Home Prevention Pets are having fun with grandma in the village. Entertainment in the first junior group “Visiting grandma in the village”

Pets are having fun with grandma in the village. Entertainment in the first junior group “Visiting grandma in the village”


Abstract play activity(entertainment)

“Visiting grandma in the village”

Early age

Educator: Tokarskaya A.O.

Program content:

Strengthen the ability to crawl under an arc.

Develop balance, dexterity, coordination of movements, strengthen the muscles of the foot - prevention of flat feet.

To consolidate children's knowledge about domestic animals (dog, cat, cow, horse, pig), introduce them to the rules safe communication with animals.

To develop children’s ability to perform movements in accordance with text and music.

Reinforce the rules of cultural communication with adults.

Build basic skills labor activity(watering flowers).

Involve children in listening to the poem.

To cultivate friendly, friendly relationships in children when communicating with adults and peers.

Equipment: costume for the teacher (robe with apron, scarf, glasses); sports arc; toys: chickens, hen, cat, dog, cow, horse, pig; flowers in pots; watering cans with water; health path.

Integration of educational areas










Progress of direct educational activities:

The teacher in the role of grandmother meets the children in the hall.

Educator: Hello, children and girls and boys! I am Grandma Olya, I live in the village. I came to visit you.

Game "Say hello to grandma."

Each child individually greets his grandmother, saying “Hello, Grandma Olya.”


Let's hold hands together,

And let's smile at each other.

(Children stand in a circle, take each other’s hands, smile)

Educator: Since I live in the village, I invite you to visit me. We will walk with you along the forest path, be careful! (children follow the teacher along the “health” path) Here we are! Oh, guys, look, my chickens hid under the porch. I’m old, I can’t get them out of there myself, please help me.

Exercise “Climb under the arc.”

Children take turns crawling under the arc, picking up the toy chicken, and returning back to the teacher.

Educator: what great fellows you are, real helpers. The teacher reads a poem about chickens.

Chick, chick, chick my chickens.

Who's playing hide and seek with me?

Can't be found or caught

Who fled to where,

You'll never catch it!

R. Aldonina

Guys, here is the mother of my chickens - a hen, let's play with her.

Musical and outdoor game “The chicken went out for a walk”

Children perform movements according to the song.

Educator: Guys, look who else lives with me. Let's see, name the animals. Just be careful not to get close to them because they might bite.

Game “Name the Animals”.

Children look at the animals - toys and name them (cat, dog, cow, horse, pig).

Game “Who Screams How.”

Educator: So you met my animals. Let me now show you what beautiful flowers I have growing. (the teacher and the children approach the flowers) Oh, my flowers are sad, all their soil has dried up. Let's water them, I have watering cans with water.

Labor in nature “Watering flowers.”

Children water flowers.

Educator: Thank you very much, my good ones, my little helpers. Did you like it in my village? What did you like most? (children's answers)

It's time for you to go back to kindergarten, I'll take you with you. Walk along the path (the “health” path). Let's say goodbye.

Game "Saying goodbye to grandma."

The children say “Goodbye Grandma Olya.”

Contest participant:

Murantsova Ksenia Evgenievna

music director

MADOU child development center

kindergarten No. 125 in Tyumen

Summer fun “Visiting grandma in the village”

Target: Introduce children to the summer traditions of village life; induce an emotionally positive attitude towards entertainment.

Tasks: To form generalized ideas about summer in children;

To consolidate children's knowledge about the peculiarities of life of people in the village;

Develop children's communication skills with each other and with characters;

Characters: Summer and Grandma Arina - adults, Chicken, Goat, Geese, Bull - preparatory children or parents.

Children enter an elegantly decorated hall, the decorations of the house are hidden behind a curtain.


The long-awaited summer has arrived. Warm, bright, sunny and beautiful!

The song “Red Summer”, Summer enters.

Dance “Here it is, what our summer is like”

Summer: Thank you guys for such a fun meeting! Tell me, what do you like to do in the summer?

Children's answers: walk, swim, go to grandma, etc.

