Home Coated tongue Psoriasis causes and treatment with folk remedies. How to cure psoriasis at home using folk remedies? Copper sulfate, potassium permanganate

Psoriasis causes and treatment with folk remedies. How to cure psoriasis at home using folk remedies? Copper sulfate, potassium permanganate

The pharmaceutical industry produces many drugs to combat psoriasis. But synthetic medications negatively affect the functioning of internal organs. Therefore, patients prefer to treat psoriasis at home using folk remedies.

Symptoms and causes of psoriatic plaques

Doctors have identified factors that provoke psoriasis:

Its essence is to normalize the acid-base balance through the consumption of certain foods.

You are allowed to eat vegetables, sea fish, cottage cheese, grains, fruits, and chicken.

Normalizes metabolism, the functioning of the digestive tract, strengthens the immune system.

To prevent the disease from progressing, you must adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

Greek, Crimean balsam and other herbal medicines

Healers recommend using Crimean and Greek balms for psoriasis. They are sold in pharmacies and online stores. Crimean balsam contains naftalan mixture and microelements. Helps with mild to moderate severity of pathology. Apply twice daily.

Greek balm is used to relieve acute relapses. It contains propolis, pine resin, pollen and other natural ingredients. Apply to skin twice daily. Half an hour after treating the skin, it is recommended to take a tar bath. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

Secrets of Tibetan medicine that help you quickly get rid of illness

Tibetan medicine views psoriasis as the result of an imbalance of three systems that regulate the functioning of the body: bile, wind and mucus. Bile is responsible for the digestive system, wind - for the nervous system, mucus - for the lymphatic and endocrine systems. Balance is restored through a complex effect on the body:

  • herbal medicine;
  • acupressure;
  • vacuum therapy.

Kalmyk yoga and proven runes

Kalmyk yoga involves the use of exercises, mudras.

Each rune symbolizes vitality and helps to overcome illness.

Tested runes:

  • Eyvaz. Raise your arms and shift your weight to your right leg. Inhale the air and imagine how earthly energy penetrates the body.
  • Dagaz. Sit down and put your hands on your knees. Focus on the sense of time.

Is it possible to cure the pathology on your own forever?

It is forbidden. Traditional methods, physiotherapy and yoga help bring the disease into a state of long-term remission. For successful treatment, these methods should be used at the beginning of an exacerbation of the pathology.

Literally translated from Greek, psoriasis is itchy skin. The disease is one of the oldest ailments and is chronic.

The manifestation of the disease occurs under the influence of the body’s own immune cells. Modern medicine identifies many types of psoriasis, but the most common are the following:

  • vulgar, or plaque;
  • teardrop-shaped;
  • pustular;
  • palmoplantar;
  • exudative;
  • erythroderma, etc.

The main initial symptom, which can appear already in the first months of life and by which psoriasis is determined, is grayish-white scales appearing on the skin.

They are located on the head along the edges of the hair, on the bends of the joints, and in places subject to excessive friction. The rashes can vary in size according to their parameters, but at the initial stage they appear as small spots, which over time grow into larger locations.

Psoriatic plaques are those areas of the skin where chronic inflammation occurs. During this inflammation, the affected skin cells begin to divide at an accelerated rate. This leads to the fact that healthy cells do not have time to exfoliate and the skin in these areas rises significantly. Healthy cells die and form a gray crust on the surface of the area.

Causes of the disease

Although psoriasis is one of the most studied diseases in the world, the specific causes of hand psoriasis have not been identified. There are a number of known factors that can contribute to the development of the disease:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • severe mental shock, severe stress;
  • frequent allergic reactions to various irritants;
  • failure of the normal functioning of the endocrine glands;
  • diseases of the pancreas, kidneys and liver;
  • chronic intestinal dysbiosis.

The first symptoms of psoriasis on the hands appear in the form of inflamed red spots on the palms, between the fingers, and sometimes on the back of the hand.

Main symptoms:

  • dry skin;
  • thickening of the epidermis;
  • cracked redness;
  • callous formations in rough areas.

If psoriasis develops between the fingers, the patient can hide it from strangers for a long time and function normally, but damage to the fingertips is not only difficult to hide - many constantly necessary actions become impossible, since the sensitivity of the fingers is lost.

In order not to miss the onset of the disease and start treatment in a timely manner, it is important to know what psoriasis looks like on the hands.

These can be inflamed spots of different sizes - single or merging into formations, changes in the color of the nails, the appearance of dots and grooves on them, separation of the nail plate, swelling of the joints, often with a painful sensation when bending.

The causes of pathology on the body are not fully understood. The only things that were noted were disruptions in the immune system and a certain genetic predisposition. Psoriasis is treated by a dermatologist, and it is he who should be contacted when the very first signs appear.

Treatment of psoriasis with oats

Psoriasis is a special type of non-infectious disease that has an autoimmune nature and is accompanied by inflammatory tissue damage. Its development is provoked by a special gene, which is congenital and transmitted from parents.

Based on this, the manifestations of the disease can be attributed to peculiar genetic mutations, which are accompanied by the development of inflammation and cause a lot of unpleasant sensations.

Treatment of psoriasis is based on the use of an integrated approach, led by
it is worth using medications. At the same time, the purpose of all other directions is to enhance the effectiveness and increase the duration of action of the main treatment.

To date, there is no special drug to suppress the symptoms of the disease. Therefore, treatment of each specific case is carried out individually based on the existing signs, their intensity, degree of development and general condition of the patient’s body.

Basically, to suppress the manifestations of the disease, drugs that have a toxic effect on the elements of the rash are used. Complex therapy may also include corticosteroids, immunomodulators, anti-inflammatory drugs and much more.

Doctors often use alternative medicine techniques to improve the effectiveness of treatment. At the same time, it is not possible to answer the question of which of them are the best due to the individuality of each specific case and the characteristics of the human body.

Folk remedies are the most extensive of all areas used in the presence of signs of psoriasis. At the same time, a variety of means are used to treat a disease that affects different parts of the body.

Conventionally, they can be divided into three large groups, which look like this:

  • for the body and other smooth areas of the body;
  • for the head and hair;
  • for arms, elbows and legs.

When there is no doubt about the diagnosis, the main question becomes how to treat psoriasis on the hands. Treatment involves a complex of different methods.

First of all, you need to consult a specialist. The doctor develops an individual course of treatment for each patient, prescribing those drugs that will give the maximum effect without causing additional discomfort.

Medicine is not yet able to completely cure a patient of psoriasis on the hands, but an experienced dermatologist will help to achieve control over the disease, preventing its recurrence.

When deciding how to treat psoriasis on the hands, a specialist usually prescribes an emollient ointment for psoriasis, physiotherapeutic procedures and photochemotherapy.

To relieve inflammation and irritation on the hands, treatment is carried out using healing and softening ointments.

Depending on the stage of psoriasis, local use of anti-inflammatory drugs is prescribed. Regardless of the stage, corticosteroid ointment and cream are used.

A popular effective remedy for psoriasis, Polysorb, cleanses the body of toxins and allergens, helping to reduce the symptoms of psoriasis. This drug is a sorbent, it is not absorbed into the blood, is safe and has no contraindications. The doctor advises what folk remedies can be used to treat psoriasis on the hands.

