Home Removal Acute hemorrhoids symptoms and treatment in men. Signs of hemorrhoids in men, symptoms and treatment methods

Acute hemorrhoids symptoms and treatment in men. Signs of hemorrhoids in men, symptoms and treatment methods

Both men and women are susceptible to hemorrhoids. But, according to statistics, symptoms of hemorrhoids appear more often in men than in women. However, not every man will decide to consult a doctor in time and talk about his problem. In many cases, this leads to complications that are much more difficult to get rid of than the initial signs of the disease.

To avoid undesirable consequences, it is necessary to identify the pathological process in a timely manner. And for this you need to know what the symptoms of hemorrhoids in men are and what it looks like.

How does the disease occur?

Hemorrhoids, as a serious proctological disease, do not arise out of nowhere.

And in order to understand the mechanism of the occurrence of pathology, it is necessary to consider the structure of the digestive tract and the characteristics of the blood supply to the rectum.

The enlargement and inflammation of hemorrhoids is associated with the expansion of the venous plexuses in the lower part of the large intestine, namely in the rectum.

This part of the gastrointestinal tract is literally riddled with veins of small and large diameter. With excessive saturation with blood, the venous plexuses begin to expand, swell, and protrude the walls, resulting in the formation of a hemorrhoidal node.

The trigger mechanism for the occurrence can be several provoking factors, which should be considered in as much detail as possible.

Reasons for the development of the disease in men

So, male hemorrhoids, just like female ones, are associated with congestion in the venous plexuses of the rectum. But certain factors (or a combination of them) can provoke its further development.

Among the most common “provocateurs”, due to which the disease progresses, proctologists name the following factors.

  1. Difficulty with bowel movements. Very often, hemorrhoids occur in men due to their passion for meat products, which clog the intestines and lead to. And, on the contrary, rare representatives of the stronger sex consume vegetables and fruits containing fiber in the required quantities.
  2. Passive lifestyle. The work activities of many modern men are not characterized by mobility, and this is fraught with stagnation of blood in the venous plexuses of the pelvic organs. Truckers, office workers and programmers are especially at risk. In addition, after sitting at the table for a good half of the day, men return home not on foot, but by car. Hence the risk of developing hemorrhoids.
  3. Age. Age-related changes in the body often lead to thinning and weakness of the walls of venous vessels. If in women this manifests itself in the form of varicose veins, then in the stronger half of humanity it manifests itself in the form of bleeding hemorrhoids.
  4. Alcohol abuse. A similar reason is typical for male patients. It just so happens that it is men who often get overly carried away, which is expressed in the expansion of hemorrhoidal veins and increased blood flow. The stronger the drinks, the more pronounced the stagnation.
  5. Lifting heavy objects. Males who work as loaders or are fond of weightlifting are especially at risk. When lifting weights, there is even a possibility that hemorrhoids will fall out.
  6. Inflammation of nearby organs. Due to its anatomical features, the anal canal in men is located adjacent to the bladder and prostate gland. Inflammation that occurs in these organs can spread to the rectum and provoke inflammation of the venous plexuses.
  7. "Non-standard" sex. It can also cause hemorrhoids. As a result of such proximity, microscopic injuries to the rectum occur, which leads to inflammation of the venous collections and, as a consequence, to an increase in hemorrhoidal nodules.

Since the causes and treatment of hemorrhoids are closely related, getting rid of its symptoms is quite difficult. Not every man wants to give up bad habits or change his current way of life.

That is why many representatives of the stronger sex prefer to endure unpleasant symptoms rather than go to a proctologist.

Types of disease, what hemorrhoids look like in men

Depending on the location of the inflamed venous collections, the disease is divided into three types:

  • internal hemorrhoids - venous nodules are located under the mucous membrane of the rectum 2-3 centimeters above the anus;
  • external type of the disease - hemorrhoidal cones are concentrated under the skin around the anus;
  • mixed type of disease - nodules are located both under the mucous membrane of the rectum and around the anus.

The stage of development of the disease is the same in all categories of patients. Therefore, hemorrhoids that arise in a man go through the same stages as in the fair sex.

  1. – open symptoms usually do not appear. The nodules are only slightly enlarged. The pain syndrome is not expressed, the patient is only bothered by itching sensations, burning in the anal area and blood on toilet paper.
  2. – the nodules begin to enlarge and may fall out during defecation. After bowel movements, they independently occupy their previous location.
  3. – the manifestations worsen, now the enlarged nodules fall out both when visiting the restroom and when lifting heavy objects. These venous formations can still be set back on your own. are becoming more frequent.
  4. – nodular formations fall out on their own, without any “reason”. It is no longer possible to straighten them by hand. In addition, there may be consequences in the form of compaction of nodules and cracks.

Since hemorrhoids in men develop at their own individual pace, it is impossible to say exactly how long the transition from the first stage to the fourth may take.
The rate of “growth” of clinical symptoms largely depends on the patient’s lifestyle, hereditary predisposition and the presence of bad habits.

What internal and external hemorrhoids look like in men at different stages.

First symptoms

The first signs of hemorrhoids in men are most often not taken seriously. Patients brush off the itching, especially since in the initial stages it is not very bothersome.

Then you may feel as if there is a foreign body in the anus. Such sensations are associated with the proliferation of venous collections. Even bowel movements do not bring relief to the patient. These are manifestations of internal hemorrhoids in men.

The first symptoms of hemorrhoids are soon supplemented by bleeding that occurs during or after bowel movements. Bloody discharge is usually not mixed with feces, but located on top of it. They may appear in droplets or flow out in a trickle.

Common signs of hemorrhoids

The signs of developing hemorrhoids in men are no different from the symptoms of the disease in women. Proctologists include the following phenomena as the main manifestations of growing hemorrhoidal nodules:

  • difficulties in bowel movement, which are caused by partial “overlapping” of the rectum with venous nodules (this);
  • secretion of mucous secretion, which provokes the occurrence of an inflammatory process and redness of the tissues adjacent to the anus;
  • a feeling of discomfort, constant irritation in the anal canal;
  • bleeding (if blood flows too intensely, anemia may develop; in some situations, emergency hospitalization of the patient is required);
  • severe pain during bowel movements (such a symptom may indicate the onset of inflammation, pinched hemorrhoids, or the appearance of cracks in the sphincter area);
  • transition of itching to the perineal area (with intense scratching, microtraumas occur, through which pathogens of various diseases enter, as a result of which suppuration begins);
  • prolapse of nodules (similar symptoms in men indicate a worsening of the disease).

It should be understood that progressive hemorrhoids in men intensify symptoms. In the last stages of the pathological process, the patient begins to experience severe pain during normal, generally speaking, actions - sitting, moving, walking.

What complications does hemorrhoids cause?

Depending on how hemorrhoids manifest themselves, it is bleeding from the anus that becomes the most serious consequence of the disease.

Small discharges are not too dangerous, but if the process is neglected, the flow of blood gradually increases, causing anemia and eventually leading the patient to the operating room.

Another serious consequence of a man’s reluctance to see a doctor is swelling. If the inflammation spreads to the tissues adjacent to the rectum, there is a risk of swelling of the entire perineum.

In addition, an advanced pathological process is fraught with other serious negative consequences for men.

  1. Pinching of hemorrhoids. With hemorrhoids of the last degree, venous collections may fall out, which is often accompanied by pinching. Not only severe pain occurs, but also acute tissue inflammation, which leads to nectrotic processes.
  2. . Many representatives of the stronger sex who suffer from hemorrhoids experience cracks in the anal canal. Such formations are the “gateway” for numerous infections.
  3. Ulcerative. Often, inflammatory processes spread from the rectum to other parts of the large intestine. As a result of inflammation, ulcers of the mucous membrane are formed, which leads to disruption of the entire gastrointestinal tract, weakness, and diarrhea with blood.
  4. Spicy . Congestion in hemorrhoidal nodules can be accompanied by the formation of blood clots. This condition is always accompanied by severe pain. Very often, when hemorrhoidal cones thrombose, emergency operations are prescribed to remove blood clots.
  5. Pararectal abscess. With this disease, the subcutaneous fat tissue located next to the anus becomes inflamed. When the pathological process is severe, suppuration occurs and a perirectal fistula can form. And this facilitates the penetration of pathogens of infectious diseases into the body.
  6. Gas gangrene. A similar undesirable consequence occurs when purulent discharge penetrates into the pelvic area. The condition is extremely dangerous for a man’s life and can be fatal (photos of the pathology can be found online).
  7. . The expansion of venous vessels can spread to other organs, including the testicles. This condition is called varicocele. With it, sperm activity decreases, which can lead to infertility.
  8. . If the disease is neglected, the most dangerous complication may occur – a malignant tumor of the rectum. Patients often confuse signs of enlarged hemorrhoids and oncology. Delay in this case could cost your life. How to distinguish hemorrhoids from rectal cancer.

