Home Tooth pain Hematogen consumption rate. Is hematogen useful for losing weight?

Hematogen consumption rate. Is hematogen useful for losing weight?

Sweet bars with the inscription “Hematogen” are familiar to many from childhood. You can see many products with this name on sale, but they all differ in taste and composition. How to navigate their diversity and choose a truly useful product?

First of all, you should remember what exactly makes hematogen useful, and understand what in its composition it is better to do without.

What do we know about hematogen

Hematogen is perhaps the most popular means of preventing iron deficiency. When consumed correctly, it stimulates hematopoiesis and helps avoid the development of anemia. Hematogen is sold in the form of brown bars, bars and lozenges that look like toffee or chocolate. Condensed milk and sugar add sweetness to this product. However, despite the pleasant taste, we are not talking about candy, but about a dietary supplement (dietary supplement). Like vitamin complexes, sweet hematogen bars should not be consumed in large quantities without adhering to the system. To achieve a healing effect, hematogen is taken in a course, in small portions. The product also has contraindications, so when planning a course of use for yourself or for a child, it is better to consult a doctor. In addition, you should not rely on dietary supplements to treat anemia. Hematogen is not a cure, but rather a prophylactic agent.

The beneficial qualities of hematogen are due to the use of defibrinated cattle blood purified from microorganisms in its composition. Blood protein is dried using a special technology, and the same black food albumin is obtained, containing bioavailable iron, which is easily absorbed by the body.

The prototype of the modern hematogen first appeared in Switzerland in 1890. It was a mixture based on bovine blood. The drug turned out to be very effective, and its recipe was preserved until the middle of the 20th century, until the USSR began to solve the problem of preventing anemia in children at the state level. It was then that instead of the mixture, the taste of which no one had previously cared about, they began to produce sweet bars that looked like chocolate. Now they are known and loved in almost every Russian family, both adults and children.

Dietary albumin, which forms the basis of hematogen, retains the value of the red blood cells from which it is made. Due to this ingredient, hematopoiesis is stimulated in the body and the required level of fatty acids, cholesterol, and bilirubin is maintained. Sufficient vitamin A content has a beneficial effect on vision and promotes normal growth and development of the body.

Previously, hematogen was sold only in pharmacies, but today it has also appeared on supermarket shelves. The price of one tile ranges from 13–50 rubles. However, hematogen supplied to retail chains may not meet the requirements of regulatory documents that impose requirements specifically for dietary supplements. Hematogen on store shelves is usually just a delicacy with a familiar name. Its cost is higher due to flavoring additives, but the benefits are usually less. Sometimes you can find bars that don't even contain albumin.

What is hematogen made from: product composition

In the USSR, liquid hematogen was produced according to GOST, but GOST was never developed for the classic recipe for hematogen, from which lozenges, bars and bars are made. So varieties of hematogen are produced according to technical specifications (TU). However, all components of hematogen are manufactured according to GOST standards.

The first hematogens were produced from whole cattle blood mixed with egg yolk. Today, instead of blood, hematogen contains black albumin powder. The classical technology for the production of hematogen implies the following basic composition:

  1. Black food albumin (GOST 33674-2015. Blood and products of its processing).
  2. Starch syrup (GOST R 52060-2003. Starch syrup. General technical conditions).
  3. Sweetened condensed milk (GOST ISO 6734/IDF 15-2012. Sweetened condensed milk. Determination of total solids content (control method)).
  4. Granulated sugar (GOST 33222-2015. White sugar. Technical conditions).
  5. Vanillin (GOST 16599-71. Vanillin. Technical conditions).

The calorie content of hematogen made according to this recipe is one and a half times lower than the calorie content of chocolate, and is 376 kcal per 100 g.

Modern manufacturers follow the classic recipe, but try to make improvements to it, following the achievements of modern medicine. For example, the composition may contain vitamins B and C, as well as trace elements that help the body absorb iron from black albumin.

However, not all changes to the classic hematogen formulation are justified for health reasons. Flavorings such as nuts or raisins can not only cause allergic reactions, but also often interfere with iron absorption. The benefit of such a hematogen remains questionable. That is why you should choose hematogen, produced according to the classic recipe and without flavorings. In such a hematogen, at least 5% of the mass will be black albumin, that is, in a 50 g lozenge its share will be 2.5 g.

