Home Prevention How to wish a girl good night so that she falls asleep thinking about you? Good Night Wishes Wish good night to your loved ones.

How to wish a girl good night so that she falls asleep thinking about you? Good Night Wishes Wish good night to your loved ones.

I wish you pleasant dreams, no offense and no calls, so that your sleep is wonderful, and the new day is clear - so that your dreams come true. Sleep well, sleep sweetly! 10

Open the door to my dreams so that I can be with you in my dreams! 6

Good night, dear husband!
I miss you a lot and want to see you...
Oh, how long your work lasts! 3

I wish you the most beautiful dreams! And so that the only thing better than them is tomorrow evening with me! 9

I want you to dream about me at night, just dream about you too. Sleep sweetly Good night! 17

I wish you sweet dreams and the most fabulous moments! And for the most serene night, I kiss you tenderly! 16

I will love you even in my dreams,
After all, you are my real prince!
The most tender forever,
I hope you love me
Just as much as I love you! 2

Be careful, the eyes are closing! Next station - Good Morning! 9

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I lie silently in silence, and I miss you. But if you come to me, I will melt with love! Good night:) 10 (1)

I wish you sweet dreams, may this night give you: joy, mood and the desire to see me as soon as possible! 13

Night has fallen on the city, everything around has become quiet, close your beloved eyes, let all your worries go away! 15

May you have joyful dreams,
May you dream of the hot shine of the moon,
Let you dream the same thing as me,
Even if it’s just for a short moment, we’ll meet in a dream! 11

My beloved, I wish you the most extraordinary sensual dreams! Hot and unbridled, and with me in the leading role)) 17

I wish you beautiful dreams, always with a taste of love with me. Sweet night dessert service :) 15

My beloved bunny, I love you very much, I miss you very much, good night darling, sweet dreams to you! Your beloved. 13

Close your eyes, imagine me, I am always near you when you close your eyes! 12

Good night my cat, don’t forget that I’m with you!
And day, and night, and always, wherever you were - or I was! 8

The night has come, it's a pity that you can't kiss me! There is sadness in my heart, because I will have to be alone until the morning: (I wish you good night, I love you very, very much! 16

My affectionate and gentle beast, I love you so much, believe me, in the kingdom of the most bright stars- I wish you to sleep peacefully! I miss you very much, your smile and warmth! 15

Are you already going to bed? Then the most beautiful, colorful, joyful dreams come to you urgently! 12

The day has passed, there are stars in the sky.
I took a night fast for a month.
May you have a restful night!
We'll see you tomorrow.

The enchantment of the night outside the window
They've already tied the two of us together.
I whisper: "Good night"
I send you a sweet dream, prophet...
May the queen of all the earth
Inspires your dreams...

Wonderful, vivid dreams ideas
And clouds of touches,
From the breeze of a lullaby,
From the sky of transcendental bliss.

Good night sweet dreams!
You fall asleep in the arms of Morpheus,
And let him lull you to sleep,
A fairy fairy with a smile!

The midnight hour is approaching,
I'm with you in my thoughts now,
I cover you carefully
“Good night,” I say, lovingly.

The night has come, my eyes have closed,
Dreams have rushed and run,
Let them deliver it to you
Many joyful moments!

Good night, bright dreams
About our stormy love.
And let there be an awakening
These daring dreams will continue!

Heavenly stars
Glow in the dark
And one wonderful shines
Only for you!
The eyes are closing,
Night outside the window!
May you dream
The sweetest dream.

The golden month is flickering,
And the sky lights up the stars,
Good night my angel,
May life protect you!

Every time you close your eyes
Let him dream sweet, sweet dream
And when you wake up, as if in a fairy tale,
It will actually come true!

Angels and people close their eyes,
I kiss you, sleep, good night!

Night is a world of sweet dreams,
a world without sadness and without tears.
A world where there is no need unnecessary words
I wish you tender and pleasant dreams!!!

The stars twinkle like lights,
The night came down to us from heaven,
I wish you good night,
With or without a kiss!

Many roads have been traveled today,
And a lot of good things have been done.
Good night, you are my angel,
Good night, bedtime has come.

See also good morning wishes. SMS wishes for good night to your loved one will help you please your soulmate. We have SMS wishes for both the beloved and the beloved. Choose according to your taste. We also have poems about love for a guy.

Good night, my piece of happiness,
So welcome, like the sun in bad weather.
Lie down, relax and sleep,
Perhaps you will see me there.


