Home Stomatitis Why does itching in the anus occur? Itching in the anus: causes and diagnosis

Why does itching in the anus occur? Itching in the anus: causes and diagnosis

Itching in the anus is an unpleasant clinical symptom that significantly worsens the quality of life. There are many causes for a burning sensation in the anal area, so you should not make a diagnosis yourself. If discomfort and itching are caused by insufficient hygiene, it is enough to eliminate the provoking factor so that the burning sensation stops. In cases where the itching does not go away within 1-2 days, and its severity becomes stronger, you should consult a doctor. A coloproctologist treats diseases of the colon. In small towns where it is impossible to get help from a highly specialized specialist, the examination should begin with a visit to a therapist.

Most often, itching in and around the anus is accompanied by other symptoms, the most common of which is irritation and redness of the skin in the anus. Such manifestations are characteristic of many diseases, but in 30% of cases they indicate improper or insufficient hygiene. Skin irritation in combination with severe itching can be a sign of helminthic infestation and some chronic ailments, among which diabetes mellitus occupies a leading position.

Sometimes the burning sensation is accompanied by the formation of small ulcers. This picture is typical for sexually transmitted infectious pathologies. Some infections (for example, candidiasis in women) may cause a white, cheesy coating to form on the skin around the anus. Despite the fact that this symptom is rarely detected, this possibility cannot be completely excluded, since in the absence of basic personal hygiene, thrush from the genitals can easily spread to the anal area.

Important! In rare cases, itching around the posterior opening may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature to 37.3-37.6°. This happens mainly with extensive helminth infections and severe intoxication. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, serious complications from the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems are possible.

Helminths are one of the causes of itching in the anus

Pathological itching, not associated with intimate hygiene, is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • burning;
  • redness around the anus;
  • temperature fluctuations (slight increase within subfebrile values);
  • formation of pimples and ulcers (for sexually transmitted infections).

Even if itching is an isolated symptom and nothing else bothers the patient, there is no point in postponing a visit to the doctor, since most chronic diseases can occur in a latent form for a long time.

Causes of itching

To understand what exactly caused the itching, you need to take tests of stool, urine and blood, and also visit a specialized specialist. In some cases, you may need the opinion of other doctors: a gynecologist (for women), an endocrinologist, an infectious disease specialist and a gastroenterologist.

If the itching is of moderate intensity, accompanied by burning and redness of the skin, perhaps the reason lies in insufficient hygiene measures. The anus is one of the most vulnerable and sensitive areas, so keeping this part of the body clean is of great importance for the prevention of infectious diseases. To prevent the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, the main one of which is itching, it is important to follow the following recommendations:

  • underwear should be made of natural materials with good breathability (natural cotton without the addition of synthetics);
  • hygienic showering and washing should be done daily;
  • to care for the intimate area, which includes the anus, it is necessary to use mild detergents (it is better to choose foam gels - they have a soft texture and help to gently cleanse the skin of impurities);
  • It is necessary to dry the skin after a shower with a personal towel, and it is important that separate towels are allocated for the body and legs;
  • Underwear must be changed every day;
  • Women are advised not to use sanitary pads with fragrances - they can irritate the skin and cause allergic reactions.

Irritated skin can be lubricated " Bepanthen"and other products with B vitamins. If, despite following all hygiene recommendations, the itching does not go away within 1-3 days, you should consult a doctor, as the causes can be very serious.

Infection with worms

To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to examine a smear from the skin around the anus. This can be done in a laboratory or at home. A cotton swab should be moistened with water at room temperature, carefully passed around the anus several times and placed in a sterile, closed container. The material must be delivered to the laboratory within 2-4 hours.

Important! Before taking tests, you should not wash yourself, as this can distort the results and lead to a false answer.

  • frequent headaches of unknown etiology;
  • gray complexion, skin rashes (boils, pimples, acne);
  • allergic reactions;
  • abdominal pain;
  • problems with appetite;
  • sudden weight loss while maintaining the usual physical activity and eating behavior.

If anal butt is accompanied by any of the listed signs, it is necessary to undergo examination by an infectious disease specialist.

Disturbance of intestinal microflora

Long-term use of antibiotics, poor diet, bad habits and other unfavorable factors can lead to an imbalance of beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms. With dysbacteriosis, the itching is constant and may be accompanied by irritation and redness of the skin around the anus. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to examine the intestinal microflora. To do this, a bacterial culture is performed; if necessary, the doctor may prescribe additional studies.

