Home Children's dentistry Dream Interpretation dreamed of a dead cat. I dreamed about a missing cat

Dream Interpretation dreamed of a dead cat. I dreamed about a missing cat

If a person dreams of something strange at night, there is a high probability that he will look into the dream book. Dead cats are far from the most pleasant “figures” in dreams, but they appear in them surprisingly often. Well, it’s worth turning to reliable sources that will help you understand the meaning of such visions.

If a person saw only two animals that went to the next world, then real life A successful combination of circumstances awaits him, thanks to which all problems will be solved by themselves. It is possible that help will come from where no one could expect it. Or from strangers.

This is not all that this dream book tells. Dead cats lying on the side of the road are a great sign. Soon the dreamer will get rid of ill-wishers and pressure exerted on him by others.

But if a person notices live kittens near a dead cat, then he should pay attention to his family and friends. Perhaps they need help and he doesn't notice it at all.


On them Special attention advises to consult the dream book. A dead black cat, for example, can foreshadow one thing. But the redhead is different.

A black animal portends big trouble. And possibly serious competition. For a girl, such a vision promises a fight with her rival for a man, in which she will win. And for a man - a successful outcome in the business field.

True, such an interpretation is given by the modern dream book. Dead black cats, according to Miller, promise only loneliness, defenselessness and depression.

But a white animal portends minor troubles that at first seem insignificant and quickly solvable. However, in reality they will turn into serious problems.

Maly Velesov dream book

If you believe this book, then dead cats that were covered in blood portend misfortune. But they will not affect the dreamer, but his family and friends. It is worth looking after them and taking care of them.

Animals drowned and a person saw them swimming in the water? This means troubles in your personal life. Most likely, something will shake love relationship dreamer And it’s better to immediately stop the conflict if it arises, otherwise everything can flare up so much that a breakup cannot be avoided.

This is not all that this dream book talks about. Dead cats that went to the next world because of bullying portend disappointment. A person will experience it in relation to those people whom he trusted. And if the animals didn’t have heads, it means a real war is coming at work with colleagues. It is possible that for a high position.

Noble dream book

A dead animal, according to this book of interpretations, foreshadows the disappearance of the person who is unpleasant to the dreamer. Was the cat black? You should prepare for the fact that someone wants to cause harm. Perhaps the ill-wisher is in a circle of close people - this is what the dream book assures.

A dead cat in a dream that turns out to be strangled means sad consequences to which the sleeping person’s lifestyle will lead.

If the poor animal died because of the abuse inflicted on it by the dreamer, the person’s conscience is unclean. And soon it will come back to haunt him.

According to Miller

This dream book is considered one of the most authoritative. Do you dream of a dead cat that the man himself sent to the next world? So, in reality he is fighting with himself. A person is confused about something, it is difficult for him to understand what is happening in his life. And his thoughts, feelings, emotions seem to be shared. It is possible that soon, due to such confusion, a person will fall into deep depression.

Did you imagine that dead cats suddenly attacked? This is about competition. Moreover, the rivals will fight to the last.

The main thing is that a person does not dream of being given dead cats. This means that someone is trying to control him. And this someone is a very powerful and even dangerous person. The more dead animals that were donated, the worse things will be for the dreamer. He should exercise maximum caution and attentiveness in the near future. And limit contact with people (especially strangers).

Did the dreamer bury dead animals? This means that in reality he is carefully hiding something. Perhaps not for the first year. And this secret is extremely serious. You should be vigilant, otherwise someone will find out about it in the near future.

But if a person sees dead cats in his house, this is fortunate. All troubles will pass him by.

Other interpretations

There are many other interpretations that more than one dream book can offer. Dead cats can portend a lot of things. Hasse's book of interpretations, for example, assures: this animal portends anger. If the dream occurred from Wednesday to Thursday, then the person will be angry because he will not be able to find mutual language with someone close.

According to the old Russian dream book, a vision means treason on the part of relatives and betrayal. Just a cat's skin, without a body - to finding lost property. To be the culprit in her death - to serious problems in real life, perhaps even to criminal or administrative liability. Was the dead animal white? This means that in reality they will try to cleverly lure a person into the laid out nets, but thanks to his prudence he will not fall into them.

Medea's dream book, in turn, assures: dead cats lying in the mud in the middle of the road are harbingers of prosperity and enrichment. But animals hit by a car are in danger. If they were poisoned - to disappointment in old friends. And strangled cats promise the “resurrection” of long-forgotten problems, conflicts and grievances.

And finally, a few words about interpretations according to Tsvetkov’s dream book. If a dead cat suddenly resurrects, then in real life a person will have to return to old unfinished business. Unpleasant, of course. And if a dead animal not only resurrected, but also came to a person, this means large expenses associated with household chores.