The benefits of hematogen

So, black albumin, which is part of hematogen, provides the body with iron, which is well absorbed and stimulates hematopoiesis. In addition, this valuable component is rich in amino acids and vitamin A. It has a general strengthening and tonic effect at any age, so Hematogen is useful for both children and adults.

For children, for whom the hematogen was actually adapted, it is especially important to receive a sufficient amount of iron from food. This microelement is necessary for the normal development of a child and is actively consumed due to rapid growth. Hematogen covers up to 40% of children's daily iron needs, helping to avoid problems associated with its deficiency. Women also often require additional sources of iron. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the female body loses many microelements, and hematogen (though not everyone) helps to get in shape faster after the birth of a child. An unbalanced diet and a busy schedule are common problems in the life of a modern person, and it is they that lead to iron deficiency, so men should also take Hematogen to prevent and maintain the vitality of the body.

Is there any harm?

Despite the fact that Hematogen looks like a regular chocolate bar, it is a dietary supplement. It must be taken in a certain volume, in limited courses lasting 4–8 weeks, between which it is advisable to take a break. When consuming Hematogen daily, you should remember that for children aged 3 to 11 years it is enough to eat a small 25 g bar, and for older children, teenagers and adults - 50 g per day.

If this rule is violated, the development of symptoms of iron overdose cannot be ruled out: gastrointestinal disorders, headaches, difficulty breathing, and menstrual irregularities. Excess iron in the human body can “thicken” the blood, promoting blood clots, fragility of blood vessels, and lowering blood pressure. And although this is extremely rare and only with prolonged abuse, it is important to remember that all good things should be in moderation.

Hematogen also has contraindications. Because it contains large amounts of condensed milk, molasses and sugar, it should not be used to prevent iron deficiency in diabetes or overweight.

So, hematogen is a time-tested prophylactic remedy for compensating for iron deficiency in the human body. Despite all the benefits of this product, it has its contraindications, and if used uncontrolled, it can cause side effects. The basis of hematogen is black food albumin, its content in the classic product is approximately 5%. Additional flavoring additives, which manufacturers often add to bars to increase sales, can inhibit the absorption of iron in the intestines. When using hematogen for prevention, you should remember that this is a dietary supplement and follow the rules for its use.


1 SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the organization of production and circulation of biologically active food additives (BAA)

2 Gusel V. A., Markova I. V. Pediatrician’s Handbook of Clinical Pharmacology / Gusel V. A., Markova I. V. - 1st ed. - M.: Medicine, 1989. - P. 156-159. - 320 s.

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Many people are familiar with the taste of a unique dessert from childhood called hematogen. Back in Soviet times, it was an inexpensive but very popular dessert that children begged from their parents. In those days, this product was sold only in pharmacies, and everyone knew that this delicious bar was made from animal blood.

It was actively used during the World War in the diet of the wounded, prescribed to children and adults in hospital treatment, and recommended to the elderly.

And even though this product is not new, the benefits and harms of hematogen should be known to everyone. The modern product has greatly changed its appearance, is available in various flavors and additives, and is no longer sold only in pharmacies, but also in stores. But it has not changed its main property - it stimulates hematopoiesis and, in no case, should be consumed in large quantities for no reason.

What are they made from?

This is a drug that stimulates bleeding. In modern pharmacy it is classified as a dietary supplement (dietary supplement), and belongs to the group of macro- and microelements. It resembles chocolate in appearance, but has a softer consistency and a special pleasant taste.

The product was invented by the Swiss Gomel in 1890. But it owes its existence to scientists who proved that iron is the most important element in the blood. Translation from Greek means “giving birth to blood.”

The substance is made from purified and defibrated blood of animals (usually cattle). Today, hemoglobin is used instead of dried blood because it is not an allergen. To diversify new taste qualities, other food additives are added to the product: condensed milk, sesame seeds, sugar, honey, molasses, candied fruits, nuts, chocolate, coconut flakes, etc.

Many people are surprised and do not believe that the product is made from blood, since this component is not found in the composition. And it is hidden under the name food albumin (blood protein).

