Home Dental treatment The best advertisement about kittens. How to write an advertisement for the sale of kittens? This is chicken! And they want a lot of money for such a descendant

The best advertisement about kittens. How to write an advertisement for the sale of kittens? This is chicken! And they want a lot of money for such a descendant

How to write an advertisement for the sale of kittens is not an idle question, because a correctly written and placed advertisement directly determines how quickly and how profitably you will sell your animals to new owners. Therefore, it is worth approaching this topic with all seriousness.

How to write an advertisement for the sale of kittens: text

The advertisement should honestly describe the kittens (age, color, class, character), indicate the titles of their parents, availability of documents, vaccinations, level of socialization (accustomed to the tray/toilet, scratching post). Be creative, your ad should be interesting and attract attention. Avoid hackneyed phrases (cute, beautiful, charming), emphasize the positive features of the breed and the kitten personally, but do not use common even the most attractive myths (doesn’t mark like a dog, etc.). If kittens or a kitten have any defects, you should not write about it; it is better to clarify this issue in a personal conversation with a specific client.

The ad title should attract attention and immediately provide basic information about the animal. On Internet services, as a rule, it is prohibited to use the words “inexpensive”, “the best”, “urgent”, “attention” and the like in the title, because the ad should not be intrusive. Optimal options: “Pedigreed Kurilian Bobtail kitten”, “Mini Panther - black oriental kitten”.

Prepare several types of ads intended for different target audiences. More creative ones - for ordinary owners and more serious ones - for breeders. So, for example, an ordinary buyer is not very interested in the names of the kittens’ parents, but for nurseries this is very important information. In addition, many ad services do not allow repeated identical texts.

Whether or not to indicate the price in the ad is the choice of each breeder. If a price is given, it must be truthful and it is best to give the most low price(for castration), about which to make a corresponding note in the text. In professional communities, it is better not to advertise the cost of a kitten, so as not to provoke unnecessary comments on pricing, but on resources for ordinary buyers, the price will help the client to find their way right away.

How to write an advertisement for the sale of kittens: photo

Do not publish advertisements for the sale of kittens without photos; with modern clip thinking, unillustrated text looks unattractive. It is best to use the services of a professional photographer, at least once per litter. However, in any case, you will have to photograph the kittens yourself, since repeated photos may also not be allowed on Internet services and since kittens grow quickly, and information about them must be updated regularly. So it’s worth mastering at least the basics of animal photography and photo processing, as well as acquiring good photographic equipment.

The kittens in the photo should be clearly visible (contrasting background and good lighting), they should be clean and look attractive. Don't forget about other objects that fall into the frame. A shabby door, a dirty handkerchief, or just a mess is an environment that can discourage you from buying an animal. Photos of kittens with objects look good - kittens in a basket, with children's and cat toys, beautiful driftwood, elegant porcelain cups and pearl beads. You can also decorate animals with bows, hats, hairpins and collars, although cats are worse about all this than dogs.

It is better to photograph each kitten separately, and attach a photo of the parents to the ad on the Internet. But using photographs of previous litters is not very correct, because the buyer wants to see the kittens that they have now.

How to write an advertisement for the sale of kittens: placement

It is worth submitting advertisements for the sale/reservation of kittens when they reach the age of 1 month. Younger animals often do not look very presentable and their prospects are not yet visible from them, and even the colors of the animals are practically not formed. In addition, showing kittens that are too small, even at home, can be unsafe for their health. However, the sooner you start selling, the faster and more efficiently you can sell kittens. Just remember that up to 3 months we can only talk about booking animals, but not about their actual transfer to the new owner.

It is worth placing advertisements wherever possible. The more ads, the more people they will be seen, and even resources with a controversial reputation should not be neglected. It is now generally accepted that only breeders sell kittens on Avito, but, firstly, this is not true, and secondly, this is one of the most popular and widespread resources and it would be stupid not to use its capabilities, especially since advertisements are still there free.

The main emphasis, of course, should be on advertising kittens on the Internet; ads on Avito work best; in breed groups, as well as in publics such as “flea market”, “overheard”, etc. in VK and Odnoklassniki. Advertisements in large groups about cats don't work very well because they don't appear on walls, but the more ads the better. You can also recommend specialized resources like “buy a cat,” but they should also be taken as backup options. Google and Yandex advertising are paid and are relevant mainly for large clubs and nurseries and are intended more for general website advertising than for selling kittens. Placing advertisements on the websites of veterinary clinics and pet stores is also ineffective, since those who already have animals go there.

