Home Coated tongue Anti hemorrhoid ointments. The best ointments for the treatment of external hemorrhoids

Anti hemorrhoid ointments. The best ointments for the treatment of external hemorrhoids

The substances that make up this dosage form have a wide range of medicinal properties. Thanks to this, using ointments for hemorrhoids, you can quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms of the disease, such as pain, itching, burning, and also speed up the healing of cracks, stop bleeding or dissolve blood clots.

Ointment against hemorrhoids is a soft dosage form that is intended for both external and rectal use.

Almost all ointment preparations are made on the basis of petroleum jelly and lanolin. These products may contain one or more active ingredients, which significantly expands the spectrum of antihemorrhoidal action.

When treating hemorrhoids, ointments differ from other medications in their simplicity and ease of use. In addition, when using them, there is no systemic effect on the body, which helps to significantly reduce the list of side effects of the drug. Thanks to this, antihemorrhoidal ointments are the drugs of choice for the treatment of hemorrhoids in women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In addition, the active ingredients of the ointment penetrate directly into the varicose veins of the anus, which makes it possible to instantly eliminate the painful symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Unfortunately, ointments for treatment also have negative sides, which is confirmed by patient reviews. The main disadvantage of this dosage form is that due to the oily base, the drug is not completely absorbed into the skin of the anorectal area and leaves stains on underwear or even clothes.

Despite its advantages, ointment for hemorrhoids is best used in combination with systemic medications, since this is the only way to simultaneously influence the pathogenesis and symptoms of the disease. Monotherapy with ointments will only eliminate the symptoms of hemorrhoids, but will not affect its cause.

How to properly use ointment to treat hemorrhoids?

Ointment for hemorrhoids will be effective only if the instructions for use are followed. Let's consider how to use this dosage form for various forms of hemorrhoids.

Ointment for external hemorrhoids: instructions for use

  1. Before applying the ointment, you must empty your intestines. This can be done through a bowel movement or an enema.
  2. After bowel movements, it is necessary to perform a hygienic toilet of the anus and genitals, since not all ointments have an antimicrobial effect. To do this, wash your skin with warm water without detergents and dry it with a soft cotton towel or napkin. Some patients leave positive reviews about the use of laundry soap when washing the anus. But you need to be careful here, because this soap dries out the skin.
  3. After using the hygienic toilet, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap and take a comfortable position - squatting or knee-elbow.
  4. You need to squeeze one gram of ointment for the treatment of hemorrhoids (approximately a pea) onto your index finger and lubricate the external hemorrhoids and cracks, if any, with it.
  5. After the procedure, you must also wash your hands thoroughly so that the ointment does not get into your eyes or mouth.

Which ointments for hemorrhoids can only be known better by a specialist - a proctologist, since each patient has his own characteristics, therefore the approach to treatment should be individual. The doctor will be able to take into account the prevailing symptoms of the disease, their severity, the presence of complications, age and physiological state, and then select the most effective and safe ointment.

The frequency of use and duration of treatment with antihemorrhoidal ointment is also determined by the attending doctor. But on average, the drug is applied 2-3 times a day, and the average duration of treatment is 5 days.

Ointment for internal hemorrhoids: instructions for use

Preparation for using ointment for internal hemorrhoids is no different from that for external hemorrhoids. The only difference is determined by the application of the drug.

When treating internal hemorrhoids, the ointment is injected into the anus using a rectal nozzle. If the drug does not come with a rectal applicator, the ointment can be inserted into the rectum using a cotton swab or finger.

It is also important to store the ointment correctly - in the refrigerator at a temperature of +4-6 °C and pay attention to the shelf life, which is usually 2-3 years.

For allergy sufferers, to avoid an allergic reaction, it is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test before using the ointment. To do this, you need to apply a little on the inner surface of the forearm. If after 15 minutes itching, swelling, burning or redness appears in the area of ​​application, this means that you are allergic to the drug and cannot be used.

In addition, it is necessary to inform your doctor about all side effects of the ointment so that he can adjust the treatment.

What are the best ointments for hemorrhoids: list

We studied the opinions of experts and patient reviews and compiled a rating that will help determine which ointments for hemorrhoids are best to choose.

  1. Relief.
  2. Procto-Glivenol.
  3. Ultraproct.
  4. Aurobin.
  5. Proctosedyl.
  6. Gepatrombin G.
  7. Heparin ointment.
  8. Proctosan.
  9. Posterized.
  10. Levomekol.

But it is impossible to say reliably which is the best ointment for hemorrhoids, since each drug has its own advantages in a specific case. For example, Gepatrombin G ointment is effective for the treatment and prevention of thrombosis of hemorrhoids, Ultraproct ointment instantly relieves pain in the anus, Procto-Glivenol ointment normalizes the tone of the veins and relieves inflammation, etc.

Which ointments for hemorrhoids to choose: review of drugs and their photos

An ointment for the treatment of hemorrhoids must be selected taking into account the leading symptom and form of the disease, as well as the type of complication, age and physiological condition of the patient.

Which ointment is best for the treatment and prevention of thrombosed hemorrhoids?

For the treatment and prevention of thrombosis of hemorrhoids, the most effective today are ointments based on heparin, a direct anticoagulant. Heparin slows down blood clotting and minimizes the risk of blood clots forming in hemorrhoidal veins.

  • Heparin ointment. This drug belongs to the inexpensive and effective ointments for hemorrhoids. Heparin ointment has blood-thinning and analgesic effects, since it contains, in addition to heparin, anesthesin. Heparin ointment should not be used for necrosis of hemorrhoids, bleeding disorders and in the first trimester of pregnancy. Undesirable effects of the drug are observed extremely rarely in the form of an allergic reaction or bleeding from the anus. The price of the drug ranges from 40 to 100 rubles.
  • Hepatrombin G. This medicine also effectively treats blood clots in hemorrhoidal veins and relieves inflammation in the anus, so it contains prednisolone. In addition, the ointment contains polidocanol, a sclerosant that causes hemorrhoids to stick together and shrink in size. In addition to its wide spectrum of action, Gepatrombin G has many contraindications for use, namely:
  • active skin infection of the anal area;
  • specific damage to the anal area (tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, etc.);
  • neoplasms of the rectum and anal area;
  • first 12 weeks of gestation.

The most common adverse reaction to the drug is allergy.

Gepatrombin G is also an inexpensive ointment for hemorrhoids, since its price does not exceed 200 rubles per tube.

Anti-inflammatory ointments include preparations containing non-steroidal and hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Aurobin ointment belongs to anti-inflammatory drugs, as it consists of the glucocorticosteroid prednisolone, which has a complex effect - relieves inflammation, relieves itching and swelling.

The ointment also contains lidocaine, which instantly numbs the anorectal tissue. The third component of the drug is D-panthenol, which helps heal anal tears and erosions.

Aurobin can successfully treat external hemorrhoids both in the initial stages and advanced forms of the disease, especially when there are anal tears.

  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • active infection of anal tissue;
  • neoplasms of the anorectal region;
  • lactation.

Antihemorrhoidal ointment Aurobin should not be used for more than 7 days, since long-term treatment increases the risk of side effects, in particular skin atrophy in the area of ​​application.

The average price of the drug is 312 rubles.

Ultraproct ointment

This drug is of combined action, as it consists of two hormones - fluocortolone caproate and pivolate, as well as an anesthetic - cinchocaine.

Due to the presence of two hormones, the drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, and also relieves swelling and itching. In addition, the drug normalizes microcirculation, which explains its healing effect.

Contraindications to the use of Ultraproct ointment are the following:

  • first 12 weeks of pregnancy;

But patient reviews prove that adverse reactions occur very rarely. The most common allergies are itching and urticaria.

Since the drug contains hormones, it cannot be used for more than 7 days.

The drug is currently undergoing re-registration.

Proctosedyl ointment

Proctosedyl also belongs to the multicomponent ointments; it consists of a hormone - hydrocortisone, an antibiotic - framycetin, an anticoagulant - heparin, a venotonic - esculoside and two anesthetics - butamben and benzocaine. This composition significantly expands the spectrum of action of the drug.

Proctosedyl ointment relieves inflammation, relieves pain and itching, destroys microbes, normalizes the tone of cavernous veins, improves microcirculation in tissues and accelerates regenerative processes.

Proctosedyl ointment is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • specific infection of the anorectal area;
  • viral damage to the tissues of the anus;
  • first 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • childhood;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • allergy to the components of the drug.

Just like any other hormonal ointments, Proctosedyl cannot be used for more than one week.

The cost of the drug is from 350 to 410 rubles.

Proctosan ointment is a non-hormonal anti-hemorrhoid drug that works due to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory component - bufexamac.

Proctosan also effectively helps with bleeding hemorrhoids, as it contains bismuth compounds, which have an astringent effect, and titanium compounds dry out and accelerate the healing of cracks, ulcers and erosions.

The local anesthetic lidocaine instantly relieves pain, itching and burning in the tissues of the anus.

The use of the drug is limited in the following cases:

  • specific infections of anal tissue (syphilis, tuberculosis);
  • gestation period;
  • lactation;
  • childhood age;
  • allergy to ointment components.

The average cost of Proctosan ointment is 400 rubles.

Phlebotonic ointments

This group of ointments includes anti-hemorrhoid cream Procto-Glivenol, Troxevasin gel and Esculus.

Procto-Glivenol ointment has proven itself well in the treatment of hemorrhoids in men and women, so we will review this drug.

Procto-Glivenol cream

Procto-Glivenol ointment consists of tribenozide and lidocaine. Tribenoside is a venotonic and angioprotector that increases tone, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces their permeability and fragility.

Lidocaine allows you to instantly relieve pain, itching and burning in the anorectal area.

The drug has a small number of contraindications - the first 12 weeks of gestation and allergies to ointment components. If necessary, it can be prescribed to nursing mothers.

