Home Oral cavity Retrograde movement of planets in a year. What does a retrograde planet mean? Mercury retrograde in Taurus

Retrograde movement of planets in a year. What does a retrograde planet mean? Mercury retrograde in Taurus

"Retrograde" means moving backward, however, this is the path of the planet as seen from Earth. In fact, neither Mercury, nor Venus, nor Saturn are moving backwards.

During the period of planetary retrograde, things are going well under the motto “I’m returning…” to a task (person, place, paper, contact, thought) that I had already started earlier.

If we are talking about retrograde Mercury, then it is worth returning contacts and friends that have disappeared from sight, re-evaluating thoughts about purchases, concepts that were formed earlier, rewriting manuscripts. There is no need to start new contacts. There is also no need to rush to sign agreements for the first time. It is not recommended to make purchases, especially means of communication and transportation, unless with reservations; in this case, only an astrologer can provide guidance during a personal consultation.

What should you devote the period to - retrospection of some important thoughts, contacts, finalization of projects.

Mercury retrograde in 2017:

For those born at the junction of Sagittarius and Capricorn, Aries and Taurus, Leo and Virgo, Sagittarius of the second half of the sign, important thoughts, contacts, news can come on the first passage of Mercury along its retrograde path, that is, before the beginning of the specified period.

Venus retrograde in 2017.

Venus is responsible for ratings and likes. We like a person, we are attracted to him, and we perceive him as valuable in our life - we love him. The key word here is “pleasant”. The retrograde period sends us back to find something valuable in past experiences and draw conclusions about what valuable things are close to us now.

We re-evaluate our affections, loved ones, and image during the period of Venus retrograde.

Venus retrograde in 2017:

from March 4 to April 15 (14 grams of Aries - 27 grams of Pisces). The retrograde loop is wider, so early Aries and late Pisces may feel the influence of Venus retrograde a little earlier than the allocated period.

Retrograde Jupiter in 2017.

Jupiter is the planet of social success, opportunities for advancement, education, international cooperation, and earnings.

Retrograde Jupiter:

Libra should be ready to re-evaluate and clarify some of their guidelines even before the period begins. When Jupiter is retrograde, it is not advisable to start business aimed at obtaining material gain. It is good to examine the liver, find out and clarify the terms of the loan, reissue a visa (but do not request a visa for the first time), retake the “tails” in educational institutions.

Retrograde Saturn in 2017:

Saturn is the foundation of any enterprise. Therefore, its movement back is associated with a revaluation of what we rely on: work, real estate, parents, musculoskeletal system. Saturn in Sagittarius rechecks our readiness to move forward. Sagittarius must be very responsible even before the period begins, preparing for the return of some problems that temper them psychologically.

IN 2019 Mercury will retrograde three times, and during this time you should not start new projects, buy any storage media, any small items, as well as all means of transportation (bicycles, roller skates, cars). Validity retrograde mercury :
- from March 5 to March 28;
- from July 8 to August 1;
- from October 31 to November 20.

Jupiter will retrograde from April 10 to August 11, and will have an impact on people who have natal chart Jupiter is strong in cosmic status. Retrograde Jupiter will introduce some inhibition in activities related to the areas for which it is responsible. This social relations, issues of culture, science and education, social and political activity, legal issues, etc. At this time, problems related to business are possible, especially if a person decides to innovate, expand the scope of activity, take out a loan, or attract investors. During retrograde Jupiter You should not start activities; it is better to complete previously started projects.

Saturn will start in 2019 retrograde movement on April 30 and ends on September 18. This will have a greater impact on social life, rather than in person. This is the time for completing things, summing up results, audits, revising plans, making changes to plans, etc. You can begin restructuring, reorganizing everything that fits the definition of “structure.” During this period, it is not recommended to sign long-term contracts, register businesses, buy real estate, move, or get married.

Uranus will start in 2019 retrograde movement August 12 and will end on January 11, 2020. This is a planet of surprises, sudden decisions, insights, therefore during the period retrograde Uranus you can suddenly begin to review and reevaluate your abandoned and unfinished affairs, remember your old unrealized ideas that once took deep roots in the past and remained in the subconscious.

Neptune will move in retrograde from June 21 to November 27 and will increase subconscious forces, increase phenomenal and psychic abilities– clairvoyance and clairaudience, the ability to guess, predict, foresee, predict. It can free one from a wide variety of cultic dogmas, prejudices and superstitions and will promote more serious introspection and self-criticism.

  Pluto in 2019 there will be retrograde from April 24 to October 3. The planet of deep transformations will affect the sphere of government and internal structure any kind of organizational relationship.

