Home Removal Dima Bilan has cancer: a terrible truth or an unsuccessful deception? Fatal tumor. What did Dmitry Hvorostovsky die from? What was Dmitry's illness?

Dima Bilan has cancer: a terrible truth or an unsuccessful deception? Fatal tumor. What did Dmitry Hvorostovsky die from? What was Dmitry's illness?

Soviet and Russian actor Dmitry Matveev died at the age of 66. He died on December 25. Colleague and friend of the deceased Oleg Khartulari published information about this on his Facebook page.

“Farewell, Dmitry Nikolaevich! My dear partner and senior comrade. The Kingdom of Heaven to you! See you!" - wrote Khartulari.

Nothing has been reported yet about the reasons, date of farewell and place of the funeral.

Dmitry Matveev was born on March 12, 1953 in the city of Potsdam in the GDR, but his family soon returned to the USSR. In 1981, he graduated from VGIK and ended up at Mosfilm, where he worked for 10 years.

Also in early age the actor starred in a cameo role in a short film based on Arkady Gaidar’s story “Let It Shine,” but began acting seriously in films in 1979. In total, he starred in more than 40 films and TV series, including “State Border”, “Tehran-43”, “Autumn Marathon”, and the list of films where he voiced famous foreign actors is one and a half times longer. These include Mel Gibson in Conspiracy Theory and Maverick, Vin Diesel in Saving Private Ryan and The Black Hole, and Christopher Lambert in Highlander. The actors in the second parts of “Robot Cop” and “Terminator” also speak in his voice. In addition, his track record includes dubbing television programs (“Highway Patrol” and “Rush Hour”), as well as several computer games.

Dmitry Matveev received the title of laureate of the KGB of the USSR in the field of literature and art. This award was given to the film artist for his role as Ilya Sushentsov in the television series “State Border”.

More recently, the network received information that Dima Bilan has cancer. Also, many unverified publishing houses simply reported that the famous singer and youth idol was sick with brain carcinoma. Subsequently, there were details that the disease was progressing, and Dmitry could soon die. So is this true or false rumors?

Illness or coincidence

Moreover, it was brain oncology that was constantly indicated, which could not help but frighten fans famous person. Reliable publications, as well as television, did not give any comments about the illness of the famous singer.

A little later, colleagues in the shop and people who work with him began to note that Dmitry had lost a lot of weight, Lately. His emaciated face also began to appear in photographs and videos on Instagram.

One of the backup dancers said that they saw a doctor come to Dima’s dressing room. Subsequently, the doctor began to come only more often. According to many, he began to feel worse and was tired more often.

Afterwards, photographs were leaked onto the Internet, where Dmitry had no hair on his head at all, and his emaciated face did not express any emotions. Are these really the consequences of chemotherapy and radiation, which are often used in the treatment of this disease?!

According to close friends, Dmitry has recently often complained of headaches and weakness. These symptoms are very clear symptoms when malignant neoplasm in my head.

Relatives and close friends noticed that the singer’s fingers became less mobile, and he could barely button his shirt or jacket due to severe weakness, or due to paralysis of the limbs. This symptom often occurs when a tumor begins to put pressure on the parts of the brain that are responsible for the movement of fingers and toes.

Every week, details emerged, both false and true, and even major publishing houses and television were worried about the star’s health. As a result, the “patient” contacted journalists and told the whole truth.

Is it true that you have cancer or not? Dmitry immediately dismissed such a theory. He said that in terms of oncology he is completely healthy and has no fatal diseases. The truth is there is a disease that is already long years trying to finish him off. He has several in his back intervertebral hernias, which prevent him from living and dancing normally on stage.

The singer explained that he has so far refused surgical intervention and got by with the usual therapy, massage, etc. He said that he had recently undergone treatment and after rehabilitation period feels much better.

Regarding thinness, the young man replied that he had gastritis since childhood, and he adheres to proper nutrition. As a result of all this, he lost weight. And now let’s add here the love for the singer’s creativity and wild schedule.

Dima is constantly on the road and constantly performs, which is why he has recently developed “constant fatigue” syndrome. That is why a doctor came to him to check his condition.

Death of Bilan

Afterwards, articles also began to appear and advertising blocks with information that the famous singer died from terrible disease. Information about death is simply fake and untrue. Bilan is not going to die and feels quite well. And God grant that this always continues.

REQUEST! Dear readers, write in the comments - why do you love Dima Bilan, and why his work has sunk into your soul?

