Home Dental treatment What herbs should you drink? Herbs to increase male potency

What herbs should you drink? Herbs to increase male potency

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


There are many diets that help you get rid of extra pounds, remove inches from your waist or hips. However, not all of them will provide health benefits. Traditional healers recommend losing weight with the help of natural medicinal plants. Find out everything about what herb to drink for weight loss, how to infuse a drink at home or make a herbal mixture.

What herbs help you lose weight

In the distant past, it was difficult to find a house in Rus' in which various herbs would not hang at the entrance: St. John's wort, chamomile, thyme, coltsfoot. Our ancestors used them as a home first aid kit. Today, the popularity of herbs and traditional medicine has decreased, but in vain, because a properly compiled mixture will help get rid of many diseases.

Each plant in nature has its own purpose: some are good for relieving the runny nose, others treat radiculitis. Losing weight with herbs will be effective if you can correctly arrange the plants together. To achieve results, it is important to be able to distinguish the principles of the influence of herbs on the body, and they can be fat burning, diuretic or laxative, improving metabolic processes or reducing appetite.

Fat burning

The first thing that anyone who wants to lose a few extra pounds should focus on is cleansing the body. Almost all herbs for weight loss that burn fat are aimed at this effect. Accumulating in the body, they begin to stimulate active blood circulation, help remove toxins and improve lipid metabolism. Ask folk experts what herb you can drink for weight loss and the answer will be:

  • parsley with dill;
  • fennel;
  • anise;
  • caraway;
  • yarrow;
  • mess;
  • green tea.


It is worth noting right away that neither herbal diuretics nor pharmaceutical ones will help you burn a layer of fatty tissue. When taking herbal diuretics, fluid leaves the body, which will immediately return if you drink an extra glass of water. However, diuretic herbs for weight loss can also be useful. For example, if an overweight person has a tendency to puffiness. Herbs with diuretic effects include:

  • goose cinquefoil;
  • horsetail;
  • dandelions;
  • immortelle;
  • Tibetan barberry - goji berries;
  • corn silk;
  • tansy;
  • lingonberry leaves.


Excessive accumulation of food debris in the intestines can lead to fermentation in the intestines, gas, bloating and general intoxication. Herbs for digestion and cleansing the body will relieve you of such problems. They normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, delicately cleanse the intestines, remove toxins and other decay products. What herb to drink for weight loss with a laxative effect? The following plants are suitable:

  • buckthorn bark;
  • anise;
  • Caucasian hellebore;
  • licorice;
  • joster berries.

Improves metabolism and promotes weight loss

Slow metabolism is a common problem for people who are overweight. Herbs that speed up metabolism in the body will help increase energy consumption. However, you should drink tinctures from such plants with caution: they can increase your appetite. If you are not afraid of such side effects, then try making herbal decoctions for weight loss:

  • ginseng;
  • guarana;
  • coltsfoot;
  • birch buds and leaves;
  • red pepper;
  • ginger;
  • nettle;
  • celery.

To reduce appetite

The main rule of most diets is the need to reduce not only calories, but also the amount of food consumed per day. Not many people who lose weight find this barrier easy. The following herbs for reducing appetite and losing weight will help muffle the feeling of increasing hunger and be content with a small portion of healthy food:

  • fucus;
  • flax-seed;
  • spirulina;
  • marshmallow root;
  • medicinal angelica;
  • bran;
  • sage.

How to lose weight with herbs

Fat burning with the help of herbs must be combined with dietary nutrition and an active lifestyle, but this will not be enough for effectiveness. When losing weight using medicinal herbs, it is extremely important to consider several rules:

  • Infusions, teas, decoctions for weight loss, etc. cannot be taken whenever you want. As with any other dietary nutrition, a systematic approach is needed here. Otherwise, such weight loss methods may cause digestive problems, liver or kidney problems, bile stagnation, allergic reactions or other problems.
  • Any herbal weight loss drinks should not be drunk for too long. The optimal course of a plant-based diet is one and a half to two months. Then the body will need a break to recover.
  • You should not believe the assurances of traditional healers that rapid weight loss of 25 kg per month is possible with herbs. The extra centimeters and kilograms will go away slowly, approximately 600-900 grams per week. But the result will be much more stable than following a simple diet.
  • Diuretic plants not only remove harmful substances from the body and relieve fluid stagnation, but they also flush out calcium. To protect your bones, teeth, hair, nails, in parallel with such drinks when losing weight, you need to take special vitamin supplements.

In addition, not everyone can practice herbal medicine. Losing weight with herbs is strictly contraindicated for people with abnormal liver function or kidney pathologies, gastrointestinal disorders or allergies. Many herbal teas should not be drunk after conception or while breastfeeding. In order not to guess what herbs to drink to lose weight in the stomach or other parts of the body, you need to consult a doctor or an experienced herbalist before taking it. The specialist will definitely tell you about all the details, contraindications, but will also determine the optimal dosage.

How to take herbs for weight loss

From medicinal herbs you can prepare wonderful decoctions, make tinctures, and brew tea. Sometimes herbal remedies for weight loss are crushed in a mortar and used as a flavor enhancer for snacks or savory baked goods. To correctly calculate the dosage, you should strictly follow the instructions on the packaging of the herbal mixture for weight loss or in the folk recipe. It is worth remembering that herbal diuretics and fat-burning supplements should be taken before bed. Herbs to speed up metabolism - before training, and diuretics and laxatives for weight loss - on weekends or after work.

