Home Gums Allergy remedies for children. Cromones for allergies

Allergy remedies for children. Cromones for allergies

Publication date: 26-11-2019

Allergies are considered to be a chronic disease. Chronic diseases are diseases for which there is currently no absolute cure in medicine.
Allergy treatment is a complex of measures. It is impossible to achieve a significant improvement in a person’s quality of life with medications alone. Simply put, there is no anti-allergy pill. A set of measures must be used against it:

    isolation from allergen

    drug therapy

    cleansing the body of allergens

    maintenance therapy

    prevention of allergic reactions

It is also recommended to take medications for allergies in combination. A large number of drugs are used to treat allergies: antihistamines, hormonal drugs, cromones, homeopathic remedies. In addition, it is necessary to take adsorbents, drugs that support certain body functions, strengthen, and sedate. The exact set of medications in each individual case is determined by the attending physician.

The use of adsorbents for some allergic diseases (urticaria, asthma, various types of allergies) is mandatory. The main function of adsorbents is to remove decay products from the body. Adsorbents are prescribed in parallel with the main treatment.

Allergy treatment

Treatment of any allergy has a strict algorithm of actions. This algorithm is common for all types of allergies that cause swelling, skin reactions, cough, rhinitis, and is not regulated by any external factors:

    Isolation of the patient from exposure to the allergen

    Urgent Care

    Drug treatment

    Preventive measures

Prevention itself involves isolating a person from the allergen. The more accurately preventive measures are followed, the less likely it is to develop an allergic reaction.

Medicines for allergies may be necessary not only during exacerbation of the disease, but during remission. At each stage, different medications will be used, which ones the doctor will determine. Due to the acquired knowledge and experience of treatment, the attending physician knows which medications, at what stage, in what quantity and in what form (tablets, solution) should be taken. He knows all possible side effects and the likelihood of their occurrence in each individual patient.

Medicines for allergies

Antihistamines are a very popular medicine for allergies. Antihistamines are prescribed against allergic reactions. Histamine, a biologically active substance that is found in mast cells of connective tissue and basophils in the blood. Under the influence of external factors, histamine is released and binds to the H1, H2 and H3 receptors.

When histamine interacts with H1 receptors, allergic symptoms such as bronchospasm, contraction of smooth muscles, dilation of blood vessels, and increased permeability occur. In the case of interaction with H2 receptors, acidity in the stomach increases and heart rhythm is disturbed (arrhythmia occurs). In other cases, histamine causes itching on the skin, watery eyes, and increased intestinal motility.

Antihistamines are the most common, best-known medicine for allergies. Often they are taken at random, without tests or a doctor’s prescription. This complex category of drugs requires special attention or at least an understanding of what type of allergy the drug acts against.

Antihistamines block the actions of histamine when connected to H1, H2 and H3 receptors. Three groups of drugs are considered:

    H1 blockers

    H2 blockers

    H3 blockers

There are first, second and third generation antihistamines. Antihistamine medications for allergies have several forms of release: solutions, tablets, ointments and sprays.

First generation antihistamines

First generation drugs

First generation antihistamines are prescribed for acute allergic reactions, most often when difficulty breathing occurs. This group of allergy medications has a high sedative effect. If possible, allergists try to avoid prescribing them. Medicines in this group are prescribed for acute allergic reactions; these drugs have a more effective effect for bronchospasm and asthma, but have a number of side effects:


    Dry mouth

    Decreased tone

    Blurred vision due to dilated pupils

First generation drugs

The most common first-generation allergy medications, such as diazolin, fenkarol, suprastin, tavegil, diphenhydramine, pipolfen and peritol, are used in modern allergy treatment methods only when there is a threat to the patient’s life, namely in acute allergic reactions.

The full list of these drugs is much wider. This group usually includes cheap drugs. Most of these drugs have a short-term effect because they do not bind to H1 receptors strongly enough, so the patient almost always must take them several times a day.

