Home Prosthetics and implantation Dictionary of dream interpretation. Why do you dream about a dictionary?

Dictionary of dream interpretation. Why do you dream about a dictionary?

DREAM, sleep, m.

1. only food. Periodically occurring physiological state, the opposite of wakefulness, during which the work of consciousness completely or partially stops. “He spent more than one night without sleep”. Goncharov . “Matvey Savvich muttered something in his sleep. Chekhov . “Soon both fell asleep in a sweet sleep.” Griboyedov . "I have light sleep: as soon as someone creaks, I’m already watching”. Goncharov . "Sleep closes your eyes." L. Tolstoy . “He fell asleep in a heroic sleep.” Melnikov-Pechersky . “You wrote everything and didn’t forget about it.” Pushkin . To rise up, to awaken from sleep. Fall into sleep. He's getting sleepy. I didn't hear anything from sleep. See something. in a dream. Go to bed(go to bed or fall asleep; book.). For bedtime(see upcoming). Heavy sleep. Deep sleep. Deep dream.

|| trans. A state of rest in nature, usually at night. “The desert is already covered in sleep, a clear moon has risen above the mountain.” Baratynsky . “Seville is enveloped in darkness and sleep.” Pushkin .

|| trans. Monotony, dullness, stagnation, lack of forward movement, lack of change. Their life was immersed in sleep. Bring colonial countries out of sleep.

2. What is dreamed, the vision, the dreams of the sleeper. “I slept well all night and had no dreams.” Turgenev . “Dreams are strange, but reality is stranger.” Griboyedov . Prophetic dream. Sleep in hand(see hand). “Bring golden dreams to silk eyelashes.” Lermontov .

3. trans. A dream, a daydream, something that captivates the imagination and feeling (poet). “Was it a dream of imagination?” Pushkin . “She gave the poet his first dream to the delight of his youth.” Pushkin . “In the wilderness, the lyrical voice is more sonorous, creative dreams are more vivid.” Pushkin .

4. trans. About something. unrealistic, fantastic, fabulous, about something. a product of the imagination. It's all a dream.

Fall asleep(sleep) eternal sleep or fall into eternal sleep(rhetor.) - die. Like in a dream– 1) about something. amazing, extraordinary. It was beautiful, like a dream. 2) about the half-asleep, half-conscious state of someone, about the state of a person who has temporarily lost the ability to clearly, clearly say something. hear or see, understand something. I sit as if in a dream: I listen and understand nothing. Neither sleep nor spirit(not guilty; colloquial) - completely, not at all guilty. “I’m not to blame for this, neither in my dreams nor in my spirit.” Leskov . Through a dream- during sleep. Heard in a dream. “With a clear smile, nature greets the morning of the year through a dream.” Pushkin . “I still remember, as if in a dream...” Herzen . Sleep in none or (colloquially) not in one eye- I don’t want to sleep at all. What does this dream mean(means, etc.; joking) - how should this be understood, what does it mean?

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.



See what “DREAM” is in other dictionaries:

    dream- dream/ … Morphemic-spelling dictionary

    Husband. sleeping state; rest of the body, in oblivion of feelings; ·opposite vigil, vigor, reality. Deep, sound, undisturbed sleep; sleepyhead is light, alert, sensitive, audible, dozing. Rise from sleep, go to sleep. Sleep attacked and overcame. Concerns about sleep and food... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    encyclopedic Dictionary

    Sleep; m. 1. A physiological state of rest and rest that occurs at certain intervals, in which the work of consciousness almost completely stops, the reaction to external irritations decreases. Strong, deep, sweet, heroic sleep... encyclopedic Dictionary

    dream- periodic functional state humans and animals with specific behavioral manifestations in the vegetative and motor spheres, characterized by significant immobility and disconnection from the sensory (see. sensory system)… … Great psychological encyclopedia

    Noun, m., used. very often Morphology: (no) what? sleep, what? sleep, (see) what? dream, what? sleep, about what? about sleep; pl. What? dreams, (no) what? dreams, what? dream, (see) what? dreams, what? dreams, about what? about dreams 1. Sleep is a physiological state of rest... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

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A dreamed dictionary speaks of dependence on the opinions of others, according to most dream books. However, there are also dream interpreters who are sure that such a book in a dream warns of the need to make a difficult decision. In order not to make a mistake when interpreting what a dictionary means in a dream, remember all the details accompanying the plot.

Miller's "Vocabulary"

Miller's dream book explains why you dream of using a dictionary: you are a very insecure person who prefers the advice of more experienced and wise people to your own thoughts.

Did you dream that you keep a small dictionary in your pocket, just in case? This suggests that you prefer to remain silent rather than be active or take initiative.

Explanatory dictionary as a symbol of insufficiency

Interpretations of dreams about an explanatory dictionary stand apart in dream books. Yes, according to Eastern dream book, read Dictionary in order to find a new word - a sign of a lack of communication in the dreamer.

And here, Lunar dream book believes that such a dream indicates the “information hunger” of the sleeper. Among a lot of bustle and chatter, a person does not receive new information for himself, which leads him to dissatisfaction with everyone and everything.