Which Zodiac signs and at what time it will affect retrograde movement planets, see the table below for more details.

date Time Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Zodiac sign
6.01.2019 23:27:08 Ending Aries
5.03.2019 21:18:30 Start Fish
28.03.2019 16:58:08 Ending Fish
10.04.2019 20:00:04 Start Sagittarius
24.04.2019 21:47:38 StartCapricorn
30.04.2019 3:55:01 Start Capricorn
21.06.2019 17:35:13 Start Fish
8.07.2019 2:14:27 Start a lion
1.08.2019 6:57:03 Ending Cancer
11.08.2019 16:36:51 Ending Sagittarius
12.08.2019 5:26:47 Start

Most Influential Planets

The most influential periods are considered to be the retrograde periods of Mercury, Mars, and Venus.

Mercury has at least three retrogrades every year. Each lasts 24 days. These periods are characterized by obstacles in business, delays, awkward situations, shortcomings, indecision, and errors in documents. The most vulnerable during this period are computing and Appliances. During the retrograde period, everything goes wrong more often. Astrologers do not recommend looking for a new job, starting new businesses, spending large sums, go on a long journey, agree to surgical interventions. It’s better to finish old things at this time, solve minor everyday difficulties and relax.

Mercury in retrograde:

  • from 12/19/16 to 01/8/17;

  • from 04/10/17 to 05/3/17;

  • from 08/13/17 to 09/05/17;

  • from 3.12.17 to 23.12.17.

The retrograde of the planet Venus in 2017 lasts about 40 days with a regularity of 19 months. It is better not to hold exhibitions, theatrical performances, beauty contests during this period, plastic surgery, cosmetologists what ski procedures. Don't change anything in your personal life, don't make new acquaintances and don't get married. Beware of acquisitions of real estate, cars and other large monetary transactions. Do not buy jewelry, aesthetic clothing, or works of art. Venus is retrograde from 03/04/17 to 04/15/17.

Mars will not enter this phase in 2017.

Less significant planets in retrograde

Jupiter is retrograde from 02/06/17 to 07/09/17. During this period, there is no need to begin activities aimed at achieving material well-being. Complete the things you started, be it education, travel or legal battles.

Saturn - from 04/06/17 to 08/25/17. This period is especially difficult in the field of legal issues, education, philosophy, tourism, and religion.

Uranus is in retrograde from 08/3/17 to 01/2/18. During this period, you will be able to reconsider your usual views, you will be able to make decisions that are unexpected for yourself and others. This is the best period for change and new discoveries.

Neptune - from 07/16/17 to 11/22/17. This planet will allow you to re-evaluate your beliefs, aspirations, beliefs and take a fresh look at your own spirituality.

Pluto will go retrograde from 04/20/17 to 09/28/17. This is an important period for the state system. We are facing a restructuring of organizational decisions.

What is retrograde?

The retrograde of a planet means that from the point of view of an observer on Earth, it is moving in the opposite direction, as if moving backwards. The retrograde period of Venus occurs every year and a half. Venus makes a loop in 2017 in Aries and Pisces. During the entire retrograde cycle, Venus from March 5 to April 3 is in the sign Aries, and for the period from 3 to 16 April looks into the sign Fish.

How does Venus retrograde affect?

Venus has the strongest influence on those whose planet is strongly manifested in natal chart , including for people signs Taurus and Libra, because Venus is the ruling planet for these signs.

The main influence of retro Venus is directed to identify the real value and dignity of people and things in your life. The signs are associated with these themes Taurus(valuables, money) and Scales(relationship). In addition, because Venus makes a loop in Aries and Pisces, the period is important for representatives of these zodiac signs.

It is known that Venus in astrology is considered the planet of love, which is why its influence affects love and relationships. Retro Venus accents themes fidelity and devotion in love, material and financial interests of spouses, issues of values. During the retrograde period, problems may arise that originate in the past.

This is not a time for proactive action, this is a time for re-evaluation rather than direct action. If during this period people appear in love friction or disagreement, this is a reminder that you need to pay attention to why you are together, what values ​​do you have with your partner?

IN first half of April Venus squares Saturn in Sagittarius (April 8), which can be a very stressful time. The origin of unpleasant events, disappointments, obstacles in love and financial difficulties is likely; issues of debts and loans can be serious.

What general mood will people have?

Many people will feel unloved, undervalued, there will be a feeling that they should get more from the relationship. Perhaps a loved one breaks his promises. Only after Venus moves into forward motion, you can take action if you see fit.

For example, if you come to the conclusion that it is necessary breakup, then it’s better to do this when the Venus retrograde cycle ends - after April 16. It is important to understand that if problems arise in a relationship at the very beginning, then they will always remain in them, and will only get worse over time. Rate them during Venus retrograde and determine what you can accept and tolerate and what you cannot.

Is it possible to meet people during the Venus retro period?

That is why you should not get acquainted and start a relationship during the Venus retro period; these relationships may not last long. Love and relationships born during Venus retrograde spring 2017, can be contradictory. The retrograde movement of the planet of love changes your usual point of view, often you are unable to see the obvious, something that would have been easily noticed at another time.

This does not mean that retro Venus implies deception, but distorted look relationship is present in one form or another, erroneous assumptions are quite likely. These assumptions may cause misjudgments and disappointment in the future, when you discover that the person of your dreams is not what you thought.