If patients are not afraid of the names of unknown diseases and conditions, they can be examined in detail in the photo.

Probably, it is the visual manifestations of pathological processes presented in numerous photos that will prompt men to visit a proctologist.

How to treat hemorrhoids in men?

Enlargement is easiest to treat in the early stages, just like any other ailment. An important condition is to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and carry out the therapeutic course to its logical conclusion, otherwise the disease will definitely return.

It is no secret that many representatives of the stronger sex abandon therapy after the first significant relief. However, every untreated illness increases the likelihood of relapse.

Today, proctology offers many methods of treating hemorrhoids in men. After diagnosis and clarification of the stage of the pathological process, the doctor will choose the most favorable treatment regimen:

  • for mild cases of the disease, conservative therapy is most often prescribed, including the use of systemic medications, rectal suppositories and ointments;
  • in cases of moderate severity, in addition to medications, minimally invasive or gentle methods of surgical intervention are prescribed (for example, sclerotherapy or ligation);
  • in severe forms of the disease, surgery cannot be avoided, so doctors use hemorrhoidectomy.

However, patients need to understand that they can forget about hemorrhoids for a long time (or forever) only if they follow the following proctological recommendations:

  • refusal of alcohol;
  • dosing of physical activity;
  • proper nutrition.

Thus, treatment of hemorrhoids in men involves eliminating all factors that provoke the disease. The patient must decide for himself what is more important to him - bad habits or health itself.

Conservative treatment

For the conservative treatment of hemorrhoids in men, the doctor prescribes special ones. They can be general or systemic.

Locally acting drugs

The most common local remedies for treating inflamed hemorrhoids are and. Typically, pharmaceutical companies produce medications in two dosage forms at once.

Depending on the ingredients contained, the preparations contribute to:

  • pain relief;
  • relief of itching in affected areas;
  • stopping bleeding;
  • diluting blood clots;
  • eliminating swelling;
  • reducing the severity of the inflammatory process;
  • enhancing the restoration of damaged tissues and mucous membranes.

Ointment products are more often used to treat external hemorrhoids; with their help, it is necessary to treat external inflamed venous collections.

Rectal suppositories are used for the internal form of the disease. They gently envelop the rectal mucosa and help quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

A few words about popular drugs:

  • The list of common and most effective medications has been at the top for many years . They are based on shark liver oil. To reduce pain, it is used, and if the product contains the word “,” it means that this drug relieves inflammation, dries and heals wounds in the rectum.
  • When blood clots form in nodules, proctologists most often prescribe heparin-based medications, the most popular of which is . For internal hemorrhoids, the drug is prescribed in the form of suppositories. Since Hepatrombin G contains several diverse ingredients, it additionally reduces swelling, reduces the severity of inflammatory processes and the intensity of pain.
  • has therapeutic effects similar to Relief, but has a faster effect, so it is used to treat acute types of illness. However, due to the presence of an impressive list of contraindications and restrictions, they need to be treated only after examination by a doctor.

Another popular remedy for hemorrhoids for men is. This medication is produced only in the form of suppositories, but this does not affect its effectiveness in any way. A big plus is a small number of restrictions.

Systemic agents

When answering the question of how to treat hemorrhoids in men, doctors always use the word “comprehensively.” That is why proctologists often prescribe drugs with general effects. The main dosage forms are tablets and capsules.

For systemic treatment of inflamed hemorrhoids, two groups of medications are used - NSAIDs and venotonics.

  • NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are intended to relieve inflamed areas and reduce the severity of pain. Among the frequently prescribed are,. However, medications also have serious negative consequences, for example, they can lead to ulceration of the gastric walls.
  • eliminate congestion in venous vessels, strengthen their walls and improve their general condition. Thus, one of the factors causing hemorrhoids is eliminated. Venotonic drugs include, etc. In some situations, these medications are prescribed for prophylactic purposes.

In some situations, hemorrhoids can be treated at home with the help of medicinal plants. For example, antihemorrhoidal herbs such as nettle, knotweed, and chamomile have proven themselves to be effective.

They drink decoctions with them, add them to sitz baths, and soak compresses or tampons. However, it is strictly forbidden to choose this method of therapy on your own.

Treatment with folk remedies

Since men are also among the most effective methods, they should be discussed in more detail. It must be remembered that before using them you need to consult a proctologist.

  1. Drink from. This product can be used both internally and in baths. To make the drink, take tops from five fruits and add 1 liter of boiling water. You need to consume 3 cups of the product per day.
  2. . An ancient and extremely effective folk remedy for hemorrhoids. The fragrant orange product relieves inflammation, promotes active healing of damaged areas of the mucous membrane and tissues, and prevents the occurrence of cracks.
  3. Potassium permanganate solution. A small amount is dissolved in 200 ml of chilled boiled water. It is important to achieve a barely pink color to the product; in addition, it must be strained through cheesecloth to get rid of undissolved grains (high risk of burns). Potassium permanganate is poured into a bowl of water, into which the “fifth point” should be lowered.
  4. Infusion of medicinal plants. In addition to those listed above, you can also use onion or garlic peels and calendula. To obtain a decoction, 2 tablespoons of plant material (you can take any herb) are boiled for half an hour in a liter of water, and then the product is infused for 2-3 hours. Afterwards, the infusion is poured into the bath and water is added (about 4 liters). The patient should sit for about a quarter of an hour.
  5. Beeswax ointment. To make it you will need approximately 40 grams of beekeeping product and 100 grams of vegetable oil. The mixture is placed on low heat and wait until the wax is completely dissolved. Then the product cools and is applied to the external inflamed nodes (or injected into the anus).

It is worth understanding that such recipes used to treat hemorrhoids in men at home are not able to cure advanced forms of the disease. Such drugs only alleviate clinical symptoms.

Minimally invasive technologies

Severe forms of the pathological process can be cured only with the help of surgery. However, modern medicine offers more gentle operations - minimally invasive methods of therapy.

The most common low-traumatic methods of treating hemorrhoids include:

  • – used at stages 2-3 of the disease, it is a constriction of the “leg” of the nodular formation with a special device, as a result of which the blood flow in it is suspended and the node dies;
  • – with the help of radiation, the nodular base is “soldered”, after which the hemorrhoidal lump begins to die;
  • – a special substance is injected into the hemorrhoidal cone, which narrows the vascular lumens, as a result of which the veins “stick together” and the nodule dies;
  • – the most innovative method of therapy, in which, using an anoscope and under the control of an ultrasound device, the arterial vessels supplying the nodules with blood are ligated.

Such technologies usually help to slow down the development of the disease or completely cure hemorrhoids (this applies to a greater extent to disarterization). However, in some cases, relapse is possible.

Surgical intervention

If minimally invasive techniques prove useless, a surgeon is involved in the therapy. Under general anesthesia, a hemorrhoidectomy is performed - dissection of the hemorrhoidal nodule.

Due to the relatively high level of trauma, this method is used less and less. However, in some situations it is impossible to do without surgical intervention.

  1. Due to too late contact with the doctor, the patient develops a severe form of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoidal nodules no longer return back to the anal canal and cause great discomfort to the patient. Low-traumatic methods do not always help, which is why hemorrhoidectomy is prescribed.
  2. If bleeding is severe and cannot be stopped with medications or procedures, anemia may occur. To prevent this serious condition, an operation is prescribed, carried out for health reasons. It is important to understand that bleeding can occur at the beginning of the disease.
  3. Open surgery is often prescribed for the external type of the disease, when the exact boundaries of hemorrhoidal cones cannot be determined. Minimally invasive methods in this case are not always effective, so only hemorrhoidectomy helps.
  4. The operation is prescribed when low-traumatic interventions are unsuccessful or acute thrombosis occurs. It is the dissection of the nodes that in such cases becomes a real salvation for a man who experiences severe pain.

