Home Orthopedics How to look for mines in mad max. Mad Max how to defuse mines

How to look for mines in mad max. Mad Max how to defuse mines

Minefield- a small area with several explosive charges hidden underground.

Minefield cannot be seen from the vantage point. The location of the minefield is revealed only upon his direct visit - Max needs to be near it.

When searching minefields it would be wise to use Tinman Buggy and a dog Dinky-Dee , which you meet at the very beginning of the game. The dog can smell minefields from afar.

Driving around Buggy , you will be able to find minefields from a longer distance. Buggy becomes available after execution Wasteland Quests entitled Dinky-Dee.

How to find minefields

Driving through the deserts Buggy , carefully observe the behavior Dinky-Dee . Animal smelling minefield , will start barking and turn its head towards the threat.

Drive in the direction indicated by the dog. Once you get close enough to minefield , a characteristic red circle icon will appear on the map.

Remember what to discover minefield you might as well if you accidentally run over it in a regular car.

How to defuse a minefield

Dog Dinky-Dee - a key element in mine clearance.

After finding minefield , Dinky-Dee can determine the exact location of the charges placed on it. When near a minefield, the dog will continue to bark and turn its head in the direction of the mine.

In the territory minefield You should be careful - move very slowly. When you get within a few meters of a mine, bark Dinky-Dee will change and a red icon will appear above the found mine.

Please note that it is safe to disarm minefield without exploding the mines on it, it is only possible with the help of a dog.

As soon as all the placed charges are on minefield will be neutralized, the minefield icon will disappear from the map, the threat level of the Blemish in the territory will decrease and you will receive a corresponding message.

IN game Mad Max there are many different activities. They also include clearing minefields. Today I will tell you everything there is to know about it.

To begin with, I want to say that minefields are not only not the most pleasant obstacles on your way, but also serve to reduce the threat in the region. Also, the leaders of the regions ask that the fields be neutralized. In short, we won’t be able to get away from this.

How to find a minefield?

Now let's figure out how to find such fields. Everything is simple here, ride on the roads. Most often, minefields are located somewhere near "main" roads, and not along minor trails. Also, if you see on the map or somewhere ahead a relatively large and flat area next to the road, then most likely there will be mines waiting for you there. In addition, the Tin Man or the dog will point you to the minefields if you decide to ride the Tin Man's buggy.

Mad Max - minefields map

And finally, let's move on to the demining itself. The most convenient way to do this is with the help of the above-mentioned buggy, which you can get by completing the additional task of the Tinsmith.

Ways to clear a minefield in Mad Max

Actually, there are two ways: We use the buggy for its intended purpose, or we ride our masterpiece for luck. In the first case, you should drive carefully and monitor the reactions of the dog, who is sitting in a kennel at the rear of the car. He will find mines himself by barking in the right direction. As you approach the mine, the dog's barking will become more and more alarming. And when it whines, the mine will be very close to you. Then everything is simple: we get out of the car, carefully approach the mine (remember, Max has a slight inertia) and hold down the indicated key. Great, now there are three more to go.

If you are too lazy to ride from the leader’s lair in a buggy to the minefield every time, then you can just ride in your car. The device must withstand one mine. True, you will also get a little hit, so you won’t be able to calmly neutralize all the mines.

That's all, actually. Finally, I want to say that this activity is not the most fun, but it is necessary to complete the game 100% and get all the achievements. So spend some time clearing mines as the game progresses so you don’t end up with a bunch of uncleared fields.

The creators of the game version of Mad Max managed to convey well the atmosphere of constant danger emanating from the wasteland - any wrong move or decision could be the last for the main character. For example, it is enough to get into a small area with mines to immediately throw off your skates. For this reason, we decided to prepare a guide to finding and clearing all the minefields in Mad Max.

General information

A minefield is a small piece of land on which several powerful explosive charges are placed, hidden underground and reacting to any movement. You won't be able to find minefields using vantage points. The location of these dangerous zones is revealed to the main character only when he finds himself in close proximity to them.

If you set out to find all the minefields in Mad Max, then we advise you to get on the Tinman Buggy and take with you the dog Dinky Dee, who can be found almost in the first chapter of the game. The fact is that this cute dog is able to smell mines and indicate their exact location from a considerable distance.

As for Buggy, access to this vehicle it will open to you after completing one of the missions of the wasteland, called “Dinky-Dee”.

How to look for minefields in Mad Max?

Get into your iron jalopy (Buggy) and start carefully monitoring your dog's behavior. Your furry partner will bark and growl if he senses a minefield nearby. In addition, he will turn his nose towards a dangerous piece of land.

You need to immediately go in the direction where the dog is pointing, but do not press too hard on the gas, otherwise you may start writing a will, since you will need it. When you approach a minefield at a sufficient distance, it will appear on your mini-map and will be marked as a small red circle.

You can also detect a dangerous zone in a practical way - by driving into it while traveling through the wasteland. True, this method will require you to reboot a lot, since main character unlikely to be able to withstand a direct bomb collision with his face.

Defusing a minefield in Mad Max

Here again you will need to help your dog. Having found a minefield with Dinky-Dee, you should approach it and start examining it. The dog will continue to bark and point its nose at nearby explosive charges.

When in a danger zone, act as carefully as possible, otherwise you can easily fly into the air. As soon as there are only a couple of meters left to the mine, the dog will change its bark, and a red icon will appear above the explosive, allowing you to defuse the bomb.

Note: It's worth knowing that safely clearing mines in Mad Max is only possible using Dinky-Dee's abilities, meaning without it you'll most likely end up blown up again.

After neutralizing all charges in the minefield with the cards will be lost danger zone icon. In addition, the threat level of the Slam will decrease - you will be sent a message about this.

Maps showing the location of all minefields

If you are too lazy to look for minefields yourself in Mad Max, then we advise you to simply look at the maps on which all the dangerous areas are marked. True, this still will not save you from the need to clear them.

The question How to defuse mines in Mad Max is often found among gamers and is quite popular among beginners playing Mad Max for the first time. First of all, to defuse mines you will need a Tinman Buggy car and a dog named Dinky-Dee, who will show us the exact location of the charges in the minefield. After you get into the buggy, you need to select a minefield on the map and go searching. Moving to the selected point, it is necessary to observe the behavior of the dog Dinky, since when a mine approaches, the dog begins to bark, while turning towards the mine, thereby indicating the exact location.

Having approached a safe distance, you need to get out of the car and, slowly, head to the place indicated by a special icon. Having come close to the mine, you will only have to disarm it while holding down the "E" key.


  • It is possible to defuse mines without detonating more than one charge only with the help of a dog.
  • After you have cleared all existing mines, a minefield sign with general map will disappear, while the threat level in the location will be reduced and Max will receive a notification about this.

Video demonstrating the search and clearance of a mine:

We hope we helped answer the question How to defuse mines in Mad Max, good luck! And remember, the sapper makes only one mistake!

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