You go to bed,
My dear friend?!
The only friend
I wish you beautiful dreams,
Be happy this night!


I kiss you
In your cold nose!
Good night, Kisa!
Your favorite Doggie!


And the stars shine brightly in the sky.
Only the moon is as bored as I am...
I mentally kiss you sweetly.
Good night my girl :)


The stars quietly mutter:
"Sleep, kitten, Good night


Dear little girl,
Rest on a pillow.
I also fall asleep
My precious one!


Honey, good night!
Have scary dreams...
Maybe tomorrow night
You will come running to me :)


Good night my cat,
Don't forget that I'm with you
And day and night and always,
Wherever you were, or I was!


A crazy day has curled up into a ball,
Alluring with sweet wine,
Melting a thousand delights
And the pleasures of a secret warehouse...
You too will find this valuable treasure
Just close your eyes...


You don't snore at night
And you don't drool.
Sweet dreams to you baby!
You know someone loves you!


You snore softly into your pillow
And you see wonderful dreams.
And you are not just a friend to me,
My favorite girl!
Night has come, and I'm already on my way...
I will guard your sleep on the roof,
Girl, my love, sleep well,
Sweet dreams to you, my baby...


The stars lit up like pearls,
Everyone has gone home...
I wish you a sweet night
I'm burning with love for you.


It will be a wonderful, good night,
And the darkness can't help her
Destroy the beautiful nonsense of dreams,
Dispel the alluring light of dreams...


Good dreams to you baby.
Perhaps you are still awake.
But it's warm in your crib.
And soon you will have a sweet dream.


I am writing to you good night,
I love you very, very much!
Good night, darling,
I wish you sweet dreams!


The moon is shining so bright today,
Perhaps, just as I fell in love with her...


Sleep, little bunny, sweet, sweet,
I kiss your paw!
I gently stroke your ear,
Good dreams, my Little Animal!


The crib has been waiting for you for a long time,
Pajamas are very boring.
Sleep is knocking on your window,
My kitten, good night :)

When you are far away from me,
look at the sky...
where the milky way is,
you will see stars, a huge cluster.
Take one of them and hold it close to you,
I will whisper to you from heaven:
“My baby, sweet dreams!!!”


Quiet... Somewhere a seagull is sleeping.
It's kind of lonely.
I probably won't sleep.
Let someone protect your sleep,
And I’ll pick up the book...
Quiet. Somewhere a star is sad
And you're already asleep.
Sweet Dreams, baby.


Good night…
For warm shelter
Was always overhead
And peace warmed my heart.


Good night sweet dreams.
The path to the valley of dreams is:
What is so tempting
So beautiful and so deceiving
That there's no way out
To us from his sweet paws...


My you! And everything is fine
Even this night
Both the blizzard and the wind are not scary!
Sweet dreams to you angel...

You know, I don’t know how to express what I want... I just want to say that for some reason I’m waiting for you, for some reason I miss you, for some reason I want to do something for you and for some reason I believe in you !
Good night and thank you for being there - my dream and hope!


Good night, serene,
May you sleep soundly until the morning.
Leave your worries until tomorrow, darling,
It's time for all of us to rest.


Sleep sweetly baby,
because you're probably in bed,
I will come to you in a dream
I'll lie down next to you on the bed
and we wake up to sleep together


There is a magical country
It is visible from space.
Everyone quickly falls asleep in it
And in dreams they fly.
I can’t sleep at all, -
I want to look at you.
I want to touch your lips,
To come back to you at least for a moment!


And darkness replaced the day again,
And the light went out for five hours,
And go to bed again
Until tomorrow, sweet rest...


Let all nightmares dissolve
They will go into the silent darkness of the night,
And let you dream what you dream of
Under the veil of night silence...


The night has come and the moon is shining brightly, the kitten sleeps sweetly, sweetly, and what would you dream about? beautiful dreams, I will tenderly kiss your lips!!! Good night, darling!


I’m writing a text message - my hand is shaking
My love runs to you!
Good night, I put an end to it
I kiss you on both cheeks!


I am writing to wish you good night,
Perhaps we will meet again tomorrow!
I can no longer endure separation,
What is this?! Could it be love?


Good night. Good night
There's so much silver in the sky.
Sleep, my love, sleep,
You and I are alone now.
I was late with the SMS,
I admired your dream.