Unfortunately, surgery involves a long recovery period (about a month). In addition, in the first week, the operated person feels severe pain in the wound area.

In this case, doctors prescribe painkillers, laxatives, and prescribe recommendations on diet and drinking regimen.

Preventive actions

For men, treatment of hemorrhoids is a fairly long and nervous period of life, so it is easier to take certain preventive measures than then take pills, put suppositories, or even lie down on the operating table.

  1. If you have a sedentary lifestyle and work characterized by low mobility, you need to take a break or a physical minute every 2-3 hours. For 20 minutes, you can do some simple exercises or just walk down the stairs and back to improve the flow of blood from the hemorrhoidal veins.
  2. Should be changed and . First of all, you should eat in small portions. It is also necessary to exclude from the menu all fatty, spicy foods, and alcoholic drinks (especially strong ones). The diet should include more fruits.
  3. Compliance with hygiene procedures is also important. For example, after each bowel movement, a man should wash the anal area with cool water.
  4. You should not strain for a long time, so constipation should be prevented. It is best to follow a special one, but in some cases you can also take lactulose based.

Thus, hemorrhoids in men are a fairly common disease. However, not all representatives of the stronger sex consult a proctologist on time at the first symptoms of the disease.

Delays in diagnosis and treatment aggravate the pathological process.

Hemorrhoids in men develop as a result of enlarged veins in the anal area. If previously this pathological condition was diagnosed mainly in men over 35 years of age, now the disease is also detected in adolescent patients. In most cases, when the first signs of enlarged hemorrhoids appear, men do not seek medical help.

Thus, a person may experience hemorrhoid symptoms for a long time, which impairs the quality of life, before seeing a doctor. This approach to the treatment of hemorrhoids is often associated with a high risk of complications, many of which pose a threat to the patient’s life.

Features of development in men

In men, the development and rapid progression of hemorrhoids is observed approximately 2 times more often than in women. The reason for the more aggressive course of diseases in men largely lies in the reluctance to consult proctologists in a timely manner. This leads to the fact that treatment begins after complications appear, when it is more difficult to completely cure the pathological condition.

Certain features of the anatomy of the ligamentous apparatus of the pelvic area in men also create conditions for the appearance of hemorrhoids. Thus, the ligamentous apparatus that supports the pelvic organs is less developed than in women. Under the influence of various unfavorable factors, the load on soft tissues increases and the outflow of blood from the blood vessels of the rectum is disrupted, which leads to the development of hemorrhoids.


The causes of hemorrhoids in men in most cases lie in an unhealthy lifestyle. Often this pathological condition is diagnosed in men suffering from physical inactivity. The risk group includes not only office workers, but also truck drivers, taxi drivers, etc.

When a man spends most of the day in a sitting position, a weakening of the muscular corset and ligamentous apparatus is observed first, and then the outflow of blood from the vessels of the pelvic organs worsens. Normally, the muscles and ligaments located in this area, when relaxed and compressed, have a compressive effect on the walls of blood vessels, promoting the outflow of blood and its further movement through the circulatory system. Thus, with a constant state of physical inactivity, chronic blood stagnation develops and the risk of hemorrhoids increases many times over.

Poor nutrition also contributes to the problem. Systematic consumption of fast food, processed foods and other unhealthy foods not only leads to the accumulation of excess weight, but also provokes the development of chronic constipation. For the normal functioning of the intestines, plant fiber is required, which is found in large quantities in fruits and vegetables.

Many men hardly consume plant-based products, preferring more nutritious meat dishes, which contribute to the accumulation of toxins and deterioration of intestinal function. Including dishes with a high content of spicy seasonings in the diet helps to worsen the situation, because they provoke blood flow to the pelvic organs. The combination of constipation and blood flow creates the conditions for a man to develop hemorrhoids.

In addition, the causes of hemorrhoids may lie in the regular forced delay of emptying. Retention of feces leads to increased pressure in the pelvic area. Factors contributing to the appearance of hemorrhoids include:

  • high physical activity;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • tumors in the abdominal cavity;
  • systematically being in a state of stress;
  • anal sex;
  • improper personal hygiene procedures;
  • high body weight;
  • infectious diseases;
  • age-related changes.

In most cases, in patients suffering from hemorrhoids, several factors are identified that can contribute to the appearance of this disease. There is an increased risk of developing hemorrhoids in people who have a genetic predisposition to this pathological condition. A relationship has been identified between congenital weakness or absence of valves in the hemorrhoidal veins and the further development of hemorrhoids in male patients.

General symptoms

In men, hemorrhoids can be both internal and external. In the first case, enlarged nodes are located on the walls of the rectum. External hemorrhoids look like enlarged lumps located around the anus. Thus, they can be clearly seen even without the use of additional manipulations.

The main symptom of this pathological condition is pain. They may intensify during bowel movements and hygiene procedures. In the later stages of the disease, discomfort can radiate to the lower back, pelvic area and thighs. Due to pain, patients begin to experience fear of defecation, which makes it difficult to empty and aggravates the situation.

Patients often experience a sensation of a foreign body or pathological pressure in the anal area. At the initial stage of development of the pathological process, these unpleasant sensations appear only during the period of exacerbation, but in the future they persist constantly.

In addition, the development of hemorrhoids is indicated by persistent increased moisture in the skin around the anus. During periods of exacerbation of the disease, a man may be bothered by severe itching and burning. These symptoms indicate the onset of erosive damage to blood vessels.

When hemorrhoids expand, the risk of bleeding increases. First, traces of blood are found in stool and on toilet paper. Subsequently, under the influence of any factor that increases intra-abdominal pressure, blood discharge becomes so abundant that the patient needs to use pads to avoid soaking the linen.

Increased mucus production may occur. The expanded nodes begin to fall out. At first it is possible to straighten them on your own, but then this procedure becomes impossible. With severe inflammation of the nodes and their swelling, body temperature may increase.

First signs

For a disease such as hemorrhoids, it is best to go to the doctor after signs of enlarged hemorrhoids appear. Effective therapy in the early stages of the disease is possible using conservative methods. The first manifestations of the disease may be vague.

The following primary symptoms of hemorrhoids in men can be identified:

  • sensation of a foreign body in the rectum;
  • feeling of incomplete bowel movement after bowel movement;
  • redness of the skin around the anal sphincter;
  • slight burning sensation;
  • increased secretion of mucus.

Already in the early stages of the development of the pathological process, many men experience discomfort in the anal area. If measures are not taken to prevent further development of the disease, the clinical picture gradually worsens.


Hemorrhoids are extremely dangerous, and delay in treatment causes complications. Often, men see a proctologist after the occurrence of extremely unfavorable conditions that develop against the background of enlarged hemorrhoids.

The most common complication of the disease is anemia. This disorder develops as a result of regular blood loss from dilated hemorrhoids. In addition, in the later stages of hemorrhoids, there is a high probability of nodes falling out and pinched. This complication is accompanied by the appearance of intense pain. If measures are not taken, there is a high probability of node death.

Often blood clots form in the nodes. Thrombosis of the node creates conditions for necrosis. The release of a blood clot is dangerous because it can cause pulmonary embolism, heart attack, stroke and other life-threatening disorders.

Against the background of hemorrhoids, the formation of cracks in the wall of the rectum is often observed. In this case, any act of defecation is accompanied by severe pain. Increased risk of mucosal infection. A frequent complication of the last stages of the disease is paraproctitis. This is a purulent-inflammatory lesion of the rectal mucosa.

Often, as hemorrhoids progress, a perirectal abscess develops. This is a condition in which there is first inflammation and then suppuration of the subcutaneous fatty tissue of the perianal area. Such foci of suppuration often form in people with reduced immunity.

In the future, against the background of this complication, signs of fistula tracts may appear. Fistulas are extremely difficult to treat. Against their background, the risk of developing malignant neoplasms is increased. The chronic inflammatory process that occurs in the rectal area with hemorrhoids can move to other parts of the intestine. With this course, ulcerative colitis is diagnosed.