... How do neurosurgeons perceive such news about the death of famous people from brain tumors? Is this really a normal course of events that shows that neither fame nor money can save you from this diagnosis?

“This is not a completely normal course of events, since the treatment of glioblastoma greatly depends on the financial condition of the patient. Not all patients have access to modern methods treatments abroad, which may be more effective. But in general, glioblastoma (also known as glioma multiforme, also known as glioma-Grade IV) is currently a largely mysterious disease. The disease is characterized by multiple genetic damage in the glial cells of the brain, which leads to the rapid expansion of a malignant tumor.

The main problem is that with this type of tumor the tumor is the entire brain, and not a separate part of it,

because genetic damage is everywhere. The difference from tumors such as neuroma or meningioma or even cancer metastases, which have a border, is that these tumors do not have a border either on the images or during surgery. Therefore, in fact, it is impossible to completely remove this tumor. More often it occurs in the brain, sometimes in the spinal cord. This is the most common primary tumor brain. Therefore, the fact that celebrities die from it is not something special -

Tens and hundreds of thousands of ordinary people die from it.

— How should a person act to prevent the development of a brain tumor?

“Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent this disease. This is not an HIV infection that can be prevented by contraception, for example. Unfortunately, this is the genetic destiny of man. Glioblastoma is the most fatal brain tumor, but it is far from the only one. In Japan, which more than other countries faces the problem of oncogenesis due to radiation and other factors, according to standards, once every three years, all adult residents undergo an MRI.

If a person has the financial opportunity, then there is a reason to periodically do an MRI of the brain.

In our country, the Japanese version is not suitable, if only because compulsory insurance does not pay for MRI just like that, and most people are not ready to pay for it.

But we must ensure that an MRI is done for any persistent, atypical headache of unknown origin, especially morning headaches accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

In case of a one-time attack of loss of consciousness with or without convulsions, with the appearance of any neurological symptoms, for example, weakness in the limbs, rapidly progressive decrease in vision. This is not a tumor warning, but its early diagnosis, and since other tumors are not so fatal, early diagnosis allows them to be treated in a timely manner, and sometimes without surgery.

There are so-called low-grade gliomas with low malignancy, they are well controlled by radiation therapy, and people with it can live for decades. I have a friend who has been living with her for nine years...

— If a person is not a celebrity, lives in the outback, then where should he go for examination?

— Unfortunately, the effectiveness of using MRI scanners in Russia is not always sufficient. A conditional grandmother can get to the nearest regional center, but there is a problem with insurance companies paying for these studies. The queue for free MRIs is very long, it can take 3-6 months, and for some brain tumors this is a lifetime. There is a high supply of MRI scanners only in large cities, and I, as a neurosurgeon, constantly see patients with severely advanced pathologies that developed only because

that the research was not done on time, which for the world clinical medicine is absolutely banal.

There are somewhat more computer tomographs in Russia, they are somewhat cheaper, and, for example, hospitals where neurotraumas are operated on are equipped with them. But the effectiveness of their use also lags behind Western experience.

If we talk about the technical features of neurosurgery, then in Russia it is, oddly enough, relatively well equipped. It requires an operating microscope. Such things as neurophysiological monitoring are needed to ensure that areas of the brain adjacent to the tumor are not destroyed. Today there are drugs that a person takes on the day of surgery, and this drug, in fluorescence mode, is able to paint the border of the tumor and healthy tissue.

What is done with glioblastoma? Surgery is aimed at reducing the volume of the tumor and reducing swelling as much as possible. There are drugs to reduce edema, and now the main focus in the world is shifting towards chemotherapy and immunotherapy.

I am convinced that glioblastoma is the tumor that will be defeated by evolution.

Because every year the range of our understanding of the biology of this tumor and the possibilities of chemotherapy is expanding every year.

— What are the risk groups for glioblastoma?

“Unfortunately, no reliably known risk factors have been identified for glioblastoma. One thing is certain so far - they occur more often in men. There is evidence of a weak connection with ionizing radiation, and that the tumor is somewhat more common in carriers of cytomegalovirus, or those who have had malaria.

— And such things as stress, lifestyle, lack of sleep...

— Unfortunately, oncological diseases have not been fully studied. In principle, for many tumors nervous system There are no clear risk factors known; we have to find out. It remains for a person to lead so much healthy image life as much as he can. When the press writes that a person has brain cancer, most often they are talking about glioblastoma. We have famous people who have been treated for other cancers for many years and even talk about it openly, for example.

