Home Oral cavity Why aren't Kylo Ren's eyes yellow? How to make eyes like the Sith in Photoshop Let's start the Photoshop lesson.

Why aren't Kylo Ren's eyes yellow? How to make eyes like the Sith in Photoshop Let's start the Photoshop lesson.

In this Photoshop tutorial we will add the effect of Sith eyes to the eyes.

Final result

Let's start the Photoshop lesson

1. You can use any photos you want, open a photo with a good shot of the person's eyes in Photoshop ( File > Open(File > Open / Keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+O").

I'll use Carmen Electra.

2. First we use Pen Tool(Pen Tool/P Key) for the eyes. Be careful when highlighting both eyes. After you are done using the pen on the eyes, right click on Carmen and make a selection.

3. Once you've clicked Make Selection, you should see a selection around the eyes: ↓

4. Now click CTRL+C and then CTRL+V to automatically create a new layer after clicking CTRL+V to insert. Be careful you have 2 eyes on 1 layer like in the picture below.

5. Now duplicate the eyes layer ( Layer > Duplicate Layer(Layer > Duplicate Layer / Keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+J")) and rename them to " Left eye" And " Right eye».

We will remove the corresponding eyes. On the layer called " Right eye" delete the selection and the left eye, and on the layer called " Left eye"- selection and right eye.

The reason we separated the 2 eyes into different layers is because one eye can be lighter and the other darker, this way we will make the color settings more versatile.

6. Now select the layer with the right eye, Click on Add a layer Style(Add Layer Style) and select Gradient Overlay(Gradient Overlay) as shown in the image below.

7. I will show the example of the right eye, and with the left you will do the same actions.

You can try different settings in Gradient Overlay(Gradient Overlay) because it will give the eyes you are using sparkle or darkness. Just play with the settings and try them out. These are my settings in the image below. REMEMBER: We adjusted the right eye using Gradient Overlay(Gradient overlay).

8. These are the colors I used for the right eye in the Gradient.

The result of the right eye. ↓

9. Move to the left eye, click on the layer with the left eye and do the same actions as with the right eye, only for the left one.

Result of both eyes: ↓

10. We're not done with this yet. If you want, you can use Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves(Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves). Here is an example of my settings for the left eye. ↓

11. Now let's set up the straight line again, only this time for the right eye. You can apply minor changes compared to the left eye to create a different effect. Nothing is perfect, remember that.

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Briefly about the article: May 2005 will go down in the history of world cinema as the month in which the greatest epic story of Star Wars ended. We are waiting for the third - and, most likely, the last episode of the kind and wise saga, on which more than one generation of viewers has grown up. In the "Kinohit" section you will find interesting information about the upcoming Revenge of the Sith and you can learn some facts that will make watching the film more interesting.

Feel the power!

The last episode of Star Wars

The third film will be very, very, very, very... dark. He cannot be imagined happy even with the wildest imagination. This is a tragedy. The entire ending centers around Yoda, Obi-Wan, Anakin and Padmé. This is truly their story. A story of four characters.

George Lucas

A terrible meat grinder is going on near the planet Coruscant- thousands of ships clashed in a battle between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Confederate fleet is led by General Grievous - half living creature, half droid; an excellent strategist and fighter who masters lightsaber fighting techniques no worse than Jedi knights. Speaking of the Jedi, they are already here, on Grievous's flagship. They have overcome all the security posts and are about to meet with the general himself, who has a powerful argument against the knights, or rather, even six arguments - six limbs, each of which can fencing with lightsabers, taken by Grievous from the Jedi he had previously defeated. You don’t have to remember about such little things as two blasters.

You are ready? Are you really ready for the last episode of the movie of all times? Dynamic and tough, this picture will be a good ending to the 28-year history of the great space saga. Star Wars: Episode III, released May 19, is the biggest movie event of 2005. (unless, of course, “Night Watch-2” again surpasses everyone). In this article in our “Movie hit” section you will find something interesting about the upcoming superhit.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away

Obi-Wan's battle with Grievous, Anakin's appointment as Chancellor Palpatine's personal bodyguard, Yoda's business trip to the planet Kashyyyk, Obi-Wan's second duel with Grievous, dark political intrigues - this is just the beginning, preceding the tragic events of the Third Episode. His script, as before, is not replete with intricacies and surprises. It is simple, but in its own way honest and emphatically sweeping - this is precisely what “Star Wars” captivates the viewer with.

