Home Prosthetics and implantation Why are modern girls so arrogant? Why are girls so arrogant? Are there any exceptions

Why are modern girls so arrogant? Why are girls so arrogant? Are there any exceptions

Different. Some have a soft and flexible character, others have a more complex character. Now I want to talk about who an arrogant person is. What kind of person is this and what kind of personality is this?

Definition of the concept

Initially, you need to understand what will be discussed. So, an arrogant person is one who is arrogant, who is full of arrogance. characteristic of such people:

  • pride;
  • arrogance;
  • arrogance;
  • swaggering;
  • arrogance.

Such people most often have, often they are not shy to demonstrate their best sides everyone without exception, doing this is often inappropriate.

A little about arrogance

An arrogant person is one who considers himself superior to others, both literally and figuratively. That is why earlier kings and rulers placed their seats (thrones) on a dais, forcing their subordinates to bow to them. This trend goes back to ancient times, when tall height was not only a convenience, but also a huge advantage. So, always physically strong and big people were the leaders, the main ones, the first. In this regard, we can draw a simple conclusion that an arrogant person is a person who considers himself higher, better than those around him, without hesitating to demonstrate his attitude towards them. Often such a person wants to be a leader, but he fails to do so in a team.

About character and arrogance

Many may be interested: how is this quality acquired? There are several ways:

  • Arrogance can be cultivated in a person. This is not difficult to do, you just need to instill dislike for others and pride from infancy.
  • It can be purchased at any age. As the ancient Greeks said, luck breeds arrogance. This is especially true for those people who suddenly became rich or successful, having the most simple roots. Those who have walked the so-called path are often arrogant

About sinfulness

It is also worth noting that arrogance is considered a sin, because it is a manifestation of pride. And pride is, according to the Bible, a mortal sin for which a person can be severely punished in the afterlife.

About the behavior of arrogant people

How does an arrogant person behave, what does he do? Here precise definition no and cannot be. There are many manifestations of arrogance: humiliating a person (most often in an intellectual sense), raising the tone at the interlocutor. Such people may not want to communicate with anyone at all. a certain person, considering him much stupider than himself, and communication with him is beneath his dignity. How to communicate with such people? It's simple: you just need to be confident in yourself. It’s even better to avoid contact with such individuals if possible.

I'm talking about beauty not only external but also internal.

my guess.... it all comes from the fact that if they are beautiful... then they deserve more than other girls. One of them said: “Why should I rush to choose? I’m pretty and have the right to choose. I’ll look and choose whoever I want. I’m free to choose a partner, but if I choose, then he must match... (further follows listing what the candidate must have).
Now... but this is the same question as “why Napoleon wanted to conquer the world.”


This statement is a fallacy, nothing more. After all, sometimes there are ugly girls arrogant. It's all about your look and manner of holding yourself, presenting yourself to others. If we assume that beautiful girls are given more attention and more often - the instinctive reaction is to respond... This becomes just a habit, plus natural abilities should also be taken into account. But in general, for me personally, people who know their worth and are confident in themselves are called arrogant. Therefore, if you see a “beautiful arrogant girl”, you are simply less confident in yourself than she is.
It seems to me that it comes down to how they behave in each specific situation. If you cannot interest such a beautiful girl in something, then she will behave with you the way you deserve. For example, you are sitting in the city and drinking beer. A little man of indeterminate years comes up to you, all rumpled with traces of many months of debauchery and asks you for a bottle (some insolent people even manage to ask you to let him finish the drink), they look searchingly into your eyes, trying to tell you about what a shitty life they have. How will you treat them, will you want to communicate with them (of course, there are diamonds in this environment, but, as they say, it all depends on who you communicate with: you will communicate with losers, you will become one yourself, with millionaires - ... .. well, everything is clear here)
Beautiful girls love to communicate with those who interest them. And not because, it seems to me, they communicate with rich men, but because these rich men (I’m not talking about bandits) for the most part are successful, self-confident men who know how to make decisions and are able to feed their future children (plays here their role and the genetic predisposition of women to be a more successful hunter, a strong warrior, which has been ingrained in them for centuries). Yes, such people are interesting to women. Poor people are also attractive, but only the presence of masculine traits, coupled with understanding and kindness, will interest a woman (I mean a real woman). And so, sometimes you look at our men and see what is written directly on their foreheads: “I want sex, preferably free, and I don’t have to think too much.” Well, I would like to end this opus with the words of Vishnevsky: “I was rejected.... , but what kind!!!"

If you have ever tried to meet or communicate with girls, then you have noticed that very often ladies value themselves too highly. The more beautiful she is, the more difficult it is to find an approach to her. And the more difficulties in communicating with her. But why are girls so arrogant? Where does the root of this problem come from? In fact, there are several factors that make them real bitches.

Who makes girls so arrogant?

In general, girls are made bad by our society and upbringing. From birth, they are taught that:

  • There is no need to write to the guy first;
  • You need to know your worth;
  • All men are assholes;
  • Your appearance is a holy gift and all.

As a result, already in the first second grade of high school, female arrogance is fully manifested. It is then that girls begin to treat boys as underdeveloped creatures.

And then everything just gets worse. When ladies begin to turn into women and talk about sex comes up, they generally become “merchants of happiness.” They can make anyone happy with a kiss, and make anyone a loser. And their arrogance only increases.

Guys make girls arrogant

Besides, the guys themselves make them bitches. Guys are much more attracted to the opposite sex than girls. As a result, guys are most likely to suffer from love and run after the objects of their attention.

If this were not the case, then the girls would understand that any of their whims would end in complete gambling and oblivion. But when they know that guys will obviously be running after them, they behave much more aggressively and brazenly.

Among other things, there are many henpecked guys who admire the opposite sex. And when people admire you, it’s difficult to be a normal person. Thus, even banal love for women provokes negative qualities in them.

Are there any exceptions?

In general, you shouldn’t think that all girls are so arrogant. There are exceptions among them:

  1. Not beautiful or popular people;
  2. Those who had a normal upbringing (there are almost no such people);
  3. Those who have their own minds (also honor do not meet);
  4. Girls who themselves were ignored or used;
  5. Poor girls who simply don’t know what pathos and so on mean.

But there are fewer and fewer people who are not arrogant. The pop industry dictates the principles of bitchiness. And even the least attractive individuals today tend to simply crush everyone with their charisma. And the situation is constantly getting worse.

How to deal with female arrogance?

Yes, very simple. If you think that the girl is arrogant, then don’t communicate with her. If everyone does this, then she simply will have no one to show off to.

In addition, you should not run after someone or beg someone. You also need to restrain your feelings a little. If you praise the ladies too much, they will of course humiliate you.

And in general, if you pay attention to those who are not a show-off, then those who are a show-off will cease to be so. They will simply understand that it is not profitable for them.

Remember that arrogance breeds in society, including you. And only with the help of awareness of the problem and a clear method of combating it can it be defeated.

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