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Where to spend an economical holiday abroad. The most budget holiday abroad, where, how and for how much

Many tourists have long chosen to travel around Russia, decisively abandoning foreign resorts. They are convinced that nowhere else there is such beauty and diversity of nature, amazing architecture, historically valuable cities, unforgettable beach resorts as in Russia. It is difficult to challenge their opinion: Russia contains a huge regional, cultural and historical layer of architecture, and is rich in natural beauty.

If we add to this the obvious savings, we paint an irresistible and tempting portrait of a future exciting and inexpensive trip to Russia! It’s also very nice to forget about exchange rates and not give away extra money due to the vagaries of the exchange!

The most ancient cities of Russia: architecture of centuries

Not far from Moscow there are three cities, the origins of which go back to the times when our ancestors were still pagans. Each of them preserved the most ancient evidence of Russian history and became the most valuable diamond in the collection.

We are talking about cities:

  • Moore;
  • Yaroslavl;
  • Pereslavl Zalessky.

Like in the city, in Murom, in the village of Karacharovo...

Lines from the Tale of Bygone Years date back to the ninth century and tell us about the life of the Russian hero Ilya Muromets. Once upon a time, back in the thirteenth century, both the city and the famous village stood in deep forests, on the banks of the Oka, and the path to them was difficult and dangerous.

Now you can get to Murom very quickly and without spending an extra ruble: there are bus and train connections; easy to reach by car. Murom awaits travelers, having prepared its wonders, for which you won’t have to pay to visit and explore!

For religious guests and connoisseurs of religious architecture, these are monasteries and temples of the 11th-17th centuries:

  • Holy Trinity Convent;
  • Murom Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery;
  • Church of the Ascension or Church of the Ascension;
  • Holy Resurrection Monastery (Savior on the Forest);
  • Church of Cosmas and Damian.

The Holy Trinity Monastery houses the relics of Peter and Fevronia, symbols of love and family well-being in the Orthodox faith. These patron saints of marriage and family give pilgrims happiness in their personal lives.

If you want to have a snack while exploring, then on the territory of the monasteries there are shops where they sell delicious fresh pies from the monastery’s own bakeries - inexpensive and still warm.

Temples and monasteries make up one side of the coin of Murom attractions, and the other is almost fabulous, or epic.

The epic side of Murom begins with the Epic stone - a stone lying at a crossroads, a stone with a hard-to-read inscription, the progenitor of all fairy-tale signpost stones.

The museum in Karacharovo will showcase local history exhibits, the house where Ilya was born, and an ancient church dedicated to him. From the picturesque village, go to the Oka embankment, where the twenty-one-meter-tall Muromets still peers into the opposite bank, as if expecting to see the Polovtsian hordes... This statue is considered the second largest in Russia: after the Motherland in Volgograd.

Road: train ~4.5 hours, from 450 rub. seat ticket.

Accommodation: hotels from 1500 rubles, apartments from private owners from 1000 rubles.

Yaroslavl: Cheap Weekend Tour

Another city that two days will be enough to explore, located four hours from Moscow, is Yaroslavl. You can visit it very cheaply on a weekend by staying at the Medvezhy Ugol Hotel. A three-star, but very cozy and inexpensive hotel is located in the historical center of Yaroslavl, which has become a UNESCO property.

The hotel does not provide meals, but there are many small cafes and pizzerias nearby. The price of food in Yaroslavl is low, the difference with Moscow is noticeable. For example, the average price tag per person in a Japanese restaurant is only 450 rubles.

There are many museums in Yaroslavl that have no analogues, growing from private collections. For example, this is the Teddy Bear Museum and the Museum of Music and Time.

Religious architectural Yaroslavl is represented by famous temples:

  • Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery and Cathedral;
  • Church of Elijah the Prophet;
  • New Assumption Cathedral.

The antiquity of Yaroslavl is adjacent to scientific museums and the ultra-modern planetarium named after. V. Tereshkova, a native of Yaroslavl.

The landscapes of Yaroslavl are very good: it stands on the banks of the Volga and Kotorosl rivers, it is everywhere covered and decorated with water.

To get to know all the delights of the city, you can book an inexpensive walking tour. It lasts two hours, costs from 1000 to 1200 rubles for a group of two people. You can find a guide in advance on the Internet.

Road: train ~3.5 - 4 hours, from 500 rub. seat ticket.