The most dangerous complication of hemorrhoids is gangrene of the organs and tissues of the pelvis. This complication is extremely difficult to treat and in most cases leads to death. If the course is unfavorable against the background of hemorrhoids, sepsis may develop. Only timely initiation of complex treatment can prevent deterioration of the condition and prevent the occurrence of severe complications.


The primary diagnosis can be made by a proctologist based on anamnesis. However, in most cases this is not enough to prescribe treatment. Considering the high probability of the formation of malignant neoplasms, fistula tracts and other complications in hemorrhoids, patients suffering from this disease require a comprehensive examination.

First of all, an external examination of the patient and a digital examination of the intestine are performed. Anoscopy is often performed to assess the condition of the rectum. This study involves the use of a special instrument that allows you to examine the intestine to a depth of 14 cm.

When diagnosing hemorrhoids, rectoscopy is often performed. The rectoscope is equipped with a light source and a camera that displays the image on a monitor. This tool can have either a flexible or a rigid tube. It allows you to examine the rectum to a depth of 35 cm, which helps to identify even signs of ulcerative colitis and other complications of the disease.

Often, when diagnosing hemorrhoids, irrigoscopy is performed. During this study, the intestines are filled with a barium solution, which acts as a contrast agent. After this, an x-ray of the organ is performed.

To clarify the diagnosis, a number of laboratory tests are prescribed. To determine blood impurities in stool, a coprogram is necessary. In addition, general and biochemical blood tests are often performed.

First aid

At home, you can take a number of measures to alleviate the condition during exacerbation of hemorrhoids. Proper first aid for this disease helps to quickly eliminate the inflammatory process and severe symptomatic manifestations.

To relieve pain and other signs of hemorrhoids when they worsen, the patient should immediately go to bed and try to make as little movements as possible. It's best to turn on your side. Despite the discomfort, it is advisable to relax and calm down. Increased physical and emotional stress increases pressure in the pelvic area and worsens the manifestations of pathology.

If you need to go to the toilet, you should avoid pushing. This contributes to the deterioration of the condition, increased blood supply to the nodes and their loss. You need to drink as much fluid as possible. This helps soften the stool. It is necessary to change the diet, giving preference to foods rich in plant fiber.

If an exacerbation of hemorrhoids occurs due to constipation, it is imperative to perform an enema at home to remove accumulated feces. The procedure must be carried out as carefully as possible so as not to damage the expanded nodes.

During the period of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, the risk of developing infectious complications of this disease is increased. To prevent such an unfavorable course, it is necessary to carry out proper hygiene procedures. After defecation, you should not use paper. It is best to wash the perineum with cool water or chilled decoctions of medicinal plants.

If the knot is external, you can use soft paper and moisturizing wipes to clean the perineum. This promotes rapid healing of damaged hemorrhoids and weakens the inflammatory process.

Treatment methods

In men, hemorrhoids can be treated with both conservative and surgical methods. The attending proctologist should select methods of therapy, taking into account the severity of the clinical picture and the stage of advanced disease. In case of mild hemorrhoids and in the case of contraindications for surgical intervention, conservative therapy is prescribed.

First of all, medications are selected. Most often, hemorrhoids are treated with tablets and ointments of local and systemic action. Shots and injections are rarely used. Drug treatment is selected individually.

Systemic medications used in tablet form for the treatment of hemorrhoids include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and venotonics. These drugs will improve the general condition and stop the inflammatory process.

Venotonics help eliminate stagnant processes and also have a strengthening and tonic effect. These medications should be used both to prevent exacerbation of hemorrhoids and to intensify the inflammatory process. Most often, when treating enlarged nodes, venotonic drugs are used, such as:

  1. Detralex.
  2. Troxevasin.
  3. Ginkor fort.
  4. Venarus.
  5. Phlebodia 600.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs help reduce the severity of the inflammatory process and eliminate pain. The most commonly used medications for hemorrhoids include:

  1. Ketonal.
  2. Ibuprofen.
  3. Diclofenac.

Ointments and suppositories are required to treat hemorrhoids. These medications for topical use can quickly eliminate pain, burning and itching. In addition, the use of these products helps to thin the blood and accelerate the metabolic rate, due to which tissue regeneration occurs faster. Drugs in the form of ointments used in the treatment of hemorrhoids include:

  1. Bezornil.
  2. Troxevasin.
  3. Fleming's ointment.
  4. Heparin ointment.
  5. Ichthyol ointment.
  6. Relief Advance.
  7. Ultraproct.
  8. Aurobin.
  9. Levomekol.
  10. Pylex.

For internal hemorrhoids, it is best to use medications in the form of suppositories. Effective medications of this form include:

  1. Olestesin.
  2. Procto-Glivenol.
  3. Relief.
  4. Proctosedyl.
  5. Proctosan.
  6. Prostopin.
  7. Anuzol.
  8. Natalsid.
  9. Gepatrombin G.
  10. Neo-Anuzol.

The use of medications in the form of suppositories allows you to quickly eliminate swelling and inflammation, reducing the severity of symptomatic manifestations. Some medications can be used systematically, while others are best taken in short courses.

When the symptoms of exacerbation of hemorrhoids increase at home, you can use some folk remedies to alleviate the condition. Steam baths based on onion juice and milk give a good effect. To prepare such a remedy, you need to place a large, peeled and well-washed onion at the bottom of a clay pot. After this, hot milk is poured into the pot, which should completely cover the onion. The dishes should be placed on low heat and simmered for 30 minutes. The finished mixture must be filtered.

Before the procedure, you should cleanse the intestines with an enema. After this, the finished healing decoction needs to be poured into a larger container and diluted a little with boiling water. You should not sit in a basin with a mixture that is too hot. You need to sit over your pelvis so that the steam released warms up the perineal area well. This will relieve pain and other symptoms of hemorrhoids.

To eliminate signs of exacerbation of the disease, you can use aloe vera juice. It is best to squeeze out a new portion of liquid from a fresh sheet before each procedure. A positive effect can also be achieved by using cold compresses. The ice pack should be wrapped in a soft towel to prevent frostbite. Cold compresses should be applied for 10-15 minutes. Procedures during an exacerbation can be used no more than once every 2 hours.

Warm baths can also be of great benefit. To carry them out, it is best to use strong decoctions of herbs such as chamomile, St. John's wort and oak bark. To prepare the decoction, take approximately 5 tbsp. l. crushed plant component for 1.5 liters of boiling water.

This composition should be placed on fire and boiled for 10 minutes. The finished product must be set aside and allowed to cool. After this, the composition is filtered and diluted with 3 liters of hot water. The finished composition for the bath should have a comfortable temperature. The broth is poured into a basin of suitable size. You should sit in such a hot bath for 10-15 minutes. After this, you need to wipe the perineum with a soft towel.

Surgical methods

Most often, minimally invasive surgical methods are used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. These include:

  • laser coagulation;
  • ligation with latex rings;
  • cryotherapy;
  • photocoagulation;
  • disarterization;
  • sclerotherapy.

Latex ring ligation procedures involve placing a special ring on an enlarged hemorrhoid. They tighten the base of the lump, preventing blood from penetrating into it. This leads to the death of the node.

When carrying out laser coagulation, a special laser beam is applied to the base of the hemorrhoidal lump. This leads to soldering of the base of the node and its gradual death. At the site of the bump, a fibrous scar subsequently forms.

The sclerotherapy procedure involves the introduction of a special substance into the enlarged hemorrhoid, which provokes a narrowing of the blood vessels that feed the lump. Thus, blood circulation in the node is disrupted. Subsequently, the node dies.

Photocoagulation involves blocking blood flow to the node through heat. Cryotherapy involves eliminating the existing lump using liquid nitrogen. After removing the node, a small wound remains in its place, which heals quickly.

The disarterization procedure is carried out using an anoscope. When performing manipulations, the vessels supplying the node are blocked. Subsequently, the lump dies and is covered with connective tissue.

If minimally invasive surgery does not achieve a positive result, hemorrhoidectomy is required. This surgical treatment method is used when signs of complications appear, including thrombosis of the node, prolapse of the lump and its pinching, as well as multiple defects. This is an invasive surgery. It involves cutting the node and removing it. This intervention is performed under general anesthesia.