Dictionary-translator, or Decide on your goals

Do you dream that you are learning new foreign words by flipping through, for example, English-Russian dictionary? The interpreter Longo will explain why you dream of such a vision: you are standing on the threshold of something new that promises you happiness and success. The only thing missing to achieve them is to understand what exactly you want.

Buying a phrasebook in a dream while in a foreign country is a signal that the time has come to put everything in its place: goals, thoughts, desires, priorities and preferences. If you don't do this, luck will turn away from you.

Who is the author: Support or seek support

Another aspect that is extremely important to pay attention to when interpreting what a dictionary means in a dream is authorship.

Did you dream that in front of you lies an encyclopedia or reference book, the compiler of which you were? This means that you can't go a day without recommending something to someone.

In a dream, someone else's name was on the cover of the directory? Such a plot means that it is important for you to know other people’s opinions about your work, hobbies, behavior - in a word, everything you do.

What exactly did you dream about?

Often in a dream we see pictures in such detail that the next morning we can tell what color the fifth flower of the seventh bush in the garden had. According to the dream books, despite the apparent frivolity, this important information. In the case of dictionaries, there is a possibility that in a dream you saw which particular dictionary was lying in front of you. So:

  • spelling - it is difficult to lead you astray;
  • etymological - you are an overly curious person, moderate your curiosity;
  • dialect or profanity - your non-standard thinking will help you out more than once;
  • historical reference book - you are attracted by the unknown, this will help you achieve your goals.

A dream in which a person studies a word that interests him in a dictionary indicates susceptibility to the opinions of others, which negatively affects the affairs of the dreamer. After such a dream, you should trust your own experience more and rely on intuition to successfully move things forward.

why do you dream about a dictionary

A dictionary seen in a dream foreshadows the speedy execution of affairs. Studying a word in the dictionary draws attention to a person’s excessive exposure to other people’s opinions. By giving up outside influence, you can significantly speed up the progress of things.

what does it mean if a dictionary is in a dream

Purchasing or ordering a dictionary from the library predicts the organization of affairs in your own home. A dream in which a person is working with a dictionary promises impending sadness.

why do you dream about a dictionary

Flipping through a dictionary in a dream prophesies the enrichment of the dreamer thanks to his own knowledge.

dictionary in a dream

If you look through or read a dictionary in a dream, you should expect successful progress in your studies, admission, or successful passing of exams. A good omen for creative people is the compilation of a dictionary seen in a dream: a person’s labors will be successful and will bring financial reward.


In our column, for the first time, we turn to the subject of dream interpretation, traditionally associated with the area of ​​everyday culture of the Russian and his concerns about health and well-being. Russian traditions of relating to oneself, to one’s health and to the environment, in principle, were presented in the most established form in dream books at the turn of the 20th century. For example, in the popular “New and complete dream book"(collection "A Million Dreams"), published in Moscow by the I.D. Sytin Partnership in 1901

For us today, such collections are invaluable material not only in cultural self-identification, but also in psychotherapeutic correction of health conditions. For centuries, people have formed images of certain premonitions that manifest themselves in dreams, and stable associations of actions and concepts have been formed that reflect certain human experiences. And understanding them can help not only assess the state of a stressed person life circumstances person, but also to find a way to correct this condition.

Traditionally, the predictive form of dream interpretation (and we are talking specifically about predictions based on the content of dreams) has primarily a psychotherapeutic meaning, making it possible to increase the patient’s interest in dialogue with the “predictor”, in in this case with a psychotherapist.

The published “Explanatory Dictionary of Dreams”, compiled under the editorship of E.V. Grodko, is thematic.

It is no coincidence that the name of the topic is “Business-faith-health”, since the Dictionary corresponds to the traditional experiences and concepts of a Russian business person (as we call him, in contrast to the now common cliché “new Russian”, which generally reflects a view from somewhere from the outside , and not very close).

But traditions are traditions, and we are on the threshold of a new time, when a new language of dreams is coming, due to the not yet established new way of thinking, which is also changing the style of people’s behavior.


"Deed - Faith - Health"

AGENT. To unexpectedly meet a person who mysteriously identified himself as an agent of some enterprise, more or less industrial, means taking shares of some new one out of passion. joint stock company, with whom the story will come out.

LAMB. Seeing the biblical slaughter of a lamb means rejoicing at unexpected news that should have a happy impact on changing your life.

LAWYER - unfulfilled hopes, as well as many unfulfilled promises.

AD - sadness; to be tormented by it means loss of health or appetite, and sometimes remorse; getting rid of hell - liberation, getting out of trouble, recovering.

GAMBLING is a displeasure.

ACT. Signing a deed sealed by a notary is a very bad sign.

ALTAR. Seeing him is a joy; line it up - one of the relatives will go to the monastery.

Buy or eat PINEAPPLE - success or good profit; pineapple jam - good news about success.

ANGEL. Seeing means joy and peace of mind.

Telling JOKES means surprise; listening means joy.

ORANGE. Buy - fulfillment of desires; to give - quarrel, discord; cleansing it is regret; an orange tree is good news.

An ARA (bright-colored parrot) sitting in a cage or on some unusual tree is the most impudent and rude deception from the person with whom you are in relations.

Seeing a PRISONER portends news.

Seeing an ARMY in a dream foreshadows a fire.