Accommodation: hotels and apartments from private owners from 1000 rubles.

Pereslavl Zalessky: a legendary city

It is only two and a half hours drive from Moscow, and if you want to go with your family or group, it is better to go by car.

View of Lake Pleshcheyevo from the embankment of Pereslavl-Zalessky

On the shores of Lake Pleshcheevo, already remarkable in itself for its size, almost perfectly round shape and beauty, there are recreation centers where a lot of entertainment is served. Horseback riding, wind and kite surfing, swimming, water skiing - the lake is so big that there is enough for everyone even in the hottest summer season.

The most inexpensive of them is the Ohana base, where accommodation in a house costs only 800 rubles per day. For big company The Pleshcheyevo base is suitable, offering large, comfortable houses for 6,000 per day. The maximum number of guests is six, that is, it turns out to be only 1000 rubles per day. Other bases offer the price of a house from 1,500 thousand rubles.

You can also stay in the private sector. Local residents rent out both apartments and houses with bathhouses and fireplaces, estimating a night’s stay in them from 1,000 to 1,800 rubles.

Road: bus from Shchelkovsky bus station costs 429 rubles. 2.5 – 3 hours on the road.

Accommodation: hotels from 1500 rub. Apartments from private owners from 1000 rubles.

In addition to nature, water sports and the beauty of local monasteries, autumn Pereslavl is a place for “quiet” hunting. The places here are not just mushroom-filled, but fabulously mushroom-filled.

You can walk all of Pereslavl in an hour. During this time you will see:

  • Early 11th century earthworks and ditches;
  • Pereslavl Kremlin with churches and walls from the early 11th-12th centuries;
  • Goritsky Monastery (14th century);
  • Pereslavl Kremlin and Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral (12-14 centuries);
  • Nikitsky Monastery (11th century);
  • Forty Saints Church (18th century);
  • Holy Trinity Danilovsky Monastery (16th century).

In addition, don’t forget to check out the pagan shrine – the Blue Stone. It is believed that he fulfills the deepest desires.

In search of history...

Cities that can be visited for a modest amount, and at the same time have a powerful serious and local history value, are:

  • Kronstadt;
  • Volgograd;

The city, the brainchild of Peter the Great, was closed to tourists and guests until 1996, and therefore retained a touching touch of Soviet simplicity and almost Soviet prices.

There are few restaurants, but tasty and simple food is sold in grocery stores and family cafes.

Start your tour from Anchor Square - this is the center of the city, where the lighthouse cathedral, St. Nicholas Cathedral, rises. The history of Kronstadt spans three hundred years, many of which were devoted to naval defense, so in the city you will find a naval museum, naval memorials, and barracks for naval officers dating back to the times of Peter the Great.

Kronstadt is surrounded by forts standing on the water. They were laid out and built throughout the life of the city, but they were laid out and planned by Peter the Great.

Forts “Konstantin”, “Milyutin” and “Obruchev” can be visited on a tour; the rest of the forts are in disrepair, and you can only get there with a certain amount of courage and independence.

Unlike the forts of Kaliningrad, the forts in the Baltic Gulf have different architecture and shape.

Road: from St. Petersburg by minibus from the Chernaya Rechka metro station. To St. Petersburg from Moscow: “Sapsan” from 3000 rubles, 4 hours. on the way, or night train from 1400 rubles. (reserved seat ~8+ hours). By plane Moscow-St. Petersburg (round trip) from 3,800 rubles.

Accommodation: It’s better to stay in St. Petersburg and get to Kronstadt by minibus. In St. Petersburg, apartments for private owners start from 1000 rubles. Hotels from 1000 rub.

Volgograd: The Motherland is calling!

There is no other city whose name is so closely associated with the greatest battle of the Second World War. Volgograd tops the list of hero cities; events Battle of Stalingrad still occupy minds and historians are still reconstructing their course.

In search of memorials, monumental memorial buildings and historical museums, head to Volgograd.

Historical monuments and museums:

  • Mamaev kurgan;
  • Avenue of Heroes;
  • Soldier's Field;
  • Panorama Museum "Battle of Stalingrad".

Tourists willingly visit the Volgograd Stalin Museum. In the age of debunking past ideals, in the age of rewriting Russian history, his odious figure arouses a lot of interest. The Stalin Museum has collected the most reliable, confirmed and entertaining documents, facts, and exhibits that reveal the controversial personality of Stalin without bias.

