Home Stomatitis Lena Miro's blog is run by shmarov. Why does Lena Miro have abortions?

Lena Miro's blog is run by shmarov. Why does Lena Miro have abortions?

I think I should justify myself in relation to this odious person. Otherwise, some, perhaps, may accuse me of having previously been a hamster at Miro’s. Indeed, at one time I actively read and commented on it. But not at all because she really considered her a worthy person. Of course no! Miro caused me deep disgust with her views (attitude towards fat people, jerking off for wealth, etc.), and the inconsistency of many of her statements, explained by the fact that the project has several authors of different intellectual levels (the so-called “shmarokombinat”), did not escape me. I began to suck up to her (in those matters where I did not have to change my own principles). My goal was to gain her trust in order to learn more about her. And I was also wondering if Miro would be able to satisfy all the gossips by finally demonstrating his legendary car, new house and an oligarch boyfriend. At the same time, I always understood that she was an enemy, not only class, but, with her propaganda of anti-sexual thinness for me, one might even say biological. I felt like a scout in an enemy camp.
My plan failed due to a completely ridiculous accident: this hysterical Lenka suddenly mistook me for a homosexual man. She wrote: "Are you gay?" and banned me. Then, analyzing where I messed up, I realized: after all, Miro herself is frigid, “dry,” she repeatedly emphasized this. For her, women are strictly divided into “decent” ones like her (that is, just as frigid) and “whores”. In the comments, I made it clear that I was interested in sex with men, but in my psychological profile I definitely didn’t look like a whore. Therefore... Yes, Miro cannot be denied his unique logic.
Another thing is Bashkirka (Zashkirka, Zashkvarka, the alleged virtual of Dmitry Kreimer and the entire shmiro company - it seems they use this account together). She seemed very “wet” to me. As mashkind writes about it:
“At one time we were very friends, if you can say so about LJ friendship. They chattered in the night in FB messages about personal things. The Bashkir woman wrote that she treated me very warmly, but I couldn’t let go that her attitude towards me looked like flirting. When I later found out that I was not communicating with a smart 25-year-old girl with a lot of life experience, but with a man, I felt disgusted. Very disgusting."
I got a similar feeling from a short contact with the Bashkir woman, but it didn’t seem disgusting. At first I thought that Bashkir was bi; There is such a type of bisexuality - from an overwhelming temperament, and Kristinka gives the impression of a very hot thing. Then, when I found out that Bashkirka was a man, it didn’t shock me either, I don’t give a damn in this regard. By the way, Mashka is keeping silent about something: she was shown a photograph of some girl under the guise of a Bashkir woman - “Christina”. But she did not make this photo public. Apparently, as a top blogger, he is afraid of ruining relations with the shmarokombinat, which is most likely connected with the management of the SUPA.
In boosting Miro's ratings, he does not do it without fraud. Here, for example, is the strange diary of nofk452 - at the time of writing this text there are 136 social pages, while the journal contains only reposts, almost no one comments on it. How is this possible? And this nofk452 regularly republishes Miro and leaves her meaningless comments. The shmarokombinat obviously has a lot of such virtuals for cheating.
But it's not even about this scam. Miro is disgusting as a person; with ostentatious patriotism, she transmits to the masses views that are unacceptable for a cultured person and destroys morality. The Shmarokombinat uses a low, trashy little man as its sign, and this trash deserves to be exposed.
