Home Removal Hypertrophy of the anterior lip of the cervix. Cervical hypertrophy and chronic cervicitis

Hypertrophy of the anterior lip of the cervix. Cervical hypertrophy and chronic cervicitis

Quite often, many women, at their next gynecological examination, are faced with such an unpleasant diagnosis as cervical hypertrophy. This pathology is nothing more than an increase in the size of the cervical area, which is caused by the development of changes in muscle tissue or an increase in cells in the tissues.

Without going into medical terminology, hypertrophy in the uterine area is an abnormal enlargement of an organ, which can be accompanied by tangible symptoms and, if not treated in a timely manner, lead to its loss or prolapse.

Causes of pathology

There are many predisposing factors and reasons that can cause such an unpleasant disease in a woman as hypertrophy in the uterine area. The most important thing here is to promptly identify exactly what causes could serve as an impetus for the development of the pathology, which will make it possible in the future to prescribe competent and effective treatment.

The following factors can provoke the disease:

It is important to say that most often the reasons that lead to the appearance of pathology can occur together with several factors at the same time. That is, cervical hypertrophy can be, for example, a consequence of a severe inflammatory disease and hormonal imbalance.

Clinical picture

Often, hypertrophy that occurs inside the uterus can be completely asymptomatic in the initial stages. A woman learns about the presence of pathology only at an appointment with a gynecologist during a routine examination.

It turns out that until a certain point in life, a woman may have absolutely no idea that she has a pathology.

Moreover, the first signs of the disease are most often confused with premenstrual syndrome. However, characteristic signs of uterine enlargement may include symptoms such as:

The manifestation of symptoms largely depends on the exact stage of the disease. Therefore, at the initial stages of the development of pathology, a woman may not experience any sensations at all indicating the presence of an illness.

Stages of the pathology

Depending on the stage of cervical hypertrophy, appropriate treatment is prescribed. In practice, there are only three main stages of the pathology:

The disease can be detected directly during an examination by a gynecologist, since the advanced stage of hypertrophy is clearly visible visually. When prescribing treatment, it is necessary to take into account exactly what stage of development the pathology is at.

Classification of pathology

Hypertrophy is divided into four main types, which differ depending on the cause that provoked it:

After determining the type of hypertrophy in the uterine area, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Diagnostic methods

It is extremely difficult to independently understand that a woman has developed an illness. As a rule, cervical hypertrophy is detected only in the last stages, when a pronounced etiology is present.

To determine if there are health problems, you need to regularly visit a gynecologist. It is a qualified doctor who, at the first examination, will be able to make a competent diagnosis.

Main diagnostic methods:

Once all the studies are completed, the doctor will be able to accurately determine the stage of the pathology and prescribe the correct treatment to the patient.

How is the pathology treated?

Until recently, the treatment of a disease such as cervical hypertrophy involved only surgical techniques to get rid of the pathology. Now the approach to solving the problem has changed significantly, and therefore, you can get rid of the disease in completely conservative ways.

As for the choice of treatment tactics for the patient, much depends on the stage of the disease and the general condition of the patient.

Let's consider the following treatment methods that domestic medicine can offer:

The sooner a woman contacts a doctor with the problem of hypertrophy of the uterine cavity, the sooner treatment will be prescribed, and the less likely it is that irreversible consequences will occur.

If the patient does not receive appropriate treatment on time, this can cause her many negative consequences and complications:

Thus, in order to avoid the dangers that hypertrophy in the uterine area brings, a woman should always monitor her health and undergo a gynecological examination on time.

Gynecological diseases can hardly be considered rare. And not the least of them is cervical hypertrophy. This is a rather unpleasant and dangerous pathology, which is accompanied by an increase in the size of the cervix. Such a disease can lead to a lot of complications, and a woman’s quality of life deteriorates significantly due to constant discomfort and pain.

It is quite natural that many women are interested in additional information about this disease. Why does hypertrophy develop, what symptoms are accompanied by an enlarged cervix? What treatment methods does modern medicine offer? What are the prognosis for patients and are there ways to prevent the development of pathology? The answers to these questions will be useful to every woman.

