Home Children's dentistry Name of the holiday according to traffic rules. Why conduct traffic rules activities in kindergarten? Children read the rules of behavior in transport

Name of the holiday according to traffic rules. Why conduct traffic rules activities in kindergarten? Children read the rules of behavior in transport

Traffic safety entertainment “On the City Streets” for children 5-7 years old

The entertainment scenario for traffic safety “On the City Streets” (for children 5-7 years old) was prepared by the teacher of preparatory school “B” speech therapy group MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 52 "Rosinka" of the city of Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region" Denisova O.N.
Designed for educators and parents who are interested in organizing active leisure time for children; The script will help unobtrusively reinforce road safety rules for pedestrians.

Fun by the rules traffic for older children preschool age"On the City Streets"

Contingent: children of the senior, preparatory group
Target: Reinforce the rules of safe behavior on city streets, repeat the meanings of traffic signs.
1. Expand children’s knowledge about traffic signs: shape, color: red prohibiting, blue permissive; presence of pictograms, numbers; consolidate knowledge of traffic signs - zebra crossing, pedestrian crossing, etc.
2. Enrich the vocabulary with verbs of motion: moves, rides, rushes, rushes, walks, moves, flies, stops, brakes, goes around, parks, honks, lets you through, etc. Continue teaching how to solve riddles; activate cognitive activity and HPF logical thinking, auditory and visual attention, imagination, memory.
3. Develop self-control and self-examination, the ability to come to the aid of a peer in a timely manner. Development emotional sphere
Previous work:
1.Reading S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa is a policeman”
2. Guessing riddles, memorizing poems
3. Lotto “Traffic Signs”
4. S/r game “DPS”
5. Excursion to the traffic light roadway
Materials for the activity: a board with drawn cells, balloons of red, green and yellow flowers for a traffic controller, slide show “Traffic Signs”, white stripes 16 pieces “Zebra”, traffic light layout (120 cm); traffic police caps, reflective vests (2 pcs.), scooter 2 pcs., flash drive with audio recordings “Cars” by A. Glyzin, “Traffic Light” by V. Leontyev, music from the movie “The Mask”, car sound signal; The presenters enter, together with the “Traffic Light”, into the center of the site.
Traffic light says:
At any intersection
A traffic light greets you
And it starts very easily
Conversation with a pedestrian.
1 child: We stood at the crossing,
There is a traffic light in front of us.
And with all the honest people
He looks at us point blank.
2 child: His red eye opened,
So, he wants to say:
No matter how you rush,
You must stand now!
3rd child: It's flashing yellow eye.
Get ready, he says!
How can I close this one - at once
The third eye will be open.
4th child: The third eye glows green,
All the cars stood in a row.
Now we're ready to go
Mom and Dad are talking
1 Presenter: outdoor game (with all children) “Green, yellow, red.” And now, guys, we will repeat with you the traffic light signals in the game. The game will be conducted by a guard - a traffic controller (They will: ..... put on a cap and be given a basket with 3 balls, appointed as the leader). When he picks up a green ball, the children walk in a circle; when he picks up a yellow ball, they stop; when he picks up a red ball, they squat. (Song about a traffic light. music. A. Terentyev, lyrics by L. Kukso)