What is the Venus retro period suitable for?

  • During this period, old friends may appear or a lost love may return. Time from March 5 to April 16, 2017 good for restoring relationships, which existed in the past and were torn apart. But only if there are serious intentions. If there are difficulties in your existing relationship, you will have opportunities for reconciliation.
  • Venus retrograde in Aries and Pisces gives financial benefits to those who know how to use them. Retrograde period is good for selling unnecessary things and stale goods, as well as real estate for which there is no buyer for a long time. At this time, many people make unnecessary purchases, so it’s good to sell what you can’t sell at other times. It is quite possible that someone will see the inner beauty of a stale item or feel that they cannot live without it.
  • Great time to buy antiques and any used goods. During the retrograde movement of Venus, many people manage to make good deals on these things. It may be that you know the real cost of the product, but the seller does not.
  • A favorable time for repeated negotiations regarding finances, for example, a bank loan agreement. It is good to deal with legal issues that have a long history.
  • The Venus retro period is favorable for changing beliefs and subconscious programs related to finances, partners and relationships.

What is Venus retro period NOT suitable for?

  • Venus retrograde period from March 5 to April 16, 2017 not suitable for marriage. Wait until the planet goes into direct motion so that the prospects for marriage will be more expected. You can find out the most favorable period for a wedding by contacting an astrologer.
  • Venus is the ruler of the second house (house of money and values), so it has a certain power in financial affairs. This is not quite the right time to invest and starting a business, which is directly related to financial activities. In the future, it may turn out that the cost of the product or product was inflated or its value does not correspond to what was expected. When will the planet become direct, may arise losses due to financial actions taken during the retrograde movement of Venus. If you want to open your own business, then by contacting an astrologer you will choose the most favorable period for the business to be profitable and successful.
  • Venus retro time is not conducive to acquisition luxury goods. Item may be mispriced. For example, it may turn out that an item that looked very attractive in a store will lose its charm in the future. It is not advisable to buy real estate or a car, because these items will not serve you, you will have to spend a lot of additional money on them.

Let retro Venus bring you only favorable events!

Ksenia Glebova.

Retrograde means moving backwards. However, this is the path of the planet visible from Earth. In fact, neither Mercury, nor Venus, nor Jupiter move backward during the “retro period”.

During the period of planetary retrograde, things are going well under the motto “I’m returning…” to a task (person, place, paper, contact, thought) that I had already started earlier.

If we are talking about retrograde Mercury, the winter loop of which ends on January 27, then it is worth returning contacts and friends that have disappeared from sight, re-evaluating thoughts about purchases, concepts that were formed earlier, and rewriting manuscripts. There is no need to start new contacts. There is also no need to rush to sign agreements for the first time. It is not recommended to make purchases, especially means of communication and transportation, unless with reservations; in this case, only an astrologer can provide guidance during a personal consultation.

What should you devote the period to – retrospection of some important thoughts, contacts, finalization of projects.

Mercury retrograde in 2017:

For those born at the junction of Sagittarius and Capricorn, Aries and Taurus, Leo and Virgo, important thoughts, contacts, news can come on the first passage of Mercury along its retrograde path, that is, before the beginning of the specified period. The final decision on them should be from January 8 to January 27, if we are talking about the winter loop.

Venus retrograde in 2017.

Venus is responsible for ratings and likes. We like a person, we are attracted to him, and we perceive him as valuable in our life - we love him. The key word here is “pleasant”. The retrograde period sends us back to find something valuable in past experiences and draw conclusions about what valuable things are close to us now.

We re-evaluate our affections, loved ones, image and financial capabilities during Venus retrograde.

Venus retrograde in 2017:

from March 4 to April 15. The retrograde loop is wider, so early Aries and late Pisces can feel the influence of Venus retrograde earlier in the allocated period.

The Venus loop will begin on January 30, so from February, look at what topics life throws up on the topic of Venus, and read my article about the Venus loop in 2017 - it will appear very soon on my website, and then here on the Oculus blog.

Retrograde Jupiter in 2017.

Jupiter is the planet of social success, opportunities for advancement, education, international cooperation, and earnings.

Retrograde Jupiter:

Libra should be ready to re-evaluate and clarify some of their guidelines even before the period begins. When Jupiter is retrograde, it is not advisable to start business aimed at obtaining material gain. It is good to examine the liver, find out and clarify the terms of the loan, reissue visa documents (but do not apply for a visa for the first time).

Retrograde Saturn in 2017:

Saturn is the foundation of any enterprise. Therefore, its movement back is associated with a revaluation of what we rely on: work, real estate, parents, musculoskeletal system. Saturn in Sagittarius rechecks our readiness to move forward. Sagittarius must be very responsible even before the period begins, preparing for the return of some problems that temper them psychologically.

© Astrologer Olga Ivanova

my website http://www.astropsychology-family.ru/

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