Cervical hypertrophy: what is it? Photo and brief description

Cervical hypertrophy is a pathological condition that is accompanied by an increase in the size of this part of the woman’s reproductive system. It is worth understanding that there are two main types of pathological enlargement. Hyperplasia is a condition that is accompanied by an increase in the number of cells. At the same time, with hypertrophy, cell sizes increase, but their quantitative ratio remains normal.

The increase in the size of the cervix can vary - sometimes the tissue increases to such an extent that it prolapses beyond the outer labia. The pathology may be, to one degree or another, associated with elongation of the vagina or prolapse of the pelvic organs. However, sometimes cervical hypertrophy is not accompanied by concomitant pathologies.

What are the reasons for the development of pathology?

Naturally, many people are primarily interested in the question of why cervical hypertrophy develops. The reasons may be different, and therefore it is worth considering the list of main risk factors:

  • Injuries and damage to the epithelium of the endocervix (canal inside the cervix). Hypertrophy can be the result of abortion, difficult childbirth. Normally, when the mucous membrane is injured, they begin to actively divide, ensuring complete tissue regeneration. However, repeated damage can lead to thickening.
  • Not least among the risk factors is hormonal imbalance. The fact is that the condition and functioning of the tissues of the cervix directly depend on the level of progesterone and estrogen. Changes in the level of these hormones can lead to increased activity of the cervical epithelium, which often results in hypertrophy.
  • Infectious diseases can also cause the development of this pathology, especially when it comes to a chronic inflammatory process.
  • Some types of pathology, in particular muscular hypertrophy of the cervix, develop against the background of changes in the muscle layer, for example, with elongation or prolapse of the pelvic organs. Quite often, hypertrophy is diagnosed in elderly patients, as well as in women who have given birth frequently, since their pelvic muscles weaken, as a result of which the genital organs are displaced towards the vagina. Heavy physical activity can lead to the same result.
  • Sometimes hypertrophy develops against the background of uterine fibroids, especially if they are located close to the cervix.
  • There is also a genetic factor, since patients often have women in their family who suffered from the same pathology.

Main symptoms of hypertrophy

Today, many patients are interested in the question of what constitutes cervical hypertrophy. The causes, treatment and methods of preventing the disease also need to be known. An equally important issue is the symptoms that accompany the pathology. It’s worth saying right away that in the initial stages, hypertrophy rarely causes any serious complications or discomfort, and therefore is diagnosed by chance.

Also, the symptoms of the disease directly depend on the causes of hypertrophy. For example, with the glandular form of the disease, women often complain of the appearance of copious mucous discharge. Symptoms can also include menstrual irregularities, the appearance of spotting and even uterine bleeding, although such disorders in most cases are associated with hormonal imbalances.

Hypertrophy caused by the inflammatory process is accompanied by symptoms characteristic of infection, in particular itching, pain in the lower abdomen, and uncharacteristic discharge with an unpleasant odor.

In the event that the disease is caused by prolapse, they complain of nagging pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort, and some soreness, which may intensify during sexual intercourse.

Follicular hypertrophy and its features

Follicular hypertrophy of the cervix, like some other forms of this pathology, is associated with blockage and an increase in the size of secretory cells of the mucous epithelium. Violation of the outflow leads to stagnation of the secretion, and the formed follicles go deep into the tissues. Due to this, the size of the cervix increases and the contours become more rigid. Sometimes the formed follicles become inflamed, which leads to the accumulation of purulent masses inside. This complication can be very dangerous.

Muscular form of hypertrophy

Cervix is ​​usually associated with a change in size or prolapse of the pelvic organs. That is why it is most often diagnosed in women who have given birth, as well as in older women, because in these cases muscle weakness often develops.

Depending on the displacement, it is customary to distinguish three main stages of pathology development:

  • In the first stage, the cervix drops slightly into the vaginal cavity. During a visual examination, the pathology is not visible, but it can be easily detected during a vaginal examination.
  • As the disease develops, the cervix is ​​lower, almost reaching the genital slit, but does not go beyond its boundaries.
  • The third stage of the development of the disease is accompanied by a strong prolapse of the cervix, which already extends beyond the edges of the genital slit, outward.

Often, the uterus itself descends along with the cervix. By the way, prolapse is spoken of when the internal genital organs are displaced into the vaginal cavity. If they come out completely, then we are talking about prolapse.

