Home Prevention Sustanon effect on the body. Sustanon - instructions for use, composition, release form, indications, side effects, analogues and price

Sustanon effect on the body. Sustanon - instructions for use, composition, release form, indications, side effects, analogues and price

Sustanon-250: instructions for use and reviews

Latin name: Sustanon 250

ATX code: G03BA03

Active ingredient: Testosterone (mixture of esters) (Testosterone)

Manufacturer: ORGANON, N.V. (Netherlands)

Updating the description and photo: 02.11.2017

Sustanon-250 is a drug with androgenic action.

Release form and composition

The dosage form of Sustanon-250 is a solution for intramuscular administration: oily, from yellow to almost colorless with a slight yellowish tint (in colorless glass ampoules of 1 ml, 1 ampoule in a cardboard box).

Active substances (esters of the natural hormone testosterone) in 1 ml of solution:

  • Testosterone propionate – 30 mg;
  • Testosterone phenylpropionate – 60 mg;
  • Testosterone isocapronate – 60 mg;
  • Testosterone decanoate – 100 mg.

Additional components: nitrogen, benzyl alcohol, peanut oil.

Pharmacological properties


Testosterone is the main endogenous hormone necessary for the full growth and development of male genital organs and secondary sexual characteristics. Throughout life in adult men, this compound ensures the functioning of the testicles and related structures, prostate gland and seminal vesicles, and is also responsible for well-being, maintaining libido and erectile potency.

When treating hypogonadal men with Sustanon-250, a clinically significant increase in plasma concentrations of testosterone, androstenedione, estradiol and dihydrotestosterone, as well as a decrease in the content of SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) is observed. Levels of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones are restored to normal values.

Therapy with Sustanon-250 causes a decrease in the symptoms of testosterone deficiency. Muscle mass and bone mineral density also increase, and obese patients experience a decrease in body weight. During the treatment process, patients' sexual functions are normalized, including libido and erectile function. When prescribing the drug, the content of triglycerides, low-density lipoproteins and high-density lipoproteins in the blood serum decreases, hemoglobin concentrations and hematocrit increase, but the level of PSA (prostate-specific antigen) and liver enzymes remains practically unchanged.

The drug can lead to an increase in the size of the prostate gland, which is not accompanied by functional changes. In hypogonadal patients with established diabetes mellitus, administration of androgens increases insulin sensitivity and/or decreases plasma glucose levels.

In boys who experience delayed growth and puberty, testosterone therapy accelerates growth and activates the development of secondary sexual characteristics. Treatment of transsexual women with Sustanon-250 promotes masculinization.


The drug contains a number of progesterone esters with varying duration of action. Once in the bloodstream, they immediately undergo hydrolysis to form the natural hormone testosterone.

Taking a single dose of Sustanon-250 causes an increased level of total testosterone in plasma, the maximum concentration of which is approximately 70 nmol/l and is recorded approximately 24-48 hours after administration. In patients, testosterone levels return to the lower limit of normal after approximately 21 days.

In vitro tests confirm a high degree of nonspecific binding of testosterone to plasma proteins (more than 97%) and to SHBG. Testosterone is naturally metabolized to estriol and dihydrotestosterone and excreted through the kidneys in the form of androsterone and etiocholanolone conjugates.

Indications for use

Sustanon-250 is prescribed for testosterone replacement therapy in men with pathological conditions associated with congenital/acquired hypogonadism (primary and secondary).



  • breast or prostate cancer (diagnosed/suspected);
  • age up to 3 years (Sustanon-250 contains benzyl alcohol);
  • pregnancy;
  • hypersensitivity to the substances contained in the drug.

Relative (Sustanon-250 is prescribed with caution in the presence of the following diseases/conditions):

  • prepubertal period in boys (due to the high likelihood of premature puberty and closure of the epiphyses);
  • liver/renal failure, chronic heart failure (to avoid the development of edema);
  • prostate adenoma, occurring with urinary retention;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • sleep apnea, including the presence of risk factors for its development (chronic lung diseases, obesity);
  • childhood.

There is no sufficient data on the use of Sustanon-250 during breastfeeding.