An educational story from history:
1 presenter: The first traffic light appeared 150 years ago (in 1868) in London, England. And in our country, the first traffic light was installed 86 years ago (in 1929) in Moscow. The traffic light looked like a clock with a round dial divided into sectors of red, yellow and green. The adjuster turned the indicator arrow manually. Then electric traffic lights appeared, which are still in use today, although their appearance has changed. But the colors in a traffic light always go in this order: for better visibility, the red signal is placed at the top as the most important and dangerous, then yellow, and green at the bottom.
2 presenter: Guys, why do you think these colors were chosen?
Red color is clearly visible in the dark and fog. Red color is a danger signal, an alarm signal. It is the most noticeable, visible from afar, and difficult to confuse with another. Therefore, it is selected for the strictest no-traffic signal.
Yellow also clearly visible in any weather. In the fog it can be mistaken for red. But it will still warn the driver.
Green color cannot be confused with red or yellow. Traffic lights have visors so that the signals are clearly visible in bright conditions. sunlight.
1 Presenter
1. You can’t take this ribbon and weave it into a pigtail. She lies on the ground, Transport runs along her. (Road)
2. I never sleep, I look at the road. I'll tell you when to stand, when to start moving. (Traffic light)
3. The car won’t work here. The main thing here is the pedestrian. To avoid interfering with each other, we need to keep the path on the right. (Sidewalk)
4. What kind of transport is this? What brings you home. He runs back and forth, running into the wires. (Trolleybus)
5. There is a striped path under Seryozhka’s feet. He walks along it boldly, and all the people follow him. (Zebra)
2 Presenter:
7. The two roads took a long time. And they approached each other. They didn't quarrel, they crossed paths and ran on. What kind of place is this? We all wonder. (Crossroads)
8. Our bus drove and drove and arrived at the site. And people are bored on it, silently waiting for transport. (Stop)
9. Two wheels are enough for him, and the engine will not let you down. You just need to start it - and have a nice journey! (Motorbike)
10. What kind of store is this? It sells gasoline. A car pulls up and fills them with a full tank. She started up and ran. For another one to come. (Gas station)
6. They stand on the side of the road, silently talking to us. Everyone is ready to help. The main thing is to understand them. (Road signs)
2 Presenter: Didactic game(with all the children) “IT’S ME, IT’S ME, THESE ARE ALL MY FRIENDS” (game for attention)
Leading:- Guys, if you act in accordance with the rules of the road, then you unanimously answer: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”, And if you, having heard the riddle, do not do this, then simply remain silent.
Who is attentive on the road, understands everything,
Will he confuse the red prohibition signs with anything?
Which one of you is in a cramped carriage?
Gives place to elders?
Who will answer without delay,
That yellow light is a warning?
Who is near the roadway
Having fun chasing a ball?
Answer amicably, together
How many of you are an expert on traffic and road rules?
Who flies forward so quickly
What does the traffic light not see?
Which one of you is going forward?
Only where the transition is?
Who will stop the runner, the naughty little one?
Does he break away from his mother and head towards the road?
Who pushes the speed to the limit in order to finish the job faster?
And he doesn’t know the brakes, he can see doctors!
Who is ready to help the patient and send him to the infirmary -
There's a red cross on the road
Who on the way got hungry, tired and did not sleep
So the road sign will show you to rest quickly
Who doesn't like procrastination, doesn't sleep, doesn't even eat,
and not feeling tired, can it rattle into a ditch?
Who will answer, together, in unison
We must know the rules and observe safety!
1 Presenter: Verbal and motor game “Who is more friendly” to develop voice strength, memory and improve coordination of movements according to a signal, consolidating spatial orientations.
Children are mentally divided into 2 groups, who will be the best to repeat the words after the leader?
The road is not a path showing wiggling hands
The road is not a ditch jump imitation of jumping over a ditch
Look left first turn your head to the left
Then look to the right turn your head to the right
Look to the left...to the left
And look to the right...to the right
And if you don’t see any cars, go!.... Palm with visor to eyes
marching on the spot
Presenter 1: Solving a crossword puzzle. A board with drawn cells slides out. Children take turns naming the picture, the 2nd leader writes the letters into the cells. Everyone calls the resulting word together.

2 Presenter Outdoor game: “Whose team will assemble faster?” Activation motor activity. Development of spatial orientation and attention.
4 groups (senior A, senior B, preparatory A, preparatory B, preparatory speech therapy B) take places in the corners of the site. Children close their eyes and spin around. At this time, teachers acting as beacons confuse their location. At the leader’s signal (car horn), the children find their teacher and line up in 1 line one after another.
Rules: You only need to walk along a zebra crossing (pedestrian crossing). The winner is the one who quickly lines up behind his teacher without violating the traffic rules - raise your hands up.

Showing a sample game by the presenters:
1 presenter- How can we find a way to find a teacher?
2 presenter:-You need to look for a zebra crossing and then walk along it. "Zebra" - path for pedestrians, Striped passage sign.
1 presenter: And the zebra has a conductor called a traffic light. He will show the guys the way, tell them everything about the road.
Red signal: If the Red Eye shines, you stand still, children,
And don’t step on the zebra crossing, but let the cars pass.
Green signal: The green light is on, To all pedestrians: - Hello! The path along the Zebra is open to you, as long as the Green light is on!
1.2 Presenter. With all the children “Snake” to the music from the movie “Mask”
Distribution of “Traffic Rules Expert” medals, Chupa - Chups for the group.

Holiday scenario according to traffic rules in senior group kindergarten.

Holiday scenario for preschool educational institution “Red, Yellow, Green”

Holiday for children 5-6 years old






Traffic light,

Road signs

In the hall, a diagram of an intersection with pedestrian paths was drawn on the floor, and a raised platform was made for a traffic light. To the music of A. Filippenko “Merry March” the children and the presenter enter the hall.

