Home Dental treatment Muslim holiday Mawlid al-Nabi - Birth of the Prophet Muhammad. Seventeenth irrefutable argument

Muslim holiday Mawlid al-Nabi - Birth of the Prophet Muhammad. Seventeenth irrefutable argument

Built by the Messenger of Allah (saw) himself, Masjid an-Nabi is generally recognized as the second most important mosque in the Muslim world.

Its special status is emphasized, first of all, by the fact that the prayers in it are many times superior to the prayers in other “Houses of Allah”. In addition, near it is the burial place of Muhammad (s.g.w.), as well as his closest companions - Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (r.a.) and Umar ibn Khattab (r.a.).

History of the Medina mosque

It was built after Mecca to Medina. This plot of land originally belonged to two orphans.

After the fulfillment of the Hijrah by the Prophet (s.g.w.), every Ansar wanted Muhammad (s.g.w.) to settle in his house. Realizing this, the Grace of the Worlds (s.g.v.) said the words: “Make way for my camel, as she follows the path that Allah commands her.” After some time, the camel approached a stall owned by two orphans. And then God’s Messenger (s.g.v.) set out to redeem this place. Having learned about this, the young men declared that they wanted to give it to the Prophet (s.a.w.). However, he refused to accept such a gift and paid them 10 dinars (the hadith is given in the code of Bukhari).

Subsequently, the first mosque in Medina was built on this very spot - Masjid an-Nabi, built at the behest of the Prophet (s.a.w.). After its construction, it was repeatedly expanded by the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) himself, as well as during the reigns of Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman (r.a.). In more late period The Prophet's Mosque was reconstructed during the reign of the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties. In 1256, a major fire occurred here, engulfing all the premises and causing great damage. The restoration of the temple immediately began, and the mosque acquired its new appearance.

After the conquest of Medina by the Ottoman Sultan Selim I the Terrible, new era in the history of Arabia, and the Prophet's Mosque was no exception. Turkish rulers paid enormous attention to Masjid an-Nabi, thanks to which it acquired its modern appearance.

Today it is already a large complex with a total area of ​​360 thousand square kilometers. There are 10 minarets on its territory. Every year during the Hajj the mosque accommodates up to a million believers.

Attractions Masjid an-Nabi

1. Rauda

The name of this place translated means “Garden of Eden.” Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) said: “Between the house and the minbar is ar-Rauda - one of the gardens of Paradise” (Bukhari, Muslim). Muslim theologians comment on this hadith in different ways, but they all agree that this place carries grace. Some argue that a believer who performs namaz on Rawdah experiences a special inner harmony and peace. Others believe that prayer itself in a given place can lead to the Gardens of Eden. Still others put forward the version that Rauda in another world will become one of the heavenly places.

A well-known landmark is the burial place of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.), as well as the first two righteous caliphs - Abu Bakr (r.a.) and Umar (r.a.). During the time of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.), his house was located with a mosque. However, due to the constant expansion of Masjid an-Nabi, the grave of the Prophet (s.a.w.) ended up on the territory of the complex.

The burial sites are surrounded by two walls. This is to ensure that Muslims do not mistake graves for places of worship and do not perform prayers there. When visiting a mosque, believers greet God's Messenger (s.g.w.) and offer dua for him.

3. House of Ali ibn Abu Talib and Fatima al-Zahra (r.a.)

Also on the territory of Masjid an-Nabi, over time, there was also a house in which Fatima (r.a.) and his son-in-law, the fourth righteous caliph Ali (r.a.), lived.

4. Great Islamic Library

The mosque houses a large collection of rare books on Islamic history, law, doctrine and tawhid. Unfortunately, many copies were lost during the fire of 1256, but, nevertheless, some were still saved.

Advantages of the Prophet's Mosque

  • Great reward for prayer. The prayer in Masjid an-Nabi is 1000 times greater than that offered in any other mosque except the Sacred Mosque. This is indicated by the hadith cited in their collections by Bukhari and Muslim. Those. for one fard prayer in the Mosque of the Prophet (s.g.w.), which will take us no more than 15 minutes, we can receive the reward of six months of regular collective prayer.
  • Mosque of Piety. One day a believer asked the Prophet (s.a.w.) a question about which mosque is based on piety. And he replied: “This is the mosque of Medina!” (Muslim).
  • A place to gain knowledge. It is believed that a believer will receive additional benefits if he visits Masjid al-Nabi to receive education. One of the hadiths cited by Albani says: “Whoever visited this mosque to gain knowledge or teach others is like one who fights in the path of God.”

« Mawlid an-Nabi" - large-scale theatrical performance. It is dedicated to the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad. This program will tell the story of this person’s life, as well as present his kindest deeds and deeds.