Instructions for use of Sustanon-250: method and dosage

Sustanon-250 is administered intramuscularly deep.

As a rule, the regimen for using the drug is determined individually and depends on the patient’s response to therapy.

On average, 1 ml is prescribed once every 3 weeks.

Side effects

Possible violations when using high doses of Sustanon-250, long-term therapy and/or frequent administration:

  • central nervous system: increased nervous excitability, depression, mood changes, changes (decrease or increase) in libido;
  • genitourinary system: decreased ejaculate volume, gynecomastia, priapism, oligospermia, hypertrophy (functional disorders of the prostate gland);
  • digestive system: nausea;
  • cardiovascular system: increased blood pressure;
  • hematopoietic system: polycythemia;
  • musculoskeletal system: myalgia;
  • neoplasms (malignant, benign, unspecified, including polyps and cysts): prostate cancer (the course of diagnosed prostate cancer may also worsen);
  • metabolism: edema (fluid retention);
  • skin: acne, itching;
  • laboratory parameters: functional liver disorders, decreased serum concentrations of low- and high-density lipoproteins and triglycerides, increased levels of prostate-specific antigen, hypercalcemia;
  • local reactions: itching, pain, hyperemia at the injection site.

After discontinuation of therapy, adverse reactions may persist for some time.


When administered intramuscularly, Sustanon-250 is not characterized by high toxicity. Symptoms of chronic overdose include priapism. In this case, it is necessary to interrupt the course of treatment and, after the disappearance of this symptom, resume therapy by reducing the dose.

Special instructions

Medical monitoring of patients' condition should be carried out before the start of therapy, then once every 3 months throughout the year, and then once a year.

Required research:

  • digital rectal examination and determination of specific prostate antigen (to exclude benign adenoma and subclinical forms of prostate cancer);
  • measurement of hemoglobin and hematocrit (to exclude polycythemia).

In patients with a history of pathologies of the heart, liver or kidneys, the use of Sustanon-250 can lead to the development of complications, which are characterized by edema with or without acute heart failure.

If adverse reactions occur, therapy should be interrupted for a while; after they disappear, treatment is resumed at a lower dose.

The use of Sustanon-250 not for its intended purpose, but for the purpose of increasing endurance in athletes, is a serious health risk. In older patients, the drug increases the likelihood of prostate cancer or adenoma.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms

At the moment, there are no reports on the effect of Sustanon-250 on the ability to drive a car and perform potentially hazardous types of work.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Prescription of the drug during pregnancy is contraindicated due to the possible masculinization of the fetus. There are no reliable clinical data on the use of Sustanon-250 during lactation, so it is not possible to assess the potential harm of the drug to a newborn or its effect on breast milk production.

Use in childhood

Sustanon-250 is not used to treat children under 3 years of age. For children over 3 years of age, as well as prepubertal boys, the drug is prescribed with caution to avoid premature puberty and premature closure of the epiphyses.

Drug interactions

The combined use of Sustanon-250 with certain drugs/substances can lead to the development of the following effects:

  • insulin or other hypoglycemic drugs used for diabetes mellitus: reduced need for their use (due to increased glucose tolerance);
  • drugs that cause inhibition or induction of enzymes: an increase or decrease (respectively) in the concentration of testosterone (with combined use, dose adjustment or breaks between administrations may be required);
  • coumarin-type anticoagulants: enhancing their effect (their dose may need to be reduced).


Analogues of Sustanon-250 are: Testosterone Enanthate, Testosterone propionate, Omnadren-250, Sustaver from Vermoje, Nebido, Androgel, Methyltestosterone, Andriol.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store at a temperature of 8–30 °C, protected from light. Keep away from children.

Shelf life – 5 years.

Course for beginners Sustanon-250 Organon

This solo course, proven by the experience of many athletes and having a lot of positive reviews, is designed to build high-quality muscles and increase the coefficient of physical strength. Sustanon 250, popularly called Sust, is an excellent modern anabolic steroid that is respected not only by bodybuilders. At a time when most drugs begin to work inside the body only after 1 - 2.5 weeks, Sustanon-250 from one of the leaders in the pharmaceutical market - the Organon company - gives positive effects after the first injections. When choosing this course, you should not be afraid of side effects; the dosages used are not large.


