can start doing whatever you want: talk about your feelings, show some important events, warn about upcoming danger or grief and much more. However, do not forget that we are just talking about a dream, which a person tends to forget and not attach to it. of great importance. But you are precisely in the most vulnerable position, because as soon as you manage to penetrate someone else’s dream, the person himself plunges into a sleeping state. Therefore, be extremely careful and vigilant.

Now you know how to penetrate a person’s dream.

How to dream about another person to remind him of yourself? This powerful love magic spell will be useful to you!

The plot can be read from a photo of a lover or from his mental image. You can read magic words at any time of the day, they will still reach their goal at the right moment, and the desired person will see you in a dream.

How to dream about another person?

“At the right time, in the right place, in the right mood, I perform this ritual - I cast a spell. I gather the clouds in my hands into an energy ball. I give the ball a task: fly to (name), find (name), enter (name)’s dream. Remind him of me!

Let (name) remember me, let (name) dream about me, let (name) think about me!

I direct the energy ball with a task. I make him independent, so that he fulfills my spell, so that in a dream I become (name) the main one actor so that I become clear and memorable for (name).

Where is reality? Where is the dream? We don't know! But one thing is clear - I am present there, I control (name)’s consciousness there. Hantaa Ular».

When pronouncing the words “Khantaa ular”, which means: “Thank you, this is my will, so be it,” you need to cup your hands in front of your chest and make a slight bow.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Conspiracy - “small” folklore texts that serve as a magical means of achieving what is desired in healing, protective, productive and other rituals (Wikipedia).

Scientists have not yet come to a clear conclusion about what sleep actually is. They usually say that dreams are just by-effect processing by the brain of information accumulated during the day. At the same time, a lot of evidence has accumulated that does not fit into this picture. In particular, there are practices that allow you to enter another person's dream.

There are two types of dreams. Some are completely illusory and occur entirely in the space of human consciousness. That is, they do not have access to the outside, to other spheres of existence. Their main difference is that they have no energy. But there are also dreams in which a person comes into contact with reality, even if it differs in its qualities from the familiar world. In such dreams, everything around us carries energy, that is, it really exists. The images of people you see in your dreams also have the same qualities. Most of them are illusory; in dreamer's jargon they are called sprites. They contain no energy and have no direct connection with a real person. If you communicate with your friend’s sprite, and during the day you ask him about what he saw in his dream, then your dreams will have nothing in common. But if you meet his real energy body, then your descriptions will coincide almost completely. This means that you were really together in a dream. Two tasks follow from the above. The first is to learn to determine whether it is an illusion in front of you or not. The second is to be able to find in a dream the right person. To distinguish illusion from reality, use the method proposed by Carlos Castaneda. The method is simple - you need to extend your hand (any one) and point to the object or person you are interested in with your little finger. You can additionally say the phrase “I want to see!”, but this is not necessary. If you have an illusion in front of you, then either nothing will happen, or, which happens much more often, the observed object will begin to undergo various metamorphoses. That is, it can change color, shape, turn into something, etc. Don’t pay attention to this - in front of you is a dummy with no energy.

If there is a real (energy) object in front of you, it will begin to glow. The glow is very specific: it resembles phosphorus, does not have a halo - that is, it does not go beyond the contours of the object. Once you see it once, you won’t confuse it with anything else. This method Determining the reality of an object works very well. Out of hundreds of dreams, only a few are connected with the real worlds. All others are illusions.

Direct techniques for getting into another person's dream are quite simple. For example, when you see a sprite of your friend, jump on the bridge of his nose (this is possible in a dream). If you have formed the right intention, you will find yourself in a real person's dream. The ability to see energy will help you understand whether what is in front of you is really a real man. Another option is to walk through the wall with the firm intention of finding your friend behind it. Finally, you can simply turn around, knowing that this person is standing behind you. There may be other methods, but they have one thing in common - the technology itself does not matter, the right intention is important. And he needs to study. To practice intention, try moving objects with your eyes in your sleep. If this works, your intention is working. If not, train it. As you have already noticed, to perform the described actions in a dream you must have a clear consciousness. That is, in a dream you must remember that you wanted to find this or that person. This form of control turns ordinary sleep into a dream. It’s as if you are waking up in a dream, your consciousness works almost the same as in normal daytime life. There are many techniques for mastering dreams, remember two key points. First: to dream, you need energy. Impeccability helps accumulate it (to understand the term, read the books of Carlos Castaneda). No energy, no dreams. The second point: dreams need a clear, specific goal. Not just “I want to dream,” but the intention to perform some action. For example, Castaneda offers a wonderful exercise - wish to look at your hands in a dream. To perform this action, you may need several months of accumulation of energy and active intention to look at your hands in a dream. But when you do this, the dream will turn into a dream. After this, you will be able to look for your friends in your dreams or do something else.

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