Prognosis after surgery

After surgical removal of nodes, the postoperative period lasts from 2–3 hours to a couple of days, depending on the type of intervention. With this approach to treatment, the prognosis is favorable in most cases. Patients experience long-term remission. Only about 20% of patients begin to form new nodes within six months after surgical treatment of hemorrhoids.


Following a special diet allows you to avoid constipation and frequent cases of acute cases of this disease. The patient must avoid eating heavy foods, as well as dishes high in salt and hot spices. In addition, you should avoid drinking alcohol. You should eat food in small portions 5–7 times a day. Dishes should be boiled, steamed or stewed. Recommended products include:

  • pearl barley;
  • buckwheat;
  • barley porridge;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • lean meats and fish;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • dairy products;
  • compotes;
  • jelly.

Be sure to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Following a diet will soften stool and normalize stool.


Hemorrhoids can cause a lot of discomfort to a man. By following certain precautions, the development of this pathological condition can be avoided. First of all, as part of prevention, all bad habits and anal sex should be eliminated. It is necessary to promptly treat diseases accompanied by constipation, diarrhea and flatulence.

To normalize stool, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of a healthy diet, giving preference to foods of plant origin. You should avoid eating foods that cause constipation and irritation of the intestinal walls. In addition, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

To prevent the appearance of stagnant processes in the pelvic organs, it is necessary to regularly perform physical exercises. In this case, it is necessary to avoid lifting heavy objects, since this can provoke an increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity and create conditions for the appearance of nodes.

To prevent the development of hemorrhoids, a man needs to carefully monitor personal hygiene and wear underwear made from natural fibers. It is recommended to avoid taking blood thinning medications without a doctor's prescription.

Symptoms and treatment of hemorrhoids at home

Hemorrhoids are inflammation of the venous areas of the rectum, as well as their bleeding, enlargement and prolapse. As statistics collected from official data show, every seventh inhabitant of our planet suffers from a similar illness. This one makes up 15% of the total population. However, not everyone rushes to see a doctor when the first symptoms of the disease occur. Therefore, it can be assumed that approximately a quarter of the world's population suffers from hemorrhoids.

Many people have a stereotype that talking about such illnesses is simply ugly and uncivilized. It is for this reason that most patients are in no hurry to visit a doctor. As a result, they come to a specialist when hemorrhoids have reached an advanced stage or when they do not have the strength to fight the disease on their own. It is worth noting that this disease affects both men and women equally.

Causes of hemorrhoids

To prevent the appearance of hemorrhoids, you should clearly understand the factors that provoke the occurrence of this pathology. For the development of varicose pathology itself (weakness of vascular walls, dilation of veins and the appearance of nodes) in the perianal area, a provoking condition is necessary:

  • inadequate bowel function (frequent constipation/diarrhea);
  • inactivity (a sedentary lifestyle is a direct path to hemorrhoids);
  • alcohol abuse (alcohol increases blood flow to the pelvis, and its regular use negatively affects the vascular wall);
  • unhealthy diet (overeating leading to obesity, leaning on spicy/salty foods increases the load on the intestines as a whole, increases pressure on the rectum and irritates its mucous membrane);
  • non-traditional types of sexual pleasure lead to excessive compression of the hemorrhoidal plexus and stretching of the rectal ligaments, which provokes hemorrhoids;
  • lifting weights professionally or as a hobby (power athletes, loaders and people engaged in heavy physical labor must understand that their type of activity is fraught with the development of hemorrhoids);
  • pregnancy (hemorrhoids in women appear during pregnancy, especially not the first one);
  • inflammatory pathology and tumor diseases of the pelvis.

It is wrong to believe that hemorrhoidal disease is exclusively an “adult” pathology. In children, the development of hemorrhoids occurs against the background of frequent constipation, prolonged sitting on the potty and regular hysterical crying. However, in children, hemorrhoids are treated more effectively due to timely treatment, age-related elasticity of blood vessels and the ability to recover during growth.

Types of disease

Symptoms and treatment of hemorrhoids in 2019 largely depend on its type. There are 3 types of this disease:

  1. External, it is often also called anal. The nodes protrude outward in the anus area and are easy to see. This form is characterized by an abundance of unpleasant sensations.
  2. Internal, in which the disease manifests itself in the lumen of the rectum. This form develops relatively slowly, and there is no clear clinical picture.
  3. Combined. It is not difficult to guess from the name itself that this species is a combination of the first two. Such hemorrhoids are considered the most severe; they develop, as a rule, due to ignoring the advice of doctors and not taking their own health seriously.

There are often cases when hemorrhoids lead to various complications. Among them are anemia, which causes a general loss of strength, dizziness and fatigue. This occurs due to blood loss and a decrease in the number of red blood cells in it. In some cases, especially advanced forms lead to gangrene; such an unpleasant phenomenon can be observed with the internal form of hemorrhoids. The blood flow is disrupted or stopped altogether, as a result, the processes of tissue death and necrosis begin.

First signs

The main signs of external hemorrhoids:

  1. Itching and burning.
  2. Unpleasant sensations in the anus and rectum. There may be a feeling of heaviness, incomplete bowel movement, or a foreign body inside.
  3. Pain in the anus and rectum. At first, the pain can be expressed in the form of a slight tingling sensation, then it turns into a pulling sensation. In this case, swelling of the node can be observed.
  4. Bleeding, which most often begins to occur after a bowel movement.
  5. Prolapse of hemorrhoidal node.

The symptoms of internal hemorrhoids are often similar to those listed above. The main difference is that with internal hemorrhoids the nodes do not protrude out, which often makes it difficult to make an accurate diagnosis and examination.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

When hemorrhoids occur, the symptoms (see photo) differ slightly depending on the current condition - remission or exacerbation. During the remission stage, the symptoms subside and cease to bother the patient, and when the disease worsens, the symptoms reappear and cause constant discomfort.

The main signs of hemorrhoids include:

  1. Itching and burning in the anus. Itching or burning indicates erosion of the walls of the hemorrhoids.
  2. Sensation of a foreign body, feeling of heaviness. People suffering from hemorrhoids often feel a foreign body in the anus, as well as heaviness in the groin when walking. Such symptoms appear in people suffering from hemorrhoids due to hemorrhoids filled with blood.
  3. Pain during bowel movements, walking and sitting. Infringement of the hemorrhoidal node is accompanied by severe pain, sometimes unbearable. The pain is severe due to the fact that there are many receptors near the anus. This pain occurs most often during bowel movements, but sometimes also when walking. This pain is a sign of an incipient attack of acute hemorrhoids.
  4. Bleeding during bowel movements, blood in the stool. With severe constipation, a lot of hard feces accumulate in the intestines, which begins to put pressure on the venous walls. They, in turn, due to pressure, begin to be poorly supplied with oxygen, and due to their prolonged overflow with blood, they begin to stretch. As a result of stretching, the walls become thinner, and ruptures occur in some places, which leads to bleeding. In this case, blood flows only before or after defecation. Blood can flow either in small droplets that remain on the paper or in streams. If the bleeding is intense, it can result in iron deficiency anemia. It should be noted that bleeding from the anus is the main symptom of hemorrhoids, which indicates a tumor in the large intestine!
  5. Soreness to the touch of hemorrhoids. If touching the hemorrhoids causes you severe pain, and the nodes themselves become purple or plum in color, then this is a sign of thrombosis. Plum spots can reach two centimeters in diameter. If you have at least one of the above symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor and not wait for miraculous self-healing. Although you can also use folk remedies for treating hemorrhoids, because even in ancient times, hemorrhoids were not considered a disease at all. Hemorrhoids were such an insignificant disease that they perceived them as we now see them as a splinter.

Another main symptom of hemorrhoids is the prolapse of hemorrhoids from the anus, which is a consequence of the development of degenerative processes. And the development of dystrophic processes is caused by strong and prolonged straining during bowel movements, as well as simply sitting in the toilet for a long time reading a newspaper. Another reason may be smoking. By the way, if you want to quit smoking, this is the place for you.

What hemorrhoids look like, photo

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in humans.