Having significant indicators of anabolic activity, the steroid shows excellent results in terms of gaining solid muscle mass. It is the indicators of anabolism, androgenicity and a slight tendency to aromatization that make this product indispensable for building high-quality lean muscles, giving every athlete the opportunity to become much stronger and more resilient. This, in turn, allows you to conduct effective intense workouts and recover faster after them. You should not use the drug in a dosage exceeding 750 ml. for a week. Otherwise, you may encounter the accumulation of unnecessary fluid and the phenomenon of gynecomastia. If you adhere to the minimum dosages, then fluid retention is minimized and losses after the course are not large.

To avoid water retention, many strength athletes often combine Sust with oral Turinabol. This allows us to minimize the phenomenon of rollback after the course. Unlike the solo course, it is possible to obtain better quality muscles, but a significant increase in the cost of the course is guaranteed. To block fluid retention to a minimum, Proviron is additionally used, which copes well with the tasks.

Solo course

In this course you need to use 12 ml of Sustanon-250 for 6 weeks. The frequency of injections is twice a week, 1 cube at a time. It is best to carry out injections by choosing the same days - for example, Monday And Thursday . In order to reduce fluid retention, it is recommended to add the drug Proviron in the amount of 20 tablets. You should drink 1 piece daily from the middle of the course, not earlier and until the end.

You need to take a course, starting and continuing with 2 ampoules per week. This dosage is safe even for beginners. In practice, it has been proven that taking 1 ampoule per week is ineffective. The average recommended duration of a solo course is 4 - 8 weeks, we chose 6. It is often possible to increase muscle mass by an average of 5 kg. It is necessary to gradually increase the dosage of the steroid and maintain it at the desired level. It is a mistake to think that at the end of the course it is necessary to reduce the dosage again. In this case, you may not get all the declared effects from the solo course.

PCT after Sustanon consists of taking Clomid. You will need to purchase the drug in the amount of 20 tablets. Rehabilitation therapy starts 14 to 20 days after the last injection. You should drink 1 tablet of Clomid per day. It effectively works to normalize the production of your own testosterone. In general, on your own, without this drug, this process will reach a normal level within six months.

This course is as safe as possible for both professionals and beginners, as long as you do not exceed the dosage, do not take the steroid for more than 8 weeks and follow all recommendations.

The proposed course includes drugs:

1. Sustanon - 12 ml.

2. Proviron - 20 tablets.

3. Clomid - 20 tablets.

weeks Sustanon quantity per week Proviron in tablet. per day Clomid tab. per day
1 Mon. 1 ml. - Thu. 1 ml.
2 Mon. 1 ml. - Thu. 1 ml.
3 Mon. 1 ml. - Thu. 1 ml.
4 Mon. 1 ml. - Thu. 1 ml. 1 tab. per day
5 Mon. 1 ml. - Thu. 1 ml. 1 tab. per day
6 Mon. 1 ml. - Thu. 1 ml. 1 tab. per day
9 1 tab. per day
11 1 tab. per day
12 1 tab. per day

Sustanon (also known as Sustaretard, Tetrasterone, Sustamed) is a mixture of various esters of TESTOSTERONE (the main anabolic hormone in men) first developed and released by ORGANON as a means of hormone replacement therapy for people who have a lack of secretion of their own endogenous testosterone.

Sustanon includes 4 forms of TESTOSTERONE:

  1. 30 mg testosterone propionate
  2. 60 mg testosterone phenypropionate
  3. 60 mg testosterone isocaproate
  4. 100 mg Testosterone Decanoate
  5. Peanut butter is (most often) used as a solvent
  6. Benzyl alcohol as a preservative

Sustanon injection is given ONLY 1 TIME EVERY 3 WEEKS (for medical purposes). There is no need to give injections more often because EACH FORM OF TESTOSTERONE (listed above) that is included in the drug SUSTANON has a different absorption rate, and this allows you to maintain a constantly high level of anabolic hormones in the human blood throughout the month.