The average cost of Procto-Glivenol cream is 420 rubles.

What ointments are used for bleeding hemorrhoids?

Bleeding from hemorrhoids is a fairly common symptom, which, although it does not lead to anemia, does cause a lot of trouble. In the fight against bleeding from external nodes, hemostatic ointments are widely used, the most effective of which is Relief.

Ointment Relief

The drug consists of phenylephrine and cocoa butter. Phenylephrine constricts blood vessels, thereby stopping bleeding, reducing swelling and itching. Cocoa butter softens the tissues of the anus and prevents the formation of anal fissures.

The drug is contraindicated in case of thrombosis of hemorrhoids, allergies to its ointment components and granulocytopenia. Relief ointment can be used with caution in pregnant and breastfeeding women.

The average cost of Relief ointment is 450 rubles.

Immunostimulant ointments

The only representative of this group is Posterizan ointment, a drug consisting of inactivated Escherichia coli. The drug increases local immunity and thereby reduces inflammation, accelerates the restoration of affected tissues.

The drug has a minimal number of unwanted effects and contraindications - a history of allergies to ointment components.

The drug is highly effective in preventing infection of hemorrhoids and is quite expensive - 620 rubles per tube.

Antimicrobial ointments

Antimicrobial drugs include Levomekol, Ichthyol ointment, Vishnevsky ointment and many others.


Most often, specialists prescribe Levomekol to patients, since this ointment for hemorrhoids is inexpensive and effective. In addition, it can be prescribed to pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.

This cheap ointment consists of ingredients such as chloramphenicol and methyluracil. The first ingredient is an antimicrobial agent, and the second is a reparative. Thanks to this composition, Levomekol is widely used for infectious complications of hemorrhoids and anal tears.

Levomekol is contraindicated only if you are allergic to its components.

The average cost of Levomekol ointment in Russia is 110 rubles.

As a result, I would like to emphasize once again that ointments are only suitable for symptomatic treatment and cannot cure hemorrhoids on their own. It should also be remembered that the use of any ointment should only be as prescribed by a specialist.

If you have ever had to deal with hemorrhoids, share with us which ointment helped you and how the treatment went, leaving reviews in the comments under this topic.

One of the common pathologies of the circulatory system is internal or external hemorrhoids, which are accompanied by acute pain and discomfort in the rectal area due to the formation of hemorrhoids. The disease is recurrent in nature, typical of the fairer sex between the ages of 20 and 50 years.

Dilation of the rectal veins to form external hemorrhoidal lumps is called external hemorrhoids. This disease leads to stagnation of blood in the cavernous bodies, inflammation and thrombosis of nodes. It is considered one of the most common diseases in the world (affects 5 to 30 percent of men and women). The main symptoms of the external form of pathology are the following factors:

  • itching in the anus, irritation, discomfort;
  • pain during bowel movements, which is characteristic of exacerbation of the disease;
  • prolapse of hemorrhoids;
  • manifestations of slight swelling of the anus;
  • bleeding caused by cracks or damage to the veins and mucous membranes of feces;
  • upon palpation, the doctor identifies lump-like formations around the anus.

Due to the fact that modern office workers are not mobile enough, they suffer from congestion and venous circulation disorders, the logical consequence of which is hemorrhoids.

This delicate disease manifests itself as pain in the anus, bleeding from it and the formation of hemorrhoidal cones. Many (especially men) are embarrassed by their situation and go to the doctor when the situation is already pretty advanced. And this is a big mistake!

In the early stages, conservative treatment is possible, but then you will have to “go under the knife.” To avoid such a situation, you need to contact a specialist on time. And then for treatment it will be enough to use ointments for hemorrhoids, effective in the first stage of treatment - when it manifests itself externally.

In medicine, hemorrhoids are a disease that is varicose veins and thrombosis of the veins of the lower rectum. Inflammation is often complicated by bleeding. The common cause is impaired blood circulation in the vessels of the hemorrhoidal plexuses. They consist of cavernous bodies. Hemorrhoids are represented by 3 pads and are:

  • internal - located in the anus;
  • external - located in the perineum near the anus.

If only the internal nodes are enlarged, then the hemorrhoids are internal; if the external ones are enlarged, then the hemorrhoids are external. Depending on the type of course, it can be acute or chronic. Depending on the cause of the disease, it is classified into:

  1. Primary. It occurs as a result of increased intra-abdominal pressure, which is often associated with pregnancy, sedentary work, heavy physical labor, and constipation.
  2. Secondary. Develops against the background of other diseases, such as tumors, cirrhosis of the liver.

This is the name of one of the pathologies of the circulatory system, which occurs as a result of its disruption in the vessels of the hemorrhoidal plexuses of the lower rectum. This is manifested by discomfort, pain near the anus. The disease is an inflammation and enlargement of the internal venous nodes of the rectal plexus. They feel itching and burning. The most unpleasant symptom of the disease is bleeding from damaged nodes and their prolapse from the rectum.

Types of ointments

To stop an exacerbation, a hemorrhoid cream must have an analgesic effect, relieve inflammation and swelling, and also have a hemostatic property. Therefore, most of the products sold are combined and contain many active substances. However, according to their main therapeutic effect, they can be divided into the following types:

  • anti-inflammatory - steroid and non-steroidal (NSAIDs);
  • hemostatic (hemostatic);
  • venotonics - anticoagulant and antithrombotic;
  • homeopathic.

As a rule, all anti-inflammatory ointments have an analgesic effect. However, all types of hemorrhoid creams and other medications prescribed by the doctor should be used for therapy. The use of homeopathic remedies is justified by their availability, naturalness and minimum contraindications, but not all of them are highly effective.

Name of the funds group

Name of the medical product

Chemical composition

The principle of action of the medication

Price, rubles


Heparin ointment

sodium heparin, benzocaine, benzyl nicotinate

relieves inflammation, relieves pain, course – 2 weeks.


dexpanthenol, heparin, allantoin

eliminates the occurrence of congestion in the pelvic organs, relieves inflammation.

Heparoid Zentiva


prevents the formation of exudate, prevents thrombosis. Resolves hematomas, relieves swelling, relieves pain.


shark liver oil, phenylephrine

prescribed for bleeding, the “shark” component acts without side effects.

Relief Advance

shark liver oil, benzocaine

relieves an acute attack of pain, promotes the regeneration of injured tissues.

vein protectors


tribenozide, lidocaine

reduces itching, pain, swelling of soft tissues. Improvements occur after the first application of the composition.


troxevasin, troxerutin

accelerates tissue healing, reduces capillary fragility, prevents bleeding.


Prednisolone, lidocaine, triclosan, dexpanthenol

the hormone acts as an analgesic and venotonic. Dexpanthenol regenerates the affected areas of the mucous membrane and epithelium.


hydrocortisone acetate, esculoside, heparin, benzocaine, framycetin sulfate, butamben

The hormonal drug relieves pain, inflammation, swelling and redness of the anus, prevents capillary fragility, and contains an antibiotic.


fluocortolone pivalate, lidocaine

helps reduce dilatation. capillaries, interstitial edema, tissue infiltration.


cinchocaine, fluocortolone

helps relieve inflammation and pain in the anal canal, restores blood circulation.

homeopathic remedies

Fleming composition

calendula, menthol, Gamma hazel, zinc oxide, Aesculus

an antihistamine, analgesic, anti-inflammatory agent that strengthens blood vessels and dries out weeping hemorrhoids, and can cool an attack of pain.

horse chestnut extract

the composition fights inflammation in the rectal area, increases the tone of the veins, relieves pain, swelling, and itching.

What remedies help with hemorrhoidal disease? It all depends on the active component of each drug.

The action of the main substance can be:

  • Anesthetic (pain relief). Popular ointments: Proctosan, Procto-glivenol, Posterisan, Aurobin, Ultraproct, Relief Advance, Emla;
  • Anti-inflammatory (Procto-glivenol, Hepatrombin, Proctosedyl);
  • Antithrombotic (Heparin ointment, ointment with troxeruton);
  • Antimicrobial;
  • Improving blood flow by reducing blood viscosity;
  • Immunomodulatory;
  • Wound healing;
  • Antipruritic;
  • Hemostatic.

Hemorrhoids often manifest themselves with several characteristic signs at once. For example, hemorrhoidal bleeding is often combined with inflammatory processes, damage to the mucous membrane and infection of wounds.

At your appointment, a proctologist can prescribe a whole range of medications containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

A person may also experience itching or burning in the anus. Sometimes quite severe pain in the anal area. In such situations, doctors prescribe ointments that contain several active ingredients and provide a complex effect.

Ointments for cones and thrombosis of hemorrhoids

Before the doctor decides how to treat external hemorrhoids, he examines the patient and only then prescribes a remedy depending on the symptoms, severity of the disease and other factors. Modern medicine identifies several types of medications for local use. The products are classified according to their composition and active ingredients. Often, treatment of the external form of the disease is carried out using the following groups of drugs:

  1. Ointments with anti-inflammatory effect. Effectively eliminate inflammation, have a mild analgesic effect, remove swelling, redness, and other signs of the disease.
  2. Immunostimulants. Necessary to prevent complications of the disease by strengthening the immune system.
  3. Antiseptics. Prescribed for disinfection in case of severe inflammation, which is caused by putrefactive bacteria and other harmful microorganisms.
  4. Homeopathic medicines. Needed for general strengthening of the body. They contain natural active ingredients and are used as adjuvant therapy.
  5. Venotonic drugs. Often included in complex therapeutic measures. They strengthen the membranes of capillaries and veins, improve the elasticity of the vessels of the rectum. Such remedies eliminate the symptoms of the disease, and can also have an impact on the cause of the disease.
  6. Group of hemostatic drugs. Helps stop bleeding in inflamed nodes, increasing blood clotting.