Let's start with the fact that Lena Miro is mentally not quite healthy man, she constantly says ridiculous things. For example, she called this woman “kikimora.” Maggot, can you see well, should you take some eye drops? Because any person with normal vision will say that compared to the Glinskaya kikimora, you are just that - a cross-eyed, stooped, skinny creature with a shrill voice, a washcloth on your head and saggy silicone jugs.
The reason for Miro's painful homophobia is clear. According to some reports, her elderly lover, with whom she cohabited upon arrival in Moscow (he is also the creator of the Miro-project), fucked her in a perverted way so that the cunning provincial woman could not become pregnant from him (see comments). Lena, of course, did not receive pleasure from this due to her frigidity (and not every woman, in principle, is capable of loving anal sex). Now Miro, on the basis of her personal anal tragedy, sees “gays” everywhere, she intimidates readers that anal makes the ass flat (an illiterate statement akin to the fact that masturbation causes hair to grow on the palms; vulgar idealism in pure form). Lena, homosexuals may not be the best nice people on earth, but they are definitely not to blame for your problems! It's time to start getting over it psychological trauma from sex with a rich pensioner for a plate of buckwheat and a place on the windowsill in Scarlet Sails. Find a good psychotherapist, it won’t be expensive for you, you’re a millionaire, the owner of houses, islands and London discos. Well, at least call the toll-free number for victims of violence.
Previously, Lena boasted about the life of a rich kept woman, but for some time now she began to conduct propaganda that a woman is obliged to work equally with a man, as usual, throwing mud at housewives and those who earn less than their husbands. The reason for this turn in Miro’s worldview is also obvious: a rich Moscow pensioner gave Lena a kick in the flat ass and sent her back to Stary Oskol to her mother. Lena sold the blog and now plays only the role of an employee in it. Here is the testimony of a person from the LiveJournal administration: Lena sits on her blog from Oskol, her working day is 8 hours. And the condemnation of women who get married “on the fly” is also easily explainable, since at one time Lena failed, as they say, to “take the belly” of the cunning pensioner Shmarov. Miro is so predictable in her reactions. One could sympathize with her if it were not for her constant exercises in misanthropy. Lena decided to restore the self-esteem broken by Shmarov by endlessly humiliating others.
On the pages of her magazine, she propagates that “fat people” are freaks unworthy of being called people. At the same time, she herself is prone to being overweight and, having inserted silicone breasts, was unable to exercise with the same intensity and gained weight. For this she is now being persecuted by the same evil fools obsessed with thinness. So she became a victim of her own fascist ideology. She claimed that a man earning less than 500 tr. per month - not a man. Now rich snobs scoff at the fact that Lena lives with her parents, works extremely hard on her blog, shows off worn underwear in photographs, expired creams and floated breast prostheses, and is forced to drive around Oskol in her mother’s car.
Miro clings with all his might to the image of a Moscow rich woman, continuing to insult everyone who does not fit into the standards " beautiful life" For now, her well-promoted blog, of which she is the face and from which she receives a share of the income, helps her stay afloat. It is clear that she will not want to give up her role and start an honest working life. Therefore, it is foolish to expect that Miro will repent and realize his mistakes. More likely, one day it will happen to her breakdown, after all, even Miro had already been forbidden to show her trademark anger to the fullest (for example, under the influence of the political moment, she was forced to curtail childfree propaganda and began calling women who gave birth “mommies”, and not ovules and pigs). Let's see what will happen next.