The relatively high doses required to achieve the desired effect do not allow them to create sufficient concentrations in the blood. The higher the dose of the drug, the more pronounced the side effects.

Second generation antihistamines

Second generation drugs

There is some disagreement in scientific circles regarding which drugs can be classified as second-generation antihistamines. There are three different points of view. Adherents of the first believe that this type includes drugs that do not affect the human nervous system.

According to the second point of view, this group includes drugs that do not have a sedative effect on the body, but can cause changes in the heart muscle. This is the most common opinion.

Adherents of the third point of view include only ketotifen, a drug with a membrane-stabilizing effect, as second-generation antihistamines. Adhering to the most common point of view today, the list of second-generation drugs includes:



  • cyproheptadine,



Second generation drugs

All of them do not affect brain functions, but under their influence various cardiac disorders (arrhythmias, murmurs, tachycardias) can develop. Therefore, second-generation drugs should not be taken by patients suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as by elderly people.

Unlike first-generation drugs, the effects of drugs in this group have a longer lasting effect. Therefore, the patient can take the dose of the drug prescribed by allergists once a day.

Third generation antihistamines

Third generation drugs

The third generation includes active metabolites of second generation drugs. Their connection with H1 receptors is so strong that histamine cannot break this connection and displace them. They do not affect the nervous and cardiovascular systems, smooth muscles, do not cause drowsiness and do not reduce attention.

The list of third generation drugs includes:






Fexofenadine (list of names: Telfast, Allerfex, Rapido, Dinox, Fexadine, Fexofast) is used against allergic rhinitis and urticaria. Desloratadine (list of names: erius, ezlor, elise, lordestin, desal, nalorius). The drug begins to act half an hour after administration.

Khifenadine (fenkarol) is an effective remedy against rhinitis, edema, urticaria, hay fever, neurodermatitis and eczema on the skin, itching. Among third-generation drugs, this allergy medicine is one of the most well-known. Sehifenadine (histafen) helps with itchy dermatitis, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and Quincke's edema.

Levocetirizine (Suprastinex, Elcet, Cesera, Levocetirizine Sandoz, Xysal, Glencet, Zenaro) acts for 24 hours after administration. Helps with hay fever, allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis, Quincke's edema, and urticaria.

All these drugs have contraindications. They should not be taken by pregnant and lactating women, children under 6 years of age, adults with chronic kidney and liver diseases, and the elderly. Take these medications no more than once a day.

Hormonal medications for allergies

Hormonal drugs help quickly block the release of active substances from immune cells. They have anti-shock, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. After using these remedies, the patient’s condition returns to normal almost instantly, the severity of symptoms (for example, skin rashes) is relieved, and the possibility of their reappearance is significantly reduced. Treating allergies without hormonal medications is extremely difficult.

Despite the fact that hormonal drugs have a quick and powerful effect on allergy symptoms, they have a large number of side effects. If allergies occur, it is generally not recommended to choose medications on your own. Taking hormonal medications without a doctor's prescription is life-threatening. It is necessary to select drugs in this category taking into account the physiological and anatomical characteristics of each individual patient. The use of hormonal drugs is contraindicated for children, pregnant and lactating women.

They are prescribed only if the use of other medications has been ineffective. Hormonal drugs are available in the form of tablets, ointments, sprays, solutions for inhalation and for intravenous administration. Most often, hormonal pills are used to treat allergies.

Hormonal ointments such as fenistil, gistan, skin-cap, etc. are used against allergic reactions on the skin. The choice of the appropriate remedy will depend on the form of allergy manifestation, the extent of skin lesions and the location of its localization.

The drug Kestin or Ebastine (release form: tablets and syrup) is the most popular medicine for allergies of any kind at the initial stage of development.



Cromones are considered common medicines for allergies. They have a preventive anti-inflammatory effect by acting on the receptors of the immune system. They are not immediate-acting drugs; long-term treatment is required to achieve a positive result.