Event " Mawlid an-Nabi» timed to coincide with the celebration of the next Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad. This holiday is celebrated annually in many countries around the world. Recently, such festive events have become regular in our country. By the way, similar theatrical performances have already taken place in Moscow. And the most successful and large-scale of them was the program shown at Crocus City Hall in 2015. This light and sound theatrical show featuring famous artists attracted attention huge amount viewers and it turned out interesting people different nationalities and religions. That is why in 2016 it was decided to repeat the success of the previous show and make it even brighter and more colorful. The event will feature a variety of theatrical scenes illustrating the life and major deeds of the Prophet Muhammad. Also here, solemn compositions praising this man will be performed by talented and famous vocalists. Throughout the event, a specially selected video will be shown on the big screen, clearly illustrating everything that is happening on stage. And magnificent modern light and sound technologies make the performance unusually colorful and even create some effect of presence.

According to the organizers, this program should become unusually large-scale and spectacular. It is not surprising that it will be able to interest a large number of people. And therefore to all those who want to order tickets for a theatrical performance Mawlid an-Nabi“, you should hurry up and do it in advance. This program will allow people to learn in a clear and simple form about the life and good deeds of the famous Muslim prophet, as well as receive a lot of new and interesting information and about Islam itself. The festive production will be interesting and understandable not only to adult audiences, but also to young viewers. At the same time, it can attract the attention of all people interested in culture and religion, regardless of their nationality and religious affiliation.

Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad: 11-12 Rabi' al-Awwal.

How to celebrate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad? What is the canonical justification for its implementation?

This is a good innovation (bid'a hasana), which is accepted by most Islamic scholars and which appeared around the end of the sixth century AH. Al-Harari says: “The assertion that “this [the performance of Mawlid] is not in the Sunnah and is therefore rejected and forbidden” is not substantiated in any way. In Sharia No rules “everything that was not done by the Prophet is a forbidden innovation (bid’a of Muharram).” Ramadan al-Buty wrote: “A gathering of people for the purpose of praising the Almighty, where a lot is said about the life of the Prophet Muhammad, his qualities and traits, is a good deed and rewarded before Allah (God, Lord), if done for His sake, with or without His name the presence of the forbidden (maharramat)." This is the opinion of most Islamic scholars of the past and present. In addition, there are many indirect arguments in favor of Mawlid. Thus, one of the companions, Kya'b bin Zuhair, in the presence of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) praised him, uttering words of praise. Hasan bin Thabit confirmed this and also praised the Messenger of God.

I agree that there are no direct canonical justifications for celebrating the Prophet’s birthday, but it would be wrong to say that in Islam there is absolutely no place for praising the Messenger of God, because the Koran says that he is “a mercy for all the worlds.”

One of the Muslim scholars of the last century said: “Reading Mawlid is a good and useful Islamic custom. It contains communication between believers, an instructive lesson for their faith, the awakening in the hearts of people of love for God and His last messenger, Muhammad (may the Lord bless and greet him).”

Prophet Muhammad (may the Creator bless him and welcome him) said: “Whoever becomes the initiator of a good deed in Islam (a good custom, sunnaten hasanatan, linked in some way with religion) [let’s say, finds some new forms, ways of realizing spiritual, moral, religious ideas and values] and other people will follow his example, he will receive the reward that he himself deserves, as well as the reward of all those who will follow this good path [new practice, innovation that does not conflict with the canons, but on the contrary, develops, reveals them], and it will be credited to them too. [And so on until the End of the World.]

Whoever becomes the founder of an evil act covered up by religion (a bad custom, a harmful act that discredits religion; sunnata sharrin, sunnaten sayieten; invents roundabout ways of circumventing or justifying the forbidden), which others will follow, he [if he does not repent and correct himself before God] deserves the punishment that he will be worthy of, as well as the punishment that will be worthy of all those who follow this bad custom (the new religious “good”-atrocity) [and so on until the End of the World], while they will also have a sin for committing it (this act) [of one’s own free will].” See, for example: an-Naysaburi M. Sahih Muslim. P. 392, Hadith No. 69–(1017); an-Nawawi Ya. Sahih Muslim bi sharkh an-Nawawi [Compendium of hadiths of Imam Muslim with comments by Imam an-Nawawi]. At 10 t., 18 p.m. Beirut: al-Kutub al-‘ilmiya, [b. G.]. T. 6. Part 11. P. 165, 166, explanation of hadith No. 27–(1677); at-Tirmidhi M. Sunan at-Tirmidhi. 2002. P. 755, Hadith No. 2680, “Hasan Sahih”; al-Qaradawi Y. Al-muntaka min kitab “at-targyb wat-tarhib” lil-munziri. T. 1. P. 108, 109, Hadith No. 41; at-Tabrizi M. Mishket al-masabih [Niche of lamps]. In 4 volumes. Beirut: al-Fikr, 1991. T. 1. P. 106, Hadith No. 210.

Read more about innovations in my book “How to See Paradise?” or on our website.

Al-Harari A. Izhar al'aqida al-sunniya bi sharkh al-'aqida at-tahawiyya [Identification of Sunni belief through the commentary of the 'aqida of Imam al-Tahawi]. Beirut: al-Mashari', 1997. P. 332.

Al-Buti R. Ma'a annas. Mashurat wa Fatawa. P. 241.

