Home Oral cavity How to put fixed assets on the balance sheet without documents. Actual availability of property: write-off of missing property and legalization of unaccounted property Putting unaccounted property on the balance sheet

How to put fixed assets on the balance sheet without documents. Actual availability of property: write-off of missing property and legalization of unaccounted property Putting unaccounted property on the balance sheet

It happens that some of the company’s property is not capitalized on time. This can be caused by various reasons: the accountant “forgot” to register the valuables, the supplier’s documents were “lost” irretrievably, the things were purchased by the director with his own money, etc. But sooner or later such property will have to be reflected on the balance sheet. What's the best way to do this? There are several ways.

Whichever one suits you, use it. In this case, the procedure for paperwork, accounting and taxation will be different for each case. So, the property can be reflected as:

  • additional contribution of the founder-citizen;
  • “purchase” from an employee;
  • “rent” from an employee;
  • personal property of the employee for the use of which compensation is due;
  • “received free of charge” from a citizen;
  • “identified” during inventory.

Let’s make a reservation right away: no matter which of the listed options you choose, there can be no question of any offset of input VAT. There's probably no need to explain why. After all, the main condition for obtaining a VAT deduction is the presence of an invoice (Clause 1, Article 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). But you won’t have exactly these documents. Since in the first five cases the value will be given to you by a person. And people, as you know, are not VAT payers, so they do not issue invoices (Article 143 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Due to the absence of an invoice, there will be no input tax on property “identified” during the inventory. After all, the supplier from whom the company could once purchase this property and receive purchase documents (including an invoice) can no longer be found. Now let's look at each of the options in more detail.

Additional founder contribution

If your company is a limited liability company, and among the founders there are individuals, then this option is for you. The authorized capital of a company can be increased through additional contributions from its participants. Let this contribution be your unaccounted property.

Before increasing the authorized capital, you need to make changes to the constituent documents. This takes time and effort, so companies don’t do this often. But, in our opinion, it is completely in vain. After all, the size of the authorized capital indicates the “solidity” of the company and the capitalization of its assets. In addition, a company with a turnover of millions of rubles and an authorized capital of 10,000 rubles will cause confusion, for example, among a foreign investor. And some types of activities cannot be carried out if the authorized capital is below a certain minimum. In particular, it is impossible to produce alcoholic products if the company’s authorized capital is less than 10 million rubles. Thus, increasing the authorized capital is a labor-intensive task, but it is by no means useless.

So, at the general meeting of the company’s participants, you need to make a decision to increase the authorized capital through additional contributions. To determine the value of the deposit at which it needs to be reflected in accounting, evaluate your “unaccounted for” property. But it is best if an independent appraiser does this.

Please note: if the item is expensive, then the “help” of an independent appraiser is required!

As for tax accounting, the Tax Code (Article 277 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) requires you to act as follows. If the founder is a citizen, then you need the “former” owner to give you the documents for the property. These “papers” must indicate the cost of the item. Then you need to subtract the amount of depreciation from this cost. Moreover, the code does not say anything about how to determine this wear. But whatever the value of the property on paper and the amount of depreciation, it is possible to reflect the object in tax accounting at a price not exceeding the market price. And this market price must be confirmed by an independent appraiser. If the founder does not have documents for the property (which applies to our case), then the received item will have to be reflected in tax accounting “at a cost equal to zero.” This means that the company will not be able to expense depreciation charges on such property.

Now let's look at the valuation of the founders' shares. Of course, if the share of the founder - an individual in the authorized capital of the company is equal to 100 percent, then with an increase in the authorized capital this share will remain unchanged. Only its nominal value will increase.

But what if there are several participants? After all, each of them has their own share. For example, a company has three founders, whose shares in the authorized capital are 50 percent, 25 percent and 25 percent. In this case, two options are possible:

  • increase the authorized capital, leaving the ratio of shares unchanged;
  • increase the authorized capital with a change in the ratio of shares of participants.

The corresponding decision must be made at a general meeting of the company.

To obtain a certificate of registration of changes in the constituent documents, you need to submit for state registration the “papers” listed in Article 19 of the Federal Law of February 8, 1998 No. 14-FZ “On Limited Liability Companies”.

In accounting, this transaction is reflected in the following entries:

Debit 08 (04, 10, 41) Credit 75-1
- property received as the founder’s contribution to the authorized capital is reflected;

Debit 75-1 Credit 80
- reflects the increase in the authorized capital after registration of changes in the constituent documents.

In tax accounting, property received as a contribution to the authorized capital is not included in taxable income (subclause 3, clause 1, article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Note: this option is labor-intensive, time-consuming, but not too expensive. You will only have to pay for the work of the appraiser and the state fee for registering changes in the constituent documents.

How to reflect the services of an appraiser in tax accounting?

These expenses (as additional expenses for the deposit) can be included in the cost of the item contributed to the authorized capital (Article 277 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) if three conditions are met:

  • these costs were borne by the transferring party (that is, the founder);
  • they are part of the contribution to the authorized capital;
  • the transferring party (founder) is a Russian company.

