Home Children's dentistry The name is Rodion according to the church. Love name compatibility

The name is Rodion according to the church. Love name compatibility

The etymology of the name Rodion is related to history Ancient Greece. It is believed that it was formed from Greek word"rodeos", which translates as "pink". Another version connects its origin with the Greek “rodion”, which means “inhabitant of the island of Rhodes”. Some researchers consider this name to be the Russian form of the ancient Greek Herodion - “hero”, “heroic”. For several centuries, its bearers could only be clergy and representatives of the nobility.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Scorpio
  • Patron Planet: Pluto
  • Talisman stone: aquamarine
  • Color: dark crimson
  • Plant: chrysanthemum
  • Animal: scorpion
  • Favorable day: Tuesday

Character traits

As a child, Rodion is clumsy, never in a hurry, which is why he is often mistaken for a phlegmatic person. However inner world the child is full of worries. This is a very sensitive boy, even a slight raising of his voice, neglect or humiliation towards him can provoke an attack of tears. Proud since childhood, he never forgives insults.

Such a child studies well, knows his own worth and can always stand up for himself. He most often adopts his behavior from his parents, and in general much of his character depends precisely on his upbringing and the values ​​​​instilled in childhood. Therefore, the goal of Rodion’s parents is to gently guide their child in the right direction, instilling a love of sports, art, and science.

The secret of the name hides a receptive nature. However, in adult life, he acquires the ability to concentrate on what is necessary, learns endurance and patience. The breadth of his soul cannot but amaze. He is a kind, generous, open and sympathetic person. He doesn’t like to count money, and he doesn’t know how. The thirst for adventure draws him to constant exploits, which is why the guy often finds himself in very unpleasant situations.

Rodion cannot stand loneliness; there are always many friends around him, whom he is able to support in the most difficult moments. At the same time, the bearer of this name is not inclined to sentimentality, rather, even the opposite - outwardly he is too strict, but in fact it is just a mask.

From positive qualities Rodion's character can be noted for his balance, calmness, and friendly attitude towards others. He is delicate, always responsive to those who need help.

A negative trait is insufficient self-love. While helping others, he forgets about his own needs and can often find himself in awkward situations.

Interests and hobbies

Rodion is interested in a little bit of everything. He loves the outdoors and travel. His main hobbies include sports and books. Alas, he has no creative talents, which can greatly upset his parents.

Profession and business

The craving for exact sciences haunts Rodion throughout his life. Therefore, most often he chooses the profession of a teacher (biologist, mathematician), physician or engineer. He may give preference to art, becoming an excellent director, art critic or architect, or connect his fate with military affairs and become a policeman or sailor. It’s difficult to call him a careerist, but in the professional sphere he often reaches certain heights.


Being an optimist in life, Rodion is not afraid of stress and mental disorders- his nervous system is strong. The same can be said about the health of such a man in general. Since childhood, he rarely gets sick, is always active and full of strength.

Sex and love

In love, Rodion is a very sincere and sensual man. He gives himself completely to sexual desire, so none of his partners can resist him. This is an affectionate and gentle lover, capable of bringing a girl to a state of complete bliss with his sophisticated caresses. He adheres to the tactic “everything that gives pleasure is possible in bed,” and his fantasy never lets him down. However, such a man cannot be called a seducer.

In relationships, he is honest, but at the same time he is terribly jealous. He never forgives betrayal, and experiences betrayal from his beloved for a long time and seriously.

Family and marriage

Rodion's wife becomes an outwardly attractive, intelligent, comprehensively developed and hardworking girl. She must be a good housewife, since the owner of this name greatly values ​​home comfort. He usually has a very good and strong relationship with his wife, since it is built on mutual respect and friendship. In the family, all responsibilities are divided in half; Rodion always strives to help his wife with the housework. He is a wonderful husband and caring father. He takes an active part in raising his children, of whom he has many.

Meaning of the name Rodion: The boy's name means "pink flower" or "resident of the island of Rhodes." This affects the character and fate of Rodion.

Origin of the name Rodion: Ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of name: Rodionka, Rodiosha, Rodya, Rodyusha.

What does the name Rodion mean: The name Rodion comes from the ancient Greek word "rodeos". The name translates to "pink". Another meaning of the name Rodion is “resident of the island of Rhodes.” good, rare name. He is a delicate person, a real diplomat, sometimes he behaves somewhat distantly.

