Home Pulpitis Yellow, Blue or Red: Which Team is Better in Pokemon Go? Pokemon GO factions - choose your side.

Yellow, Blue or Red: Which Team is Better in Pokemon Go? Pokemon GO factions - choose your side.

Opportunities to create your own alliances. At the same time, the developers did something different: they included three teams in the game (red, blue and yellow), which players can join. In practice, it happens that a player joined one of these teams, but later became disillusioned with it. How then to proceed and change it to another?

Is it possible to change the team in Pokemon GO

At the moment there is not much difference between the teams. The only difference is their volume of players. Most gamers are in the blue team, and a smaller number are in the yellow team. The reason why priority was distributed this way is presumably due to preference of blue color coaches, as well as the central location of the team during selection.

Is it possible to change teams in Pokemon GO? On this moment- No. The developers did not take this fact into account; perhaps it will be available in the updated version of the game. Therefore, upon reaching level 5, the stage of choosing a team appears, which you will not be able to change yet.

There is a possibility that this transfer from one team to another will be carried out for money.

How to change team

Although the game features do not involve changing teams, there are two ways to do this. The first of them is the simplest, unlike the second.

1 way. If you don’t like the team, and it’s not possible to change it in the game, you just need to create a new account and try again. Upon reaching level 5, the choice will open. This method involves replaying the game, collecting a new collection.

Method 2. This method, like the first, requires creating a new account to download the game. Distinctive feature is the transfer of old data from the first account to the second. The difficulty lies in this action, since you need to wait a long time until the developers allow you to sell your accounts, Pokemon and other elements of achievements. Simply put, you can completely or partially resell your collection and items to yourself.

How to choose a Pokemon Go team? Undoubtedly, each of us has asked this question. Many people are also interested: which Pokemon Go team is the best? Today we will try to answer these questions.

Pokemon Go is not easy interesting game o in the real world. The game also has a competitive aspect, due to the fact that each coach, upon reaching a certain level, must join one of the teams.

There are 3 different teams in Pokemon Go - Instinct (Yellow), Mystic (Blue), Courage (Red). When you reach level 5, you will have to make your choice and join one of them. Now, when you fight for the next “gym”, you will do it not only for your own interests, but also for the common cause of your group. In Pokemon Go, no trainer is an “island” - he is always part of something larger.

Once you've made your choice, it won't work. At least it won't be easy to do. Therefore, think carefully before taking sides. We will try to help you choose.

How to choose a Pokemon Go team

Team Instinct

Spark is the leader of Team Instinct (Yellow). Spark always trusts its instincts - hence the name of the team. If you are used to trusting your feelings and relying on intuition when choosing a Pokemon for the next battle, then this team is for you. The team's mascot is the legendary bird Zapdos.

Team Mystic

Blanche leads the Mystic (Blue) team. Blanche has an incredibly developed intellect. The blue team, like no other, is interested in the possibilities of Pokémon evolution. In addition, members of this faction are extremely calm and stoic, and are not easily intimidated. If you are interested in learning about the nature of Pokémon evolution and believe that staying calm in battle is all you need to win, then this is the team for you. Mysticism is patronized by Articuno, the legendary ice bird.

Team Valor

Candela is the head of the red team, she is sassy and resourceful. The members of her team must understand that to become the best Pokemon trainer, you only need one thing: train, train and... train again! If this doesn't bother you, join the red team. If you like the legendary fire bird Moltres, then all the more you should think about joining this team, because Moltres is its patron.

Best Pokemon Go team

Which Pokemon Go team is the best? At the moment, neither team has any advantage over the other - all the differences are only external. Perhaps in the future the developers will add some "features" to the game based on team mascots or team descriptions - but this is just speculation. Let's wait... I recommend following these rules when choosing a team in Pokemon Go:

  • Find out which of your friends are already playing Pokemon Go. What team are they on? Agree, playing together and conquering “gyms” is much more fun!
  • Assess the ratio of members of different factions in your area or small town. If you want more fighting, join a small faction. Well, or join the team of favorites and enjoy relative peace.
  • Which talisman is your soul most passionate about? Which team is "beckoning"? First of all, you must understand that the gameplay should bring you pleasure and this is what you should start from when choosing a team

I hope my post helped you choose a Pokemon Go team and know which team is the best. Share in the comments which team you chose and why.