Composition of hematogen

The substance contains a whole complex of nutrients (fats, carbohydrates and proteins), but the most important component is iron. Without it, the formation of red blood cells (erythrocytes) is impossible. Iron is also found in regular foods, such as red meat. In the human body, iron helps hemoglobin carry oxygen to organs and myoglobin helps store oxygen in muscles.

Hematogen contains a large amount of iron, which is presented in the form of hemoglobin, which is easily absorbed by the body. But the product, in addition, also contains a large amount of important amino acids and vitamin A, necessary for a growing body. The calorie content of hematogen is about 350 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Beneficial features

How is hematogen useful for adults? The benefit and effect of the product lies in its preventive, strengthening effect on the health and body of the person. This dietary supplement is used as an adjuvant in the treatment or prevention of many dangerous diseases.

Does hematogen increase hemoglobin? Yes, if an adult takes this product regularly, it raises hemoglobin levels and helps normalize the process of hematopoiesis. Hemoglobin is also an excellent source of amino acids, which are necessary for the coordinated functioning of all body systems.

Vitamin A, which is part of the bar, improves the condition of nails, skin, hair and has a positive effect on vision. Taking the bars is recommended when weakened, after operations. And the benefits of hematogen for anemia are generally difficult to overestimate, especially if the disease is caused by a lack of iron in the patient’s body.

It is necessary to feed the bars to people with diseases associated with bleeding, for example, the duodenum or stomach.

Can pregnant women use Hematogen?

During pregnancy, the mother's body increases the need for iron, which is necessary for the healthy development of the fetus, placenta and, of course, for the mother herself. Because a woman loses a huge amount of iron during childbirth and during lactation.

Also, during pregnancy, the volume of blood that circulates freely throughout the body increases almost by half. Because of this, very dangerous iron deficiency anemia can occur.

To prevent this disease, pregnant women need to consume about 27 mg of easily digestible iron daily. A pharmaceutical product can become the main source of this element. But there are also reasons why pregnant women should not eat hematogen:

  • abuse of the product can cause deviations in fetal development;
  • When the blood thickens, there is a risk of developing a disease such as.

How is hematogen useful for children?

The product is especially useful for children, as it compensates for the lack of proteins, microelements and vitamins. It is also very tasty and children happily eat it. Doctors especially recommend taking the bars to children and adolescents who suffer from lack of appetite for a long time. Parents often ask the question: at what age can a child be given hematogen? So, the estimated age when you can give the product to a child is 5-7 years. But parents should be careful, since small children cannot eat too many bars, otherwise unpleasant consequences may occur. Product dosage for children:

  • up to 6 years 15-20 grams,
  • 6-12 years - 30 grams,
  • up to 18 years old - 40 grams.

How to take Hematogen correctly

  • The first thing you should do before using this product is to consult your doctor. This is necessary to avoid all sorts of side and unwanted effects. The second thing you need is to know how much hematogen you can eat per day.
  • The dosage for children is higher. And the daily norm of hematogen for an adult is about 50 grams in 2-3 doses. For pregnant women, the norm for bars is 40-50 grams per day.
  • Third, if nausea occurs, you should immediately stop using the product, since nausea is the first side symptom. Then fermentation in the stomach may even begin.

Today the product is available in various forms:

  • bars;
  • tiles;
  • chewing gum.

But they are all structured and divided into certain doses: 20, 30, 50 grams (divided into cubes and plates of 5 grams).

Main indications for use:

  • The substance should be taken between meals, because this ensures complete absorption.
  • You can drink it with water, but it is not recommended to take it with dairy products - they impair absorption.
  • The duration of taking the drug is 2-3 weeks for all categories.


There are a number of contraindications for using the product:

  • sugar;
  • anemia (not iron deficiency);
  • individual sensitivity to individual components;
  • obesity;
  • excess iron (causes toxic effects);
  • impaired metabolism;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • children under 3 years old;
  • varicose veins.

A treat that is beneficial is hematogen. He is known to many generations.

Its prototype, a mixture based on bovine blood with an egg, invented by the Swiss aesculapian Hommel, was used to treat and prevent diseases before 1900.

And a little later, in 1917, hematogen appeared, approximately as our grandfathers and great-grandfathers remember it - in the form of bars that resembled a chocolate bar in appearance.