Volgograd is also good because educational excursions can be combined with beach holiday on the banks of the Volga. To find a wild beach where you don’t have to pay to enter, head towards the town of Volzhsk. It is located half an hour from Volgograd, food there is much cheaper, and the sandy wild beaches are almost deserted.

Road: Russian low-cost airline Pobeda, from 3000 one way. Train travel time is 21 hours, reserved seat starts from RUB 1,400.

Accommodation: hotels from 1000 rub. Apartments from private owners from 1000 rubles.

Vyborg: fortress city

View of the central part of the city from the St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle

The city was founded in the Middle Ages by the Swedes and is the only historical settlement Leningrad region. The main attractions of Vyborg are:

  • Vyborg Castle;
  • Alvar Aalto Library;
  • Mon Repos Park;
  • House on the Rock;
  • House of the merchant Vekrut;
  • Church of Hyacinth on Water Zastava Street.

The largest hotels in Vyborg are Druzhba, Victoria and Vyborg.

Road: From St. Petersburg by train from Finlyandsky Station 282 rubles. 2.5 hours on the road, or by bus from the Parnas metro station, prices are about the same.

To St. Petersburg from Moscow: Sapsan from 3000 rubles, 4 hours travel time, night train from 1400 rubles. reserved seat ~8+ hours. By plane there and back from RUB 3,800.
Direct train Moscow – Helsinki, reserved seat price 3100 rubles.

Accommodation: hotels from 1500 rub. Apartments from private owners from 1500 rubles.

Economical travel to protected areas

Russia is not deprived of natural reserves: in almost every city you will find green zone, arboretum or botanical garden. But tourists are interested in something special, unforgettable, rare, and not just a collection of plants.

Do you want to stroke the velvety muzzles of moose and taste their milk? See the necropolis of an unknown civilization and temples imprisoned underground? Take a photo of the largest extinct volcano in the world? Read on!

List of affordable and unusual protected places in Russian cities:

  • Kostroma;
  • Voronezh (Divnogorie);
  • Elbrus region ().

Kostroma: flax, birch bark and elk farm

Kostroma a city on the banks of the Volga, a point on the Golden Ring, where people willingly go with children, for whom special entertainment and museums are prepared. For adults, this is a place where 12th century monasteries are collected, the famous Ipatievskaya Sloboda with perfectly preserved monuments of antiquity and Russian architecture; Russia's oldest jewelry factory and linen production.

  • Church of the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary (16th century);
  • Church of the All-Merciful Savior (17th century);
  • Chapel from the village of Bolshoye Tokarevo (18th century);
  • Chapel from the village of Pritykino (18th century);
  • Church of Elijah the Prophet (19th century).

Kostroma is the birthplace of the Snow Maiden, and the children are waiting for her ice tower, in which the fairy-tale household of the Snow Maiden and she herself - the snow beauty - live all year round.

A visit to the Sumarokovskaya elk farm will be interesting for children and adults. Fifty years ago, Soviet scientists set themselves the goal of domesticating moose. You can find out what came of it by visiting the farm, tasting elk milk and stroking the velvety muzzles of completely tame forest giants.

Road: Train from 600 rub. seat ticket, 6 hours travel. Bus from Shchelkovsky bus station 986 rubles, 6 hours travel time.

Accommodation: hotels from 1000 rub. Apartments from private owners from 1000 rubles. The cost of moose milk at the moose farm: 50 rubles. for 50 ml., 800 rub. per liter

Voronezh (Divnogorie)

In the Voronezh region on the Don River there is a small town of Liski, the main attraction of which is the natural historical and archaeological museum-reserve “Divnogorye”. On the territory of the museum-reserve there are:

  • 19th century chalk cave churches;
  • Mayatskoye settlement of the 9th-10th centuries;
  • Divnogorsk Assumption Monastery (XVII century);
  • the only chalk pillars in the region are the remains of Diva;
  • unique landscape formations;
  • relict and endemic vegetation;
  • endemic insects.

Divnogorye is an open-air museum, open from May to October inclusive. More than 60 thousand tourists visit it every season. Visiting the museum-reserve without ordering an excursion is free. Order an excursion: from 60 rubles. per person up to 350 rub. There are discounts for preferential categories of citizens.