Drugs in this group have virtually no side effects; they help in the treatment of both adults and children. These include:

    Nedocril Sodium;




  • Cromolyn;


Cromones belong to the category of expensive drugs. The main form of release is tablets. Cromones are available in the form of gels, drops and sprays. Gels and sprays are used as an anti-inflammatory agent for the treatment of chronic allergic skin diseases. Drops – for the treatment of the organs of vision. Taking cromones is prescribed by your attending physician. Cromones are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, pregnancy and lactation.

Homeopathic medicines for allergies

Homeopathy is the treatment of like with like. Its main principle is that large doses cause a reaction, small doses can heal. Homeopathic treatment for allergies is a long-term process aimed at eliminating the cause of the allergy. If it is possible to cure allergies, then homeopathy is the only sure way. Unlike treatment with traditional medicines, homeopathic medicines stimulate the body's natural capabilities. It is believed that any homeopathic medicine for allergies causes less harm than other types of drugs. Homeopathic medicines have no side effects and can be taken by almost all groups of the population, including pregnant and lactating women.

Homeopaths place increased demands on the individual selection of not only the dosage, but also the drug itself. It is believed that the correctly selected drug and the correctly selected dosage are appropriate to the physical condition, body constitution and characteristics of the course of the disease.

Homeopathic medicines reduce the threshold of sensitivity to allergens and block the body's allergic mood. This effect is achieved thanks to the first principle of homeopathy, according to which the body receives a small amount of a weakened allergen and develops tolerance to it. Homeopathic remedies do not cope well with allergies such as allergies to medications and other chemicals.

Homeopathic remedies are available in different forms: tablets, syrups, solutions. Prescribed to both adults and children, they act against many types of allergies and have virtually no contraindications or side effects. The use of homeopathic remedies is prescribed by a homeopathic physician.


There are several types of allergies, each of which is caused by a specific irritant. The disease manifests itself in the form of a rash on the skin, burning of the mucous membranes, excessive lacrimation, runny nose and other symptoms. Allergy pills reduce a person’s suffering, but do not prevent the recurrence of signs of the disease. Having identified the irritant, it is necessary to exclude any contact with it. There are medications for each type of allergy.

Types of antiallergy tablets

Allergy medications fall into several categories. Before taking any of them, you should definitely consult a specialist. Forms of allergies have their own distinctive characteristics, so methods of getting rid of the disease also differ in each case. Some drugs are used for general treatment, others as local therapy.

  • antihistamines of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation;
  • homeopathy;
  • hormonal medications;
  • Cromons

Antihistamines (I, II and III generations)

Histamine is a substance that causes burning and itching of the mucous membranes. Antihistamines relieve discomfort and block the irritant that causes an allergic reaction. Funds from three generations are traditionally combined into one group. This is due primarily to general pharmacological properties and similar compositions.

The main difference between drugs from different generations is the likelihood of side effects, as well as the duration of exposure to the body. Antiallergic drugs of the first generation are inferior in effectiveness to drugs of the third and second. They are characterized by the presence of many contraindications. Third generation medications are considered the most powerful means in the fight against allergies and cause virtually no side effects.

First generation:

  • Chlorphenamine;
  • Meclizine;
  • Clemastine;
  • Promethazine;
  • Suprastin;
  • Ketotifen;
  • Chloropyramine.

Second generation:

  • Azelastine;
  • Ebastine;
  • Citrine;
  • Acrivastine.

Third generation:

  • Fexofenadine;
  • Hifenadine;
  • Levocetirizine;
  • Sehifenadine.

Hormonal drugs

Hormone-based allergy medications belong to the third generation of drugs. They contain special compounds that relieve allergy symptoms in a short period of time, but doctors recommend using them only in extreme cases. The method of treatment with hormonal drugs is prescribed only if there is no effect from other medications.

Hormonal medications are available in several forms:

  • pills;
  • compositions for injections;
  • ointments;
  • sprays.

With excessive use of hormonal drugs, the development of serious diseases, for example, stomach ulcers, is observed. Immunity decreases and blood pressure increases significantly. It is not recommended to take such drugs without a doctor’s prescription, or to abruptly stop the course of treatment. Amateur action in this case not only leads to a lack of results in the fight against allergies, but also causes complications of the disease.