Of course, you should start your own website and your group on VK; if you don’t know how to promote them and don’t have the opportunity to pay for promotion, then they are unlikely to attract many clients, but, firstly, they will give you credibility, and secondly, they will give buyers an opportunity to learn more about you and the kittens.

Outside the Internet, there is no need to spend time and money on newspaper publications - almost no one reads newspapers, as well as on various bulletin boards for the same reason, although the boards are in the entrances or educational institutions may work. It is much more useful to turn to word of mouth: first of all, tell your familiar breeders, members of your club, etc. about the kittens, then notify relatives, friends, colleagues, and work contacts. However, it’s important not to overdo it and not cause irritation; you shouldn’t talk about kittens every day, but for example, you can add information about them to your signature Email, status on social networks, and also actively repost sales advertisements. Another idea is to make business cards or cards with information about the kittens and hand them out to those who want them, leave them in crowded places or put them in mailboxes.

It is no less useful to participate in exhibitions, both competitive and advertising. There you will show your animals big circle ordinary buyers and breeders, and in addition, kittens will be able to receive grades and titles, which will have a positive impact on their personal PR and your PR as a breeder/kentery.

Advertisement for sale of kittens sample

Kurilian Bobtail kitten-girl Kurilian bobtail girl with good prospects
Price 10,000 rubles

Pedigree Kurilian Bobtail kitten for sale. Active and affectionate black tiger silver bicolor cat. Age 4 months, the kitten is completely ready to move, accustomed to a tray and scratching post, eats dry food. There is everything Required documents, vaccination has been carried out. The kitten communicates well with children and dogs. The Kurilian Bobtail is a native Russian breed, the Kurilian Bobtail is a small domestic lynx. The price indicated is for the purchase of an animal for castration. It's more expensive to breed. Female Ruana from the cattery Usagi-Neko* w62, father grand inter champion (WCF) Ansari Golden Boy* ns 23 09, mother champion (WCF) Calypso Kugurumi* w62, pedigree includes interesting natives and several world champions. Age 5 months, full set of documents, all vaccinations. The cat is socialized and has an excellent show temperament. At the Kosharik* club exhibition on October 19, Ruana became the best kitten in the special breed show (WCF).

*All titles and names are fictitious, all coincidences are random. Photos of kittens of the owner of this site and a breeder of Kurilian Bobtails were used for the samples.

The most original and funniest were advertisements for the sale of animals. Here folk creativity is simply off the charts.

1. Well, just an unexpected ending to the ad, isn’t it? But how much more people will attract attention than the banal “I’m selling kittens.”

2. This ad was definitely written by a professional car reseller or lvl 80 electronics seller.

3. Tears of laughter well up when reading this ad. Someone got a very creative wife with a great sense of humor.

4. This ad is designed to appeal to the pity of the consumer, who would not want their cat to have a television cable inserted somewhere. And so, the benefits of buying this animal are very doubtful.

5. And there is intrigue in this ad. I just want to call and find out what this cat can do to amuse me.

6. “Who has long dreamed of a cross-eyed cat...” is simply a masterpiece.

7. Great offer for repairing air mattresses. The owner found a way to make extra money from his cat’s talent.

8. The cat is described very interestingly and unexpectedly. I even wanted to take him and see what else he could do.

9. What a chicken! And they want a lot of money for such a descendant. Most likely, Napoleon was the name of an ordinary rural rooster, who was her dad. But how does it sound!

10. Gorgeous men, if you do not read the content of the ad, but only the title, you might think that they are selling roosters and gorgeous men separately. A two-in-one ad, so to speak.

To sell an animal, you need to write an advertisement that will stand out among many others, and accompany it with good photographs. We tell and show how to do this.

Pictures of the animal are the first thing a potential buyer sees when opening your ad. Therefore, it is important that the photographs are truly attractive. Almost all smartphones now have good cameras, so there is no need to specifically look for professional equipment somewhere.

