Home Gums Write a comic ad about a gray kitten. Funny Animal Ads

Write a comic ad about a gray kitten. Funny Animal Ads

The most original and funniest were advertisements for the sale of animals. Here folk creativity is simply off the charts.

1. Well, just an unexpected ending to the ad, isn’t it? But how much more people will attract attention than the banal “I’m selling kittens.”

2. This ad was definitely written by a professional car reseller or lvl 80 electronics seller.

3. Tears of laughter well up when reading this ad. Someone got a very creative wife with a great sense of humor.

4. This ad is designed to appeal to the pity of the consumer, who would not want their cat to have a television cable inserted somewhere. And so, the benefits of buying this animal are very doubtful.

5. And there is intrigue in this ad. I just want to call and find out what this cat can do to amuse me.

6. “Who has long dreamed of a cross-eyed cat...” is simply a masterpiece.

7. Great offer for repairing air mattresses. The owner found a way to make extra money from his cat’s talent.

8. The cat is described very interestingly and unexpectedly. I even wanted to take him and see what else he could do.

9. What a chicken! And they want a lot of money for such a descendant. Most likely, Napoleon was the name of an ordinary rural rooster, who was her dad. But how does it sound!

10. Gorgeous men, if you do not read the content of the ad, but only the title, you might think that they are selling roosters and gorgeous men separately. A two-in-one ad, so to speak.

(the article is based on materials from the forum pesikot.org/forum)

You found a kitten on the street or adult cat and want to place her in kind hands. You have already shown it to the veterinarian and generally “put it in order” (fed it, wormed it, treated it, etc.), and now you need to find good new owners for the cat. You have studied the article, armed yourself with a list of bulletin boards and placed everything you need on them, but the owners still can’t be found.... The fact is that you and your cat have a lot of competition. The number of cats being adopted into good hands is huge. Below we present the basic rules that will help you “PR” the cat you are adopting (however, much of what is written can also apply to dogs).

First, let's take a brief look at what the text of a good ad should include.

The ad text must include:

  • Cat name
  • Gender (+ data on castration/sterilization: yes or no)
  • Information on vaccinations and deworming
  • Description of the cat (according to all the rules) + possibly its history
  • Photograph

Experience shows that the most important thing for a successful adoption is (1) the cat's name (2) its non-standard description and (3) photograph. Moreover, the main thing is photography ().

Announcement text.

Few of us at school liked to write essays, so the problem of writing a good “advertising” text usually confronts the full-length student. The worst thing you can do in this situation is to unsubscribe with a faceless and brief “I found a kitten, I’ll give it to good hands.” Believe me, 100% of those reading will ignore this message.

Rule one: the text must be original.

Don’t write identical ads, don’t copy other people’s (however, you can be inspired by them!) Look for the right words for a specific animal, they are half the success. Your task is to ensure that the future owner immediately understands that the ad describes his unique animal!

Rule two: the text must reflect the personality of the cat!

To make this easier, take a closer look at the cat and choose its psychological type. For example, from these:

  1. active, leader, “king of the hill”
  2. calm, knows her worth, balanced
  3. loving people, very social
  4. quiet, shy, melancholic
  5. inquisitive

Don't be afraid to call any of these qualities in your own words, this will add charm and originality to the ad.

Test yourself! It is better to “repersonalize” an ad than to make it faceless.

Rule three. The ad must be positive.

Important! Use only positive terms to describe your cat's character! Here it’s like in the summary: wild → independent, unkind -> with character, ugly → with wonderful character, etc.

But don't overdo it with positivity. If the cat has serious problems(for example, with behavior, health), it is better to immediately indicate them in the ad (by choosing the appropriate words) than to risk that disappointed new owners will return the cat to you or, worse, throw it away.

Rule four. Each animal is separate!

Even if you have picked up a hundred kittens, don’t give them away in a bunch, make a separate ad for each one - they’ll sort it out much faster!