If the cause of the unpleasant symptom is dysbacteriosis, the patient must:

  • include more fermented milk products in your diet (kefir and Bifidok are especially useful);
  • undergo a course of treatment with probiotic drugs;
  • normalize nutrition so that the daily diet contains the optimal amount of useful nutrients;
  • eat more vegetables, fruits and greens (they contain fiber and pectin, which remove toxins, waste and harmful bacteria from the intestines).

Symptoms of dysbiosis usually disappear after 7-10 days of taking probiotics. If this does not happen, it is necessary to undergo a more in-depth examination to identify hidden causes.


Itching in diabetes mellitus appears mainly in the genital area, but sometimes the symptom can occur in the rectum. A similar picture is typical for women over 40 years of age, but in rare cases, similar clinical manifestations can also be diagnosed in men.

Itching in diabetes of any type is severe and intense. Correcting your diet, taking medications and following medical recommendations will help reduce symptoms, but you will not be able to completely get rid of itching. The pathology in most cases takes a chronic course and worsens with any violations of the regime and errors in nutrition.

Pathologies of the rectum

Sometimes severe itching may indicate the presence of pathologies and diseases of the rectum. Most often, severe itching occurs with various forms of hemorrhoids and damage to the intestinal mucosa. Cracks in the anus are also one of the causes of painful itching and burning, since any dirt that gets into the damaged areas causes serious discomfort. If there are cracks and abrasions on the walls of the rectum, increased attention should be paid to hygiene. Before healing it is necessary:

  • wash yourself after each bowel movement;
  • arrange air baths several times a day;
  • change linen 2 times a day.

Less commonly, the cause of itching is intestinal polyposis. Polyps are benign formations that form on the mucous membranes of the intestines. They can grow isolated or form colonies. In the presence of polyps, the itching is of medium intensity, and the pathology itself is accompanied by a slight discharge of blood (mainly during bowel movements).

Important! In some cases, severe itching, droplets of blood, and skin irritation are symptoms of malignant diseases at the initial stage. To exclude the possibility of oncological lesions, it is necessary to consult a doctor in time and follow all diagnostic recommendations.

Pathologies of the digestive system

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can also occur with the formation of anal itching. Most often, such symptoms manifest themselves in acute gastritis, colitis and pancreatitis. Insufficient production of digestive enzymes and impaired gastric acidity can lead to mild burning and discomfort that occurs periodically and is not constant. This symptom may intensify after eating fried foods or foods with a high content of flavors, dyes and other harmful synthetic additives.

Acute gastritis is one of the possible causes of itching in the anus

Dermatological diseases

Itching in the anus is one of the main symptoms of pediculosis (lice infestation), psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis. With these diseases, the skin in the anal area becomes very red, flaky spots and painful ulcers may form. Determining the cause of itching in this case is quite simple, since almost all skin pathologies have pronounced clinical symptoms. Special tests and analyzes are required only in exceptional cases.

Contact dermatitis and allergic reactions deserve special attention. They can be caused by the use of aggressive cosmetics and household chemicals with a high content of fragrances. These include:

  • toilet paper;
  • washing powder and fabric softeners;
  • sanitary pads (for women);
  • intimate hygiene products, etc.

If you are prone to skin irritation in the anus, it is recommended to avoid scented and colored toilet paper. To wash clothes, it is better to use hypoallergenic or baby powder. They do not contain harmful additives and reduce the risk of allergies to a minimum.

Video - 3 causes of itching in the anus

Allergy to drugs

Anal itching is often an allergic reaction to the use of medications for local treatment (ointments and gels for hemorrhoids, rectal suppositories). If itching and burning appear after applying the drugs to the genital area or rectum, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of an allergy to the active substance of the drug or auxiliary ingredients.

Psychoses and neuroses

Itching, which is neurological in nature, is very common. For example, with psoriasis, it is stress that provokes attacks of severe itching, which are difficult to relieve with medications. If a person is prone to emotional outbursts or is under stress for a long time, the likelihood of itching on any part of the body increases several times.