Glandular form of the disease

Glandular hypertrophy of the cervix in most cases develops against the background of chronic inflammation. The fact is that in the mucous layer lining the cervix there are many glandular structures that can expand when exposed to certain factors. This is how hypertrophy develops. Cervical cysts can also develop with this disease - in such cases, doctors talk about the glandular-cystic form of the pathology.

Cystic hypertrophy and its features

The cystic form of hypertrophy is a fairly common problem. It is associated with the formation of cysts, which are benign formations with a clearly defined membrane and liquid contents. This form of the disease develops when the mucous glands in the tissues of the cervix are blocked. Due to a violation of the outflow, the secretion begins to accumulate in the cavity of the gland - this is how Nabothian cysts are formed. In most cases they are small and multiple, but sometimes they can merge into one large structure.

As a rule, the cause of cyst formation is either chronic inflammation or hormonal disorders. If cystic hypertrophy is diagnosed early, drug treatment can be effective.

Scar form of hypertrophy

Cicatricial hypertrophy of the cervix is ​​mostly the result of injuries to the mucous membrane of the cervix. Reasons include childbirth (with rupture of perineal tissue), curettage and abortion. For one reason or another, the usual tissue regeneration does not occur. Instead, the tissue scarring process begins. Due to the formation of scars (scars), the size of the uterine cervix increases.

Modern diagnostic methods

If you experience any discomfort or any warning symptoms, you should consult a doctor. By the way, cervical hypertrophy is often discovered by chance. Suspicions of the presence of this pathology, as a rule, arise from the doctor during a routine examination using mirrors.

In the future, of course, additional examinations are carried out to make an accurate diagnosis. In most cases, an ultrasound examination is indicated, which helps determine whether the increase in cervical volume is the result of a pathological process or pregnancy.

Sometimes an additional X-ray examination is performed using a contrast agent. Colposcopy is considered a very informative method, since the doctor has the opportunity to thoroughly examine the tissue of the cervix, as well as take samples for analysis, which are then sent to the laboratory (this way, for example, you can exclude the possibility of malignant degeneration of cells).

Cervical hypertrophy: treatment

After determining the exact diagnosis, the doctor will be able to draw up a competent treatment regimen. What measures does cervical hypertrophy require? Treatment depends on the form and causes of the pathology. It can be conservative or surgical (by the way, quite often patients are prescribed combination therapy, which involves taking medications and surgery). In turn, surgical procedures can be minimally invasive.

Conservative therapy is necessary if, for example, the cause of hypertrophy is an inflammatory process. In such cases, patients are prescribed antibacterial (antiviral, antifungal) drugs, vitamin complexes, and immunomodulators to strengthen the immune system. If the pathology develops against the background of hormonal imbalance, taking hormonal medications will be effective.

Quite often, the patient needs surgical treatment, the purpose of which is to restore the normal structure and functioning of the internal genital organs. In the initial stages, minimally invasive procedures are possible. For example, thermocoagulation of nabothian cysts can be performed. Sometimes excess muscle mass is excised using an electric current or destroyed by treating with liquid nitrogen.

In more severe cases, the cervix is ​​excised using a scalpel. A fairly new but promising method is radio wave conization, in which the doctor removes excess tissue using a radio wave knife. By the way, the removed tissue is then sent for laboratory testing to determine the exact cause of the pathology and check for the presence of cancer cells.

Sometimes amputation of the cervix is ​​necessary. If a woman does not plan to give birth again, the doctor may recommend removal of the uterus and appendages.

Prognosis for patients

Cervical hypertrophy is a dangerous disease that should never be ignored. If the patient undergoes treatment on time, then the prognosis for her is positive, since in most cases it is possible to completely restore the structure and functioning of the reproductive system.

However, in the absence of qualified help, the disease becomes more severe. Advanced cases are fraught with infertility. The fact is that due to the enlargement and swelling of the cervix, sperm simply cannot penetrate the uterus and fallopian tube for fertilization. Often, against the background of hypertrophy, a change in hormonal levels is observed, which also leads to infertility and more fundamental changes in the woman’s body.