In other words, firstly, the founder must pay for the work of the appraiser, therefore all documents from the appraisal company must be issued to him. Secondly, the constituent documents must state that the authorized capital increases not only by the cost of the contributed property, but also by the cost of the appraiser’s services. And thirdly, these rules apply if the founder who contributes the property is a Russian company. Our case is different (the founder is a citizen). And if values ​​are contributed by a person or a foreign company, then, according to financiers, this procedure does not apply (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 16, 2005 No. 03-03-04/1/371).

Thus, in our case, it is impossible to take into account additional expenses (appraisal services) in the cost of the received property. It will not be possible to attribute them to “tax” expenses and under any other item.

As for the state duty, subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 264 of the Tax Code allows it to be attributed to other “tax” expenses.

“Purchase” from an employee

To put unaccounted property on your balance sheet, for which there are no documents, you can “buy” it from your employee. To do this, you need to issue a purchase act. You can compose it in any form. A procurement act in form No. OP-5 (approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee dated December 25, 1998 No. 132)* is suitable as a sample. Just remember to approve its form in your accounting policy.

Please note: the act drawn up by you must contain the following mandatory details (Article 9 of the Federal Law of November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ “On Accounting”):

  • name of the document;
  • date of document preparation;
  • the name of the company on behalf of which the document was drawn up;
  • content of a business transaction;
  • measuring business transactions in physical and monetary terms;
  • the names of the positions of those responsible for carrying out this operation;
  • personal signatures of these employees.

In addition to the required details, indicate in the act information about the employee: his address and passport details, Taxpayer Identification Number, number of the insurance certificate in the Pension Fund.

The company can pay an employee for the property “purchased” from him in cash (through the cash register using an expense cash order). However, the limit on cash payments (60,000 rubles per transaction) does not apply in this case. This rule applies only to cash payments between companies.

Make the following entries in your accounting:

Debit 08 (04, 10, 41) Credit 76
- reflects the cost of property purchased from an employee;

Debit 76 Credit 50
- cash was given to the employee for property purchased from him.

This option is suitable if, for example, you were going to give one of your employees a bonus or financial assistance. The amount of the premium is the cost of the “purchase”.

You do not need to withhold and pay personal income tax to the budget from such a payment, because in this case you are not a tax agent (clause 2 of Article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The person who “sold” you “his property” will pay this tax himself (Clause 1, Article 228 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

By April 30 next year, your employee must submit a personal income tax return to his tax office. Together with the declaration, the employee submits an application for a property tax deduction (Article 220 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). This deduction is provided to a person not by the tax agent (employer), but by the tax office.

In addition, before April 1 of the next year, the accountant will have to submit information about this employee to the tax office in Form 2-NDFL.

Please note: it is often unsafe for the latter to “buy” property from the same employee. Tax authorities may decide that he is conducting business without registering as an individual entrepreneur. And for this there is a fine - 10 percent of the income received, but not less than 20,000 rubles (Article 117 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The money you pay to an employee for property purchased from him is not subject to the single social tax. After all, these will be payments within the framework of a civil contract, the subject of which is the transfer of ownership of things. And such payments of the Unified Social Tax are not subject to taxation (clause 1 of Article 236 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). As for contributions to compulsory pension insurance, they are calculated on the same payments as the Unified Social Tax (Clause 2, Article 10 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ). And since there is no base for calculating the unified social tax, it means there is no base for “pension” contributions.

If the item you are “buying” is a primary item, pay attention to the following important points.

As a general rule, having purchased a “used” object, a company can reduce its useful life by the number of years (months) of operation by the former owner (Clause 12, Article 259 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). And, accordingly, calculate “tax” depreciation on a used item based on the reduced service life. However, for our case this order is not suitable.

The fact is that your employee does not have documents not only for the acquisition of this property, but also papers confirming the period of its useful use and operation. Therefore, the rate and amount of depreciation will have to be determined based on the entire service life of the object. On the value of fixed assets determined according to accounting rules, you will need to pay property tax (Clause 1, Article 374 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

"Rent" from an employee

You can enter into a lease agreement with an employee for “unaccounted for” property. But by and large, you can only rent fixed assets, intangible assets and inexpensive items (costing less than 20,000 rubles) with a long service life.

Agree that goods, raw materials and materials cannot be “rented”. It is impossible to even imagine how to use this property as a rental property. Apparently, only as exhibits in a store window.

If we are talking about fixed assets, then the advantage of the “rental” option over the first two is that you do not have to pay property tax on the rented items.

There is no need to accrue payments under the lease agreement and unified social tax. After all, a lease agreement refers to civil contracts related to the transfer of property for use. And payments under such agreements are not subject to social tax (Clause 1, Article 236 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Since you don’t need to accrue unified social tax on rent, you don’t need to pay pension contributions either. After all, they are accrued for the same payments for which the Unified Social Tax is accrued (clause 2 of Article 10 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ).

The full amount of the rent will reduce taxable profit (subclause 10, clause 1, article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). But at the same time it will increase the employee’s total income. Therefore, from the amounts paid, the company will have to withhold and transfer personal income tax to the budget (clause 2 of Article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) at a rate of 13 percent.