ARCHANGEL with a trumpet calling out to believers is a manifestation of bright hope at the very time when your affairs seem bad to you.

BISHOP - good news.

THE ARCHIVE in which you are rummaging, covering yourself with dust from old papers, is an excitement that is completely unexpected; unpleasant memory.

Seeing an ARCHIMANDRITE portends a surprise.

ARCH. Seeing ruins and going through them means danger; Seeing a whole arch and going through it portends free movement in business or enterprises.

Seeing ASSIGNMENTS foretells news.

ASTRA in bloom - interesting promises with bright hopes, but unfulfilled, like hopes for a lottery ticket or, for example, for a new newspaper.

ASTROLOGER - deception, anxiety, based on nothing, annoyance, difficulty, under apparently simple circumstances.

Seeing an ASTRONOMER in his dream during his occupation means observing a new enterprise.

Seeing an ATLAS or map of the globe portends a journey or a long journey.

An AUCTION in which the hammer of the auctioneer loudly knocks, shouting: “Who is greater,” portends bewilderment and closeness to ruin.

POSTERS and other printed advertisements are false news; sticking it on the wall is a scandal; colored posters - laughter; black - sad news.

To see a GRANDMOTHER or grandfather means to receive an undervalued payment for your work.

Carrying or carrying heavy LUGGAGE means success in your intended business; If you yourself put the baggage on the shoulders of another, then there are troubles and worries.

BALCONY - dangerous elevation.

BAL to see - illness, disorder; to participate in the ball - to be idle; dancing at a ball means doing empty things, and playing cards at a ball means entering into dangerous work.

Drinking BALM means trouble.

A BANKER engaged in discounting bills is to be a victim of someone's deception.

BANKRUPTCY - a betrayal of trust, an error in calculation.

BATH. To enter it is hopelessness, to leave is pleasure; to see a woman in a bathhouse is grief, a man is poverty; see blood in the bathhouse. - sudden death; Seeing people dancing in the bathhouse is a disease.

Eating LAMB means success.

RAM - offensive success; butting - scolding.

VELVET - false rumor; velvet dress means that with great hope you need to be careful.

SHOES, women's shoes in general: losing shoes is an obstacle; to see in the repair - contentment; change - change of life; to see a shoemaker - good deeds; to buy is to improve matters in another city.

RUN after someone until you get tired - financial loss; for game - unexpected joy, if only the game is caught.

A BEHEMOTH walking through an extraordinary forest means a meeting with a very significant person.

Seeing yourself POOR means profit.

ABYSS, abyss, ravine - misfortune or danger; to fall - an unexpected decline in business; bypassing or avoiding them in a dream means getting rid of an existing danger.

TOOTHLESS is a sign of loss of real estate and the loss of something precious from your property.

LACK OF PEOPLE. A country where there is absolutely no living soul to be found, where there is complete desertion, is a happy accident.

Seeing steellessness means trouble.

A LEGGLESS person, i.e. completely without legs, having only a torso and chasing you are huge difficulties that must be overcome.

Seeing yourself UGLY means news.

Eating WHITE bread means profit.

ANXIETY. To worry about something is to use a power of attorney; bothering someone is sadness.

MESS. To produce it is poverty; to see is sadness.

Seeing yourself as MAD means an obstacle in business.

INSOMNIA. Having insomnia in a dream foretells future troubles.

Seeing the SHORE means success in business.

CONVERSATIONS with people who are entertaining and talk well - the acquisition of new information, more or less useless.

LIBRARY - the need to consult about one’s affairs.

BILLIARDS. Playing on it means loss of time, place or work, as well as a quarrel.

EXCHANGE - failure.

TURQUOISE, which is used to decorate various items in your or others’ toilets and appears in abundance, is an amazing coincidence.

BEADS means joy.

BISCUITS portend joy; eating means fun.

BATTLE. To win means to get rid of an illness or get better in business, and to be defeated means to suffer losses, be beaten or lose a case.

There is BEATEN beef - help.

Seeing slaughtered cattle is a loss.

Hearing the GOOD NEWS is a joy.

THANKING someone is a surprise.

BLESS someone - news.

PROSPERITY. Seeing yourself prosperous and very content means deceived dreams and expectations.

BENEFIT. To receive a benefit from someone is annoyance and insult; to render a benefit is a sign of an inevitable case of ingratitude.

Vomiting, occurring from disgust or as a result of some painful attack, is a sign of the loss of some thing, the use of which could be harmful, although pleasant, such as the loss of a bottle of excellent white rum or something like that.

For those who are myopic, seeing themselves means trouble.

Pancakes - illness; there is a nuisance.

Having a pale face is a joy.

DISH - revealing a secret; licking means success in business.

BOBYL. Seeing yourself as a completely rootless bastard means experiencing significant family changes, through which someone’s isolation will occur or an inheritance will be announced.

Having RICH clothes is a quarrel.

To be RICH in a dream is a disease; to see a poor man become rich is a misfortune for the person seen.

THE MOTHER OF GOD sometimes appears in the majestic form in which she is depicted in the most excellent paintings; this is a harbinger of the happiest event in the course of your life for six months.

PILGRIMAGE. Go on a pilgrimage with by different persons, - have a long conversation, the result of which will be the device of the desired.