A product that will cleanse your skin and get rid of psoriasis forever. Doctors began secretly recommending it to their patients!

The basics of traditional treatment, in their rules and methods of influence, are similar to the traditions of official medicine. When deciding how to cure a disease, various external remedies are used, prepared at home and aimed at eliminating itching and inflammatory processes. This can be a special ointment, bath and infusions.

For external treatment, the skin is treated with propolis, pine needles, bay leaves, tar, as well as infusions of licorice, chamomile, string and celandine. Bay leaf is very useful for psoriasis. Bay leaf treatment is applied externally. Take 4-5 leaves, brew them with a liter of water and simply wipe the skin with the resulting mixture.

To significantly speed up the regenerative processes of seriously irritated and scratched skin, you can use sea buckthorn oil. Products such as olive, peach and apricot oil are used to soften the skin.

Herbs and traditional methods of treating them, properly prepared and used, are able to have the most positive effect on the body affected by psoriasis. Here are some of the most popular recipes based on herbs, these are homemade and effective remedies or a certain rating of recipes.

Do not self-medicate or wipe your body with urine. This will not give a positive result. It can only be achieved through treatment with herbs and medications.

Traditional medicine offers quite effective treatment with home remedies based on activated carbon. According to medical research, activated carbon can quickly eliminate all manifestations of psoriasis.

This drug is useful because it cleanses the body with its absorbent properties and thereby eliminates all manifestations of the disease. Accumulated toxins and wastes leave the body, due to which the skin is cleansed, that is, the condition of a patient with psoriasis improves significantly.

The daily dosage is determined based on weight. For every 10 kg you need to take one tablet, that is, if a person weighs 60 kg, you will need to take 6 tablets. It is advisable to take them not whole, but in crushed form.

The powder obtained after such grinding should be treated as follows:

  1. The crushed tablets are filled with a small amount of water.
  2. Everything is thoroughly mixed until a certain suspension is formed.
  3. The resulting solution should be drunk immediately and after about two hours you will need to eat the prepared nutritious dish.

This procedure must be repeated for 40 days. To achieve an optimal positive result in the treatment process with activated carbon, it should be combined with therapy based on flax seeds.

Flaxseeds contain fatty acids, as well as phyto-raw materials, which are very well absorbed by the body.

The preparation of the medicinal composition is based on a tablespoon of seeds, which are poured into 200 ml of boiling water and infused for one night. The product is taken in the morning before breakfast.

Important! If you treat with flax seeds and activated carbon, you can count on the disease leaving the body quickly enough, and you can get rid of psoriasis in a short time.

This skin and immune disease is very well treated with oats. The simplest method of therapy is to eat oatmeal for breakfast. It is advisable to make it with water, not milk.

This is a special universal remedy that has several positive effects on the body - on the digestive system and on cleansing the body.

To prepare such porridge, you will need to take two spoons of oatmeal or oatmeal and pour a glass of hot water over them. After about 20 minutes, the porridge can be eaten, improving its taste with honey or sugar.

Folk remedies for treating psoriasis on the hands can be divided into external and internal. The first include various baths, ointments, creams, lotions that are used to treat the affected areas of the skin.

Herbal infusions and decoctions are very effective for the treatment of psoriasis, which must be consumed strictly according to schedule, in certain doses and, of course, only after consultation with a doctor.

Since all methods are good in the fight against the disease, you can try to defeat the disease with the help of herring. The scales are removed from it, which is used to wipe psoriatic plaques. After 30-40 minutes, the inflamed areas are washed with warm soapy water and moistened with a weak solution of vinegar.

You can use scales from any fish, as long as they are fresh. The scales are washed, dried and crushed, mixed in equal proportions with fish oil, and applied to the inflammation.

To treat psoriasis of the legs or arms, fish oil is often used as an external remedy, it is also taken orally, and masks are made from it.

A new way to treat psoriasis in 2017 that you don’t know about yet! Click for details...

There is no clear opinion as to what is the main cause of psoriasis. Among the main factors are stressful situations, heredity, genetics, and metabolic disorders.

Therefore, we can assume and identify the main methods for treating inflammation. Since the disease is chronic, it is not possible to cure psoriasis completely and forever, but using an integrated approach, it is possible to alleviate the condition of the sufferer by reducing symptoms.

Before treating psoriasis at home, it is important to consult a specialist, since only an experienced doctor can create an effective course of medication and physiotherapeutic treatment.

Among the main methods and means of treating psoriasis at home, which can remove or reduce the external manifestations of the disease, the following can be mentioned:

  • medicinal ointments, creams, waxes;
  • UV irradiation;
  • sunbathing;
  • propolis;
  • medicated shampoos;
  • hormonal agents;
  • lotions;
  • powders;
  • chaga;
  • herbal infusions.

Strict prescription of all prescriptions, following the instructions of medications, and taking them regularly will help, although not cure psoriasis forever, but at least prolong the period of remission, helping a person feel confident.

You should take breaks between treatments and, if possible, not use several drugs at the same time, since in this way it is difficult to determine whether the therapy is working.

Take 1 tbsp. l.

oregano leaves, walnut leaves, celandine herb, hay dust, thyme herb, string herb, tricolor violet leaves. Take all ingredients with 3 liters of cold water, bring to a boil and keep on low heat for 30 minutes.

After this, strain the broth and pour it into a bath of warm water. Take a bath for at least 15 minutes.

The spots gradually fade and become smaller, and soon disappear completely.

The use of clay for the treatment of psoriasis is based on the fact that the substances contained in it are able to absorb toxic products accumulated in the skin. This natural product also has a drying effect, saturates tissues with essential minerals and normalizes cellular metabolism.

Any medicinal clay can be used to treat psoriasis, but the greatest effect was seen from the use of blue clay.

Dilute 3-4 full tablespoons of clay in a small amount of water and pour the resulting mixture into a bathtub filled ¼ with warm water. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

After a bath, the body is not rinsed with clean water. Such procedures can be carried out every other day or daily.

You need to take 7-10 baths.


  1. Mix clay and coarse salt in equal proportions, add a small amount of string decoction (the consistency should resemble thick sour cream). Apply the resulting mixture to a cloth and place it on the affected area of ​​the skin. Leave the application for two hours. Remove the napkin and rinse off the remaining clay with warm water or a decoction of the string.
  2. Mix clay and table vinegar (1:3). Add coarse salt (1:1) to the resulting solution and mix. The consistency of the medicinal composition should resemble thick sour cream. Apply the mixture to the psoriasis lesions and leave for 4 hours. Wash off any remaining clay with warm water.

Applications must be performed once a day for 7-14 days. After a 2-week break, the course can be repeated.

Add warm boiled water (or a decoction of medicinal herbs) to the clay and dilute it to the consistency of sour cream. Place the mixture in a 1-3 cm layer on a cloth napkin and apply to the lesions of psoriasis.

Fix the compress and wrap it with a warm cloth. After 3 hours, remove the bandage and rinse off the remaining clay with warm water.

Perform the procedure 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 7-14 days.

Psoriasis is a disease that requires long-term and complex therapy. During the period of remission, you can successfully use folk remedies that will help get rid of many unpleasant sensations and restore the body's defenses.

