Home Pulpitis “I’m lying on the maternity table and talking to the midwife about eyelashes.” Happy birth in Belarus - is this possible? Tour of the maternity hospital

“I’m lying on the maternity table and talking to the midwife about eyelashes.” Happy birth in Belarus - is this possible? Tour of the maternity hospital

How is a maternity hospital different from a regular hospital? Because it has a maternity ward. There is no such department in any medical institution, so girls who have not given birth cannot know how everything is tripled there. But it’s interesting, isn’t it? Then read our story (with pictures) below.

The maternity ward of older maternity hospitals usually has several prenatal wards and one or two general delivery rooms. In prenatal wards, designed for one or several people, a woman spends the first stage of labor - the period of contractions. After the period of pushing begins, the woman will have to move to the delivery room. It can also be large, and several births can take place simultaneously (usually no more than 2). Prenatal and delivery rooms are always equipped with a central supply of oxygen and nitrous oxide, have bactericidal lamps, a number of medications and instruments for childbirth, and cardiotocographs. IN maternity ward II-III stages of labor pass: the pushing period, at the end of which the baby is born, and, after 20 minutes, succession period, during which the placenta and membranes are born.

General prenatal ward

General delivery room

In modern maternity hospitals, the maternity ward is designed differently. It consists of a number of individual maternity wards, each of which contains only one woman in labor. There is an ordinary bed on which the expectant mother endures contractions, and right there there is a Rakhmanov bed on which pushing and the birth of the child take place. In advanced maternity hospitals, instead of the two above-mentioned beds, there is one transforming bed, which at the right moment, with the touch of a button, turns from a regular bed into a Rakhmanov bed and vice versa. In the individual box you can see all the equipment that allows you to monitor the condition of the mother and child during childbirth. Often such boxes are equipped with an individual bathroom (as opposed to a common delivery room, where the shower and toilet are also shared). Here you can also find such pleasant “little things” as a fitball, which is convenient for carrying contractions, a sink, a towel, and even, in exceptional cases, a swimming pool with a jacuzzi.

Individual birth block with two beds

Individual birth block with transformable bed

Each maternity facility also has the choice of modifying the room for processing newborns. If the birth box is large enough, then there may not be a separate room - a part of the area is separated, equipped with all necessary functions: connected oxygen, suction for mucus, lamp for heating the newborn, items for his care. Drugs and equipment for resuscitation, as a rule, are located on a separate mobile table, which appears in the box with the pediatrician or resuscitator. If there is not enough space in the maternity ward, or the child is born by caesarean section, then he is taken for primary treatment to a special room for processing newborns.

Treatment of a newborn in the delivery room

After giving birth, the happy mother and baby (babies) remain on the same bed for 2-3 hours as before the push. It is possible that during these hours you will have to lie with ice on your stomach on a gurney in the corridor. In any case, insist that the child lie next to you! And you are not immediately transferred to the postpartum ward in order to exclude early postpartum complications.

The maternity ward has at least two operating rooms: a small one and a large one. Both are within walking distance: after all, during childbirth, minutes sometimes count. In the large operating room, a caesarean section is performed, and in the small operating room, stitches are placed after an episiotomy (incision of the perineum).

Large operating room

To the ward intensive care place women after operations and complicated childbirth. Here, not only doctors and nurses look after them around the clock, but also a lot of modern equipment. At any moment of the day or night, they can be provided with all the necessary help.

Intensive Care Unit

A few words about the doctors working in the maternity ward.

The work of the maternity ward is coordinated by the head, and after the end of the main working hours - by the responsible doctor on duty. In addition, here is always on duty nurses and midwives. That is, entering maternity ward, the expectant mother falls into the hands of several specialists. When concluding a contract, the doctor who is managing the pregnancy and will deliver the child must introduce his patient to the manager and the duty team.

At the time of childbirth, at least an obstetrician-gynecologist, a pediatrician, and a midwife are always with the expectant mother. Sometimes colleagues join the obstetrician-gynecologist; in addition, a pediatric resuscitator, laboratory assistant, and anesthesiologist may be called. Think about how to break up this close-knit team with someone close to you. A husband, for example, or a mother (friend, sister) can not only support you morally during childbirth, but also share the joy of the first moments of your long-awaited baby’s life.

I gave birth to a boy on May 4 this year. Large - 4300 g, a real hero, and my husband is not of a miniature build. And it was like this.