Make the following entries in your accounting:

Debit 26 (25, 44) Credit 73
- rent has been accrued for the use of the employee’s property;

Debit 73 Credit 68 subaccount “Calculations for personal income tax”
- personal income tax (13 percent) is withheld from rental payments to an employee;

Debit 73 Credit 50
- rent was paid to the employee.

Compensation for the use of personal property

You can assign an employee monthly compensation for his use of personal property for business purposes (Article 188 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The need to use this particular thing in work can be confirmed by any documents: an employment contract, job description, orders, local regulations.

True, as in the previous case, personal property in the form of goods, raw materials and materials is not suitable for use for business purposes. The reason is the same: they cannot be objects of long-term use.

Agree on the amount of compensation with the employee and fix it in the agreement on the use of the employee’s personal property in the interests of the company. It is better to formalize this agreement as an annex to the employment contract.

Compensation payments for the use of personal property are not subject to personal income tax (clause 3 of Article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), the unified social tax (subclause 2 of clause 1 of Article 238 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) and, accordingly, “pension” contributions. This was also emphasized by financiers (letter of the Russian Ministry of Finance dated March 2, 2006 No. 03-05-01-04/43).

In our opinion, compensation can be taken into account as part of the company’s “other tax” expenses (subparagraph 49, paragraph 1, article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). After all, the list of other expenses given in Article 264 of the Tax Code is open, which means that any reasonable expenses can be included here. The main thing is that, in accordance with Article 252 of the Tax Code, these expenses are:

  • economically justified;
  • documented;
  • aimed at generating income.

Note that in this case we are talking about any property other than the employee’s personal car. After all, compensation for its use reduces taxable profit only within the limits of the norms (subclause 11 clause 1 of Article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), which were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 8, 2002 No. 92.

So, economic justification. As mentioned above, the amount of compensation is agreed upon by the head of the company with the employee, whose personal property will be used in the interests of the company. The Tax Code does not limit the amount of such compensation. But financiers believe: for the amount of compensation to be “economically justified”, it must be equal to the amount of depreciation on this property (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 31, 2004 No. 03-03-01-04/1/194). But how can you find out the amount of depreciation if this item is not and will never be on the company’s balance sheet? According to the Ministry of Finance, for this you need to refer to the Classification of fixed assets included in depreciation groups. That is, the company should act like this:

  • determine which depreciation group the employee’s property belongs to, find out its service life and calculate the monthly depreciation rate (as a percentage);
  • determine the value of this property. True, financiers do not explain how to do this. You should probably take the market price;
  • Calculate the monthly depreciation amount by multiplying the cost of the property by the depreciation rate. The result obtained is the amount of monthly compensation.

If the employee’s property is not indicated in depreciation groups, then its useful life is determined in accordance with the technical conditions or recommendations of the manufacturing organizations.

If this data is not available (as in our case), then the company can itself determine the period of actual use of the item.

There is logic in these arguments. After all, compensation is intended to compensate the employee for the wear and tear of his property. Therefore, payments to an employee must be commensurate with the amount of “possible” depreciation of his belongings.

As for documentary evidence, as we have already said, the fact of use of personal property and the amount of compensation for this must be reflected in the employment contract and annex to it. “Papers” confirming your employee’s ownership of the property may also be needed. For example, they may be required by tax authorities. Naturally, your employee does not have such documents. But inspectors will also not be able to prove that your employee is not the owner of the property. In this case, the absence of “ownership” documents, in our opinion, will not be an obstacle to including the entire amount of compensation in “tax” expenses.

Options with rent or compensation are suitable if you are going to increase the employee’s salary. Then the amount of the increase is the amount of rent or compensation.

"Received" for free

You can “receive” property from a citizen for free by concluding a gift agreement with him. Such property must be valued at market value. It is better if you invite an independent appraiser to do this.

Make the following entry in your accounting:

Debit 08 (04, 10, 41) Credit 98-2
- property was received free of charge.

In tax accounting, property received free of charge is classified as non-operating income (Clause 8, Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). From its market price you will have to charge and pay income tax to the budget. This must be done based on the results of the period in which the property was received.

But, if an item is donated by a citizen founder who has a share of more than 50 percent in the authorized capital of your company, then its value is not subject to income tax. True, in order to take advantage of this benefit, it will not be possible to transfer the “gift” to third parties during the year (sub-clause 11, clause 1, article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

In addition, you will pay property tax on the “donated” item if, according to accounting rules, it is included in fixed assets (Clause 1, Article 374 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

“Revealed” during inventory

Formally, property identified as a result of an inventory is not received free of charge. After all, gratuitous transfer requires the presence of two parties: the transmitter and the recipient. And when surplus property is identified as a result of inventory, there is no transferring party. However, there are some similarities in the accounting of both properties.

In accounting, values ​​identified during an inventory are recorded at market value on the date of the inventory. Surplus property identified during inventory is reflected by posting:

Debit 08 (04, 10, 41) Credit 91-1
- property identified during the inventory was capitalized (at market prices).