I kiss your eyes...
Like a prince's princess in a sweet fairy tale..
Baby, I love you!!! May your dreams be as sweet as your lips...


Good night sweet dreams,
What is pleasant to us without words,
What sadness carries into the distance,
Everything you won’t be sorry to part with...


I wish you good night
May you have joyful dreams,
I love you and hug you tightly
We will be by your side together.


Let the canopy of the night cover you
And your angel will kiss you so tenderly, lovingly...


The dawn is getting closer, getting brighter,
The sky has already lit up
The lights of a thousand candles...
Let this light in your soul
Find a warmer place.


The first hour of the night has come,
I'm the only one who didn't sleep
I wrote a text message
I wished you good night...


The moon freezes in the sky,
And your crib is warm.
Sleep well, my joy,
Good and sweet dreams.

I lit a candle, warmed my palms,
And outside the window there is snow and a field,
The moon hung over the hut,
Dogs bark at the hump,

Smoke from the stoves carries across the field,
And the cold looks for where it is weakest,
Then the puppy will grab the nose,
Then he climbs into the cracks near the window.

Frosty, snowy, uncomfortable,

Lie down on the bench, in the palm of your hand,
And go to sleep, God bless you! ©

To the tops of sleeping buildings,
The snow is pouring down its soft silk,
And changing the universe,
A regiment of snowflakes will fall.

Everything is silent, everything is frozen,
Until dawn, until morning,
In the sleeping alleys of the streets,
Snowy melancholy wanders.

It will rise higher
And circles under the lantern,
Like moths to a candle,
Quiet summer evening.

And sometimes it hides,
It's like I'm exhausted
To be reborn again
Even if you didn't ask.

I love it when it's foggy
I love it when it's a snowstorm
Behind the dynamics of movements,
It's not at all lazy to watch.

I'll move away from the window,
Into the belly of dilapidated housing,
So that together with the late hour,
Exchange the rest of your sleep... ©

The sky was covered with clouds,
It's snowing and the evening is boring,
He barely stretches,
I wish I could get to bed soon.

And insomnia out of spite,
We are still tormented by this.
We think about the past
We think when it’s easier,

Well, when will you get lucky?
Even in advance, in advance,
We all set the tea and drink it,
Well, it's time...

Go to bed, fall asleep,
Tomorrow we have to get up again.
Thoughts do not console us,
Their hopes are fading with them,

We forget ourselves in a dream,
In the predawn silence,
Forgetting everything
Thoughts melt away like a dream. ©

Everything that worried me, that was hard

When the day passes, not everyone can sleep peacefully when evening or night comes. They are constantly and inevitably disturbed by the same problems and thoughts that have been bothering them all day. Because of this, the night will not be calm, and the rest will not be complete. So, in order to change this situation and start thinking about something else, good, calm and peaceful, so to speak, in order to bring down the negative mood. We created this category in which you can read poems yourself at night or send good night wishes to your loved one.

Good night wishes in verses

I lit a candle, warmed my palms,
And outside the window there is snow and a field,
The moon hung over the hut,
Dogs bark at the hump,

Smoke from the stoves carries across the field,
And the cold looks for where it is weakest,
Then the puppy will grab the nose,
Then he climbs into the cracks near the window.

Frosty, snowy, uncomfortable,
The road into the night is completely wasteful,
Lie down on the bench, in the palm of your hand,
And go to sleep, God bless you! ©

To the tops of sleeping buildings,
The snow is pouring down its soft silk,
And changing the universe,
A regiment of snowflakes will fall.

Everything is silent, everything is frozen,
Until dawn, until morning,
In the sleeping alleys of the streets,
Snowy melancholy wanders.

It will rise higher
And circles under the lantern,
Like moths to a candle,
Quiet summer evening.

And sometimes it hides,
It's like I'm exhausted
To be reborn again
Even if you didn't ask.

I love it when it's foggy
I love it when it's a snowstorm
Behind the dynamics of movements,
It's not at all lazy to watch.

I'll move away from the window,
Into the belly of dilapidated housing,
So that together with the late hour,
Exchange the rest of your sleep... ©

The sky was covered with clouds,
It's snowing and the evening is boring,
He barely stretches,
I wish I could get to bed soon.

And insomnia out of spite,
We are still tormented by this.
We think about the past
We think when it’s easier,

Well, when will you get lucky?
Even in advance, in advance,
We all set the tea and drink it,
Well, it's time...