Patronymic name Rodion: Rodionovich, Rodionovna; decomposition Rodionich.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name Rodion: The name Rodion celebrates his name day once a year: November 23 (10) - St. Apostle Rodion was beheaded in Rome in 67 for the faith of Christ.

Signs:“Rodion has come and will take the man to the full!” “Rodion drives the heat out”: cold and snowstorm begins.


  • Zodiac - Scorpio
  • Planet - Pluto
  • Color - dark crimson
  • Auspicious tree - jasmine
  • Treasured plant - chrysanthemum
  • Patron - Scorpio
  • Talisman stone - aquamarine

Characteristics of the name Rodion

Positive features: The man named Rodion is balanced, calm, there is nothing aggressive in him, and all this is thanks to the desire not to complicate his life. The guy with this name is so delicate that it is easy to accuse him of indifference, but he is not at all indifferent. On the contrary, if necessary, anyone can turn to him for help.

Negative features: The guy's inherent impartiality and sacrifice make him forget about himself. A man with this name knows about this and puts up with it in advance.

Characteristics of the name Rodion: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Rodion? This is a person of a broad nature, who does not like and cannot count money, who is generous and sympathetic. He is always drawn to exploits, for which instead of rewards he often receives clicks. He is restless and does not like loneliness. He is not sentimental, rather even strict, but he has a lot of spiritual warmth that does not lie on the surface - his relatives and friends know this well.

In childhood, a child with this name is leisurely, even seems phlegmatic, but internally this is a very sensitive nature. You cannot speak disparagingly to him or humiliate him. Proud and memorable Rodya, he will not forgive this. At school, he already knows his worth and can stand up for himself if necessary. Much in Rodion’s future life depends on his upbringing, what values ​​will be instilled in him. The personal example of his parents is especially important to him. Moderately, not scolding, but with the help of a logical explanation of “why,” parents should direct his interests to science, literature, art, and sports.

Adult Rodya is still susceptible to everything external. The man is internally tense and constantly ready to throw. But his qualities such as patience, perseverance, and the ability to concentrate efforts lead to a successful career.

He feels confident in life, it is quite stable for him, without bright ups and hard downs. Although outwardly calm, he is a sympathetic person, he has a lot of spiritual warmth. With age, he becomes less emotionally tense, more sensual.

Rodion and his personal life

Compatible with female names: The union of the name with Aurora, Venus, Veronica, Diana, Marianna, Rimma, Sabina, Teresa is favorable. The name Rodion is also combined with Juno. Difficult relationships are likely with Apollinaria, Valeria, Vlastilina, Irma, Naina, Flora, Junia.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Rodion promise happiness in love? Rodya is reserved in his communication. In love, he tries not to be jealous, respects the independence of the chosen one, even if he has to suffer in silence because of this. A guy with this name makes great concessions, even to the point of renouncing his own love. But all this does not mean his weakness and humility. Peace is simply the most important thing for Rodion.

He Rodion is extremely jealous, ready to tear to shreds anyone who encroaches on his beloved. Rodi has a lot of sexual desires and a rich erotic program. Rodya is attentive and caring towards his wife, which costs him a lot of self-sacrifice at the beginning of the marriage, but leads to stability and strength of the relationship later. A good love and friendship union with my wife.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: He is loved and appreciated, although he himself does nothing to impress others. With the help of friends and well-wishers, he always finds a good place, happy with him and happy with him too. Rodion is a good engineer, executive officer, and clerk.

Business and career: A man with this name is not spoiled by money, but thanks to his intelligence he can always get it for a rainy day and get what he wants.

The guy named Rodion is a strict, enterprising, impressionable person. Exact sciences are of particular importance to him; he may be a scientist, teacher, or high-ranking official. He also has a creative side; he is a good art critic, architect, and director.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Rodion: The meaning of the name Rodion from a medical point of view. In any situation, Rodya never loses his smile. Partly due to his ability to control himself, but primarily because he considers it pointless to upset nervous system. He Rodion gives great value peace and serenity.

The fate of Rodion in history

What does the name Rodion mean for a man's destiny?