TO blaspheme together with others and not be stopped by anyone in wicked actions entails a fire in the house you inhabit, or a huge theft, and the more terrible details of wickedness this dream continues, the worse the consequences can be; therefore, it is best to wake up immediately, get out of bed and pray earnestly to God, drinking a good glass cold water with sugar, if sugar is on hand.

Praying to GOD means well-being; making a sacrifice means well-being.

GODDESS. To pronounce a god yourself means to have reasons to justify yourself in something. Hearing a god means meeting people arguing and dissatisfied, calling you as a witness.

GLASS - gossip.

SWAMP. Getting into a swamp means a mess in business; drowning in it means getting into an unforeseen dangerous situation; walking through the swamp is a joy.

Seeing yourself SICK means health.

It is an honor to have a SICK head.

Seeing a HOSPITAL is an unpleasant sight; to be in the hospital - to get help.

It is a joy to visit the SICK.

To feel PAIN in the body and not know how to get rid of it is to be criticized and try in vain to make excuses.

A SICK on the body is a surprise.

BOMB - news.

A WART is a nuisance.

Having a BEARD in a dream means profit; a woman sees herself with a beard - getting what she expected; a man shaving his beard is an unexpected nuisance; to see an old man with a beard - to have a good adviser; to see someone with a red beard -. deceptiveness.

FIGHT - trouble.

There is BORSCH - surprise.

Running BAREFOOT is a nuisance.

Putting on BOOTS is a joy.

TO BE AFRAID is a change in affairs.

ABUSE is a nuisance.

Hearing swearing is a nuisance.

Seeing a BROTHER means receiving news; to fight with him is a feeling of kindred love, longing in absence, gratitude.

TRAMP. To be in the company of vagabonds, of whom there are many who do not remember their kinship, is to acquire intercourse, but one that is compromising.

SPLATTERS mean a change in business.

See white paper - friendship; colored - annoyance due to shame or resentment; counting sheets is a waste of several days; to see paper covered in writing - false news or promises; to receive a business or stamp paper - the right thing lies ahead; Seeing cotton paper is a purchase.

WALLET - surprise.

A filled BOTTLE - insomnia; empty - boredom, sometimes a quarrel.

BUFFET - a disease.

A riot carried out in a public place by various persons of a belligerent appearance means a very disturbing incident that is about to happen in your life at speed.

BEING at an auction is a surprise.

BEING in hell is a nuisance; in the academy - news; an actor - joy; obstetrician - joy; pharmacist - trouble; artel worker - a change in business; artilleryman - an obstacle in business; in the archive - displeasure; archimandrite - joy; architect - news; astronomer - trouble; ataman - an obstacle in business; in a booth - a change in business; at the ball - joy; in the bath - sadness; in the gazebo - joy; on the stock exchange - success in business; in a swamp - trouble; for the sick - health; in the hospital - misfortune; in a barrel - fun; for an armed person - surprise.

TO BE in the grave - gossip; in the monastery - joy; monk - surprise; in the clouds - fun; at mass there is joy.

BEING a priest is a nuisance.

VASE, urn - rumor about the deceased; with flowers, seen in a high place - an unexpected honor; with fruits - success.

Seeing a SHAFT, embankment or other elevation in front of you represents a difficulty in business or an obstacle; falling from the shaft means that the work undertaken is dangerous.

Taking a bath means well-being.

Eating BOILED beef portends a loss.

Eating BOILED fish means displeasure.

MITTENS. Having mittens instead of gloves is a sign of precaution that you will be advised to take in a famous society.

There are WAFFLES - a change in business.

Seeing yourself as a WIDOWER is a surprise.

BUCKET. Empty is a deception in the assumption.

BILLS mean news.

A GREAT MARTYR who appears at the moment of his suffering, from which he emerges spiritually triumphant, is a beneficial event in life.

CROWN - success in business; from flowers - prosperity in marriage.

BROOM - joy.

Golden WREATH - death; from moss - trouble; from roses - well-being; a colored wreath means well-being; to have glory on your head.

Seeing a WEDDING is a new acquaintance.

Getting married is a joy.

RECRUITMENT as a soldier with violence, if you yourself are among those recruited, is the formation of a new department in which you are pleased to be.

A FUN lunch is a disease.

FUN foretells danger.

The OAR with which you row alone, without the help of the other, is your seizure of one more thing in joining yours.

FRECKS on one's face foretell happiness and benefits to those who do not have them, and tears and worries to those who have freckles, why should one care to reduce them by turning to the most famous cosmetics?

A BRANCH with ripe berries portends success in an enterprise and all happiness.

HAM in hams - the return of rich relatives.

HANGER - start taking care of saving your money thriftily.

SEEING the dead is a new love.

Hearing a squeal is a nuisance.

pouring white WINE is a joy; red - massacre; drinking muddy - sadness; In general, drinking is an accusation.

Eating GRAPES is joy; unripe grapes - a mistake; raisins - a bad state of affairs; to offer to a woman or a man (that is, the other sex) is a heartbreak; Seeing grapevines in a trellis means theft and displeasure. . GRAPEVINES - loss.

Planting a CHERRY tree means wealth.

CHERRY - a vain wait.

The whirlpool in which you have been spun is to be in a large and too noisy society.