But this fatality with which they talk about brain cancer most often points to glioblastoma.

Brain cancer is a journalistic euphemism that most often means the end.

— Has the diagnosis of glioblastoma become younger in the world?

“Knowledge and understanding of glioblastoma is constantly expanding, so we are getting a lot more information. Valid in last years it is recorded somewhat more often in younger people.

In principle, this disease does not have a clear distribution by age. It also occurs in children, by the way, tumors of the central nervous system - main reason death of children in the first year of life.

— What prejudices do doctors face when treating brain tumors? There are still beliefs about the dangers of mobile phones...

- Of course, none Cell phones do not increase the risk of formations, this has not been proven by anyone. It is very important that patients break the mentality that a brain tumor equals death, since a huge number of tumors can be treated and cured, and the person can return to normal life.

The second dangerous prejudice is the belief that brain surgery is inherently catastrophic. Yes, there is an opinion among people that if the operation is on the head, then the person will remain a fool, and if the operation is spinal, then the person will be paralyzed. This is not true, since it is impossible to compare modern neurosurgery with neurosurgery 30 years ago.

— How long do people live with glioblastoma?

- It requires chemotherapy and radiation therapy, sometimes repeated surgery, treatment of cerebral edema and reduction of symptoms - the whole complex palliative care, as with other fatal diseases.

At modern means treatment, the median survival of patients is 15 months.

At all oncological diseases is something that reminds us that we are animals after all, and regardless of wealth and celebrity, biology can overtake anyone.

- Where better diagnosis and treatment - in Russia or in Western countries?

— In Russia, MRI is difficult to access ordinary people, but this is not only our problem, it is the same in the USA, where it depends on the insurance system. As for treatment, there are several leading institutions in Russia, these are the Burdenko Institute, the Russian Cancer Research Center and others. Success is very dependent on the progress of science, and the progress of science is highly dependent on lawmaking in the field of science.

In Europe and the USA, a huge number of new treatment protocols are constantly being developed that make it possible to effectively include patients in clinical researches and, if effective, quickly bring drugs to market.

Unfortunately, Russia lags behind in this regard. According to the academician in terms of chemotherapy Russian oncology lags behind the Western one by 4-5 years. This is a huge period of time.

Dima has already told me many times - they say that a couple of years ago he was really in a depressing condition, he weighed little, it was very difficult for him to “pull out” the concert, he was tormented by hernias and flu. He even admitted that he could barely crawl to the dressing room after the concert. Then everything seemed to return to normal, but...

Apologized to the Latvians

On June 8, Dima rocked the Muz-TV Prize: he not only took the coveted “plate”, but also performed the hit “Hold.” The next day he was supposed to give a concert in Daugavpils, but alas, Bilan could not come to Latvia because he was hospitalized. From there, he recorded an alarming video, but urged fans not to worry: “Guys, I’m a little sick, or rather, I can’t recover from pneumonia! WITH severe symptoms I almost had chest pain for two weeks - this was after two openers, at a temperature of + 4/5 degrees, and all the time on my feet and on stage! It's a shame that I won't get to Daugavpils and won't see you tomorrow! My most sincere thank you for your understanding! I believe that we will be able to find time to meet with you in the future!” Dima added that singing with pneumonia is almost impossible. Moreover, you constantly have to be on your feet.

But doesn’t Rudkovskaya care?!

Fans and celebrity colleagues immediately began to wish the artist a speedy recovery. Even Alla Pugacheva did not stand aside! “Well, why are you doing this?” — the singer asked a question. And Bilan answered her: “As always, unexpectedly. At least one good thing is that the vacation starts tomorrow, there will be no cancellations, and I will recover. Thank you, Alla Borisovna! Have a good mood."

But there was something that confused admirers of Bilan’s talent, namely, the behavior of producer Yana Rudkovskaya. The fact is that Dima not only tours different cities and countries, he also quite often performs at corporate events and group concerts, which means that he has no free time. Fans are outraged - Rudkovskaya doesn’t even think about giving her artist a break! On the day when Dima announced his illness, Yana, instead of leaving words of support for the singer, boasted of his next premiere, which “will tear up the summer dance floors.” When people started asking Rudkovskaya what happened to Bilan, she answered indifferently: “Go to his page, he was sick, he had pneumonia, he was put in the hospital for two weeks.”