Hematogen received and provided the greatest application and benefit during the Second World War, when a large number of wounded and weakened soldiers needed high-quality restorative and strengthening drugs.

Hematogen is still popular today; parents often buy it for children instead of sweets - taste and benefits in one bar.

What is hematogen made from and its chemical composition

Adults know that hematogen contains natural animal components - processed defibrinated cattle blood. It doesn't sound very appetizing, but that's exactly what it is.

Due to such a specific composition, children are kept silent about it, advertising hematogen as a healthy chocolate bar or candy.

What is very correct, there is a time for everything - they will grow up, learn, but for now let them enjoy and improve their health with their favorite sweets.

Modern Hematogen is enriched with a well-balanced multivitamin complex.

Certainly, it contains a lot of iron, which is ready for rapid absorption, amino acids, vitamin A. Hematogen quickly binds to proteins, is able to completely dissolve in the stomach, and stimulates the production of red blood cells.

To improve the taste, various fillers are added to the hematogen - nut butter, coconut flakes, honey, dried fruits, etc.

The manufacturing process and additives do not reduce the benefits of hematogen; all the necessary components of cattle blood remain unchanged.

Among the components of hematogen, in addition to vitamins, there are also food ones - proteins, fats, carbohydrates. But the first violin is played by iron, which is so necessary for improving the composition of the blood and its timely renewal (the effect of hematogen is comparable to a blood transfusion).

Iron present in foods is poorly and slowly absorbed. Therefore, in hematogen it is already in the form of a protein that is easily digestible by the body.

The proportions of vitamins, minerals and nutrients in hematogen are close to the composition of human blood, and its name stands for “giving birth to blood.”

If our distant ancestors had known about the benefits of hematogen, then such a disease as “pale sickness”, inherent in representatives of the former nobility, would not have existed, and pale and weak girls on walks would not have needed companions who were stronger in spirit and body.

Hematogen is designed to correct and increase the iron content in the blood and thereby improve overall well-being and the ability to resist numerous diseases.

1. To prevent iron deficiency due to insufficient absorption of food.

2. People suffering from anemia (including anemia of pregnant women), anemia.

3. After suffering from intoxication - food, medicinal, gas, etc.

4. With a poor and uniform diet.

5. As part of complex therapy in the treatment of any blood diseases.

6. Children with stunted growth.

7. During and after viral infectious diseases, including FLU.

8. For vision problems.

9. In the presence of chronic diseases of various organs and systems.

10. To relieve symptoms of seasonal vitamin deficiency.

11. Ulcerative bleeding and other gastrointestinal diseases.

12. To minimize the consequences of stressful situations.

13. For full recovery after heavy physical activity.

Daily norm of hematogen for adults it is 50-60 grams, and for children from three to six years old - 15 g, from six to twelve years old - 20 g, and for adolescents under eighteen years old - 30 g.

The daily dosage of the drug should be divided into three doses, between breakfast, lunch and dinner. Treatment is carried out over a course of 14 or 21 days.

  • Hematogen is sweet, so diabetics should not eat it.
  • Also, with an increased content of hemoglobin in the blood, hematogen can provoke the formation of cholesterol plaques, which is dangerous in itself.
  • It slightly thickens the blood and is not recommended for people with thrombophlebitis.
  • Due to its calorie content, hematogen is not included in the diet of obese people.
  • Allergy.
  • Anemia without iron deficiency.

Hemoglobin has not lost its relevance even with the modern variety of pharmaceuticals. It is affordable, effective and very tasty.

It can and should be given to children, but always remember the recommended age dose. Be healthy.

What is hematogen?

Hematogen is a multivitamin complex consisting of many different vitamins that are naturally found in food and other natural sources.
Hematogen translated from Greek means “giving birth to blood.” Hematogen is a drug consisting of a large amount of iron. It quickly binds to protein components and completely dissolves in the gastrointestinal tract. It also allows the formation of red blood cells.

The drug consists of processed defibrinated cattle blood in dry form with the addition of various components that improve its taste (coconut flakes, sugar, chocolate, condensed milk, honey, nuts). During the special processing of cattle blood, the beneficial properties contained in it remain unchanged, so hematogen is made in the form of small, pleasant-tasting tiles.