Psoriasis of the scalp causes physical and psychological discomfort, the affected areas constantly itch, and scales settle on clothes. Traditional medicine will help cure the disease and get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

The easiest way to get rid of psoriasis on the head is to start washing your hair with regular dark laundry soap. This method will help eliminate itching and prevent the appearance of new papules.

To get rid of unpleasant odor, you can rinse your hair with a herbal infusion, water with lemon juice, or lavender or tea tree essential oil.

If the plaques begin to move to the forehead and temples, then the disease should be treated with tar ointment.

  1. It is necessary to grate tar soap, mix 30 g of shavings with an equal amount of garlic pulp.
  2. Dilute the mixture with 270 ml of water, simmer over low heat until the liquid evaporates completely.
  3. Apply ointment to inflamed skin 35–45 minutes before washing your hair.

Chicory will help get rid of scalp psoriasis at the initial stage. You need to grind 30 g of plant roots, pour in 220 ml of boiling water, and keep in a water bath for a quarter of an hour.

Strain the broth, moisten gauze, make compresses on the affected areas, keep for 30 minutes. Duration of therapy is 10–12 days.

Psoriasis on the soles is the most difficult to cure - the feet often sweat, which only aggravates the course of the disease. Various folk methods will help soften the skin, eliminate cracks and plaques, and reduce sweating. Apple cider vinegar is the best way to remove all unpleasant symptoms.

Pour 10 g of crushed celandine into a glass container, pour in 500 ml of apple cider vinegar, put the mixture in a dark room for 2 weeks. Soak gauze with the strained solution and apply compresses to the affected areas 2-3 times a day.

A mixture of the following components will help eliminate inflammation and normalize the functioning of the sweat glands:

  • liquid honey – 25 ml;
  • eucalyptus oil – 75 ml;
  • apple cider vinegar – 12 ml;
  • fresh Kalanchoe juice – 25 ml.

Nail psoriasis has specific symptoms - the plate thickens, becomes concave, depressions and small hemorrhages appear on it. This form of the disease requires long-term treatment - therapy should be continued until a healthy nail grows.

In the treatment of psoriasis, various recipes with lemon are used - this fruit contains many useful vitamins that promote a speedy recovery, strengthen the immune system, and cleanse the body of toxins.

  1. To eliminate plaques, pour 1 liter of boiling water into 30 g of barley flour, leave in a closed container for 4 hours, do not strain.
  2. Add 10 ml honey and 15 ml lemon juice.
  3. Drink 120 ml drink 6 times a day.

To treat nails, you can prepare a bath - mix 20 g of corn starch and oatmeal, dilute the mixture with warm water until it becomes sour cream. Dip your fingers into the mixture and hold until completely cool.

Do the procedure daily for 20–25 days. Additionally, you can lubricate the plates with liquid vitamin A.

A medicinal ointment will help eliminate nail psoriasis - mix 50 g of grease, baby cream without additives and melted lard. Apply the product to the affected plates before bedtime for 3-4 weeks.

Psoriasis is inherited, so it often occurs in children. For treatment, you should use the most safe and effective products that will not damage the baby’s delicate skin. Quickly relieve itching.

At the initial stage, you can lubricate the affected areas with fresh lemon juice and wash off after 10 minutes with warm water without soap. Duration of therapy is 4 weeks. Natural carrot juice helps well - it should be taken orally, 70–100 ml every day, and used for compresses.

Sea buckthorn oil can be used to treat children internally and externally - lubricate the affected areas 2-4 times a day, drink 2 ml of the product every day after breakfast.

If the disease worsens, you should prepare a nut bath - brew 500 g of shells in 5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, pour into water. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.

Psoriasis requires long-term, complex therapy. Effective treatment requires the fulfillment of several conditions - a reasonable combination of traditional medicines with folk methods, adherence to a special diet, and giving up bad habits.

To prevent relapses, you should strengthen your immune system, avoid stress and overwork.

There are quite a lot of different folk methods for treating psoriasis. But not all of them are effective in treating arms and legs. Therefore, before starting treatment on your hands and feet, you should consult a specialist.

Solidol is effective in the treatment of both minimal and extensive lesions. In addition, this remedy is very effective in the treatment of psoriasis in the area of ​​​​the soles and nails.

Protein soothes the skin and normalizes metabolic processes.

  • Butter with mustard.
  • Herbal tincture with alcohol.

This is one of the most famous ways to treat psoriasis on the hands and feet. To prepare the medicine, you need components such as chamomile, string, and celandine.

All herbs are poured with vodka and infused for 2 days. Treatment is carried out in the form of treating the affected areas several times a week.

To prepare this medicine, you need to grind wheatgrass and chamomile, pour boiling water over them and simmer for several minutes over low heat. After this, you need to add a little sea buckthorn oil to the broth and leave it for an hour.

The infusion should be taken for 7 days and treated with it on the affected areas of the skin.

This plant is also very effective in helping to get rid of the main symptoms of psoriasis. To prepare the tincture, you need to pour vodka over the Sophora flowers and let them brew for 30 minutes. Take the medicine for 90 days.

For external use, these can be the following do-it-yourself therapeutic and prophylactic products:

  • ointments;
  • shampoos;
  • lotions;
  • collections of medicinal herbs for medicinal baths.
  • infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants;
  • powders, tablets;
  • multicomponent products.

What recipes are suitable for localizing the disease on the legs? Let's list them.

There are quite a lot of different folk methods for treating psoriasis. But not all of them are effective in treating arms and legs. Therefore, before starting treatment on your hands and feet, you should consult a specialist.

This substance is most effective in treating psoriasis in the early stages of development. Treatment with this remedy usually takes 2 to 3 weeks.

Solidol is effective in the treatment of both minimal and extensive lesions. In addition, this remedy is very effective in the treatment of psoriasis in the area of ​​​​the soles and nails.

A very effective folk remedy is prepared from the roots of this plant, which helps get rid of psoriasis of the legs.

Protein soothes the skin and normalizes metabolic processes.

In order to prepare such a medicine, you need to mix mustard powder with vegetable oil. Additionally, you can add a little sea buckthorn oil to the mixture. The product is applied to the affected areas and skin several times a day.

To prepare such a remedy, you must first prepare a decoction of St. John's wort. Dry mustard should be diluted with hot broth and a little butter should be added to it. This product is also used to treat damaged areas of the skin. This medicine is used once a week.

This kind of infusion is used to treat damaged areas of the skin. To prepare it, a small amount of celandine is crushed and the juice is squeezed out of it. This juice is mixed with red wine and infused for 2 hours. The mixture is applied to damaged skin.

This is one of the most famous ways to treat psoriasis on the hands and feet. To prepare the medicine, you need components such as chamomile, string, and celandine. All herbs are poured with vodka and infused for 2 days. Treatment is carried out in the form of treating the affected areas several times a week.

To prepare this medicine, you need to grind wheatgrass and chamomile, pour boiling water over them and simmer for several minutes over low heat. After this, you need to add a little sea buckthorn oil to the broth and leave it for an hour. The infusion should be taken for 7 days and treated with it on the affected areas of the skin.

This plant is also very effective in helping to get rid of the main symptoms of psoriasis. To prepare the tincture, you need to pour vodka over the Sophora flowers and let them brew for 30 minutes. Take the medicine for 90 days.

This ointment is prepared on the basis of grease and egg whites. The components are mixed well and additionally honey and celandine are added. The ointment is applied to damaged areas of the skin 2-3 times a week. The course of treatment ranges from 8 to 32 procedures.