Leading. Guys, today we will go to an unusual city - the city of traffic rules! But to get there, you need to buy train tickets.

Children approach the makeshift ticket office and buy train tickets in the form of small traffic lights.

Well, does everyone have tickets? Then let's go!

Children line up one after another like a train and move in a circle with stomping steps. The song “Train” is performed, lyrics by T. Babajan, music by N. Metlov.

Leading. Here we are!

He invites the children to get off the train, draws their attention to the roads of the town, traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, etc. Suddenly the sound of a car engine is heard, music plays, Dunno runs into the hall. He holds the steering wheel in his hands, and on his chest is a flat image of the car’s cabin.



Who am I? Well, guess what!

What's my name?

Children. Dunno.


I bought a car

I will ride in it, friends!

Music sounds, Dunno “drives” in his car in a circle. At this time, Znayka enters the hall.

Znayka. Hello guys! Welcome to our city! (Notices Dunno.) Oh, Dunno, are you here too? Hello!

Dunno. Hello! Look what a car I have! Isn't she beautiful? Come sit with me quickly, I’ll give you a ride with the breeze!

Znayka. Dunno, are you familiar with the traffic rules? After all, this is the alphabet of our city!

Dunno. Just think, what kind of teacher was found! I can do without this alphabet!


What are you, Dunno!

After all, the city in which you and I live,

It can rightfully be compared to an ABC book!

Here it is, the alphabet, above your head:

Signs are posted along the pavement.

ABC of streets, avenues, roads

The city always teaches us a lesson.

Always remember the alphabet of the city,

So that no trouble happens to you!

Dunno. Well, here we go again! I already know everything! Last time I ask, will you come with me?

Znayka. No, I won't go!

Dunno. Well, it is not necessary! I'll go alone. (Starts the engine.)

Music is playing, Dunno is driving his car, and a traffic light comes out into the middle of the hall, blocking his path. He holds a red card in his hands.


Stop, Dunno!

There is no road ahead!

Look, at the traffic light

The red light has turned on!

Dunno. How is it that there is no road? Where did she go? All these colored lights - yay!

Approaches the traffic light. The traffic light blows its whistle, warning of danger.

Traffic light.

Stop, car! Stop, motor!

Brake quickly, driver!

The red eye is burning point-blank,

This is a strict traffic light!

Dunno. Just think, you forbid it! And I want to go through a red light!

Leading. Ay-ay-ay, Dunno! It turns out that you don’t know the rules of the road at all!

Dunno. So what if I don’t know? There's nothing wrong with that!

Leading. You're wrong! Listen to what the guys will tell you!

1st child.

The city is full of traffic,

Cars are running in a row.

Colored traffic lights

Both day and night are burning!

And where there are trams during the day

They're ringing from all sides,

2nd child.

But who at the red light

Walking straight?

And this is our Dunno,

A braggart and a mischief-maker.

The drivers are worried

All the horns are blaring,

Wheels and motors

They want to stop.

3rd child.

The driver turned sharply

Sweaty like never before:

One more minute -

There would be trouble!

Both adults and children

They could barely contain their screams -

Dunno almost died

Naughty and mischievous.

Dunno. Oh-oh-oh! How can I find out everything about traffic lights? I don't want any trouble to happen to me!

Leading. Don't be upset, Dunno! The guys and I will help you. Listen to our song and everything will be clear to you!

“Song about a traffic light” is performed, music by G. Dementieva.


Thanks guys! I understood everything, remembered everything!

Follow the simple law:

The red light came on -

Children(in unison). Stop!

Dunno. Yellow flashed -

Children(in unison). Wait!

Dunno. And the green light

Children(in unison). Go!


Well done, Dunno! Well done boys!

It became clear to you to distinguish

Green color,

Dunno. Well, since we have become well versed in traffic lights, I suggest you play! Beep-beep-beep! All by car!

Adults help children put on car costumes and hand out steering wheels. The game is being played"Cars and traffic lights."

Sounds funny music, children-“cars” drive along the road, at the same time carefully following the traffic light instructions. A red card and the “cars” stop; yellow card - they spin around in place with a stomping step; green card - move on. Those “machines” that made a mistake leave the game. The winner, the most attentive driver, takes a lap of honor to general applause.


Guys, I firmly remember that

You need to obey without arguing

Traffic light instructions.

Need traffic rules

Do it without objection!

I'll go tell everyone what I learned!

Music is playing. Dunno “leaves”, and the out of breath Petrushka runs into the hall.


I'm coming to you guys today

He was in such a hurry and running so fast!

I'll ask for an apology

That I'm a little late.

I, Petrushka, really need it

Riddles for you!