Special decoctions for weight loss help normalize the functioning of the digestive system, reduce appetite and cleanse the intestines of toxins. You need to drink them before each meal, first half a glass, then increasing the dosage to 200 ml. Try preparing decoctions using the following two recipes:

  1. Take equal parts of strawberry leaves, mint leaves, birch leaves, fennel, nettle and rosehip. Mix all the herbs well and measure exactly 1 tbsp. l. Fill the composition with two hundred milliliters of hot water and place it on top of a pan of boiling water. Boil the weight loss drink for a few minutes, cover with a plate or lid. Let the weight loss drink brew for several hours.
  2. Pour two tablespoons of dill seeds and the same amount of burdock with hot water. Place the bowl in a steam bath, cover with a lid and simmer for 20-30 minutes. Before taking the herbal decoction, cool and be sure to strain.


If you don’t have time to stand at the stove, but want to say goodbye to those extra centimeters, then try preparing an infusion of herbs for weight loss according to one of the following recipes:

  1. In a glass, mix equal amounts of dill and flax seeds, dried chamomile, buckthorn and some dandelions. Pour boiling water over the mixture and place a saucer on top of the glass. Brew the weight loss infusion for no longer than 15 minutes, then remove the herbs and drink the drink immediately.
  2. Combine equal amounts of nettle leaves, common yarrow and nettles. Pour boiling water over the dry mixture and let the herbs steep for a few minutes. Then cool the infusion slightly and take 1/3 cup per day.
  3. Steep sage, angelica and flax seeds for 20 minutes. Strain the cooled decoction for weight loss through a sieve with fine holes and take each time before meals.

Drainage tea

When losing weight, this drink will relieve puffiness and help remove unnecessary fluid from the body. However, unlike diuretics from the pharmacy, they act much softer and more delicately, and you can prepare drainage teas from herbs for weight loss in your own kitchen, spending mere pennies on making a collection. See for yourself by mastering a few simple recipes:

  • Grate fresh ginger root. Mix it with half a garlic clove, 10 grams of liquid honey and 30 milliliters of lemon juice. Pour boiling water over the resulting set of ingredients and drink throughout the day.
  • Let two tablespoons of calendula steep in 400 ml of boiling water for about 10-15 minutes. Pass the weight loss drink through a fine mesh sieve and take ½ glass an hour before meals.
  • Take 6-8 currant leaves, birch leaves or coltsfoot inflorescences. Pour boiling water over the composition of herbs for weight loss and drink herbal tea throughout the day.

What are the most effective herbs for weight loss?

Many weight loss experts recommend using a multi-component pharmacy herbal collection for weight loss. This approach allows you to get several effects at once: cleanse the intestines of toxins, burn subcutaneous fat, get rid of fluid, speed up metabolism, and reduce food consumption. However, not everyone can follow this approach when losing weight. In this case, herbalists suggest choosing just one of the most effective herbs.


Senna is considered one of the most common laxative herbs in Russia. However, you need to drink it with special care, because weed for weight loss has such unpleasant side effects as diarrhea and colic. In addition, the Altai herb senna is addictive when used regularly. Therefore, teas, extracts or infusions from it are drunk for no longer than one month.

To prepare a cleansing infusion, you need:

  1. Take half of one teaspoon of herb, pour one cup of boiling water.
  2. Cover the infusion with a lid for 10 minutes, then filter the liquid.
  3. It is advisable to drink the drink on an empty stomach, in small sips.
  4. If necessary, you can add a little honey to the infusion.

Caucasian hellebore

This weight loss herb contains a huge amount of useful antioxidants, so hellebore is able to cope with several tasks at once: support the functioning of the liver and kidneys, help remove excess fluid, protect the body from harmful toxins. Hellebore herb for weight loss is prepared according to this principle:

  1. Take two teaspoons of crushed hellebore leaves and pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Then wrap the container with any thick cloth and leave for at least 2 hours.
  3. The herbal medicine should be drunk 1 glass a day every morning for two weeks.


In folk medicine, mistletoe is used as a hemostatic plant and is often used to treat abrasions, wounds or burns. However, it will also be very useful for those who want to quickly say goodbye to kilograms. The herb mistletoe for weight loss is used in the form of a tincture with the addition of linden, which must be drunk according to a certain scheme:

  1. On the first day, prepare a drink consisting of 4 tbsp. l. linden leaves steamed in a liter of boiling water. Before drinking, the linden herb must be steeped for 2 hours.
  2. The next day, replace the linden with the same amount of mistletoe herb.
  3. On the third day for the drink, take only 2 tbsp. l. mistletoe for the same amount of water.
  4. On the fourth day, add juice from one lemon to the herbal tea.
  5. To lose weight, you need to drink the fat-burning infusion throughout the day, replacing regular water with it.

Honey stevia

Still wondering what herb to drink for weight loss? Then try stevia. This is the lowest calorie plant, because per 100 grams of leaves there are only 18 kilocalories. The herb stevia for weight loss is simply a storehouse of beneficial properties. It helps remove cholesterol, normalizes glucose levels in the body, helps give up sugar, muffles the feeling of hunger and stimulates the immune system. Stevia can be added to your daily tea and coffee. Often the leaves of the herb are added to compotes or cocktails for weight loss, and they are used to sweeten porridges and dietary desserts.


