Home Hygiene Let them say Ksenia Borodina the secret is revealed. Borodin squeezes Borisov out of “let them talk”

Let them say Ksenia Borodina the secret is revealed. Borodin squeezes Borisov out of “let them talk”

The TV star’s husband, Kurban Omarov, has been looking for a new job for Borodina for several weeks. It got to the point that the man launched a flash mob on the Internet #LetKsyukhaSpeak.


“Those who watched the live broadcast yesterday saw how the hashtag #LetKsyukhaSpeak was born. I said it as a joke after which it turned out that besides me, hundreds of thousands of our subscribers would like to see Ksyusha as the host of “Let Them Talk” on @1tv (hereinafter spelling and the authors’ punctuation has been preserved. – Editor’s note),” Omarov explained.

The proposal of Ksenia’s husband was supported by hundreds of thousands of Russians. “Ksyusha is a wonderful presenter👍👍👍, I would like to see her on another channel”, “Ksenia would be an excellent presenter Let them say it. I’m FOR”, “It would be very cool!! I see her right there,” said Borodina’s fans.

Now it’s up to Channel One, perhaps Dmitry Borisov will really have to make room. “I don’t know whether the first channel will be able to persuade Ksyusha, but we had a lot of fun yesterday. I just imagined for a second what would happen if Ksyu officially asked subscribers for something. Digital democracy will happen,” added Omarov.

This is not the first attempt by Kurban to find a new job for Ksyusha. Earlier, Omarov posted a photo of his star wife on his Instagram. He provided the post with a comment: “Which program and on which channel would become more interesting with the appearance of Ksyusha as a presenter?”

After this, many fans of the Dom-2 star decided that the girl was leaving the television set against her own free will. Allegedly they are driving her away from the project. Others immediately began bombarding Kurban’s publication with options for where Borodin could go: “Male and Female,” “Let’s Get Married,” and “Revizzoro.”

Star weddings 2015: Ksenia Borodina, Galina Yudashkina, Dana Borisova and others.

This summer there was a real wedding boom in the world of domestic show business! The most luxurious and enviable ladies of Russia got married and said “yes” to their lovers. Dana Borisova and Ksenia Borodina, daughters of Rosa Syabitova and Valentin Yudashkin, figure skater Tatyana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov. All these stars heard “Bitter”! Watch the new episode Let them talk - Gorko from 08/31/2015

Star weddings 2015: summer season

In this issue you will learn about all the secret details of the past wedding ceremonies of pop stars and show business! The broadcast participants themselves, who came to the studio, will tell you how it all happened. Let them talk. It will be very interesting!

The 39-year-old blonde, famous throughout the country, Dana Borisova, finally got married. Her fiance was Andrei Troshchenko. The wedding took place on August 6, 2015.

Dana Borisova

Dana Borisova is sure that she has met the man of her dreams: “This is my first wedding, despite the fact that I am 39 years old. Andrey is the one I’ve been looking for all my life, I’m just sure of it.”

Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov - wedding

On July 3, 2015, a luxurious wedding ceremony took place in the “winter fairy tale” style, at which Ksenia Borodina and her chosen one Kurban Omarov said “yes” to each other.

The only daughter of the famous Russian fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin and the grandson of actress Lyudmila Maksakova also became spouses. Galina Yudashkina married Pyotr Maksakov in early June. The wedding, to which 500 people were invited, lasted for three days!

Tatiana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov

Figure skater Tatyana Volosozhar, who shone at the Olympic Games in the glorious city of Sochi, became engaged to her partner Maxim Trankov. On August 18, they became husband and wife at a great height overlooking the Kremlin!

Who is the groom of Roza Syabitova's daughter?

Rosa Syabitova's daughter got married

The main wedding intrigue of the summer 2015: who became the husband of the daughter of the main matchmaker in Russia, Roza Syabitova (“Let’s get married”)? Was the popular TV presenter able to find the man of her dreams for her only daughter? “Beautiful, smart, she has a good dowry: an apartment and a car. And also a family business!” - this is how Rosa Syabitova talked about her daughter Ksenia in one of the episodes of the “Let's Get Married” program.

The socialite and TV presenter arrived on the program to talk about her luxurious wedding.

Andrei Malakhov:

— Ksyusha, the wedding was amazing! Are you satisfied yourself?

- Of course, Andrey! I am very glad that everything went wonderfully and at the highest level. This is my second wedding, but I was very worried. It was my first time wearing a white dress and I really wanted everything to go perfectly. Thank you very much for covering our ceremony in your magazine!

Dana Borisova, who got married this summer, also came to the program with her daughter Polina. The lady entered the hall in a luxurious snow-white wedding dress, designed by designer Sophie Strocatto.

Wedding of Dana Borisova and Andrey Troshchenko

“Our wedding was in a rustic style. Everything was very beautiful and unusual!” — the TV presenter shared. Further in the program, footage from the wedding celebration is shown.

Follow Me - Wedding

Murad Osmann and Natalya Zakharova in Let Them Talk

The famous couple on YouTube and Instagram “Follow Me” - the photo project “Follow Me” - is also celebrating their personal holiday this year - the lovers have legalized their relationship. Natalya Zakharova and Murad Osmann had a gorgeous wedding in Moscow at the beginning of this summer. The guy and girl came to “Let Them Talk” to talk about their luxurious ceremony.

Roza Syabitova: “Wedding is the last ritual of matchmaking”

Moscow. Talk show "Let them talk." In this studio we discuss true stories that cannot be kept silent about.

Ksenia Borodina's weight loss excites the minds of everyone who remembers how the popular presenter looked at the dawn of her television career. In just a few years, the foreman of the megahit project “Dom-2” has gone from a girl next door to a sophisticated beauty. The history of changes in Ksenia Borodina’s appearance is distinguished by a truly record variety of versions. Today Borodina herself will tell you how she managed to lose weight and maintain her figure!