Hormonal drugs include:

  • Hydrocortisone ointment;
  • Dermovate;
  • Lorinden;
  • Flucinar;
  • Ultralan.


There are special methods of treating allergies that are considered the safest - this is healing with the help of homeopathic medicines. These drugs have virtually no side effects or contraindications; they are prescribed even to infants and are recommended to be taken during pregnancy. Homeopathic medicines are available in three forms: ointment, spray and drops. These medications help not only relieve the main symptoms of allergic reactions, but also eliminate their seasonal manifestations.

Benefits of homeopathy:

  • no addiction;
  • there is no need to increase the dosage;
  • can develop a kind of immunity in the body to repeated manifestations of allergies.

Homeopathic remedies:

  • Histaminum;
  • Euphrasia;
  • Dulcamara;
  • Sabadilla.


Cromones are allergy medications that are used primarily for preventive purposes. The course of treatment in this case differs in duration. The result becomes noticeable after a few weeks. The main contraindications are pregnancy and lactation. Cromones should only be taken as recommended by specialists. In some cases, this course of treatment is prescribed as an analogue of a hormonal method of getting rid of an allergic reaction.

  • Tailed inhaler;
  • Cromoghlin;
  • Cromohexal;
  • Intal.

List of the best allergy pills (photo)

For many decades, some anti-allergy medications have been in stable demand and create serious competition with their modern counterparts. Some of them are popular as the cheapest methods of combating allergic reactions, others are record holders in the speed of treatment, others have minimal side effects and are considered the safest.

Ingredients: mebhydrolin napadisylate, starch syrup, sunflower oil, sucrose, beeswax.

Application: allergic rhinitis, dermatitis, itching, urticaria, food allergies, allergic reactions to insect bites; take after meals. The dosage for adults and children is 1 tablet 3 times a day, for children under 5 years old - 1 tablet 1 time a day, for children aged 5 to 10 years - 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Contraindications: diseases of the stomach and duodenum, pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance to components.

Price: from 50 to 70 rubles.


Ingredients: chloropyramine hydrochloride, lactose monohydrate, sodium carboxymethyl starch, talc, potato starch, lactose monohydrate, gelatin, stearic acid.

Application: acute conjunctivitis, all forms of rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, urticaria, itching, allergic reactions to insect bites and pollen, food and drug allergies. The drug should be taken after meals; The dosage for adults is 1 tablet 2-3 times a day; children from 6 to 12 years old, ½ tablet 1-3 times a day; children from 3 to 6 years old (only as prescribed by a doctor) ¼ tablet 1-2 times a day.

Contraindications: bronchial asthma, pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance to the components of the drug, infancy.

Price: from 30 to 50 rubles

Ingredients: loratadine, potato starch, lactose, calcium stearate, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose.

Application: skin itching, allergic rhinitis, urticaria, bronchial asthma, allergic reactions to medications, insect bites, food. The dosage for adults and children over 12 years of age is 1 tablet 1 time per day; For patients under 12 years of age, recommendations are made by a doctor.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug.

Price: from 60 to 70 rubles.

Ingredients: desloratadine, calcium phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose, sodium benzoate, sucrose, corn starch, sucrose, lactose monohydrate.

Application: allergic rhinitis, allergy symptoms (cough, runny nose, itching, sneezing, swelling and congestion of the mucous membranes). The dosage for adults and children over 12 years of age is 1 tablet 1 time per day; For patients under the age of 12 years, it is better to take Erius syrup 1 scoop 1 time per day.

Contraindications: intolerance to certain components of the drug, with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Price: from 380 to 600 rubles.

Ingredients: cetirizine dihydrochloride, magnesium stearate, dimethicone, sorbic acid, corn starch, macrogol, talc, lactose.