The herb with the amazing name bardakosh is familiar to many cooks, because in the kitchen it is a famous seasoning - marjoram. In cooking, it is often added to fish dishes, soups or vegetables, used in canning, for preparing alcoholic beverages and flavoring tea. In folk medicine, bardakosh is good for weight loss. It helps speed up metabolism, remove waste products and reduce appetite. The herb is brewed like regular tea, carried in a thermos, and drunk in small sips.


Do they eat it?

A village cat, freely moving along the street at any time convenient for her, will find the necessary plants as needed. City pets do not always walk in ecologically clean areas, sometimes they do not leave their apartments at all. For owners of such animals, the question of whether to give their cats grass is the most pressing. Usually, when special plantings for a pet appear in the house, it stops spoiling other house plants.

Experts call different types of grass eating by cats.

What grass do cats eat?

Oat, wheat and barley greens- the most common herb that experts usually suggest growing or buying. Rich in folic acid; B vitamins that improve the quality of the animal’s coat. However, there are other safe plants that these pets love.

Schisandra. A natural antiseptic that optimizes digestion and has a diuretic effect.

Melissa. Many cats simply adore this plant, so to avoid stomach upset, the container with herbs should be removed from time to time. The aroma of the plant lifts the mood of cats, they become playful. The same can be said about mint.

Carrot tops. WITH contains a large amount of selenium - a powerful antioxidant that protects cells. You can grow some greenery from leftover vegetables, but you shouldn’t get carried away with it. A large amount of selenium leads to hair loss, anemia and other signs of poisoning with this trace element.

Parsley. If your cat loves the grass of this beneficial plant, great! Fresh greens are rich in fiber, potassium and vitamins, including ascorbic acid, A and B.

Not all plants that your pet might like are listed here. Cats are loyal to violets and rosemary, adore catnip and valerian, and happily nibble on chlorophytum. After observing the animal, the owner can independently conclude which plants his pet likes.





Dracaena fringe and a number of other plants.

Usually sensitive cats do not eat poisonous specimens, but anything can happen... Lovers of cats and domestic bushes should pay close attention to such a neighborhood. An experienced veterinarian can help you choose the right grass for your cat.

How to grow grass for cats

If you go to a pet store or flower shop to buy grass for cats, you will most likely be offered ready-made shoots or grains of young oats. It is very easy to grow it yourself at home; this weed is unpretentious and harmless, which explains its popularity in specialized retail outlets.

Clean soil for planting should be bought at a flower shop, and not dug up somewhere on the street. Next, cover the seeds with soil in a small container with a layer of 1.5-2 cm, water and arrange a greenhouse under the film. After the sprouts appear, allow the cat grass to grow without a film covering. Already on the sixth day after sowing oats, the pet will be able to enjoy the young vitamin grass.

Problems with potency a few decades ago began to bother men after 45-50 years. Today, erectile dysfunction, the inability to have full sexual intercourse and achieve a vivid orgasm, in some cases, affects representatives of the stronger half of humanity much earlier.

This is caused by stress and overwork, a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits and other unfavorable factors.

Among the many methods of treating and preventing male impotence, the use of medicinal plants has long been and still is.

Herbs that increase potency and dishes prepared on their basis give a slow but powerful effect. Let's figure out which plants will help restore men's health and how to use them correctly.

Benefits of using herbs

Herbs to enhance potency have been used since ancient times. This method of preventing and treating male impotence has many advantages over the use of pills and other treatment methods:

  • natural composition;
  • relative harmlessness to the body;
  • availability for purchasing and preparing the product yourself;
  • Can be used at any age;
  • general strengthening and tonic effect;
  • low risk of side effects;
  • a small number of contraindications;
  • improving blood circulation and metabolic processes in the body at the cellular level;
  • prolonged action;
  • prolongation of sexual intercourse, improvement of erection and brightness of sensations during orgasm.

Important! Sometimes the use of medicinal herbs that enhance potency is not enough to obtain the desired therapeutic effect. Traditional recipes will help prevent the occurrence of problems with men's health and will be a good assistant in complex therapy.

Main features of the use of medicinal herbs

Plants and herbs for improving potency have their own specific uses. It is important when using folk recipes to remember and follow the following rules:

  1. To get the maximum effect from medicinal plants, you must follow all the recommendations specified in the recipe and take the composition regularly.
  2. You cannot reduce or increase the duration of treatment, as well as the dosage.
  3. Herbs that improve potency must be stored correctly. Purchasing plants on the market can lead to poisoning and failure to obtain the desired effect. Therefore, it is better to buy herbs for potency at a pharmacy or specialty store. If you prefer to collect herbs yourself, then grow the necessary plants in your garden or near your house, and also collect them in a forest area away from the road.
  4. It is necessary to avoid the independent use of recipes that contain poisonous and relatively poisonous (if used for a long time or in large quantities) plants.
  5. Herbs to increase potency in men should be taken orally only 1-1.5 hours before meals. In this case, beneficial substances are better absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract and have their maximum beneficial effect.
  6. You cannot mix several recipes at once and try to get a quick effect by using several mixtures or tinctures at once. It is better to choose a remedy and complete its full course of treatment.
  7. It is better to seek the help of a specialist. Only he can tell you which herb to drink for potency in your case. It is necessary to visit a doctor to diagnose the disease and identify the causes of its occurrence. Sometimes only a relaxing and calming effect is enough to restore sexual function in a man, and in some cases only surgery or a course of treatment with strong drugs can solve the problem.
  8. It is important to consider the contraindications that many medicinal herbs have. Some plants are prohibited in the presence of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys and liver, tumors and neoplasms. And you need to take this very seriously: herbs are superior to medications in their effect on the body.