Road: to Voronezh: seated train from 760 rubles, 6.5 hours travel time. Airplane from 3800 rub. roundtrip. Bus from different places in Moscow ~900 rub.
From Voronezh by train to the station "Liski" (~2 hours on the way), from Liski by train or bus.

Accommodation: hotel in Divnogorye - 590 rubles. per person.

Elbrus region

The health resorts of the Elbrus region are good for visiting with children. Accommodation in the sanatoriums of Essentuki, Kislovodsk or Zheleznovodsk will strengthen the immune system and improve the health of children aged three years and older.

In addition to the medicinal benefits and inexpensive prices for accommodation, the Elbrus region is famous for its landscapes where mountain rivers and lakes merge with alpine meadows. Waterfalls and rocks, snowy mountain peaks sparkling with glaze in the sun, the majestic bulk of the sleeping volcano Elbrus - Lermontov admired these places.

What once struck the heart of a sensitive poet is still the central most beautiful places of Kabardino-Balkaria: Blue Lake, Mount Ring.

The air in the Elbrus region seems sweet to townspeople accustomed to smog. Panoramas of mountain peaks, ancient city streets, flowering meadows: tourists admire the beauty three hundred days a year, because there is practically no bad weather in the Elbrus region.

Road: By plane, a two-way flight from Moscow to Mineralnye Vody will cost from 7,500 rubles, the travel time is about two hours. By bus - approximately 3,500 rubles one way. A reserved seat train ticket costs from 3,000 rubles, travel time is 1 day and 8 hours.

Accommodation: V medical sanatorium with three or four meals a day 2000 rubles per day. Prices for daily accommodation in apartments start from 1000-1500 rubles for a 1-2 room apartment.

We also recommend reading the article. From it you will learn: what attractive countries are worth visiting for an economical trip through the mountains, and their brief description. You will also find out prices for air tickets, accommodation, food and what attractions are in the area.

Water resorts and recreation centers in Russia

Tourists are often guided in their choice of travel destination by the availability of water nearby. Lakes, seas, large rivers are very attractive both from the point of view of the beauty of the landscapes and from the point of view of an active and pleasant holiday.

Sometimes it seems that you will find cheap holiday It will be difficult on the beautiful shores of a clean reservoir: the prices for resort packages are scary, and the disappointed traveler closes the page with the offer to go to the water.

Don’t rush to give up water recreation! Relax at inexpensive resorts and camp sites on the banks of:

  • Crimea (Solnechnogorskoe)
  • Rybinsk Reservoir

- a famous resort, which does not need to be advertised, but it is worth noting that not all cities and towns in Crimea are equally cheap. We found the cheapest and most comfortable place with a subtropical climate, few people on clean and free beaches.

Solnechnogorskoye is a beautiful place, protected by rocks from strong winds. Due to this, there is always a transparent, clear sky over the small pebble beaches of Solnechnogorsk.

The sea here is clean, the bottom is flat, so you can take your kids with you. If you are traveling with a group of adults, you can stay in car camping sites, where accommodation will cost less than three hundred rubles per day.

Local neat houses invite those who want comfort to stay. The beaches of Solnechnogorsk offer entertainment: catamaran rides, jet skis. Prices are symbolic - from 50 rubles per hour of using the watercraft.

Road: by plane Moscow - Simferopol (from 6100 rubles), then by minibus Simferopol - Rybachye.

Accommodation: From 350 per room in boarding houses/hotels.

The cheapest vacationers on Seliger are the “savages”. Seliger's tent camps are located along the shores in multi-colored flocks, but there is plenty of space on the chains of long lakes, and you can put up a tent separately.

Experienced “savages” spent two thousand rubles for a week’s accommodation in a tent, near a fire, on which they boil and fry fresh fish caught in the lakes.

If you are used to comfort, then recreation centers will offer it to you at a modest price, and at the same time hunting, fishing, boating and horse riding, night barbecues, Russian baths...

Holidays on Seliger are closest to people, nature lovers Russia in its wild form, people avoiding noisy, crowded resorts.

The chain of endless lakes, spread out under a bright sky, is beautiful in the early morning, when the splashes of fish can be heard for kilometers, the sedge rustles sleepily, and a fire with bitter smoke burns nearby.

Road: bus Moscow - Ostashkov from Tushino bus station. 7 hours travel, cost 781 rubles.
Then take a bus from Ostashkov to Berezovy Ryad or Svapusche. Cost 126 rub.