Application: for urticaria, hay fever, allergic conjunctivitis, rhinitis, allergic dermatoses, bronchial asthma, Quincke's edema. The dosage for adults and children under 12 years of age is 1 tablet 1 time per day; under the age of 12 years – ½ tablet 1 time per day.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, childhood, chronic renal failure, old age, individual intolerance to individual components.

Price: from 170 to 280 rubles.

Ingredients: hifenadine hydrochloride, calcium gluconate, potato starch, sucrose.

Application: for hay fever, dermatoses, allergic rhinitis, urticaria, Quincke's edema. The drug is taken after meals; The dosage for adults is 1 tablet 3-4 times a day; children from 7 to 12 years old – ½ tablet 2-3 times a day; under the age of 7 years (strictly as prescribed by the doctor) - ½ tablet 2 times a day.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to individual components, sucrose deficiency, childhood, with caution during pregnancy.

Price: from 215 to 350 rubles.

What medications can be used during pregnancy?

When purchasing antihistamine tablets, you should carefully study all instructions in the instructions. It is not recommended to take most medications during pregnancy. The course of treatment should be prescribed only by a specialist based on an examination of the woman. Doctors recommend starting active prevention of allergic reactions even before conception.

Anti-allergy medications during pregnancy:

  • Suprastin;
  • Allertek;
  • Fexadine.

Even in the absence of chronic forms of the disease, during pregnancy you should be careful about your lifestyle and diet. Allergic reactions are caused by dust, household chemicals, cosmetics, berries and many other potential irritants. Throughout your pregnancy, you should completely stop smoking and drinking alcohol. The room should always be ventilated, and it is better to wait until the baby is born to introduce pets into the house.

What medications are best to give to children?

In childhood, allergic disease is not uncommon. Many infants suffer from an allergic reaction to washing powder, food or animal hair. In later childhood, a common problem is diathesis (sweet allergy). It is highly not recommended for children to take strong anti-allergy medications. A much more reasonable way to combat such reactions is to eliminate irritants, be attentive to the child in terms of nutrition, and create favorable living conditions.

Only a pediatrician should diagnose the disease in a child. It is believed that the most common reactions in childhood are allergies to medications, food and allergic skin rashes. Each of these manifestations must be treated according to a special program. First, the irritant is identified, then an additional examination is carried out, and only after that a specific drug is prescribed.

Children's allergy remedies:

  • Suprastin;
  • Terfenadine;
  • Gismanal;
  • Claritin;
  • Zyrtec;

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Drugs for bronchial asthma are the main method of relieving the symptoms of the disease in adults and children, allowing to maximize the time of remission. Without their use, the disease will progress and worsen.

Today, to relieve attacks, all kinds of medications for bronchial asthma have been developed, but only a doctor can prescribe them. Since it is important to understand all groups and understand which treatment drugs will be the best choice for a particular patient. Let's look at the main groups of drugs and their features.

Basic approaches to asthma treatment

There are several principles that guide the treatment of asthma:

  1. timely prevention of disease;
  2. taking symptomatic medications to quickly eliminate the manifestations of the disease;
  3. drugs for bronchial asthma to normalize breathing;
  4. means for emergency relief of an asthmatic attack;
  5. choosing drugs that, with minimal use, give a stable effect and have virtually no side effects.

Only a doctor can determine a multi-drug regimen. Complex therapy involves the use of drugs from different groups, so it is important that the selection of specific drugs for bronchial asthma is carried out by a specialist, because many groups are often incompatible with each other.

There are 4 stages of bronchial asthma, each of which has its own approaches to treatment. The following classification is accepted:

  • Stage I is the mildest stage of the disease, which does not even require long-term treatment. The patient uses only short-term medications (for example, an aerosol or spray for bronchial asthma) to relieve rare attacks.
  • Stage II - basic therapy involves the use of hormonal inhalation agents. If they are contraindicated or ineffective, theophyllines and cromones are prescribed.
  • Stage III - it is characterized by the use of combinations of bronchodilators and hormonal agents.
  • Stage IV is the most severe stage of bronchial asthma. With it, you need to take not only inhaled forms of hormones and bronchodilators, but also tableted hormonal drugs.