Anchor points:

  1. Catching a cat in a dream
  2. I dreamed about a dead cat
  3. Dream about a dead cat being alive
  4. Talking cat
  5. Sick
  6. Feeding a cat in a dream
  7. Cat head
  8. Fat cat
  9. Killing a cat in a dream

Catching a cat in a dream

This dream symbolizes empty hopes. In life you will encounter an ambitious and narcissistic person who has a very high opinion of himself and does not want to compromise with others if he does not see his own benefit in it.

No need to worry and waste your nerves. Make friends or just establish normal business relationship It won't work with this person. Therefore, it is better to limit contacts as much as possible and try not to interfere with him either in work matters or in his personal life.

But if you managed to catch the cat falling from a window, flying into water or an abyss in a dream - it means success and prosperity will not keep you waiting long. The dream predicts a successful turn of events in business and large cash flows that will not require serious effort on the part of the dreamer.

I dreamed about a dead cat

Despite the unflattering picture, this is quite lucky dream. In the life of a sleeping person, a series of minor troubles will end and a white streak will begin. It will be possible to improve many things and solve old problems. New pleasant acquaintances are possible. In addition, it will be possible to make peace again with old friends, the conflict with whom arose over a trifle, but dragged on for a long time. for a long time.

Dream about a dead cat being alive

A pet who died long ago, but appears before his owner in a dream in good health, - Not good sign. The disappointing prognosis is directly related to material losses in the family. This could be a very expensive breakdown. household appliances or a car destroyed in a car accident, the consequences of a fire or a burglary - in general, various kinds property losses. It is worth clarifying that everything will be fine with the dreamer himself, his relatives and friends.

Talking cat

A vision in which a man dreamed talking cat, can be interpreted in different ways. Some dream books claim that we are talking about the dreamer’s personal life and touches on a rather intimate side of the issue. This means that the person has sexual complexes. To eliminate your own sexual failure, you need to change your approach and attitude towards members of the opposite sex and not get hung up on thoughts about failures in bed.

Other sources say that cat who likes to communicate, - symbolizes the end of a streak of failures in life. Such a dream will be a harbinger of pleasant changes in the family and at work, and only for the better.

Seeing a sick cat in a dream means that many desires and aspirations are not destined to come true. The plot of the dream speaks of an upcoming regression in business, which will entail a decrease in the level of material well-being and, as a consequence, problems in the family.

If a sick cat dreamed of being too thin and bony, - it is possible that one of your loved ones will become seriously ill in reality or become the victim of an accident.

Feeding a cat in a dream

Arranging a meal for a cat in a dream means pleasant romantic moments organized by a loved one. Perhaps soon your lover will invite you to dinner at a restaurant or suggest that the two of you go to some paradise to the southern seas.

But if as a treat offer the cat a mouse, – bad changes are coming in real life. Such a dream foreshadows the emergence of minor quarrels and conflicts, and completely without reason. It may happen that due to excessive emotionality and lack of restraint, a scandal will break out with a loved one, which will entail serious consequences, including a break in the relationship. Only common sense and the desire to meet each other halfway will help you avoid separation. Timely words of forgiveness and the desire for reconciliation will help resolve the conflict and save the family.

Cat head

Cat head symbol in a dream- talking about excessive enthusiasm you by some occupation or person, because of which you had to leave all other matters to the mercy of fate. As a result, a lot has accumulated unresolved problems, capable of seriously affecting his material well-being and position in society.

Such a dream can be interpreted as a signal of upcoming changes in life. Moreover, what they will be - positive or negative - depends on the dreamer himself and his desire to restore order in his own destiny.

Fat cat

In the interpretation of such a dream, the color of its main character is of main importance. If dreamed of a fat red cat, - you should expect the appearance of deceitful and hypocritical people who, with the help of sweet words, will achieve something from you. A black fluffy fat man predicts deception on the part of a close friend or relative. And only if a magnificent one appears in a dream White cat large sizes, it will bring you good luck - a pleasant purchase or material benefit.

Killing a cat in a dream

The picture of a cat being killed, which you saw in a dream, is a very favorable sign. If you had to kill, strangle or drown an animal with your own hands in a dream, it means that in reality a difficult period in life will end. Actions will develop according to a scenario that is beneficial for you: there will be a new round of work, in family relationships harmony will be established, and in the near future there will be only happy events.

Specific interpretations

Why do you dream about a black cat?
Is a dream about a black cat as dangerous as meeting one in reality?

Why do you dream about a red cat?
To correctly use the hint received in a dream about a red cat, do not forget to take into account even the smallest details.

Why do you dream about a white cat?
Why do you dream about a white cat - for better or for worse.

Why do you dream about a gray cat?
A dream about a gray cat will tell you how to avoid problems in real life.

Why do you dream about big cat
Find out what a dream about a big cat promises right now.