I went to the maternity hospital on April 25 with a suspicion of a post-term pregnancy; the doctors kept predicting childbirth, but there were no signs. Actually, on April 29, the tenth (!) month of my pregnancy had already begun, they endlessly checked me, listened to me, asked: “Well, when will you finally give birth?” But the birth did not come and did not come, those who came with me were already discharged, and I still walk around with my stomach.

Yes, I forgot to say, in our maternity hospital vertical births are practiced (optional, of course) and stool births in particular. What it is? This refers to a special chair (or obstetric chair) mounted at a height above the floor. There is a hole in the chair, the woman in labor sits on it, excuse the comparison, but like on a toilet, she pushes, the baby comes out into this hole, where the obstetricians receive him. Sitting on such a chair and giving birth is much easier than in the classic position lying on your back. But okay, I’ll continue about childbirth.

On May 3, the hospital director, having learned that I still had not given birth, gave an order, saying that’s it, contractions need to be induced artificially, post-term pregnancy is dangerous for both mother and child. Having called the best anesthesiologist and one experienced midwife from the city hospital, they came for me into the room, saying that’s it, let’s go give birth, we’ll induce labor artificially.

This is my first birth. I went with them to the delivery room, I was shaking all over with fear, there was not even a hint of contractions. Having exposed me from the waist down and laid me on the delivery table, they said, we will pierce the bladder, then the contractions will definitely begin. I’m shaking all over, I even started shaking my legs, like, “I’m afraid, I’m afraid.” Before I knew it, they pierced me (by the way, it didn’t hurt), and water started pouring out of me. This is where the end of the world began.

The stomach suddenly seized, the pain was hellish, as if a cauldron was boiling inside, everything was burning and it wanted to escape (I hope pregnant women for the first time are not reading these lines). It was about three o'clock in the afternoon. The doctors were surprised, they say, they didn’t even have to inject anything for the contractions, they just started the water, everything went by itself. The contractions are turning me inside out, it hurts a lot, I’m screaming, asking for painkillers, but this best anesthesiologist says that the child will suffer from him, you already have a post-term pregnancy, so be patient, if it’s really bad.

He, of course, is a man, he has no idea what contractions are. In those minutes (no, hours) I was a super feminist in my soul, I even cursed my husband (although I generally love him very much), they say, because of his one organ I am experiencing such torment... Well, okay. I’m lying there, screaming, and the warden is still checking the opening, it’s still not enough, he’s still talking. Around eight in the evening it got easier (a little), but by eleven it started to spiral... dear mother... I thought she was tearing me apart.

By three in the morning everything, the hospital manager says, the dilation is sufficient, you can give birth. I push, I push with all my might, I’m sweating in three streams. But it was not there. The baby will come to the exit, then go inside again, mom... it really hurts me. This went on for about an hour, they didn’t allow me to push too hard, they were afraid, the child was large, the ruptures could be large. The head of the hospital, having exhausted himself, gives the following order: “That’s it, let’s put her on the chair, if not, then anesthesia and , but then you can already lose the child.”

Somehow they sat me down on this chair, the midwife and the anesthesiologist pressed on the sides of the abdomen from the front, pushing the child through, received the baby from below, giving commands... after five minutes of pushing, the head suddenly appeared. Not a very sharp, but steady push - that’s it! He came out... Wow! How I ran 200 km.

Baby, weight - 4300 g, boy. While his umbilical cord was being cut, I was sitting on a chair and couldn’t catch my breath. About 20 minutes later the contractions were again, not strong, and the placenta came out. They laid me on the table again, examined me, it turns out there was only one small tear. Yes, dear, they said, if you had given birth lying on your back, you would have been torn to shreds, say thank you that we practice vertical childbirth.

It turns out that the classic horizontal birth on the back did not simply exist in the old days; they were invented in the 18th century. King Louis of France is some kind of number. It turns out that he loved to watch the births of his ladies-in-waiting, and to make it easier to see, he ordered them to be placed on their backs (hmm, you won’t envy the husbands of these ladies-in-waiting, I told my husband about this, he says, they probably wanted to break Louis’s face, but they couldn’t, naturally). From him came the fashion for childbirth flat on the back; it is very comfortable for obstetricians, but for the woman in labor it is the most painful position.

In the old days they gave birth standing, squatting, on all fours, on the same chair, and there were no gaps. Childbirth was a natural process, like going big, only a little harder. Now, I think, a monument should be erected to the one who began to revive vertical childbirth, albeit on a voluntary basis. They told me later that if she had given birth lying on her back, everything would have been torn apart, she would not have been able to sit for a month, the child was very large, and a cesarean - not a single cesarean would benefit the child, it was an operation. And animals (not a single one) in nature give birth flat on their backs. So vertical birth is the most natural, easiest and fastest.