To summarize all the above points, I would like to give an example of beauty advertisement from the PesiCat forum, according to which an absolutely unremarkable-looking tabby cat settled in in three days:

“He was discovered walking along the highway median where he was caught... A very long time later a short time We all began to adhere to the opinion that back then, on the highway, cars were more at risk than this cat... The kid turned out to be one of the “I will defeat everyone” category... He easily “pushes” any cat of our “cat herd” away from the bowl (regardless of regalia and body weight). He comments on all his actions out loud - he “gives out” entire phrases in cat language...

Absolutely tame, not arrogant, not harmful, not a fool... He loves to sit on hands... If someone starts petting another cat in his presence (and ignores his desire to be “petted”), he gets offended - turns away, “pouts” and begins to mourn with terrible force..

To sell an animal, you need to write an advertisement that will stand out among many others, and accompany it with good photographs. We tell and show how to do this.

Pictures of the animal are the first thing a potential buyer sees when opening your ad. Therefore, it is important that the photographs are truly attractive. Almost all smartphones now have good cameras, so there is no need to specifically look for professional equipment somewhere.

To get good photos, first, prepare the animal. If necessary, give him a bath and comb his hair. Decide what background you will take your photos against. It is better if it is neutral, without carpets or radiators. Don't forget to take photos of the animal's parents and add them to the ad as well. So, what are the best photos to take?

How to write good ad text?

You need to write an advertisement for the sale of dogs or cats in such a way that it is succinct and at the same time memorable. Use simple and clear language- no terms or abbreviations. If you approach the description of the animal and its advantages with humor, buyers will appreciate it. But don't overdo it.

This is what it looks like approximate structure ads. You can remove some items or, on the contrary, add them. For example, write about special requests. Maybe you want to track the further fate of the animal or sell it only under the condition of sterilization or castration? Or indicate who the pet would be suitable for. What if a kitten of a hypoallergenic breed or a dog with undercoat can live in a private house?

What should not be written in an ad?

Do not write that you are selling the animal urgently. This suggests that there is something wrong with the kitten or puppy, or that you are a breeder who is looking to sell the animal quickly without caring about the consequences. It’s better to use the paid promotion option and place your ad on several sites at once.

Do not provide false information or keep silent about problems with the health or character of the puppy or kitten, as well as its parents. Do not write the wrong price. This will turn off potential buyers.

You should not overuse emoticons, diminutives, or put pressure on the buyer with postscripts like “you will regret it if you don’t buy.” You could instead add, “Buy this puppy and you'll never have to worry about who to hang out with tonight again.”

So, a little checklist.

Where to place an ad?

There is a free service for selling kittens and puppies. This is a specialized platform where any breeder can place an ad and sell an animal without any commission.

You can also use other services for submitting advertisements, specialized magazines, websites and forums about animals.

You can write an advertisement for the sale of a puppy or kitten for social networks. In this case, the text can be quite free, personal, with humor - whatever you like. Social media users love personal stories, for example: “I got my first dog when I was 5 years old, it was a Jack Russell. After 30 years, I am a professional dog breeder and know everything about Jack Russells.” There you can also post a video of newborn puppies with a story about how differently they behaved in the first days of life.

Any liberties and style that seems acceptable to you are appropriate on your personal page, but do not forget to briefly indicate the most necessary information about the animal - age, color, information about its parents. It is also better to indicate the price right away if you want to save your time.

Hi all!

Our topic today is “ How to sell quickly or give away kittens"may be relevant not only for those who have a cat with kittens in their home, but also for those kind and wonderful people who pick up stray kittens and cats on the street, cure, fatten them, and then place them in new homes. caring and loving owners.

Of course, many may say: “Sterilize your cat and never rack your brains again!”

Sterilization is undoubtedly enough effective method for birth control of most living things on Earth.