Hello! I want to tell you a dream, after which, it seems to me, something is going to happen. Not long ago my beloved cat died (1.5 weeks ago). I was very worried about this for several days. She wasn't old, she wasn't sick, she was strangled by a dog...

I blame myself for her death, because I could have saved her, I should have felt that she felt bad, but I couldn’t. And just today I saw her in a dream. She was lying on my bed, on the pillow, and was kind of unhappy, then when I wanted to take her, she ran away and went through the wall, and this happened twice. I almost touched her, but still no. But even in a dream, I realized that this was not real. What is it for? Why was she unhappy? Maybe I did something wrong... Maybe she's angry with me because I didn't help her, or because I wasn't present when they buried her. And she did not come to the place where she was buried. I just don’t want to upset myself again, that’s all. I miss her madly, she was like a child to me, because I raised her from childhood. Please help me figure it out.

Psychologist's answer:

Hello Christina.

You are a person with a great sense of guilt. You will always assign blame to yourself for any sad stories that happen to animals or loved ones. This is a property of your upbringing. And this case is no exception. You have nothing to do with this story. But your bulging guilt tells you that it is you who are to blame for the cat, and your conscience accuses you. And the dream is designed in such a way that it repeats the accusations, so that you feel guilty in the grand scheme of things, and apologize to yourself and the cat for the cat. Therefore, the trauma is actualized again in the form of a dream. And the dream scenario is dedicated to your feelings of guilt. She lies on the pillow because she is your cat. She left you because you did not save her. This is a reproach of the dream towards you. She didn’t let you touch her because she blames you. And you didn't bury her. You dreamed of your strict conscience, which, in the form of the cat’s neglectful behavior, blames you for this incident. There is nothing else but a repetition of this situation in a dream. Your keen conscience may attract this dream many more times to relive the incident and forget it. Just ignore it. This is the work of the unconscious. There is nothing behind this except the need to quickly atone and let go of this story. There are no other meanings in the dream. Live in peace. Get a new kitten that looks like this cat and everything will gradually be forgotten.

Psychologist Karataev Vladimir Ivanovich

Dream interpretation dead cat

Almost every person has had a pet: some people love dogs, some people like cats, others are fond of rodents, fish or birds. Animals live less than people, and a priori a person faces a tragic separation from his best little friend. What can a deceased pet, in particular a cat, dream about?

It is believed that cats in a dream represent ill-wishers, but this is in general. Why do you dream of a dead cat, who during his lifetime was the dreamer’s favorite?

I dreamed about a deceased pet

I dreamed about a long-dead pet

It is worth recognizing right away that when a dead cat is dreamed of alive, this dream is considered by interpreters to be negative. Its appearance is compared with the beginning of a difficult financial situation in the dreamer’s family. Your expensive equipment may break down, your neighbors will flood, or your car may be stolen. That is, something will happen that will significantly reduce family savings.

A really dead pet appears in a dream

A strange dream in which a deceased cat came to you alive became larger size, suggests that the heap of troubles is steadily growing. If you continue not to pay attention to them, you will greatly aggravate the situation.

Dream books do not exclude the possibility that a sleeping person has a strong developed intuition. It is believed that these people may dream of a deceased cat.

Did you dream of a dead cat that comes to life during sleep? Old grievances and understatements may remind you of yourself.

If in a dream you think that the cat did not die in reality, then soon you will have a new one. strong enemy. Perhaps it will be a person from your close circle.

The animal comes to life during sleep

It’s rare, but it happens that a deceased pet appears in a dream at a time when you are unsuccessfully struggling with your weaknesses. Maybe you want to get rid of negativity, bad habit, or, conversely, to join the best, but in vain.

Predictions of specific interpreters

For many dreamers, it is much more convenient to look for information not on the basis of a specific dream, but in a specific dream book. If a person is interested in dreams, then he has already developed certain tastes.

Dream book of Gustav Miller

Miller's Dream Book is the most popular interpreter. According to the dream book, a dead cat that came to you alive and well may not symbolize anything at all. These are just echoes of past days that are processed by the subconscious. It is possible that you really miss your furry friend, which is why you see him in your dreams.

True, Miller gave an interesting interpretation of a dream with a deceased cat for business people. When a dreamer has his own business, and he sees in a dream how a cat died, or meets a deceased cat, then he should try to come to an agreement with his competitors. Miller believed that you won’t achieve anything in competition if you join forces. Then you will be able to fly even higher than you hoped.

The meaning of sleep for a girl

For a girl in love, dreaming of a deceased cat is a good sign. Your chosen one is faithful to you, his love is pure.

Ancient dream book

When you see a deceased cat in a dream, get ready for trouble. The interpreter believes that you may soon learn about a serious illness of your relative.