The development process goes through four stages:

Stage 1 the person begins to complain of bleeding from the rectum. This usually happens during the act of defecation. An important difference from other stages is the absence of prolapse of hemorrhoids.
Stage 2 In addition to bleeding, the patient begins to worry about prolapse of nodes, which occurs during straining during bowel movements. After the act of defecation, the nodes are adjusted independently.
Stage 3 the nodes provoke bleeding; during defecation they fall out, and at the same time they cannot be reduced on their own; the patient himself has to do this manually. In this case, prolapse is also possible in other situations when the patient’s pressure in the abdominal cavity increases, for example, when coughing, lifting something heavy, sneezing, etc.
Stage 4 the last stage of hemorrhoids, in which the entire anal area is involved in the pathological process. The patient is bothered by frequent and massive bleeding, nodes that fall out even after minor loads, and they cannot be reduced. Often at this stage, thrombosis develops, which causes an attack of acute hemorrhoids, in which inflammation affects not only the anus, but also the subcutaneous tissue of the surrounding tissues.


A progressive disease in the absence of proper treatment usually leads to a number of complications, and they can hardly be called pleasant.

  1. Inflammatory processes localized in surrounding tissues. In some cases, this leads to paraproctitis, characterized by inflammation of the tissue around the rectum. This disease is a very serious complication; it requires immediate and quite serious treatment.
  2. Anemia. This disease develops with a long course of hemorrhoids, accompanied by heavy and regular bleeding.
  3. Cracks. This is the main cause of pain in hemorrhoids. It is worth remembering that anal fissures create ideal conditions under which all kinds of bacteria penetrate deep into the tissue and develop there. As a result, this phenomenon can cause an abscess. This is a limited purulent inflammation, accompanied by severe pain, fever and general malaise. If such a complication occurs, surgical intervention is required.

In older people, fecal incontinence and anal sphincter insufficiency may occur.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

When hemorrhoids develop, there are two treatment methods: conservative and surgical.

Conservative treatment consists of the use of systemic and local medications and is used in the initial stages of the disease. It is aimed at relieving pain, preventing complications and exacerbations, and is used for preoperative preparation and postoperative rehabilitation of patients.

Drug therapy for hemorrhoids includes the following types of medications:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics are used to relieve inflammation and pain in the anus. Patients are prescribed drugs such as Analgin, Diclofenac, Nise, Ibuklin;
  • venotonics to normalize the tone of venous vessels - Detralex, Phlebodia, Venoton, Troxevasin;
  • hemostatics to stop bleeding from hemorrhoidal cones - Vikasol, Ditsinon, Calcium chloride;
  • ointments based on Nitroglycerin to relieve spasm of the anal sphincter;
  • heparin-based ointments to prevent thrombosis of hemorrhoids;
  • laxatives to normalize stool - Dufalak, Normaze, Bisocadil.

Surgical removal of hemorrhoids is used when conservative therapy is ineffective or in the event of complications. For this purpose, minimally invasive techniques and hemorrhoidectomy can be used.

Ointments and suppositories

During conservative treatment, ointments and suppositories are used.

  1. Sea buckthorn candles. They restore immune cells, relieve swelling and eliminate itching. Suppositories are good at killing bacteria and have a detrimental effect on histamine (cells that provoke inflammation). Anuzole suppositories and Fleming's ointment have the same effect.
  2. Heparin ointment. Its use can relieve symptoms and eliminate exacerbation of the disease. This medicine is the main component of the treatment of pathology. The use of heparin ointment during inflammation of the seals is especially effective. It prevents the appearance of blood clots, relieves pain and relieves swelling.
  3. Proctosan ointment. Proctosan ointment is widely used. It is used in the first and second stages of the disease. Apply the product to the affected areas. An ointment is used to relieve inflammation in the rectum.

Relief ointment and levomekol also stimulate immune cells well and counteract inflammation. They are known for their wound healing effect and vasoconstrictor effect.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods are also effective in practice; it is important to choose the right hypoallergenic composition to eliminate the risk of an allergic reaction. Below are good recipes for treating anal fissures and bumps.

  1. Peel the potatoes and cut a candle out of it. Insert at the entrance to the rectum at night, perform the procedure before bedtime. Such “potato sessions” should be carried out for 5-7 nights in a row to completely get rid of hemorrhoids.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil will help with external hemorrhoids. It is necessary to soak a cotton pad in the oil base, and then apply it to the painful lump overnight. In total, carry out 10 procedures to completely get rid of hemorrhoids.
  3. Yarrow is a folk remedy for hemorrhoids, which should be used in the form of natural juice or medicinal decoction. If you don’t have a juice squeezing machine, it is recommended to prepare a water infusion that you can use for medicinal baths before bed.

Baths for hemorrhoids at home

This is a quick method to relieve pain and relieve inflammation. The bath for hemorrhoids has no contraindications, side effects are also excluded. Doctors recommend following daily hygiene rules, using toilet soap without additives, and then rinsing the problem area with a decoction of chamomile, calendula, and yarrow.

This water procedure does not provide emergency relief, but it reduces the number of painful relapses. A particularly effective composition is crushed garlic with fresh milk in water.

Diet and proper nutrition

Nutrition for hemorrhoids is no less important than drug treatment or surgery. You need to eat fractionally - 5-6 times a day in small portions. The drinking regime should be sufficient - 1.5-2.5 liters of still water without sugar per day.

  • Food should be processed using gentle heat treatment methods - boiling, baking, stewing, steaming, and also contain a sufficient amount of fiber.
  • For hemorrhoids, it is recommended to consume foods such as fermented milk, pumpkin, zucchini and zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, carrots and other vegetables, fruits, cereals, and whole grain bread. Give preference to cereals, salads, especially vinaigrette, boiled or stewed lean meat, chicken, fish, steamed cutlets, soups, casseroles.


Sphincter gymnastics is also very useful for external hemorrhoids; it should be performed every day, these are just 3 simple exercises:

  • The exercise is done while lying on your back, squeezing your buttocks, counting slowly to 5, while pulling your rectum as much as possible. You should also relax on the count to 5. Repeat the exercise 15 times.
  • Lie on your stomach, put your hands under your chin - alternately lift your straight legs one at a time, 10 times the left one, 10 times the right one.
  • Lie on your right side, bend your right arm at the elbow under your head, while your left arm is also bent, but in front of your chest, and also bend your right leg. For 4 counts, raise your left leg and bend it at the knee, straighten it, moving it back, then lower it. Do a similar exercise on the left side 10 times.

Minimally invasive techniques

Minimally invasive treatment of hemorrhoids allows you to quickly and without serious injury get rid of such a delicate problem. Therapeutic methods in most cases only muffle the symptoms of the disease and delay the moment when it is necessary to use more radical methods. Before prescribing a particular procedure, the doctor examines the patient’s medical history, conducts a comprehensive examination, and evaluates all possible risks.

Minimally invasive technologies for hemorrhoid removal include:

  1. Electrocoagulation is carried out under the control of an anoscope. An electrode is applied to the leg of the node and the tissues are coagulated (welded), after which they quickly die. In one procedure it is possible to get rid of 1-2 pathological foci. After gluing, the hemorrhoid stops feeding and growing, and after a while it completely disappears.
  2. Sclerotherapy is a low-traumatic treatment of hemorrhoids using special sclerosing substances that are introduced into the node, glue its walls, making it possible to stop their nutrition and die off in the future. The technique is carried out only at stages 1-3 of hemorrhoids. It does not eliminate the risk of relapse of the disease and is effective only for small hemorrhoids.
  3. Cryotherapy is a short-term treatment of hemorrhoids with liquid nitrogen. After this, the hemorrhoidal node dies and falls off. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, so there is no pain.
  4. Latex ligation. With this technology for removing hemorrhoids, special latex rings are used. They are inserted through an anoscope into the anus and a knot is tied with them. This completely blocks the blood flow in it, and after 1-2 weeks the node itself is rejected along with the ligature. This technique will be used in later stages of hemorrhoids (3 and 4).

Minimally invasive methods of combating hemorrhoids can be used only at stages 1-3 of the disease, always without exacerbation of the inflammatory process. All procedures are carried out after local anesthesia. There is no need to use general anesthesia. Only 1-3 nodes can be removed in one session. Sometimes treatment takes place in several stages, at intervals of several weeks.