Basic therapy

Basic drugs mean those anti-asthmatic drugs that the patient needs to take every day for a long time. They not only stop possible attacks, but also alleviate the overall picture of the disease and suppress the development of asthma.

Basic medications relieve inflammation in the bronchi, fight swelling, and reduce allergic symptoms. This group of drugs includes glucocorticoids, antihistamines, antileukotriene drugs, bronchodilators, cromones.

Let's take a closer look at these anti-asthma drugs.

Hormonal agents

Basic hormonal drugs include the following:

  • Klenil;
  • Sintaris;
  • Symbicort;
  • Flixotide;
  • Budenofalk;
  • Salmecort;
  • Seretide;
  • Symbicort Turbuhaler;
  • Aldecin et al.

Non-hormonal agents

The lion's share of basic drugs for the treatment of bronchial asthma are non-hormonal drugs, such as:

  • Ventolin;
  • Salbutamol;
  • Foradil;
  • Montelast;
  • Single.


These drugs are made on the basis of cromonic acid. A wide range of drugs includes the following medications:

  • Cromohexal;
  • Ketotifen;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Sodium cromoglycate;
  • Undercut;
  • Cromolyn;
  • Intal;
  • Tailed.

Cromonic acid and its analogues block the inflammatory process, which helps stop the development of asthma. The drugs inhibit the formation of pro-inflammatory mast cells and normalize the size of the bronchi.

It should be remembered that cromones are contraindicated in children under 6 years of age and are not used for emergency treatment of asthma, as their effect manifests itself over time. During an attack of bronchial asthma, other means are used - an aerosol with hormonal substances, antihistamines.

Antileukotriene drugs

These drugs fight inflammation and relieve bronchospasm. Group representatives:

  • Zafirlukast;
  • Montelukast;
  • Formoterol;
  • Salmeterol.

Any drug in this group is used as an addition to the main therapy. Medicines can also be used for children.

Systemic glucocorticosteroids

This is the most severe group of drugs that are prescribed in especially severe cases when basic therapy does not help. The principle of operation of glucocorticoids is to block inflammatory processes in the bronchi and prevent the development of an attack.

Hormones have the best healing effect. But, despite the good results after taking them, the drugs have many side effects. Therefore, it is more effective to take them only as a last resort, when other pills no longer work.

Hormones can be used as inhaled and systemic agents. Systemic drugs include Prednisolone and Dexamethasone tablets.

Glucocorticosteroids are contraindicated for long-term use in children, as they can cause steroid-induced diabetes, cataracts, hypertension, stomach ulcers and other pathologies.

Beta-2 adrenergic agonists

These drugs are used to relieve asthma attacks, as well as in basic treatment. The group list is as follows:

  • Salamol Eco Easy Breathing;
  • Berotek N;
  • Relvar Ellipta;
  • Foradil Combi;
  • Forathil;
  • Dopamine;
  • Fenoterol.

They cause dilation of the bronchi, which relieves an asthma attack. They are part of multiple complex therapy options.

Inhalation agents

Inhalation is one of the best approaches for treating asthma. Medicines through a can or inhaler quickly enter directly into the respiratory system. Thus, with the help of inhalers, an asthma attack is stopped. But basic treatment is also possible in this way. The following drugs are used:

  • Alvesco;
  • Salamol;
  • Atrovent;
  • Flixotide;
  • Becotide;
  • Alvesco;
  • Flixotide et al.

Inhalations are used to treat children with asthma, whose age may be less than 3 years. This remedy for the treatment of asthma is considered the safest. Patients are advised to always carry an asthma inhaler or an appropriate aerosol with them to stop a possible attack. In addition, inhalations are used for bronchitis and throat diseases, so it is recommended for a child to have them - this is the best preventative way to prevent many diseases.

Evaluation of treatment effectiveness

You should not expect a complete cure for asthma from basic therapy. She has other tasks:

  1. an attempt to avoid increased frequency of attacks;
  2. reducing the need for ultra-short medications;
  3. improved breathing.