Children: I want to go to the village

Stay in the summer

On the pond, by the grove,

Catch a fish.

There's a crusty piece of bread there

I'll treat the horse

There's a blue sky there,

Greener fields.

And unprecedented flowers -

Whole meadows!

Impregnated with mint

Yellow haystacks.

The hives are full of honey

Sunny flowers,

At dawn - belfry

The wind rushes freely,

Jumping at full speed!

Just like in the village you want

Visit in the summer!

Summer: Well, if you want to go to the village. So, we’ll go to visit grandma Arina to get some nuts.

Game-song “We’ll buy grandma”

Arina: Yes, they are all my friends, the farm is large, I’ll introduce you to them now! Guess my riddles, get to know them better.

scarlet cap,

Non-woven vest,

The pockmarked caftan!

Children: Hen!

Arina: Yes, this is my assistant, Pestrushka the hen.

Hen: Co-co-co, co-co-co! Hello, friends! Co-co-co, co-co-co, I live here easily! I sort the grains and help my grandmother! Maybe you can help too?

Summer: Guys, let's help the chicken Parsley and grandmother Arina sort out the grains?

Game sort beans and peas

Arina: Thank you, here are the helpers! Listen to another riddle.

Red paws,

Long neck.

Pinches your heels

Run without looking back

Children: Goose!

Arina: Yes, this is my goose Efimka, look at the beauty! The envy of everyone! And here is his friend Fimka. One is white, the other is grey! And how great they sing and dance.

Summer: Grandma Arina, our guys know how to play musical instruments, let’s play, and Fimka and Efimka will dance!

Orchestra "Two Merry Geese"

Arina: This is how we played, this is how we danced. Listen to another riddle.

Game of silence

Summer: Okay, your grandmother is Arina. Fun and interesting. Thank you for your hospitality. We did not come to you empty-handed, but with gifts.