How to treat hemorrhoids with ointments

You can combat the manifestations of the disease using conservative methods at home. First of all, you need to consult with a proctologist and undergo a detailed diagnosis. External use of ointments for hemorrhoids depends on the nature of the prevailing symptoms, the stage of the pathological process and the characteristics of the affected organism.

Which ointment for hemorrhoids is best?

Hemorrhoids require complex therapy, including oral pills and symptomatic treatment with local remedies. The latter method is carried out using suppositories, gels, creams or ointments that have vasoconstrictor, anti-inflammatory properties, and also the properties of venotonics or analgesics. The choice of an effective drug depends on the specific symptoms of hemorrhoids and their severity.

The risk of developing hemorrhoids during pregnancy is increased. The cause is poor circulation in the pelvic area and the pressure of the growing fetus on the internal organs. Pregnant women are prescribed only safe medications, including inexpensive and effective ones:

  1. Ichthyol ointment. The active component is ichthammol. The advantage of the product is its versatility. It exhibits antiseptic, keratoplasty, anti-inflammatory and local anesthetic effects. The downside is the specific smell of the medicine.
  2. Relief. The basis of the medication is shark liver oil and phenylephrine. Plus - it can be used for both external and internal hemorrhoids. The drug copes with anal fissures and erosions. Among the disadvantages, patients note a persistent and pungent odor.

It is impossible to determine exactly what the best ointment for hemorrhoids is. Each patient requires an individual approach. Depending on the severity of the disease and the severity of symptoms, various inexpensive and effective ointments for hemorrhoids are prescribed. When prescribing a treatment regimen, the doctor is guided by the following principles:

  • for mild hemorrhoids without complicated symptoms - heparin;
  • for acute pain, local preparations that contain anesthetics are indicated, for example, lidocaine or anesthesin - Proctosan ointment;
  • during exacerbation of chronic hemorrhoids when complicated by pain symptoms, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used - Diclofenac;
  • for bleeding, combination agents with venotonic, anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor effects are recommended - Relief, Procto-glivenol cream.

Today, getting rid of hemorrhoids is not so difficult. The disease, which has plagued us for several hundred years in a row, has forced people to look for new ways of treatment and produce effective drugs to combat it. Modern pharmacies offer many different medications. Ointments have become the most popular and effective remedies against hemorrhoids. The drug should, of course, be prescribed by a proctologist. Only in this case can you be sure that the chosen remedy will be the most effective.

In each patient, the disease can occur differently; it can be internal or external, accompanied by bleeding from the rectum or inflammatory processes in the rectal area. It is also possible to combine several forms at the same time, and to have many symptoms at once. Then how can a remedy be effective for a symptom that is not observed in a given patient.

As a rule, remedies for external hemorrhoids include natural or synthetic ingredients. A proctologist can prescribe both options to a patient, depending on the person’s symptoms and condition. Natural medicines have much fewer side effects and contraindications, and they are approved for use during pregnancy and lactation. Ointment for external hemorrhoids may consist of elements that have the following properties:

  • hemostatic (stopping bleeding);
  • anesthetic (relief of itching, pain, burning and similar symptoms of the disease);
  • antiseptic effect (elimination of the inflammatory process, prevention of infection);
  • ointment for external hemorrhoids can have a wound healing effect;
  • phlebotonic (increasing vascular tone, reducing nodes in size).

Advantages and disadvantages of medications for treatment:

  • convenience, ease of use;
  • safety for the body due to the local action of active substances (most drugs are prescribed for the treatment of children and pregnant women);
  • medications in the form of ointments, unlike suppositories or tablets, relieve swelling and inflammation much faster, actively fight bleeding, and heal anal fissures;
  • There is one disadvantage - incomplete absorption of the medicine, which sometimes leads to the formation of stains on linen and clothes.

Not everyone can afford expensive drugs, so there is an excellent alternative. In many pharmacies you can purchase inexpensive effective products or buy budget options in the online store. The most popular inexpensive medications are:

  1. Vishnevsky ointment is a time-tested remedy. It contains birch tar and castor oil. The medicine has an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates swelling, promotes healing of anal fissures, and reduces pain.
  2. Levomekol is a combination drug that effectively relieves inflammation, fights bacteria and heals wounds.
  3. Methyluracil 1% ointment helps cope with inflammation and itching, heals the skin and mucous membranes.
  4. An inexpensive product is Bezornil. The drug is effective in the presence of anal fissures, eczema and similar problems in the rectal area.
  5. Chinese ointment is a unique remedy that eliminates discomfort, inflammation, bleeding, and swelling. She heals wounds and cracks.

It is difficult to select the most effective remedy for external hemorrhoids, because the choice of medicine depends on many factors. The doctor selects the drug individually, depending on the type of disease, its severity, clinical picture, and personal characteristics of the patient. Below is a list of medications that are often used for therapeutic interventions aimed at eliminating the symptoms of external hemorrhoids.

In order for the treatment of the disease to have only a positive effect, you need to know how to choose the right ointment. Doctors prescribe medications for different purposes, depending on the stage of the disease and the general condition of the patient. Rules for choosing a drug:

  1. For hemorrhoids with bleeding, it is better to use medications of a combined composition. They eliminate primary symptoms well and alleviate the patient’s condition.
  2. When the disease is accompanied by significant, rapidly developing inflammation of tissues and mucous membranes, a remedy with an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect is useful.
  3. If there is severe pain, the doctor prefers drugs with anesthesin and lidocaine.
  4. When the pathology does not have severe complications, local anticoagulants are used.

The most famous and accessible ointment for hemorrhoids is Heparin ointment. It contains heparin and anesthetics. Heparin is an anticoagulant and has an antithrombotic effect. It reduces blood clotting and thereby prevents the formation of new blood clots and ensures the resorption of old blood clots. Thanks to the anticoagulating effect, blood flow improves. Which leads to a decrease in inflammation in the hemorrhoidal area.

Heparin ointment contains anesthetics (benzocaine or anesthesin). They eliminate pain and reduce sensitivity.

Benzyl nicotinate is also included in the ointment. It dilates blood vessels and thereby ensures rapid absorption of medications into the blood.

Heparin ointment cannot be used in advanced stages of the disease, when protruding nodes bleed. The anticoagulant effect of heparin interferes with the healing of cracks. Also for this reason, the composition of heparin ointment is not recommended for administration into the rectum. Internal hemorrhoids often bleed, they are injured by dry feces, and heparin is contraindicated for bleeding.

Also, due to its ability to increase bleeding, heparin ointment is contraindicated for women during menstruation. And people with erosive diseases of the intestinal mucosa.

Due to its low toxicity, heparin can be used by women during pregnancy. During pregnancy, heparin ointment is a popular treatment for hemorrhoids. It is prescribed for normal blood clotting.

Heparin ointment itself is not very effective. For a better therapeutic effect, other medicinal components are introduced into the composition, which enhance its effect.

The Relief brand offers four types of rectal suppositories and an ointment for hemorrhoids. Their choice is determined by the characteristics of the course of the disease, the stage of the disease, as well as the desired effect of treatment. Let us present the composition and features of the action of the drug Relief.

Relief ointment for hemorrhoids contains a unique active ingredient - shark liver oil. The components of this oil provide the composition with an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect. They reduce the filling of the venous vessels with blood, and thereby reduce the size of hemorrhoidal cones.

Also included in the composition is a synthetic vasoconstrictor component - phenylephrine hydrochloride. It stimulates the stretched walls of blood vessels, causing them to tense and narrow. As a result, blood begins to move more actively through the veins, and congestion weakens.

Also, to enhance the therapeutic effect, the ointment contains vitamin E, thyme oil, corn oil, glycerin, petroleum jelly, white wax, paraffin, which help penetrate the main components, as well as for the healing of cracks and wounds.

Troxevasin gel is used to treat diseases caused by chronic venous insufficiency. The gel contains Troxerutin, an analogue of rutin, a natural angioprotector. Reduces the permeability of the walls of veins and capillaries, tones the stretched walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation, and treats inflammation.

This composition is used in medicine to correct conditions that lead to purulent discharge. But even with hemorrhoids, this composition can be useful.

Traditional recipes for healing ointments

How to remove inflamed hemorrhoids at home? For medicinal purposes, baths with cool, hot and warm medicinal compositions are used. The herbs used for the products are wormwood, chamomile, calendula, yarrow, and eucalyptus. After taking a cool sitz bath in the herbal infusion, patients notice a significant improvement in their condition. The swelling disappears, the bumps move freely into place. After repositioning the node, the anorectal area must be lubricated with a bactericidal composition.

The initial stage of hemorrhoids with small nodes is treated with herbs with a venotonic effect (horse chestnut seeds). To relieve inflammation and eliminate bleeding, compresses are prepared from raw grated potato pulp. The vegetable is grated, squeezed a little, the pulp is wrapped in gauze and applied to the anorectal area. You can do 4-6 such compresses per day. You can cure minor damage at home using honey, propolis, and wax candles.

Inexpensive and effective ointments for the treatment of external hemorrhoids

People always try to talk about hemorrhoids quietly because the disease occurs in a delicate place.

The choice of treatment method depends on the type of hemorrhoids, due to the fact that the symptoms are different.

This problem occurs from time to time in almost every person, but there is a category of patients in whom hemorrhoids take on an acute painful form, so an integrated approach to treatment is required.

About 30% of the population knows firsthand what external hemorrhoids are. This type of disease is formed from a sedentary lifestyle, which has recently been very typical for modern people.

To get rid of external hemorrhoids, you need to know which ointments to use, when to use them and at what stage of treatment.

Selection of medication for treatment

How to remove a formed lump from hemorrhoids with medication? Pathology is better treated at the beginning of its development. Treatment should be comprehensive using external and internal agents. First of all, it is necessary to improve plasma circulation by relieving and strengthening the vascular walls. In addition to improving the performance of blood vessels, lymph outflow increases and swelling is eliminated.