Basic drugs must be used throughout life and their dose must be adjusted periodically. In this case, all adjustments are made by the doctor. He evaluates how much the attacks have decreased, how often the patient has to use short-acting medications, how severe the side effects are, etc.

Drugs that relieve asthma attacks

Even when taking basic medications, an attack of suffocation may sometimes begin. It needs to be treated with drugs from the groups listed below.


Short-acting sympathomimetics include the following:

  • Salbutamol;
  • Isoprenaline;
  • Orciprenaline;
  • Pirbuterol, etc.

The action of the drugs is to immediately dilate the bronchi. You should always have the medicine with you and take it to provide first aid at the onset of an attack.

M-cholinergic receptor blockers

Most often used:

  • Becarbon;
  • Ipratropium;
  • Bellasthesin;
  • Atrovent et al.


Bronchial asthma most often has symptoms similar to an immediate allergic reaction, so it is recommended to take Desoratadine, Levocetirizine, Fexofenadine and other antihistamines in parallel.

Bronchial asthma is considered an incurable pathology. This means that an asthmatic will have to take medications for life, otherwise the respiratory function will be severely depressed, and suffocation will lead to death. It is necessary to constantly see a doctor and not miss medical examinations - then the picture of the disease will improve.

  1. Always carry a supply of medications with you in case of an attack.
  2. Replenish your homemade asthma medications in a timely manner, as they may not be available at the pharmacy at the right time.
  3. Know your treatment regimen, what medications you are taking, and do not miss appointment times. The more accurately you follow the regimen developed by your doctor, the fewer asthma attacks you will have.
  4. Check the names of the medications you are planning to take, as well as their dosage.
  5. Follow the principles of drug storage.
  6. If you are planning to change your treatment regimen, your doctor should know about it. The same applies to the use of various folk techniques and procedures.
  7. Tell your doctor if you are taking other medications. They may affect the effectiveness of asthma medications when taken together.
  8. Remember that all medications have side effects. If present, you should immediately stop taking it and consult a doctor.

Remember that preventive measures and basic therapy play a much more important role than drugs for stopping an attack of bronchial asthma. Therefore, follow all the doctor’s recommendations and this will help you get a long-term remission.

Allergy medications can be divided into:

  • Antihistamines
  • Corticosteroids
  • Cromony
  • Traditional remedies


The main remedies for allergic diseases are. These medications block the release of histamine, which is why they are called that. It is the release of histamine that is responsible for the manifestation of symptoms in response to the introduction of allergens into the body.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate with corticosteroids. These drugs are not bad when critical measures are needed, they cannot be used for continuous use because the side effects can be very serious. Many drugs for treating allergies (for example, Sofradex eye drops, nasobek nasal spray) contain small doses of hormones that are practically not absorbed into the blood. but still, treatment with such products should be prescribed by a doctor.

Cromones for allergies

A group of stabilizers (cromones) act directly on mast cells that produce histamine. Under the influence of stabilizers, these cells seem to calm down and stop producing histamine.

Representatives of this group of pharmaceuticals are nedocromil and cromoglycate. They are used for different conditions; a positive result is also achieved in bronchial asthma, but the effect does not occur immediately, but after a course of treatment.

Allergen-specific products

The goal of treatment with allergen-specific drugs is to reduce the body's sensitivity to allergens. The specific allergen to which a particular person is sensitive is injected into the blood. Doses of the allergen are small so as not to cause a pronounced reaction. They increase evenly, the body gets used to the allergen and stops reacting to it or reacts much less.

Perhaps one could say that this is the best, if not for the long period of treatment (from one to two years). Still, allergen-specific therapy is really a treatment, while the use of other means is only getting rid of the symptoms of the disease.

Traditional medicines for allergies

Designed to relieve the discomfort experienced by an allergy sufferer and reduce the symptoms of the disease.