We all know the ending very well from the Original Trilogy of the 70-80s - the crippled Anakin will turn into Darth Vader, the Emperor will ascend the throne, Yoda will hide on the planet Dagobah, and Anakin’s two children - Luke and Leia - will be separated. Thus, the main events of the Third Episode are expected and logical for us. The main thing in this film is its mood, its colorfulness, its sadness. Lucas still maintains that he has no plans to make another trilogy. Over time, his decision, of course, may change, but now we are faced with a simple fact - this is really latest"Star Wars". The miracle that George Lucas gave us many years ago is ending - it is to this feeling that the mood and atmosphere of the entire Third Episode will appeal.

The main difficulty in describing “Revenge of the Sith” is that the director introduced a severe information quarantine, giving out information about this film in tiny portions. However, there is a paradoxical situation - even in such harsh conditions, the plot of the picture as a whole is already known.

There are half-true stories and completely implausible rumors floating around among Star Wars fans. There are photographs on the Internet, secretly taken on the set, brazenly cut out during editing, or even glued together in Photoshop - in a word, if you put all this together, then you don’t have to watch the film - everything will still be known.

Another difficulty is that true Star Wars fans know, if not everything, then at least almost everything about the new film - right down to the jokes that the actors exchanged on the set. Therefore, instead of revealing all the secrets, we will only take a short excursion through the universe of the Third Episode, refreshing our memory of what might have been slightly forgotten in three years (“Attack of the Clones” was released in 2002).

Revenge of the Sith

Name: Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

Manufacturer: Lucasfilm Ltd.

Distributor in the Russian Federation: Gemini Film

Duration: Latest data from editing: 2 hours 13 minutes. The director officially stated that the film will be no shorter than 2 hours.

Budget:$115 million

Director and screenwriter: George Lucas

Actors: Ewan McGregor, Hayden Christensen, Natalie Portman, Ian McDiarmid, Samuel L. Jackson, Christopher Lee, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, Peter Mayhew, Frank Oz.

Meeting place can not be Changed

All “Star Wars” differ from other similar films in that they show the viewer not just other planets built in a pavilion and painted on a computer, but entire worlds - living, stunningly believable, creating an amazing sense of presence.

Based on some remarks from members of the film crew, it became known that there will be 11 planets in the third film (although their number may ultimately be different). There were originally supposed to be 12 - including the planet Dagobah, where Yoda was supposed to fly at the end of the film, but Lucas did not like that the ending of the film would be split into many episodes, so the last scene with the Jedi Master was simply cut out (the final scene of the film will take place on the planet Naboo, on board a Star Destroyer and on Tatooine) .

All planets of the Third Episode can be divided into “major” and “minor” ones. The first ones are key to the plot - most of the events take place on them; the latter appear in the frame only sporadically, as, for example, in brief scenes of the death of the Jedi throughout the galaxy.

Coruscant(Coruscant) - the capital of the Galactic Republic, and later of the Empire. Initially, it was unsuitable for life due to its cold climate, but with the help of technology, people managed to “insulate” it, turning the entire surface into a giant city. Coruscant looks the way science fiction writers usually describe high-tech metropolises of the future: giant skyscrapers, multi-tiered streets, a glowing stream of air transport, in a word - cyberpunk with human face.

During the Republic, Coruscant was home to a government - Galactic Senate, the building of which resembled a huge Colosseum. This is where I was Jedi Temple playing vital role in the Third Episode there are five giant spiers (one in the center, serving as a sacred place for contemplation, and four around it - the High Council, the Council of Primordial Knowledge, the Conciliatory Council and the Council of Reassignments).

Concept art: The Senate and Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

Another location on Coruscant worth mentioning is the Galactic Opera House, where Chancellor Palpatine will watch the Mon Calamari ballet (performed in a water balloon in zero gravity).

Kashyyyk(Kashyyyk) - a planet of giant forests, the homeland of Wookiees (the most famous of them is Chewbacca). Distinctive feature of this planet - wroshir trees, which grow to a kilometer height, creating a multi-tiered ecosystem. Wookiees - two-meter hairy giants, vaguely reminiscent of earthly sloths, live on the uppermost “floors” of this forest. Wroshir trees are so huge that they can easily support the weight of buildings - all Wookiee cities, in fact, are built on their branches.

Interestingly, the lower you go into the jungle, the less chance you have of survival. The first levels of the forest have never been seen sunlight- There are such monsters that even the Wookiees themselves are afraid of.