Carrying something is a joy.

Seeing your hair gray means honor or reverence; cutting hair - treason, deception associated with loss of money and time; shaving them is a disastrous undertaking; to see lice on the head - poverty; to see thick is joy; anointed - good news; burning - profit.

Hearing a SCREAM is news.

STEALING in a public place means bankruptcy; a friend has a quick union; Steal from yourself - lose or decline in business.

To hear a CROW screaming - to the deceased; kill him - escape from a dangerous rival; I start to see them - a swindler.

Seeing a CROW is a joy.

COLLAR - involuntarily accepting some backward idea.

Teassum - starting a new business to hide old sins.

A THIEF caught - the successful elimination of a troublesome matter.

Kissing your DOCTOR means reconciliation.

WAX candles- trouble.

SUNRISE - good news.

RESURRECT - new rumors.

GOING up the stairs is an honor.

Listening to the ALL-Night Vigil leads to the most pleasant consequences.

MEETING someone is a surprise.

EXHIBITION - success in business.

Howl - receiving money.

TOWER - receive misleading information that does not explain the matter.

GUESS - surprise.

NUT - loss of credit suddenly from one incident and difficult recovery.

Putting on a tie is a lost cause; untying it means liberation from labor.

GANGRENE marks great care, sadness, grief.

WARDROBE full - loss of space, loss of money.

HERBARIUM means receiving methodological classes, capable of drying out the brain.

Seeing a GUITAR is a fulfillment of desires.

Losing an EYE means confusing matters, useless work.

CLAY - death.

Seeing yourself deaf is a disease.

Seeing the DEAF is a joy.

LOOKING in the mirror - well-being; into the water - fun.

To be ANGER is to finish things at once.

SPEAKING to an invisible person is a rumor of death; talking to the deceased is an illness; talking to a tree is wealth.

Seeing or eating BEEF is a bad omen.

SPEAKING portends prosperity.

Seeing shaved shins means the loss of a friend.

Being HUNGRY is a futile undertaking.

Having a big HEAD is an honor; curled - joy; small - poverty; smear with oil - well-being; to have a shorn haircut is a loss; seeing someone severed means the death of a relative; bald - a nuisance; cutting someone down means victory; With big ears to have is an honor; with long hair - loss; With short hair- well-being.

To be treated with HOMEOPATHY is a sign that you will have to skip the dinner party.

MOUNTAIN. Climbing a mountain is a difficult success; run down the mountain - get rid of danger; to be on the mountain is to earn respect.

Seeing a hunchback means receiving an inheritance.

Having a HUMP is a joy.

Seeing humpbacks is a nuisance.

MUSTARD - sadness, quarrel, argument; mustard applied to the body is an unexpected success.

Seeing and having GUESTS is hate.

Eating something BITTER is a nuisance; drinking is profit.

There are GRENADES - receiving what was promised; buying them is a disaster.

PILES of something - the road.

DIRT - misfortune; but if at home - well-being.

To see people walking - to receive money.

GIVING medicine to someone means success in business.

Buying a HOUSE means receiving an inheritance; to sell - a good deed awaits; living in the country is a fulfillment of desire.

To see the DOORS of your house burning is death.

Not finding DOORS near your home is an obstacle in business.

Shoot GAME - getting money.

Catching GAME - portends profit and benefit from your enemies.

inviting a DOCTOR means illness; visit a doctor - premature old age; doctor's visit - unpleasant rumors; talking to him is a joy.

To see your REPORT is to stumble upon a case that proves the falsity of some situation in which you find yourself.

DEBTOR - portends a loss or loss, especially if your debtor really died, and left nothing behind him except debts.

To build a HOUSE: for the sick - death; healthy - a change in life for the better; to repair is a waste of money; to see burning - losses; close - death; revenge in the house - kick out the tenant; falling - a domestic quarrel.

Kissing your pets means a change in business.

INTERROGATION - prudence, correction of bad circumstances, success in dubious matters.

INTERROGING - slander.

Walking the ROAD is labor; asking about her is bad advice; uneven road - losses from enterprises; getting lost or going astray means trouble at home; railway- urgent matter.

Finding and buying PRECIOUS things means success in business.

Seeing a FIGHT means well-being.

FRIEND of the dying person - well-being.

FRIENDS - separation.

Seeing, buying or giving PERFUME means trouble.

SPIRITUAL writing portends a long life.

SMOKE" - to a small danger that ended safely and without a trace.

Ripe melon - to a prosperous life; immature - to poverty. DEACON - joy.

GOSPEL. Seeing yourself reading is an excellent sign.

To see a BISHOP or a spiritual dignitary means work and worries.

Receiving a COMPLAIN is a sign of an imminent possibility of greatly upsetting your finances.

Eating YOLK means failure.

Having IRON tools means impending success in a business you have just started.

Having PEARLS means well-being; receive - tears; to give is to have suspicion towards someone.

To see a WOMAN crooked is a disease; lying with a pregnant woman - pleasant hopes; sleeping with the dead - cessation of worries; to see naked is a lie.

BURNING something is a new acquaintance.

The idolatrous PRIEST means that on this day you will be able to resist tempting deception, perhaps simply because you remember this dream,

BEETLE - death of a friend, persecution of creditors.