Please also note that this drug (Sustanon) was not developed as a drug to increase muscle mass. Its main advantage is ease of use.

But no matter how sad it may sound Sustanon is very common, including on the black market. In general, purchasing this drug will not be difficult (it is very easy to do). But MOST OF THESE DRUGS that are sold there are counterfeits. And very well executed fakes. Therefore If you are offered an ampoule without a paper label, but simply with a print (and most often it is red), then you can be sure that it is absolutely a fake.

The original SUSTANON is produced by ORGANON and has a PAPER LABEL. At this time it is becoming more and more difficult to find, in general, it is rare. But on the black market there is Portuguese, Dutch, Russian and even Indian SUSTANON 250. These drugs are produced by the company ORGAGON in ampoules with a paper label. At least that's how they should be released. If this is not so (and what we talked about above, i.e. without a paper label, but just with a print, then it is a fake). At all, According to reviews, the best manufacturer of SUSTANON is Sustanon-250 from Organon (Netherlands).

Effects of Sustanon

  1. Increases muscle mass
  2. Increases (increases) endurance Due to increased hematopoiesis, the increased number of red blood cells in the blood provides a better flow of oxygen (due to this, endurance increases).
  3. Has an anti-catabolic effect
  4. Increases appetite
  5. Increases libido(while taking the drug)

Side effects from taking SUSTANON

1. Gynecomastia, edema, fat deposition (female type), inhibition of the production of own testosterone = these side effects can be prevented by taking antiestrogens (NOLVADEX or CLOMID).

2. Another is also possible serious side effect such as TESTICAL ATROPHY. This side effect occurs for those who take a long course (longer than 8 weeks), if you do not take a course of SUSTANON for longer than 8 weeks and take anti-estrogens (Nolvadex or Clomid), then this side effect can be prevented. But if the course is more than 8 weeks (which is not recommended), then taking GONADOTROPIN is necessary.

3. Also due to the fact that TESTOSTERONE in the body turns into DIGYDROTESTOSTERONE (and it causes the following side effects): ACNE, BALD LOSS, PROSTATE HYPERTROPHY and OTHER ANDROGENIC SIDES.

4. Also Sustanon increases the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood.

5. ATHLETES often note that on the SUSTANON COURSE there is an increase in temperature and a flu-like condition.

6. After an INJECTION (occasionally) BONES are formed, such small compactions in the place where you injected (well, in the buttocks). But these bumps resolve within 2-5 weeks.

Sustanon 250: COURSE

It is recommended to use SUSTANON for those who have no contraindications to the drug or to the use of anabolic steroids. Therefore, be sure to consult with specialists before starting to take the drug.

COURSE duration is 6-8 weeks. If more (which is not recommended) injection is needed gonadotropin.

Sustanon injections are performed once a week in a dosage of 250-500 mg INTRAMUSCULAR (preferably injected into the gluteal muscles).

From the SECOND WEEK of the course you need to start taking AROMATASE INHIBITORS under the supervision of estrogen tests (most often they use Anastrozole 0.5 mg every other day). But you will need to stop taking aromatase inhibitors 1-2 weeks after the last injection.

3 WEEKS AFTER THE LAST INJECTION, POST COURSE THERAPY begins using TAMOXIFEN, taken for 3-4 weeks in order to restore your own testosterone production.

To make the COURSE as effective as possible, OBSERVE:

A course of SUSTANON can be combined with other drugs (for example, NANDROLONE - for gaining muscle mass and WINSTROL - for DRYING AND RELIEF). Combining will allow you to reduce side effects and improve the results of the course.

Best regards, administrator.

(Sustanon) is a well-known and quite popular anabolic steroid. The drug has proven itself well in sports and modern bodybuilding is simply unthinkable without this anabolic. There are not many drugs that can give effect after the first injections. This often happens over long courses and steroids have a ramp-up period of 1 to 2.5 weeks. This option is not suitable for everyone, especially if the result is needed now.