  1. Rodion Oslyabya is a monk of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, who, with the blessing of St. Sergius of Radonezh, joined the army of Dmitry Donskoy in the Battle of Kulikovo and was famous for his exploits.
  2. Rodion H. Baur (1667-1717) - cavalry general, associate of Peter the Great; He began his service in the Swedish troops, but during the siege of Narva by the Russians he fled, came to Peter and was accepted into his service. During the campaign of 1701, he already commanded a dragoon regiment. In 1712 he was sent with a cavalry detachment to Pomerania, where he also participated in various matters. In 1716, Baur's cavalry was assigned to the corps assembled by Peter near Copenhagen for the landing in Shonia; and in January 1717 Baur was sent to command a division in Ukraine, where he died that same year.
  3. Malinovsky Rodion Y. (1898-1967) - marshal Soviet Union(1944), twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1945, 1958). During the Great Patriotic War, he commanded troops of a number of armies, the Southern, Southwestern, 3rd Ukrainian, 2nd Ukrainian fronts. In the summer of 1945, he commanded the Transbaikal Front during the defeat of the Japanese Kwantung Army.
  4. Rodion Shchedrin - (born 1932) Soviet and Russian composer, People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes, husband of the famous ballerina Maya Plisetskaya.
  5. Rodion Gataullin - Soviet and Russian track and field athlete, pole vaulter, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1989).
  6. Rodion Oslyabya - in monasticism Andrey, secular name - Rodion or Roman; legendary warrior monk, fellow countryman of Peresvet, monk of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, canonized.
  7. Rodion Kantakouzene - (1725 - 1774) prince who descended from the Byzantine emperors.
  8. Rodion Beletsky (Russian writer, screenwriter.
  9. Rodion Nestorovich is a Moscow boyar, the founder of a number of noble families, including the Kvashnins, Samarins and Tushins.
  10. Rodion Azarkhin - (1931 - 2007) Soviet musician, double bassist, author of many arrangements for double bass.
  11. Rodion Malinovsky - (1898 - 1967) Soviet military leader and statesman, commander of the Great Patriotic War, Marshal of the Soviet Union (1944), from 1957 to 1967 - Minister of Defense of the USSR. The Iasi-Kishinev operation and the liberation of Romania are associated with the name of Rodion Malinovsky. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, People's hero Yugoslavia.
  12. Rodion Streshnev - (d. 1687) one of the educators of Peter I, boyar (from 1676). The Streshnev family descended from a Lithuanian immigrant who left for Moscow at the end of the 15th century, and was considered ignorant. The rise of the Streshnevs began in 1626, when Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich chose Evdokia Streshneva as his new wife, who later became the mother of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.
  13. Rodion Raskolnikov is the main character in F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment.”
  14. Rodion Koshelev - (1749 - 1827) Russian statesman, diplomat, Member of the State Council (from January 1, 1810), chairman of the State Council commission, chief chamberlain (1809), active privy councilor(1808), chamberlain; famous mystic and freemason, vice-president of the Russian Bible Society.

Rodion in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of name to different languages has a similar sound. On English language translated as Rodion.

Meaning and origin of the name: The name Rodion is believed to be a Russian form Greek name Herodion, meaning "Hero", "Heroic". According to another version, the name means "Resident of Rhodes"

Energy of the name and character: In the name Rodion, firmness and balanced calm are clearly felt, which defines a person who is independent and quite self-possessed. It is unlikely that from childhood Rodion will be distinguished by excessive mobility; he is unhurried and quite reasonable, not prone to excessive sociability, although he cannot be called withdrawn. It should also be noted that Rodion has a noticeable pride, which, however, is rarely painful or even overly sensitive; it’s just that Rodion usually knows his own worth and can stand up for himself on occasion. Most often, this quality of his develops over the years into ambition, but in most cases, Rodion’s ambitious dreams coexist perfectly with purely pragmatic concerns of the material plane.

Much in Rodion’s life depends on his upbringing - his balance significantly facilitates the tasks of his parents, and the interests that will be instilled in him in childhood largely determine his future fate. Nevertheless, you can be sure that his qualities such as patience, perseverance and the ability to concentrate efforts can bring positive results and have a beneficial effect on his career. Rodion is a man of sober mind, which has little to do with creativity, but will serve excellently in professions related to technology or exact sciences. Perhaps the only thing that can prevent Rodion from achieving truly great heights is the lack of some passion. Sometimes he himself is somewhat embarrassed by his lack of a real all-consuming dream.

Most likely, Rodion will not experience dizzying ups and downs - his life will be quite stable. The same applies to relationships in the family, especially since Rodion’s balance and taciturnity usually accumulates a large supply of spiritual warmth, which will undoubtedly be appreciated by loved ones and can ensure complete family happiness.

Secrets of communication: If you want to unbalance Rodion, then you will have to work hard; Rodion tolerates even attempts to influence his pride relatively calmly. Nevertheless, if a conflict does occur, then it can be resolved simply by having a heart-to-heart talk - rest assured, Rodion is able to come to agreement and compromise.