In tax accounting, the value of such property is included in non-operating income (Clause 20, Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The amount of income is determined in the same way as in accounting, based on the market value of the identified surplus (subclauses 5, 6 of Article 274 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Profit tax will need to be calculated and paid to the budget on the market price.

Please note: The Code does not define a list of official sources of information on market prices. When determining the market price you can use:

  • data from Rosstat, trade inspections;
  • publications in the media (for example, the magazine “Products and Prices”);
  • data on prices for similar property received in writing from manufacturers.

In addition, you can involve experts and specialists, including independent appraisers.

Let us remind you that in order to conduct an inventory, the manager must issue an order (form INV-22). This order is registered in a special journal (Form INV-23).

The results of the inventory are drawn up in documents according to the forms approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated August 18, 1998 No. 88.

Please note: if you “identify” a fixed asset during inventory, then, as in the previous case, you will have to include its value in the taxable base for property tax (Clause 1, Article 374 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

In addition, if you later decide to transfer into production the excess materials identified during the inventory, you will be able to write off only 24 percent of their market value as “tax” costs (clause 2 of Article 254 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). By the way, the same write-off procedure is used for materials obtained as a result of dismantling a fixed asset.


During the inventory, the company identified and capitalized excess materials in the amount of 50,000 rubles. After two months, part of the surplus in the amount of 30,000 rubles. transferred to production. Having written off materials for production, the company will include the amount of 7,200 rubles in “tax” expenses. (RUB 30,000 x 24%).

In accounting, unlike tax accounting, materials identified during inventory, as well as those obtained during the dismantling of fixed assets, are written off in full. As a result, discrepancies will arise between accounting and tax accounting data. Therefore, you will have to apply PBU 18/02 “Accounting for income tax calculations.”

let's turn to the law

Federal Law of February 8, 1998 No. 14-FZ “On Limited Liability Companies”:

“If the nominal value (increase in nominal value) of the share of a company participant in the authorized capital of the company, paid for by a non-monetary contribution, is more than two hundred minimum wages, ..... such a contribution must be assessed by an independent appraiser. The nominal value (increase in the nominal value) of the share of a company participant, paid for by such a non-monetary contribution, cannot exceed the amount of assessment of the specified contribution, determined by an independent appraiser.”


N. Vasiltsev, expert of the berator “Income Tax from A to Z”:

“The Tax Code allows the cost of services of appraisal companies to be included in other costs of production and sales. But only if we are talking about real estate valuation (subclause 40, clause 1, article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). This does not apply to the situation discussed in this article. After all, you will agree, it is difficult to imagine that an accountant suddenly accidentally discovered a warehouse building that was not accounted for on the balance sheet. And yet no one has any documents for this building.”


A person who sells his property has the right to receive a property tax deduction for personal income tax. The deduction amount is the cost of the items sold, that is, the amount of money that the citizen received for his property. However, if the item was used for a relatively short time, then the maximum amount of property tax deduction is limited. So, if a person sells property (except real estate) that he has owned for less than three years, then the deduction cannot exceed 125,000 rubles per year. And if we are talking about the sale of a house (apartment, dacha) that was owned by a citizen for less than three years, then the deduction cannot be more than 1 million rubles per year.

this is important

Only the employee himself should use his property. It is this circumstance that distinguishes compensation from rent, in which the employee’s personal property can be used by both himself and other employees of the company.

In accordance with the law, in certain cases, an enterprise is obliged to recalculate its property: funds and their sources. During the inventory, it may be established that the specified amount of property in the enterprise’s accounting records does not correspond to its actual availability at the storage and operation sites. Let's consider how surpluses are calculated during the inventory of fixed assets, the procedure for reflecting fixed assets identified by the inventory.

Tasks of inventory of fixed assets

The frequency and sequence of inventory of fixed assets at the enterprise is enshrined in its accounting policy. It is carried out by an inventory commission specially appointed by the head of the enterprise. During this process the following goals should be achieved:

  • monitoring the correctness of the preparation of primary documentation on the movement of fixed assets;
  • establishing the presence of the organization’s property at the places of operation and storage, as well as its condition;
  • detection of unused, missing or unaccounted for objects;
  • control of the correctness of determining the value of property in accounting and their reflection in the balance sheet of the organization.

What to pay attention to

Before you start taking inventory, you need to make sure that you have:

  • all registers of analytical accounting of fixed assets;
  • technical documents;
  • documentation for leased or leased fixed assets.

During the audit, the commission examines the property and records the name, quantity, inventory number and brief technical characteristics in the inventory. Read also the article: → “”. When buildings and structures are inspected, it is imperative to check documents confirming the legality of the enterprise’s disposal of this property.

When any errors are identified in the accounting registers regarding the fixed assets being inspected, they should be reflected in the inventory list. The document also needs to record information on objects that are not registered and discovered during the recalculation of property.

Fixed assets that have completely lost their properties, if they cannot be used further, are reflected in a separate inventory. A separate document is drawn up for rented or leased property.

How to register a find during re-registration?

During the recalculation of property, surpluses may be discovered that arise for the following reasons:

  • fixed assets were previously written off, but are still in use;
  • the fixed asset is operated without documents confirming the enterprise's ownership of it and is not listed in the accounting registers.