But what if the cat is already pregnant? And what should you do if your cat “gave” you “a whole huge bouquet of kittens”? Don't throw them out into the street, after all.

Tip #1.

If your cat is not pregnant for the first time, feels well, and you know that she should not have any problems with childbirth, then I would advise you to do as much as possible more people We learned in advance that you will soon give birth to the cutest and prettiest kittens in the world.

The same should be done if the cat has already given birth.

Breeders of purebred kittens with a pedigree should remember that kittens under the age of 3 months cannot be sold! Otherwise, you will be kicked out of the club if all this is revealed. But no one forbids you to agree in advance.

But where? Whom? And how to notify?

1) tell your friends, acquaintances and colleagues (if you have not yet gifted or purchased them with your kittens, although who knows, maybe one of their acquaintances suffers from cat mania) (UNOBUSIVE!!!);

2) inform adequate and non-envious neighbors (UNOBUSIVELY!!!);

3) let your children tell their classmates, school friends and acquaintances about the cat offspring with whom they go to sing, dance, play football or chess (DELICATELY!!!);

4) be sure to place free advertisements in newspapers (you won’t have to go to or call many of them anymore, since newspaper people have been advanced comrades accepting advertisements via the Internet for quite some time now). Yes, and for those who believe that no one ever reads newspapers anymore, I will say: “They still read them, especially advertisements and especially those people over 35.” Who has the money to buy and maintain a kitten? A? — Of course, in independent adults;

5) it is strictly necessary not to forget to report kittens that will be born soon or have already been born on SOCIAL NETWORKS. There’s no point in just sitting around on Odnoklassniki! Share your feline joy with everyone on your status, ask your friends to like it so that the information spreads faster;

6) place the desired information on free “bulletin boards” on cat sites and forums + also use such platforms for free advertisements as “Avito.ru”, etc.;

7) you can also print small “advertisements” or “business cards”, which will have a cute photo of a mother cat or kittens and your contact information. Such “bombs” can be placed at the post office, on tables in hairdressers, supermarkets and other public places;

Tip #2. " How to sell quickly or give away kittens».

My dears, write an ad like: “I will give away (sell) kittens in good hands"not effective!

It is much more effective to write, for example, “I will give away (sell) affectionate fluffy silver kittens from a rat-catcher cat...” (people should know what they need and why)

Or: “British kittens from champion mom and dad are waiting to meet caring owners, they are neat, affectionate and toilet trained.”

You can also write “kittens with velvety/silky fur.” Anyone who reads such words will immediately want to see the kittens and pet them.

Describe the “product” briefly, but pointing out all the main advantages.

If your kitty has not yet given birth, and your kittens are not free, then when giving an advertisement, you should describe the cat, its attractive appearance, kindness, neatness, toilet training, intelligence, pedigreedness and all the most valuable and wonderful things (just please not on 20 sheets of A5 format))).

Yes! Be sure to let us know how great the kittens' father and mother are. People should know who they are related to)))

If your cat is a pugnacious, harmful, biting and scratching person, then you should not tell the future owners of the kittens that the kittens were born from a soft, fluffy and affectionate cat, since the likelihood that the kittens will go into it is very high. And if your deception is revealed, then the kittens may be returned to you.

). Spelling has been preserved.

Mixed-breed puppies are available for a nominal fee. Mother is a shepherd, father is a scoundrel.

Adorable babies were born: 7 from very loving friend friend of the Russian Champions. The children's father is from Hungary, but like many other men, he prefers Russian beauty! Mom is only half Russian and half German. These puppies were born to bring joy to their owners, give warmth and care and become an excellent and loyal friend.

Kiev 4-year-old kind and cheerful Elder Terrier boy (with an excellent pedigree) and named..., will be happy to meet his girlfriend for the first mating. The breed doesn't matter.