To prepare this ointment, you need to mix baby cream, egg white, honey and Vaseline. All components must be mixed and allowed to brew for several hours. The product is used to treat the affected areas for 3 months.

Pour boiling water over the bay leaf and let it brew for a day. In the evening you need to take a bath and add infusion to it. The minimum duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

This is another fairly effective remedy that helps get rid of psoriasis on the arms and legs. In order to take a bath with a string, you must first prepare an infusion. You need to take such baths 2 times a week.

Manufactured for internal use

Successful treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies is quite possible if you follow the following series of recommendations given in the general table.

With nail psoriasis, first of all, the appearance of the nail plate suffers as a result of its delamination and excessive dryness of the skin on the hands.

The skin on the legs, like the rest of the body, requires additional attention and care aimed at eliminating dryness and flaking. How to cure the disease at home?

If this rule is ignored, peeling and dryness will intensify and become provocateurs of pain, and the well-being of a person suffering from psoriasis will noticeably worsen.

What recipes are suitable for localizing the disease on the legs? Let's list them.

But, first of all, as with other folk remedies, you need to consult a doctor. A specialist can clarify which course of charcoal treatment and its duration will be optimal in a particular case, depending on the form of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

There are five ways to take activated charcoal internally to treat psoriasis and its causes. Let's look at them in the table.

Duration of treatment Reception scheme
Course 15 – 20 days. Divide the patient's body weight by 10 - the resulting value means how much activated carbon should be taken once - in the morning and in the evening, regardless of food intake.
Course 30 – 40 days. Divide your body weight by 10 and take the resulting number of tablets immediately before bed every evening.
Course 28 – 30 days. Before meals, about 2 hours, take one tablet orally 3 times a day.
Course 30 – 32 days. Divide the patient's body weight by 6, the resulting number is the number of charcoal tablets that should be taken orally in the morning and evening. 10 days after the start of treatment, you must take a week's break and then continue the started course.
Course 7 days. Take 3 tablets 3 times a day before meals. This method of treating psoriasis is most suitable for obese people suffering from excess body weight and a tendency to edema.

Therapy for psoriasis should be multifaceted and use the following types of treatment:

  • preparations for local treatment;
  • systemic therapy agents;
  • herbal medicine methods.

Local preparations

The arsenal of means to combat the disease includes:

  • Cytostatics have an immunosuppressive effect, but have many side effects.
  • Aromatic retinoids used in difficult cases.
  • NSAIDs that eliminate inflammation without the use of hormones.
  • For local treatment, ointments and creams containing fat-soluble vitamins A and D are used.

For psoriasis, the following hand creams are usually used:

  • Hormonal - Dermovate, Triderm, Elokom, Travocort. In addition to corticosteroid hormones, these creams and ointments also contain vasoconstrictors, which makes them more effective because it improves skin exfoliation.
  • Non-hormonal - Sophora, Picladol, Psorilom, Zorka. They perfectly moisturize the skin of the hands and soften it. Unlike hormonal creams, they do not have many dangerous unwanted effects and are affordable.
  • To combat dryness and flaking, use simple fatty anti-inflammatory creams based on medicinal plants (calendula, celandine, chamomile). They help cure flaking, relieve inflammation, soften and moisturize the skin.

Before using any cream or ointment, you should do a sensitivity test.

General medications

This method is the most effective in combating psoriasis on the hands. They can treat the disease exclusively in the summer (it is better to do this in mid-summer), since this is when the celandine begins to ripen.

/ First you need to pull out the celandine along with the root, then break it and squeeze the juice onto the diseased areas of the body. The effectiveness of this method is noticed with daily treatment.

It is believed that after 3-4 consecutive summer periods, during which celandine treatment is carried out, the spots on the hands from psoriasis may disappear.

To use this method not only in summer, but also during cold periods, you can collect celandine roots and make a tincture. To do this, the roots must be crushed and filled with alcohol. At 10 tbsp. l. crushed root requires 1 liter of alcohol.

Before applying celandine, some advise keeping birch tar for 1-2 hours, and then applying celandine.

Another non-standard method of treating the disease is treatment with soda. There are several options.

In any case, baking soda makes the skin softer and silkier, eliminates itching and can often relieve a person of the symptoms of psoriasis. You can make lotions with soda.

To do this, just make a good solution of baking soda in warm water and apply this mixture with a sponge or towel. A good method is to use soda baths.

You can lie in such a bath for about an hour, and you can take it 3 times a week, no more often, so that the soda does not begin to have a destructive effect on the skin.

Remember that even with a wide variety of folk remedies to combat the disease, you must first consult a doctor, because psoriasis is a dangerous disease that affects the entire human body.


In addition to drug treatment and herbal medicine, doctors prescribe physiotherapeutic methods of influencing the lesions:

  • Phototherapy. It consists of applying a drug to the skin followed by ultraviolet irradiation.
  • Bioresonance therapy. This method affects psoriatic lesions with electromagnetic vibrations.
  • Ozone therapy. Consists of using ozonated cosmetics and gas procedures.
  • Cryotherapy. A method of treating lesions using low temperature exposure.

It is important for patients with this autoimmune disease to undergo periodic treatment. Without adequate therapy, the patient's condition can significantly worsen and be complicated by psoriatic arthritis.

Treatment of this disease should be carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist, using recommended remedies and methods of therapy. Any traditional methods can be used only after consultation with a doctor.

Other folk remedies

The most problematic areas of the skin are considered to be the hands, elbows and knees. They bear the greatest load, since they not only have the greatest mobility, but are also constantly exposed to various types of mechanical stress. Therefore, the formation of papular plaques on such parts of the body causes the greatest problems.

The use of folk remedies for psoriasis on the body, no matter what they say, gives a positive effect, which has been confirmed repeatedly. The important aspect here is that the techniques and ingredients used do not have a toxic effect on the body, especially the liver.

Many techniques are used in cosmetology with success, but it is worth knowing that no matter how effective the folk remedy is, according to the advice, treatment should first of all begin with a consultation with a doctor.

Ointment for psoriasis at home

You can control the symptoms of psoriasis such as burning, itching, dryness, and cracking of the skin by using a variety of ointments prepared yourself.

Since treatment products may contain components such as petroleum jelly or certain oils, people who are prone to allergies should be wary of their use.

Ointment for psoriasis at home is simple to prepare, and it is possible to use various ingredients - from calendula to fish scales. The product should be applied directly to the plaques.

Here are some of them:

  • From two eggs and a tablespoon of vegetable oil (you can choose any at your discretion), a mixture is prepared, to which you need to add half a spoon of acetic acid. The resulting mixture is used to lubricate problem areas every day before going to bed after the obligatory shower.
  • Mix 25 g of birch tar with 15 g of bee honey, add 10 g of petroleum jelly and 5 g of fish oil and boric acid to the mixture. Protein is added to the resulting composition, mixing everything thoroughly. Apply the prepared fatty ointment once every day.

Decoctions and infusions for psoriasis

Since there are no effective remedies that can cure the disease, in addition to the use of ointments, folk remedies and medications for psoriasis at home, it is strongly recommended to follow a proper diet (and not only during an exacerbation.