Such “finds” should be capitalized. This procedure can be represented as follows:

Stages of capitalization of surplus Contents of the procedure
Determining the value of discovered propertyAn organization can independently determine the fair value of a discovered object that is not registered. Sources of information can be information about similar funds on the balance sheet of the enterprise, press materials, etc. To establish the value, you can use the services of a professional independent assessment. When determining the price of an object, it is necessary to take into account its condition, degree of wear and tear
DocumentationThe director of the organization issues an order to capitalize surplus property discovered during the inventory. Based on the order, it is necessary to draw up, in which, as information about the receipt of the object, it should be indicated that it was discovered during the inventory. Then fill out the fixed asset inventory card. Read also the article: → “”.
Reflection of the value of the object on the accounting accountsThe cost of objects discovered during inventory should not only be reflected in documents, but also shown in accounting

Reflection of surpluses for accounting purposes

In accounting, discovered surpluses of fixed assets are classified as other income of the enterprise. Based on information about the discovered fixed assets in the inventory records, it is necessary to draw up an accounting statement that reflects the following entries:

  • Dt 08 Kt 91/1 - for the cost of surpluses discovered during the inventory. The identified property can be used by the economic entity in the future in its activities;
  • Dt 01 Kt 08 – a fixed asset item discovered during the inventory was put into operation.


Reflection of surpluses for tax accounting purposes

In tax accounting, the opportunity to reflect property as part of fixed assets appears only if the following conditions are simultaneously met:

  • the object must be the property of the enterprise;
  • the fixed asset will be used to generate income;
  • the service life of the property must be more than 1 year;
  • the initial cost of the fixed asset should not be less than 40,000 rubles.

If an object discovered during an audit of fixed assets does not meet one of the listed conditions, then it should be taken into account as part of the inventory.

Particular attention must be paid to property valuation. The initial cost of a fixed asset is the amount of its valuation. In this case, the assessment must be documented or carried out by an independent specialist. If the valuation of the discovered property is carried out by the enterprise itself, then official sources of information on the prices of similar goods can be used as a source of data on the value.

Surpluses are recognized as non-operating income; accordingly, the value of such property is subject to taxation.

Example. During an inventory of the enterprise's property carried out on October 15, 2016, a new monitor that had not been taken into account was discovered. There are no primary documents for it. It has been established that the market value of a similar model is 60,000 rubles. The commission determined the useful life of the monitor to be 50 months.

The following entries should be made in accounting:

Dt 08 Kt 91/1 = 60000 – for the cost of property discovered during the inventory;

Dt 01 Kt 08 = 60000 – the detected object is put into operation;

Dt 20, 44 Kt 02 = 60000/50 = 1200 - monthly from November 2016 for the amount of accrued depreciation.

For tax accounting purposes, you need to create another correspondence of accounts:

Dt 99 Kt 68 = 1200 * 24% = 288 – for the amount of deferred tax liability.

Identification and capitalization of surpluses under the simplified tax system

Inventory is the most accessible method of accounting for property for which there is no information in accounting or documents confirming the enterprise’s ownership of it when a legal entity applies a simplified taxation system.

In order to reflect the resulting surplus in the accounts, fixed assets should be capitalized at market value based on the results of the inventory. An enterprise applying the simplified tax system has the right to conduct an assessment of the discovered object independently, taking into account information received from the media, the Internet, price lists of stores, and internal accounting information about similar fixed assets.

The discovered property should be classified as non-operating income of the organization. Further, its value will be taken into account when determining the amount of the simplified tax. In this case, it does not matter which option the company uses:

  • income;
  • income minus expenses.

Surpluses of a commercial enterprise are attributed to profit, and in a budgetary enterprise - to increase financing.

Answers to pressing questions about the inventory of fixed assets

Question No. 1. What is the mandatory frequency of inventory of fixed assets?

If an inventory of cash is carried out at least once a quarter, and of working capital - at least once a year before reporting, then for fixed assets the law establishes a longer interval between inventories. Non-current assets are allowed to be audited once every three years.

Question No. 2. How to correctly assess the value of property discovered during an inventory?

If you discover property that is not listed on the balance sheet, you should first check whether its value has previously been written off, or whether such objects are recorded on off-balance sheet accounts. The cost of objects that need to be reflected in accounting can be calculated by the organization independently.

If the company recently acquired similar fixed assets, then you can evaluate the find at this cost. If there is no such property on the balance sheet, then you will have to investigate the prices. To do this, you need to study price lists of stores or other similar materials. The law does not force an enterprise to resort to an independent assessment. This is a right of a legal entity, but not an obligation.

The main condition is that the assessment of a fixed asset, carried out on its own, must have a documentary justification. This is important because the cost of property found during inventory must be attributed to non-operating income for the purpose of further taxation.

If the tax base (the value of the found object) is unreasonably underestimated, this will lead to penalties.