In addition, other complications are possible. In particular, cystic hypertrophy of the cervix may be accompanied by cyst rupture. Intense bleeding may occur against the background of uterine fibroids. With this pathology, there is an increased risk of myomatous node, leukoplakia and other diseases, including precancerous conditions. In addition, against the background of the disease, inflammatory processes and scar tissue changes occur, and after this it is much more difficult to normalize the functioning of the reproductive system, even taking into account the capabilities of modern medicine.

Are there methods of prevention?

Unfortunately, today there are no truly effective ways to prevent a disease such as cervical hypertrophy. The causes of the pathology are known, and therefore prevention comes down to avoiding risk factors. In particular, it is not recommended to begin sexual activity in early adolescence. You should also avoid frequent changes of partners, as this increases the likelihood of infection with various pathogenic microorganisms, including the human papillomavirus.

– a problem faced by every fifth woman. This is a pathological condition, accompanied by an increase in its size, and in advanced cases, uterine prolapse.

The condition of the uterus is diagnosed using the following key parameters:

  • The shape must be cylindrical
  • The contours are smooth, not loose
  • healthy organs vary from 29x26x29 to 37x30x34. At the same time, the ratio of the length of the uterine body to the length of its cervix is ​​3:1
  • Uniformity of muscle structure
  • Normally there should be no pathological formations

The cervix can change its structure and position depending on the phase of the cycle. During ovulation, it rises, becomes elastic and slightly open, and in the second phase of the cycle it becomes firm and lowered. An experienced doctor, upon external examination, can determine the day of the cycle and the approximate date of the onset of the next menstruation based on her condition.

Symptoms of organ enlargement

Symptoms may not appear for a long time. Many women do not suspect they have a problem until the disease progresses to a more complex stage. Most often, cervical enlargement is discovered accidentally during routine medical examinations. Many symptoms are mistaken for premenstrual syndrome and are not taken seriously.

The following symptoms may indicate an enlarged uterus:

The symptoms are almost identical to the condition of a woman before the onset of menstruation. Many people notice identical ones every month, but you always need to make sure they are harmless. You can make sure that this is a normal state of the body and not alarming signals by consulting a doctor.

Stages of cervical enlargement

The symptoms of the disease are determined by its stage. The criterion for their differentiation is the position of the external os of the cervix - the opening of the organ that connects the vagina and the uterus itself. There are three stages:

  1. The distance between the pharynx and the labia is several centimeters. At this stage, no characteristic sensations or symptoms may occur. can be diagnosed during an examination by a gynecologist. Patients at this stage are prohibited from lifting weights exceeding 5 kg.
  2. The pharynx is at the same level as the labia. At this stage, there may be causeless aching pain in the lower abdomen, a subjective feeling of “organ prolapse” and discomfort during sex.
  3. The pharynx protrudes above the labia. Surgical intervention is required, the stage threatens serious complications, causing constant discomfort and unpleasant sensations.

What causes an ovarian cyst in menopause: symptoms, complications, conservative and alternative treatment

The degree of uterine prolapse is determined during an external examination by a specialist. The stage of the pathology is taken into account when prescribing treatment.


Most often, an enlarged cervix is ​​a pathology that occurs against the background of other diseases of the reproductive system. Among them:

  • Myoma is a benign neoplasm that occurs as a result of hormonal disorders, abortions and various chronic diseases.
  • An ovarian cyst is a spherical formation filled with water. Cysts occur as a result of hormonal changes or mechanical injuries to the abdomen.
  • Prolapse of the pelvic organs.
  • Uterine adenomyosis is accompanied by a gradual proliferation of muscle tissue. The exact causes of the disease have not been established; in most cases it develops after artificial termination of pregnancy or tubal ligation.
  • Inflammation of the cervical canal.
  • Oncological neoplasms in the uterine cavity.

If the presence of these diseases is excluded, then the following factors may also be the causes:

  • Genetic predisposition
  • Approaching menopause
  • Birth injuries
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Lack of regular sex life and permanent partner in women over 30 years of age
  • Constant lifting of weights, hard physical labor
  • Hormonal imbalance. The condition of the uterus and cervix depends on the ratio of the hormones progesterone and estrogen. Violation of their production negatively affects the condition of the organ
  • Obesity, which results in increased intra-abdominal pressure
  • Injuries after abortions, diagnostic curettages

The pathology is often caused by several factors. For example, the development of a disease and genetic predisposition.