It's no secret that there is a paid and promoted blogger page on the Internet - a certain Lena Miro. The girl has little to show for herself in real life, greasy hair, a Tatar stocky and sometimes lean appearance, crooked pumped up legs, fragile arms in the veins, a small ass, there is even an invisible abs with a waist and a stupid, very stupid looking face with bug-eyed Chaldean eyes. Such girls usually work as street cleaners in the capital's streets or as waitresses in Yaposhka. An ordinary guest of the capital region for the first time found herself in the thick of sad events at the Patriarch's. However, Lenna builds her entire blog on her attractive and even athletic appearance, talking about fitness exercises and her beauty, thereby psychologically struggling with her complexes as an ordinary gray mouse.

She seems to be an ordinary girl, but she has one significant drawback, unlike her sisters, waitresses and janitors - she runs her own blog, she is a blogger. She still writes some articles, but mostly she uses little blood - attracting her virtual friends to the posts, who are ready for mere crumbs of PR for the sake of writing posts for Lena about life similar to the secular one, about politics, about psychology, about the United Russia faction, and even about Putin.

The girl likes to keep her blog and be popular on the Internet, because in life, as I have already noticed, this is a pitiful spectacle of a waitress. if a waitress is presented beautifully in society, few will distinguish her from service personnel. For this reason, Lena is also rarely invited to places. Therefore, the girl sits at home and if she goes out into the world, she is an inconspicuous gray mouse, afraid and awkward.
One of my not so comrades, but still a colleague in the once literary and journalistic world, recently told me the story about Lena Miro’s abortions and their cohabitation for his modest profits. The girl really wants to have children - she is afraid and doubts the choice of this or that man, performing truly acrobatic somersaults in the form of abortions. During the year of communicating with my friend, Lena managed to stay in the clinic a couple of times and almost end up as a single mother.

He was introduced to Lena by their mutual friend named Lyalya in a circle of friends in a regular restaurant. Lyalya introduced my friend as almost Putin’s personal secretary, a person influencing political life in the country. Lena was introduced to him as a lonely girl who wanted to meet a man of Tatar appearance. Of all those present at the table, my friend was the oldest, most wealthy and respected. And Lena chose him. Sex happened on the next date. It was some kind of hotel. In the morning he ran off to work at the editorial office.

What else does a single man with a good job and large bribes need in this life? There are children, a wife too, everything is fine financially. Lena became his mistress and he gave her hope - for a divorce from his ex. The hope lasted about a year, even a little more, until Lena was sent strong and far away after another drunken hysteria called “when will you quit your lakhudra.” Lena got her pussy and was fired with the explanation that a man would not exchange his wife and children for a drunken slut and blogger.

All this time, when Lena was dating my friend, all her posts were edited and corrected by him. Topics for some posts were also provided by my friend. Thanks to this, Lena began to appear in the top and became a popular blogger.

After breaking up with my friend, Miro was left without loud revealing posts; I publish my wretched body on my blog, trimming it, as it turned out, in Photoshop. My friend remembers Lena with an undisguised feeling of awe and shame. Only under the influence of alcohol can he allow himself to remember his strange relationship with the unlucky Lena.

Now none of the more or less decent men need Lena. It’s low and it’s disgusting to take away a stranger, even a man who has stumbled, from his family, perform abortions on him, and terrorize him with your presence.

So it goes

Maxim Novikovsky
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Old, drinking

But!.... But he is still interested in women. Look, what a walker!

Philosopher and athlete Andrey Shmarov born in Moscow. Graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, candidate economic sciences. In his life he was involved in science and journalism a lot, worked at the Kommersant publishing house together with Vladimir Yakovlev, and later distinguished himself by creating the Expert magazine. He was the founder and main ideologist of one of the first Russian “think tanks” - the Expert analytical center. Values ​​quality of life, plays tennis decently, is a regular at jazz clubs, art galleries and classical music concerts. Good and often understands what and when to drink. Member of the Snob project since December 2008.

the city where I liveMoscow

where he was born


who was born “Born into a professor’s family.”

where and what did you study

Graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University.

“I remember when Pyotr Aven and I were in the construction team, we had a fight with him. I hit flies with a newspaper, and Petya cursed me. When he crossed the permitted line of slander, I began to hit Petya with a newspaper. And he began to answer me with his fists. The matter turned into a regular fight...”

where and how I worked I was fifteen years research fellow, head of the sector of the Economic Research Institute under the USSR State Planning Committee.

“In 1989... with Nikita Kirichenko we published a note on inflation in the Economic Newspaper... In it we for the first time gave an inflation figure that was 4 times higher than the official one. It’s hard to describe what started here... They called me on a regular phone from the reception office of the Secretary of the Central Committee Slyunkov. To the directorate of the State Planning Institute, where we worked, a helicopter from the reception room of the Chairman of the State Planning Committee, Maslyukov. My then boss Tatyana Koryagina and I were summoned to Maslyukov for a showdown.”

He was a scientific editor and deputy editor-in-chief of the Kommersant Publishing House. In 1995, he left Kommersant with a team of leading journalists and headed Expert Magazine CJSC for more than ten years, and was deputy general director of the Prof-Media publishing holding.

“And for the first time I used the think tank format (“thought factory”).”