Accommodation: from 800 rub. (private sector)

Weekly accommodation for one + travel: 10,000 rubles, if you feed yourself.

Rybinsk Reservoir

This is an artificially created reservoir, which one would like to call a sea due to its enormous size. Surrounded by coniferous mushroom and berry forests, it is famous for its fishing grounds.

The convenient location - just a few hours from Moscow, attracts weekend tourists who want to hunt or fish.

The most inexpensive bases where you can cheaply rent gear and save on accommodation in a double room are the bases “Kedr”, Medukhovo, Stepanevo.

The surroundings of the Rybinsk Reservoir are popular with ATV riders and, in winter, snowmobile enthusiasts.

Road: by bus from Moscow to Rybinsk (5.5 hours on the way). Cost from 600 rubles, if you leave from the metro " Botanical Garden", from other departure points the ticket is more expensive.

Accommodation: from 850 rub. per person in camp rooms.

Have a good trip to Russia!

The cheapest resorts in the world - 10 cheapest resorts

When you don't want to spend too much.
On vacation, you want to try all the famous local dishes, see the sights, climb the most beautiful places, swim on all the beaches...

Therefore, it is best to go on a trip to a place where, for the Nth amount of money, you will see and try the maximum. And you won’t think about how to make it to your paycheck when you return home.

Today’s selection includes more than 10 countries where holidays are really cheap. The cost of local services and entertainment is indicated in rubles, converted at the local currency exchange rate.

from RUB 47,791 for two

The cheapest places in Thailand are in Bangkok and Pattaya, followed by Samui, and Phuket is considered the most expensive of the popular resorts. The larger locality, the more locals there are, which means more opportunities for budget food. At the evening market you can buy a large fried fish for 100 rubles, and in a cafe on 1-2 lines from the beach the same delicacy costs from 500 rubles. Tom-yam soup can be bought in a bag from a makashnitsa for 60 rubles, or you can order it in a cafe for 250-300 rubles. Taxis and tuk-tuks are very expensive, buses run infrequently and on an unclear schedule. Therefore, it is cheaper to rent a bike. Be sure to order a massage - finger massage starts from 200 rubles, full body massage is offered from 500 rubles.

Vietnam much cheaper than Thailand , even in resort areas. Traditional Vietnamese noodle soup Pho can be found for 50 rubles, and a full lunch for 150 rubles. Even in a good restaurant the bill will not go beyond reasonable limits. Rent a bike from 200 rubles. What is expensive is a taxi (from 300 rubles), entrance to the Vinpearl amusement park (1500 rubles), surfing.

In fact, you can find very cheap food in Vietnamese shops and Thai shops. But another question is: can you eat it? These countries are not very hygienic. And what the Thais eat—chicken rumps fried several times in oil—not every Russian can eat.

from RUB 30,712 for two

Every Russian has heard about the hospitality of Georgia. In any cafe they set the tables as if you were visiting your relatives - that’s for sure “from the heart” and for modest money. A hearty lunch with khinkali and delicious homemade wine costs about 500 rubles for two. Travel on a city bus costs 10 rubles. Such prices are not even available in the most godforsaken place! Directions to cable car to the Tbilisi fortress, from which you can see the entire city - 25 rubles. For comparison, the old cable car in Yalta costs 400 rubles (!).

Armenia's prices are not much different from Georgia. Only real Armenian cognac is valued more than wine here.

from 30,542 RUR/for two

There are a lot of options for a budget holiday in Europe. These are travel passes with flexible tariffs, tourist cards, which include free entry to the most important attractions, or favorable discounts on them, a variety of cheap but clean hotels and hostels.

Prices in restaurants in Prague and Budapest are indecently low for Europe; in the very center of the city you can have dinner for 300-500 rubles, and the portions are simply huge! What is the difference between these cities? They are very beautiful in their own way, literally overflowing with architectural monuments. Only Hungary is famous for its cheap wine, and the Czech Republic for its breweries. Therefore, both countries are definitely worth a visit! And there's enough money for both

from 56,368 RUR/for two

from RUR 54,094 for two

A budget holiday awaits you in Africa, on the ocean shore - in the amazingly colorful country of Morocco. You can have dinner at a local cafe for two for 500 rubles. A bus ride around the city costs about 30 rubles, a taxi is only a couple of times more expensive. Take a half-empty suitcase with you - here you can buy oriental sweets for 100 rubles per box, local cosmetics based on argan oil (prices from 70 rubles) and inexpensive leather goods. And in Morocco you will also find the best oranges in the world for 10 rubles each !