This anabolic steroid is rightly considered strong and effective; its speed of impact on the athlete’s body will make itself felt very quickly. Sustanon is excellent for building muscle mass, however, the effects of aromatization can be noticeable, but only become pronounced when using high dosages. However, the anabolic and androgenic properties of 100% of testosterone make this steroid very good for gaining muscle mass, strength and endurance. Perhaps these are the main factors that are present in the requirements of many athletes

Main effects of the course:

  • rapid gain of muscle mass;
  • good increase in strength and endurance;
  • is anti-catabolic - prevents the destruction of muscle tissue;
  • increased protein synthesis in the body;
  • acceleration of regeneration processes;
  • increased oxygen levels in muscles;
  • increased libido and sexual desire, which was appreciated by many athletes.

How to take the course correctly

The Sustanon 250 Balkan solo course is suitable for both beginners and more experienced athletes. Sust can also work well in combination, for example, it is used in courses with oral Turinabol, which helps to enhance the results in all respects and does not require increasing the dosage. Many security forces often use oral Stanozolol in combination with Sust, as this can greatly increase strength and endurance. This combination has its advantage: the muscles look better, but their growth is somewhat less. This occurs due to the strong blocking of the process of water accumulation.

It is recommended to start taking Sustanon with 2 ampoules per week. This is a normal average dosage, which can also be used in conjunction with other steroids. There are beginners who use 1 ml solo, but in practice this turns out to be not enough and the result does not satisfy everyone. The duration of the course can be from 4 to 6 weeks, but it is better to choose a middle ground and not delay the reception. You can gain an average of 5 kg in a month, but you need to take into account the influence of the chosen dosages, because they always affect the final result.

The proposed course is suitable for an average athlete and lasts 5 weeks, which is more than enough to achieve all your goals without developing side effects. Sustanon 250 is used in a dosage of 1 ml. (one ampoule) per day 2 times a week. The total amount of steroid required for the course is 10 ml. Injection days are Monday and Thursday. The injections are not painful and the drug entering the muscle does not cause discomfort. Injections must be given strictly intramuscularly, preferably in the gluteal muscle; standard syringes with a volume of 2 and 5 ml are most suitable for these purposes.

To reduce the effect of aromatization during a solo course, it is recommended to take Proviron 20 tablets. 1 tablet every day. It helps suppress the production of the female hormone estrogen, which in large quantities leads to fluid retention and gynecomastia. In this way, you can increase the quality of muscle mass and, accordingly, its preservation.

PCT after the course

Taking Sustanon reduces the level of testosterone in any athlete, and the longer the course, the more suppressed it will be. Testosterone itself can recover to its normal level within six months after a course, so it is advisable to quickly restore your hormonal levels so as not to worry about possible negative consequences. For these purposes, it is recommended to take Clomid 20 tablets. , which will help restore the production of your own testosterone and maintain results after the course. Clomid should be taken 2 weeks after the last injection at a dosage of 1 tablet. per day for 20 days. Do not neglect restorative drugs - and they give their positive results.

This course includes: Sustamed 250 Balkan 10 ml. + Proviron 20 tab. + Clomid 20 tab.

Sustanon 250 is one of the most popular drugs in sports. It is a steroid consisting of an oily liquid. It contains many different esters. Released into medicinal production by the famous company Organon. Types of sustanon with small esters are also sold. Sustanon esters were developed by specialists to quickly get into work.

Phenylpropionate and testosterone propionate are instantly absorbed into the blood and for the first time the days begin to work. Other esters are included in the blood circulation much more slowly. On the other hand, they remain operational longer. Almost three weeks.

The steroid performs much better than enanthate and cypionate because they provide much less work and keep testosterone levels stable.

Sustanon 250 has four testosterone esters:

  • propionate – 30 mg;
  • isocaproate – 60 mg;
  • phenylpropionate – 60 mg;
  • deconate – 100 mg.

Similar to other anabolics, Sustanon 250 is a powerful steroid with great androgenic potency. It works best in gaining muscle mass and increasing strength. Despite the fact that it can be converted into estrogen, it was added that its injections are quite less painful than enanthate or other strong steroids. However, any incorrectly placed injection leads to painful sensations.