Because you guys

Everyone must know the rules!

Now I will ask you questions, and you answer me. If you agree with me, then say in unison: “It’s me! It's me! These are all my friends! Well, if you don’t agree, then just remain silent. Agreed? Then attention!

Which one of you is going forward?

Only where the transition is?

Children (in chorus). It's me! It's me! These are all my friends.


Who flies forward so quickly

What does the traffic light not see?

The children are silent.


Which one of you, on your way home,

Is it on the pavement?

The children are silent


Who knows that red light -

Does this mean there is no move?

Children(in unison). It's me! It's me! These are all my friends.

Parsley. Well done boys! They answered unanimously and correctly!

Children dressed as road signs come forward.

Parsley. Oh, who are you?


We are road signs!

It's easy to remember

What each of us says!

Transition sign.

A pedestrian! A pedestrian!

Remember about the transition -

Underground, above ground,


Know that only a transition

It will save you from cars!

Turn sign.

I'm rolling on two wheels,

I turn two pedals,

I hold onto the steering wheel and look ahead

And I see - soon in the mouth!

"No entry" sign.

A round sign with a window in it.

Don't rush here rashly,

But think a little,

What's here? Brick dump?

Parsley. Guys, does this sign really point to a pile of bricks? Yes?

Children. No! This sign says no entry!

Parking lot sign.

I'm a connoisseur road rules,

I parked my car here

Parked near the fence.

She needs to rest too!

Telephone sign.

If Valya needs a doctor,

Or Galya is waiting for dinner,

Or you need to contact a friend -

The phone is at your service!

Medical assistance sign.

Lena with Nastenka

in alarm:

They need a doctor on the road.

Don't look with sad eyes -

Help is coming! The doctor is nearby!


There are many road signs in the world.

It wouldn’t hurt us to learn them all!

“Song of Road Signs” is performed, music by G. Dementieva.

Parsley. What a good song! Come on, tell me again, at what point do we cross the road? That's right, along the transition path!

The game “Attentive Pedestrians” is being played.

Parsley. Well done boys! Remember the basic rules of the road, learn the signs and traffic lights! And as a souvenir, I want to give you these books! All traffic rules are written in them.

Rules from this book

You need to know firsthand.

And it’s not easy to teach them,

But seriously, for sure!

Hands out books to children.

Now it's time for me to run.

Goodbye, kids!

Leading. And it's time for us guys to go back!

He invites everyone to take their seats on the train again.

Music is playing. Children leave the magical city of road signs.

Hello! Dear parents!

Goals: Today we will consolidate children’s knowledge together with their parents about the operation of traffic lights, road signs and their purpose; consolidate knowledge about traffic rules; Let's get acquainted with the purpose of reflective flickers and the need for their use; develop mental abilities and visual perceptions; develop attention, improve coordination of movements; to instill in children a desire to take care of their health and a culture of behavior on the street.

Leisure activities:

Children enter the hall to the music, disperse in the middle to the left - to the right and line up in a semicircle.


Hello guys! Today we have gathered to talk about something very important – traffic rules.


The city in which you and I live,

Can rightfully be compared to an ABC book,

With the alphabet of streets, avenues, roads.

The city always teaches us a lesson.

Here it is - the alphabet above your head:

We see signs everywhere with you.

So that no trouble happens to you,

Always remember the alphabet of the city.

A very important science is the rules of movement, and everyone without exception must follow them.

Around the city, down the street

They don’t just walk like that:

When you don't know the rules

It's easy to get into trouble.

Be careful all the time

And remember in advance:

They have their own rules

Driver and pedestrian.

Guys, why is it necessary to follow traffic rules?

What can happen if they are not followed? (children's answer)

But to follow the rules of the road, you need to know them. Now I will test your knowledge of the “Road ABC”

    Quiz “Question and answer” (conducted together with parents, one question for parents, one for children)

- What is the name of the part of the street along which traffic moves? (Roadway)

Where can people cross the part of the road? (At the pedestrian crossing)

How do you know where the transition is? (Indicates sign)

What is the name of the part of the road along which pedestrians walk? (Sidewalk)

How should pedestrians walk on the sidewalk? (Calmly, slowly, on the right side of the sidewalk)

Where do people wait for transport? (At the bus stop)

At what traffic light can you cross the road? (to green)

What rule do you need to know to cross a road where there is no crossing or traffic light? (Look to the left, look to the right, if the roadway is clear, then you can cross.)

What do you call a person who drives a car? (Driver)

Where can children ride bicycles? (In the yard, on the playground)

What can happen if a pedestrian or driver violates traffic rules? (Accident or accident.)