Latex ligation

Surgery for hemorrhoids: hemorrhoidectomy

This is the excision of the hemorrhoid along with part of the mucous membrane, with suturing of its stem. The operation is indicated for chronic hemorrhoids in the last stages, severe bleeding, frequent relapses and thrombosis of hemorrhoids.

The duration of hospitalization is up to 10 days. The duration of the recovery period is 2-3 weeks. Immediately after surgery, pain may appear; postoperative sutures sometimes suppurate and hurt.

To make you feel better, special analgesic drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, and sitz baths are prescribed after each bowel movement.


To prevent the development of hemorrhoids, you should follow a balanced diet. The daily diet should include a sufficient amount of liquid (1.5–2 liters) and dietary fiber of plant origin (vegetables, bran, etc.). It is necessary to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages and overly hot and spicy foods.

  1. It is recommended to avoid overload during defecation (excessive straining); it is preferable to wet the perianal area after defecation, preferably with cool water.
  2. During pregnancy, in order to reduce venous stagnation, daily exercises, walking, and a rational diet with plenty of laxative foods are recommended.

Remember that the treatment of hemorrhoids should only be entrusted to professionals. You should not neglect this disease or self-medicate.

Hemorrhoids are the most common ailment of modern humanity, but few people know the true reasons for its development.

Andrey Alekseevich: Hello, what causes hemorrhoids? I seem to be actively involved in the prevention of this disease. I lead an active lifestyle, go to the gym, do gymnastics in the morning, and wash myself with water after visiting the toilet. But every 3-4 months there is itching and discomfort in the anal area. The knot is asking to come out. What reasons can cause the disease and why do lumps appear in the anal area?

The causes of hemorrhoids can be easily identified by a doctor after diagnosis, but guessing and self-medicating is very dangerous! Any disease has its own etiology, that is, origin.

What kind of disease

Hemorrhoids swell and eventually fall out of the anal canal

This disease is often said to be ordinary varicose veins, only in the intestines. In reality, everything is somewhat more complicated. Each person normally has three hemorrhoids at birth. These are special structures, experts call them cavernous formations.

As in our entire body, blood flows in and out regularly in these nodes. In a healthy person, hemorrhoids are small in size and cannot be felt at all. Under unfavorable conditions, which are discussed in detail below, hemorrhoidal plexuses increase in size, bleed, and become inflamed.

Modern medicine distinguishes four stages of the disease. They are listed below in ascending order:

  1. The disease manifests itself as discomfort in the intestines. For example, immediately after defecation there is a feeling as if the intestines are still too full. Blood drops and smears appear on toilet paper and/or on the stool itself. Sometimes a burning and itching sensation is felt in the anal area (you can feel one or the other).
  2. The first obvious and very characteristic signs: during defecation, enlarged hemorrhoids fall out of the anal canal, which immediately retract spontaneously.
  3. A new one is added to the existing symptoms: nodes that have fallen out of the intestines can no longer be set on their own; this can only be done manually. Not only defecation, but also any physical effort can lead to prolapse of the nodes.
  4. The condition of the intestines is such that hemorrhoidal plexuses can fall out at any time. Their manual adjustment becomes impossible in principle. Pinched nodes, the development of anemia due to frequent bleeding, various inflammatory processes and concomitant intestinal diseases cannot be ruled out.

The symptoms listed above are characteristic of chronic hemorrhoids. If the disease worsens, the person experiences pain, sometimes difficult to bear. As well as significant discomfort, for example, when sitting or defecating.

Why can hemorrhoids occur?

What causes hemorrhoids? There is only one key reason here: impaired blood flow in the cavernous bodies of the rectum.

Crowded hemorrhoids easily begin to bleed at the slightest irritation. Usually during the passage of stool through the intestines. Healing of wounds and cracks with poor blood flow occurs slowly. In addition, the development of inflammatory processes cannot be ruled out, especially if the state of the intestinal microflora is far from ideal.

Further development of the disease occurs in the absence of treatment. Poor nutrition, excessive/insufficient physical activity, as well as inattention to one’s condition can further worsen the course of the disease. Of course, hemorrhoids can be cured at any stage, however, the more complicated the disease, the greater the efforts required from doctors and from the person himself.

Meanwhile, hemorrhoids can be avoided. To do this, it is important to study the risk factors, which are discussed in detail below.

Risk factors and precipitating circumstances

It is extremely rare that hemorrhoids become a consequence of a congenital pathology. Perhaps this is the only case when a person, in principle, cannot do anything. The hereditary factor is important, but is not at all a death sentence. Even if at the time of the birth of the child both his parents suffered from hemorrhoids, the disease may never affect him.

The main risk group is people with a sedentary lifestyle. Some people have a job that requires them to constantly be at the computer, driving, and so on, while others are just wired that way—they don’t like to move.

Poor diet and sedentary lifestyle provoke the development of the disease

The latter group often includes pensioners. Wanting to have a good rest after many years of work, people almost completely give up physical activity. Meanwhile, in a sitting position, something like a thermal layer is formed between the surface of the chair (armchair, seat) and the human body. As a result, blood stagnates in the lower part of the body, including hemorrhoids.

What if the work is “standing” or involves lifting heavy objects? Here, on the contrary, we are talking about overloading the body. They, like a lack of physical activity, lead to increased blood pressure, deterioration of blood flow, and decreased elasticity of vascular walls.

Bowel movement

Constipation and frequent diarrhea are extremely unfavorable factors. In the first case, the intestinal blood vessels are pinched by accumulated feces.

You should not push for a long time in the toilet - this will lead to the knots falling out.

If defecation requires real efforts, it is equivalent to lifting (carrying) heavy objects. In this case, the intestinal mucosa is seriously irritated, sphincter spasms are possible, which also disrupts blood flow. Most often, the reason lies in poor nutrition.

Poor nutrition

Modern cooking has a whole arsenal of spices. Many of them add truly amazing aromas and flavors to dishes, but at the same time the intestines suffer. Too much blood flows into his blood vessels, and the mucous membranes are also irritated. Excessive addiction to alcohol can also lead to hemorrhoids. Alcohol dramatically increases blood pressure and also causes blood to rush to the gastrointestinal tract.

Relatively recently, doctors have confirmed another provoking circumstance - anal sex. During such sexual intercourse, the rectal sphincter is mechanically stretched and irritated. Then the healing of microcracks begins, and with it, excessive blood flow to the rectum and hemorrhoids.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Special mention should be made of hemorrhoids in children and pregnant women. Even an infant can develop inflammation of the nodes if the child cries often and for a long time or suffers from constipation.

Increased intra-abdominal pressure during pregnancy often causes itching, burning in the anal area, and prolapse of nodes.

In expectant mothers, the disease is provoked by the growing uterus and the pressure that the fetus exerts on the surrounding internal organs. Add to this the pushing, which during childbirth can be quite strong and prolonged.

What to do if at least one of the provoking factors is characteristic of the lifestyle of a particular person? Get busy. Proper nutrition in combination with regular bowel movements and feasible physical activity can delay the occurrence of hemorrhoids for many years.

Questions on the topic

Why do hemorrhoids develop in women?

First of all, these are: hereditary vascular pathology, sedentary profession in the office, smoking, taking hormonal drugs, pregnancy and childbirth, digestive problems. In young girls, anal sex is often the cause of the development of pathology. begins with symptom relief. Otherwise, the disease quickly becomes chronic.

What causes hemorrhoids in men?

In the stronger half of humanity, inflammation of hemorrhoids most often occurs due to the following factors: alcohol abuse, smoking, heavy physical labor, long driving, chronic constipation, unhealthy diet.

Important materials

For many, the occurrence of symptoms of varicose veins of the rectum is a complete surprise. However, unpleasant sensations in the anorectal area do not appear out of nowhere. The causes of hemorrhoids are very numerous.

Despite the high prevalence of varicose veins, scientists have not yet fully figured out the exact cause of its occurrence. There are many phenomena that contribute to hemorrhoids.

They are usually divided into 2 groups – predisposing and producing causes.

Predisposing causes of hemorrhoids

Such reasons include various genetic diseases, poor functioning of venous valves, physical inactivity, bearing a child and age. Many of these factors cannot be cured.