Composition of hematogen

Hematogen contains a complex of nutrients (carbohydrates, fats, proteins), but the main ingredient is still iron, without which the formation of erythrocytes (red blood cells) becomes simply impossible.

Iron is commonly found in foods, especially red meat. In the body, iron is part of hemoglobin and myoglobin. Hemoglobin carries oxygen through the blood to organs and tissues, while myoglobin helps muscle cells store oxygen.

Iron in hematogen is contained in the form of hemoglobin, which is quickly absorbed by the body. In addition, it contains a lot of vitamin A and a large number of amino acids.

Who needs hematogen and when?

Hematogen is needed:

  • patients with anemia and;
  • to replenish the body with iron and multivitamins;
  • during pregnancy (not in all cases);
  • in the treatment of blood diseases;
  • to improve nutrition (especially for children);
  • for disorders of the digestive system;
  • in case of poisoning;
  • for preventive purposes in case of vitamin deficiency and poor absorption of food.

The benefits of hematogen

The benefit of hematogen is that it improves vision, digestion, metabolic processes, and strengthens the mucous membrane of organs. It has an excellent effect on the respiratory system, increasing the stability of the bronchial membranes. It is useful in childhood and adolescence, especially for children suffering from prolonged lack of appetite. It should also be taken by adults with a lack of vitamins in the body.

Hematogen is used for the prevention and treatment of:

  • low blood hemoglobin level;
  • visual impairment;
  • growth retardation;
  • balanced, nutritious nutrition;
  • influenza and GRVI;
  • various infectious diseases;
  • chronic diseases.

Good benefits in addition to taking hematogen as the main treatment for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis and stomach ulcers, and vision organs.

Harm of hematogen

As the saying goes, “A lot of good things are also bad.” Although the harm of hematogen occurs infrequently, it is sometimes possible. First of all, this can happen due to an overdose or uncontrolled use, incl. and with incompatible drugs. For more information about the harm from taking hematogen and how to avoid it, see below.

How to take Hematogen correctly?

The benefits of hematogen, as well as the harm, greatly depend on the correct dosage. Before starting treatment with Hematogen, in order to avoid side effects, it is recommended to consult a doctor (in some cases it is not effective for certain types of anemia that are not associated with iron deficiency).

Since hematogen contains a lot of carbohydrates that are easily digestible, it is prohibited for people prone to obesity and patients. Pregnant women should take Hematogen with caution, because it can harm the fetus during development. Also, during pregnancy, you should not use hematogen due to the high likelihood of a sharp increase in body weight; it also contributes to blood thickening, leading to the formation.

It is harmful to use hematogen in the treatment of metabolic disorders of the body, because it is a source of substances similar in composition to human blood. Hematogen is made based on a product of dry plasma or blood serum - black albumin. The uniqueness of albumin lies in the easy digestibility of iron and protein, which does not cause stomach irritation.

If nausea occurs, you should immediately stop using hematogen, because These are the first signs of side effects that cause symptoms of fermentation in the stomach.

Hematogen causes almost no side effects, having in most cases a mild effect on the body. It is advisable to take it not only for treatment, but also as a preventive measure, especially for children during the period of active growth.

What is important to know about hematogen?

Avoid any other multivitamin products for 2 hours before or after taking Hematogen.

Taking these vitamin supplements at the same time may result in a vitamin overdose or more serious side effects.

Call your doctor right away if you think you have taken too much of this medicine.

Overdosing on vitamins A, D, E, K can cause serious or life-threatening side effects.

Symptoms of an overdose of these vitamins, and that is, of the hematogen itself, may include:

  • severe stomach pain;
  • vomiting;
  • bloody diarrhea;
  • cough with blood;
  • constipation;
  • loss of appetite;
  • hair loss;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • sensations of warmth and tingling in the body;
  • changes in the menstrual cycle;
  • weight loss;
  • severe headache;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • backache;
  • blood in urine and stool;
  • black and tarry stools;
  • pale skin;
  • light bleeding;
  • weakness;
  • shallow breathing;
  • weak and rapid pulse;
  • pale skin, blue lips and seizures.