Entertainment in the first junior group “Visiting grandma in the village.” Goal: To consolidate and expand children's initial knowledge about domestic animals and birds. Objectives: Educational: To foster a sense of love for the world around us, careful attitude to the inhabitants of living nature. Develop skills to work together. Educational: Develop mental processes children: attention, memory, thinking. To promote the development of connected speech and the articulatory apparatus when pronouncing vowel sounds using onomatopoeia. Continue to develop fine motor skills hands Arouse positive emotions and interest in the process of sculpting with your fingers (using the pressing technique). Educational: To consolidate children's knowledge about pets. Reinforce the concept of poultry. Learn to distinguish the voices of pets and answer questions from the teacher. Methods and techniques: organized moment, game techniques, modeling, art. word, surprise moment, questions for children, health-saving technologies. Vocabulary work: domestic animals - goat, cow, horse, cat, pig, dog; poultry - chicken, rooster, duck, goose. Preliminary work: looking at illustrations of pets. Watching a cat and a dog, reading thin. literature. Didactic games “Who screams?”, “Who lives where?” Ira - transformation into animals. Learning Russian folk nursery rhymes. Move. Educator: So we played, and the toys were a little tired. They will rest for a while, and you will listen carefully. Guys, on the way to kindergarten I met the postman, and he gave me a letter from my grandmother for you! Let's read it! “Dear guys! I invite you to visit me, in the village. Come, I’m waiting for you.” - What can you use to go to grandma? (Children's answers). – Correctly, you can go by car, by train, and by bus. And you and I will go by car! Please go into the car and take your seats. (Children sit on chairs in the shape of a car. Zheleznova’s “car” recording plays. Children perform movements to the music, in accordance with the words. The teacher at this time transforms into a grandmother). But the house is not big, There is a ring of smoke above the chimney, You can see dinner is being cooked, Is there anyone here or not? - Let's knock. Grandma: Hello, guys! I am so glad that you came to visit me. I have many different pets and birds. -Who is meeting us? (showing the toy dog). – How does a dog bark? (Children's answers). So the dog meets us, wags his tail, barks loudly, loudly, guards our house. Don't be afraid, come in and sit on the chairs. (Showing the toy). - Guys, who is this? - Dog. – What benefits does a dog bring to people? - Guards the house. – What is the name of the dog’s house? - Kennel. - What does a dog like to eat? - A bone. “But someone else lives in the house with me.” – And you’ll find out when you solve the riddle: I know how to wash myself clean Not with water, but with my tongue Meow, how often I sleep A saucer of warm milk. (Cat) (Showing a soft toy). - That's right, it's a cat. – How does a pussy meow? - Meow meow. – What can you treat a cat that likes to eat pussy? - Milk. -What does a cat do at home? - That's right, she loves to play and catch mice. -Oh, the rest of the pets do not live in the house with me, but in a special house - a barn. -Here, let's go to the barn and see who lives there. (Children name the animals and how they cry, and what they give to people). -Ah, now sit down on the chairs, we’ll play a game: “Guess whose voice?” (The voices of pets are heard, the children guess). - Guys, where do these animals live? -Yes, all these animals were called domestic animals because they live next to humans. People care for animals: they feed them, build houses for them. And animals give people milk, meat, wool, catch mice, and protect the house. I love pets very much: I feed them, take care of them and caress them. I consider a dog and a cat, a goat and a pig to be my friends. – I also have poultry. (I show a picture of birds). – Chickens, roosters, ducks, geese are called poultry. Let's play with you a little. Physical education minute. Our ducks in the morning - quack - quack - quack! Our geese by the pond - ha - ha - ha! Our chickens out the window - ko - ko - ko! And how Petya - the cockerel - Early - early in the morning he will sing to us cuckoo! (Children perform movements: children walk around the room, their heads are raised, their arms are stretched back. They shout: quack-quack-quack, ha-ha-ha, ku-ka-re-ku). Guys, chickens, ducks, roosters, geese - who are they? -Let's say it together. – poultry. – What do poultry like to eat? - That's right, grains. – Let you help me feed the poultry grains. -Go to the table, take the grains, and place them on the green clearing, pressing them with your fingers so that the breeze does not blow them away. - So the poultry came running to peck the grains, and they said thank you. – Guys, thank you for coming to visit me and helping me feed the poultry. -And the chickens prepared a treat, these are such delicious eggs. - Goodbye, guys. Come visit me again. -Guys, take your seats in the car and let's go. -So we arrived at the kindergarten. - Guys, where did you hit? - What animals live with grandma? -What can you call them? -What kind of poultry did you see? - Did you like your grandmother’s place in the village? - Oh, now you and I will go wash our hands and eat a treat. Entertainment in the first junior group “Visiting grandma in the village.” Goal: To consolidate and expand children's initial knowledge about domestic animals and birds. Objectives: Educational: To cultivate a sense of love for the surrounding world, caring attitude towards the inhabitants of wildlife. Develop skills to work together. Developmental: Develop children’s mental processes: attention, memory, thinking. To promote the development of connected speech and the articulatory apparatus when pronouncing vowel sounds using onomatopoeia. Continue to develop fine motor skills. Arouse positive emotions and interest in the process of sculpting with your fingers (using the pressing technique). Educational: To consolidate children's knowledge about pets. Reinforce the concept of poultry. Learn to distinguish the voices of pets and answer questions from the teacher. Methods and techniques: organized moment, game techniques, modeling, art. word, surprise moment, questions for children, health-saving technologies. Vocabulary work: domestic animals - goat, cow, horse, cat, pig, dog; poultry - chicken, rooster, duck, goose. Preliminary work: looking at illustrations with pets. Watching a cat and a dog, reading thin. literature. Didactic games Preliminary work: looking at illustrations with pets. Watching a cat and a dog, reading thin. literature. Didactic games Preliminary work: looking at illustrations with pets. Watching a cat and a dog, reading thin. literature. Didactic games Preliminary work: looking at illustrations with pets. Watching a cat and a dog, reading thin. literature. Didactic games Preliminary work: looking at illustrations with pets. Watching a cat and a dog, reading thin. literature. Didactic games I love pets very much: I feed them, take care of them and caress them, I consider dogs and cats, goats and pigs to be my friends. – I also have poultry. (I show a picture of birds). – Chickens, roosters, ducks, geese are called poultry. Let's play with you a little. Physical education minute. Our ducks in the morning - quack - quack - quack! Our geese by the pond - ha - ha - ha! Our chickens out the window - ko - ko - ko! And how Petya - the cockerel - Early - early in the morning he will sing to us cuckoo! (Children perform movements: children walk around the room, their heads are raised, their arms are stretched back. They shout: quack-quack-quack, ha-ha-ha, ku-ka-re-ku). Guys, chickens, ducks, roosters, geese - who are they? -Let's say it together. – poultry. – What do poultry like to eat? - That's right, grains. – Let you help me feed the poultry grains. -Go to the table, take the grains, and place them on the green clearing, pressing them with your fingers so that the breeze does not blow them away. - So the poultry came running to peck the grains, and they said thank you. – Guys, thank you for coming to visit me and helping me feed the poultry. -And the chickens prepared a treat, these are such delicious eggs. - Goodbye, guys. Come visit me again. -Guys, take your seats in the car and let's go. -So we arrived at the kindergarten. - Guys, where did you hit? - What animals live with grandma? -What can you call them? -What kind of poultry did you see? - Did you like your grandmother’s place in the village? - Oh, now you and I will go wash our hands and eat a treat.