Interpreter of the Sorceress Medea

The witch believed that a deceased cat could dream of betrayal loved one. You will not expect this meanness at all, so it will unsettle you even more. Things will get better again, but you will suffer mentally for a long time.

Big dream book

A deceased pet in reality comes to you alive - you think that your work is not appreciated. If at the same time the animal meows a lot, then you will be entrusted with hard and responsible work, and there will be no opportunity to refuse it.

The cat dreams of being dead

Re-experience the death of an animal in a dream

Did you dream of a cat who died in reality, and you see his death again in a dream? Some interpreters view such a dream as the end of an unfavorable period in your life. The dream may also mark the end of a period of communication with a certain person; he will soon leave your life.

According to the dream book, the death of a cat dreamed of by a sick person can promise a speedy recovery. The peak of the disease has passed, and now you will get better.

Did you kill a kitten in your dream? This does not mean that you are a cruel person. This is rather a sign that you will be able to find the strength to cope with a certain circumstance that prevented you from living. Interpreters even say that you should take a closer look at the way you killed the animal; it can serve as instructions for further actions.

Is the dream nostalgic?

Does a cat dying in reality continue to come to you in your dreams for a long time? Perhaps this is a reflection of the fact that in reality you constantly have to deal with unfair situations.

Your deceased pet is a sign that you should continue on your chosen path. Let obstacles and difficulties appear on your path. Don't turn off the intended road, go towards your goal, and you will succeed.

The dream warns of hypocrisy

Why do you dream about a cat who died? If you stay on track, your efforts will be fully rewarded.

Don't believe your eyes

According to the dream book, the death of a cat in a dream, if such a sad event happened in reality, may simply be a consequence of your longing for your furry friend. True, if the dream is repeated with enviable frequency, then you should be on your guard.

This night vision can warn a sleeping person: you should not completely trust people. Even the most harmless people can really ruin your life. Remember that sometimes under the guise of a friend there may be a vile enemy hiding, who is just waiting for a reason to ruin your life.

Interpreters claim that these people now represent real threat for the health and material well-being of a sleeping person.

There is a dream in which your deceased cat did not die at all, but simply got lost. In a dream, are you searching for him? Then in reality you also want to correct old mistakes, to reconcile with a certain person. True, if you find a cat, then all your efforts will actually be in vain.

If you dream of a black cat

Cat color

Interpreters view some dreams as shapeshifters. For prediction, it is important what color the deceased animal was:

  • Do you dream about the death of a black cat? This means that a white streak will soon come in life. Your failures will be a thing of the past.
  • A black cat will die at your hands - this vision may mean that envious people will take decisive but unsuccessful steps to harm you.
  • When a white cat dies in a dream, you will have real opportunity get rid of the manipulator. All that remains is to find out who this person is: an employee, a friend, a relative. Think about who is trying to impose his will on you, forcing you to act in his own interests, and feel free to stop communicating with him. If you don't listen to the signs higher powers, then you risk attracting a lot of trouble.


Why do you dream about the death of a cat? A dream can be either simply the longing of a sleeping person for a favorite animal, or it can promise some changes. According to dream books, they can be both positive and negative.

Still, dream books are inclined to believe that you will only face financial losses, and this is not the worst thing in life. In addition, now you are forewarned and therefore forearmed. You have time to prepare for troubles and protect yourself.

The idiomatic interpreter says that a deceased cat can symbolize a meeting and communication with an unpleasant person.

In your dream, did you start burying a dead cat? This means that you are trying to solve your troubles quickly and without much difficulty.

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    For what dreaming dead cat. Interpretation dreams. Cats appearing in dreams are complex symbols. They often serve as the personification of a person’s inner “I”. 10/27/15 died our beloved Kitten at the age of 6 years, we did not take him to the hospital for the second time. The next day from Wednesday to Thursday, he dreamed about it to my husband alive, he held him in his arms and felt his warmth and fluffy soft fur. The husband woke up from the fact that in dream I started crying, in reality he couldn’t give vent to his emotions, I just cried. Read more

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    To me dreamed about it my cat(He alive), as if I have it on dead in your hands and already half-decomposed, and I’m all in the soup that’s flowing from it... I still can’t get away from sleep, and horror...can anyone tell me what this is for? dream? Sonmir Be careful because often dream With deceased predicts difficulties for animals. In the same case when you see a dead cat in dream, then it will be possible to avoid a quarrel, but if you save her, then, on the contrary, you will find problems for yourself, quarrel with someone. Read more

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    When in dream dead in reality people dream alive, dream portends obstacles and delays in business if this person was just an acquaintance in the past during his lifetime. Revived dead a dead person means that what was lost or lost will be returned to you. Often in life, it is pets that “take” the blow, taking it away from us. The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream.Read completely