The doctor tells you how to reduce hemorrhoids after a thorough examination, tests, visual and instrumental examination. Therapy is selected based on the patient’s condition; each specific case is individual.

Active Ingredient Options



Name examples


Reduce blood clotting.

Preventing the development of thrombosis.

Hepatrombin, Heparin, Heparoid Zentiva.


Phenylephrine, thrombin, fibrinogen.

Increases blood clotting.

Stopping hemorrhoidal bleeding.

Relief, Thrombin, Hemostatic sponge, Fibrinogen.

Venotonics (venoprotective, venotonic, venosclerosing)

Troxerutin, tribenoside.

Strengthens and tones capillary walls and veins.

Reducing blood exudation, relieving tissue swelling, accelerating their regeneration.

Procto-Glyvenol, Rutoside, Troxevasin

Glucocorticosteroids and anti-inflammatory drugs

Benzocaine, dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, tar, xeroform, castor oil, bismuth subgallate, ichthammol, artificial musk and bezoar, chloramphenicol, fluocortolone.

Slow down the development of inflammatory processes.

The need to relieve itching, swelling of tissues, eliminate exudative and serous manifestations in the anorectal area.

Proctosedyl, Levomekol, liniment according to Vishnevsky, Ultraproct, Nefluan, Doloproct, Proctosan, Ichthyol, Zinc, Bezornil.


Inactivated microbial cells of the species E coli, phenol.

Stimulate an adequate immune response of the body to the action of internal or external factors.

Weakened immunity.



Calendula, witch hazel, aesculus.

Increases the patient's vitality.

Strengthening the immune system, improving general condition.

Fleming's ointment, Aesculus.


Heptaminol, troxerutin, ginkgo biloba extract.

Improve blood circulation, relieve pain, increase vascular tone, eliminate inflammation.

Relieving pain and inflammation, normalizing blood circulation.

Natalsid, Nigepan, Procto-Glivenol, Girudoproct.

Gepatrombin ointment is an analogue of Heparin ointment. It contains the same sodium heparin and additional components. They enhance the therapeutic effect with their own wound healing effect.

Dexapanthenol and lantoin were introduced into Gepatrombin as additional components. Dexapanthenol ensures accelerated regeneration of skin cells. Alantoin – organizes a local anesthetic effect and mild pain relief.

For the treatment of bulging in the anus, a special composition has been developed - Gepatrombin G ointment. It contains the same heparin and other additional components. Hepatrombin G contains prednisolone and polidocanol. Prednisolone provides a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, reduces pain and itching. However, prednisolone is a hormone and has serious side effects. Therefore, the composition of Gepatrombin G is used only for severe inflammation, frequent bleeding and relapses.

Polidocanol is a special component. It initiates sclerosis of vessels in which stagnation has formed. And this prevents their necrosis, necrosis, and inflammation.

Gepatrombin ointment for hemorrhoids has a multifaceted effect. It eliminates blood stagnation and thrombosis, reduces varicose veins, reduces inflammation and infiltration (swelling).

The choice of drug - ointment, cream or rectal suppository - is determined by the localization of hemorrhoidal inflammation. Ointments and creams are used to treat external hemorrhoids, lumps protruding from the anus. Therefore, the traditional use of ointment is for external hemorrhoids. It is from the outside that the ointment is most effective and efficient.

Candles or suppositories are intended for internal treatment. They are conveniently inserted into the intestine, through the anus. Therefore, suppositories are used to treat internal hemorrhoids. In order to use the ointment for internal treatment, you need a device, cap or nozzle that will allow you to introduce a soft ointment through the anus.

If, after reading this article, you think that you have symptoms characteristic of this disease, then you should

With modern external remedies, hemorrhoids can be cured only at its initial manifestations. There are quite a lot of such medications, so before purchasing a product, you should definitely get an individual consultation with a professional, from a proctologist. This is necessary to confirm the diagnosis, in order to find out the type and stage of its development and special factors of its course. Based on the examination, the specialist will prescribe the most suitable external treatment for hemorrhoids.

Without exception, all modern ointments do not have any unpleasant side effects on the body. They are perfectly absorbed and comfortable to use. Most drugs are used three times a day. There are special ointments that must be injected directly into the rectum during treatment. In this case, you will need to use a rectal swab and a tip on which the drug is previously applied. Among the main advantages of modern ointments, the following positive characteristics can be identified:

  • Most drugs are affordable;
  • High rates of drug effectiveness;
  • Ideal wound healing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect;
  • Ease of use.

All modern ointments contain special active substances, which, as they penetrate deep into the tissues, soothe the acute and unpleasant course of the pathology. Anyone who suffers from a disease such as hemorrhoids should know that ointments tend to leave marks on clothes. Another important point is the need to use drugs only simultaneously with other treatments.

Most ointments for hemorrhoids work actively at night. The effectiveness can be increased by using ointments immediately after a bowel movement or by carrying out certain procedures related to hygiene. The prolapsed nodes must be smeared with medicinal compounds, applying them directly to the affected area; you can apply a napkin pre-moistened with the medicinal agent.

The pharmaceutical market offers a large number of drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids in various dosage forms: tablets, gels, ointments, creams, suppositories and others. A special place in the line of antihemorrhoidal drugs is occupied by ointments with different compositions.

Medicines in the form of an ointment differ favorably from those in the form of a cream or gel in that, unlike them, the ointment has a fat base and, therefore, better moisturizes the skin, restores and preserves the lipid barrier. The choice of ointment for the treatment of hemorrhoids directly depends on the goal that should be achieved as a result of therapy.

So, ointments for hemorrhoids are classified as follows:

When choosing the best ointment for hemorrhoids, you must follow the advice of a proctologist. After all, only a specialist can correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment, taking into account the stage of development and severity of symptoms.

Regardless of whether you are in an interesting position or not, as well as your gender, when the first signs appear, and especially in an advanced case of hemorrhoids, you should definitely go to the doctor.

You should not think that if you do not use hormonal creams and ointments, but use, for example, ointment for hemorrhoids at your own discretion, then self-medication is completely safe. The human body is individual, and without the help of a professional it is almost impossible to determine which component of the drug it cannot tolerate. The use of even the most harmless drug can turn into trouble.

Advantages and disadvantages of using ointments

You can make your own ointment based on medicinal herbs. Such drugs are used at any stage of the disease and are combined with other dosage forms.

  • Mix melted lard with herbs, which are taken in equal proportions: oak bark, St. John's wort, flax flowers and dry water pepper herb. The mixture should be infused for 10-12 hours. After this, the mass is heated and filtered.
  • An ointment based on a tincture of calendula flowers can quickly relieve inflammation and heal cracks and wounds. Dry raw materials are poured with vodka and left to infuse for 7 days. Then add butter, steam it and pour it into a storage container.
  • For hemorrhoids and cracks, propolis ointment helps reduce pain, tightens and heals cracks, eliminates swelling and inflammation. To prepare the ointment, you need to take propolis and add vegetable oil. Keep over hot steam for 45 minutes. As soon as the propolis has melted, the ointment can be used for its intended purpose.
  • Ointment for hemorrhoids from plantain will help quickly heal wounds and cracks, has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare it, you need to take aloe juice and mix it with melted lard.
  • An ointment based on tobacco, butter and petroleum jelly will help soothe irritated and inflamed areas, eliminate swelling and itching. All components must be thoroughly mixed and passed through a sieve. Place the resulting mixture in a container and store in the refrigerator.

Ointment for hemorrhoids is selected in accordance with the severity of certain symptoms characteristic of the disease. You should not select a remedy on your own; it is better to consult a proctologist.

An effective ointment for hemorrhoids has many advantages. There are three main advantages of these types of medications.

The main advantages of antihemorrhoidal ointments:

  • Multifunctionality. For example, the same composition relieves itching, soreness, swelling, and also stops bleeding. This eliminates the need to solve all these problems using a combination of means.
  • Efficiency. Ointments have high permeability; they penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, which makes it possible to quickly feel relief.
  • Comfortable to apply and use. They are indeed very convenient and easy to apply yourself. The texture of the ointment is homogeneous, it fits well on the surface of the skin, and when used correctly does not cause any inconvenience.

Ointments are especially effective in treating early stage hemorrhoids. During this period, hemorrhoidal disease can be cured using conservative methods (or it can be completely stopped). At later stages, the ointment gives an effect, but nothing more than relieving or muffling the symptoms - the ointment will not protect you from the need for surgery or minimally invasive procedures.

Even the best ointments for hemorrhoids should not be used as monotherapy. This is only a component of a good, individual treatment regimen.

Topical medication is a gentle way to treat external cavernous formations. This medicine is easy to use. In addition, the product can be used not only for the treatment of external hemorrhoids. In some cases, it is inserted into the anus. Other advantages of using local therapy:

  • this form of medication easily penetrates the skin or mucous membranes;
  • many drugs cope with several symptoms at once, including bleeding, pain, swelling, itching;
  • active ingredients act directly on the lesion, so the effect appears quickly;
  • There are many inexpensive products in this category;
  • Unlike suppositories, such drugs are effective against external hemorrhoids.

The downside is the impossibility of using inexpensive local agents as monotherapy. They are part of a comprehensive treatment and make it more effective. In addition, due to the greasy base, unpleasant stains may remain on clothes, although the product is applied in a thin layer. You can use local medications in courses of 10 days, after which you need to take a break. You should be careful with medications that contain hormones.

Since ointments for hemorrhoids are topical, they are safe for children and pregnant women, although some products may contain components that are contraindicated in early childhood and the perinatal period. When treating external hemorrhoids, ointments are not inferior in effectiveness to rectal suppositories, and therefore are a mandatory component of treatment. The only drawback is incomplete absorption and fatty residues on the skin, which can cause some discomfort.