The name's trace in history:

Rodion Shchedrin

Rodion Shchedrin is an outstanding Russian composer (born 1932), author of two symphonies, piano concertos and many other wonderful works. At the age of twenty-two, while studying in his last year at the Moscow Conservatory, he made a successful debut with the First Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, and subsequently, each new work of the composer invariably caused a sensation: his fresh, bright, emotional music, causing a storm of feelings, is not able to leave even amateur.

More than once in his work, Shchedrin turns to folk motifs - the simplicity and hypnotizing appeal of Russian folk melodies can be seen in such works as the concert "Naughty Ditties", the operas "Not Only Love", " Dead Souls", and others. Often in his music he achieves extraordinary expressiveness by combining, at first glance, elements of Russian folklore with the most innovative techniques of modern musical language - and these experiments speak of the composer’s extraordinary skill, as well as his penchant for searching for new things in art.

Winner of all conceivable and inconceivable awards, including the Lenin Prize and the State Prize, People's Artist of the USSR, for seven years Rodion Shchedrin was the permanent chairman of the board of the Union of Composers of the USSR. His music is recognized all over the world, and as for the composer’s personal life, as is often the case with creative people, for Shchedrin it is a natural continuation of his work. In any case, the composer did not try to hide the fact that he wrote the main parts of such famous concerts as “Anna Karenina”, “The Seagull” and “Carmen Suite” for his no less famous wife, ballerina Maya Plisetskaya.

Short form of the name Rodion. Rodionka, Rodiosha, Rodya, Rodyusha.
Synonyms for the name Rodion. Herodion, Radivon.
Origin of the name Rodion. The name Rodion is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Rodion has Greek origin. According to one version, the name was formed from the word “rodeos”, translated meaning “pink”. According to another version, from “Rodion”, meaning “resident of the island of Rhodes”. There is a possibility that the name Rodion is the Russian form of the ancient Greek name Herodion, which has the interpretation of “hero”, “heroic”.

Initially, only church ministers bore this name, but then it appeared in the everyday life of the nobility, and then among ordinary residents. The name is quite rare. The patron of this name is Saint Rhodes, a hermit monk who wants to atone for all the sins of people. He was canonized.

A man named Rodion is distinguished by his balance, independence and excellent endurance. He can be lively, slow, and judicious. Rodion is proud, and his pride is usually not painful. Rodion is confident in himself, has a feeling self-esteem. He is a sympathetic and generous person, he is ready to help at any time. Warm and sincere, however, it seems a little strict due to the lack of sentimentality. Easy to climb, reliable and durable.

Rodion has a sober mind and logical thinking, professions related to technology and exact sciences are suitable for him. Rodion should not try his hand at creativity. Thanks to his patience and restraint, Rodion has every chance of building a successful career. Only a lack of passion can interfere; he himself sometimes wonders why there is no cherished dream in his life. Rodion, born in winter, can try himself in sports, maritime affairs, military, and law enforcement. Rodion has a natural diplomatic talent.

Rodion's family life is usually stable. The wife of this man will always be surrounded by warmth and tenderness, which accumulate in Rodion due to his laconicism and poise. Rodion, born in the spring, marries in later years, first pursuing a career and then marriage. “Spring” Rodion often has several marriages.

Rodion, born in the summer, has visual attractiveness, he is a favorite of women. If he marries early, the marriage ends in divorce. A late marriage will be more successful for him. “Autumn” Rodion is devoted to his wife and loves his children very much. In relationships with loved ones, he shows responsiveness and tenderness, and does not strive for the position of leader. Rodion is very generous, and he can spend money both on himself and on others.

Rodion cannot stand loneliness, so he always tries to be among people. Rodion is a balanced person, so it will be extremely difficult to quarrel with him. The conflict can be resolved through an ordinary sincere conversation; Rodion will agree to compromise. Rodion is reliable and true friend who is always ready to help. This person loves communication, he prefers to live interesting life full of adventure. This is a cheerful, witty person who simply cannot live without attention, so he always has many friends.

Rodion's name day

Rodion celebrates name days on January 17, April 8, April 21, July 16, August 8, October 11, October 17, November 10, November 23.