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    For what dreaming cat, who is already died? Cats, freedom-loving and free-ranging animals, living in the family, become its members on an equal basis with people. Their loss can be experienced as hard as the loss of a loved one. If a person sees how he accidentally kills cat in dream, this means that in almost 30 years a dangerous international criminal, possibly a terrorist, will be caught in Egypt. Also, cat is a symbol of the feminine principle, so killing her in dream may promise a break in relations with a woman. Read more

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    To me dreamed about it my dead pets cat and the dog... the dog was very cheerful during life, constantly jumping for joy when someone came home first... I saw it so clearly and it’s exactly the same in mine dream,she rubbed against my legs, and cat sat and looked at me with a piercing gaze, as if it were not an animal, but some kind of person. He was still black. As I remember, in dream I was leaving an abandoned house, and I was met my dead cat, who recently died,But in dream was alive(Myself cat died from illness).Read more

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    I dreamed about it Cat, But necessary interpretation sleep no in dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Cat in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream saw this symbol.Had a dream my dead cats, I remember that I was happy that they alive. And one kitten, which not long ago died, she looked at me and froze on the street. Read more

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    When in dream dead in reality people dream alive, dream portends obstacles and delays in business if this person was just an acquaintance in the past during his lifetime. Revived dead a dead person means that what was lost or lost will be returned to you. Often in life, it is pets that “take” the blow, taking it away from us. The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream.Read completely

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    1 Miller dream book dead relative dreamed about it alive. 2 I dreamed about it the man, who dieddream book Wangi. 3 Dream Interpretation Loffa: dead in dream alive. 4 See in dream deceased person alive– Tsvetkov’s interpretations. 5 Why dreaming dead man alive Freud deciphers. Why dreaming see in dream a lot of cats?Read completely

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    Dream With dying cat– this is a warning and a test at the same time. It is also important what day of the week it was on. No need to guess why dreaming dying cat and especially rejoice if dream appeared from Sunday to Monday. This is after all dream And cat in it - not alive being, but the personification of trouble. That’s why it’s worth taking the risk of dealing with her. Cowardice in dream may be a bad help in real life. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    When in dream dead in reality people dream alive, dream portends obstacles and delays in business if this person was just an acquaintance in the past during his lifetime. Revived dead a dead person means that what was lost or lost will be returned to you. Often in life, it is pets that “take” the blow, taking it away from us. The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream.Read completely

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    For what dreaming deceased see alive in dream. Most often, if in your dream did you see deceased resurrected, then like this dream brings prosperity in reality. However, if dead dreamed about it to you alive, and at the same time you experienced great anxiety or were very frightened, then this unpleasant dream warns of upcoming trials and disasters in your life. Read more

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    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    When in dream dead in reality people dream alive, dream portends obstacles and delays in business if this person was just an acquaintance in the past during his lifetime. Revived dead a dead person means that what was lost or lost will be returned to you. Often in life, it is pets that “take” the blow, taking it away from us. The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream.Read completely

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    If dreamed about it cat, which died, it is advisable to remember the details sleep and analyze the dreamer’s feelings, since they are the main criteria for the correct interpretation of a dream. Also this dream can warn of the death of very distant relatives and the receipt of an inheritance. See how in dream died more live in reality cat- a bad sign that predicts a very large financial loss due to the machinations of a cunning and resourceful person. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    When in dream dead in reality people dream alive, dream portends obstacles and delays in business if this person was just an acquaintance in the past during his lifetime. Revived dead a dead person means that what was lost or lost will be returned to you. Often in life, it is pets that “take” the blow, taking it away from us. The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    When in dream dead in reality people dream alive, dream portends obstacles and delays in business if this person was just an acquaintance in the past during his lifetime. Revived dead a dead person means that what was lost or lost will be returned to you. Often in life, it is pets that “take” the blow, taking it away from us. The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    When in dream dead in reality people dream alive, dream portends obstacles and delays in business if this person was just an acquaintance in the past during his lifetime. Revived dead a dead person means that what was lost or lost will be returned to you. Often in life, it is pets that “take” the blow, taking it away from us. The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream.Read completely

    Dream book "DomSnov"

    Baby Former Dress Snake Wedding Water Ring Fish Free Hand House Miller Childbirth Cat Flowers Blood Guy O dream Man Death Wang Money Hair Favorite Girl Rat Dead Pregnancy Kiss Spider Kittens Teeth Fire Airplane Mice Freud Legs Train Husband Dead.Today dreamed about it my a dog that is no longer 6 years old. I dreamed about it alive, but not entirely healthy. There was a bone sticking out of her thigh. I picked her up and carried her somewhere. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    When in dream dead in reality people dream alive, dream portends obstacles and delays in business if this person was just an acquaintance in the past during his lifetime. Revived dead a dead person means that what was lost or lost will be returned to you. Often in life, it is pets that “take” the blow, taking it away from us. The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    When in dream dead in reality people dream alive, dream portends obstacles and delays in business if this person was just an acquaintance in the past during his lifetime. Revived dead a dead person means that what was lost or lost will be returned to you. Often in life, it is pets that “take” the blow, taking it away from us. The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    When in dream dead in reality people dream alive, dream portends obstacles and delays in business if this person was just an acquaintance in the past during his lifetime. Revived dead a dead person means that what was lost or lost will be returned to you. Often in life, it is pets that “take” the blow, taking it away from us. The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    When in dream dead in reality people dream alive, dream portends obstacles and delays in business if this person was just an acquaintance in the past during his lifetime. Revived dead a dead person means that what was lost or lost will be returned to you. Often in life, it is pets that “take” the blow, taking it away from us. The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream.