What is the name of the place where two roads intersect? (Crossroads)

Leading: Well done!

Each of us is a pedestrian every day. We know that this is a very serious role, because a pedestrian must be attentive, competent and polite. But in order to make it safer and clearer for us on the street, there are assistants who show us where and when it is safe to cross the roadway. Who do you think are our helpers? (Children's answer: road signs)

That's right, our assistants are road signs, traffic controllers, road markings and traffic lights. They all stand guard over our safety.

2 Game: “Guess what sign” (parents and children, images of road signs)

Leading: Well done boys!

Three main colors

I remember from childhood,

What the traffic light told me.

"If the red light is on, stand still, the path is closed"

And when the beautiful one burns,

Bright “yellow” light.

It means “ATTENTION!”

Get ready to go, my friend.

And turn on the green light.

This means "THE WAY IS CLEAR"

There is no barrier.

3 Physical exercise “Traffic light”

One, two, three, four, five (stretch)

Oh, we're tired of standing.

We'll play "Traffic Light" (walking in place)

Hands-legs warm up

The red color “Stop” (bends, turns of the body) screams to us

He says to wait for green.

We lean together

And back and forth

Right, left turn.

So the yellow one lights up (squat)

It's time to get ready.

Hands and feet warmed up.

Let's start, kids.

Here the green light turns on (walking after each other)

Can we go ahead?

Left, right, left right.

Bravely, we move forward

Traffic light assistant nice

Doesn't let us get tired.

Leading: Well done boys!

4. Game "Yes or no" (Children answer)

A) Can children play ball on the road where cars drive?

B) Does the red light allow us to cross the road?

Q) Can we cross the road at a zebra crossing?

D) If a black cat crossed the road, can you throw a stone after him?

D) When we cross the road, should we look both ways?

E) Do we ride bicycles together with cars?

Leading: Well done, you will understand the rules of the road well.

5. Game: “Collect signs and name them” (puzzles, children put together cut images of road signs and call them

6. Game “Situations on the road” (children and parents look at the situations on the slides and give answers whether there is a traffic violation or not.):


There aren't many road rules

A lazy person loves to master them.

So that the road is good,

Find out, remember, follow!

Leading: You've been sitting too long. Let's play. Let's find out which of you is a good driver, drives quietly and does not violate traffic rules.

Game: Figure Driving

(Children must ride the scooter around the pins without knocking them over)


Let's do it for the guys


Learn urgently

Traffic rules!

So as not to worry

Every day parents

So that you can be calm

Drivers are driving.

Guys, it's time for us to say goodbye. Until next time. We wish our meetings to take place here and not at the inspector's post. Walk carefully along the street. And only cross it where possible!


Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

general developmental kindergarten “Solnyshko” p. Terbuny

Terbunsky municipal district of Lipetsk region

Teachers: L.N. Parakhina

HE. Karavaeva


Target: Consolidation of knowledge about traffic rules, development physical qualities: agility, speed, endurance.


  • Expand children's understanding of traffic rules and develop safe behavior skills on the road.
  • Develop the ability to distinguish and correctly name road signs. Know and distinguish between roadways and pedestrian zones.
  • Improve motor skills, the ability to act on a signal.
  • Cultivate friendships between children and the ability to perform team actions.
  • Arouse positive emotions from the sports festival.

Material and technical resources:

Benches, hoops, traffic lights, gymnastic sticks, road signs, landmarks, colored cardboard circles, a painted car.

Progress of entertainment:

(Children go out to the music)

1 Teacher:

The city is full of pedestrians

on any day and any hour

we go to kindergarten and school

let's go home

the road teaches us how to walk

and she won't let you down

let everyone receive a title

exemplary pedestrian.

2 Teacher:

Good afternoon, dear children, today we invite you to go for a walk through the country of Road Signs, the inhabitants of which always and everywhere follow the rules of the road.

There is a road country on our planet.

All its inhabitants: both adults and children -

You must know the laws of your country,

Respect them and strictly adhere to them.

Do you want to visit this country?

Children: Yes!

1 Teacher: But everyone who goes to this country must know the laws and rules adopted in this state, be attentive and collected. Are you exactly like that?

Children: Yes!

2 Teacher:

Let's check? I will ask questions, and you answer “yes” or “no.”

Say what you want.

Is there sweet water in the sea? (No)

Red light - no way? (Yes)

If you are in a hurry,

Are you running across the street? (No)

We are always moving forward

Only where the transition is? (Yes)

We're running forward so fast

Why can't we see a traffic light? (No).