After using Sustanon, the overall testorone level increases gradually. As a result, side effects do not go away immediately. It is ideal to include antiestrogens in your course. Thus, you will reduce negative manifestations to zero by taking small doses of Proviron and Tamoxifen.

Useful properties of Sustanon:

  • slowing down the rollback (catabolism);
  • improved appetite;
  • increase in the number of red blood cells;
  • increase in muscle tissue;
  • rapid recovery after hard training.

Sustanon 250 reviews

Reviews about Sustanon 250 are more positive than negative. For beginners and amateurs, this drug is effective in terms of quickly gaining muscle mass and strength. Side effects can be minimized through proper course design. Experienced athletes have observed an increase in body fat and bumps after the injection.

Sustanon 250 is often overpriced. Before doing this, we recommend that you analyze prices with competitors. Remember that even the safest drug in large dosages is harmful to health. Especially if you have a powerful anabolic steroid in front of you.

Sustanon 250 course solo

Although after an injection of Sustanon the oil remains in the body for three weeks, this does not mean that the result will increase. To get the effect, it is recommended to inject at least once every 7-10 days. The dosage can range from 250 or one ampoule or up to 4 ampoules (1000 mg) per week. Of course, some athletes actually exceed the maximum allowable dosage twice, but this is highly undesirable. You can seriously harm your body.

For example, if you inject 3-4 ampoules (750-1000 mg) per week, the side effects will undoubtedly increase. Many athletes want instant results, but do not pay attention to the harm to the body. This is a very serious mistake on the part of stupid people, because they are only interested in instant muscle growth.

Others do it more wisely - they combine sustanon with methandrostenolone and oxymetholone. If for lean muscle mass, then trenbolone and stanozolol are better suited. After finishing using Sustanon, to prevent hormonal imbalance, you need to take drugs such as tamoxifen and Clomid.

The main thing is not to forget the simple truth that the drug is active in our body for another month after the final injection. It is not rational to immediately do a course of therapy after the last injection. It is better to postpone the use of Clomid for 14 days.

Course 1: Sustanon 250, methandrostenolone, gonadotropin

This course is effective for gaining muscle mass and increasing strength. Duration – 14 weeks.

Detailed course description:

  • The first 14 days – 250 mg of sustanon per week and 20 mg of methane daily;
  • Weeks 3 and 4 of the course – 500 mg of sustanon and 40 mg of methane daily;
  • Weeks 5 and 6 – 750 mg per week and 60 mg of methane daily;
  • Weeks 7 and 8 – 500 mg of sustanon per week and 40 mg of methane every day;
  • Weeks 9 and 10 – 250 mg of sustanon per week and 20 mg of methane every day;
  • Weeks 11 and 12 – 20 mg of methane every day;
  • Weeks 13 and 14 – 4 ml of gonadotropin per week.

In 3 months and 14 days you can gain about 15 kg of muscle mass. And strength indicators will increase to 50 kg.

Course 2: sustanon, nandrolone, primobolan, winstrol

Detailed description of the drying course:

  • 1 week – 250 mg of sustanon and 200 mg of nandrolone per week;
  • Week 2 – 500 mg of sustanon and 300 mg of nandrolone per week;
  • 3,4,5,6 – 500 mg of sustanon and 200 mg of nandrolone per week;
  • 7,8,9 – 250 mg of sustanon and 100 mg of nandrolone per week;
  • Week 10 – 100 mg Winstrol and 100 mg Primabolan per week;
  • 11-15 – 200 mg of Winstrol and 150 mg of Primabolan per week;
  • Week 16 – 100 mg Winstrol and 100 mg Primabolan per week.

After this course, you will gain precise lean muscle mass and draw the veins and muscle cross-section. Of course, for this you still need to adhere to a special diet.

Sustanon 250: side effects

The drug is a powerful androgen, so it can cause many types of side effects:

  • increase in skin oiliness;
  • water retention in the body;
  • the appearance of pimples and blackheads;
  • appearance of hair;
  • baldness;
  • suppression of your testosterone production;
  • frequent depression and aggressiveness;
  • gynecomastia;
  • pain and bumps at the injection site;
  • decreased or increased sexual desire;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • frequent formations in the form of lumps at the injection site.

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