To develop children’s ability to perform movements in accordance with text and music.

Reinforce the rules of cultural communication with adults.

Involve children in listening to the poem.

To cultivate friendly, friendly relationships in children when communicating with adults and peers.

To evoke vivid impressions in children, to bring joy, the ability to be independent and creative; continue to introduce Russian folklore; develop coordination of movements, fine motor skills, musical and rhythmic sensations;

Ved: Guys, do you want me to tell you a little secret?

Children: Yes.

Ved: Today we will go to the village to visit grandma Marusa.

Finger game “On the Hill”.

There is a hut on the hill (palms are folded “binoculars”, look)

What kind of miracle is this village? (spread your arms to the sides, shrug your shoulders)

Apples are ripening in the garden, (stand on your toes, stretch up)

Ducks swim in the pond (waddle around, arms pressed to the body, palms raised up and to the sides)

Cows chew grass (put it to the forehead index fingers- “horns”)

The cockerels are singing with all their might...(stand on one leg, clap the body with your hands - “wings”)

Grandma lives there (they alternately prop up their cheeks with their fists)

He’s waiting for his grandchildren to visit... (props his cheeks with his fists)

Ved.: Do you want to go visit her? Let's go by train. How our train hums, and how the wheels rotate. (Children with teachers hum and pretend to rotate wheels with their hands)

I hear the train signal. Hurry up and get into the trailers. The time is approaching, the train is leaving. (Musical and rhythmic movements):

The locomotive whistled

And he brought the trailers.


I'll rock you far!

Ved.: We drove and drove and arrived at the house. Knock-knock, little house, who lives in the house?

Marusya: I'm a grandmother Marusya!

Hello my dears, hello my good ones!

I have been waiting for you to visit for a long time.

Look how good it is in my village, how fun and friendly I live!

I have many friends - helpers! They are all my friends, the farm is large, I’ll introduce you to them now! Guess my riddles, get to know them better.

scarlet cap,

Non-woven vest,

The pockmarked caftan!

Children: Hen!

Marusya: Yes, this is my assistant, Pestrushka the hen.

Game-poem “The chicken went out for a walk”

Marusya: This is how we played, this is how we danced. Listen to another riddle.

Ved.: Children, let's tell grandma a riddle. " He was born in soapy water and turned into a ball. He flew towards the sun, but didn’t get there - he burst.” (soap bubble)

Marusya: Oh, and I just have soap bubbles in stock for cheerful guests. Come out guys, let's play. Who will catch the most bubbles?

Children dance to the music and catch soap bubbles. (m.bubbles at grandma’s, teachers’)

Elena Provotorova
Entertainment "At Grandma's in the Village." Junior group

Target: create a joyful mood in children, encourage active action in play, foster goodwill, emotional responsiveness.