Traffic light red

Means: “No move?” (Yes).

1 Teacher:

Well done, you are attentive and smart. You can hit the road.

Guys, what kind of transport do you know: .... (children's answers)

And we will eat on this transport:

Various houses are running along the street,

Girls and boys

The houses are being transported. (Bus)

2 Teacher:

I suggest taking a ride on our unusual bus.

Relay "Bus"

(Two benches for each team, at the signal the children scatter around the hall at the command “Landing!!!” the teams sit on the benches, the captain takes the hoop)

1 Teacher:

So, you and I have arrived in the “Land of Road Signs”.

And the main inspector in this country is Traffic Light.

(Baba Yaga enters and greets the children)

2 Educator: Who are you?

Baba Yaga: Didn't you recognize me? Guys, what's my name? (Children's answers). Imagine, I quickly ran across the road in front of ten cars. Ugh, I'm so tired!

2 Teacher: You have grossly violated traffic rules.

Baba Yaga: Another thing, I don’t know any rules, and I don’t want to know: wherever I want, I go, and wherever I want, I go. They also came to visit and give orders.

2 Teacher:

How do you like grandma, don't be ashamed! An accident may occur because of you. Don't you know that you can cross the road at an intersection, where there is a traffic light. And so that you understand better, look and listen to our children.

1 child:

Around the city, down the street

They don't just walk around like that.

When you don't know the rules

It's easy to get into trouble.

Be careful all the time

And remember in advance.

Has its own rules

Driver and pedestrian.

2nd child:

Road rules

There are a lot in the world

Everyone would like to learn them

It didn't bother us.

But the main rules of the movement

Know how multiplication tables should be done.

Song "What is traffic rules"

What is traffic rules - 2p
We all know this from childhood
This is a set of road rules
We know everything about them now.
This is what traffic rules mean

Who monitors traffic rules?
And he follows traffic rules
Traffic police officer
He will punish - whoever breaks
He will tell you if necessary
The traffic police officer will help everyone

Why do we need traffic rules - 2p
Everyone knows this clearly
So that there is order on the road
Observed strictly by everyone
Must study and know all traffic rules!!!

In chorus: So that there is no anxiety,
Trouble did not suddenly happen.
Discipline on the road
Always comply.

(Baba Yaga approaches the traffic light and examines it)

Baba Yaga: hey, why are you standing here, winking at me.

3rd child:

A traffic light is a pedestrian's friend

he is standing at the crossing

he gives signals

wait or go ahead

traffic light, traffic light is ours

assistant for a long time.

1 Teacher: next relay

"Assemble a traffic light"

(On command, the first child runs to the table, jumping from hoop to hoop on the way, and puts down one of the traffic light parts, the next one continues, etc.)

1 Teacher: Look, grandma, how many traffic lights the children have built. Watch and remember!

2 Teacher: And also, Baba Yaga, you can cross the road where there is a pedestrian crossing or a zebra crossing.

Baba Yaga: Should I take a zebra with me, put it on the road and walk along it?

2 Teacher: What are you saying, grandma, the guys will now build a pedestrian crossing for you.

Zebra relay

(On the side of each team there are gymnastic sticks, opposite sheets of white paper. Each team member runs to the white sheet and puts gymnastic sticks on it).

(Baba Yaga walks along a pedestrian crossing, a car drives past and stops in front of the crossing)

Baba Yaga: oh, how good it is - the main thing is that you don’t have to run anywhere, everyone will let you through!

1 Teacher: You see, grandma, how useful it is to know and follow all the rules.

Baba Yaga: Now I'll check if you're breaking the rules. Do you like to ride a bike? I will stand next to this three-eyed man and see how you follow all his instructions.

Relay race “Traffic signals”

(teams, at the teacher’s signal, ride motorcycles to the chip and follow traffic light signals: at a red light - stop)

Baba Yaga: oh, well done guys and they really do everything. Guys, I liked studying your rules. So tell me, please (oh, what words I know, I’m surprised myself!), what is this?(shows road signs).

Children: road signs!

Baba Yaga: why are they different colors?

1 Teacher:

He will oblige us to go quietly,
Turning close will show
And it will remind you what and how
On your way...
(Road sign)

The signs are different. They can allow, prohibit and warn. Signs that have triangular shape, White background and red borders warn of approaching dangerous places and are called warning signs.

Signs, of blue color and rounded shapes are called resolving.

Relay "Road Signs"

(there are road signs on the table, one team collects permission signs, and the second team collects warning signs)

2 teacher:

Relay race. "Make a sign" from parts

(For each team there are two envelopes with signs. You need to quickly and correctly fold the sign cut into pieces).