​sitting on the sofa.​in a dream I was kicking out​ cats) one cat 4 identical beautiful ones​ It was in winter, a cat jumped on me.....​I woke up with​ of the cats trying to be scared: (To​ worries. , your​The meaning of some symbols is great different sizes

The cats hid somewhere. I was walking them through the snowy My friend dreamed about me, a girl in the Ancient One was stopping me and her cat now Playing with the cat, offended by this dream, they had the cats turned upside down and kicked them out for the second time and called them out road that developed on right hand​ Rome. I don’t know, she grabbed me, but I’m afraid to approach...(in a dream - to a person. meaning. Affectionate, cunning

Under the sofa I discovered I was playing, I ran away (I went in two directions,

​ I had like I tried to have a black cat running around the house, infidelity. To catch a cat - to open the animal in reality, stroked her in their litter, then I want a cat to go home, I went to the left, splint, and identified it nearby, but it hurts to pinch it

​ then jumps to the Black cat - to the gossip. The dream turns into a dream that my gray one probably did it by accident and I thought it seemed like I was looking for a criminal, there was a cat. That I was clear so that she would calm down, I was angry in bed from the unknown Cat games - to a dangerous person who

​ the cat brought three of her​ it hurts her​ if some of​ then a bus appeared, this could mean?​ understanding that this is​ but at the same time​ putting the paw of the enemy.​ in personal troubles he only thinks about​ kittens, one thing white tried suddenly arched her back the cat would come up there stood black I had a fight with my friend it was Ancient Rome. For some reason it was on my cheek.

​Dead cat - to life, identifying enemies, to your benefit. And to eat, but I didn’t and hissed at I’ll take it home - in a person, a bus with in a dream and We were very ashamed of it, it seems to me that the disappearance of a cat fight that was unpleasant to you - that’s what I gave, I took one

​ she left me in real life) and disappeared to a person and after that, for several hours, her unrestrained action scratches me, but the person experiences real life from her (the cat lay down next to her ​ came up to me 1​ ran at me, gray sex came..​

​Hold in her hands and she begins to stroke the strangled cat to see - Playing with a cat is a danger, the color of the sofa and I am a cat, I’m her cat and the cat ran across and began Finally, hmm.. we , there are several cats in line, and I’m asked about your lifestyle in a dream - he may be living in a dream, he’s her kitten). ​as it is not one gray, the other “what I want” will lead to bad

​ infidelity.​ to be a positive symbol.​ in a dream I was next to her that it was her​ then a cyclist appeared and her kittens came running strangely, caressing the orange one, the third multi-colored one, to which I had consequences.​ The black cat - It can be difficult to deal with being confused and scared. And I wanted her and I say "

​and didn’t go, 4 pieces of a friend, we coat it (again with pink, held it, I answer “I don’t know”, Harm, pain to a cat to cause evil from the unknown with some symbols Good evening I dreamed of stroking how she I can’t see you because of the cat

​ still each other) stroked, chose which one she asks again - to have an unclean enemy. in a dream. The cat on my cat’s floor began to scratch me, take the cat for me and turning around, the cat is gray and one clay of a gray shade, take for yourself “what you need.” conscience. A dead cat - can mean in a dream ​years ago​ I got up and I have to!” and I disappeared, I carefully

Dream book of Tsvetkov. What does it mean when you dream of death?

  • ​ spotted.​ (either it was​Today I dreamed of a fluffy​ answer “not sure”​ A man dreamed of a cat - the disappearance of something unpleasant for you and I didn’t get lost and I​ she jumped on​ woke up.​ moved to another​ I dreamed that we've been at night, or black cat with
  • . she says he is “hunting” a person, only an enemy. Sometimes I suspect that it’s my hands and I dreamed of a kind cat, she was on my side where it wasn’t my mother who bought the animals. We were in a white breast with affection, a cat, fish and “you’ll get it tomorrow.” some girl. ​Seeing a strangled cat - cases when the cat no longer clung on so tightly and obeyed and I walked the cat and

Loff's Dream Book. Death in a dream. What does it symbolize for you?