Dalmatian found, boy, light red, fluffy

FOR SALE: Sled dog team (4x2). Tundra color.
2 days from Labytnanga. Completely cleared of customs. The “sit down and drive” state.
Starts with half a kick. Holds the winter road superbly.
All the bells and whistles: sealskin bedding, bells, whistle.
The runners are treated with blubber. Vet inspection - 2007.
Real consumption - 8 kg of bones per 100 km.
It practically doesn’t eat oil (doesn’t like it).
Without a run around Moscow.
+ box of matches + bottle of kerosene + pack of salt.

We will give away Basset Hound puppies (mixed breeds) - people, the situation is as follows:
the mother is an extremely thoroughbred bitch of a designated breed, but this is no longer relevant in light of the current circumstances. The aristocracy from the kennel was taken to the dacha in order to admire the open air and air under the turns. As a result, some kind of dark alcove story happened there. A scandal, of course, night, raincoats, escape to the capital, the belly was covered with a blanket. As a result, we have five puppies that look basically like basset hounds, there is a lot of skin, the folds are already hanging over the world, the ears are also burdocked as they should be. If someone is suddenly not afraid of creatures of the subspecies basset-indiscriminate, we will give you full board after the allotted period has passed, or we will exchange for full meeting works of Feuchtwanger.

Hello!! A young, noble and well-born Jack Russell, two years old, is absolutely selflessly looking for a girlfriend for his first love pleasures. About me: Moscow registration, without bad habits, I don’t participate in exhibitions - I don’t have titles or awards, because I’m a homebody.
Write, lonely Russells!

Selling puppy SAO ears, tail, eggs docked.

Boxer puppies for sale. Parents are world boxing champions.

Lost cat, 2 years old, black and white square...

Announcement in the store: "Caution! Angry cat! No dogs allowed!"

West Asian Collie puppies are waiting for their owners

Toy, d/w, chocolate girl, 4 months, with a tail, from a male with a straight blue gene

A young beautiful Rottweiler with an excellent pedigree is looking for a girlfriend, without documents, for intimate meetings (reward guaranteed).

Airedale terrier dog lost, perhaps left on trolleybus N5

Cocker spaniel for sale. The mother was recognized as "Best female of the breed".

For sale German Shepherd. Inexpensive. Eats any meat. Especially loves small children

Kennel: offers a luxurious rabbit dachshund puppy of bright red color from the parents of the Champion Rabbit Show!

German. died small spitz body......

Pekingese are charming, affectionate boys. Age 2.5 months. Color light fawn (cream). From little parents. With a good character, cheerful, healthy. There are dwarf ones. One boy's head smells like bird cherry!

I am selling a NEWF Puppy, 3 month old girl, very good parents, dad is a Russian champion, which means she is very thoroughbred

Yorkshire terrier puppies for sale: boy and girl, standard, classic faces, weight of an adult dog is about 2500-3000 kg, vaccinated according to age,...

Handsome male Chukchi sled husky, age - 4 years, color - white, eyes - brown, looking for a friend for have a nice chat. Pedigree and documents are available.
P.S. The breed of your girlfriend is not important! We guarantee the quality of the offspring!

Puppies for sale. They will be shepherd dogs. Smart. Everyone eats. Know the commands

Puppies are being given away.
Mom is an Eastern or German Shepherd with papers. She protects (bites everyone), can look for all sorts of things, but she was not taught this. The puppies looked exactly like their mother, but their father didn’t notice and quickly ran away.

Maremmano-Abruzzese Shepherd Dog. Best blood Italy. Purpose - security. Protects instinctively, no training required. Wool is self-cleaning.

I WILL TAKE IT TO THE choir. hands of a small fluffy dog, like a French one. bulldog.

I will sell Yorkshire Terrier puppies with pedigree...

Available for breeding is a male Golden Retriever - ***, the son of the famous *** and the great-grandson of the legendary ***, and the mother is ***! Has excellent pedigree and conformation, born. ***He is still very young and has not received any titles, but he is still ahead!

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