In addition to the usual lubrication of hemorrhoids, at an early stage of the disease, you can lubricate the anal canal from the inside using a tampon soaked in ointment. Most doctors recommend doing this after washing, including those that occur after a bowel movement.

Interestingly, some women use hemorrhoid creams to combat wrinkles around the eyes, arguing that they almost instantly smooth out even small wrinkles. Indeed, heparin and phenylephrine constrict blood vessels and quickly rejuvenate the skin, and various natural elements in the form of essential oils, plant extracts or shark liver nourish it with beneficial microelements.

However, in reality, ointments against hemorrhoids can only temporarily refresh the skin, but do not trigger any rejuvenation mechanisms. Interestingly, the opposite effect is also observed here. Some anti-wrinkle creams have a vasoconstrictor effect and can therefore be used to reduce inflammation in the anal area. However, doctors recommend using medications and cosmetics as directed.

Application of ointments

Ointments for hemorrhoids are supplied with an applicator, which makes it possible to conveniently apply them to the sore spot and hemorrhoidal node. Apply the ointment 3-4 times a day.

In the morning after hygiene procedures, in the evening before bed, and also after each bowel movement. It is advisable to apply the ointment as deeply as possible; for this purpose, use special devices or tampons soaked in ointment, which are inserted into the anus. The choice of ointment depends on the patient’s condition and the degree of the disease.

Since each ointment has special properties and side effects, it is better to consult a doctor. The proctologist will weigh all the nuances of your health condition and provide adequate therapy.

In modern pharmacies, medications for hemorrhoids are presented in a wide range (suppositories, ointments, gels, tablets, injection solutions). They have their own indications, contraindications, characteristics and properties, helping to successfully cope with the disease and are selected individually for each specific case, depending on the medical history.

There are also universal drugs, the action of which is aimed at combating several signs of the disease, and drugs used to eliminate a specific symptom of the disease. As many years of experience in the fight against varicose veins of the venous-vascular system of the anorectal region show, successful therapy depends on an integrated approach.

This means that the disease cannot be overcome with ointment, tablets or suppositories alone. Using these remedies simultaneously (in combination), you can quickly eliminate hemorrhoids. Which medications are particularly effective, and in what cases are they prescribed? The process of treating hemorrhoids with medications should be monitored by a proctologist.

External nodes or prolapsed internal nodes are best treated with ointments. They can also be used to combat hemorrhoidal formations located inside, but in this case it is more effective to use suppositories that can quickly eliminate symptoms that manifest themselves in the rectal cavity (bumps, bleeding, cracks, damage to the mucous membrane, inflammation).

Along with medications for hemorrhoids that have a local effect, tablets are also prescribed. They affect the entire body, eliminating the causes of the underlying disease. Tablets enhance the effect of the local drug.

The most effective ointment for hemorrhoids for men

If in women a common cause of hemorrhoids is pregnancy, then for men the initiator of the appearance of venous stagnation is smoking and drinking. Daily poisoning of the body with tobacco and alcohol toxins leads to general atony of muscles and blood vessels, the formation of stagnant processes. Which, in combination with refined nutrition, leads to thrombophlebitis and hemorrhoids.

To treat male hemorrhoids, the same medications are used as to treat female hemorrhoids. Gaparin and Hepatrombin ointments, Troxevasin gel, Relief ointment and suppositories, as well as local anesthetics - Ichthyolka, Vishnevsky's composition, Levomekol (for severe or purulent inflammation) are suitable for men.

Good ointment for hemorrhoids: which is better? Let's understand the entire range of ointments for hemorrhoids according to the list.

The most popular ointments for hemorrhoids

Patients prefer non-hormonal treatment, considering it safe for the functioning of other internal organs and systems. If the node falls out even in the resting stage, and is prone to bleeding, it cannot be done without the use of hormones. Conservative therapy should be carried out only after hygienic procedures, having previously ensured that the body is not hypersensitive to the herbal or synthetic components of the hemostatic agent. Below is a list of effective medications that provide sustainable dynamics.

It is impossible to say exactly which remedy is the most effective. The prescription of a particular medicine depends on the symptoms in a particular patient and their severity. The localization of the inflammatory process is no less important. Even the best ointments for hemorrhoids are more effective for inflammation of the external nodes. They are also used for internal purposes, but in this case candles are considered more preferable. Over the entire period of practice of treating hemorrhoids with ointments, doctors have identified several of the best drugs among all drugs.

Only a qualified specialist can, based on correct diagnosis, prescribe the best ointment for hemorrhoids. You cannot self-medicate. This can make the situation worse and lead to serious complications. When choosing a medicine, the doctor is guided by the following rules:

  1. Mild course of the pathology. In this case, it is necessary to choose products based on heparin compounds. These are Hepatothrombin, Heparoid, Heparin ointment.
  2. Having severe pain. The drug must contain painkillers such as lidocaine, anesthesin, benzocaine, butamen, butyl.
  3. Damage and wounds of mucous membranes. With such symptoms, local remedies with vasoconstrictor, wound healing and restorative components are needed.
  4. Attachment of infection. The medication must contain antibacterial components.
  5. Frequent relapses of pathology. Additional use of immunomodulatory agents is necessary.

The offers are usually quite varied! An ordinary person may be confused about which drug to buy.

Especially when you consider that the drugs are created according to certain principles and recipes. They have different actions, effects and contraindications.

Inexpensive and effective ointments: Levomekol, Vishnevsky ointment, Aurobin, Levosin, Proctosan, Proctosedyl. You can buy ointment for hemorrhoids at any pharmacy; prices depend on the composition and therapeutic effect.

Let's look at the most commonly used topical medications, which pharmacists advise purchasing at the pharmacy.

At the first signs of hemorrhoids, you can take the advice of a pharmacist and buy ointment at the pharmacy. This is more suitable for preventing complications. If a diagnosis is made, you should only listen to your doctor.

It is difficult to say unequivocally which drug helps best in proctology! They all have different composition and action. And the effect of their action is determined by the individual characteristics of the patient and the course of the disease. However, there are popular medications available in the form of ointments, gels and creams that are recommended by doctors for hemorrhoids.

These inexpensive but effective ointments are often prescribed in the complex treatment of chronic hemorrhoids:

  1. Bezornil - has an astringent, decongestant and analgesic effect. It disinfects well and stops bleeding in the area of ​​application.
  2. Heparoid Zentiva is a good anti-inflammatory agent that reduces blood clotting and exudate separation. Quickly reduces the likelihood of blood clots, accelerates the resorption of hematomas and the disappearance of blood clots. It reduces swelling well, reduces the feeling of tension and pain in the affected area. Contraindicated for hemorrhoidal bleeding.
  3. Hepatrombin G is a powerful antithrombic and moderate anti-inflammatory agent. Improves tissue regeneration at the site of application and reduces blood clotting in hemorrhoids. Externally relieves inflammation, swelling, pain and irritation. Local anesthesia and promotes sclerosis of hemorrhoids.
  4. Fleming's ointment - heals, dries, slightly anesthetizes and cools.
  5. Nefluan – relieves inflammation and disinfects the area of ​​application.
  6. Pyolysin – relieves inflammation, stimulates the immune system, improves tissue regeneration and fights a number of microorganisms.
  7. Posterisan and Posterisan forte – relieves pain, swelling, pain and itching, reduces blood pressure at the site of application. Stimulates immune cells to work to heal microdamages and fight infections.
  8. Procto-glivenol - improves vascular tone, strengthens vascular walls, relieves pain and itching, and significantly reduces inflammation.
  9. Proctosan - has a strong astringent and drying effect, promotes healing and relieves inflammation.
  10. Proctosedyl - relieves inflammation, eliminates infection, anesthetizes and reduces the risk of blood clots.
  11. Relief and Relief Advance - significantly relieves pain. It relieves swelling, inflammation, irritation, and reduces itching. It also heals and improves tissue nutrition.
  12. Troxerutin – reduces fragility and permeability of capillaries, eliminates swelling.
  13. Ultraproct – relieves inflammation, irritation, pain, itching.
  14. Aesculus - relieves inflammation and accelerates the healing of microdamages.

He assesses the patient's condition, medical history, tolerability of previously prescribed medications and the patient's individual reactions. For internal nodes, ointments are injected into the anus. They dissolve slowly and are absorbed by tissues for a long time, which ensures their prolonged action.

There is no single ointment recipe - the manufacturer is based on the main task that the medicine should perform. For example, an anti-inflammatory composition or a tissue-healing composition.

Of course, ointment for hemorrhoids can be multitasking, when it performs several related actions at once.

Basically, the compositions of ointments pursue the following goals:

  1. Stopping rectal bleeding - hemostatic ointments not only stop the blood, but also thin it, preventing blood clots;
  2. Impact on the walls of veins - ointments with the effect of phlebotonics work to reduce the size of nodes;
  3. Removing signs of inflammation;
  4. Relieving swelling, pain and discomfort.

Ointment, like suppositories, is used strictly after bowel movements and subsequent hygiene procedures. If it is internal hemorrhoids that are bothering you, a convenient applicator is included with the ointment, which allows you to deliver the ointment to its destination.

If characteristic pain appears, then the question immediately arises: which ointment for hemorrhoids is better? Here everything is determined individually, so there is no need to rush and immediately buy a powerful, expensive product. Most often, doctors make the following appointments:

  • minor discomfort during bowel movements - heparin ointment;
  • sharp pain radiating to the groin - Proctoglivenol, Proctosan, Aurobin, Relief Advance;
  • inflammatory process - Ibuprofen, Diclofenac;
  • massive inflammation or infection of the affected areas with pathogenic bacteria - Levomekol, Vishnevsky ointment;
  • bleeding - Proctoglivenol, Relief.