Alderaan(Alderaan) is a paradise planet with a mild climate, snow-capped mountains, green plains and small seas. Alderaanians are a peaceful and civilized people living in harmony with nature (large metropolitan areas are adjacent to untouched nature reserves).

In the third episode, Alderaan will be shown sporadically (a few frames at the end of the film), but this planet, later blown up by the Death Star, is a key place for the development of the entire Star Wars story, because Darth Vader’s daughter Leia, adopted by Senator Bale, grew up on it Organa.

Mustafar(Mustafar) - on this formidable volcanic planet with a conventionally Muslim name there is a separatist base that produces battle droids. The air is poisoned with toxic fumes, the rocks are illuminated with a dim red light, the sky is covered with impenetrable clouds of ash. The atmosphere is appropriate - a hurricane wind constantly blows, thunder rumbles and lightning flashes.

The Droid Factory is a huge mechanical complex that controls the flow of lava and uses it in technological process. Right here on the slopes largest volcano Mustafar, the final meeting between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin, who has embraced the dark side of the Force, will take place. According to the creators, this will be the longest and most beautiful lightsaber battle in the entire history of Star Wars.

It is likely that the battle will take 10-12 minutes of screen time after editing, with opponents acting much more aggressively and quickly than in the famously heavily choreographed fight between Darth Maul and Obi-Wan in Episode One. For this fight alone, actors Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen trained for two weeks, learning about 140 moves. General course physical training The entire film took them two months.

Naboo is an open air museum.

Naboo(Naboo) is an idyllic planet known for its ancient cities and magnificent nature. Anakin's wife, Queen Padmé Amidala, was born here. This is where she will be buried at the end of Episode Three.

Characteristic feature this planet is its unique geological structure. There are many swamps and seas on Naboo - they all lead deep down into gigantic underground seas. There is no hot magma under the crust of Naboo (or it is located very deep), so inside it there is its own world, completely independent of the surface of the planet.

In addition to the obligatory monsters in such cases, the underground reservoirs of Naboo are inhabited by Gungans - an intelligent lungfish race that has reached heights in the development of biotechnology. The most famous of them is the silly Jar Jar Binks, who appeared in the First Episode and evoked a whole range of emotions in the audience - from complete rejection to delight. The creators of the Third Episode promise not to lose sight of this comic character - he will definitely appear on the screen, even if only for a few seconds.

Utapau(Utapau) is a dull planet whose flat surface is eaten away by karst sinkholes. On the walls of these craters local residents build their cities, and deep at their bottom there are small lakes. The city of Pau is home to one of the headquarters of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and it is here that the duel between Obi-Wan Kenobi and General Grievous will take place. During this duel, Obi-Wan will have time to lose his lightsaber, ride a representative of the local species of dragons and swim in the lake, and the cyborg will ride on a giant iron spiked wheel - in general, dynamic action in best traditions“Star Wars” is guaranteed for us. As for the local inhabitants, the Utapaunians are very friendly, and the city manager will even help Obi-Wan find Grievous.

Tatooine(Tatooine) is a desert planet, in relation to which the expression is well suited: “Here it all began, here it all will end.” It is located on the outskirts of explored space and cannot boast of developed industry. Tatooine is a hotbed for all kinds of crooks and bandits, who are not afraid of the proximity to the bloodthirsty indigenous races of this world - the Jawas (little fussy scavengers) and Tusken raiders (also called “sand people”).

The rest of the population farms with varying success, using dehumidifiers to extract at least some water from the air dried by Tatooine's two yellow suns.

Tatooine will only be shown at the end of Episode Three - Obi-Wan Kenobi will bring the newborn Luke Skywalker there. This is why Lucas is rumored to have filmed this scene while working on Episode 2.

Planets of the Star Wars universe such as Geonosis, Kamino, Dantooine, Yavin, Hoth and Endor will not appear in Episode Three. But what is certain is that military action on the planets Felucia and Mygeeto will be briefly shown.

General Grievous was supposed to be voiced by Gary Oldman, but he turned down the job due to the fact that some of the film's actors were not members of the Screen Actors Guild (of which Gary himself was a member).

An early design of General Grievous depicted him as a child sitting on a mechanical flying platform and guarded by two IG88 droids from Episode Five (1980). However, Lucas considered this image frivolous.

The artist's design for the Grievous mask was inspired by a wall-mounted air freshener in the toilet.