In the Koran, the Lord of the worlds says: “And We sent you [Muhammad, as God’s final prophet and messenger] not otherwise than as a mercy for the worlds [after all, what you came with is the reason for the happiness of the representatives of the world of people and the parallel world of the jinn, moreover, both their worldly well-being and the otherworldly; helps to arrange life “here and now”, as well as “there and always”]” (Holy Quran, 21:107).

Nursi S. Al-maktubat. Cairo: Syuzlyar, 1992. P. 396.

The Muslim community around the world celebrates the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad on the 12th of the third month of Islam lunar calendar- Rabi al-awwal. According to the Gregorian calendar in 2011, the Prophet's birthday falls on February 15th. However, the celebration itself begins the day before - from the moment the sun sets in the evening of the previous day.

Historians don't know exact date birth of Muhammad ibn Abdullah and place this event in the period between 570 and 580 AD (Gregorian calendar). The holiday is dedicated to the day of his death. This is also explained by the fact that in the Islamic tradition death is considered, first of all, as birth for eternal life. Therefore, birthdays are celebrated by Muslims either very modestly or not celebrated at all, and death dates are celebrated more solemnly.

Muhammad, whom Allah chose as his messenger and prophet, was born in Mecca and lost his parents early. He didn't have to study - with early years he began to work.

Until the age of 40, he lived like all Meccans, was known among them for his exceptional honesty and good behavior, reliability and was invested with trust. He loved to retire to the mountains around Mecca, lock himself in caves, and indulge in reflection.

On the twenty-seventh day of the month of Ramadan, 610, on Mount Jabal an-Nur in the cave of Hira, someone in human form appeared before Muhammad and announced the words of Allah: “Read! In the name of your Lord, who created man from a clot. Read! And your Lord the most generous one, who taught the Kalams, taught man what he did not know.” It was Archangel Jibraeel, the messenger of Allah. Muhammad repeated the words after him, and the archangel disappeared. So Muhammad learned from Jibraeel that Allah had chosen him as his Prophet. This is how it began earthly life holy book Islam.

After the holy Prophet Muhammad, the Almighty did not send his prophets to humanity, did not transmit the holy scriptures. The Koran is associated with the final affirmation of monotheism - faith in One God and the cessation of the deification of idols and their worship.

On the day of the granting of earthly life to the Prophet Muhammad, Mawlid an-Nabi is celebrated. Maulid (Arabic word) - birth, place of birth, time of birth. In accordance with Sharia norms and practices of Muslims, mawlid is the name of an event that talks about the life of the Prophet Muhammad, his character and behavior in all life situations.

The celebration of Mawlid an-Nabi, or the birth of the Messenger of Allah, is one of the pious innovations in Islam. For the first time, Maulid began to be celebrated at the direction of the ruler of the Irbil area, who was a famous theologian and God-fearing person. To conduct the first Maulid, he gathered famous scholars and righteous Sufis who knew the hadith well.

The Maulid proceeds as follows: people gather to read individual surahs of the Koran, listen to stories (often in poetic form and in the form of polyphonic, predominantly male singing) about significant events that occurred during the time of the Prophet Muhammad, and treat the people who came to the Maulid. These people may include relatives, friends, neighbors, as well as those who, with pure intention, want to support the organizers of the Maulid. For this, Muslims receive a heavenly reward - thawab - for jointly remembering the noble deeds of the Prophet and exalting the Almighty.

Participation in Mawlid requires special behavior. First, you must have a sincere intention (niyat) to fulfill the wish of the inviter. Secondly, you need to discard any ungodly thoughts. Thirdly, when going to Mawlid, it is necessary to perform a ritual ablution and anoint yourself with permitted incense. On Mawlid, one should renounce the vanity of the world: everyday difficulties, desires, doubts.

Women and men perform and listen to Mawlid separately. If it is not possible to sit comfortably in separate rooms, then you need to hang a thick curtain between them. Refreshments for Mawlid must be served at the expense of the organizer.

In some countries, on the day of Maulid, Muslims organize festive torchlight processions, the participants of which carry images of the mother of the Prophet, pious Amina. Services are held in mosques in honor of the mother of the Prophet. On the occasion of the celebration, alms are distributed to the poor.

In Egypt and some other Arab countries, this holiday is especially loved by children. Pavilions decorated with flags appear everywhere, where sugar figurines of “arusat al-nabi” - “the bride of the prophet” - of various sizes are sold with a colorful paper fan behind their back. Another popular sugar figurine is a horseman with a saber in his hand.

In many Muslim countries, the day of the “blessed anniversary” is declared a holiday, but in Pakistan it is given three days.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

Historians do not know the exact date of birth of Muhammad ibn Abdullah and place this event in the period between 570 and 580 AD (according to the Gregorian calendar). The holiday is dedicated to the day of his death. This is also explained by the fact that in the Islamic tradition, death is viewed primarily as birth for eternal life.

Therefore, birthdays are celebrated by Muslims either very modestly or not celebrated at all, and death dates are celebrated more solemnly.

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