To cope with anxiety, you need to walk and relax more. People with neurological pathologies are advised to limit watching TV and working on the computer, especially in the evening. Before going to bed, you can drink a little milk with honey or a cup of herbal tea. In case of severe disorders and a tendency towards depression, it is necessary to contact specialists, since it can be very difficult to cope with such problems on your own.


We determine the causes of itching in the anus in women and find treatment options at home

Itching in the anus in women can be quite a painful phenomenon, in which a person feels a burning and tingling sensation in the corresponding area. These sensations force him to scratch the anus, which is often accompanied by injuries. The topic of anal itching is quite delicate, but it can affect anyone, regardless of their gender and age.

The causes of anal itching can be either trivial factors such as lack of hygiene or serious intestinal diseases. In addition, itching of unknown etiology has a serious impact on the quality of life, worsening it: performance decreases, mood deteriorates, normal communication becomes difficult, etc.

The main causes of itching in women

Often, itching around the anus occurs due to poor hygiene. As a result of the development of pathogenic microflora and insufficient cleansing of the skin, diaper rash may develop. Tight or synthetic underwear can also cause skin irritation. When diaper rash occurs, it is enough to follow the necessary hygiene standards; sometimes you can use an anti-inflammatory cream or powder.

Another complaint of anal itching may occur against the background of mental and neurological disorders:

  • for neuroses;
  • with obsessive-compulsive disorder with an obsessive desire to frequently wash various parts of the body (including the perineum);
  • with dermatozoan delirium, when a person believes himself to be infected with insects or worms crawling under the skin;
  • in case of disturbance of surface sensitivity due to diseases of the spine and spinal cord.

Itching due to skin irritation is associated with rough toilet paper, synthetic underwear, allergies to washing powder and detergents. Identifying the true cause of anal itching will help you choose the right treatment. And the solution to such a delicate problem should be entrusted to doctors, and not to self-medicate.

How to treat itching in the anus in women?

Depending on the established cause of itching, the doctor selects medications that can relieve this unpleasant sensation.

If the symptom is caused by diseases of the internal organs (diabetes mellitus, dysfunction of the pancreas and liver, intestinal dysbiosis), then the medical specialist will prescribe adequate treatment to eliminate the underlying disease. Skin diseases require a special approach, timely prescription of drugs produced in the form of special ointments that have a drying effect. This group of drugs includes salicylic and zinc ointment, Hydrocortisone.

If the appearance of itching in the anal area is a consequence of the development of an allergic reaction, the attending physician selects highly effective antihistamines that have a wide spectrum of action:

  • Suprastin.
  • Clarotadine.
  • Claritin.
  • Tavegil.

Sexually transmitted diseases must be treated with special medications:

  • Ciprofloxacin.
  • Polygynaxa.
  • Azithromycin.
  • Doxycycline.
  • Clotrimazole.
  • Wormil, which comes in the form of chewable tablets.
  • Pyrantel, produced in the form of suspensions.

Sometimes, after a comprehensive examination, diseases of the rectum and sigmoid colon are detected. Then the attending physician prescribes medications produced in the form of suspensions, special ointments and gels. Their regular use helps to quickly relieve itching. Let's list these drugs.

  • Gepatrombin G is a safe and highly effective remedy for hemorrhoids, available in the form of rectal suppositories and ointments of uniform consistency.
  • Preparations of the Relief line, which are intended for topical use and are considered antihemorrhoids.
  • A cream for external use called Celestoderm-B, its active ingredient is betamethasone 17-valerate.
  • Troxevasin is an angioprotective agent produced in the form of a gel.
  • Heparin ointment. This drug has an antibacterial effect, eliminates inflammation and irritation of the mucous membranes, and relieves constant itching and discomfort.

If prolonged stress, exhaustion of the nervous system, severe physical and mental stress have led to the development of constant itching, it is recommended to take sedatives and sedatives:

  • Tinctures of motherwort, hawthorn or valerian.
  • The drugs Tenoten and Afobazol, which have shown high clinical effectiveness.
  • Novo-Passita or Persena.

There are cases when, in addition to the patient’s complaints of itching, no disease tests are detected; in this case, a latent course of proctosigmoiditis is suspected, and dietary nutrition, skin ointments, and microenemas with collargol are prescribed. In case of manifestation of neuritis and psychosis, sedatives are prescribed - valerian, bromine, Corvalol. For allergic causes, antihistamines, that is, allergy pills, are indicated. To prevent itching of the anus, the cause of which has been established and treatment has been carried out, you can use Hemo-Pro rectal suppositories with propolis.