). Food should not include foods such as chocolate, citrus fruits, soda, alcohol, vegetables and fruits with a pronounced red color, products containing dyes and preservatives.

After relief occurs, you can slowly begin to remove the restriction, but at the same time carefully monitor the body’s reaction.

If the question arises of how to cure psoriasis at home forever, then in addition to taking medications, you should follow some recommendations:

  • use protective equipment when working with aggressive substances during cleaning;
  • wear loose clothing, avoiding frequent contact and friction of fabric with skin;
  • take a shower with medicinal or neutral products;
  • you can use salt lamps, add crumbs or pieces of sea salt to the bath;
  • limit your exposure to the open sun, etc.

Treatment of psoriasis is very simple: you just need to lubricate the damaged areas daily with cabbage brine, prepared for the winter. During treatment, you do not need to wash your body. After a week, the “plaques” will begin to crumble, and pink skin will appear in their place. If after a few months psoriasis begins to attack you again, then feed it again with the cabbage pickle, which it is so afraid of.

Another accessible to everyone, but at the same time very effective remedy for psoriasis and eczema is the rhizomes of creeping wheatgrass. They are used as an infusion. Take 1 tablespoon of raw material, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for about half an hour. Take 1/2 cup of the product 3-5 times a day before meals.

The most valuable roots are in early spring, but they can also be dug in the fall. Burdock is a biennial plant.

You should dig up one-year-old burdock, which has young leaves - this root is very strong. But burdock with dry leaves and burdocks is already useless; it has given all its strength to flowering.

You can collect burrs from it, infuse it and rinse your sore teeth - it will relieve the pain.

Dig up the roots, wash and dry. Burdock root is thick, so it needs to be cut. Pour one tablespoon of dry crushed roots into two glasses of boiling water. Boil for ten minutes. Leave for two hours. Strain and drink half a glass three times a day 10-15 minutes before meals.

When you drink a medicinal infusion before meals, the blood immediately absorbs it and distributes it throughout the body. You can drink a collection of burdock, wheatgrass and dandelion roots in equal proportions or one root at a time: a week - burdock, a week - dandelion, a week - wheatgrass.

This can be done in the fall. In four to five days the grass will dry out and there will be half a bag of it. It is popularly called grass-murava or goose grass. The Lord gives it to us. If your back or joints hurt, it will expel all the salts. This herb is rich in silicon salts.

It is better to buy raw materials for their preparation in pharmacies or specialized stores.

Herbal collection 1

  • succession grass – 20 g;
  • calamus root – 20 g;
  • black elderberry flowers – 15 g;
  • elecampane roots – 15 g;
  • lingonberry leaves – 15 g;
  • horsetail – 15 g;
  • celandine – 10 g;
  • corn silk – 15 g.

Grind all ingredients and mix. Place 2 full tablespoons of herbal tea in a fireproof bowl, add 500 ml of boiling water and simmer in a preheated oven for about half an hour.

Let the infusion cool and strain. This herbal mixture should be taken 100 ml twice a day for 2 weeks.

After 2 weeks, the course of treatment can be repeated.

Phytocollection 2

  • currant leaves – 300 g;
  • black elderberry flowers – 300 g;
  • walnut leaves – 200 g;
  • tricolor violet – 200 g;
  • forest dried grass – 200 g;
  • horsetail – 200 g;
  • linden flowers – 200 g;
  • celandine – 100 g.

Grind all ingredients and mix. Place 2 full tablespoons of herbal mixture in a glass container, add 500 ml of boiling water, close with a lid, wrap in a terry towel and leave for 2-3 hours.

Drink the strained infusion 2/3 cup 3 times a day. This herbal mixture should be taken for 2 weeks, and after a 2-week break the course can be repeated.

Phytocollection 3

For the treatment of psoriasis, traditional medicine offers many recipes for ointments, lotions and other external remedies. They help eliminate discomfort and inflammation, promote softening, moisturizing and faster healing of the skin.

Ointment with propolis

In case of extensive damage to the skin by psoriatic plaques, baths with medicinal herbs will help. These remedies can be used to eliminate psoriasis on the palms, soles, and elbows.

Wheatgrass helps to effectively get rid of skin rashes, reduce itching and inflammation. It is necessary to dig up the roots of the plant in spring or autumn, chop and dry.

To prepare the solution, you need to brew 700 g of raw material with 6 liters of hot water and leave for 2.5 hours. Then boil the infusion over medium heat for 5 minutes, cool slightly, filter, and pour into the bath.

The duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour, it should be repeated until the manifestations of psoriasis completely disappear.

Psoriatic plaques often appear on the elbows and hands, the disease is accompanied by severe dryness of the skin, cracks appear that begin to bleed. For treatment, folk recipes are used for external and internal use.

Bay leaf is used as an anti-inflammatory and sedative.

Medicines for psoriasis based on Laurel vulgaris:

  1. Brew 20 g of crushed leaves with 450 ml of boiling water, keep the mixture on low heat for 12 minutes. Immerse your hands in the warm solution for a quarter of an hour. If the form is advanced, you should soak gauze in the liquid and make compresses overnight.
  2. For oral administration, prepare an infusion of 15 leaves and 550 ml of boiling water. Leave the mixture in the thermos for 3 hours. Take 45 ml three times a day 30 minutes before meals. Duration of treatment – ​​3 days.

An ointment based on boiled yolks helps well against psoriasis on the hands. They should be cut into thin slices and fried in a hot frying pan without oil for 40 minutes until a thick liquid with an oily consistency appears. It should be applied to the palms and elbows after 6-8 hours.

Treatment of psoriasis on the scalp should be carried out comprehensively using several medications at once:

  • general health benefits for the body - these are multivitamin complexes, minerals, immunomodulators;
  • sedatives that normalize psycho-emotional status and protect against the negative influence of stress factors;
  • local medicinal preparations for external action.

Basic rules that are important to follow when treating psoriasis of the scalp:

  • It is not the hair that needs to be treated, but the rashes on the skin.
  • When carrying out medical manipulations and during skin care, you must not allow it to be injured, for example, by scratching or tearing off rash flakes.
  • After washing your hair, while the skin is soft, you can carefully remove the rash flakes that are loosely adjacent to the damaged skin.
  • The head can only be washed with special shampoos; it must be left on the head for at least 10 minutes so that the medicinal components included in its composition can provide the necessary therapeutic effect.
  • Medicinal products, both industrial and homemade, should be rubbed directly into damaged skin and not into hair.

Mix birch tar, mayonnaise and castor oil in equal proportions. It is advisable to use homemade mayonnaise, without chemical fillers that can cause additional skin irritation.

Homemade mayonnaise should contain only three components - a chicken egg, natural vinegar and vegetable oil.

Psoriasis localized on the elbows requires an integrated approach, as in previous cases. This disease needs to be treated not only externally with special means created at home or purchased at a pharmacy, but also with the help of internal intake of vitamins, minerals, and immunostimulating agents that increase the body’s systemic defense.

Among the home procedures intended for the treatment of psoriasis on the elbows, the following effective techniques can be distinguished:

  • softening baths using sea salt;
  • a water-based moisturizing gel or cream that prevents excessive drying of the skin on the elbows;
  • decoctions with celandine, chamomile, oak bark for regular treatment and cleansing of damaged skin;
  • juniper decoction in the form of lotions and baths.