The course of treatment is usually 7–14 days, but can be extended according to individual indications.

An effective ointment for hemorrhoids is a complex remedy that acts in several directions - it eliminates venous congestion, treats inflammation, and anesthetizes hemorrhoids (bumps). The ointment contains main active ingredients (natural or synthetic) and auxiliary components that ensure the functioning of the main substances.

The choice of ointment is determined by the effectiveness of its action, the stage of the disease, the presence of anal fissures, wounds, bleeding, inflammation or secondary (attached) infection. Cheap ointment for hemorrhoids, as a rule, contains a minimum of medicinal components. But its action can also be effective if you choose the right composition and take into account the individual characteristics of the sick person’s body.

Pain-relieving ointments for hemorrhoids contain an anesthetic and are not a complete treatment. They reduce pain and allow a person to feel “better” for a while. At the same time, in fact, there is no improvement, but the disease is progressing. Therefore, using exclusively painkillers without treatment is detrimental.

If you need to purchase ointment for hemorrhoids, you should first consult a doctor. After the examination, the specialist will recommend several remedies, among which you can choose one that is the most effective and cost-effective. So, what are the common ointments for external hemorrhoids?

If this delicate problem manifests itself in external form (with prolapse of hemorrhoids), then hemorrhoid ointment works well in therapy. Prices in pharmacies for various types of such medicines differ depending on the set of active ingredients and the manufacturer.

Before applying the ointment, it is necessary, as when inserting suppositories, to carry out appropriate hygiene procedures. After them, a portion of the ointment is applied to the hemorrhoids using the included applicator or a simple gauze swab.

Ointments for hemorrhoids are a complex action product, just like suppositories. There are often situations when the composition of the ointment is identical to candles of the same brand.

Ultraproct is one of the most popular hormonal-based ointments

They are divided into three large categories:

  • Hormonal-based products. These include “Proctosedyl” and the already mentioned “Ultraproct”. They are especially good in the treatment of hemorrhoids with severe inflammation. Prices for them on pharmacy shelves are around 400-500 rubles.
  • Ointments for hemorrhoids with an anesthetic, such as Proctosan or Relief Advance. They quickly relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids - pain and itching, and promote rapid recovery; they cost around 400-500 rubles per tube.
  • Thrombolytic agents: these are the familiar “Troxevasin” and “Heparin” ointments. They prevent thrombus formation in the affected hemorrhoids. They will cost between 200-300 rubles per package.

Often, during pregnancy or after childbirth, a woman is diagnosed with an inflammatory process in the veins of the rectum. Ointments for external hemorrhoids before and after the birth of a baby, and even when breastfeeding, need to be chosen seriously. The components of the drug can easily enter the bloodstream and be transmitted to the fetus.

Remedy for external hemorrhoids for women

As an ointment for hemorrhoids based on herbal ingredients, traditional medicine offers a mixture of petroleum jelly, honey and aloe. A small piece of lard can serve as a candle. To treat the initial stage of the disease, enemas based on a decoction of string, St. John's wort, chamomile and calendula are widely used.

Hemorrhoids are inflammation and subsequent enlargement of the venous nodes in the anus, which is accompanied by bleeding and pain.

According to official statistics, around 15% of people worldwide suffer from this disease. But this is only official data, because not every person who discovers this delicate problem immediately consults a doctor.

So we can conclude that about 25% of the world's population suffers from the disease.

As a rule, people consult a doctor when the disease reaches an advanced stage. Hemorrhoids are a disease that affects both men and women equally.

The list of cheap ointments for hemorrhoids is quite large. They have a sufficient therapeutic and symptomatic effect, so you need to start therapy with them. The table provides an overview list of ointments used for the treatment of hemorrhoids and the main characteristics.

Ointments Action Price
  • anticoagulants prevent thrombosis;
  • benzocaine relieves pain and inflammation;
  • benzyl nicotinate dilates blood vessels and improves heparin absorption
60–90 rub.
Vishnevsky quickly copes with inflammation, especially if you make compresses with this ointment 40–50 rub.
  • disinfects open wounds, prevents infection and suppuration;
  • heals and regenerates mucous membranes
100–130 rub.
  • effectively relieves pain from external and internal hemorrhoids;
  • the components are not absorbed into the bloodstream, so this hemorrhoid cream is safe for children and pregnant women
85–130 rub.
Zinc has an antiseptic, drying and astringent effect 28–40 rub.
  • the gel with an analgesic is well absorbed and quickly relieves pain;
  • disinfects, dries and heals open wounds and anal fissures
30–45 rub.
  • stimulates intracellular immunity;
  • reduces bumps and heals anal fissures
27–73 r.
  • is an antibiotic that fights pathogenic bacteria;
  • eliminates infectious and purulent foci
23–40 rub.
Sea buckthorn
  • beta-carotene heals mucous membranes;
  • has a systemic general strengthening effect;
  • on the first day of use it reduces pain and relieves swelling;
  • with long-term use, heals anal fissures
140–150 rub.
  • methyluracil improves immunity, relieves pain and inflammation;
  • flavonoids increase vascular tone
40–50 rub.
Ibuprofen anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound healing effect 30–50 rub.
  • castor oil relieves pain;
  • novocaine eliminates the clinical picture;
  • helps well with chronic and long-term non-healing hemorrhoids
44–56 rub.
  • it is a flavonoid-based venotonic;
  • blocks hyaluronates in cell membranes and stimulates metabolism in vascular walls
24–40 rub.
  • removes itching, burning and discomfort;
  • the pain goes away gradually over the course of a week
36–62 rub.
  • helps with stages I and II of external hemorrhoids;
  • chestnut extract reduces capillary fragility, reduces the permeability of vascular walls
44–102 rub.
  • is a strong NSAID, is quickly absorbed and penetrates the bloodstream;
  • pain is suppressed almost instantly;
  • has an anti-edematous and antipyretic effect
35–105 rub.
  • quickly relieves itching and inflammation;
  • prevents the development of secondary infections and improves immunity
22–56 rub.
  • has a water-soluble base and penetrates deeply into inflamed tissues;
  • the anesthetic trimecaine quickly relieves severe pain;
  • relieves swelling and prevents suppuration in 2 days
65–86 rub.
  • actovegin restores blood flow and relieves the symptoms of acute hemorrhoids;
  • improves blood microcirculation even at an advanced stage of varicose veins;
  • accelerates tissue regeneration with anal fissure
RUR 103–110
Calendula has an anti-inflammatory effect 62–75 rub.

The table shows average prices as of 05.2017. The price may vary depending on the region, volume and form of the medicine: ointment or gel. In the tables, the products are arranged not by price parameter, but by the frequency of their prescription by doctors.

Due to the fact that during pregnancy the fetus puts pressure on the rectum, the risk of developing hemorrhoids during this period increases significantly. In addition, at this time, blood circulation is disrupted, which stagnates in the lower part of the body, which ultimately also leads to hemorrhoids.

Considering that this is a very delicate period of a woman’s life, requiring special care in the use of medications, the question of which hemorrhoid cream can be used to get rid of an unpleasant disease becomes especially relevant, since it is very important that the components of the drug are as harmless as possible.

Most often, heparin and ichthyol ointments are prescribed for hemorrhoids, as well as Relief cream and Vishnevsky ointment. Having virtually no contraindications, these remedies are effective against itching and swelling. Helps get rid of inflammation and improve vascular tone.

Our network of pharmacies contains an extensive catalog of hemorrhoid medications for men and women, which have an analgesic and hemostatic effect. It includes more than a thousand medications from manufacturers in different countries. The user chooses the drug that is suitable for himself at an affordable price, based on the price range, release form and personal preferences.

Useful to know about the resource:

  • users order delivery of the required drug on our website to any pharmacy in Moscow. But you need to pay for and pick up the goods yourself at the pharmacy;
  • there are special offers and discounts on the main page;
  • Each medicine or cosmetic has undergone the necessary certification procedure, which confirms high quality.

Indications for use

A rather delicate and intimate problem that older people face. This is a common problem that is not usually shared, and a trip to the doctor is postponed until the very last resort. You should not delay visiting the doctor, as only he will be able to prescribe medicine for hemorrhoids.


  1. hemorrhoids 1st degree;
  2. hemorrhoids 2 degrees;
  3. hemorrhoids 3 degrees;
  4. other diseases of the anus and rectum.

Symptoms include:

  • discomfort in the anal area;
  • bleeding during bowel movements;
  • inflammation, swelling;
  • acute pain in the anus;
  • burning and itching;
  • loss of nodes;
  • mucus secretion.

With the help of pharmaceutical drugs, you can quickly achieve good treatment results for men and women.

Contraindications for use

Medicines for hemorrhoids have a number of contraindications, which you must familiarize yourself with before starting use:

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • Bacterial diseases.
  • Fungal diseases.

Effective treatment can only be obtained after consulting a doctor; self-medication is not recommended. Many drugs have side effects.

Forms of release of drugs

Tablets for hemorrhoids are presented in the catalog of our resource at competitive prices. However, before purchasing from a pharmacy, you need to find out exactly what form of administration you need.

Release forms presented on our website:

  • suppository;
  • cream;
  • ointment;
  • capsules.

The main difference between them is the dosage of the active ingredient, which is prescribed by a specialist.

Manufacturing countries

Hemorrhoid treatment products are offered by manufacturers from all over the world. Users have a wide choice, many are guided by personal preferences. Whose drugs are presented on 36.6?

  • Russian;
  • German;
  • French;
  • Indian;
  • Serbian and others.



  1. [i] ICD 10, hemorrhoids [Electronic resource]. – 2018. - access via the link: http://mkb-10.com/index.php?pid=22867

Many patients suffering from enlarged hemorrhoids wish to get rid of unpleasant symptoms without surgery - with the help of conservative therapy. Antihemorrhoidal drugs are available in various dosage forms. One of the most common and effective is an ointment.