While hunting for Pokemon in the new online entertainment from Nintendo and Niantic, users may have questions. And if at the initial stages of the game everything is simple and accessible, there is a training card and the opportunity to practice in, then the higher the level, the more opportunities the coach has that need to be dealt with. In order to catch the necessary, different ones and develop them, improving the characteristics of the monsters under your care, and arrange fights between them in gyms, you need to monitor the development of the game in particular. So, one of the proven ways today to maintain and increase your power is to join a team of Pokemon hunters. You can catch pocket monsters alone, as well as take part in fights. But will one player be able to capture a gym in order to receive in-game currency, and defend it in the event of a capture attempt without damaging the gym’s Prestige? Hardly. It is in order to achieve even greater goals in the game and conquer new horizons of the cyber world of Pokemon Go that you need to join the ranks of professional catchers.

So, we come to the question of how to choose the right team in Pokemon GO to succeed in the game? This is of interest to many users around the world and we will try to answer this in order to arm Pokemon players with all possible information about the game in advance.

Of course, the essence, which works thanks to the navigator and camera of the smartphone, is to walk, move, travel as much as possible and at the same time catch funny Japanese cyber-animals that light hand Niantic programmers flooded the real world. However, competition is also an important aspect of the game. After all, there is no special point in adding a simple set and its comrades to your collection. But in battles and captures of new objects - there is. Having pumped up, different ones in his Pokédesk, the player (Trainer) can put them up against other monsters in battle at the Stadium. Victories in battles allow you to complete new levels, receive rewards and earn in-game currency (poke-coins). In the future, coins can be spent on improving the gaming characteristics of your monsters, their combat resources, or on purchasing new Pokemon to catch. In short, in order for the game to continue and not lose its excitement, having reached a certain level, you need to decide - which team to choose, join her and continue the adventures as part of her.

The mobile version of Pokemon Go offers Trainers the choice of becoming a member of any of three communities, which differ in color. The Yellow team is called "Instinct", the Red team is "Valor", and the Blue team is called "Mystic". The player must select a team in Pokemon Go (“Instinct”, “Courage” or “Mystic”) at level 5. In the future, when fighting for the next gym, the Coach will have to take care not only of his personal, “selfish” interests, but also of the well-being of the entire team, because the captured Stadium will bring in-game money to the team once a day. On their own, no Coach will achieve the success a team can expect. Together we are stronger.

Please note that choosing “Instinct”, “Courage” or “Mysticism” will not work. Here we make a choice as in the registry office - once and for all. Moreover, in the game your decision will really be relevant forever. It won't work to defect to your competitors during the game - you don't even have to try. Therefore, before you decide to join a community, think carefully about its advantages, and only after that choose the Yellow, Red or Blue sides. We, in turn, will try to help novice Trainers, who need to make a choice, decide.

Which Pokemon Go team should you choose?

Yellow (Instinct)

The leader of this gang of hunters for pocket cyber monsters inhabiting our reality is Spark. The name of the team, logically, came from the fact that the leader of the Trainers in this team always relies on his 6th sense, and quite successfully. If you rely most on intuition and send Pokemon into battle based on instincts and inner feelings, or do not put a strong monster into the Stadium because of some inexplicable anxiety, this team is ideal. The symbol of the yellow team Instinct, led by Stark, is a flying one - this is a Pokemon with wings, a bird (in the original it is called Zapdos). According to the game's authors, this creature lives in thunderclouds and easily directs lightning bolts wherever it wants.

Blue (Mystic)

The leader of this mysterious community of players - Blanche. Blanche's main advantage is his developed intellect. Players who play Team Blue in Pokemon Go online are particularly concerned about the evolution of pocket monsters. The members of this coalition are also distinguished by their mental stability - they do not give in to panic and it is difficult to scare them with anything. This is a society of calm Trainers who make consistent, informed decisions and behave in the same measured and calm manner during a fight at the Stadium. If you are also interested in the process of evolution of cyber creatures and you believe that the best argument and the most valuable quality in battle is calmness, then do not hesitate to join the ranks of the Blue players. The lucky mascot of this Trainer community is the chilling bird Pokemon (Articuno). It has the ability to freeze drops of moisture contained in the atmosphere and swirl the strongest snowstorms.