JOURNALIST - a very unpleasant meeting with a mazurik who will have time to get into his pocket one way or another.

Seeing ENVY portends annoyance or loss.

WILL - happy success.

To see a CONSPIRACY means to unwittingly get involved in a stupid story.

Putting up a FENCE means realizing your carelessness in time.

LAYING a building - to gain hope for the good execution of a large enterprise.

Seeing yourself DIRTY means health.

FREEZE - receiving money.

Seeing a CASTLE means mistrust; broken - a change in life.

MARRIING to a widower is a danger; for a foreigner - trouble.

Taking out a splinter is a joy.

To have a CUFFLINK on your shirt means to receive a rank or order.

To see the GLOW is wealth.

Seeing BEASTS means meeting with a cunning person.

MIRROR - for marriage.

Seeing WINTER portends calm.

Seeing someone you know means well-being.

GOLD. Finding gold is a complete success; exchanging silver for gold means a rush of blood to the head; having gold utensils means promotion in position or rank; swallowing gold - success in science or art.

Being obsessed with Scrofula is a sign that you will unexpectedly receive a rather large sum of money.

UMBRELLA. Buying it means seeking protection from pursuers or hiding from annoying friends; losing it is an unforeseen event; to see something torn out of your hands means disappointed hopes.

To see the PUPIL is to get into trouble.

To be an EXILE is a happy change of circumstances; returning from exile means loss of inheritance or capital.

ICONS - fun.

Red CAVIAR - deception; pressed - surprise; liquid - a gift.

TO BE AFRAID of something is a misfortune.

TESTING someone is profit.

HYSTERICS. Seeing yourself having a hysterical attack means that in reality you will be completely calm and happy.

To see government things - payment of an obligation.

KAMENKA. Putting steam on the heater in the bathhouse means starting a business successfully.

FIREPLACE with fire - well-being.

DIGING A DITCH is a sign of the difficulty of the situation in which someone will put you today or tomorrow.

VACATION - to have pleasure mixed with anxiety.

To see yourself as a CAPITALIST is to be visited by a pleasant and persistent, but unrealizable dream.

DWARF. Seeing him is a stop in the work started.

CARP. Eating carp means receiving care combined with benefits.

see CARDS: playing cards - look at the stupidity of others; shuffle - troubles; count - success; play - loss of time or money; see geographic maps - upcoming trip; looking at them is a memory.

To trust the CASH is to acquire a new petty responsibility for yourself.

REPENT - profit.

KELYU - wealth.

KISHMISH. There are small grapes, sultanas - a sign of the confluence of various small griefs and annoyances of all kinds.

Finding TREASURE is a joy.

PANTRY. Being in the pantry means getting some profit, a dividend.

CLASS. Seeing yourself as a student in class means hearing yourself a rather strict rebuke from your boss.

CHOIR. Singing in the choir means acquiring intercourse that will bring you benefit and pleasure.

A STORE without customers - rejected offers; with the people - visits from greedy people.

Butcher's shop. Buying there is a bloody business or a serious illness.

INCENSE. Hearing a smell in a dream is an invitation to a wedding or funeral.

ICE in the house is bad luck.

FLYING low through the air - the road.

BAT- foreshadows night orgies.

BOAT. Walking in a boat with company is an advantageous place; swimming in it alone means taking the life of one of the spouses; moor - calm; set sail - some kind of family sadness; capsizing from a boat into the water is a misfortune.

white HORSE - arrangement of affairs; black - trouble; rearing - a quarrel; fallen - ruin; holding by the bridle is danger; dead horse - rural life; buying a horse means new news (here look at the type of horse, and by this you can judge whether the news will be pleasant); riding a quiet horse is family happiness.

MOON red and incomplete - misfortune, loss of money; for a girl - eternal virginity in the last quarter; in the first quarter - matchmaking; for woman full moon- a pleasant surprise.

Take MEDICINE - gain trust; buy - disorder of affairs; treating your wife means a breakdown in family affairs.

LADDER - happiness, wealth, success; leaving it is a loss; climbing it is labor; broken staircase - loss or care; Seeing a lot of stairs and walking on them is clouding the mind.

Seeing a lot of PEOPLE means fear and fear.

LOVE someone in a dream or fall in love - trouble or loss of spirit.

LUKE. To fall into it is a loss of honor due to one’s rashness or selfish views; to fall and get out - to justify oneself from the shame suffered; to be pushed into it by others is an attack by malicious people.

Eating PASTA is a joy.

Seeing an OIL tree means melancholy.

Seeing MOTHER means well-being; deceased - illness; sick - a nuisance.

FURNITURE. Changing the old one means the death of a relative; break - quarrel; having an apartment without furniture is a loss.

DEAD MAN. There is trouble in the house; talking dead man - bad weather; moving a dead person means shame or illness; stepping on it means news of death; sleeping with him is success; the living dead - the return of the lost; a dead man asking for a drink means lack of remembrance; dressing a dead person is a disease; lying among the dead means a serious illness; and carrying a dead man is death.

ALMS. Giving it away is profit; ask - expenses; to receive is an insult.

There are ALMONDs - an obstacle; buy - deprivation or loss; eating macaroons is cheating.