Famous people named Rodion

  • Herodion Sergeev, Rodion Sergiev ((second half of the 17th century - ?) Novgorod icon painter)
  • Herodion (apostle of the seventy, relative of the Apostle Paul, revered as a martyr)
  • Rodion Shchedrin ((born 1932) Soviet and Russian composer, People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes, husband of the famous ballerina Maya Plisetskaya)
  • Rodion Gataullin (Soviet and Russian track and field athlete, pole vaulter, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1989))
  • Rodion Oslyabya (in monasticism Andrei, secular name - Rodion or Roman; legendary warrior monk, fellow countryman of Peresvet, monk of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, canonized)
  • Rodion (Raducan) Kantakouzene ((1725 - 1774) prince, descended from the Byzantine emperors)
  • Rodion Beletsky (Russian writer, screenwriter)
  • Rodion Nestorovich (Moscow boyar, ancestor of a number of noble families, including the Kvashnins, Samarins and Tushins)
  • Rodion Azarkhin ((1931 - 2007) Soviet musician, double bassist, author of many arrangements for double bass)
  • Rodion Malinovsky ((1898 - 1967) Soviet military leader and statesman, commander of the Great Patriotic War, Marshal of the Soviet Union (1944), from 1957 to 1967 - Minister of Defense of the USSR. The name of Rodion Malinovsky is associated with the Iasi-Kishinev operation and the liberation of Romania. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, People's Hero of Yugoslavia)
  • Rodion Streshnev ((d.1687) one of the educators of Peter I, a boyar (from 1676). The Streshnev family descended from a Lithuanian immigrant who left for Moscow at the end of the 15th century, and was considered an ignoramus. The rise of the Streshnevs began in 1626, when Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich chose Evdokia Streshneva as his new wife, who later became the mother of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.)
  • Rodion Raskolnikov (the main character in F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment”)
  • Rodion (Herodion) Koshelev ((1749 - 1827) Russian statesman, diplomat, Member of the State Council (from January 1, 1810), Chairman of the State Council Commission, Chief Chamberlain (1809), Acting Privy Councilor (1808), Chamberlain; famous mystic and freemason, vice-president of the Russian Bible Society)
  • Rodion (Ilarion) Gerngross ((1775 - 1860) Major General, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812 and Foreign Campaigns of 1813 - 1814)
  • Rodion Nahapetov (Soviet, Ukrainian, Russian, American actor, director and screenwriter, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1985))
  • Rodion Ovchinnikov ((born 1960) Soviet and Russian actor)
  • Rodion Baur (surname variants - Bauer, Bour; Russian military leader of Swedish origin, cavalry general (1717))
  • Rodion (Rod) Dyachenko (Russian football attacking midfielder and striker)
  • Rodion Bass (producer, director, Honored Cultural Worker of the Republic of Belarus, festival director, CEO Directorate of the international arts festival “Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk”, musician)

"hero's song"

Origin of the name Rodion

ancient Greek

Characteristics of the name Rodion

little Rodya is a strong and healthy boy, with a hot, sometimes hot-tempered character. As a child, he is trusting and open, not subject to melancholy. Having matured, Rodion becomes less open and lively and is no longer always balanced and self-confident. Not too noticeable in everyday life, capable of both ups and downs. This is a man of extremes: he can be responsible and calm, and tomorrow he can suddenly be nervous and flighty. Often his actions are almost impossible to predict. This man chooses a profession that involves long travels or even risks to life: maritime, fishing, police. Rodion can become noticeable in a creative environment, as he is often talented. Endowed with charm and inner strength, he arouses interest among women. As a rule, he marries either very early or late. A strong, balanced woman who is able to restrain his throwing and tolerate his unpredictability is suitable for Rodion. Rodion is devoted to his family, it is there that he finds a quiet haven. He is very gentle with loved ones, especially loves children.

Famous personalities: Rodion Oslyabya (XIV century) - hero of the Battle of Kulikovo, monk of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, Rodion Shchedrin - composer, People's Artist of the USSR, Rodion Nahapetov - film actor and director.

Derivations of the name Rodion:

Rodionka, Rodiosha, Rodya, Rodyusha.

Which zodiac signs are suitable for the name Rodion:

The name Rodion suits Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Aquarius and Pisces.

Harmony with name bearers:

Incompatibility with native names:


Saint Herodion (Rodion) was a relative of the Apostle Paul and his companion on many travels. When Christianity spread to the Balkan Peninsula, the apostles Peter and Paul installed Herodion as bishop of the city of Patara. Herodion zealously preached the word of God and converted many pagan Greeks and Jews to Christians. Together with the Apostle Peter, he went to Rome to preach the teachings of Christ. Their companion was the Apostle Olympus. Herodion and Olympus were captured by the pagans and beheaded on the same day and hour when the Apostle Peter was crucified.

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