Red (Courage/Valor)

Leader of the gaming community of brave red Trainers “Valor” - Candela. The girl leader is distinguished, as you might guess from the name of her team, by her courage. Candela is a daring and resourceful character who is confident that victory can only be won through hard training. Those who are not embarrassed by such excitement and ardor, who are sure that combat skills need to be developed and improved directly on the battlefield, can easily join the players of the Red Brotherhood upon reaching level 5 in Pokemon Go. The patron of a team of desperate fighters who are ready to do anything to win is the fiery bird Pokemon (Moltres). According to legend, its appearance on the map indicates that spring will soon come.

Best Pokemon GO Team

In the vastness of Pokemon Go, at the moment the Trainer selects one or another team, they all have the same chance of success. And it is impossible to say with certainty that one or another team is better or stronger than the other two. The opportunities for players who choose between the three basic gaming communities are equal, and the teams, in turn, at this stage cannot yet boast of special privileges and advantages. It is possible that soon the authors of the toy will somehow diversify the application and prompt players right choice, will decide to give the teams some basic advantages and features, based on which it will be easier to give preference to Blue, Yellow or Red players. Well, in the meantime, talk about differences and strength different groups Coaches do not carry any special meaning behind them.

Ideally, you just need to wait and stick to this scheme:

  • 1. Make inquiries about who in your circle is already playing Pokemon Go and find out which team is on friends or acquaintances. It's much more fun with a group to hunt for new monsters, fight in the gym and defend it, while also taking care of Prestige. Join your friends and you can have fun in the toy, at the same time traveling and communicating with friends and new acquaintances - like-minded people.
  • 2. A good way is to remember the basics of doing business and monitor the “market”. Study your area of ​​residence and compile statistics for yourself, calculate which Trainers there are more or less in a given location, and join the most sparsely populated faction. Here you will have more opportunities to demonstrate the skills of your players at the Stadium. And if you want a quiet life and don’t dream of constant battles, join the favorites of the location and relax while the strongest players take part in fights and capture gyms.

Which team symbol do you like best? What attracts you more: Instincts, Mysticism or Brave Warriors? The main thing in this game is that it brings pleasure and joy from catching monsters, adventures, battles and captures.

We will be glad if this opus helped you decide and understand which Pokemon Go team is better. Leave your feedback, share your observations and tell us why you decided to become part of a particular team. Perhaps your story will help aspiring Pokemon hunters make their decision!

What to do with the acquired collection and how to use it? That's right, in battles against other trainers. Can you do this whenever and wherever you want? Not yet, so you need to choose a team whose interests you will have to defend.

Let us say right away that this choice is not so simple. Firstly, you can only exercise this right once. Secondly, ask your colleagues, acquaintances and friends in advance so that in the future you don’t have to fight against your own people. Kinda Civil War, only virtual and much more gentle.

So, the compositions and leaders of the factions.


At the current stage, only 3 groups are represented in Pokemon GO, although in the future they promise one more, but no one has confirmed this data yet. Now you have to play for such communities as:

  1. red (Valor);
  2. blue (Mystic);
  3. yellow (Instinct).

The choice opens at character level 5. During this time, while you are taking the desired level, interview your comrades so that there are no incidents in the future.

A group that is driven only by pressure, strength and destruction. For them, the key to victory is long, grueling training with Pokemon to develop their maximum potential. The key philosophy is that pets are many times superior to humans in all respects, including combat skills, which encourages them to become stronger, more resilient and ready for anything.

Valor Team

The leader of the hall, oddly enough, is a girl named Candela. But don’t think that such a fragile creature won’t twist you into a ram’s horn in a fair duel. She is driven by the desire to be a leader always and in everything. She knows how to stand up for herself and her party members.

The blue faction uses a completely different approach to training and developing Pokémon, namely intelligence, prudence and prudence. Team members strive to understand as much as possible the intricacies of any fight in order to always predict the opponent and hit for sure even in obviously losing situations.

Team members never give up when defeated. A true Mystic always draws conclusions, analyzes the situation, and then concentrates as much as possible on the weaknesses of his fighter or fighters, making an invincible team. The leader of the faction is Blanche, an excellent trainer who will be followed anywhere and anytime.