Question No. 3. What to do if an inventory was carried out at the end of the year and during it a surplus of fixed assets was identified. The organization independently assessed them and capitalized them. Soon it was decided to conduct an independent assessment of the property, for which an expert was brought in. The value determined by the appraiser in the report is greater than the price at which the objects are listed in the accounting records. Do any accounting adjustments need to be made?

If the assessment of property discovered during the audit, carried out independently, differs from that determined by a professional appraiser, the error should be corrected. If this is not done, questions from the tax inspector will certainly arise during future audits. This is especially true for tax accounting. Since the tax base for income tax is underestimated, it is necessary to pay the difference in the main payment, penalties and submit a new updated declaration.

If such an error is made during the year before income tax is paid, then the new tax amount must be taken into account in the declaration. When studying the appraiser's report, you need to pay attention to whether the cost of the fixed asset includes VAT. In accounting, it is necessary to record the discovered fixed assets at the market price excluding VAT.

Question No. 4. At what cost should surplus fixed assets be reflected in the accounting of a budgetary institution?

Budgetary organizations, as well as enterprises engaged in commercial activities, must evaluate surpluses discovered during the recalculation of property at the market price. The cost of the object cannot be less than that at which it can actually be sold, taking into account the depreciation of the fixed asset. The assessment is carried out by a special commission appointed by the head of the enterprise.

Question No. 5. A commercial enterprise applies UTII. During an audit of fixed assets, surpluses were discovered. How will the value of discovered objects affect the amount of tax?

The cost of objects discovered during the audit of fixed assets will not affect the amount of tax in any way if the enterprise applies UTII, since when calculating the amount of this tax, only imputed income is taken into account.

Investments in non-current assets”, to which the required sub-account is opened, for example, if this is a receipt, then select the sub-account “Purchase of fixed assets”. 3 To determine the credit account, determine the source of the income. If the property was received through a contribution to the authorized capital, make an entry: D08 “Investments in non-current assets” K75 “Settlements with founders” subaccount “Settlements on contributions to the authorized (share) capital”. 4 In the event that fixed assets were received under an exchange agreement, reflect it this way: D62 “Settlements with buyers and customers” K91 “Other income and expenses” - property was received under an exchange agreement; D08 “Investments in non-current assets” K60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” - the receipt of property under an exchange agreement is capitalized.

How to put unaccounted assets on the balance sheet

During an audit carried out in an autonomous institution, an item of property was identified that was not accounted for on the balance sheet - a fence (fence), in respect of which the institution assessed the value and decided to include it as movable property. How to reflect the fence in accounting? In what order should depreciation be calculated? Having considered the issue, we came to the following conclusion: The acceptance for accounting of previously unaccounted for fencing identified during the inventory can be reflected in the debit of the analytical accounting account 0 101 X3 000 in correspondence with the credit of the analytical accounting account of account 0 401 10 180. Depreciation on what is accepted for the balance sheet Accounting for a previously unaccounted fencing (fence) is accrued in the generally established manner - based on its useful life, determined taking into account the actual service life of the received object. Rationale for the conclusion: 1.

Unaccounted for property

To do this, organize an inspection of the building, the acceptance into operation of which has not yet been carried out. 3 Present the completed construction to the acceptance committee, which must issue a conclusion that the building fully complies with the design documentation and can be put into operation. The acceptance committee is convened if the developer has permission to carry out construction work.

The working commission checks compliance with building codes and regulations, labor safety measures, standards, as well as relevant documentation. If a building for industrial purposes is put into operation, the acceptance committee must check the readiness of the facility to produce products or provide a certain type of service.
Based on the results of the inspection, the working commission draws up an act of acceptance of the building: all members of the commission must sign it.


In such circumstances, the decision of the accounting entity, enshrined in the accounting policy, according to which the surplus is accounted for type of financial support 2 “Income-generating activities”, will be quite justified. If it turns out that the identified deviations of the actual data on the availability of property from the accounting data are due to errors or abuses , then in this case, property not listed in the accounting registers can be taken into account based on the results of the proceedings under type of financial support 4 “Subsidies for the implementation of state (municipal) tasks.” Such a decision, for example, can be made if it is reliably established that “excess” property was received from the body exercising the functions and powers of the founder, but the documents for some reason were not submitted to the accounting department.

Balancing fixed assets


The current estimated value for the purpose of accepting a non-financial asset for accounting is determined on the basis of the price in effect on the date of acceptance for accounting (recording) of property for this or a similar type of property. Data on the current price must be confirmed by documents, and in cases where documentary confirmation is not possible, by expert means. The institution has made a decision to classify the fence (fence) as movable property.

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 130 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, registration of rights to movable things is not required. Accordingly, a previously unaccounted object can be accepted for balance sheet accounting without registering the right of operational management by the institution (clause.
36 Instructions No. 157n).Paragraph seventeenth paragraph.

Please note: Do not forget to invite municipality representatives to meetings by written notification or registered letter. Helpful advice Each of the owners of the residential premises of your house will have to enter into direct contracts with suppliers of utility resources (electricity, gas, water...).


The report of the enterprise's work for the selected period of time - month, quarter, year - is the balance sheet (Form 1). This is also the main document that displays the financial condition of the organization at the end of the reporting period.