Personal experience


11/14/2007 23:35:07, Chamomile

09.29.2005 15:57:48, O1ik

From the story, one gets the impression that the author actually did not really prepare for childbirth. Or he’s not good at conveying events. For example, during contractions it is more painful for some to walk, and for others to lie down. Nothing is written about back massage during contractions, or about changing position. It just hurts that's all. After all, there are ways to cope with pain, but in this experiment they were not used. Further. The birth is vertical, but the situation is also non-standard: late term, big baby. And the doctors and obstetricians pressed on my sides... So I don’t see any ease and convenience in this particular example.
It was easier for me to endure contractions by walking. I walked like this all the contractions. And the pushing on the table, on the back was quite tolerable, one might say it was a thrill, there was a feeling - I’m pushing and pushing, but nothing happens. Until the head hits, it's unpleasant feeling. And in the next attempt, a son was born.

I fully support this vertical birth, I gave birth the first time on a chair, the second time vertically - the pain is both faster and easier to bear and there are fewer bad consequences

I had experience with both horizontal and vertical ones. I can say for sure that vertical ones were torture for me. it was incredibly difficult and uncomfortable. there was no chair - an ordinary obstetric table, assembled like a chair by the back, which you had to hold on to. the memories are not the most joyful, which I can’t say about normal childbirth - I really got a buzz from them (if, of course, you can say that about childbirth :-)

09.28.2005 14:26:13, olga

Great! Congratulations! It's only a mistake with animals. Depends on what. Cows don't give birth. Cats and dogs still give birth. Another thing is that they don’t walk on 2 legs.

Maternity beds Partura

Maternity beds Partura is designed in such a way that the expectant mother has maximum freedom of movement during the first stage of labor and during the period of delivery of the fetus.

The price includes standard equipment without foot holders and other additional accessories

Partura is new approach for childbirth - a combination of comfort, flexibility and safety.

In modern medical practice is given Special attention both safety and patient satisfaction. The new birth bed from Schmitz meets these requirements. Attractive design and maximum comfort for expectant mother and the most favorable working conditions for the obstetric team.

Maternity beds Partura is designed in such a way that the expectant mother has maximum freedom of movement during the first stage of labor and during the period of delivery of the fetus. With help manual control The Partura birth bed can be adjusted infinitely. The woman in labor can adjust the profile of the Partura table according to her own needs.

The Partura table's pleasantly padded surface is large enough to allow the partner to actively support the expectant mother. The leg section can be used as a midwife seat.

The soft, smooth cover and cushions of the Partura table are easy to wash and disinfect. If necessary, in two or three steps you can adapt the Partura table for urgent surgical intervention. Maternity beds New generation Partura - for easy and safe childbirth.


  • Main section birth bed includes sciatic, support and leg sections, on casters, central lock.
  • The ischial section has a cutout with a radius of 150 mm.
  • The mattress is made of two parts for the seat and leg sections; made of highly elastic foam rubber; water-repellent properties and non-slip.
  • The casing and frame are made of spray-coated sheet steel.
  • White two-piece cover, washable up to 95°C.
  • The main and foot sections are separated. The foot section can be pushed under the main one in four fixed positions.
  • The back support covered with leatherette is attached to the head or legs.
  • The finishing color can be selected from the color list.
  • Two Goepel footrests, 18/10 stainless steel, full foam padding with leatherette cover, height adjustable.
  • Two rotating joints for attaching leg supports.
  • Two handles, 18/10 stainless steel, foam lining with leatherette cover; attaches to the sides of the table.
  • Transfer stand with 4 hooks, stainless steel 18/10. Can be installed in the head or next to the handles, height adjustable.
  • Dorsal support next to the cutout in the ischial section; semicircular foam lining covered with artificial leather.
    For childbirth in the squatting position.
  • Two control panels, left and right of the main section.
  • Unlimited adjustment via electric drive:
    • Adjusting the height of the main section
    • Adjusting the support section
    • Adjusting the sciatic section
    • Surface tilt (in case of shock)
    • Height adjustment of the foot section (in connection with the main section)
  • Built-in emergency power supply in case of short-term power loss.

The first stage of labor. Table Partura is in the lower position (64 cm) for resting or moving. The low height of the Partura table makes it possible to rise from the table and lie down on it.