Since 2008 - CEO project "Snob".

academic degrees and 3vania

Candidate of Economic Sciences (economic sociology).

achievements... Kirichenko, journalist: “In journalism, the most vivid memory was the absolute popularity record that Andrei Shmarov and I set, which was not included in the Guinness Book of Records only due to a pure misunderstanding. ...our article about the standard of living was published on the same day in AiF and Ogonyok. Its total circulation exceeded 30 million copies.”

Since 1994 he has not eaten meat, and a little later he stopped drinking vodka.

In 1997 (after 17 years of smoking) I quit smoking one day.

Can conduct excursions to leading European galleries: in the Prado, Louvre, Musée d'Orsay and the Tate Gallery he feels at home - knows where to drink what and how much.

public recognition Diploma of the professional journalistic competition "Golden Gong-96": the editors of the magazine "Expert" (nomination "Best Federal Economic Publication") and the authors of the project "Expert 200" Dmitry Grishankov and Andrey Shmarov (publication of the year in the field of macroeconomics).

“By the way, the first independent rating agency in Russia.”

I'm interested

tennis fan - started playing at the age of 40, plays 4-5 times a week, all year round;

has been drinking for the last decade and a half wine, knows it well and can tell you a lot about drinking in general;


classical music

I love dry white wines, beer, Glenn Gould and Manhattan transfer

Italian wines, especially pinot grigio. Beer living thing that spills and sold directly in supermarkets. Glenn Gould sings along to himself in a funny way when he plays, and Manhattan Transfer has been singing jazz better than anyone else for forty years now

family The daughter graduated from the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University.

At all…

Sergei Mostovshchikov, journalist: “Shmarov is an inhuman mixture of a journalist and a manager, and offending a mixture of a journalist and a manager is generally easier than brushing your teeth and blowing your nose. God forbid Shmarov finds out that I mentioned his name in vain, then all of you will get chickenpox and whooping cough. In short, when I was still working at Expert, a conservative magazine for the thinking public, Shmarov and I once sat and decided what kind of disgusting thing we could come up with that would make everyone’s eyes pop out of hatred. And, I must say, they came up with it. More precisely, I came up with it, because Shmarov doesn’t know how to think, like any mixture of a journalist and a manager.”

Miro never mentioned her personal life on her blog, but she often gave advice to her subscribers on how to successfully get married and build ideal relationship with men. There were rumors about the wedding of Miro and a certain foreigner last year, but the scandalous Lena did not comment on them.


And only recently her newly-made mother-in-law Mary shared her joy and announced that Lena and Richard’s wedding took place on November 29. The ceremony took place in Colorado. The woman said that the lovers met several years ago in Thailand. After the rest, the guys began a whirlwind romance. Mary is sure that Richard and Lena's love story is perfect.


Miro's mother-in-law shared with subscribers not only her emotions, but also photographs in which the newlyweds look very happy. Lena's image was not quite typical for a bride. The light dress with straps hardly matched the rough black boots. The groom wore a black suit, highlighted by a hat with a red rose.


Lena Miro “annoyed” many famous people, because she spoke rudely and sometimes boorishly about the stars. A few months ago, a former participant in the famous TV show Rustam Solntsev, after insults received from a blogger against “Dom-2,” recorded a video message in which he expressed his opinion about the scandalous girl.


“They say that you live with some lethargic pensioner, but that’s just me, by the way... And in general, if a young woman has wonderful sex in her life, she will never throw herself at others, but will be kind and pretty, will become everyone love in the end. But this, I repeat, is only if there is high-quality intimacy in her life, and if it is so-so, then what happens to the woman is what we observe when we look at you. But, of course, I’m not hinting at anything... I love you, dear!” - Rustam said then.


True, soon the happy post with photographs of the newlyweds disappeared from social networks mother-in-law Miro. Apparently Lena doesn’t really like it when her personal life is discussed, although she shamelessly interfered with her opinions to others.

Maybe even after marriage Miro will stop being sarcastic and spewing bile at other people?

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