Team Instinct

The Yellows, as is clear from the name of the group, chose a different path to becoming a coach - feelings and instincts. They have developed their intuition so much that they can discern the situation in the arena in the blink of an eye, feeling as subtly as possible any changes in the process of the fight, extracting maximum benefit.

These guys completely trust their Pokemon, and those – their trainers. As a result, a chemistry is created that will be the envy of all other factions. Party members do not try to make the fighters as strong, smart and just machines as possible. Simple mutual understanding at the level of basic instincts. The leader of the stadium is Spark, an excellent master of instantly capturing the slightest fluctuations in everyone’s consciousness. That's why it's appreciated.

How are the teams different?

Perhaps this question is the next most popular after “what color should I choose?” At this stage, the choice of faction has absolutely no consequences for the player. You do not have any increases, bonuses, additional goodies or other benefits. Yes, it’s a shame, but the developers just don’t have time to implement all their ideas, and there are simply countless of them.

In the future it is planned to implement the following: Reds will receive a small increase in strength indicators in the process of attack and defense, because their path is to be the best on the battlefield. Blue pets will evolve much more actively, receiving additional privileges for this, and the yellow ones will turn into a kind of “mother hens”, getting the most out of hatching eggs from incubators.

Yes, the information is not accurate and is still only at the level of rumors. But there are more and more leaks, and information from different sources is very similar to build an overall picture. We are waiting for further statements.

Most popular faction

According to the results of online surveys, and even when collecting gaming statistics, although not official, it is believed that the most popular ones are blue. What this is connected with is not known. Perhaps they liked the logo of Articuno itself, the legendary Pokemon that protects the air.

Some make their choice quite consciously, while others are guided by instinct, taking the side of their friends and acquaintances. In the USA, Mystic's dominance over the rest is simply colossal.

As for the Russian community of players. Here the commands are also unevenly divided:

  • Valor – 40%;
  • Mystic – 34%;
  • Instinct – 26%.

The data is only approximate, but it helps to understand the overall picture. In the future, when teams receive factional advantages, the situation may change dramatically.

Is it possible to change the group color?

Not everyone acts wisely when choosing a faction. Some just fall through the cracks. Others poke at random, others forget to ask friends. As a result, changing color is not possible gaming means. You have to re-download your character from scratch, creating a new account.

However, developers sometimes accommodate coaches halfway. If you correctly explain the situation when writing a letter to the support service, then the specialists will consider the application, and you will be “repainted” in a different color. But remember that this action is one-time only.

Choose wisely and fight as your team, bringing terror to other factions in Pokemon GO.

Hello ladies and gentlemen. We continue to talk about the augmented reality game, which is recognized as a hit this year. Very soon Russia will become one of the world centers of Pokemaster competitions. Players will be able to join one of three teams, fight for training halls and increase its influence in their city. Therefore, today we will talk about which team to choose in Pokemon Go, what they are like and what the main differences are.

From this article you will learn:

What teams exist and how are they different?

The character gains experience for almost any action in the game, from visiting PokeStops and opening new locations. As experience increases, the character's level also increases, which opens up new gameplay opportunities. In the last article we talked about for improved swing.

Upon reaching level 5, you will have the opportunity to join one of three opposing factions. How to choose and how to join - these questions affect every player to whom this opportunity has become available.

Before you press the button and join the ranks of one of the factions, you must know the following information about them:

1. Blue team Team Mystic. Talisman Articuno, leader of Blanche.

This is the most popular Pokemaster division in the world. According to statistics, for unknown reasons, the number of Pokemasters in its ranks is much higher than in the other two. Blue trainers focus on conducting battles intelligently. Each battle is studied in detail, the capabilities of the Pokémon are taken into account, and the resulting knowledge is used to conduct the next battles. This is an extremely thorough and multifaceted approach that attracts careful and scrupulous players, true fans of the game. The blue team is aimed at the development and evolution of Pokemon.

2. Red team Team Valor. Talisman Moltres, leader of Candela.

It is joined mainly by those who like to use only the physical abilities of their Pokemon. However, in reality, everything is a little more complicated - red trainers have a multifaceted approach to the development of their pets, but at the same time, strength and physical parameters really come first. Regular and diligent training should be a joy for you if you want to join the red team. Leader Candela popularizes the desire to develop Pokémon's natural abilities.