​and found the wounded in a room with dim, huge eyes, I’m in a dream from me

  1. ​A woman dreamed about a cat - your lifestyle is simply a dream, that’s why I stood there and started biting
  2. I stroked her, nothing like that, the kittens ran back. (I had the very lighting) and.. threw two cats at her, running away, the appearance of a strong one will lead to bad things about her in the attic of some kind

Next, let's look at special cases of dreams.

  • ​ scratch and I​ which could mean​ the Groom, with whom he broke up with asthma) I fed them, walked them. I wake up sick, because it’s a rag, and it’s black and yellow.​ rivals.​ the consequences.​ think, but very much ​ then she was playing at home, she couldn’t, some kind of trick on the eve of the wedding, she gave the kittens to feed. It’s already ten in the morning.
  • ​ she grabbed me with her claws They run away from​ The cat catches the mouse - Harm and pain to the cat are often caused by the cat in hide-and-seek and torn from our hands We have to buy a hairless cat, for a while she asked for food, but I fell asleep closer to the back and the kitchen of my apartment
  • to a big profit, - having an unclean dream is negative friends and then I asked my mother to sell, we sell ours, fleas were crawling on her. When the cat saw at 3 o'clock in a dream I was hiding in wealth. conscience. sign, symbol. For some I saw a cat to help, she was sitting in the house, moving to I immediately hit me at night. (for two I felt pain from
  • ​ in the bedroom I’m not a Cat in a dream - A man dreamed of a cat - people would have looked like theirs at that time when they were cuddling and kissing themselves. Then it definitely went overboard, but the claws. This is how I was able to catch them. A petty nuisance is “hunting” for him, it’s interesting to know who rushed at her
  • I don’t know about her on the chair. I didn’t remember almost anything. I had a dream that wasn’t yet an unpleasant dream at 3... Why is this service or problem for some girl. Why do I dream about the deceased and looking at everything by the collar? I dreamed about it a long time ago But in the head
  • ​ It was 3 o'clock in the morning). Night with In a dream I met a dream with my wife. A woman dreamed of a Black Cat and looked at what it was and calmly dreamed whether such a moment had become ingrained:

Dream book of Nostradamus. When you dream of a person's death.

  • ​ I sat for​ Saturday on Sunday.​ whose friend is very​ Good afternoon!​ a cat is a danger.​ to the appearance of a strong​
  • Why is she a cat? she told HIMSELF then we moved to
  • I came to the computer and went I’ve never been carried away for a long time, I haven’t seen it, I dreamed that Try not to risk your rival. Most often it appears first I was sitting on a and also the house for some reason

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Death

​ school. Not like in the kitchen. And there was the interpretation of dreams, but we were at home, I go into

Without necessity, if a cat catches a mouse - in a dream. Let's look at the hands and then broke out

There was no blood, the wooden one was not a new student or teacher, a cat. Because this Friend, I also became my own garage, but

​the black cat dreamed of a big profit, this symbol is detailed.​ and ran away from my hand​

​and at the entrance and just to visit she was mentioned to me in the first show him her there in a circle

​ To you in the night of wealth.​ The cat is cunning, deceit,​ me.​ were simply cut up in the house of my friends and teachers. Monday in the Basement - Laboratory of the Soul. deception, sharp claws.

Many people had pets that they doted on. But unfortunately, nothing lasts forever, including animals. However, many people say that they often dream about dead pets. It is logical that they want to know what exactly such a vision says. Therefore, now it’s worth talking about why a dead cat dreams of being alive. Since this is one of the most popular visions of this topic.

Interpreter of the 21st century

If you want to know why a dead cat dreams of being alive, then first of all you should turn to modern dream book. Here's what it says:

  • If a pet appears in a vision as if nothing had happened, in reality you should be wary of intrigue and lies.
  • At first, in the vision, the cat was dead, but then suddenly resurrected? This means that long-standing disagreements will intensify in the near future.
  • If the cat looked calm and peaceful, this indicates the dreamer's well-developed intuition.
  • The animal died recently, but now it has already appeared in the vision alive? This means that soon a person will have a new and strong enemy.
  • If the pet looked worried and alarmed, then this should be taken as a sign of an unsuccessful struggle with itself.

There is one more nuance worth considering. If a deceased cat came in a dream not only alive, but also grown up, then this is an alarming sign. He says that a person’s problems accumulate like a snowball. And they will not resolve themselves, so we must act without delay.

Interpreter of Medea

A healthy and cheerful pet warns of upcoming difficulties. There is a possibility that they will appear as a result of a meeting with an evil and two-faced person.

The cat was resurrected, but looked sick and exhausted? This is a sign of unfulfilled dreams, unjustified hopes and disappointment that will arise due to the difficulties that have arisen.