To get good photos, first, prepare the animal. If necessary, give him a bath and comb his hair. Decide what background you will take your photos against. It is better if it is neutral, without carpets or radiators. Don't forget to take photos of the animal's parents and add them to the ad as well. So, what are the best photos to take?

How to write good ad text?

You need to write an advertisement for the sale of dogs or cats in such a way that it is succinct and at the same time memorable. Use simple and clear language- no terms or abbreviations. If you approach the description of the animal and its advantages with humor, buyers will appreciate it. But don't overdo it.

This is what it looks like approximate structure ads. You can remove some items or, on the contrary, add them. For example, write about special requests. Maybe you want to track the further fate of the animal or sell it only under the condition of sterilization or castration? Or indicate who the pet would be suitable for. What if a kitten of a hypoallergenic breed or a dog with undercoat can live in a private house?

What should not be written in an ad?

Do not write that you are selling the animal urgently. This suggests that there is something wrong with the kitten or puppy, or that you are a breeder who is looking to sell the animal quickly without caring about the consequences. It’s better to use the paid promotion option and place your ad on several sites at once.

Do not provide false information or keep silent about problems with the health or character of the puppy or kitten, as well as its parents. Do not write the wrong price. This will turn off potential buyers.

You should not overuse emoticons, diminutives, or put pressure on the buyer with postscripts like “you will regret it if you don’t buy.” You could instead add, “Buy this puppy and you'll never have to worry about who to hang out with tonight again.”

So, a little checklist.

Where to place an ad?

There is a free service for selling kittens and puppies. This is a specialized platform where any breeder can place an ad and sell an animal without any commission.

You can also use other services for submitting advertisements, specialized magazines, websites and forums about animals.

You can also write an advertisement for the sale of a puppy or kitten for social networks. In this case, the text can be quite free, personal, with humor - whatever you like. Social media users love personal stories, for example: “I got my first dog when I was 5 years old, it was a Jack Russell. After 30 years, I am a professional dog breeder and know everything about Jack Russells.” There you can also post a video of newborn puppies with a story about how differently they behaved in the first days of life.

Any liberties and style that seems acceptable to you are appropriate on your personal page, but do not forget to briefly indicate the most necessary information about the animal - age, color, information about its parents. It is also better to indicate the price right away if you want to save your time.

A well-written advertisement for sale is the key to success. The better it is compiled, the faster and more profitably you will sell the animals. In this article we will look at several rules that will help you create a good ad and find a decent home for your pets.

Informative text

The ad text must be comprehensive and include all the necessary information for a potential buyer. It must contain the name of the breed, the age of the animal or its date of birth, class and character. It is necessary to indicate the title of the parents, the presence of documents and vaccinations. Briefly tell us about the skills of the puppy or kitten: is it accustomed to a tray/diaper, how does it get along with people and children in particular, the nuances of nutrition.

Come up with a good title that will not be intrusive and aggressive, avoid hackneyed phrases that you automatically want to scroll down and ignore. For example, instead of “Attention! Maine Coon kittens for sale!”, it is better to write “Huge Maine Coon kittens” - calmly and informatively.

The volume of text should not be huge; there is no need to describe the advantages of the breed over others. If you want to note the uniqueness of an animal, try to fit it into two or three words, brevity is the sister of talent. At the same time, avoid clichés like: “The best”, “Cute”, “Charming”.

Text orientation

The more sites you use, the higher the likelihood of finding an owner for the animal. These can be popular ad sites and groups in in social networks and specialized portals about pets. Therefore, it is important to remember to focus on the reader, because each platform has its own audience. Create several ad options. One for such sites that breeders visit, they should have more official information - the names of the parents, their statuses. For the less sophisticated public, ads that are creative, perhaps funny, and even humorous are suitable.

Do not use pity and aggression, there are a lot of such advertisements on the Internet and they repel everyone, because they cause a negative reaction. When they write that a poor and unhappy animal is devoted to all people, it evokes a feeling of guilt, and no one wants to feel guilty for no reason. Or vice versa - since everyone refused, it means that there is really something wrong with this animal. This, of course, applies to a greater extent to advertisements about animals picked up from the street. But it happens that owners of purebred animals also try to put pressure on human conscience. A decent breeder would never allow himself to do this. The animals being sold need to be written adequately and well, and even if there are any shortcomings, it is better to discuss them in a personal conversation with a possible buyer.