Instruction 1 Write down all possible controversial issues regarding the conduct of business activities and reporting in the organization in the accounting policy. If the balance sheet is drawn up for the tax period (for the year), then take an inventory of the organization’s property and liabilities.

How to take previously unaccounted real estate onto your balance sheet

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The question is for sale, so please send the answer to me by email, DO NOT SEND IT TO THE CLIENT. If additional information is required, please contact the client for clarification. Question: The company is undergoing accreditation. There is property that is not registered.
It characterizes the financial and property position of a legal entity (all assets and liabilities) according to their condition on the date when the claims of creditors expire. 2 According to the Law on Accounting during Liquidation of a Firm, to ensure the reliability of all accounting and reporting data, the liquidation commission must conduct an inventory of the liabilities and property of the legal entity. In this case, all data is checked and documented, then their condition and evaluation are carried out. 3 In addition, to draw up an interim balance sheet, reliable data from the latest balance sheet, which was compiled on the eve of the approval of the decision to liquidate the company, is used.
We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following materials: - Encyclopedia of solutions. Reflection of inventory results in the accounting of government agencies; - Encyclopedia of solutions. Inventory of assets and liabilities in a government agency; - Encyclopedia of solutions. Reflection in the accounting of government agencies of surplus non-financial assets identified during inventory.
The answer was prepared by: Expert of the Legal Consulting Service GARANT Kireeva Anna Quality control of the answer: Reviewer of the Legal Consulting Service GARANT Advisor to the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation 2nd class Shershneva Anna July 4, 2016 The material was prepared on the basis of an individual written consultation provided as part of the Legal Consulting service.

For new fixed assets, this section does not need to be completed. The second section contains information determined by the recipient organization. It indicates the original cost; useful life; depreciation method; depreciation rate.
The third section contains brief technical characteristics of the object. 4 Create an inventory card for the received fixed asset. It is filled out on the basis of acceptance certificates and technical documentation. It must indicate: inventory number, main characteristics of the object, useful life, initial cost, depreciation method. In the future, all information related to the object will be noted on the card. 5 Before you accept a fixed asset for accounting, correctly calculate its initial cost.

We are a budget organization. During the inventory, an unaccounted fountain was discovered in one of the public gardens. Please tell me how to properly register it? Can it be classified as a structure? Do we have to pay property tax on such an object?


We report the following: 1. In this case, specialists from regulatory agencies recommend making adjustments as follows:

if you need to restore the balance in your accounting (for example, based on inventory results, instructions from inspectors), then use account 0.401.10.180 “Other income” to restore the balance.

Therefore, the unaccounted for fountain must be reflected in accounting using account 0.401.10.180 (as the amount of surplus discovered as a result of the inventory):

Debit 0.101.X3.310 Credit 0.401.10.180 – surplus structures identified during inventory were capitalized. This will not lead to distortion of the reporting period's indicators due to errors from previous years. There is no need to correct records for settlements with contractors, since all settlements for this operation were completed and closed in previous years.

Make corrections in accounting using an additional accounting entry and document it with a primary accounting document - a certificate (f. 0504833). The cost of surpluses identified during the inventory is recognized as non-operating income (Clause 20, Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, the market value of the surplus must be included in income and income tax must be calculated on it.

2. In accordance with the All-Russian Classification of Fixed Assets (OKOF), a fountain created as part of landscaping is classified as fixed assets and can be classified as other structures not included in other groups (OKOF code 12 0001090). Therefore, the fountain must be taken into account as part of fixed assets in account “Structures” (clause 53 of the Instructions to the Unified Chart of Accounts No. 157n).

3. The legislation does not establish a specific list of real estate objects, but only a general criterion for classifying property as real estate.

In particular, immovable things include everything that is firmly connected to the ground. That is, objects whose movement without disproportionate damage to their purpose is impossible (Clause 1, Article 130 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). As judicial practice shows, the sign by which an object can be classified as real estate is the purpose of the site on which it is located. Property can be recognized as real estate only if it is created as a real estate object in the manner prescribed by law and other legal acts, with the receipt of the necessary permits and compliance with urban planning norms and rules on a land plot provided specifically for the construction of a real estate object.

Therefore, it is more correct to consider the fountain as part of movable property.

4. There is no need to pay tax on movable property registered as fixed assets from January 1, 2013. But on the basis of a new norm - paragraph 25 of Article 381 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, the fountain, which is movable property, is recognized as an object of taxation, but it is subject to benefits on the basis of paragraph 25 of Article 381 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, according to which

it is exempt from taxation.

The rationale for this position is given below in the materials of the Glavbukh System


In accounting, unaccounted for items (surpluses) identified at , are reflected in account 0.401.10.180 “Other income” in correspondence with property accounting accounts.

Account for property at its current appraised value, that is, at the value that can be obtained as a result of its sale. Information about the level of current prices must be confirmed by documents or through an examination. This is stated in the Instructions to the Unified Chart of Accounts No. 157n (,).

Reflect the surplus in the month in which the inventory was completed (an act of the inventory commission was drawn up) (Methodological guidelines approved).*

The procedure for recording surpluses identified during the inventory in accounting depends on the type of institution.