Samuel L. Jackson agreed to play the role of Jedi Windu, who dies in Episode Three, only on the condition that (literally): “He will die in a blaze of glory, and not as a sucker.” Jackson has interesting feature- all his movie characters wear something pink. That's why he convinced Lucas to give Windu a lightsaber with a pink energy blade. According to rumors, the letters BMF (Bad Mother Fucker) were engraved on the hilt of this sword - the same ones that were on his character's wallet in Pulp Fiction.

In Episode Three, Obi-Wan uses the exact same sword that the character had in Episode Four (1977).

Wookiee suits were equipped complex system tubes through which it was pumped cold water- otherwise it was too hot for the actors to wear them.

According to rumors, George Lucas should play a supporting role in this film - Baron Papanoid.

C-3PO's memory will be erased at the end of the film. This is why he will not remember anything about his previous owners in the Original Trilogy.

In the film we will see the prototype of the Imperial TIE-fighter and the Rebel X-Wing.

Kaleidoscope of facts

Fathers and Sons.

The last film in the saga should explain to us the mystery of the “ghosts” of the Jedi. We know that some Jedi die like all other living beings, and some simply disappear, leaving behind only their clothes (Yoda and Obi-Wan in the Original Trilogy). It is believed that only the greatest Jedi master the mystery of becoming “ghosts.” In any case, Revenge of the Sith will clarify this issue.

Anakin's transformation into Darth Vader is largely driven by his grief over the death of his mother, Shmi Skywalker. This event will be reflected in the Third Episode - Anakin will be visited by new prophetic visions.

Sometimes viewers have questions - why can’t Jedi be cloned? After all, the Force is given to them by microorganisms that live in the body - midichlorians (this is generally a controversial topic - when filming the First Episode, Lucas decided to move away from the “magical” essence of the Force, giving it a scientific explanation), which can also be cloned. Contrary to some spoilers (from the English “spoil” - to spoil: information that reveals important points film and spoil the impression of watching it), the issue of cloning the Jedi will not be addressed in Episode Three.

And finally, it's worth dispelling the most ridiculous stories about Revenge of the Sith: Palpatine won't actually know anything about Luke and Leia; the exact number of surviving Jedi will not be named (if we are guided by the plot of the old trilogy, there should be two of them - Obi-Wan and Yoda, plus the Sith: Darth Vader and Darth Sidious); Yoda was never a Sith; Yoda and Sidious will not be using any new Force moves; Anakin will have yellow “Sith eyes” in several scenes, and we will actually be shown the true face of Darth Sidious. And besides, it is not at all possible that the ghost of Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan’s teacher who died in the First Episode, will appear. At least actor Liam Neeson signed a contract to participate in all three episodes of the new trilogy.


Darth Sidious: Lord Vader!

Darth Vader: Yes teacher?

Darth Sidious: Get up!

Darth Sidious: Dark side Strength gives such abilities that many consider simply impossible.

Anakin: Can this be learned?

Darth Sidious: Not the Jedi...

Mace Windu to Anakin: We accept you into the Jedi Council, but we do not assign you the rank of master.

Darth Sidious: From now on, every Jedi is an enemy of the Republic!

Yoda: The dark side Young Skywalker is confused!

Obi-Wan to Anakin: You were the Chosen One!

* * *

As mentioned above, Star Wars is a very strange universe. On the one hand, everything there is simple and unpretentious - that’s good, he has a pleasant face, a lightsaber and a code of honor. Here is evil - with a crooked face, a red lightsaber and a whole army of minions. Each episode has a textured supporting villain (Jabba, Dooku, Darth Maul, Grievous, Tarkin). The plot is simple, the arrangement of figures is intuitive, and the universe, although fantastic, is in its essence not much different from ours.

The first component of the success of “Star Wars” is special effects. What then, in 1977, what now, in 2005, Lucas brings cinema to the forefront of science, using everything latest achievements computer equipment. This makes the saga incredibly believable, vibrant and lively.

The second term is the epic variety. This is truly “star” wars - the viewer goes on a journey through a huge number planets dissimilar to each other, sees absolutely incredible creatures - and all this interacts with each other, forming a thoughtful and organic world.

And finally, the third factor of universal popularity is kindness. Yes, the plot is simple, but its characters are charming, noble and genuinely kind. This captivates even hardened cynics. IN " Star Wars“There is some elusive reflection of sunlight, soft, touching pathos and hope for the best. And even the Third Episode, which promises to be the most pessimistic and joyless among all the films in the saga, does not make us really despair - after all, we all know perfectly well what will happen next.

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