When taking preparations, you must first make sure that they do not contain any components that cause a reaction in the patient.

There are many remedies for treating allergies, but the treatment must be prescribed by a doctor. Typically, the treatment of allergic diseases includes not only pharmaceutical drugs themselves, but lifestyle adjustments that are designed to reduce contact with allergens.

Allergies are one of the most common diseases of the 21st century. Both adults and children suffer from it. A variety of drugs are prescribed for treatment. These include caramons, which are prescribed for local therapy. Therefore, every person suffering from this disease needs to know what medications exist for an allergic reaction and the name of these drugs.

Active substance

Cramons are drugs created on the basis of sodium cromoglycate and nedocromil. As a rule, they are used for long-term treatment. They relieve inflammation, relieve pain and prevent further development of allergies. It is important that this medicine is used for prophylactic purposes for allergic rhinitis, asthma, and hay fever, and also as an antiviral agent. It can be:

  • syrups;
  • ointments and creams;
  • injections;
  • sprays;
  • aerosols;
  • drops;
  • aerosols.

The principle of action of kramons against allergies

To date, it is not known exactly how kramons work. They are believed to stabilize the mast cell membrane. And they are responsible for the local appearance of an allergic reaction. Mast cells are found in the lymph node area and under the skin. As you know, on their surface there are granules that are filled with histamine. If they are released, they, together with the allergen, are able to change the intercellular space and thereby have an effect on the lymphatic system and blood vessels.

It is important to know that kramons act for quite a long time; to obtain results, you need to undergo a rather lengthy course of treatment.

Indications for the use of medications

Cramonas have been used in medical practice for 15 years. As a rule, these drugs are prescribed to treat inflammatory reactions and allergies in adults and children. WHO recommends its use in the treatment of bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis for children. For adults, starting in 2006, this medication is prescribed to prevent mild forms of asthma. Since it was excluded from the list of drugs intended for the treatment of severe forms of asthma by the International Association against Asthma.

For the treatment of mild forms of diseases, it is prescribed in the form of drops, sprays, and intramuscular injections are used for more severe forms.

The effectiveness of using cramon for allergies

Following Russian regulatory documents, kramona must be prescribed to children who have stage 1 or 2 asthma. Experience shows that they help minimize pain and attacks.

According to studies, the use of the drug in the treatment of allergic reactions of cramona gives positive results.

To date, according to the results of clinical trials, a delay in the use of hormonal drugs in the treatment of asthma leads to destructive changes in the lungs. And if before this the patient took cramones, then no changes were observed.

Japanese doctors have proven that kramons have a positive effect on the condition of patients with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and they are also able to eliminate bronchospasm during physical activity.

It is also important that blood counts improve, which results in a reduction in inflammatory processes and allergies.

Therefore, despite the low activity, we can confidently consider the drug effective.

Kramon security

The main advantage of kramons over other drugs is that they do not affect the body. As mentioned earlier, this is a local drug. Once in the eyes, nose and respiratory tract, they settle on top of the membrane, thereby ensuring that their components do not penetrate into the human blood. During treatment, they accumulate and completely stop inflammation and generally disappear from the body.

This feature of kramons is very important, since they are appointed for a long period, and in some circumstances, forever. When treating hay fever, it is recommended to start taking cramonas two to four weeks before the onset of allergies. After which the medicine is taken as long as the plant causing the allergic reaction blooms.

List of the most common cramon names

Most often, many doctors resort to prescribing the following drugs:

A variety of forms of medications make it possible to choose the most convenient option for therapy. It is important to remember that kramons can only take effect for a few hours. Therefore, the drug must be taken not only for a long time, but quite often, about 4-6 times a day. Also, do not forget that kramons are not able to cure allergies; they only help eliminate symptoms and help improve well-being. And also as soon as a person stops using its effect disappears.

Do not forget that kramons, like many others, are drugs and have side effects. Therefore, before you start using them, you must read the instructions. And the main thing to remember is that self-medication can greatly harm your health. It is important that all prescriptions are made only by the attending physician.

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