You should not expect that herbal treatment will bring a visible effect 1-2 days after starting to use the chosen recipe. Only a full course of treatment will produce results.

What are the most effective herbs for potency?

All herbs for potency have different positive effects on the body:

  • calming and relaxing;
  • immunostimulating;
  • replenishes the deficiency of vitamins and minerals;
  • improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • helping to normalize the functioning of the human genitourinary system.

We decided to select for you a selection of the most effective and safe herbs for increasing potency, indicating popular recipes for preparing medicines.

Parsley, cilantro, dill and celery

Both leaves and rhizomes are used to prepare medicine. These plants contain oils, microelements, vitamins, amino acids, which are so necessary for restoring men's health.

And - powerful aphrodisiacs, which, when consumed regularly, help a man never experience problems with potency.

To get the effect, you can eat these herbs and their rhizomes fresh, as well as drink decoctions containing them. Other plants can be added to such products, for example, rose hips and nuts. Parsley, cilantro, dill and celery improve blood supply to the pelvic organs, saturate them with useful substances, but are not recommended for use by people with cancer and kidney problems.


Aloe is a plant with anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects. Its use normalizes blood supply to the pelvic organs and the penis itself, helping to restore libido and erection.

Aloe juice contains a wide variety of beneficial substances that normalize balance in the body. But the effect of this plant is very powerful, it should be used only after consultation with a doctor.

Here is one of the recipes with aloe for potency. Keep the washed lower leaves of aloe for several days (at least 5) in a dark, cool place, and then squeeze out the juice along with the pulp. For 100 g of this mass, take 0.4 kg of honey, 0.6 kg of chopped walnuts, juice of 5 medium lemons, mix everything thoroughly. You need to take this medicine one large spoon three times a day 20-30 minutes before meals.

St. John's wort

This herb for male potency will have a positive effect only if used correctly. An overdose will worsen a man’s condition and cause various problems.

Successfully fights fatigue and the effects of stress, normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system, blood circulation and metabolism, increases libido and brightness of sensations during orgasm, copes with the problem of incomplete erection and premature ejaculation.

To prepare a potency enhancing product based on St. John's wort, it does not require much effort. Pour boiling water (200 ml) over 10 g of crushed dry herb, cool, strain and take a quarter glass three times a day for 1-2 weeks. It is recommended to drink the decoction 20-30 minutes before meals.


Ginseng has long been considered one of the most important herbs for male potency. To normalize the functioning of the genitourinary system, only the rhizome of this plant is used. It is a powerful stimulant of sexual desire and arousal.

Helps to repeatedly enhance a man’s sensations during sex, strengthen the immune system, and give a boost of vivacity and energy. But it must be used carefully, since in the presence of tumors, bleeding, inflammatory processes, problems with the cardiovascular system, its use can lead to serious problems and deterioration of health.

The most popular is the recipe where the dry rhizome is crushed and mixed with honey in proportions of 1:28, that is, for 25 g of root you need to take 0.7 kg of honey. The mixture is infused in a cool, dark place for 10 days, after which the man takes a small spoon three times a day before meals. Alcohol tincture of ginseng, which you can buy at a pharmacy or prepare yourself, also successfully helps restore potency.

Blooming Sally

The second name of the Ivan-tea plant is Fireweed. The composition of its leaves is rich in useful substances, including vitamins C and A, group B, bioflavonoids, amino acids, beneficial minerals, and pectins.

Helps remove toxins and normalize metabolism, improve blood circulation and hematopoiesis, normalize sexual activity and the functioning of all organs of the genitourinary system. It is especially important that the plant gives a calming effect and improves the functioning of the prostate gland, which is often the source of “male impotence”.

Preparing Ivan tea is simple. It is enough to pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of this plant and let it brew under the lid. You can drink it 2-3 times a day as tea.

Also, to increase potency with herbs, fireweed rhizome is used. Pour 2 large spoons of crushed root into 0.5 liters of water and boil over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Drink half a glass of the decoction before the first meal and the same amount 30 minutes before bedtime for 2 weeks.


Before using any of the recipes you choose, find out which herbs increase potency, how they affect the body, and whether they have restrictions on their use.

Only a doctor can find out the reason why problems with erection began. The specialist will tell you which herbs are useful for potency in your case.

It is also important to remember that using herbs alone will not give the desired result. To improve a man's health, it will be necessary to completely reconsider his lifestyle. Only in this case will it be possible to restore your health and once again enjoy sex with your beloved woman.

Culinary herbs are those plants that we add to food to give dishes a pleasant aroma and a special flavor accent.

Sometimes, I’m simply upset when I remember that most housewives and cooks use only dill and parsley in their kitchen, despite all the possible abundance of herbs. Occasionally, someone else will find cilantro and chives on the table, and at best, mint and maybe even basil. What about other, no less interesting herbs?? There are so many of them!

Herbs give dishes a special accent, and when added at the end, also a special flavor.
As for the notorious usefulness, everything is relative. Herbs are very useful, but in cooking they are used in such small quantities that the beneficial properties are very insignificant. But the taste pleasure is great!