GRAVE. To tear it apart is death; seeing the grave of relatives is persecution by justice.

Seeing your youth means illness and death.

MONASTERY - poverty.

Rough SEA - loss; falling into the sea is a danger; sail on the sea - wealth, strength and health; seeing ships at sea means anxiety.

ICE CREAM and refreshments in general - unbearable pain; to offer to a lady - soon to come old age.

Broken BRIDGE - loss of money; cross the bridge - avoid danger.

To be FURRY is wealth.

POSH, wallet - health.

MARBLE - ingratitude of children; marble monument - the death of a rich bribe-taker.

A MAN with a white beard - bo

laziness; in a shirt - for a woman - not

happiness from marriage; dead man on

street - opening of new income. .,

MUSIC without musicians - the death of a loved one; musicians preparing to play - domestic quarrel; hearing music is a visit to the enemy.

MUKHU - sadness and troubles..

WASHING in water - health and wealth; washing with clothes on is a disease and harm. loss or damage; wiping your nose - freedom from hassle.

CLOUDS moving quickly - a decline in business, a mistake; clouds with rain - prosperity.

FIRE - a pipe dream; strong flame - the beginning of the fulfillment of the intended intention; fire in the sky - change of management; fallen from the sky - sadness; will-o'-the-wisp - conversation in society; Seeing a burning house is a danger in life.

Eating OLIVES is a disease.

Seeing NUTS means winning; eat - displeasure; collect - a mess; shake - speculation.

INSULT received with words - success; in fact - undoubted success; to insult someone is to receive an insult.

Seeing the FATHER dead means illness or loss of inheritance; for sick people to see - grief; talking to the deceased must remember; arguing with him is a decline in business/

FROSTBOST in a dream - loss of strength.

HUNT in company - take part in a dubious business; one - success.

WAKE UP in a dream - restoration of hopes.

FALLING is an insult.

FLOOD. To be carried away by the waves and freed is repentance for the past; with bed - a lucky find or unexpected happiness.

Seeing yourself NAKED with a beautiful body means well-being; with damage - personal trouble; seeing others naked is a scandal.

To receive an INHERITANCE means insomnia.

BEGGAR. To be a beggar yourself is a change in life for the better; meeting a beggar - trouble; persecution by beggars - disorder in business; give alms - get help.

To see a large NOSE - wisdom and mercy, i.e. a well-thought-out deed will be fulfilled in your favor; lose your nose -

To see a MONUMENT - to receive an inheritance; Seeing it overgrown and neglected means oblivion.

CROSSING. Swimming across the river is a fulfillment of desire.

Drinking BEER is a joy; cooking is a financial hassle.

TRANSMITTING the news - sadness; any thing - a business undertaken without profit, uselessness.

FEATHERS see white - profit; multi-colored - joy; black - dignity.

There are PIES - someone you know is sick.

DRINKING from glassware is dangerous; Drinking good drinks for a healthy person means well-being, for a sick person - illness; Drinking water from an iron utensil means falling with a bruise.

Buy FOOD: for the poor - prosperity; for the rich - a loss.

HELP in a dream - loss, ingratitude or ruin.

BURIAL - marriage.

GOUT in the left leg - good luck; on the right - failure in enterprises.

Seeing TORTURE is regret; to suffer in torture yourself is to suffer from unpleasant connections.

DRINKING in a dream - have a quick breakdown in affairs; seeing your wife drunk is an improvement; seeing a drunk husband means a quarrel.

A STAIN on clothes is a nuisance.

WORK is a profitable business.

RAINBOW - sadness, deception.

SHOOTING or shooting to see - calculation.

CANCER (disease) - difficult feasibility of the proposed work; cancer (living) - safe departure.

Seeing a WOUNDED person at all is a failure; relative - trouble; Seeing yourself wounded with damage is the decline of Affairs.

Seeing a lot of PISCES means profit; large ones - slander; eating boiled food is a loss; seeing the dead means failure; to see fried food - unexpected news; catch the blues.

SAVAN - death of a resident; put on - memory; to see someone in a shroud - to receive an invitation.

SALO. Cutting it is a happy occasion; there is - inaction.

WEDDING. Being at a wedding means emotional sadness; witnessing a quarrel at a wedding - news of death; to marry a spouse - death; witnessing a wedding in a church is a sad state of mind.

To put out a CANDLE is an accusation; light up - an unexpected service; to see an extinct one is a memory of the past.

Holding SILVER in your hands means litigation with debtors; to lose or abandon - contempt.

ELEPHANT. Seeing him is a sign of successful entrepreneurship in business; riding an elephant - receiving an unexpected honor; for a girl - a profitable groom.

BLIND - insult; many blind people - a quarrel; to be blind is a betrayal; Providing services to a blind person is a disturbance of peace.

LAUGHING is a disturbance of peace.

Hearing a NIGHTINGALE singing means a raid by creditors; in a cage - loss of freedom; to feed the nightingale in freedom - payment on a conditional paper; to feed him in a cage - to have someone to keep him.

SALT. Drinking salt is wealth; to see salt - ruin; scatter - a quarrel with a woman.

NEIGHBOUR. Talking to him is a worry.

Seeing yourself sleepy is an obstacle.

SLEEPING - failure, deception.

GLASS - disorder; broken - safety.