Types of cervical hypertrophy

Depending on what caused the pathology, 4 forms of hypertrophy may develop:

  1. Glandular-muscular disease occurs in women who have given birth and is characterized by swelling of the mucous membranes of the vagina, compaction of the tissues of the organ. May be accompanied by white discharge mixed with pus.
  2. Cystic occurs as a result of the formation of cysts near the uterus and cervix. It is most difficult to diagnose it at the first stage, since there are no symptomatic manifestations.
  3. Follicular occurs against the background of inflammation of the cervical canal or erosion.
  4. Scar hypertrophy. The causes are postpartum trauma, damage to the mucous membrane after abortion and curettage, and perineal ruptures.

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Diagnosis of the disease

You can diagnose the disease yourself only at the last stage, when an enlarged cervix causes discomfort. To determine the pathology in a timely manner, you should periodically visit a gynecologist for a routine examination.

Cervical hypertrophy is diagnosed after a visual examination using palpation and speculum. Additionally, an intravaginal ultrasound examination may be prescribed to determine the structure of the organ tissue, its position and size. In addition, colposcopy and cytological examination of organ tissue are performed.

Basic treatment methods

The specifics of treatment depend on its type and the degree of cervical enlargement. First, the general condition of the organ is diagnosed, the presence of concomitant diseases and the reasons as a result of which the pathology develops.

The following types of treatment are used:

  • Conservative is used in the initial stages and consists of performing therapeutic exercises. It is permissible if the cause of the pathology is uterine fibroids or inflammatory processes. Additionally, anti-inflammatory or antibacterial drugs may be prescribed.
  • Minimally invasive treatment uses liquid nitrogen or electric shock to excise the overgrown tissue. Used in the initial stages.
  • Surgery is necessary to treat severe forms of pathology. Depending on the degree of tissue proliferation, removal of part of the cervix, its complete amputation, or plastic surgery may be prescribed.
  • A promising treatment method is radio wave conization. This is an expensive operation that is performed with a surgical laser. During the removal of pathological tissue, simultaneous cauterization of the muscle membrane occurs, which minimizes blood loss and reduces the risk of further tissue growth. This method is used not only for medicinal purposes, but also for diagnostics.

Possible complications

Delaying treatment and consultation with a specialist can lead to many complications. As a result of an enlarged cervix, the process of fertilization of the egg is complicated, and infertility develops. In the final stages of the disease, there may be a risk of developing malignant neoplasms.

If in the first stages the problem does not manifest itself symptomatically and does not cause inconvenience, then with its further development, discomfort, pain, bleeding, and discomfort while sitting and walking may occur.

Female infertility

  • Frequent and heavy bleeding if the increase occurs against the background of uterine fibroids
  • Leukoplakia
  • Exacerbation of inflammatory processes in muscle tissue, during which scar defects may develop
  • Formed cysts can rupture on their own, which causes the development of various degenerative processes

All these processes lead to serious hormonal imbalances and require an integrated approach to treatment. It is better to diagnose uterine enlargement at the first stage to avoid possible complications.

Preventive measures

  • Visit a gynecologist once every six months. Be sure to tell your doctor about all suspicious symptoms and sensations. An enlarged uterus has no specific symptoms and it is important to notice any deviation from the norm in order to promptly prescribe the necessary tests for diagnosis.
  • Early sexual intercourse increases the risk of developing cervical hypertrophy. It is necessary to educate girls about sexual culture during adolescence.
  • Take a vaginal smear for laboratory testing several times a year.
  • Monitor, avoid overeating, so as not to provoke the risk of developing obesity. Overweight women are more likely to develop uterine pathologies.
  • Avoid rough sexual contacts that can injure the cervix.
  • Study your family history and, if there have been cases of such diseases in your family, examinations and laboratory tests should be carried out more often, and heavy physical activity should be avoided.

Women should be able to listen to their body and notice deviations from the norm. Doctors recommend keeping a calendar for monitoring the menstrual cycle, recording all the symptoms, the nature of the discharge and sensations. This information greatly facilitates the diagnosis of various diseases and helps doctors choose the most effective treatment. To keep such diaries, you can use special applications for computers and phones.