The effectiveness of local medications lies in the fact that they quickly act on hemorrhoids, stop bleeding without affecting the digestive tract. What ointments to use for hemorrhoids should be determined by the attending physician.

Pros and cons of ointments

Antihemorrhoidal ointments are a mild type of pharmaceutical that are intended primarily for application to external cavernous formations, but in some cases they are also introduced into the anus.

Ointment products differ in the content of active ingredients, which determine the main properties of the drugs. The basis of ointments are substances such as petroleum jelly or lanolin.

Ointments for hemorrhoids are easy to use and are suitable for the treatment of both internal hemorrhoids and external cavernous formations. The drugs act locally, which helps to avoid or minimize the development and spread of allergic reactions.

That is why antihemorrhoidal ointments are often prescribed to pregnant women, children, and other categories of patients for whom systemic drugs are contraindicated.

This form of the medicine penetrates deeply into the skin and mucous membrane, allowing the active ingredients to act inside the hemorrhoids, which speeds up relief from the negative symptoms of the disease.

Important! As patient reviews show, ointments have a drawback - due to the oily base, the preparations cannot be completely absorbed into the skin, so they often leave unpleasant greasy stains on clothes.

However, it should be understood that ointment products are not suitable for monotherapy. Locally acting medications should be part of a comprehensive treatment, increasing the effectiveness of the main methods of getting rid of hemorrhoids.

How to apply ointments?

Therapy with ointment products has certain features, which presupposes compliance with the rules for using these drugs in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

  • Before using the ointment, the patient should, if possible, empty the intestines and treat the anal area (rinse with water and wipe with a soft cloth).
  • For external hemorrhoids, a thin layer of ointment is applied to cavernous formations located in the tissues of the anorectal area. For internal venous collections, the medication should be injected into the rectum using a finger, a cotton swab, or a special applicator.
  • Frequency of use – 2-3 times a day or after each bowel movement. When the symptoms gradually subside, doctors recommend using the ointment no more than once a day.
  • Drugs that contain hormones must be used extremely carefully and not for a very long time. In addition, such ointments should be discontinued gradually.
  • The duration of therapy is individual in each specific case. Most often it does not exceed 7 days. may be prescribed for a two-week treatment course.
  • Ointment products are stored in a cool and dark place. In the summer months, it is generally better to put tubes of medications in the refrigerator. The period of application usually does not exceed three years.

When using the product for the first time, the patient needs to monitor the body’s reaction. If redness, rash and other consequences are observed at the application site (photos of negative reactions are available on the Internet), the drug is discontinued and therapy is adjusted.

Review of antihemorrhoidal ointments

Ointments for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins of hemorrhoidal veins are divided into several categories. The classification depends on the main focus of the active components.

The question of which ointment for hemorrhoids is the best and most effective is not entirely correct. The doctor should choose the remedy, focusing on the symptoms of the pathological process, the stage and type of the disease.

In most cases, the effect of ointment alone is completely insufficient. To obtain a pronounced therapeutic effect, it is necessary to combine therapy with local and systemic medications.


This group includes drugs that inhibit blood clotting and reduce the likelihood of blood clots. The most famous medication in the category is Heparin ointment for the treatment of external hemorrhoids.

Also typical anticoagulants are,.

Heparin ointment

This remedy is useful if the patient needs an inexpensive and truly effective ointment for hemorrhoids, which has an antithrombotic and antihemorrhoidal effect. The main advantage of the drug is its low cost.

The heparin component prevents the formation of blood clots, anesthesin (anesthetic agent) relieves pain, and benzyl nicotinate promotes vasodilation, which helps other ingredients penetrate the hemorrhoid.

Among the restrictions are:

  • necrosis of tissues and mucous membranes;
  • low blood clotting;
  • first 12 weeks of gestation.

It is extremely rare for patients to experience bleeding; more often, undesirable consequences such as itching, allergic dermatitis or urticaria may develop.

The cost of the medicine is from 35 to 80 rubles.


The product is intended for the treatment and prevention of blood clots, and has the ability to regenerate tissue.

Heparin, the main active ingredient, is able to accumulate in the inner layers of the skin and penetrate through the vascular membranes.

Also, the heparin component removes fluid from tissue structures, which reduces swelling and prevents blood clotting. The remaining active ingredients - allantoin and dexpanthenol - help enhance the effect of heparin.

Ointment for the treatment of Gepatrombin is contraindicated in:

  • constant bleeding;
  • a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood;
  • the first 12 weeks of gestation.

The drug is well tolerated; in rare cases, hypersensitivity reactions to the ingredients of the product in the form of skin redness are possible.

Price - from 120 to 250 rubles, depending on the amount of the active ingredient in the product.

Gepatrombin G

The medication relieves blood clots and inflammation in hemorrhoids.

The heparin component prevents blood clotting, prednisolone reduces swelling, inflammation, and itching in the anal area. Lauromacrogol promotes sclerization, that is, gluing, of vascular walls.

The drug helps against external hemorrhoids and internal venous accumulations, which are accompanied by severe inflammatory processes and thrombophlebitis of the anal veins.

Hepatrombin G has more contraindications than the classic version of the drug:

  • predisposition to bleeding;
  • syphilitic and tuberculous lesions of the rectum;
  • anal tumor.

The most common side effects are local allergic reactions in the area of ​​application - itching and redness of the skin.

The price of the drug is from 160 to 190 rubles.

Heparoid Zentiva

Another anticoagulant drug with a pronounced antihemorrhoidal effect.

The medication contains the active ingredient heparinoid, a synthetically developed analogue of heparin.

The component acts similarly to drugs of the heparin group - it reduces the severity of inflammatory processes and swelling, helps reduce blood clotting, and dries out weeping hemorrhoids.

The medication is contraindicated if the patient is diagnosed with:

  • hemophilia;
  • purples;
  • insufficient number of platelets in the blood.

The drug is quite well tolerated; in some situations, itching and skin irritation are noted.

The average price is 165 rubles.


These drugs, on the contrary, are designed to increase blood clotting and stop bleeding from venous collections. The most prominent representative of hemostatic agents is Relief ointment for external hemorrhoids.

The drug contains shark liver oil, which helps relieve inflammation, produces a healing effect, stops bleeding and stimulates local immunity.

The second ingredient, phenylephrine, has a vasoconstrictor effect, which helps reduce the severity of all major clinical symptoms. The drug is recommended for the treatment of hemorrhoids in men and women.

Among the main restrictions, the following are highlighted:

  • hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug;
  • low number of granulocytes in the blood;
  • acute blockage of blood vessels by blood clots.

Relief anti-hemorrhoid ointment should be used with extreme caution, since if the dosage is exceeded, increased blood clotting is likely to occur.

The average cost of the drug is 380 rubles.

Relief Advance

Antihemorrhoids ointment has the ability to heal wounds, stop bleeding, and reduce intense pain. Similar effects are ensured by the presence of benzocaine and shark liver oil in the anesthetic composition.

The drug is used to treat hemorrhoids of external and internal localization, and it is prohibited in the following conditions:

  • thromboembolism;
  • insufficient number of granulocytes in the blood.

The main undesirable consequences when using the medication are local allergic reactions in the form of skin redness, rashes and itching sensations.

Approximate cost: 440 rubles.


Medicines in this group help increase the tone of the veins, strengthen the walls of capillaries, help regenerate tissue, and reduce swelling of the mucous membranes. Agents with venotonic action are Troxevasin and.

A venotonic drug that helps increase tone, protect blood vessels, prevent fragility of capillary branches, relieve inflammation and swelling, and reduce blood clotting.

Troxevasin is intended to treat hemorrhoids, which are accompanied by enlargement and thrombophlebitis of cavernous formations. The drug is quite safe, it has only one limitation - damage to the skin at the site of application.

Feedback from patients demonstrates that hypersensitivity reactions such as urticaria, inflammatory skin lesions, and eczema occur extremely rarely.

The average price is 175 rubles.


The ointment is used for the treatment of external or internal hemorrhoids. The rectal method of administration involves introducing the drug into the anus using an applicator.

The composition contains two active ingredients. Tribenoside, which is a venotonic, helps eliminate congestion, increases vascular tone and reduces the permeability of capillary walls, thereby reducing swelling and inflammation. - a well-known anesthetic.

The medication has few limitations, including:

  • intolerance to ingredients;
  • the first 3 months of bearing a child (appointment is possible under strict indications).

Undesirable consequences occur quite rarely; in some cases, redness, rash on the skin and increased itching are possible.

The average cost is 370 rubles.

Anti-inflammatory ointments

This includes medications that relieve swelling and itching and inhibit the occurrence of the inflammatory process. Most drugs contain glucocorticosteroids - synthetic hormones that resemble the action of natural human hormonal substances

Anti-inflammatory ointments for hemorrhoids are popular; the list includes such products as Aurobin, Ultraproct, Proctosedyl, etc.

A hormonal drug for hemorrhoids for men and women that has a complex effect. The glucocorticosteroid prednisolone helps reduce inflammation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

The anesthetic lidocaine reduces the intensity of pain, reduces burning and itching sensations. Dexpanthenol is designed to regenerate and heal the skin.

Since hemorrhoids require immediate treatment, Aurobin is used both in the initial stages of the disease and in advanced stages of the disease, which is accompanied by anal fissures.

Due to the hormonal component present in the composition, the drug has an increased list of contraindications:

  • intolerance to the ingredients of the product;
  • infectious lesions of the skin;
  • acne;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • lactation.

The average cost is 300 rubles.


The drug has a complex effect. The corticosteroid fluocortolone helps reduce tissue swelling, inflammation and itching sensations.