1 teacher:

If you're in a hurry on your way
Walk across the street
Go there, where all the people are,
Where the sign is (Transition)

2 teacher:

This is a very important sign
It hangs there for a reason.
Be careful, driver!
Nearby is a kindergarten and a schoolyard. (children)

1 teacher:

In rain or shine

There are no pedestrians here.

The sign tells them one thing:

“You are not allowed to go! (No Pedestrians)

On my birthday I was given
Speed ​​bike
Taught, explained
Drive where there is no sign. (cycling is prohibited)

2 teacher:

Intersection sign
With a bike path.
Add attention
At least a little. (Bike Lane)

1 Teacher: Well done guys, you did a great job with all the tasks. And Baba Yaga, our guys will sing for you ditties about traffic rules.

1 child:

To cross the road,

We must know the rules

Traffic rules

Everything, without exception.

2nd child:

Vitya, a mischievous boy,

He ran along the pavement.

He overtook the car

Yes, I had an accident.

3rd child:

Don't play on the road

Take care of your hands and feet.

We need to play in the yard.

We ask you not to forget!

4th child:

A traffic light will help children

Cross the road.

If the light is red -

5th child:

Traffic rules

We'll know by heart.

Traffic rules

We will definitely do it!

Baba Yaga: Thank you guys! Now I will know the road signs. After such lessons, I will cross the road correctly, quickly get to my house and tell the forest residents about the rules of the road, just in case they accidentally end up in the city.

2 teacher:

We ask you earnestly,
Pedestrians be careful.
Follow the rules of walking
And traffic.

Goals and objectives:

  • To consolidate children's acquired knowledge about traffic rules;
  • Promotion of traffic rules among parents;
  • Instill in children responsibility for their own safety;
  • Enrich and activate children's vocabulary;
  • Develop logical thinking, learn to “calculate” various situations arising in traffic;
  • Develop creative abilities.

Methods and techniques:

  • Solving problem situations;
  • Appeal to personal experience;
  • Discussion;
  • Staging;
  • Blitz - survey;
  • Game;
  • Examination of drawings and crafts;
  • Questions for children;
  • Explanations;
  • Directions;
  • Independent solution creative tasks;
  • Self-control.


  • Drawings and posters on traffic rules;
  • Crafts – vehicles;
  • Road signs;
  • Car;
  • Bike;
  • Children's tables – 5 pcs.;
  • Projector, tape recorder;
  • Costumes: queen, traffic light, traffic controller.

Preliminary work:

  • Learning poems, songs, dances;
  • Making crafts;
  • Design of drawings, posters;
  • Examination of illustrations;
  • Viewing presentations;
  • Reading educational literature.


(music sounds based on the song “Little Country” - the presenter sings the song)

There are behind the mountains, behind the forests

Little country

There are signs with kind eyes

Along all the roads there are

So that we don't have anxiety

So that no troubles happen

A set of important road rules

They will help you know here

If only we knew the traffic rules

There wouldn't have been an accident

I would always be calm then

Traffic police officer

Hurry to our country

Learn the rules

This knowledge will help you

Be brave on the road

Leading: Good evening, Dear friends! And he is kind because we are in the wonderful country of the traffic police. There is a lot of interesting and instructive stuff here. To get to know her, we have to go a long way.

And the game participants will help me with this. Let's welcome them!

(music sounds to the tune of the song “Moscow Windows”, game participants enter)

Please take your seats in our hall. So, the doors of my country have opened and we are greeted with interesting questions about traffic rules. And I will ask you, dear adults, to answer them. You need to answer questions quickly, and most importantly correctly.

(melody sounds)

1. Road for pedestrians (sidewalk)

2. What vehicle can even a child master (bicycle)

3. From which side do they go around the bus (and the tram)

4. Place of intersection of roads (crossroads)

5. Attribute of a traffic controller (rod)

6. What he looked like before (white cane)

7. Any roadway (road) used for traffic

8. Past traffic police (GAI)

9. Person driving the vehicle (driver)

10. A person walking along the sidewalk (pedestrian)

11. First warning signs (intersection, sharp turn, railroad crossing, rough road)

12. At what age is it legal to ride a bicycle on the streets and roads (at least 14 years of age)

Presenter: Well done, you successfully helped us overcome the first leg of the journey.

(sounds of moving cars, sounds of an accident)


1. A pedestrian gets hit by a car

2. Playing close to the road and on the roadway

3. Cyclist movement

(traffic participants froze)

— Dear viewers, what violations did you see? (answers from the audience)

- That's right, thank you. Now let's listen to the participants in the movement.