Montenegro is good because there are no visas and relatively low prices. Dinner in a decent restaurant per person will cost no more than 1000 rubles. Hot meat cutlets and cevapchichi sausages - from 100 rubles per serving. Wine - from 300 rubles per bottle.

Where else to go?

If you want to leave your native land, but not move too far from home, the most convenient way is to fly to Belarus. The flight lasts only an hour and does not require a passport. Not to say that prices are very low, but they are definitely one and a half times lower than in Moscow. With a Russian passport you can also travel to inexpensive but very beautiful Abkhazia. Dinner right on the seashore will cost 1000 rubles. An inexpensive taxi will take you to the most beautiful places in this amazing region.

Serbia pleases with the absence of a visa! And also delicious inexpensive wine and catchy Balkan dances. Try delicious pljeskavica for 100 rubles with strong rakia for 300. Travel by tram is only 30 rubles. Sri Lanka is similar in nature and prices to India. Bright, with lush greenery and exotic representatives of flora and fauna. Dinner for two costs from 300 rubles. There are also cheap taxis, fruits and seafood.

In the current crisis, traveling abroad seems like an unaffordable luxury for many people. Prices for a week's accommodation in most foreign countries reach the annual income of the average person, turning a vacation into a pipe dream. But there are still countries in which the exchange rate plays into the hands of all tourists.

We have compiled a list of 7 countries that are considered the cheapest for tourists.


Housing prices per month: $30
Meals per month: $40
Flight: 550-600$

India is considered the cheapest tourist country in the world. It is rich not only in its hot climate and ocean, but also in a lot of attractions. And all this for just $80 per month.

Due to the convenient exchange rate between dollars and rupees, renting an apartment with all amenities will cost a tourist only $30 per month. And due to India's tropical climate, markets are filled with cheap fruits and vegetables year-round. In addition, you can buy several varieties of rice and other cereals for a couple of dollars. Thus, food will cost a tourist about $10 per week.

For vacation it is better to choose small cities. Prices there are cheaper than in Delhi, the housing is more comfortable, the population is smaller, and there are much more attractions and national flavor. Pocket expenses and excursions will cost the tourist about another $40. It is worth noting that Indians themselves spend much less per month, since their average salary reaches only $50. Despite seemingly such economic decline and poverty, India is a very bright and colorful country. A vacation here involves not only sunny days on the beach, but also full immersion into its culture and traditions.

Flights to India are cheap, even compared to European countries. Round-trip tickets from any CIS country will cost about $600, and if you book them in advance, you can save an additional hundred dollars.


Housing prices per month: $60-100
Meals per month: $20
Flight: from $1000

Indonesia is known to tourists primarily by the names of the famous beaches of Bali, Malukru and Tengah, which amaze the imagination with paradisiacal landscapes, sun and crystal clear water.

Before you go on holiday to Indonesia, you need to plan everything carefully. Tour operators offer tourists expensive hotel rooms for $20 per night, so this is not an option for the average traveler. Many people go here with a tent behind them, since the warm climate fully allows this type of accommodation. Some are looking for comfortable small houses or bungalows on the ocean for $60 a month.

Food in Indonesia, as in India, is an abundance of exotic fruits, berries, vegetables and nuts, as well as various seafood. Thus, on average, a tourist spends $20 on food. If you prefer to visit restaurants from time to time and try national cuisine, then the monthly amount will increase to $40. Together with pocket expenses, the required amount for living in Indonesia for one month is $160-180.

The main thing to remember is one rule: never buy from local residents souvenirs at the offered prices. You should always bargain, as the real cost of all trinkets is only a few dollars.

Despite low prices, flying to Indonesia is not a cheap pleasure. Two-way tickets from all CIS countries cost about $1,200 for one person. But you can look for various promotions, discounts, or book tickets in advance to save a couple of hundred dollars.


Housing prices per month: $60-70
Meals per month: $40
Flight: 1000$

Laos is not only a beautiful country with magnificent mountain landscapes, but also a center of spiritual enlightenment. To find themselves and understand the meaning of life, tourists from all over the world go to Laos, where a calm and spiritual atmosphere reigns. Plus, it is also a very cheap country, since there is nowhere to spend money here.