Psoriasis of the palmoplantar type can also be stopped and long-term remission achieved with the help of folk recipes. The main advantage of drugs based on herbal ingredients is their safety and the minimum number of unwanted effects (most often only allergies).

Therefore, these recipes can be used to treat psoriasis for expectant mothers and in childhood.

There are many recipes that help with this form of the disease. Let's list them:

Perhaps, with all the listed advantages of external and internal remedies that need to be used to treat psoriasis, the disease simply will not have a chance of relapse!

Herbs are like people: they sleep at night. In the morning they wake up, wash themselves with dew and take God’s energy. A person blooms from 18 to 45 years old, gives birth to children, creates. It’s the same with herbs: when they bloom, they are the strongest. Therefore, they are collected when they bloom. And when they bloomed, they gave all their strength to the seeds.

It is better to collect herbs with prayer on a clear sunny day after dew until two or three o'clock in the afternoon. Dry in the shade in a ventilated area, preferably in the attic. If the grass dries out in the sun, it will give back the Divine energy that it took. Grind the dried herbs by hand.

You cannot store grass in plastic bags, it suffocates and loses half of its properties. Can be stored in paper bags, linen bags, glass jars. Herbs are stored for a year, maximum two years. When the ground has thawed and nettles, dandelions, celandines, and celandines have begun to grow, they must be collected.

Only five to seven herbs

In Rus', herbs were always hanging in every house: chamomile, St. John's wort, nettle, fireweed. Five to seven herbs - and people didn’t get sick as often as they do now.

I repeat all the time: have St. John's wort in the house. It is twice as strong as antibiotics.

Treats many diseases. It is an analgesic, wound healing, anti-cancer, and astringent.

In every house they drank fireweed all winter. How to live without him is completely impossible.

Before the revolution, everywhere in Russia the roots of burdock, wheatgrass and fireweed were sold cheaply to the people. That's why fireweed is nicknamed fireweed.

I always say: “If you don’t want to get sick, dig up three roots for yourself - burdock, wheatgrass and dandelion.” From these roots you will make a collection and drink it.

I collect 25 roots for myself, but you won’t be able to collect everything, three will be enough.

Wheatgrass is a malicious weed that the Lord literally puts under our feet for our healing. There is not a single vegetable garden that does not grow.

There is not a single disease that he cannot treat, starting with the eyes and ending with oncology. All wild animals, cats and dogs are treated with it.

For humans, it is invaluable because it restores impaired metabolism.

These include various shampoos, masks and ointments, the task of which is to normalize the microflora and improve the condition of the skin on the head. You can prepare them yourself at home.

Let's list the main recipes from this group.

MASKS. Take liquid honey, tar, egg white and castor oil in equal proportions.

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply them to the affected part of the head. This product inhibits the activity of pathogenic flora, reduces dryness, and normalizes the activity of sebum synthesis.

Not only the condition of the skin improves, but also the hair - it is transformed, becoming more voluminous and well-groomed.

Mix birch tar, mayonnaise and castor oil in equal proportions. It is advisable to use homemade mayonnaise, without chemical fillers that can cause additional skin irritation. Homemade mayonnaise should contain only three components - a chicken egg, natural vinegar and vegetable oil.

Psoriasis localized on the elbows requires an integrated approach, as in previous cases. This disease needs to be treated not only externally with special means created at home or purchased at a pharmacy, but also with the help of internal intake of vitamins, minerals, and immunostimulating agents that increase the body’s systemic defense.

Psoriasis of the palmoplantar type can also be stopped and long-term remission achieved with the help of folk recipes. The main advantage of drugs based on herbal ingredients is their safety and the minimum number of unwanted effects (most often only allergies). Therefore, these recipes can be used to treat psoriasis for expectant mothers and in childhood.

We have listed products for external use; drugs that are recommended to be taken orally for any form of psoriasis will help enhance their effect.

Perhaps, with all the listed advantages of external and internal remedies that need to be used to treat psoriasis, the disease simply will not have a chance of relapse!

So, we list which recipes for internal use you can prepare with your own hands.

Ointments against psoriasis on hands

Take birch tar (150 g), pure alcohol (150 g), camphor oil (one teaspoon) and three egg yolks. Grind the yolks, mix with camphor oil. Add tar to the mixture and stir again. Finally, pour alcohol into the folk remedy. The ointment should be stored in a dark jar.

Lubricate the affected areas with ointment applied to a cotton swab. It is better not to take water procedures during the day (or at least overnight). After a day, the “session” can be repeated.

Mix in equal parts by weight (not by volume) powder from dried celandine, horse sorrel root and string.

Pour the mixture with birch tar so that it moistens the mixture well, leave for a month. Rub psoriasis plaques with the resulting ointment once a day at night.

Alternate this procedure with rubbing with Vishnevsky ointment.

I have selected for you several options for preparing herbal ointments. I hope preparing them will not be difficult for you. If you couldn’t find the herbs and roots you needed in your market or pharmacy. Then you can always buy them in the online store, of which there are now many.

How to make ointment for psoriasis?

We will need St. John's wort flowers - 20 grams, celandine - 20 grams, bee propolis - 20 grams, calendula flowers - 10 grams, grind it all thoroughly, add vegetable oil (linseed, amaranth). Apply the resulting ointment to the plaques 2-3 times a day. Store in a dark place.

Homemade ointment for psoriasis

Grind in a coffee grinder 50 grams of dry celandine herb, 50 grams of elecampane, 50 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid. Pour in any vegetable oil, leave for a month, mix with Vaseline or grease for 1 part, take 3 parts of the infusion.

Folk ointments for psoriasis based on bee products have an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and exfoliating effect, helping to quickly get rid of the manifestations of psoriasis. In the absence of allergic reactions, these drugs are recommended to be used to treat illness during pregnancy.

Important! Grandmother's recipes should be used exclusively in combination with traditional medications. They can be used only after prior consultation with your doctor.

What folk methods should not be used?

Another means of cleansing the body of allergens and toxins is regular baking soda. This is a medicinal product that is taken orally in the form of a pre-prepared solution.

To obtain it, you need to take 0.5 spoons of powder and stir it in a glass of heated water. As a result of these processes, a fizzy drink is obtained, which must be consumed every morning.

Baking soda can also be used as an external treatment. The powder ideally dries out ulcers and accelerates the process of scales falling off.

Soda is used as an ointment and external remedy as follows:

  • You need to moisten a cotton pad in a fairly thick soda mixture and apply it to the problem area of ​​the skin;
  • You can use hot compresses based on liquid soda solution. A towel is moistened in it and applied to the psoriatic lesions until it cools completely.

Another very effective external treatment for psoriasis is a special soda ointment - you can prepare it from a teaspoon of soda itself, 3 egg yolks, a glass of chicken fat, 100 grams of chaga and a teaspoon of fir oil.

This mixture can be used independently, or you can improve its properties by adding tar and laundry soap to it in the amount of two tablespoons. The resulting mixture should be rubbed into problem areas of the skin overnight.

Medical kerosene can be used as an external remedy for psoriasis; treatment with copper sulfate is also indicated. These are quite strong drugs, each of which can cause an allergic reaction. For this reason, it is very important to obtain prior consultation with a dermatologist before use.

Soda-based products dry out the skin and can lead to mechanical injury.