Pedestrian, pedestrian

Remember about the transition

Underground, above ground


Know that only a transition

It will save you from cars

So that you don't have

Sorrow and misfortune

Don't ever play

On the roadway

You can run without looking back

In the yard and on the playground

Do you like to rush with the wind?

Are you unfamiliar with this sign?

Do you have a bicycle?

So, stop! There is no road!

(music sounds based on the song “Funny Man”)


There are traffic lights

Submit to them without argument!

(traffic light dance)

The red light tells us

Stop, it's dangerous, the path is closed!

Yellow light warning

Wait for the signal to move!

The green light opened the way

The boys can cross!


But don't rush here either

Look around first

Be careful on the way

Look left, look right

Walk along the sidewalk

Only with right side

(music sounds, traffic controller exits)


I'll quickly raise my hand

I'll wave my wand deftly

All cars will stop immediately

They will stop traveling together

People don't worry

Coming across the street

I'm standing at a crossroads

I'm a traffic police inspector

On duty day and night

I am performing the necessary service!

(two girls appear)

1 girl: It’s already getting dark, it’s time for us to go home

Girl 2: Oh, look, what’s ahead?

1 girl: Let's go and have a look!

Girl 2: Let's go to the races. One two Three!

(they find a box, the traffic controller blows his whistle)

Presenter: Dear viewers! What violations did you see in this situation?

(audience responses)

- Now let's listen to our heroes:

Traffic controller: Why are you violating? Or don’t you know that you need to go to the green light?


And there are no traffic lights here!


If I'm facing you

Or your back, be good

Be patient, I'm looking sternly

So the road is busy!

Presenter: This position of the traffic controller’s body corresponds to a red traffic light.


If I raise my hand

No movement for anyone!

Presenter: A raised hand with a baton up corresponds to a yellow traffic light.


Now I've turned sideways

The path is clear ahead

Don't yawn, move on!

Presenter: This gesture by the “owner” of the intersection corresponds to a green traffic light.

What did you find, girls?

Always be vigilant, children

Do not open the packages yourself!

And in this folder there is one more task for you. You need to fold the cut pictures. And we will find out which ones when our participants complete the task. There are several task packages here, so I will invite three more participants.

While our members are busy, I would like to draw your attention to this a wonderful gallery of drawings and a collection of vehicles.

According to the regulations on the competition, our competent commission reviewed and determined the places.


Word to parents:

It’s good that there is a country of traffic police in the world

She will always help us everywhere

According to traffic rules

In your kindergarten there is an office

There let our drawings and products

Children will be successful in their studies!

- Thank you, all this will certainly be useful in traffic rules classes.

Now let's get back to our participants. They did an excellent job. And what did they do? (transport: cargo and passenger, special purpose vehicles)

Let's listen to our participants:

Here's a car speeding along the rails

Holds on to wires

And she doesn't need gasoline

To rush here and there

This is the car, this is the car

Cabin as tall as a house

And the wheels are tall

Twice taller than you and me

Rushes like a fiery arrow

A car rushes into the distance

And any fire will flood

Brave squad

Miracle - the janitor is in front of us

With calloused hands

In one minute I raked

Enormous snowdrift

Crowded, noisy, young

The city rumbles underground

And at home with people here

They run very fast

Host: And on our way we are met by road signs. I suggest you play. Listen to the rules of the game: while the music is playing, children move randomly between the signs. As soon as the music stops, everyone listens to me attentively and acts in accordance with my instructions. I invite interested participants.

(one, two, three - find the warning signs;

one, two, three - find prohibiting signs;

one, two, three - find the service signs;

one, two, three - find the priority signs;

one, two, three - find informational signs.

What do these signs mean?)

Presenter: traffic rules

Important in the life of each of us

Adults should know and follow them

Kids should learn too!

(all participants perform a song to the tune of “The Town of Bremen”)

There is nothing more necessary for pedestrians in the world

Rules for safe passages

Those who know are not afraid of worries

Neither on the sidewalk, nor on the road /2 r.

We will never forget the rules

They all bring benefits to people

And only he will not get into trouble

Who is a diligent and honest pedestrian / 2 r.

Presenter: Our journey through my country, the traffic police, has ended. You have all shown excellent knowledge of the rules of the road, and you can all bear the title of “young pedestrian” with dignity.

(word to the traffic police officers, head of the MBDOU)

(presentation of “young pedestrian” certificates)

Presenter: Thank you everyone for your participation and help in preparing and holding the holiday.

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