Hematogen should not be taken with milk, other dairy products, dietary supplements, calcium, or antacids containing calcium. Calcium may make it difficult for the body to absorb certain Hematogen ingredients.

What should you know before using Hematogen?

Hematogen and some vitamins can cause serious or life-threatening side effects when taken in large doses. Therefore, you should not take more than two tablets per day.

If you have any medical conditions, first of all, consult your doctor before taking.

Do not take Hematogen uncontrolled if you are pregnant or if you are planning to become pregnant in the near future. Some vitamins and minerals can harm an unborn baby if taken in large doses.

Multivitamins can pass into breast milk and harm the baby. Do not use Hematogen without a doctor's prescription if you are breastfeeding.

How should I take Hematogen?

  1. Do not consume too much hematogen, because... it can cause side effects such as stained teeth, increased urination, stomach bleeding, uneven heartbeat, confusion, and muscle weakness.
  2. Always read what the drug contains.
  3. Take Hematogen with a full glass of water.
  4. It is good to take Hematogen with food if it does not harm the stomach.
  5. During treatment, it is important to take Hematogen regularly to get maximum benefit.
  6. Hematogen should be stored at room temperature away from moisture and heat.

What should I avoid while taking Hematogen?

While taking Hematogen to prevent self-harm, you should:

  • avoid taking any other multivitamin preparations within 2 hours before or after taking Hematogen;
  • do not take hematogen in combination with other vitamins;
  • Avoid regular use of salt substitutes in the diet when taking multivitamins containing potassium;
  • take Hematogen with caution if you are on a low-salt diet;
  • Avoid taking antibiotics within 2 hours before or after taking Hematogen. This is especially important when taking antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin, doxycycline, levofloxacin, minocycline, norfloxacin, ofloxacin, tetracycline;
  • Avoid taking multivitamins 1 hour before or 2 hours after eating fish, meat, liver, whole grain products, cereals, because Some foods can make it difficult for the body to absorb iron;
  • Do not take Hematogen with milk, other dairy products, calcium supplements, or antacids containing calcium. Calcium can make it difficult for your body to absorb certain ingredients and multivitamins.

Side effects of using hematogen

The harm of hematogen can affect both very quickly and be detected a few hours after ingestion. Seek emergency medical help immediately if you experience any of the signs of the side effects listed below:

  • allergic reactions on the skin;
  • labored breathing;
  • swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat;
  • bright red blood in the stool;
  • chest or throat pain when swallowing.

Less serious side effects may include:

  • constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • stomach pain or upset stomach;
  • black or dark-colored stools or urine;
  • temporary staining of teeth;
  • severe headache;
  • unusual or unpleasant taste in the mouth.

This is not a complete list of side effects that may occur when taking Hematogen.

What drugs are not compatible with taking Hematogen?

Vitamin and mineral supplements may interact differently with some medications. Therefore, before taking Hematogen, tell your doctor about the medications you are taking. You should be especially careful if you are taking diuretics (diuretics), heart or blood pressure medications, tretinoin (vesanoid), isotretinoin, penicillamine, trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac, indomethacin, ketoprofen, and etc. The harm caused by the combined use of hematogen and another drug may manifest itself in the form of the symptoms listed above, but in some cases it may be different.

This is not a complete list of drugs that are incompatible with taking Hematogen. Tell your doctor about all prescription and over-the-counter drugs you use, including all vitamins, minerals, herbal products, and drugs prescribed by other doctors, to prevent possible harm from taking Hematogen with another drug.

Where can I get more information about Hematogen?

You can get more detailed information about hematogen and its properties from your pharmacist.


Hematogen is a drug that is produced from the blood of cattle. It tastes and looks like sweetness due to the addition of food ingredients.

Now let’s very briefly sum up the benefits and harms of hematogen.

Hematogen contains iron, amino acids valuable for the body, vitamin A, as well as fats and carbohydrates.

Benefits of hematogen: increases hemoglobin, improves vision, digestion, metabolic processes, strengthens the mucous membranes of organs, has a positive effect on the respiratory system, is useful for children suffering from lack of appetite, and for adults with vitamin deficiency.