In this article I will talk about the most popular herbs in the world. Since I think there is no point in writing about hyssop, fennel, verbena or chervil, which are not only difficult to get fresh, you even need to look for the seeds “with fire” during the day.

And may lovage lovers forgive me. I don’t perceive it in culinary terms. When I was little, I visited my grandmother in the village with my cousins, my grandmother always prepared a decoction of lovage for us to rinse our hair, “so that the boys would love it.” I remember the aroma well, and is much less associated with cooking than lavender :-).

Use of herbs:

1) In general, herbs do not tolerate heat well, so it is better to add them at the end of cooking, with the exception of tough herbs with an intense aroma, such as rosemary, sage, thyme, etc.

2) Before cutting, after washing, the herbs must be dried, since instead of beautiful particles of herbs you will get a paste-like mass.

3) To refresh wilted herbs, dip them in cold water with ice for 5-10 minutes, then dry and use as intended.

4) For marinades and for adding to dishes at the end of cooking, it is better to finely herbs
slice. And for adding to a roast, for long-term heat treatment, it is better to preserve the herbs whole.

5) Since dried herbs are considered more intense in aroma (at the beginning of collection), fresh ones should be replaced with them in a ratio of 1:3 (1 part dried equals 3 parts fresh), although from my experience, no matter what the proportions are, the aroma still not the same...

6) As a rule, the more delicate the aroma of the product (eggs, chicken), the less herbs are needed to add aroma and the herbs should also have a less intense aroma. And vice versa, the stronger the aroma of the product (game, rabbit, duck), the more intense the aroma should be of the complementary herbs.

Storing herbs:

Herbs can be stored in different ways:

1) In the pots in which you bought them, or sowed them, caring for them as indoor plants. Most herbs tolerate these conditions very well.

2) Cut herbs can be stored in a vase like flowers, changing the water every day and washing the bases, but not longer than 3-4 days, as the bases begin to rot.

3) Pre-wash, in the refrigerator, in an airtight tray or plastic bag, in a not too compressed state, so that there is air circulation.

We stock up:

As for drying herbs, this should be done at a temperature no higher than 40°C, so that
the aromatic oils in the herbs did not evaporate. And you need to collect herbs for drying at the moment of flowering. It is during this period that herbs contain the largest amount of aromatic oils.

Although I confess to you, I do not like dried herbs and, if possible, avoid them. Dried herbs, even high-quality ones, correctly collected, properly dried and stored correctly (in an airtight container in a dark place), lose their aroma very quickly and absolutely all dried herbs have a slight aroma of hay, which really bothers me.

If possible, for a purer aroma, it is better to use fresh herbs. An alternative is frozen herbs. They must be collected at the time of flowering, washed well and dried completely. Then, soft, tender herbs (basil, parsley, tarragon, etc.), cut and put in an airtight container
container or plastic bag, wrap it tightly, and place the herbs in the freezer. Use as directed. Hard herbs (savory, rosemary, thyme, etc.) need to be washed, dried and whole, just separating the branches, placed in an airtight tray or in a plastic bag and wrapped, and put in the freezer.

Also, for those who grow herbs, I will say from my own experience that almost all herbs grow well in pots at home. All you need is plenty of sunlight and moderate watering.

The most popular sets of herbs used in cuisines around the world:

1)Bouquet garni(Bouquet garni (France)): 2 bay leaves, 2 sprigs of parsley, 4 sprigs of thyme, 1 green leek.

2) Fin-erbs(Fines herbes (France)): parsley, chives, tarragon, crevel (sometimes verbena, marjoram)

3) Provencal herbs(Herbes de Provence (France)): basil, marjoram, rosemary, lavender, savory, thyme, bay leaf.

4) Italian herbs: oregano, basil, rosemary, thyme, granulated garlic.

5) Za"atar (Arab countries): sesame, thyme, marjoram, sumac, oregano, salt.

Table of the most popular herbs:

description, application and flavor combinations


Description and Application

Combination with other herbs

Combination with products


It's hard to imagine Italian cuisine without basil. At least in one form or another, basil is widely present in Thai, Indian, Turkish, Greek cuisine and many others.

There are several types of basil: Geneva, also familiar to us Italian, with wide “fleshy” leaves, regan (purple basil), walnut, the one that is more common here, green with small leaves, Thai, bush or French, etc. .

The leaves have a pleasant peppery aroma.

Add basil to salads, sauces, and dressings.
Whenever possible, it is better not to cut, but to tear the basil with your hands.

Basil is a delicate herb, it quickly fades, and with prolonged heat treatment it partially loses its aroma, so it is added to the dish at the last minute or immediately before serving.




Bell pepper



Olive oil

Balsamic vinegar





The same coriander or Chinese parsley. The herb is similar in appearance to flat-leaved parsley, but with a completely different aroma, which is also much more intense.
It is difficult to imagine Mexican, Thai, Indian, Chinese or even Caucasian cuisine without cilantro.

This herb does not tolerate heat treatment very well, quickly losing its taste, despite all its intensity when fresh. It should be added to dishes at the very end.
Cilantro is often used to make a variety of cold sauces, chutneys and salsas.
The herb goes perfectly with spicy and spicy dishes.

Even the roots of this herb are used to make Asian soups. And the seeds of this plant are the no less popular spice “coriander”.




Coconut milk





An aromatic Mediterranean plant. Lavender is widely used in both cosmetology and cooking.