Rent for a month of a one-room apartment with all amenities costs only $60-70, depending on the availability of the Internet. The range of products in Laos is not very large, since this industry is underdeveloped. Thus, a tourist spends a maximum of $40 per month on necessary products.

But a two-way flight from any CIS country costs approximately $1,000.


Housing prices per month: $200
Meals per month: $100
Flight: 800-1200$

Thailand is one of the most exotic countries in Asia. It attracts tourists with its bright colors, carefree atmosphere, various festivals and show programs, and, of course, unique cuisine.

More and more tourists prefer to plunge into the warm embrace of Thailand in winter, when the already low prices for holidays there drop by half. Indeed, this is an inexpensive country for the average traveler. And before you go to Thailand, you can make inquiries from blogs and websites of experienced tourists, who openly advise newcomers on places where there is cheap housing, inexpensive food and interesting places for relax.
There is an abundance of fruit, fish and game here for just a dollar. Thus, a tourist will spend $100 a month on food if he is not tempted by expensive Thai delicacies and culinary masterpieces.

It doesn't matter whether you're vacationing in big city like Pattaya, or smaller ones like Phuket, Koh Samui, Koh Chang or Phi Phi, a heavenly holiday is guaranteed with golden beaches, sun and exotic food. But the cost of housing differs radically. In big cities, a tourist will have to pay $400 per month, but in small resort towns it’s about $200.

Costa Rica

Housing prices per month: $100
Meals per month: $200
Flight: from $1000

Costa Rica is a small paradise state in Central America, which tourists dig for the most beautiful place on the ground. For travelers, there are nature reserves, parks, magnificent beaches overlooking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, waterfalls and wild jungle safaris.

To rent a whole house here, you need to spend $250 per month, but a simple apartment with all amenities will cost $100. Food in Costa Rica is also inexpensive, even if you eat in restaurants from time to time. Due to the abundance of seafood and fruit, dinner at the restaurant costs only $4. Thus, per month you will spend about $100 on food.

And since the beaches and the ocean are free pleasures, a heavenly month of relaxation is guaranteed to everyone.


Housing prices per month: $150
Meals per month: $200
Flight: from $1000

After the economic crisis, the national currency of Argentina fell significantly, making accommodation for tourists in this country quite affordable. But due to its remote location, flying to this beautiful country amounts to a decent amount.

Accommodation in a hotel, as in other countries, is of course more expensive than renting private housing. But an apartment with all the amenities right on the ocean will cost $150 per month. Unlike Asian countries, food in Argentina is much more expensive. If you are going to cook on your own, then be prepared to spend $200, and if you want to try the magnificent culinary masterpieces of national cuisine from the chef, this amount will increase several times.


Housing prices per month: $40-150
Meals per month: $200
Flight: from $500

The Philippines are incredibly beautiful islands, with interesting culture and hospitable people. In fact, this is not a very cheap place if you prefer to relax in a big city. But if you want to get away from the bustle of the city, lie on the beach by the ocean and enjoy a change of scenery, it is better to choose the small tourist town of Cebu for your vacation. There are golf courses and shopping centers, and housing prices have dropped to $150 per month. And if you visit the bustling town of Damakuete, you can live there with all the amenities for just $40 per month.

If you combine home-cooked meals with restaurant meals in the Philippines, you will have to spend about $200, without denying yourself anything.

We collect money for the flight and go to earthly paradise for a whole month. Have a nice holiday!

For many novice travelers, the question arises where to inexpensively vacation abroad and how to choose a country abroad for a cheap and comfortable vacation. Below I provide an overview of the most accessible countries in terms of prices and distance in descending order.

Where to have an inexpensive holiday abroad. Asia.

Cambodia. In the ranking of Asian countries, this kingdom in the southern part of Indochina ranks first among the places on the planet where you can spend a cheap vacation. Every year, the former Kampuchea increasingly attracts domestic tourists with its affordable prices and natural beauties, and the safety of stay is no worse than in neighboring Vietnam and Thailand.

You can get to the country through Vietnam, from Hanoi airport by transferring to direct flights to Phnom Penh. Here at the airport you can get a tourist visa for 1 month in 30 minutes. 20 $.