Immediately after pregnancy, I did not have maternity leave. It should have gone on air! When I watched the first episodes after giving birth, I was horrified - I looked like a barrel. Due to hormonal imbalance, the hydrobalance in the body was disrupted and water was retained in the body. I can’t say that I ate a lot or allowed myself some wrong foods, but I gained extra weight. I began to look for ways to solve this problem. I needed to lose weight quickly without spoiling my health.

In general, yes! Sometimes I find fault with myself over little things, just like any other girl. But I have no global complaints about my appearance. A large army of fans and the love of my man confirms my opinion. For the last 6-7 years I have been consistently weighing about 48 kg. Of course, like any woman, I gained weight during pregnancy ( about 15 kg), but quickly got into shape after giving birth. Although I had to try many different methods until I found my own!

To be honest, at first, on the contrary, I tried to lose weight on my own - I drank teas to lose weight, went on diets, and went to aerobics. At first it helped remarkably: I lost almost a kilogram a day, in terms of health there was no reason to worry. But then I began to recover literally from the air, I had to take enhanced methods. Then I understood why they say that diets are only good for very young girls. And here A professional calorie blocker came to my rescue.

Not really. Yes, PBK-20 I started taking it on the advice of my nutritionist. But you don’t need a prescription for it - despite its high effectiveness, the drug is completely safe and has no contraindications. By the way, many people are now discussing the blocker on social networks. I recently spoke with my subscribers, it turns out many know about PBK-20 and have a positive experience of using it. This is cool! The reviews are simply amazing, so I went to the website and read it, everything is explained there very clearly. And yet I decided to try it, who knows, and I’m very glad about it!

Professional calorie blocker should be taken three times a day, half an hour before meals. And that’s it, the calories are blocked! In scientific terms - the process of lipid metabolism is normalized, and food turns into energy, and not into fat on your sides. In addition, it promotes the production of a special hormone in our body, which suppresses the feeling of hunger, so portions are significantly reduced. And when combined with physical activity or an active lifestyle, losing weight becomes even easier!

The main trap is to severely limit yourself in food. This makes you a hungry and angry person who is always at risk of losing his temper at night, pouncing on the cake and not noticing how he ate it all. That's why If you want to eat, you have to eat! But the whole point of a calorie blocker is that you want to eat less. Often, but little by little, without bringing yourself to the point of torment and restrictions to the point where you are pounding with the desire to eat a bun.

After pregnancy I lost 15 kilograms. And for 6-7 years I have maintained my weight at 48 kg! The fact that my daughter is proud of me and my man admires me is worth a lot.

The story from 7 years ago turns out. Have you lost weight and stopped using the blocker, or do you still need it constantly to maintain results?

Not at all! A huge plus, again compared to all other weight loss methods, is the duration of the effect. Habits tend to become fixed and preserved, including with nutrition. So you don't need to support anything! But sometimes I resort to a calorie blocker - for example, before a large feast, when overeating cannot be avoided. And in general, sometimes you gain a couple of kilograms over the winter, and you need to get in shape. There is no limit to perfection! Just recently I had a wedding. I needed to look 100%, so I just remembered about the blocker. I took it for about a month. The figure has noticeably tightened.

Subscribers pages The TV presenter received mixed reactions. Someone completely agrees and condemns the undeserved attacks on the USSR star. Others accused Borodin of double standards. Allegedly, as part of the television project “DOM-2”, she did not hesitate to show the public all the secrets of the personal lives of the participants, but here a similar situation outraged her so much.

photo that became a source of rumors, tocrypto.ru

Svetlana Morgunova predominantly leads a reclusive life, does not go out in public, nothing was known about her. The public was excited by the recent photograph of Svetlana Mikhailovna at the funeral of Joseph Kobzon. She allegedly looked drunk. Evil tongues added that more than once or twice they saw the former announcer in a restaurant drinking alcohol all alone.

All this gossip terribly upset Morgunova herself: “I was completely accidentally switching channels and suddenly came across the name of the program “The Tragedy of Svetlana Morgunova.” What's happened? What tragedy? It was unpleasant. Why do this, why? I don’t touch anyone, I don’t go anywhere, I don’t participate anywhere. I live a normal, normal retired life. But I don’t feel like a pensioner, because I’m in communication all the time,” said Svetlana Mikhailovna. In her defense, she also said that at the funeral she was simply upset by what was happening and was experiencing personal grief. She had been friends with Joseph Kobzon for many years, which is why she looked so absent and lost.

    November 21, 2017

    The host of the scandalous TV project "Dom-2" Ksenia Borodina may take the place of Dmitry Borisov in the "Let Them Talk" program on Channel One. Now Ksenia is looking for a new job.

    Photo: globallook

    Recently, Kurban Omarov hinted to fans that the permanent presenter of “Dom-2” was looking for a new job. Then Kurban invited fans to fantasize about what program Borodina would look good in as a presenter.

    The other day, on the air of the “Let Them Talk,” Omarov jokingly came up with a hashtag that quickly became popular: “Let Ksyukha Speak.” Borodina's multi-million army of fans immediately picked up this idea and now wants Ksenia to replace Dmitry Borisov in the program.

    “I said it as a joke, after which it turned out that besides me, hundreds of thousands of our subscribers would like to see Ksyusha as the host of “Let Them Talk.” I don’t know if Channel One will be able to persuade Ksyusha, but we had a lot of fun yesterday. I just imagined for a second what would happen if Ksyu officially asked subscribers for something. Digital democracy will happen! Thank you everyone, you are strong!” - Kurban thanked his fans for their support.

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