Go to bed, fall asleep,
Tomorrow we have to get up again.
Thoughts do not console us,
Their hopes are fading with them,

We forget ourselves in a dream,
In the predawn silence,
Forgetting everything
Thoughts melt away like a dream. ©

So they drag out the day until midnight,
Few people will remember them at all,
The sun has set, the stars and night have come out.
I don’t mind arguing with them until the morning,

For those for whom sleep has refused to function,
To everyone who is now while away worrying,
Let him calm down, lie down
Everything that worried me, that was hard

Let the depth, in the dark and cool,
It will hide everything that you didn’t get along well with during the day,
Whisper and breeze, wet sheet on the glass,
May you dream of snow or rain,

Everything that is moderate, everything that is so smooth,
Go to sleep, fall asleep in your soft bed,
Close your eyes, let the darkness disperse,
May a fairytale dream visit you! ©

Wishing good night to a friend (girlfriend)

The night draws blots - shadows,
From the trees, from the moon,
Another day is passing,
We are leaving with this day.

We won't be here anymore
Yesterday, but no tomorrow,
And we prepare our mortal world,
We are for joy and troubles.

What will happen there, how will it happen,
The card will lie on the table,
It will become clear with dawn,
When the dollar becomes visible.

In the meantime, still meeting,
With a string of night dreams,
And what do I dedicate?
This work and this verse.

Sleep so sweetly, sleep peacefully,
Like a baby sleeping in a manger,
So that the day that comes to us,
I gave the best to you, friend! ©

On high-rise buildings, roofs of buildings,
The moonlight poured its coldness,
Penetrating into the universe,
And depriving me of all strength.

He chased the shadows down the alley,
Among the skyscrapers, between them,
And with such impatience,
He scratched the darkness and went silent.

So that the night could weave its nets,
A galaxy of stars to catch,
Until the morning, so that in these networks,
We would like to sleep peacefully. ©Ksyu

Well, the evening is coming to an end,
And the night is already coming into its own,
And nothing will change
Any words in the world for us...

All that remains is to come to terms with it,
And together with the day we will fade away,
To wake up in the morning,
And this is known, you know it yourself!

Therefore, it is appropriate to wish
Good night sweet dreams,
May the night be very charming,
And the day will become like this! ©

Good night wishes to your beloved

Gently guarding your sleep,
The night is coming towards you,
The stars mutter tenderly,
Sleep, kitten, good night!!!

Lie down, relax, don't think about anything....
Do you feel someone gently kissing your lips?
Don't be scared - I'm the one who kisses you tenderly before bed...
Good night dear!

It's snowing or rustling leaves,
Maybe the rain is knocking on the window,
Everything is familiar, everything is familiar,
Everything makes me sleepy!

Well, let him not let go,
That nap until the morning,
So that you sleep very sweetly,
Until the dawn fire...

The sun rose for good
The world was glad, and I was glad,
That the beloved beloved
Close again as always! ©

Good night wishes to my beloved

While away the night in the dark,
Thoughts tangled into a tangle,
So you worry as if on purpose,
That I couldn’t sleep either.

It's much calmer,
If sleep touches the eyelids,
And it will dissipate until dawn,
Restless thoughts flee.

That's what I wish for you,
For my beloved, for mine,
So that sleep can be wrapped in a shawl,
May you fall asleep quickly! ©

Funny good night wishes

Not a gouged out eye - the moon,
Staring at the sky all night,
Penetrating through the curtains,
And irritating the soul in a mortal body.

Insomnia torments the flesh,
So reverent to the touch,
But besides there is a desire to sleep,
This wish is more important! ©

Oh, you are a daring troika,
You bear barriers without knowing
Past the bar and houses
Past sweet light dreams,
To the bed, blankets,
So that the slumber sleeps until the morning! ©

The stories of the day have already faded away,
And the streets are deserted, that's right,
And our moonlight breaks through the clouds,
And my soul feels a little bad

How to shake off all the heaviness and fatigue?
And at once forget about what happened,
Yes, we all just need to rest,
Good night, there will be day and it will give strength! ©

And now some postcard pictures for those to whom you would like to wish a special good night...

Now the time has come to move on to sending SMS “Good night” to all our dear and close people;)

SMS (short) with good night wishes

Life has become a day shorter,
No sex, good night!

My kitten, I wish you good night.
And such beautiful dreams.
You are a gentle, affectionate little bundle.
I miss you very much!