Folk remedies

The obsessive feeling of itching can be reduced with the help of various herbs and natural products. The following recipes work well for this:

  1. Chamomile and calendula baths. You need to take 2 tablespoons of herbs and pour a liter of boiling water. The product is infused for 2-3 hours and added to the bathroom.
  2. Ointment made from Vaseline and fresh cranberry juice. To prepare the medicine, 100 g of Vaseline is mixed with 30 ml of juice. The resulting product is used to treat the anus area.
  3. Flax decoction. To prepare the decoction, mix a tablespoon of seeds with 500 ml of water and bring to a boil over low heat. Take the decoction orally, 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Treatment with folk remedies gives quite good results. In addition, the use of natural products is considered safer.

An interesting fact is that about 60% of the fair sex do not want to contact specialists with sensitive issues, hoping that the problem will go away on its own. This is the case with itching in the anus.

Women are in no hurry to voice their problem, citing embarrassment. Read more about why itching occurs in a woman’s anus and how to treat this symptom below.

Why is this happening

The symptom occurs, as a rule, without any reason, causes psychological and physical discomfort, and worsens the lives of girls.

Therefore, you need to consult a doctor with the problem, because the causes of discomfort in the anus have been studied in detail and with timely contact with qualified specialists, it can be eliminated in 1 day.

What causes itching in the anus in women? There are a number of factors that influence this symptom.

What are the causes of itching

What else causes itching in the anus of girls? Psychological problems can also cause symptoms.

Anxiety, stressful situations and other mental disorders lead to a weakening of the immune system, which causes increased sensitivity of the mucous membranes to even the most minor irritations. As a result, the woman feels severe pain and itching in the anus.

What to do if it itches in the anal area

The first thing you need to do is go to an appointment with a qualified specialist. A proctologist, dermatologist, gynecologist, therapist, and gastroenterologist deal with this issue.

To find out the cause, the doctor will send the patient for examination (laboratory examination of urine, feces and blood, external examination of the anus using an anoscope instrument).

Depending on the diagnosis, the treatment will depend. For pathologies of internal organs and diabetes, therapy will be aimed primarily at getting rid of the underlying diseases.

Treatment of dysbiosis

If itching in the anus due to intestinal dysbiosis, then in this case probiotics will be prescribed that will eliminate the imbalance of microflora:

  • Linux;
  • Bifidumbacterin;
  • Lactobacterin;
  • Probiform, etc.

If the source of discomfort is dermatological diseases, then the doctor will prescribe ointments, creams and gels that eliminate inflammation and dry out the affected area (Hydrocortisone, ointment based on salicylic acid and zinc).

Severe, which occurs as a result of an infectious lesion, requires treatment with antibacterial drugs.

Treatment of mycoses

Do not be embarrassed by such a problem and feel free to contact a specialist. After all, itching in the anus in girls can cause complications, the appearance of new symptoms and the transition of an existing pathology to a permanent form.

Unpleasant sensations in the anal area are familiar to many. If itching occurs in the anus, the causes for women and men are most often similar, but there may be some differences. In some cases, proctologists consider unpleasant and painful sensations in the anus as an independent disease. However, in most cases, such a phenomenon becomes a manifestation of one or another illness. Moreover, the pathology does not always concern the anus or rectum. Timely identification of the causes of itching, itching and pain in the anus will help identify health problems at an early stage and successfully get rid of the unpleasant symptom. What could be causing such a delicate problem?

What to check first

If you experience pain and itching in the anus, you should consult a proctologist, since such sensations are primarily associated with diseases of the rectum and anus. Discomfort in the anus is caused by the following pathologies:

  1. Haemorrhoids. This disease, associated with disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels in the rectum, has very specific symptoms and is accompanied not only by anal itching. If there are hemorrhoids in the anus, stabbing pain, burning, and a sensation of a foreign body in the rectum appear both during and after bowel movements. Traces of blood coming from the anus may be visible on the toilet paper.
  2. Anal fissure. An anal fissure is very similar in symptoms to hemorrhoids. Damage to the anal mucosa is accompanied by the following symptoms: noticeable pain in the anus after and during bowel movements, minor bleeding and sphincter spasm at the time of bowel movement. If urine comes into contact with the rupture when urinating, you may feel a burning sensation in the anus. Often anal fissure and hemorrhoids accompany each other.
  3. Intestinal dysbiosis. This condition develops due to a violation of the gastrointestinal microflora and can provoke irritation of the rectal mucosa, which in turn leads to itching in the anus.
  4. Formations in the rectum. Condylomas and warts can also cause a frequent urge to scratch the anus, without any other symptoms. If not only itching occurs, but also other unpleasant sensations in the anus, this may indicate the presence of tumors such as polyps and cancerous tumors.
  5. Inflammatory diseases of the intestinal mucosa (proctitis, colitis, proctosigmoiditis and others). When such pathologies occur, the inflammatory process can affect not only the inside of the rectum, but also the anal area, causing severe itching, pain and burning in the anus.

Itching in the anus in men and women does not always indicate the presence of a life-threatening disease, but this symptom should not be ignored, especially if discomfort in the intimate area is accompanied by pain and bleeding. The proctologist will conduct an examination and, if necessary, prescribe the necessary tests and studies that will help identify the true cause of the discomfort. If the doctor does not find any abnormalities in the condition of the rectum, the next step should be to visit a therapist and some other specialists.

Known diseases

If itching and pain occurs in the anus in women, the causes may be related to the spread of a fungal infection. With thrush, pathogens from the mucous membrane of the external genitalia easily penetrate the intestines and begin to multiply, causing irritation, burning and itching sensations.

Another source of itching in the anus can be various diseases of the genitourinary system, including sexually transmitted infections - chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and others. A burning sensation in the anus in men is often associated with the development of prostatitis and urethritis. Thus, when itching in the anus appears, women need to visit not only a therapist, but also a gynecologist and a dermatovenerologist, and representatives of the stronger sex with a similar problem should also see a urologist.

Other reasons

In some cases, the causes of pain in the anus, accompanied by itching and other unpleasant sensations, are associated with diseases of the internal organs and abnormalities in the functioning of vital systems. If the anus itches, this may be a symptom of the following disorders:

  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the liver, pancreas, gall bladder and ducts;
  • neuropsychic disorders (lead to increased anxiety and scratching of the skin);
  • obesity (provokes the occurrence of diaper rash, which is why the perineum and anal area begin to itch).

Severe itching in the anus occurs with the development of allergic reactions. This may be a consequence of intolerance to certain foods, medicines or personal hygiene items.

A burning sensation in the anus in women occurs when wearing tight and uncomfortable synthetic underwear (in particular, thongs). Itching in the anus can occur with various skin diseases - lice pubis, scabies, psoriasis, dermatitis, lichen planus and others.

Discomfort in the anus can last a long time and bring a lot of inconvenience to a person. Under no circumstances should this symptom be ignored, as it may signal the presence of one or more diseases. If you are itching in the anus, you should definitely visit a specialist, undergo the necessary examinations and take the tests recommended by your doctor. To cure an itchy anus, you must first find out and eliminate the cause of the unpleasant phenomenon.

For effective treatment of hemorrhoids, our readers advise Rectin.
This natural remedy quickly relieves pain and itching, promotes the healing of anal fissures and hemorrhoids.
The drug contains only natural ingredients with maximum effectiveness. The product has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Proctology.

Itching in the anus in women is considered a rather delicate issue, which quite often causes a lot of discomfort.

This inconvenience can develop as a result of a minor trivial factor, such as an upset stomach, with all its consequences or lack of personal hygiene, or it can be contributed to by more serious disorders caused by diseases of the rectum

Sometimes, a woman’s itching can go away on its own; in other cases, appropriate treatment is necessary for it to disappear. And since there are many reasons for itching in the anus, you first need to clarify why it itches in the anus, and then take appropriate measures.

Causes of itching in the anus in women

The most harmless cause of itching in the anus is insufficient hygiene. Due to untimely washing or wearing tight synthetic underwear, diaper rash occurs, and then the woman experiences itching or burning. In most cases, this problem does not require serious treatment and can be solved by observing good hygiene.