Some folk recipes advise treating the affected areas with diluted copper sulfate, however, this substance has an aggressive effect on areas of inflammation and worsens the condition of the skin.

Quite often on the Internet you can find such a folk recipe for treating psoriasis as taking baths with iodine. However, this method of treatment will not bring significant relief, but, on the contrary, will dry out the skin.

Other folk remedies

Signs of psoriasis can develop on any part of the body. However, most often they affect the abdomen, back and thighs, occupying large areas of the skin.

The rash itself can have a variety of shapes and is characterized by changes in pigmentation of the affected areas. In addition, as a result of an increase in the upper epithelial layer, a change in the structure of the tissues and their drying occurs.

As a result, the skin begins to exfoliate and flake, causing discomfort and leaving behind pigment spots.

Traditional medicine has at its disposal a large number of remedies designed to relieve inflammation and soften dry epithelium.

Treatment of psoriasis with herbs can be accompanied by problems and difficulties that can significantly complicate the existing situation. Let's list them.

Prevention of disease

People with a predisposition to this disease should take extra care of their skin. Swimming should be carried out regardless of weather and temperature conditions. In summer it is useful to do douses, and in winter - baths with sea salt and decoctions of medicinal herbs. You should use only soft sponges so as not to injure the skin or cause aggravation.

It is better to choose delicate and soft detergents. Medicinal lotions, shampoos, and balms are suitable, even if the disease is in remission.

The skin should not be dehydrated; after a bath or shower, it is necessary to use moisturizing creams that restore the hydrolipid layer. To maintain the normal condition of the skin, it is necessary to increase the humidity in the room using a household sprayer, and apply a protective cream to your hands once a day.

To avoid relapses, you need to protect your hands from scratches and abrasions, and it is advisable to trim your nails short. Always wear rubber gloves when handling household chemicals. If ordinary cosmetics cause irritation, it is advisable to use special hypoallergenic medical creams. A healthy lifestyle, healthy eating and giving up bad habits are of great importance.

Psoriasis is a non-infectious disease that affects more and more people every year. Official medicine is not ready to offer effective drugs against the disease - pharmaceutical products are only capable of local treatment (getting rid of external signs of the disease). After some time, a relapse occurs - the skin becomes covered with new rashes. Traditional medicine presents more effective methods of getting rid of psoriasis. Herbal remedies can fight the disease locally and from the inside; their use does not require a doctor’s permission, since most home remedies are safe for the body.

Causes and symptoms of psoriasis

The difficulty of treating psoriasis is that doctors are not able to determine which pathogen causes skin damage. Experts' opinions were divided, but not a single assumption was officially confirmed.

The most common hypotheses for the development of psoriasis:

  • genetic inheritance;
  • viral nature (the most controversial theory)
  • weakening of the body's defenses;
  • harmful ecology;
  • mental disorders.

The disease is not contagious - it is not transmitted through contact. It is also not possible to catch psoriasis by airborne droplets.

It is easy to identify psoriasis - the signs of the disease have clear symptoms:

  • itching on the affected skin;
  • red plaques with a clearly defined border;
  • When the dermis is damaged, new flaky spots appear.

The disease is rare in older people; damage to the dermis is most common in young people.

Drug effects on the disease

Psoriasis is a disease that affects the skin for reasons that even an experienced doctor cannot always determine, so it is recommended to treat the symptoms with medication using a combination of medications and additional measures. Medicines must be prescribed by a doctor - self-medication can lead to dangerous complications and rapid development of the disease.

Treatment with drugs occurs according to the following scheme:

  • local (external) use of hormonal agents (Psoril, Cytopsor, Berestin);
  • a diet that normalizes metabolic processes in the body;
  • non-hormonal medications with a moisturizing, stopping cell division, restorative effect (Zinc, Solidol, Salicylic ointment);
  • physiotherapeutic manipulations (ultraviolet irradiation of blood, excimer laser, cryotherapy);
  • taking vitamin complexes (Aevit, Hepavit).

The disease can cause nervous disorders; treatment is often supplemented with the help of psychologists. Below is a table with hormonal and non-hormonal drugs.

Basic rules of treatment

Treatment at home leads to positive results, but subject to strict adherence to the recommendations and rules of alternative medicine. The patient must adhere to the following requirements:

  • treatment is carried out until the symptoms of the disease disappear - 2-4 procedures will remain ineffective;
  • fight the disease comprehensively - using drugs internally and externally;
  • do not refuse the help of a doctor - combine folk remedies and pharmaceutical drugs if necessary;
  • supplement treatment with diet;
  • protect the skin from harmful external influences during the course of treatment (use protective cream, oil).

The use of home remedies must first be agreed with your doctor. If there are contraindications to the use of traditional methods, refuse treatment and turn to traditional medicine.

Before using any products, test for the body's tolerance of the active components. To do this, apply 3-5 drops of the prepared medicine to an area of ​​the body that has increased sensitivity (elbow, crescent behind the ear, wrist) and wait 2 hours. If the body does not give alarm signals, it is allowed to use the product for external use.

Activated carbon against psoriasis

Activated carbon, which has the properties of removing toxins from the body, will help you quickly recover from illness at home. Some doctors believe that the disease is provoked by intoxication, so the removal of harmful substances helps to get rid of the signs of psoriasis.

The dosage of the drug is calculated based on body weight. One tablet is enough for 6-8 kg. It is recommended to divide the daily portion of activated carbon into 2 parts and take it in two doses - in the evening and in the morning. Drink plenty of liquid.

Treatment is carried out in two courses lasting a month. Break – 25 days. If there are complications, it will take up to four courses to completely get rid of the disease.

When treating with activated carbon, adhere to a diet - limit the consumption of fatty, salty, and spice-rich foods. Another requirement is to drink at least 2 liters of liquid (water, herbal infusions, tea) during the day.

Treatment of disease with soda

The use of sodium bicarbonate is recommended to get rid of rashes on the scalp, hands, and other parts of the body. Traditional medicine advises to fight psoriasis by taking a bath with the addition of soda. The results of the manipulations are permanent relief from inflammatory processes on the skin, discomfort (itching, burning), and improved blood circulation.

Carrying out the procedure:

  1. Take a warm, soothing shower that prepares the skin for the procedure.
  2. Fill the bathtub with warm water.
  3. Add 450 g to the liquid. baking soda.
  4. Stir the solution until sodium bicarbonate is completely dissolved.
  5. Take a bath for half an hour.

For quite a long time, they have been trying to try all possible means to get rid of plaques and flaking for many years. Tar is considered one of the most effective remedies in folk medicine. Although most patients note that it helps cure plaques only if psoriasis began relatively recently.

Before treatment with birch tar, be sure to check whether you have an allergic reaction to this substance. This can be done using a special test. Soak a cotton swab in a small amount of tar and apply the product to the crook of your elbow. If you suffer from an allergy, its first signs (redness, itching, peeling) will appear within half an hour. Remember that there are no other contraindications for using birch tar.

Treatment with this remedy lasts 2-6 weeks, depending on the stage and severity of the disease. You can buy tar at any pharmacy. Apply with a cotton swab to those areas of the skin that are affected by psoriasis. During the first days of treatment, tar is applied for only ten minutes. After this, it must be washed off with tar soap. Gradually, the therapy time increases to 40 minutes per day. It is best to apply tar in the evening.