When to use hematogen: for diseases of anemia and anemia, for inflammation of the body with iron and multivitamins, during pregnancy (not always), for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis and stomach ulcers, to improve nutrition, to prevent vitamin deficiency and poor absorption of food, and a doctor can prescribe it in many other cases. Although now doctors much more often prescribe a complex of multivitamins rather than hematogen for general strengthening of the body during illness.

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Hematogen is a drug intended to correct metabolic processes occurring in the body. It is a source of minerals, carbohydrates, complete protein, and fats, which are contained in proportions close to the composition of blood.

What is the composition and release form of Hematogen?

The drug is produced in relief tiles, which are divided into small plates, brown in color, they are sweet in taste, similar in consistency to iris, with a faint aroma of vanilla.

One tile contains food albumin in the amount of 2.5 grams, it is the active substance of the drug. Auxiliary compounds Hematogen: condensed milk with sugar, added starch molasses, vanillin, and granulated sugar in the required volume.

Hematogen is produced in pharmaceutical production from dried cattle blood, and sometimes various flavor enhancers are added, as well as honey, pine nuts, and ascorbic acid. Externally, this drug resembles small chocolate bars.

The drug should be stored in a dry place, protected from light; it is recommended to keep the drug away from children. Temperature conditions must be observed; they should not exceed 25 degrees. Shelf life is six months, after which the tiles cannot be used. You can buy them without a prescription.

What are the properties of Hematogen?

Hematogen stimulates the process of hematopoiesis, promotes better absorption of iron in the intestines, in addition, affects the increase in hemoglobin in the blood, and also regulates redox processes in the body.

The biologically complete protein present in the preparation contains all the important amino acids in the optimal ratio. The drug increases the amount of ferritin directly in plasma. It is a source of fats, minerals, carbohydrates and vitamins. All substances are in a balanced state.

The wide variety of medicines that can now be seen in pharmacies have practically replaced Hematogen, which used to be very popular among both children and adults.

Iron, which is absorbed by the body, is present in animal protein, which is precisely what is in this preparation. Symptoms such as pale skin, lethargy, fatigue, weakness, decreased performance may indicate a deficiency of this mineral compound.

Hematogen began to be produced in the form of tiles back in the last century; it was developed as a unique drug containing iron, which is freely absorbed into the bloodstream.

What are Hematogen's indications for use?

Hematogen is prescribed as a complex treatment if the patient has anemia of various origins; the drug is especially effective in the posthemorrhagic and iron deficiency form of this disease, when the body experiences iron deficiency.

In addition, it is recommended for use in conditions that are accompanied by muscle wasting; the drug is effective for debilitated so-called cachectic patients. In addition, it is prescribed during the period of convalescence, when the patient has suffered any serious illness.

In addition to the listed indications, visual impairment can be considered, in this case the drug can also be used, since it is rich in vitamin A, in addition, Hematogen has a beneficial effect on the growth of hair and nails, and also improves the condition of the skin.

What are the contraindications for use of Hematogen?

The instructions for use of the drug Hematogen prohibit its use in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. In addition, it is not used for impaired carbohydrate metabolism, since the composition contains a certain amount of sugar. It is contraindicated for anemia that is not associated with iron deficiency.

What are the uses and dosage of Hematogen?

The medicine is taken enterally, that is, orally, the tiles are chewed and swallowed, it is not recommended to drink them. For preventive purposes, adults and children over two years of age are usually recommended to consume one or two tablets three times a day. A similar course is carried out over 30 or 60 days.

During the period of convalescence, after the patient has suffered from iron deficiency anemia, it is recommended to prescribe the medicine two tablets per day, and the period of administration is designed for two months.

A doctor can prescribe this remedy, depending on the indications for use. Repeated courses of treatment should also be agreed with the doctor. It is better to refrain from unauthorized use.

What are the side effects of Hematogen?

Overdose of Hematogen

No cases of overdose have been reported.

special instructions

Patients suffering from endocrine pathologies such as diabetes should first consult a doctor. It is worth remembering that Hematogen contains a large amount of carbohydrates, which can negatively affect the health of patients with this disease.

What are Hematogen's analogues?

Hematogen L, Hematogen with pine nuts, Hematogen new, Hematogen S Vita, Hematogen with hazelnuts, the listed drugs are analogues.


Before you start using Hematogen, it would be useful to consult a specialist.

Be healthy!

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