PILLAR - health; fallen - illness.

assembled TABLE - sadness; overturned - consolation in misfortune.

OLD AGE. Seeing yourself as old is a health disorder.

JUDGE - sadness; a quarrel with him - failure; kissing a judge is treason, betrayal.

COURT - trouble.

Eating soup means improving your health.

BILL to submit - cause trouble; accept - insult; paying a bill is a pleasure.

To receive a TALISMAN is to take advantage of random benefits.

THEATER. To be at a performance is ruin; talking in the theater is a joy; buying a ticket is a scam; being behind the scenes is an accident.

TUNNEL - difficulty.

TRADE - wealth.

MOURNING is a misfortune.

Seeing your BODY enlarged means receiving a rank; bite your wife - lasting love; pieces of the body in the blood - misfortune; seeing a new body is a shame; damaged is a disadvantage.

PRISON is a disease.

Seeing a KILLED person is labor.

STRANGER. Holding on to the rope of a strangled man is happiness; remove the noose from him - death; kissing is a profitable business; to strangle someone - to extinguish the matter.

DINING alone in a dream means gloomy thoughts.

Seeing an empty STREET is a lost opportunity; with the people - troubles.

TO DIE in a dream means to have shortcomings.

FACTORY - activity; empty - betrayal; burning - betrayal of debtors.

PHEASANT. Seeing him means being happy with your life on this day; killing a pheasant is a misfortune.

Seeing the FLAG means safety.

FOUNTAIN with clean water- service; with dirty - insulted honor; from wine - a luxurious life.

CHAPEL. Seeing her is a fascination; entering it is news.

HOURS are good - health; broken - bodily injury or ear pain; breaking them means the death of a relative.

BOWL of soup, filled - making a profit; eating from it with others is an amicable division.

CLEAN something - calmness and confidence.

It’s a MIRACLE to see - new news.

SCHOOL with students - well-being; children leaving school - a quarrel.

Putting PANTS on yourself is a loss; to notice others - well-being.

Burning brushwood - calmness; walking on it means fluctuations in affairs.

TAIL. A horse without a tail is a dispute; a horse's long tail means receiving money.

SURGICAL operations to produce is dangerous work.

Beef cartilage is a secret disease.

Horseradish is there - loss of money, generally regret.

GENEROSITY. Being generous is enrichment.

Seeing CHEEKS is a nuisance; pale cheeks - improved health.

EMIGRANT. Seeing him is a lost hope; talking to him is a nuisance.

To receive a SCRATCH from the claws of an animal is betrayal, a lie.

KISSING with an unknown and pleasant person is joy; with a freak or an old lady - unpleasant news; with the dead - a secret; seeing others kiss is sadness.

CHAIN. Silver - benefit from troubles; gold on the neck - useful time; being chained is happiness.

NUMBERS. Seeing a lot is anxiety; one - difficulty.

CHICKENS. Seeing them is a day spent inactively; eating them means temporary poverty or lack of money.

APPLES - physical and moral infirmity; mature - marriage; bitter - compulsion and sadness; immature - harm; baked - self-interest; tasty - well-being; boiled - joy; Tearing sweets is fun.

POISON taken - grief; giving it to someone - constancy and strength of character.

LANGUAGE short - profit; cut off - danger; biting yourself until you bleed is a vain hope.

FAIR - calm, quiet life.

LIZARD - an unpleasant society, where there is a lot dangerous people; kill - victory over the enemy.

Dream Interpretation. Dream book is a book containing interpretations of dreams. Dream Interpretation is one of the names of the lumbago of an ordinary poisonous herbaceous plant used in folk medicine and homeopathy. Dream Interpretation one of the names of the corydalis... ... Wikipedia

Sleeping pills, book, drug, thief Dictionary of Russian synonyms. dream book noun, number of synonyms: 5 thief (115) book ... Synonym dictionary

DREAM INTELLIGENCE, ah, husband. A book containing interpretations of dreams (in 2 meanings). Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

dream book- DREAMLINE 1, a, m. A thief who robs the sleeping; apartment thief Dream interpretation of a dark thief climbing into an unlit room. Dream interpretation: firefly is a thief breaking into an apartment during the day. From ug... Dictionary of Russian argot

Take/take the dream book. Jarg. corner. Commit night theft from an apartment when the owners are sleeping. TSUZH, 31; Baldaev 1, 63; BBI, 44. Walk through dream books. Jarg. corner. Steal at night. SRVS 4, 185, 189; Baldaev 1, 31; Homeowners' Home, 142. Light dream books. Jarg. corner … Big dictionary Russian sayings

M. outdated A book containing the interpretation of dreams [dream 5.]. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

Dream book, dream books, dream book, dream books, dream book, dream books, dream book, dream books, dream book, dream books, dream book, dream books (Source: “Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

dream book- with onnik, and... Russian spelling dictionary

dream book- drug addict a sleeping pill or drug without which the addict cannot sleep... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

dream book- (2 m); pl. co-workers, R. co-workers... orthographic dictionary Russian language


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  • Dream Interpretation, . Since ancient times, people have sought to comprehend the mysterious meaning of their dreams. This “Dream Book” is intended to help every person in interpreting the allegorical symbolism of images that come to him in a dream.…

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