Lavender is used as food in Mediterranean countries. It is also included in the herbs de Provence set.
Both leaves and flowers are used.
Lavender tolerates heat treatment well and releases its aroma for a long time, so it is better to add it at the beginning or in the middle of heat treatment.




Balsamic vinegar





Bay leaf

One of the most ancient and widespread plants that is used to flavor dishes.
Bay leaves have very wide uses. It is added to soups, roasts, and various marinades and preparations.
Laurel is used both fresh and dried. Moreover, not everyone knows that in its fresh form, the aroma of laurel is much more pleasant and noble, and there is no that bitterness that everyone is so afraid of.
Fresh laurel can be added to dishes at the beginning of cooking, and dried laurel in small quantities at the end, as it can add bitterness to the dish. It is better to keep dried laurel in a dish for no longer than 15 minutes, for the same reasons.

Laurel is included in the “bouquet garni” set of herbs, as well as in the “khmeli-suneli” mixture of spices and herbs.








Black pepper



Also known as lemongrass, citronella, cymbopogon, lemongrass, etc. Lemongrass is very common in Asian and Caribbean cuisines. It is impossible to imagine many Asian soups without this herb.

Lemongrass has an intense, pleasant lemon-lime aroma, but lacks acidity.

The plant is used fresh as well as dried. Both the stem and the grass are used. Before use, the hard stem must be crushed a little so that more essential oils and, accordingly, aroma are released into the dish. Often, the root is finely chopped or ground for use in dishes.
The leaves are added to soups and removed after cooking.




Coconut milk





Chives, spring onions, etc. The onion has thin green feathers and a pleasant, delicate onion-garlic aroma.
Feathers and flowers are used in cooking.
Chives do not tolerate heat treatment. Add it to dishes: sauces, soups, salads, at the end of cooking, generously flavoring the dish with it.





The herb, which is widely used in European and Middle Eastern cuisine, has a warm, sweet, spicy aroma.

One of the few herbs that retains its taste well when dried.

Marjoram is used for preparing sausages, in soups, for roasts, and for rolling.

Fresh leaves can be added to salads.





Goat cheese







An herb related to mint that has a delicate minty-lemon aroma.

Melissa is used dried and fresh. Very good in drinks, desserts, as well as some meat and fish dishes.

Melissa very quickly loses its taste and aroma when cooked, so it should be added at the end of cooking.







One of the most common spicy plants. Used in almost every kitchen in the world. There are many types of mint, the most common being peppermint, Moroccan mint, lemon mint and pineapple mint.

Mint is added to desserts, salads, meat and fish dishes, as well as various cooling and warming drinks.

It is better to add mint to the dish at the end of cooking, as it does not tolerate heat treatment well.



Young peas







Oregano, motherwort or oregano. An herb that is associated primarily with Greek and Italian cuisine.

Oregano is used both dried and fresh. Sprinkle the dish frequently with fresh leaves before serving.




Bell pepper







What is a kitchen without parsley? An herb that is so versatile that it is added almost everywhere, with the exception of dessert dishes. Flat leaf or Italian parsley is the most common and fragrant. Curly parsley has a more decorative character, since its taste and aroma are poorer.


Bay leaf



Olive oil










One of the most spicy and intense herbs used in cooking.

The spicy needles of this plant have a pleasant lemon-pine aroma.

Rosemary is widely used in Mediterranean cuisine.

Since the plant is quite resistant to heat treatment, add it to dishes at the beginning of cooking. Do not add too much as its intense aroma may overpower the flavor of other ingredients.


Bay leaf




Bell pepper

Bread products


Olive oil







Mediterranean plant with a specific aroma. Roots, stems and leaves are eaten.

Celery is used to prepare various soups, meat and fish dishes.

Bay leaf








One of the most important herbs in European cuisine. Thyme is also used in Caribbean, Creole and Cajun cuisine.

The herb is very convenient to use, since the small leaves do not need to be cut.

Thyme is part of the French basic set of herbs "bouquet garni".

Bay leaf











A popular European herb, so widely used in Slavic and Scandinavian cuisines.

It's hard to imagine pickling cucumbers without dill.

Dill does not tolerate heat treatment well, so it should be added to the dish before serving.

It is so versatile that it goes well with almost every dish, with the exception of sweet dishes.



Lemon thyme







A plant with a spicy-bitter taste and intense aroma.

Savory should be used in small quantities and added to dishes at the end of cooking, as it can add bitterness to the dish.

Savory is very popular in Yugoslav and Bulgarian cuisine.

This herb is also present in spicy herring marinades. And because of its ability to kill many bacteria, savory is often used to make various pickles.











Mediterranean herb with notes of cedar, lemon, mint and eucalyptus. Also popular in the USA.

The leaves of this plant are used by adding them to roasts, to minced meats and sausages, to marinades, to poultry, to soup and also to prepare some sauces.

Sage has a very intense aroma, so use it sparingly so as not to overpower the flavor of the other ingredients.



Bay leaf









An herb with an aniseed aftertaste, with thin leaves that are plucked from the stem before use. He is also tarragon. Probably most used in French cuisine, but in Caucasian cuisine it is also favored.

Tarragon is very sensitive to heat treatment, which slightly changes its taste. Add this herb to dishes at the very end of cooking.

The aroma of tarragon is very intense, so it should be used in small quantities.