Second stage of labor vertical position with a partner. A woman can lean on her partner.

Childbirth in the classic position.

Childbirth in the squatting position, optimization of the birth axis, the perineum is relaxed.

Childbirth in the squatting position with a partner. When the fetal head appears, the man can slightly lift the woman.

The first stage of labor and/or the intermediate stage in the knee-elbow position in the case of pushing while the cervical passage remains in the same position or in the case of intrauterine asphyxia.

Surgical delivery, forceps delivery or vacuum extraction, manual squeezing in breech births, postpartum perineal debridement, manual removal of the placenta.

Childbirth in the knee-elbow position for multiparous women, if it is necessary to relax the perineum or when giving birth to particularly large children.

C-section in the maternity ward.

The second stage of birth in an upright position is a comfortable sitting position. The cutout in the mattress eliminates pressure on the perineum. In case of breech presentation of the fetus, manual squeezing is possible.

The situation in case of shock is prolapse of the genital cord or large loss of blood.

After childbirth in the knee-elbow position. After the fetus is delivered, the woman does not need to turn over. She can just sit back and lean back.

Delivery in the Trendelenburg position in the case of pathological birth, surgery or manual squeezing.

Raising your legs to relax.

Technical characteristics of the PARTURA table
Adjusting the height of the main section 645-925 mm
Adjusting the height of the foot section 460-925 mm
Dimensions of the delivery table, including the backrest 2330 × 1015 mm
Length of mattress on back support 890 mm
Length of the mattress on the sciatic section 350 mm
Mattress length at foot section 695 mm
Mattress thickness 80 mm
Table surface angle 0-12°
Back section adjustment angle 0-78°
Seat section adjustment angle 0-27°
Weight 280 kg
Supply voltage 230 V, 50 Hz, 0.36 kW

A wide choice of colors according to the RAL card creates more opportunities for creating your own furnishing design. The color card includes more than 40 shades and many combinations of them. Calming or invigorating, classic or modern, elegant or extravagant - you are guaranteed to choose the right shade of color for your preferred interior.

Colors of protective coatings

From left to right: grey-white RAL 9002, pure white RAL 9010, alabaster gray RAL 0007500*, light gray RAL 7035, anthracite gray RAL 7016, deep black RAL 9005, white aluminum RAL 9006, gray aluminum RAL 9007, yellow RAL 1009 050 *, signal yellow RAL 1003, yellow-orange RAL 0506060*, ivory RAL 1015, sand beige RAL 0607030*, copper brown RAL 8004, antique pink RAL 3014, lilac RAL 3108010*, green RAL 1808010*, green - herringbone RAL 1703020*, lemon green RAL 1206050*, leaf green RAL 1206050*, blue RAL 5018, white-blue RAL 2408015*, light blue RAL 2606030*, sapphire blue RAL 5003.

* Halftone RAL

Upholstery colors

From left to right: Mint Green 80, Swamp Green 81, Caribbean Blue 82, Atlantic Blue 83, Parchment Beige 85, Golden Yellow 86, Tobacco Brown 87, Granite Gray 89, Platinum Gray 90, Titanium Gray 91, Intense Red 92, natural brown 93, silver gray 55, ocean 52, black 57.

Table includes latest achievements modern medical technology, thereby ensuring maximum convenience for the patient and staff at all stages of the process (before childbirth, during childbirth and after childbirth). Three electric drives controlled by a hand-held remote control allow precise positioning of the woman in labor at any stage. Longitudinal tilt of the bed from -20° to +5°, tilt angle of the back section from 0° to 55°, panel height adjustment in the range from 670 to 870 mm. The width of the bed cushions is 660 mm, the size of the sliding table cushion is 520x600 mm.

The angle of inclination of the head section relative to the back section is adjusted using a gas spring in the range from 0° to 30°. The pillows are cast and made using seamless technology. The table runs on built-in batteries. It moves easily thanks to wheel supports with a diameter of 100 mm, which are equipped with a reliable central brake and fixation of the direction of movement.

Maternity table Medin SR-1

Features of the obstetrics table Medin SR-1

Technical characteristics of the obstetrics table Medin SR-1

Contents of delivery

  • retractable lifting table for delivery of the fetus - 1 pc.
  • Hepel leg holder with radial clamp - 2 pcs.
  • retractable container with holder - 1 pc.
  • handles for a woman in labor - 2 pcs.
  • headrest - 1 pc.

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