In accounting for budgetary institutions:

Unaccounted for objects identified during the inventory are reflected by posting:

Debit (,,,,, Credit 0.401.10.180
– unaccounted for objects (fixed assets, intangible assets, non-produced assets, inventories, etc.) identified during the inventory have been capitalized.*

This procedure is established by paragraphs, Instructions No. 174n, Instructions to the Unified Chart of Accounts No. 157n (accounts,).


In budgetary and autonomous institutions, when calculating income tax, take into account unaccounted-for objects identified during inventory as part of non-operating income ().

Determine income based on (clause and article 274 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).*

Include the market value of property as part of income when calculating income tax in the month when the inventory is completed (an inventory commission report is drawn up). Do this regardless of which method of determining the tax base the institution uses - accrual or cash. This follows from Article 271 and Article 273 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The cost of surplus material reserves when used in production (when performing work, providing services) is taken into account as part of material costs. In this case, the cost that can be taken into account in expenses when calculating income tax is defined as the amount that was previously included in income. This is stated in paragraph 2 of Article 254 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Apply this procedure even if the institution sells excess inventories ().

Surpluses of fixed assets when used in activities aimed at generating income are recognized (). Determine their initial cost in the manner prescribed by paragraph 1 of Article 257 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. That is, take as a basis the market price of the property - exactly the one that previously generated non-operating income (). And based on this cost, depreciate the fixed asset identified as a result of the inventory (letters from the Russian Ministry of Finance

The answer to your question depends on what documents you have for unaccounted property.

You could property:

- buy

- build

- accept a gift from someone.

Production assets cannot just appear out of nowhere. Accordingly, you need to look at what documents are available. If the property was bought or built, then there must be papers confirming the expenses. Based on these papers, an accounting certificate should now be drawn up and the building accepted for accounting. It's in accounting. In tax accounting, you will not have taxable income if the expenses for the purchase or construction (creation) of property are confirmed. It’s just that, for some reason, you accepted the property for accounting later, these reasons just need to be indicated in the accounting certificate. List in it all the documents that confirm the value of the property. Based on the accounting certificate, draw up an act of acceptance and transfer of property. And take it into account in the accounting accounts.

If you do not have any documents for the property, you did not spend money on it, and now you need to put it on the balance sheet, then the situation is different. You did not bear any expenses for the property. Do you plan to use it? Then, if for some reason there are no documents, and it is impossible to obtain them (it is impossible to obtain a copy of the purchase and sale agreement, etc.), then there is nothing left to do but “discover” this property at the time of inventory of fixed assets. And in this case, non-operating income will arise in tax accounting.

You need to identify a fixed asset during inventory in the following order.

1. The head of the organization signs an order (INV-22), in which he indicates the following information (clauses 2.2, 2.3, 2.8 of the Inventory Guidelines):

- position and full name. chairman and members of the inventory commission.

— the reason for the inventory;

- the period during which the inventory must be carried out;

— types of inventory accounting objects.

2. The inventory commission determines:

- names and quantities of property (fixed assets, inventories (inventory and materials), cash on hand, documentary securities) available in the organization, including leased ones - by physical counting (clause 2.7 of the Methodological Instructions for Inventory). At the same time, the quality condition of these objects is checked (whether they can be used for their intended purpose);

- types of assets that do not have a tangible form (non-cash money, intangible assets, financial investments) - by reconciling documents confirming the organization’s rights to these assets (clauses 3.8, 3.14, 3.43 of the Inventory Guidelines);

- composition of accounts receivable and accounts payable - by reconciling with counterparties specified in the certificate of existing accounts payable and receivable drawn up by an accountant, and checking documents confirming the existence of an obligation or claim (clause 3.44 of the Inventory Guidelines).

The commission enters the received data into the corresponding inventory lists (acts), on which the financially responsible persons must sign that they were present during the inventory (clauses 2.4, 2.5, 2.9 - 2.11 of the Methodological Instructions for Inventory).

3. After this, the received data is verified with accounting data. The result is recorded in comparison statements (acts) (clause 4.1 of the Methodological Instructions for Inventory).

4. Based on the results of the inventory, a final statement (INV-26) is drawn up, which reflects all identified surpluses and shortages, and also indicates the method of reflecting them in accounting (clause 5.6 of the Inventory Guidelines).

The market value of surplus property identified as a result of the inventory is included in income as of the date on which the inventory was carried out:

- in tax accounting (both for income tax purposes and under the simplified tax system) - in the full amount (clause 20 of article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated May 18, 2017 N 03-11-06/2/30304);

- in accounting - in the amount not covered by offset in case of regrading (clause 28 of the Accounting Regulations No. 34n, paragraph “a”, clause 29 of the Methodological Guidelines for Accounting for Inventory, Clause 36 of the Guidelines for Accounting for Assets).

The market value of such property can be confirmed by one of the following documents:

- or a certificate compiled by the organization itself based on available information on prices for the same property (for example, from the media);

— or a report from an independent appraiser.

The wiring will be like this.

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