Also, the hormonal component helps improve blood circulation, relieve allergic reactions, and accelerate tissue healing. Cinchocaine reduces the intensity of pain.

Among the restrictions, the following are highlighted:

  • syphilis and tuberculosis localized in the anus;
  • viral infections;
  • first trimester of gestation.

Since the amount of the hormonal component is quite small, the ointment is well tolerated by patients. In some situations, allergic reactions occur - itching, rash, urticaria. With prolonged use, skin atrophy is possible.

The average price is 190 rubles.


The steroid component fluocortolone reduces the severity of inflammation and allergic conditions in the rectal area. Among its beneficial properties are a decrease in pain, burning and itching sensations, and an increase in vascular tone.

The second active ingredient is lidocaine, which enhances the anesthetic effect of the previous component by blocking nerve impulses.

The drug is indicated for the treatment of severe hemorrhoids, additionally complicated by thrombosis of the hemorrhoidal veins. Among the restrictions are:

  • tuberculosis, syphilis or viral infection in the anorectal area;
  • first trimester of gestation;
  • intolerance to the main and auxiliary components.

Undesirable consequences of using Doloproct include burning, hypersensitivity reactions, and, in case of prolonged use, atrophic processes on the skin.

The average price is 190 rubles.


Which ointment is best for hemorrhoids? Many patients answer this question - Proctosedyl. The drug is characterized by rapid action due to its balanced composition:

  • the corticosteroid hydrocortisone reduces the severity of inflammation, itching and burning;
  • the antibacterial component framycetin destroys certain pathogenic microbes;
  • heparin ingredient prevents thrombosis;
  • the plant substance esculoside reduces the fragility of capillary vessels;
  • anesthetics benzocaine and butamen reduce pain and itching.

The drug is prohibited for tuberculosis of the rectum and anorectal area, hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the ointment, pregnancy and early age.

With prolonged use of the product, the possibility of irritation, burning, and dry skin cannot be ruled out.

The average price is 350 rubles.

Multicomponent antihemorrhoidal drug, whose beneficial properties are due to the qualities of the main components:

  • the anti-inflammatory ingredient bufexamac, accordingly, reduces inflammation and is additionally an anesthetic;
  • bismuth compounds prevent bleeding, promote disinfection of the skin through the formation of a protective film;
  • titanium compounds are good for drying and healing damaged surfaces;
  • the anesthetic lidocaine anesthetizes and eliminates itching.

The drug is contraindicated for syphilitic and tuberculosis manifestations in the anorectal area, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In case of hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug, allergies, swelling, redness and flaking of the skin at the site of application of the drug are possible.

The average price is 350 rubles.

Immunomodulatory agents

As the name suggests, such ointments stimulate local immunity in the rectum and anorectal area.

As a result, tissues and mucous membranes begin to more actively resist the influence of unfavorable external and internal “provocateurs”.

The most popular antihemorrhoidal immunomodulatory drug is. This ointment for hemorrhoids shows effective results, but is expensive.


The properties of this local immunomodulator are due to the action of inactivated Escherichia coli particles.

When used, local immunity is stimulated, skin and mucous membranes are healed and restored. In addition, inflammation and pain are relieved.

The drug is used if the external or internal hemorrhoidal lump is bleeding, accompanied by itching, burning, and anal fissures.

The only contraindication is intolerance to the components.

The average price is 470 rubles.

Homeopathic and herbal preparations

These ointments contain natural ingredients that have pronounced antihemorrhoidal properties. This category includes Esculus, Fleming ointment, Bezornil.

Fleming's ointment

This ointment belongs to homeopathic medicines, whose properties are determined by the herbal and other ingredients it contains. Among them :

  • witch hazel and calendula extract – reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process, prevent infection of damaged skin areas;
  • menthol – tones the walls of blood vessels;
  • zinc compounds – have a drying and protective effect;
  • horse chestnut extract - tones the walls of the veins, improves blood circulation in the capillaries and veins.

When solving delicate health problems, you want the drug chosen to eliminate them to act immediately. When it comes to hemorrhoids, it is worth adding that you want to speed up the effect two or even three times. Unfortunately, this disease affects men and women of all ages and lifestyles. Of course, sedentary work can be one of the key reasons for the formation of hemorrhoids. Then various ointments come to the rescue in the fight against an unpleasant disease. It is this drug that is worth choosing from the many remedies for the disease. It has the highest concentration of nutrients that will soften cracks and promote their healing.

Choosing the best ointment for hemorrhoids without the help of a specialist is quite difficult. Nevertheless, we have developed a rating of the 10 most popular products for treating the disease. The top was compiled based on reviews of people who suffered a delicate problem. It is imperative to consult with a specialist before purchasing this or that product.

There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

TOP 10 best ointments for hemorrhoids

10 Ichthyol ointment

Wide spectrum of action
Country: Belarus
Average price: 120 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

An effective medicine obtained from resins has a wide spectrum of action. The use of such a remedy for a specific disease will help immediately get rid of three symptoms - pain, inflammation and burning. However, they note that this drug is ideal to use only for first aid and the initial stage of hemorrhoids. In severe cases, the product will simply be a waste of money. The formula ideally relieves pain and helps with the first manifestations of the disease, but then the doctor must prescribe a more serious drug.

Proctologists recommend applying a non-specialized remedy to relieve pain on areas where specific lumps and nodes can be felt. It can be applied using bandages and tampons, and it is recommended to dilute the product with glycerin for a gentler effect on the mucous membrane. Application is possible for both women and men.

9 Heparin ointment

Affordable price
Country Russia
Average price: 64 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

One of the ranking positions is represented by a well-known composition that was probably in everyone’s first aid kit. Heparin in the composition reduces all inflammatory processes at the site of application. The product is famous for its analgesic effect. The drug is recommended for combating various diseases of the skin and veins, including external hemorrhoids. You should avoid using it if you have hypersensitivity to the components of the product. A budget ointment will help the patient forget about his illness after a few uses. Absorbs quickly and does not leave an unpleasant film.

According to reviews, many users liked this product. First of all, because of its price. One of the disadvantages may be the volume - the tube is quite small. However, the speed of treatment and cost will help you forget about such a minor drawback. It can be applied using tampons soaked in the medicine.

8 Balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky

The best combination of price and quality
Country Russia
Average price: 37 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The cheapest domestic product, which appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century, has been used for almost a hundred years to treat burns, deep skin wounds with suppuration and ulcers. It is also suitable for the treatment of hemorrhoids. A simple composition of tar and castor oil will have a beneficial effect on inflammatory areas. The product wonderfully heals wounds and reduces inflammation. The xeroform in the formula has a drying and disinfecting effect. The drug relieves swelling and has an analgesic effect, which is so important for a patient with hemorrhoids.

In Russia, treatment of intimate ailments using this product is common. Users respond positively to its best combination of low price and high quality. A significant disadvantage will be the strong smell of tar, which is probably familiar to everyone from childhood. Many patients jokingly note that even it kills all microbes.

7 Hepatrombin G

Cumulative action
Country: Serbia
Average price: 234 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

When buying a medicine, you need to pay attention to the letter “G” in the name. This means that the drug is suitable for the treatment of hemorrhoids. In its absence, the use of ointment can only harm the patient and in no way relieve the disease, but only worsen the symptoms. Heparin is the main active component of the sample. It has the most positive effect on stimulating blood circulation, is quickly absorbed and absorbed into the blood, and also tends to accumulate. This means that treatment of a delicate problem will be quick and easy, almost from the first use.

The fairly high price forces buyers who left reviews on the Internet to turn to a budget analogue of an expensive product - heparin ointment. However, this particular product, among other things, also contains prednisolone, which helps reduce pain.

6 Proctosedyl

Contains antibiotic
Country: France
Average price: 460 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effective French drug. Thanks to its composition, it perfectly thins the blood and helps its rapid circulation, which is important in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Hydrocortisone helps to quickly heal wounds, relieve the patient of swelling, relieve pain and inflammation. In addition to it, the structure contains heparin. In synthesis with esculoside, it helps accelerate blood circulation and helps eliminate possible thrombosis. The composition also contains an antibiotic - framecitin sulfate. Therefore, you need to be careful when using the ointment and try not to combine it with other medications.

The product has a fairly wide range of contraindications. Its use is prohibited for fungal diseases, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in case of high sensitivity to the components. In these cases, the use of Proctosedyl can only do harm. For the rest of the patients, according to reviews, the medicine worked great.

5 Fleming's ointment

Natural composition
Country Russia
Average price: 323 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

A popular domestic product with a wide range of actions. In addition to hemorrhoids, it will help get rid of rhinitis and dermatitis. Thanks to its formula, the homeopathic remedy helps relieve pain in a delicate disease. Itching and bleeding also resolve incredibly quickly with use. After a course of using the sample, inflammation decreases and gradually disappears. The ointment helps to normalize the walls of blood vessels and blood circulation. The natural composition contains calendula, known for its anti-inflammatory effect, aesculus, witch hazel, menthol and zinc oxide.

Patients respond positively to the effect of this homeopathic ointment. Many people are mainly attracted by the natural composition of the product. Convenient application 1 to 3 times a day can be adjusted to your rhythm of life. Suitable for both women and men.

4 Aurobin

An excellent remedy for the treatment of advanced hemorrhoids
Country Russia
Average price: 317 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

An ideal remedy for the treatment of advanced hemorrhoids. If the patient does not start treatment in the early stages of the disease, then the doctor usually prescribes this very expensive drug. The ointment is considered by people with the third stage of the disease. However, it may be suitable even when the first symptoms of the disease appear, however, it will not be as effective, and rather even unnecessary. The product is used to treat external hemorrhoids. Panthenol in the composition will promote rapid healing of mucosal cracks, and lidocaine will relieve pain. For the exact dosage and number of daily applications, the manufacturer recommends consulting a proctologist.

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