Is this something worse?

Now the artist’s fans don’t know what to think: some accuse Yana Rudkovskaya of being the one who “ruined” Bilan’s health, because the main thing for her is money, and some suggest that Dima has not just pneumonia, but something worse - hepatitis , excessive drug use and even... AIDS. On the sidelines they are gossiping that Bilan could have become infected from his former producer Yuri Aizenshpis, who died in 2005. According to unofficial data, he also had AIDS. And, alas, Dima has long been suspected of being addicted to drugs.

Fans write

"Hm. Does he even have HIV? This is the second time this has occurred to me. Pneumonia of a specific type is an indicator of HIV"

“If it weren’t for the connection with Aizenshpis, then one could realistically hope for something else; here, it seems to me, there are no options”

“I really don’t want to believe rumors and speculation, but lately he has been looking like an actor who was made up for the role of a successful singer with AIDS. This is how Hollywood shows them. But there’s really no makeup, which is a shame.”

“He doesn’t look like a person with HIV. Most likely, he is a drug addict with extensive experience. This causes pneumonia and other hospital admissions. And then, we don’t know whether he actually has pneumonia or an overdose. But such signals are not good. A person self-destructs, as if consciously. I would like to wish him good health. And I hope he will still overcome his demons."

“Yana, to put it mildly, squeezes all the juice out of her charges and throws them away. In general, Dima has been severely depressed for several years now, and he even tried to be treated for it.”

“Bilan’s unhealthy thinness has been striking me for a long time, a kind of haggard appearance. If it was his producer who drove him, then she’s just a fool - killing the goose that lays the golden eggs is very stupid, in fact, Bilan is the main artist of this “super producer”.

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Pugacheva did not stand aside and supported Bilan, who was sick with pneumonia.

Dima Bilan finally admitted that he was sick and recorded a video from the hospital

Not long ago, rumors spread online that Dima Bilan was terminally ill. Fans are concerned, the singer has lost weight and even cut his hair bald. In this regard, various information began to appear. Dmitry Bilan himself told what he was really sick with.

Fans are concerned about Bilan's health. In addition, the singer rarely performs lately. The star has constant bruises under his eyes and has lost a lot of weight.

The last straw for fans was when the singer shaved his head. This haircut raised suspicions that Dima Bilan was terminally ill. Recently there has been information circulating online that the star weighs only 69 kg.

What Dima Bilan is really sick with: latest information

After difficult filming, Dima Bilan left for Iceland. In 2017, rumors appeared online that the singer was seriously ill and was traveling abroad not for vacation, but for treatment. A few weeks after this, he scared his fans with a change of image. In addition, this is not the first time that fans have seen Bilan tired.

And in recent weeks, information has appeared that the singer died in a car accident. But there is no official confirmation of this.

What Dima Bilan is really sick with: the singer’s comments

Last year, Dima Bilan spoke about his illness. As it turned out, the singer has several vertebral hernias. Doctors recommended surgery, but he decided to refuse and went on vacation to Iceland.

Dmitry himself says that he went to the doctor because his hands were numb and he could not do anything, and the star also claims that after arriving on vacation he will take care of his health.

The singer is touched that fans care about him, but claims that serious illnesses does not have. Bilan said that he has gastritis and a vertebral hernia; he says that such diagnoses are not fatal and can be treated.

In addition, the singer explained the change in his image. According to him, changing his hairstyle is in no way related to health. The star, therefore, wanted to pleasantly surprise fans, and not scare them.

Dmitry also talked about weight loss. According to him, all this is due to gastritis, which affects many people. Doctors prescribed the singer a diet, after which he began to lose weight.

What Dima Bilan is really sick with: rumors of death

In 2017, the singer stopped touring and radically changed his appearance.

Many fans, after the singer changed his image, suspected that he had cancer. It was after such suspicions that rumors about the singer’s death began to spread. To refute the information, journalists directly contacted the star’s team and his friends.

The singer’s colleagues are at a loss as to who is spreading such stupid rumors, they completely refuted them. It was said that Dmitry does not have fatal diseases.

At the same time, Dima Bilan has health problems; in addition to the above diseases, the singer was recently diagnosed with chronic fatigue. Dmitry himself admitted that he was forced to see doctors because he could no longer endure the pain.

On this moment the singer rarely goes out in public and, according to him, is now on a short temporary vacation. After improving his health, he promises to fully immerse himself in work.

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