It is used to prepare butter sauces, for poultry, and for winter preparations. It is part of the classic tartar sauce and is one of the components of the French set of "fin erbs" or "fine, refined herbs."










Don't be afraid to experiment with herbs. Try gradually expanding the range of herbs you use, introducing them into your kitchen one at a time. And you will see how certain herbs will add variety to your diet without expanding the repertoire of familiar dishes.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.

Cook with pleasure and health!

What could be worse than having problems in bed! Herbs to increase potency in men, which can be purchased in pharmacies, will help solve issues of sexual dysfunction at any age. What plants help in the treatment of sexual impotence, how they work, methods of use - this is discussed in detail in the review of recipes and remedies offered by traditional medicine.

What herbs increase potency in men

Even doctors note the effectiveness of using herbal infusions and decoctions to eliminate erectile dysfunction. Only they advise doing this after establishing the cause of impotence, in combination with the methods prescribed by the doctor. Herbal treatment for increasing potency in men is accessible and helps solve many problems. The recipes are easy to follow, but to get the effect you need:

  • do not self-medicate;
  • purchase herbs only in pharmacies;
  • give up alcohol;
  • be treated for a long time;
  • Healthy food.

Medicinal herbs for male power have different effects on the body. This must be taken into account when choosing means of restoring potency in men. Decoctions and tinctures made from plants are popular:

  • rapeseed - increases the amount of sperm, serves to increase potency;
  • nettle – increases sexual desire, prolongs sexual intercourse;
  • St. John's wort herb – enhances libido, liberates sensuality, helps with impotence caused by stress;
  • Dubrovnik – has a tonic effect, improves erection.

Herbs for increasing potency in men in recipes have a therapeutic effect:

  • dill – activates blood circulation in the penis, helps restore erection;
  • ginger – promotes the production of testosterone, improves the functioning of the sex glands;
  • aloe – activates blood flow in the reproductive organ, increases sexual arousal;
  • Rhodiola rosea – helps prolong sexual intercourse and increase libido.


The garden plant contains useful substances in the roots and leaves. Numerous vitamins in parsley juice maintain the tone of blood vessels and stimulate the adrenal glands, which is important for increasing potency in men. The components of the herb increase blood circulation in the organs of the genitourinary system, suppress the action of the female hormone estrogen, which reduces potency. They support a man's health and promote stronger erections. Contraindications for use must be taken into account:

  • exacerbation of pathologies of the kidneys and bladder;
  • nephritis;
  • urolithiasis disease.

Parsley, when added to food, helps improve potency and acts as a powerful aphrodisiac. It is useful to prepare an infusion from the seeds of the plant. Take it every day, 50 ml 15 minutes before meals, 3 times a day. According to the recipe you need:

  • grind the seed into powder;
  • in the evening take a teaspoon of the composition;
  • pour boiling water – 200 ml;
  • wrap up;
  • insist until morning;
  • strain.

Ivan tea for potency

Since ancient times, fireweed tea has been used to increase male strength. The herb for increasing potency is rich in vitamins, carotenoids, bioflavonoids, and contains iron, copper, boron. Infusions and decoctions help:

  • fight prostate adenoma;
  • eliminate inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • improve the mental state as the cause of impotence in men;
  • normalize hormone balance;
  • maintain testosterone levels;
  • increase erection;
  • activate blood circulation in the penis.

To improve potency, Ivan tea can be drunk by brewing dry leaves with boiling water, like tea leaves. It is important to take into account contraindications - thrombosis, problems with blood clotting. It is useful to make a decoction from the root dug up in early autumn. Drink a glass of it before breakfast and before bed for two weeks. The recipe will require:

  • chop the root;
  • take 2 tablespoons of raw materials;
  • add half a liter of water;
  • cook for 20 minutes;
  • cool;
  • strain.

Hawthorn for potency

The plant should be used with caution. Long-term use causes a decrease in blood pressure and bradycardia. The beneficial substances in hawthorn add energy to a man and help restore potency. Using decoctions and infusions of leaves and berries helps:

  • increasing male libido;
  • increased erection;
  • activation of blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
  • strengthening the nervous system.

To increase potency, you can drink 50 ml of fruit decoction before meals. To prepare, pour boiling water over a spoonful of berries - you need 1.5 cups, cook for 30 minutes. Hawthorn tincture made from dried flowers is effective. Take a quarter glass 3 times a day. According to the recipe you need:

  • take a spoonful of crushed flowers;
  • pour boiling water – 250 ml;
  • keep in a water bath for 15 minutes;
  • another hour at room temperature;
  • strain.


This plant occupies a special place in Chinese medicine recipes. Ginseng root has a powerful effect on the entire male body. The plant contains substances that help counteract impotence. As a result of application:

  • blood supply to the penis improves;
  • erection increases;
  • sexual desire increases;
  • sperm quality improves;
  • sperm motility is activated;
  • stress, which provokes weak potency, passes;
  • diseases that affect sexual activity are treated.

The plant has contraindications - infections, inflammation, bleeding. The occurrence of side effects is possible. To avoid harm, you need to take the alcohol tincture of ginseng carefully. To prepare it, pour 20 grams of dry root into a glass of alcohol with a concentration of 70% and leave for 7 days. Take 30 minutes before meals, three times 20 drops. You can prepare a medicinal composition according to a folk recipe:

  • take 700 g of honey;
  • add 25 g of crushed ginseng root;
  • leave for 10 days;
  • take a teaspoon for 2 months;
  • half an hour before meals, three times a day.