Genetic predisposition

The most reliable version is considered to be the opinion about a hereditary predisposition to pathology, which is why, if you have a burdened medical history, you need to be examined by specialists in a timely manner. Many doctors are convinced that the main cause of the disease is the weakness of the venous walls and their high permeability.

In addition, the venous vessels do not have such a developed muscular layer as the arterial branches, so to prevent the reverse flow of blood, each vein has special valves that “lock” the vessels.

Their congenital deficiency often causes an increase in blood pressure in the cavernous formations of the rectal canal, which can result in a pathological process.

Physical inactivity

With low mobility and a tendency towards a sedentary “lifestyle”, in the case of insufficient dynamic loads and exercises, blood stagnates in the lower part of the body, in particular in the pelvic area.

Hemorrhoids can form in people who, due to their functional duties, are forced to sit or stand for long periods of time during the day.

The risk group includes:

  • office employees;
  • drivers;
  • programmers;
  • secretaries;
  • cashiers;
  • teachers;
  • hairdressers;
  • waiters, etc.

In this case, blood clots may form in the hemorrhoidal veins, clogging the vascular lumen. This often leads to a complication of hemorrhoidal disease such as thrombosis.

Carrying a child

The main reasons for the formation of hemorrhoids in expectant mothers are the changes that occur in the female body. First of all, due to hormonal changes, the muscle activity of many internal organs, including the intestines, decreases.

It works more slowly, which leads to constipation, and then hemorrhoids.

The child is growing up, therefore, it is not very comfortable to move, so expectant mothers prefer to sit and lie down more.

What causes hemorrhoids in the last months of pregnancy? By the end of the second trimester, the fetus increases significantly in size and actively presses on the blood vessels located in the pelvic area.

As a result, blood stagnation begins and cavernous bodies protrude.

Sometimes the expectant mother is not even aware of the pathological process in the rectum. Trouble can occur after delivery due to severe straining during labor.


The likelihood of experiencing hemorrhoids increases in those people who have crossed the 40-year mark. This pattern is connected with the fact that in mature and old age the vascular walls begin to lose elasticity, their tone gradually decreases.

In addition, in people over 40 years of age, the muscles of the rectal canal gradually weaken. As a result, the muscles are unable to hold hemorrhoids in the anus. They can crawl out, fall out, or be pinched by the anal sphincter.

The disease also occurs in childhood, but such cases are extremely rare and are mainly associated with a hereditary factor.

Producing causes of hemorrhoids

This category of factors includes all phenomena that in one way or another increase blood pressure inside the peritoneum. These reasons for the formation of chronic hemorrhoids are also called provoking factors.

Hard physical labor

A similar reason is more typical for the stronger half of humanity. Constant lifting of heavy objects (this includes both work and exercises with exercise equipment - weights and barbells) provokes some unpleasant phenomena.

With regular increased physical activity, the following occurs:

  • increased blood flow to the pelvic area;
  • decreased elasticity of the walls of blood vessels;
  • formation of congestion in the pelvis and rectal veins;
  • formation of hemorrhoids;
  • increased symptoms if the cavernous bodies are already enlarged.

It is increased physical activity (constant or occurring from time to time) that is a common reason that the hemorrhoidal node, located in the rectal canal, comes out in the last stages of the disease.

It is curious that a similar factor in the development of hemorrhoids is increasingly found in the medical history of representatives of the fair half of humanity, who visit gyms in order to gain a toned figure and pump up their abs.

Stool disorders

A similar problem occurs equally often among men and lovely ladies; both in old age and during adolescence. Constipation, which is associated with poor diet and physical inactivity, is characterized by prolonged retention of fecal matter.

In such a situation, the feces begin to thicken, pressing on the intestinal walls and blood vessels located in the pelvis.

In addition, since feces do not come out, the person pushes “as hard as he can.” As a result, optimal blood flow is disrupted, pressure increases, and cavernous bodies protrude.

During the act of defecation, which occurs sooner or later, hard feces damage the hemorrhoids, which causes bleeding.

Additionally, cracks form in the mucous membrane, which increases the likelihood of infection and inflammatory processes in the rectum.

Treatment of hemorrhoids caused by difficulties with defecation necessarily includes normalization of stool, including through the use of laxatives.

Diseases of internal organs

Often emerging hemorrhoids have causes associated with inflammatory and tumor processes that occur in the organs of the pelvic region.

In women, inflammation of the internal genital organs: uterus, vagina, appendages (ovaries, tubes and ligaments) often leads to the appearance of varicose hemorrhoidal veins.

Among representatives of the stronger sex, pathologies of the prostate and bladder can lead to the formation of hemorrhoids. Inflammation in these organs impairs the flow of blood from the entire pelvic area, resulting in congestion.

Another factor of increased intra-abdominal pressure is portal hypertension. This diagnosis refers to negative symptoms that develop due to cirrhosis of the liver and are characterized by impaired blood flow in the area of ​​the portal vein.

Psychological factor

Another “provocateur” of hemorrhoids is stressful situations, which, unfortunately, have ceased to be a rarity in our turbulent times. However, a low emotional background or depression in itself does not lead to pathology, but creates the preconditions for the factors listed above.

A person who is under stress leads a lifestyle that increases the likelihood of hemorrhoidal disease. As a result of psycho-emotional stress:

  • physical activity decreases;
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages and harmful foods occurs;
  • constipation occurs. Thus, stressful situations, psycho-emotional overload, incorrectly selected work and rest regimes lead to the appearance of predisposing and producing factors, which then provoke the formation of hemorrhoids.

Poor nutrition as one of the factors causing hemorrhoids

It is curious that recently it is an unbalanced diet and passion for alcoholic beverages that have become common factors in the formation of a pathological process in the rectal canal and the occurrence of hemorrhoidal symptoms.

That is why the question becomes relevant: why does a disease such as hemorrhoids occur due to poor nutrition? It is no secret that a healthy diet, including the optimal amount of protein, fat, carbohydrates and minerals, prevents many diseases.

And, on the contrary, harmful foods can provoke the formation of enlarged cavernous bodies for a number of reasons:

  • hot, spicy, pickled dishes, replete with seasonings and spices, irritate the intestinal walls and increase the level of blood filling of the vessels of the rectal canal. As a result, blood pressure increases in hemorrhoids;
  • passion for hamburgers and other fast food not only leads to extra pounds, but also provokes difficulties with bowel movements. This is due to the low content of natural fiber and liquid in such dishes, as a result of which the feces harden;
  • alcohol abuse leads to dilation of blood vessels, located, among other things, in the rectal canal. Accordingly, the cavernous veins become overfilled with blood and become deformed. Alcohol also reduces the strength of vascular walls;
  • An unbalanced drinking regime also contributes to the formation of hemorrhoidal symptoms due to dehydration and causing constipation.

Why is it so important to know the mechanism of development of a disease such as hemorrhoids, what causes it and what provokes it? The answer to these questions will help you find the source of the disease, which, if eliminated, will significantly speed up the recovery process.

Treatment of hemorrhoids: basic methods

Thus, it is not enough to establish why hemorrhoids occur; it is necessary to choose the most appropriate therapeutic method, and it can be medicinal, minimally invasive or surgical. Below is a summary of each method.

Conservative therapy

Most often, varicose hemorrhoidal veins are chronic, so taking medications does not allow you to completely get rid of negative symptoms.

The main indications for drug therapy are the onset of the pathological process and exacerbation of the disease in the later stages.

Conservative treatment of hemorrhoids includes the use of several groups and categories of drugs:

  • . Taking these systemic medications can be considered the basis of therapy, since their venotonic effect increases venous tone, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces capillary permeability and improves blood flow in arteriovenous connections. Popular venotonics include, etc.;
  • . Their use is justified for rectal localization of hemorrhoids, as well as for the formation of anal fissures. These drugs have multiple therapeutic effects: anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, antithrombotic, hemostatic, antipruritic, etc. Common drugs:, ;
  • . These drugs are also intended for local therapy and have medicinal qualities similar to suppositories. Most often, for hemorrhoids, ointments and gels are used, such as, etc.;
  • . If it is impossible to restore normal stool through diet, a laxative drug is usually prescribed. It should enhance intestinal motility and improve bowel movements. Examples of safe and effective laxatives include Duphalac,

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