Good night wishes in the form of short messages via SMS, Viber or other means are pleasant for any man to receive. To make the message pleasant, it is important to choose the right tone, those words that will sound sincere and real.

It is important to follow the rules of etiquette: formulate phrases carefully, avoiding ambiguous wording or slang, especially in a formal style of communication. Armed with these rules, you can start writing messages in prose and even poetry.

Most often, frank messages of this kind (SMS) are sent only to close or well-known people. The style of writing good night wishes to a man depends on the established relationship.

It is quite acceptable for a friend to write in free form, but for a person with whom the relationship is at the initial stage of development, such a tone is not suitable; it is better to write restrainedly, but with a twist.

Pleasant good night wishes for your beloved man (short messages and SMS).

Universal good night wishes to a man in the form of short SMS look like this:

  • “Pleasant dreams... May your dreams be pleasant!”
  • "Good night! Wish have a nice rest, which will give strength and energy for tomorrow!”
  • "Good night! May sleep bring rest and inspiration!”
  • “I wish you good night and a joyful morning!”
  • “Sound sleep is the best energy drink! Good night and have a good rest!”
  • "Good night! Let your dreams be light, like the clouds outside your window!”
  • “Let all your plans come true tomorrow! Have a nice rest!"
  • “Good night and sweet dreams!”
  • "Good night! Have carefree and easy dreams!”

Messages should be short and clear to avoid hidden meaning(unless the sender initially sets himself such a task). Before sending a message, be sure to check that there are no errors in the text.

Short wishes to a friend in poetry and prose

Friendly good night wishes to a man in the form of short SMS can be written in a humorous manner. For example, in this case you can write like this: “A night without sleep is the key to a headache in the morning. So drop everything and go to sleep! Good night and good dreams

Many people try to write wishes in verse. But to send such a message you need to be sure that the recipient will appreciate the poetic lines. On the other hand, even if these are very simple poems, the main thing is that they are sincere. Then they will make a good impression.

“Sleep is a world where dreams come true,

A world where no extra words are needed,

A world without worries, in the radiance of beauty...

Let there be more bright, good dreams!”

Good night wishes to husband in SMS or message

When one of the spouses has to leave on business, wishing each other good night will come in very handy. In every message I want to say how much I miss my soulmate right now!

  • “I’m sure that tomorrow I will miss you more than now, because even at this moment I don’t want to say goodbye... But you need to rest, so good night and sweet dreams!”
  • “May sleep cover you with gentle palms, and may the night be good!”
  • “A dream is a mirror in which we see our dreams, let it show you only pleasant pictures. Good night!"
  • “When you dream, you fall asleep easier, and your dreams become bright and colorful. May your cherished dreams lull you to sleep, and may all your plans come true tomorrow. Good night!"
  • “Only in a dream everything is possible... And even if today we are not close, but in a dream we are definitely together! Good night, my love!"
  • "Good night! Let sleep leave all worries at the door, wash away worries and give you rest!”
  • "Good night! May your dreams be as bright as the colors of true happiness!”
  • “I won’t be able to sleep peacefully without your “good night”!”
  • “Before you fall asleep, think how much I love you - and then your dreams will be light and bright. Good night, kitten!
  • “Sleep is one of the small miracles of this world, let it give you lightness and peace of mind. Sweet dreams for you, dear!”
  • “Even though we don’t fall asleep together today, I hope that you feel my love and warmth. Sweet dreams to you, my love!”
  • “There are many miracles in this world, but there is one more that I value more than all others, and that is your love - the most amazing and beautiful thing that could ever happen! Good night, my happiness! I hope you have bright and tender dreams!”
  • “I wish you colorful dreams and a relaxing holiday! Good night, my best!”

And there is nothing better than the moment when, in response to this message, an answer comes with the same romantic wish.
And if the spouses were in a quarrel, then this is also a great chance to improve the relationship. Let the message or SMS “Good night, darling!” will be the first step towards reconciliation!

Good night wishes to a classmate

Good night wishes to a classmate can be neutral, friendly, just funny - it all depends on the communication style adopted between the recipient and the sender. You can say to someone: “Okay, lights out! It's time to passionately hug your pillow! And some will have to limit themselves to the formal: “Good night! See you tomorrow!"