Tasks: continue to introduce children to pets, expand children’s knowledge of what they eat, how to care for them and what benefits they bring. Develop a caring attitude towards pets. Cultivate a love for animals.

Progress of entertainment:

Educator: Guys, on the way to kindergarten I met the postman. We received a letter from villages, from grandmothers. Let's read it.

"Dear Guys! I invite you to my place village. I have many pets. Come visit me, I’m waiting for you!”

Well? Let's go to grandma to the village?

What can you use to go to grandma?

That's right, you can go by car or by bus. And we will go by train!


Well here we are (the teacher changes into grandma) grandmother Arina leaves her house.

Grandmother: Hello, guys!

(Children greet grandmother) .

I am so glad that you received my letter and came to visit me. I have many different animals living with me. I want to introduce you to them.

Look guys, who is it? (children's answers). This is my cat Murka.

How does she meow? What do cats like to eat? (children's answers)

Grandmother: Murka the cat wants to play with you.

A game "Cat and Mice".

Cats love to chase mice. Now we are going to play with the cat. You guys will be mice. The cat sleeps, and the mice walk on their tiptoes, the cat wakes up and catches the mice.

Grandmother: Well done boys! You run so fast, my cat didn’t catch you, she’s very tired and wants to rest.

Let's tell the cat "Goodbye!" (children say goodbye to the cat)

Grandmother: Guys, look who's barking? (Children's answers).

This is my dog ​​Zhuchka.

How does a dog bark? What do dogs eat? (children's answers)

Grandmother: My dog ​​lives in the yard and guards the house.

Do you know the song about the dog Zhuchka? Let's sing a song together "Dog Bug"

Well done boys!

Let's tell the dog "Goodbye!" (Children say goodbye to the dog)

Grandmother: Guys, look who it is? (children's answers)

That's right, this is my goat, cow, horse.

How does a cow moo? Goat? Horse? (children's answers)

What does a cow and a goat give us? delicious milk. How does a horse help a person? What do you think these animals eat?

Grass, hay, let's feed them (pour hay into the feeder)

Grandmother: Well done boys! Today you met my animals, we live together together. The cat catches mice, the dog guards the house, and the goat and cow give milk. Animals that live with me, I look after them looking after: I feed them, sing. What are these animals called? (domestic)

Guys, thank you for coming to me, come again, I’ll be waiting for you! Goodbye!

Educator: It’s time for you and me to return to kindergarten. Get on our train (children stand one after another, imitation of riding a train) So we arrived at the kindergarten.

Educator: Guys, where have you been? What did you arrive on? Did you like it in village? What animals live in grandmothers? Animals that live next to a person and a person takes care of them, what are these animals called? (children's answers)

Publications on the topic:

Hello, dear colleagues! Every year in our garden there is a competition for the best vegetable garden on the window, and this year we took part in it again. Criteria.

Arkhangelsk region, city of Severodvinsk. Teachers kindergarten No. 15 "Cheryomushka" Tatyana Pavlovna Gerasimova and Natalya Bronislavovna Pozdeeva.

Final lesson in the middle group “Visiting grandma in the village” Visiting my grandmother in the village of Lopushki. Tasks. 1. Fix the types of transport with children: land, water, air. 2. Continue teaching children.

Lesson summary “Visiting grandma in the village” (first junior group) Goal: To consolidate and expand children's knowledge about domestic animals and birds. Objectives: 1. Learn to distinguish the voices of domestic animals. 2. Learn to answer.

Presentation “Layout “In the Village at Grandma’s” Slide 1: Nurturing a caring and caring attitude towards animals has great importance during the preschool period in a child's life. Animal world.

Mini vegetable garden on the windowsill. Marina Mukhamatshina. There is still snow outside, but in our group, on the windowsill, it is real spring. We are with the kids.

ECD for cognitive and speech development “Pets and birds in the village” (second junior group) Goal: development of all components oral speech children, generalization of children's knowledge of domestic animals and their cubs. Educational objectives: consolidate.

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