Constant observation by a gynecologist and careful attention to your health will help avoid the occurrence of cervical enlargement.

Jul 27, 2016 Violetta Doctor

Hypertrophy is an increase in the size of the cervix. The condition is not an independent disease. The cause of the deviation can be either a completely healthy pregnancy or a complex gynecological pathology.

Therefore, if the doctor reveals hypertrophy immediately after childbirth, you should not worry. The normal length of the lower uterine segment is approximately 3.5-4 cm. A sharp increase in the size of the cervix in non-pregnant women indicates the presence of a serious disease.

Reasons for the development of hypertrophy

A hypertrophied cervix is ​​most often detected in women suffering from chronic cervicitis. Pathogenic infections affecting the mucous membranes of the cervical canal provoke hypertrophy of the vaginal part of the cervix.

Chronic inflammation of the connective tissue located in the pelvic area is also dangerous. Prolonged neglect of pathological processes leads to fibrosis of the myometrium, which ultimately provokes hypertrophy.

Other pathologies that cause negative anatomical changes:

The presence of a large number of nabothian cysts.

The accumulation of fluid in the cysts leads to general swelling of the cervix in the area of ​​the pharynx. If the glandular mucus is not drained for a long time, then you can expect the lower part of the uterus to increase several times.

Injury during childbirth and surgical procedures.

Damage to the mucous membrane of the uterine cervix is ​​fraught with the appearance of adhesions, cracks, and scars. If left untreated, the adhesive process affects a large area of ​​healthy tissue, which will ultimately lead to hypertrophy.

Exposure to pathogenic microorganisms.

Under the influence of mycoplasmas, chlamydia and other pathogenic bacteria, the cervix may increase slightly in size. If the infection is ignored for a long time, then pus will accumulate in the cervical canal, which will cause hypertrophy.


The growth of a neoplasm in the uterine cavity leads to increased stress on the cervix. Due to the forced activation of tissue trophism, the size of the cervix increases.

Endometriosis, hyperplasia.

An increase in the size of the cervix occurs due to the proliferation of the epithelium or endometrium.

Hormonal imbalance.

In rare cases, the cervix increases after long-term hormonal therapy.

Stages and symptoms of hypertrophy

A woman may suspect hypertrophy when she experiences pain in the lumbar region or perineum. Abnormal vaginal discharge should also be a concern. Depending on the intensity of symptoms, three conventional degrees of cervical hypertrophy are distinguished.

First stage.

At the early stage of hypertrophy, a woman does not feel any unpleasant symptoms. Only manifestations of the true cause of cervical enlargement can be alarming (with the growth of fibroids - intermenstrual bleeding, with the inflammatory process - pathological discharge, a specific smell, with endometriosis - severe periodic pain).

During a routine examination using a speculum, the gynecologist can only assume the presence of hypertrophy. To confirm the pathology, you will need an ultrasound examination, during which a specialist will determine the size of the cervix with millimeter accuracy.

Second stage.

Hypertrophic changes will be noticeable during a standard examination even without the use of an ultrasound probe. The pharynx changes its location and descends almost to the exit from the vagina.

To confirm the pathology, it is necessary to carry out. The second stage is characterized by the appearance of nodules, deformed areas in the cervical canal, which can only be seen using ultrasound.

A woman feels pain during sexual intercourse or when inserting a tampon. The volume of leucorrhoea increases significantly, and blood appears in the discharge. Due to the proximity of the pharynx to the external genitalia, the frequency of exacerbations of inflammation increases.

Third stage.

The pharynx protrudes beyond the exit from the vagina. Sexual intercourse becomes physically impossible. The cervix takes on a bright red tint, and erosions appear on its vaginal part. The woman suffers from severe pain in the pelvic area and heavy bleeding.

The volume of the abdomen increases, and in some patients a bulge of the muscle layer appears between the navel and pubis. Upon external examination, obvious changes in the structure of the epithelium are visible. If the pathology is ignored for a long time, the ability to move normally is impaired.

Treatment methods

At an early stage, it is not the hypertrophy itself that is treated, but the diseases that provoke it. If an excess of estrogen is detected, synthetic progesterone in tablet form is prescribed. Intrauterine hormonal rings and spirals are removed without fail.