However, sometimes itching in the anal area can be a symptom of many, sometimes very dangerous, diseases. Most often this is:

  • (most often pinworms);
  • internal or external;
  • frequent constipation, leading to the formation of microcracks and fistulas;
  • fungus or seborrhea due to exacerbation;
  • rectal polyps;
  • pubic lice;
  • or allergies;
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system (,).
  • frequent use of salt-based laxatives;
  • excess weight, causing increased sweating;
  • irritation from using toilet paper, especially scented ones;
  • internal diseases such as intoxication, as well as diseases of the pancreas and liver.

These are the most common diseases that can cause itching in the anus in women. In some cases, a similar symptom may be a sign of other, but more rare, pathologies.


With hemorrhoids, venous congestion develops, and then dilation of the veins located in the rectum occurs. Itching with hemorrhoids, as well as symptoms such as burning and a false sensation of a foreign body in the anus, are due to the fact that the result of such stagnation is the thinning of the rectal mucosa and the skin around the anus.

When a person sleeps, female pinworms lay eggs in the area around the anus, which causes discomfort and itching in the anus. The cause of the burning sensation is also explained by the presence of ascariasis and infection with other types of helminths, and this symptom most often occurs after bowel movement.

Hygiene violations

Itching in the anal area can be provoked by the use of rough toilet paper with the addition of various dyes and flavors, insufficient hygienic care of the perineal area, and the inability to take a shower for several days.

Skin irritation can be caused by wearing tight synthetic underwear with rough seams. Itchy sensations lead to scratching of the affected area and the formation of microcracks, through which pathogenic bacteria enter the body, which can cause serious infections.

Intestinal dysbiosis

When the balance of beneficial and pathogenic bacteria in the intestines is disturbed, a person often experiences various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and stool instability. Constant irritation of the anus with feces causes itching and burning in the anus.

Diseases and infections of the genitourinary system

Gynecological pathologies contribute to the development of anal itching in women. In addition, any genital infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis) cause discomfort.

The most harmless factor that causes itching in women is candidiasis (thrush). With pediculosis (pubic lice), the itching sensation spreads to the entire perineal area.

Anxiety states, mental disorders

Some neuropsychiatric diseases that occur in people with an obsessive desire to always be perfectly clean force a person to thoroughly wash the anal area with soap several times a day, this leads to degreasing and drying of the delicate skin, leading to itching and infection with pathogenic bacteria.

Anxiety, stress or depression also create conditions for itching in any part of the body, the skin becomes sensitive from the slightest irritation.


Certain foods, alcoholic drinks, chemical additives and some medications (mostly antibiotics) cause side effects such as itching in the anus.


The increased level of sugar in the blood found in diabetes mellitus leads to its partial release through the skin pores, resulting in the development of symptoms of skin irritation. In addition, hyperglycemia promotes the active proliferation of microorganisms, which can cause increased itching.


Diagnosis is based on the patient's complaints and examination of the itchy area and anus. A digital examination of the rectum is performed to identify possible hemorrhoids and other pathological processes of the rectum.

Additionally, if necessary, it is necessary to take a clinical blood test, a stool test in which it is necessary to examine the presence of helminths and possible occult blood.

Treatment of itching in the anus in women

Therapy is prescribed depending on the cause of discomfort. That is, it is not the itching of the anus that needs to be treated, but the disease as a result of which this problem appeared.

  1. If the cause of anal itching in a woman is poor personal hygiene, no special treatment is required. All you need to do is carry out daily thorough hygiene procedures - and in the near future the itching will disappear. After defecation, it is recommended to use wet antibacterial wipes that clean the skin of the anus from fecal residues.
  2. For helminthiasis, special medications are prescribed. The specific medicine is selected taking into account the main causative agent of the disease, the age of the patient, the presence of contraindications (Metronidazole, Vormil, Dekaris, Vermox, etc.).
  3. In the treatment of hemorrhoids, other topical agents are usually used to help eliminate unpleasant symptoms - burning, pain, itching in the anal area (Proctoglivenol, Anuzol, Proctosan).
  4. If the discomfort is due to nervous disorders, the patient is prescribed a course of sedatives and.
  5. It is also necessary to give up alcohol, fried and salty, spicy foods. It is also advisable to avoid synthetic underwear. It does not allow air to pass through, creating a greenhouse effect and causing excessive sweating.
  6. To calm discomfort, you can use baths with the addition of a decoction of medicinal plants (oak bark, string, birch buds, chamomile).

Since itching may well be a symptom of serious diseases, if this unpleasant and debilitating sensation persists for a long time, you should consult a specialist.

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