3. Yellow Team Instinct. Talisman Zapdos, leader of Spark.

Yellows trust first of all their intuition, and only then the intelligence and physical parameters of Pokemon. If you are a good intuitive and can predict the victories of your Pokémon, this team is definitely suitable for you. Here, trainers do not carefully study characteristics and daily pumping - they completely trust their little friends and their animal instincts. They accept Pokémon for who they are, and judging by the results, they have a completely rational grain at the root of their philosophy.

Selecting a team is a personal process and depends on individual preferences. Choose the Tactics, Strongmen or Intuit factions, and begin to increase your influence in your city. Conquer training halls and get coins, upgrade your Pokemon and fight with other players in a team with friends and faction comrades, because together it’s always more fun. And which team is better - everyone must answer this question in their own way.

How to join and change sides?

Once you have made your decision and chosen your team, find the nearest arena and approach it. Then tap the image on the screen, after which the faction selection menu will appear and short description, which will indicate the advantages of each of them. With one touch of a touch button you will determine the entire further game of the character.

Many players make a random choice, and then ask - how to change sides in Pokemon Go? Now no one will be able to answer exactly how to change the team, because the developers did not provide for such a possibility and do not promise its introduction in future updates.

A change team is needed in cases where a certain faction becomes dominant in your city - the strongest players are there, all the halls belong to it, and there is no way to win. Another case is when your friends and acquaintances are in one faction, and you are in another.

You can only switch to another team through a reroll - delete your old account and register a new one, that is, start the game again. This way you will lose your accumulated experience and items, but will join the desired faction.

What to do after joining?

Joining one of the three factions opens up the possibility of battles with players from other teams for training halls (Gyms). You will be able to attack and defend gyms, train Pokemon and receive bonuses for ownership.

The hall can have one owner, several Pokemasters and Pokemon, depending on the level of prestige of the hall. Prestige denotes the success of the hall and the difficulty of capturing it. In your own gym, it increases due to the training of Pokemon, and in someone else's gym it decreases after your Pokemon win the battle.

Prestige level

Schematically, the level of prestige can be represented as follows:

Level Number of Pokemon that can be left in defense Minimum number of Prestige points
1 1 0
2 2 2 000
3 3 4 000
4 4 8 000
5 5 12 000
6 6 16 000
7 7 20 000
8 8 30 000
9 9 40 000
10 10 50 000

Defending the hall gives you the “Defender Bonus”. Every 20 hours you can pick it up from the store and get 10 coins and 500 stardust for each Pokemon you put on defense. You can place a maximum of 20 Pokemon in defense.

How to create your own Gym or Pokestop?

If in your city or locality There is no place for training, there is no arena and pokestops, then you will not be able to join a team and upgrade your pokemon. To correct this situation, the developers have provided the ability to send a request to the support service to create a new hall or arena.

But technical support only works in those countries where Pokemon Go was officially released, so you shouldn’t run ahead of the locomotive and send a bunch of requests to add locations if you downloaded the game unofficially.

To create a request, you need to indicate the reason for adding a location or place, indicating its absence, provide an e-mail for feedback and fill in the following fields:

  1. Submit a request – Send a request.
  2. Report an issue with a Gym or Pokestop – report a problem with the gym or Pokestop.
  3. Request removal of a Pokestop or Gym – request removal of a gym or Pokestop.

Choose option 2 and inform that there is no Gym or Pokestop in your city. The following form will appear asking you to provide more information:

  • Your email address – your email address. email for feedback.
  • Additional info/reason for your request – Additional Information or justification for the request.
  • The reported PokéStop/Gym is – to describe problems. If it is missing, then we write unavailable or does not exist.
  • Exact name of PokéStop is the exact name.
  • Address of the PokéStop/Gym – address in the city.

If you do everything correctly, then after a while the support service will respond to the request and inform you about the decision on it. As a rule, all requests are granted because they contribute to the development of the game.

And by creating a new place in the city, you will make useful contacts and be able to gather a community of Pokemasters under the flags of one of the three factions.

That's all for today. Soon we will tell you how to treat Pokemon and what items you need for this, and then we will talk about baits. Subscribe to our blog updates, share the article with your friends on in social networks and leave your opinions on the topic in the comments. Before see you soon. Bye bye.

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