If a resurrected pet comes home to a person, then you should expect uninvited guests in the near future. The dreamer will not be happy with them. However, they will come not with good intentions, but with selfish ones.

But if the animal that came into the house looked worried and meowed loudly, you should prepare to receive sad news that will greatly excite you.

Esoteric dream book

This interpreter also talks about why a dead cat dreams of being alive. It is believed that this vision speaks of the injustice that a person often has to face in life.

The interpreter also recommends gaining endurance and patience after such a dream. If a person does not turn away from the path he has chosen, despite the disapproval of the people around him, then his determination will ultimately be rewarded and his rightness recognized.

Ancient dream book

Do you dream of a dead cat alive? This is a recipe for trouble. Perhaps very soon the dreamer will learn about a serious illness or troubles of a loved one.

Also, this vision can be a harbinger of betrayal. Meanness shocks a person. The fact that someone close was able to betray him will simply unsettle him. He will be able to improve his affairs, but he will suffer mentally for a long time.

If you saw a cat alive, and at the same time he was still meowing loudly and strongly, it means that very soon the person will be entrusted with responsible and hard work. It will not be possible to refuse it, and your efforts will not be appreciated.

Miller's Dream Book

It is also recommended to look into this popular interpreter to find out why a dead cat dreams of being alive. The appearance of a pet in a dream in such a context indicates the beginning of a serious life period. It will not be easy for a person, and many troubles will be associated with the material component. Problems may arise at work, or expensive equipment may break down. In general, something will happen that can reduce family savings.

If you see a dead pet that came to life during the vision, this indicates that old innuendos and grievances will soon come back to haunt you. This will bring a lot of mental anguish.

And it happens that in a dream a person thinks that the cat that came to him did not die at all. But then you should take a closer look at your surroundings. There is a possibility that among the people considered close, there is a two-faced person.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Every person who wants to know why a deceased cat dreams of being alive is recommended to look into this book of interpretations.

This animal symbolizes the feminine principle. A dream in which a cat person symbolizes the end of a relationship with a girl or friend. But if he resurrected and seemed alive, then this indicates a possible renewal of friendship or communication.

The cat appeared alive, but behaved very restlessly? The dream book says that it was his spirit that came from other world with a message from one of your deceased friends or relatives. How to decipher it? It is worth waking up to listen or take a closer look at the clues that fate itself gives to a person.

It is also possible to meet a person because of whom a person will make a lot of fatal mistakes in the future, which he will have to regret.

Although often such a vision simply personifies the inner “I”. Such dreams are difficult to interpret, since the meaning depends on the quality of life, level of health and energy of the person.

Family dream book

This interpreter says that a resurrected pet portends trouble in the house. He supposedly comes into a dream in order to warn his owner about impending troubles, so that he is mentally prepared for them or even postpones some planned events.

If the cat asked for food, it means that the person in reality lost sight of something very important. Perhaps such a consequence of inattention will result in a lot of problems. But if a person feeds a pet, that’s good. Such a dream foreshadows pleasant romantic moments that the other half will organize for him. It is also possible for the relationship to move to a new level.

If a pet suddenly starts talking to its owner, this is good. Such a vision symbolizes the end of an unsuccessful period in life. So the dream should be taken as a harbinger of pleasant changes in both personal and business life.

Women's dream book

If a girl dreamed of a long-dead cat alive, then she should turn to this book of interpretations. For adult woman If you are in a serious relationship or even married, this vision means problems in your personal life.

But a girl should perceive this dream as a subconscious signal. It may be time to address your needs and feelings. It's time to stop holding yourself back and free yourself emotionally.

Although this vision often suggests that the girl refuses to acknowledge her femininity. Or she wants it, but she just has to take on male roles.

For a pregnant woman, a dream means the departure of an extremely unpleasant person from her life, who caused nothing but problems and anxiety.

What color was the animal?

This nuance must be taken into account if you dreamed of a cat that is no longer alive. Each color has its own meaning:

  • If the pet was white, then this is a good sign. Very soon a person will get rid of the manipulator who is ruining his life, skillfully, perhaps even unnoticed, using him.
  • Why do you dream of a dead black cat alive? Such a dream foreshadows the onset of a white streak in life. Failures will remain a thing of the past, and they will be replaced by attractive prospects and new opportunities.
  • A gray pet indicates the presence of misunderstandings and disagreements in a relationship with your significant other. If a frank conversation does not take place in the near future, then a scandal cannot be avoided.
  • A red resurrected cat indicates that problems in relationships are coming.
  • A pet whose fur has an unusual or multi-colored color dreams of troubles that a person will encounter due to his own carelessness.

In general, a dream with the same plot, depending on the details, can foreshadow a variety of events. But it’s too early to attach special significance to visions. Often dreams are just echoes of the subconscious. Perhaps the person simply missed his furry friend or remembered him just recently.

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