The SMS can be a continuation of a previous conversation or some events that happened during the day. For example:

  • “Today was a difficult day, let everything be smooth tomorrow! Good night!"
  • “Stop gnawing on the granite of science! Good night and peaceful sleep!”
  • “Well, tomorrow we’ll go look for new adventures? In the meantime, lights out, good night!”
  • "Deep sleep - best protection from nerves and panic. Good night, sleep soundly and wake up rested!”
  • "Good night! Let your dreams be bright and colorful like pictures in a kaleidoscope!”
  • “My battery is low, it’s time to recharge. And I wish you to relax and unwind! Light cloudy dreams!
  • "Good night! Have bright and inspiring dreams!”

If your relationship with a classmate goes beyond friendship, you can hint at romantic dreams about him. This will add some spice.

Short wishes before going to bed for a relative

Not everyone writes SMS to relatives, limiting themselves to their closest friends. In fact, such messages are very important because they allow you to maintain family ties and show that the person is truly dear:

  • "Good night! May the angel guard your sleep!”
  • “Let a sound sleep wash away the accumulated fatigue! Good night!"
  • “We all had a difficult day, but we made it through and deserved a rest. Good night and sweet dreams!"
  • "Good night! I wish you sweet and happy dreams, and may the new day bring good luck!”

Being too emotional in a message to a relative will only do harm.

Cool good night wishes in SMS

You can always send a funny message to your friend encouraging him to quit computer games or a night cinema, and go to bed.

Cool message options could be the following:

  • “Close your eyes quickly and let’s go to sleep, otherwise now gray wolf I'll call you! Good night!"
  • “You can’t think too much, otherwise you won’t have time to sleep! Good night!"
  • “I wanted to wish you good night, but it seems that the morning is already closer!”
  • “You can learn more in one night before an exam than in a semester, but it’s better to get some sleep! Good night and good luck!”
  • “Okay, it’s time for me to get on my broom and go for a walk! And you good sleep and good night!”
  • “It's time to rest. Good night! And may you have epic dreams, three-dimensional, and with sequels!”
  • "Who said, that new life Should I start over with a new day? You can start the new night! Right from now on you can start going to bed early! Chocolate and caramel dreams to you!”

Erotic wishes for your beloved guy in prose

Men do not see the point in ordinary chatter, even modern technologies turned it into short messages on the smartphone screen. A completely different matter is erotic SMS, those that intrigue, entice, and give an emotional boost.

Writing such messages is an art, because it is very important to maintain the line between tenderness and cloying, between light flirting and intrusiveness, between flirting and outright vulgarity.

  • “You are my greatest temptation... When you touch me, my heart beats faster. I want your every kiss to last forever... I look forward to the next time we meet! In the meantime, good night and bright dreams!”
  • “Dreams are like a movie that we make ourselves. My dreams are a sensual movie about you, about your hands, about your lips and kisses. I want your movie in your dreams to be about me. Good night and bright dreams!”
  • “I'm going crazy with your smile. Your kisses still resonate within me. I can't sleep, remembering the touch of your hands. But to you, my beloved, I want to gently whisper “Good night!” And I want your dreams to be sweet and exciting!”
  • “When you hug me and I feel your heartbeat, I want this moment to freeze in eternity. I want to fall asleep at the same time as you, in the same bed, in such exciting proximity, feeling your breath and the warmth of your body. May the night be warm and affectionate, my treasure!”

Short messages before bed with affectionate addresses

The great Italian poet Petrarch said that a person can express how much he loves only when he loves little.

Therefore, it is not surprising that it can be difficult to find words or even just affectionate address. But you can just use a few tips:

  • “Good night, my fluffy kitten!”
  • “Sweet dreams, little bear!”
  • “Good night, my light!”
  • “I adore you, my dragon, rest and may you have vivid dreams!”
  • “Good night, my bright prince!”
  • “Good night, my gentle boy!”
  • “May your dreams be bright, my knight!”
  • “Let the night lull you to sleep, my beloved!”
  • “Good night and see you later, my friend!”
  • “I want to wish you cozy dreams, my little elephant!”

Better yet, call your loved one by name. Just first you should clarify which abbreviated form he likes. For example, Denis may not like the abbreviation “Deniska” because it seems infantile to him.

How to wish good night to a man in English?

A good night wish in English sounds like this: “Good night.” To this you can also add the wish “Sweet dreams.” For example, it would sound like " I wish you sweet dreams“, although this phrase is often shortened to the last 2 words.