In just a couple of days you will be able to see the first positive results. But under no circumstances stop treatment until all plaques have completely disappeared.

Despite the fact that birch tar is considered the best folk remedy for psoriasis, some patients prefer other treatment options.

Even old forms of psoriasis can be easily cured with regular baking soda. Some patients experience long-term remission after it, which is quite difficult to achieve with the help of medications. The simplest and most inexpensive option for treating psoriasis with soda is to use baths with this substance.

To do this, take hot water into the bathroom and add up to 900 g of soda to it. If necessary, you can also add sea salt, chamomile infusions or string. You need to lie in the bath for at least half an hour to get an effective therapeutic result. After this, do not wash the soda off your skin or wipe it off.

Similar baths are taken every other day for two to eight weeks. Until complete remission occurs.

Some patients claim that copper sulfate helps cure psoriatic plaques quickly and for a long time. To use this recipe, you will need the following ingredients: yellow sulfur (in powder form), copper sulfate, dried celandine (in powder form), pork fat and birch tar. Take 50 g of sulfur and 50 g of burnt vitriol (in powder form). There you also add 25 g of birch tar and celandine, as well as 150 g of fat. Place the mixture in a water bath and stir. Then let it cool.

The resulting ointment should be applied to the plaques once a day (preferably before bedtime). To avoid any problems such as allergies, you should first try the ointment on a small area of ​​skin.

Traditional treatment of psoriasis of the scalp

For the treatment of psoriasis of the scalp, special shampoos made at home are best suited. The following recipe is considered the most effective.

Take 20 g of honey, baby shampoo and the white of one egg. All these ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the head every day for three to eight weeks for 15-20 minutes.

No less effective in the treatment of psoriasis of the scalp are a variety of infusions and decoctions that are taken orally. Among them are:

  1. Take 20 g of elderberry flowers and pour 500 g of boiling water. Leave for about 1.5 hours. It is necessary to take the tincture every day an hour after meals (120 g).
  2. Take the roots of calamus and elecampane and combine them with celandine, St. John's wort, lingonberry leaves, horsetail and black elderberry flowers. 10 g of the mixture must be poured with boiling water (250 g).

Treatment of plantar psoriasis with folk remedies

The most effective treatment for plantar psoriasis is fat or machine grease. Please note that only simple grease, which is sold for lubricating metal car parts, helps. Today you can see various preparations based on this substance with herbal components, but, as practice shows, they do not bring the desired result.

You should immediately prepare yourself for long-term treatment (from one to two months). Plantar psoriasis usually takes a long time and is difficult to treat, since the plaques are located in a place that often comes into contact with other surfaces.

For treatment, you just need to smear the affected areas of the skin with grease. In the first days, apply grease for 15-20 minutes and every day (within a week) increase this time to 40 minutes. Be sure to wash off the grease after use with tar soap.

Traditional treatment of nail psoriasis

In order to improve the condition of nails with psoriasis, it is recommended to use the following folk remedy.

Take bay leaves (20 g) and pour 400 g of boiled hot water over them. Cook for about ten minutes over low heat. After this, cool and strain. The infusion should be taken orally, one-third of a glass three times a day. Therapy continues for up to seven days. After this, you should take a two-day break, and then drink again according to the old regimen until all the symptoms of the disease disappear.

You can also rub a liquid form of vitamin A (retinol) directly into the nail plate. But it is worth taking into account that such treatment will last at least three months. Some people use cornstarch or oatmeal nail baths.

Folk remedies for treating psoriasis on the elbows

One of the most effective remedies for treating psoriatic plaques on the elbows is egg ointment. Many patients claim that thanks to this drug they were able to achieve stable remission for several years.

In order to prepare egg ointment, the following ingredients are needed: put one raw egg (with shell) in a 200-gram glass jar. Fill it with vinegar essence, which should completely cover the egg. Cover with a lid and place in a dark and cool place for one day. Take out the egg and crumble it with the shell. Add a little pork or goose fat there. Stir.

This ointment should be applied to the affected elbows in a small amount, since at first the product will burn quite unpleasantly. After some time you can increase the amount. After 1-2 hours, rinse off the ointment with water and apply regular cream to the skin (children’s cream is best). Apply only once a day. The effectiveness of this product can be seen quite soon (2-3 days). Therapy continues until the plaques disappear completely.

Treatment of psoriasis with herbs

Herbal remedies are often used to treat psoriasis. But the most effective among them is purslane, in particular its seeds. Since ancient times, garden purslane has been considered the safest remedy for the treatment of psoriasis. It should also be remembered that this plant helps to achieve long-term remission, which is quite difficult to achieve with conventional medications.

Purslane can be purchased either at a pharmacy or in an online store. If you are going to buy online, then you need to pay attention to “Collecting garden purslane”.

For effective therapy, you need to create a concentrated tincture. To do this, take two tablespoons of purslane seeds and brew them in boiled water in a thermos. After the infusion has stood (about an hour), you can apply it to the affected areas of the skin. Remember that the skin should be wet from the tincture.

Therapy lasts from four to six weeks and during this time the patient can completely get rid of psoriatic plaques. Remission is quite long. In some cases it can even be five years.

Treatment of psoriasis with homeopathy

Homeopathic remedies are often used to treat psoriasis. Moreover, some of them help to completely get rid of psoriatic plaques, as well as to obtain long-term remission. But it is immediately necessary to pay attention to the fact that homeopathy treatment is lengthy and quite complex. Under no circumstances should you refuse treatment halfway through the course, otherwise you will not get effective and positive results.

Psorinohel is considered the main homeopathic drug for the treatment of psoriasis today. It is prescribed ten drops twice a day (morning and afternoon). At the same time as this remedy, Hepel tablets are also prescribed, which are taken twice (morning and evening).

Please note that homeopathic remedies are generally not as effective when taken separately from medications.

Rating of traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of psoriasis

Remember that traditional medicine is considered more effective in the first stages of the disease, when the first plaques appear on the patient’s skin.

Among the most popular folk recipes are the following:

  1. Celandine is perhaps the most famous medicinal plant, which is used, among other things, to treat psoriasis. Its juice is most often used. This treatment is carried out in the summer, since it is during this period that the celandine begins to bloom. Fresh plant juice is applied to psoriatic plaques immediately after harvesting the plant. Therapy lasts about three months and during this time the patient can see an effective result.
  2. Walnut shells are used to prepare warm baths. Used during exacerbation of the disease. To make such a bath, you need to take half a kilogram of walnut shells and steep it in boiling water. It is recommended to lie in such a bath for half an hour.
  3. Meadowsweet – the root of this medicinal plant is used to treat psoriasis. It must be used in powder form. To prepare an ointment based on meadowsweet root, you need to take Vaseline or oil and half a glass of crushed root. Boil the mixture in a water bath and smear it on the affected areas of the skin.

Effective treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies

Traditional treatment in the fight against psoriatic plaques is more effective. It helps to achieve long-term remission (in some cases even up to five years), as well as quickly clear the skin of unpleasant external manifestations. Each patient chooses the most effective and proven method for himself. The most popular today are: birch tar, celandine juice, viburnum tinctures, baking soda, machine grease. But you should understand that you may be allergic to these products, so before using them you need to test for allergic reactions.

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