This herb contains tannins, vitamins, bitterness, flavonoids, and organic acids, which together support a man’s health. The zinc included in the composition affects the enhancement of potency. Medicine in the form of herbal infusions:

  • helps prevent prostatitis;
  • helps increase libido;
  • activates sperm motility.

The use of this herb in recipes for potency should be agreed with a doctor due to contraindications. These include peptic ulcer disease, pathologies of the thyroid gland, liver, kidneys, and atrial fibrillation. You can prepare a remedy, the entire portion of which you drink per day. On prescription:

  • take a liter thermos;
  • add a spoonful of oregano, mint and thyme;
  • pour boiling water;
  • leave overnight;
  • strain in the morning.


The homeland of this plant is the Far East. Its use in folk recipes tones, rejuvenates the body, eliminates the effects of stress that provokes impotence. When using lemongrass, rich in biologically active substances:

  • sperm production is stimulated;
  • premature ejaculation stops;
  • libido increases;
  • Potency begins to increase.

It is not recommended to use the plant for high blood pressure, insomnia, or heart problems. Dried ripe berries are a powerful aphrodisiac - you can chew 5 pieces before sexual intercourse to increase its duration. To prepare a tonic drink, pour a liter of boiling water over a spoonful of fruits and leave for 12 hours. You can make a tincture:

  • take 10 g of lemongrass seeds;
  • add 50 ml of vodka;
  • leave for 2 weeks;
  • strain;
  • drink 30 drops before meals, three times a day.

Calamus marsh

When considering beneficial herbs for men, one cannot ignore this medicinal plant. Calamus contains camphor, ascorbic acid, tannins, and gum. In folk recipes, the plant has a general strengthening and tonic effect. Calamus is useful for men:

  • gradual activation of potency;
  • stimulation of seminal fluid production.

To treat impotence, you can chew the dried root or take a tincture. The herb should be used with caution if you have gastritis with high acidity or gastric ulcers during exacerbation. You can make a tincture, which you drink by the spoon before meals. For preparation:

  • take 100 g of root;
  • grind;
  • pour a liter of vodka;
  • leave for 2 weeks in a dark place;
  • strain.

Traditional medicine recipes

There are proven methods for using plants to increase a man’s sexual power. Herbal tinctures and decoctions increase libido and strengthen erections. Popular collections include nettle, St. John's wort, and mint. The recipe will require:

  • take a spoonful of herbs;
  • pour two glasses of boiling water;
  • leave for half an hour;
  • filter;
  • drink everything during the day.

Herbal infusions increase libido and treat impotence. Brew two tablespoons of dry Dubrovnik raw materials in a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour. Drink 50 grams three times a day. Effective recipe:

  • take a glass of dill seed;
  • add 2 tablespoons of valerian root;
  • mix with two glasses of honey;
  • place in a two-liter thermos;
  • add boiling water to the top;
  • stand for a day;
  • Take a spoonful of the mixture half an hour before meals.

Tincture for potency

Herbs to increase sexual desire and increase the duration of intercourse are used in the production of tinctures. They can be prepared without the use of alcohol. You can make a water tincture. Take a spoonful of plants, chop them, pour boiling water - you will need 1 liter. Leave the composition for 2 hours, take 50 ml 4 times a day. The mixture includes:

  • immortelle;
  • St. John's wort;
  • calendula;
  • valerian root.

Alcohol-based tinctures should be used with caution. Abuse, instead of increasing potency, can lead to counter-productive results.

You can make a tincture based on port wine. Required:

  • take 5 tablespoons of nettle seeds;
  • pour half a liter of wine;
  • boil for 5 minutes;
  • cool;
  • strain;
  • drink 50 ml at night, a spoon before meals.


Herbal decoctions occupy a worthy place in the arsenal of remedies that help solve sexual problems. With their help, sexual desire increases, the duration of the act increases, and the erection increases. Decoctions are prepared in a water bath. Herbs for quickly increasing potency in men - a mixture of parsley and cilantro. They are poured with a glass of boiling water, kept in a bathhouse for half an hour, and drunk 100 ml before meals. A decoction is prepared and taken in the same way, where the main component is a tablespoon of hops.

You can improve a man's sexual health if you regularly take the collection to increase potency. The composition is prepared in a liter thermos and drunk four times during the day. For preparation you will need to collect herbs. They are poured into a thermos, boiling water is added, and left for half an hour. For the mixture you need to take 5 teaspoons:

  • nettle;
  • mint;
  • clover.


It is useful for men suffering from erectile dysfunction to drink teas from a collection of herbs and plants. If potency decreases, a drink made from the roots of Rhodiola rosea is recommended. To prepare you will need:

  • take a teaspoon of rhizome powder;
  • pour boiling water – 200 ml;
  • cook for 15 minutes;
  • stand for half an hour;
  • add a spoonful of honey, a slice of lemon;
  • put a few mint leaves;
  • dilute with water and drink.

In case of decreased libido, it is useful to drink a glass of aromatic rue herb in the morning and evening. To prepare, add a teaspoon of dry herb to a glass of boiling water. It is recommended to drink tea with honey and lemon. A tasty and healthy drink to increase potency is prepared from ginger:

  • chop a piece of root about 2 cm;
  • pour boiling water – 250 ml;
  • insulate for 10 minutes;
  • tea is ready.


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