To this you can add affectionate treatment. For example, " Sweet dreams, my angel» (« Sweet Dreams, my angel"). You can remember the lullaby “Good night. Sleep tight. See you in the morning light" with wishes of good night and good sleep.

How to wish pleasant dreams in French?

The words for “Good night” in French are “Bonne nuit”. If the sender wants to say “Good dreams,” you can add “Dormez bien.”

In French There are many ways to say good night - just like in Russian. If the sender wants to write in an SMS a wish for a sound sleep like a baby, then it will sound like

“Dormez comme un bébé” (the spelling should be exactly the same transcription). This phrase can be translated as “Sleep like a baby.”

In Russian, after a hard day, you can wish a person a sound sleep like this: sleep like a groundhog. In French it would sound like this: “Dormez comme un loir.” The last word translated as “dormouse”, and in this context it is quite appropriate.

You can just wish sweet dreams. Then it will sound like: “Fais de beaux reves.” The penultimate word is translated as “beautiful” - this is how this wish is usually formulated in France.

How to say good night in Ukrainian?

Good night wishes to a man in the form short SMS in Ukrainian you can literally express it very succinctly - “Na dobranich!” (although there is also a continuous spelling).

You can wish for sweet dreams like this: “To your good fortune!” Sweet dreams!” And pleasant dreams - “On your way!” Happy dreams!”

If an SMS is sent to a loved one, then in Ukrainian it can be written like this: “Na dobranich, kokhaniy!”

How to say goodnight in Italian?

Wishes of good night to a man in the form of a short SMS can indeed be reduced to one single word - “Buonanotte”.

And when they want to wish you good dreams, they say “Dormi bene.”

The message itself depends on the relationship between the sender and the recipient. For example, You can send an SMS to your loved one: “Buonanotte, tesoro mio!” This translates to “Good night, my treasure!”

Or you can send an even more tender confession - “Buonanotte amore mio! Ti aspetto nel mondo dei sogni" (“Good night, my love, I am waiting for you in the world of dreams”).

The expression “Sweet dreams, my baby” can be translated into Italian as “Dormi bene, bambino mio.” And friendly communication can be completed with the phrase: “Well, sweet dreams,” which in Italian will sound like this: “Alloro, sogni d’oro.”

Wishes via SMS after a romantic date

Psychologists do not recommend sending passionate SMS immediately after a date. After all, this will only demonstrate to the man that he is overly interested, and at this stage of the relationship you should not do this. This evening it is better to limit yourself to good night wishes and light conversation.

You can write an SMS on a topic that will interest both (for example, if a guy and a girl have common hobbies), and at the end of the message say good night. For example, if both love cinema, you can remember that a new film is about to premiere, about which all the media are writing (or, conversely, they are not writing about it yet, and it is all the more interesting to watch it).

A movie can easily be replaced by a photo exhibition, a sports match or any other event - the main thing is that it is interesting to both. And after the mini-discussion, the conversation should end like this:

  • "It's a pleasure talking to you! Good night!"
  • “I had a great time, I hope we see each other again! Good night and see you again!”
  • “Time flew by with you. It's a pity that it's time to say goodbye! I wish you good night and bright dreams!”
  • “Thank you for the pleasant conversation! Good night!"
  • “It was a pleasant evening, I hope tomorrow will be a good day! Pleasant dreams!"
  • “It’s nice to talk with such a witty interlocutor! I hope that we will continue this conversation! In the meantime, good night!”

If the guy lives in another area, and it’s already late, then it wouldn’t hurt to find out how he got home. Such a message will show that the man is not indifferent, his well-being is important. And such SMS can be short and straightforward. For example: “I hope you got home without any problems! Good night!"

These rules apply to first romantic dates. If a couple has been dating for a long time, then there is no need to artificially limit yourself.

And one more rule - don’t put too many exclamation marks. This can be perceived as excessive emotionality and enthusiasm, and not everyone likes this. There is no need to put a lot of emoticons - one at the end of the sentence should be enough.

And it must correspond to the general mood. Wishing good night to a man in the form of short messages or SMS, overloaded with emoticons and emojis, does not look very attractive. Such a text can be regarded as ingratiation, as a desperate attempt to please this person.

Rules are made to be broken. And if this helps the sender to form his own style in SMS, unique and inimitable, like his personality, you can stick to only the most general requirements etiquette. We write SMS in order to convey our feelings to the addressee, to convey our attitude towards him, and not in order to comply with the protocol adopted in official communication.

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