Important! During the treatment of any disease complicated by cervical hypertrophy, it is necessary to avoid sexual intercourse and stop using tampons. Vaginal suppositories should be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor.

Physiotherapy will help get rid of severe pain. Compresses are applied to the abdomen, and if there are no contraindications, a gentle massage is performed. The patient should engage in physical therapy. Kegel exercises and Oxysize training will help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

If not only the cervix, but also the uterus itself is enlarged, then the risk of prolapse (complete loss of the reproductive organ outward) increases several times. In this case, it is not advisable to wait for the effect of treating a disease that provokes cervical hypertrophy.

Surgery will help solve the problem. The vaginal walls are sutured with special threads that act as a frame.


This design allows you to keep the reproductive organ within the pelvic area. In very difficult cases, excision of part of the cervix or its complete removal is performed.

To avoid hypertrophy, a woman should adhere to basic rules of intimate hygiene and regularly visit a gynecologist. It is advisable to wear underwear made from natural fabrics and wash yourself after each trip to the toilet.

This will not directly affect the size of the cervix, but will avoid relapses of chronic inflammatory diseases.

It must be remembered that a hypertrophied cervix in most cases is a complication of gynecological diseases. Timely diagnosis and treatment of all identified abnormalities is the main method of preventing hypertrophy.

How do you begin treatment for hypertrophic cervical elongation and is it possible to use traditional methods after diagnosis?

Since treatment depends on the cause and stage of the disease, you should start by identifying these facts. Only a doctor can do this using ultrasound and colposcopy. The earlier cervical elongation is detected, the easier it is to eliminate it, restoring sexual and reproductive health.

Is it possible to return the normal length of the cervix without surgery?

In cases where it is possible to detect hypertrophy at the first, initial stage, surgery may not be required. At this stage, when straining, the external cervical os is located so that the genital slit is missing by several centimeters. Hypertrophy caused by inflammation of the genital organs and uterine fibroids is also subject to conservative treatment.

Without surgery, treatment will be based on a set of measures:

    First of all, a woman is prescribed daily special gymnastics to strengthen the pelvic muscles.

    The second stage is drug treatment. The patient takes medications depending on the cause of cervical prolapse and lengthening. If hypertrophy is inflammatory in nature, the doctor will select anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. Vitamins and immunostimulants complement the treatment. For fibroids, the main line of treatment is hormonal drugs. The choice of a specific direction of hormone therapy is determined by the woman’s age and desire to have children in the future.

    The last stage of conservative treatment is physical therapy and regular visits to the gynecologist to prevent relapses.

What to do if the cervix prolapses through the genital slit?

If a woman’s condition is advanced before the cervix prolapses outward, the only solution is cervical plastic surgery.

During the operation, the doctor removes the “extra” part of the organ. Excised tissue of the hypertrophied neck must be sent for histological examination to exclude the possibility of a malignant process.

When are minimally invasive treatment methods used to treat hypertrophic cervical elongation?

When the external pharynx reaches the level of the genital fissure, falling out only with strong straining, it is allowed to use modern low-traumatic techniques instead of full-fledged plastic surgery.

Several methods are used for this, one of which is radio wave conization of the cervix. During conization, the doctor removes parts of the cervical tissue, cutting out the “excess” along the contour of the cone. The advantage of the technique is the simultaneous cauterization of vessels and growth areas of pathological cells, which makes radio wave conization bloodless and eliminates the risk of re-lengthening the cervical canal.

Cryodestruction and electrocoagulation are also used according to indications. The first method is based on the removal of cervical tissue under the influence of ultra-low temperatures of liquid nitrogen. Electrocoagulation uses high frequency electric current for this purpose. The decision about the possibility of using these methods is made by the doctor based on the patient’s condition. The advantages of the methods are low trauma, quick rehabilitation and the possibility of correction under local anesthesia.

Is it necessary to treat hypertrophic elongation of the cervix if the patient does not plan to give birth in the future and is no longer sexually active due to age?

The answer is definitely necessary. Restoring the normal anatomy of the cervix will protect the patient from pain and discomfort and reduce the risk of developing malignant neoplasms due to tissue proliferation.

Correction of hypertrophic elongation of the cervix should only be performed by professionals in the field of gynecology. These are the specialists who receive treatment at the Best Clinic medical center.

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