The second important component of the ad, coupled with the text, is beautiful pictures. It’s not even worth posting an ad without photos, because everyone needs a picture. Try to make the photos non-trivial, emphasize the individuality of your animals, their character. It is portraits that look advantageous, that is, static images from the front. Let this photograph be the main one, and in the rest let the animal be in motion or in a pose characteristic of it.

If we are talking about kittens, then it is better to photograph them at the age of two months, when the characteristics of the breed have already more or less formed. They should be given away when they reach 3 one month old. Puppies are given away as the molars grow in to see the formed bite. The time for molars to grow depends on the breed - for some it is earlier, for others it is later. But by approximately 2 months the bite is already formed. It is worth submitting an advertisement for sale a month before the babies can be distributed.

All of the above tips are quite suitable for creating advertisements for free adoption of animals. The main thing to remember is that if a kitten or puppy is not purebred, this should in no way diminish its dignity over others.

On our website you can view the sale of purebred kittens and puppies, as well as their free adoption.

(the article is based on materials from the forum pesikot.org/forum)

You found a kitten on the street or adult cat and want to place her in kind hands. You have already shown it to the veterinarian and generally “put it in order” (fed it, wormed it, treated it, etc.), and now you need to find good new owners for the cat. You have studied the article, armed yourself with a list of bulletin boards and placed everything you need on them, but the owners still can’t be found.... The fact is that you and your cat have a lot of competition. The number of cats being adopted into good hands is huge. Below we present the basic rules that will help you “PR” the cat you are adopting (however, much of what is written can also apply to dogs).

First, let's take a brief look at what the text of a good ad should include.

The ad text must include:

  • Cat name
  • Gender (+ data on castration/sterilization: yes or no)
  • Information on vaccinations and deworming
  • Description of the cat (according to all the rules) + possibly its history
  • Photograph

Experience shows that the most important thing for a successful adoption is (1) the cat's name (2) its non-standard description and (3) photograph. Moreover, the main thing is photography ().

Announcement text.

Few of us at school liked to write essays, so the problem of writing a good “advertising” text usually confronts the full-length student. The worst thing you can do in this situation is to unsubscribe with a faceless and brief “I found a kitten, I’ll give it to good hands.” Believe me, 100% of those reading will ignore this message.

Rule one: the text must be original.

Don’t write identical ads, don’t copy other people’s (however, you can be inspired by them!) Look for the right words for a specific animal, they are half the success. Your task is to ensure that the future owner immediately understands that the ad describes his unique animal!

Rule two: the text must reflect the personality of the cat!

To make this easier, take a closer look at the cat and choose its psychological type. For example, from these:

  1. active, leader, “king of the hill”
  2. calm, knows her worth, balanced
  3. loving people, very social
  4. quiet, shy, melancholic
  5. inquisitive

Don't be afraid to call any of these qualities in your own words, this will add charm and originality to the ad.

Test yourself! It is better to “repersonalize” an ad than to make it faceless.

Rule three. The ad must be positive.

Important! Use only positive terms to describe your cat's character! Here it’s like in the summary: wild → independent, unkind -> with character, ugly → with wonderful character, etc.

But don't overdo it with positivity. If the cat has serious problems(for example, with behavior, health), it is better to immediately indicate them in the ad (by choosing the appropriate words) than to risk that disappointed new owners will return the cat to you or, worse, throw it away.

Rule four. Each animal is separate!

Even if you have picked up a hundred kittens, don’t give them away in a bunch, make a separate ad for each one - they’ll sort it out much faster!

To summarize all the above points, I would like to give an example of beauty advertisement from the PesiCat forum, according to which an absolutely unremarkable-looking tabby cat settled in in three days:

“He was discovered walking along the highway median where he was caught... A very long time later a short time We all began to adhere to the opinion that back then, on the highway, cars were more at risk than this cat... The kid turned out to be one of the “I will defeat everyone” category... He easily “pushes” any cat of our “cat herd” away from the bowl (regardless of regalia and body weight). He comments on all his actions out loud - he “gives out” entire phrases in cat language...

Absolutely tame, not arrogant, not harmful, not a fool... He loves to sit on hands... If someone starts petting another cat in his presence (and ignores his desire to be “petted”), he gets offended - turns away, “pouts” and begins to mourn with terrible force..

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