I recommend flying on vacation from November to May; in the summer there are real tropical downpours and in the winter there is excellent dry weather. Accommodation prices start from $10 per night in a hotel in the capital of the kingdom, Phnom Penh, and from $20 in a seaside hotel resort town Siankuvile. A good 3-course restaurant lunch costs about $10 per person.

A pack of Marlboro cigarettes is $1.50, tequila or martini is $8. Renting a car for a day in the capital costs about $6-8. A day excursion to Angkor with inspection costs $20. In general, it can be seen that the country has great potential for the development of tourism, and with it an increase in prices. But compared to its neighbors, Cambodia is in first place on the list of countries where you can have an inexpensive vacation abroad for almost $20 a day.

Thailand. The second place among Asian countries where you can relax inexpensively at any time of the year. This country is especially popular among lovers of budget tourism and long-term (up to six months) stays on the shores of the Gulf of Thailand. It is worth knowing that payments within the country are made only in the local currency, baht, 1 ₽ is equal to approximately 0.65 baht.

You can exchange currency at local banks. The cost of a decent hotel room usually costs 500-700 baht per day; you should know that in almost all hotels in the country, when renting a room, a deposit is taken, which is returned upon departure. The amount does not exceed the equivalent of $50.

When choosing a hotel to stay in Thailand, you must take into account that the country does not have specific star ratings and the declared 4* does not always correspond to this status. You also need to remember that prices almost double during the New Year and Christmas holidays, as well as in April during the local New Year. A lunch of 3 European courses in a cafe will cost starting from 300 baht, Thai cuisine is half the price.

Renting a car will cost about 400 baht per day. Let me remind you once again that a visa for Russian citizens for a period of up to 30 days is not needed, they simply put a stamp in the international passport, but if you plan to stay in the country for a longer period, you will need to renew the stamp at the border.

Some average prices for food and alcohol: beef - 220 baht, crabs - 400 baht, chicken fillet - 85 baht, a pack of Marlboros - 70 baht, tequila - 350-600 baht.

When purchasing air tickets to the region, charter flights with transfers will save you about half the amount.

India. Another country in the region with the cheapest holidays. Let's look at prices using the example of a popular tourist destination Goa. The cost of a room in a guesthouse two minutes walk from the beach will cost about 250-300 $ per month. For this money you can even rent a separate house with a kitchen and bedroom. Dinner in a family cafe for two without alcohol will cost about $8. The cost of renting a car is about $25 per day or $300 per month.

Where to have an inexpensive holiday abroad. Europe.

Albania. It is the leader in our ranking of European countries where you can relax cheaply in the southern part of Europe. On the coast of the Adriatic and Ionian seas there are stunning beaches for a comfortable and cheap seaside holiday. The prices will pleasantly surprise not only experienced tourists but also everyone looking for new places for a family budget holiday.

A hostel for a day will cost you starting from $10, a double room in a hotel from $30. The country ranks first in the cheapness of food and alcohol in Europe, average price lunch in a cafe is 5 $, in a restaurant 10 $ per person. A pack of Marlboros is $1.2, tequila is $15. An entry visa or Schengen visa is required.

Bulgaria is rich in interesting sights and well-equipped beach complexes, and the local cuisine and wines from the “sunny country” will not leave any gourmet indifferent.

Prices for a hotel room start at $15 outside of Sofia, a multi-course lunch in a restaurant is about $10, in a cafe $2. A visa is required to enter the country. Full list countries visa-free entry into Europe for Russians with detailed conditions can be read on my blog.

Poland. If you consider this country for an inexpensive and pleasant holiday, it is better to choose the ancient city of Krakow. Beautiful churches, ancient monuments and architectural buildings and relatively inexpensive accommodation and prices by European standards. Lunch for one in an inexpensive cafe costs an average of $5. hostels from $40, hotels from $60.

Romania. IN Lately is becoming popular for inexpensive ski holidays and travel to historical and cultural places of this country at reasonable prices. Prices for accommodation in hotels in Romania start from $30, in hostels from $10, lunch in a good restaurant will cost around $12, in a cafe $5. A visa is required to enter.

Croatia. Became popular in last years a country for tourists looking for an inexpensive holiday at sea in a country with European quality of service and comfortable accommodation. Prices almost double during high season (July-August), if you are thinking of saving money on a holiday in Croatia best month It will be June for a trip to the country. I wrote about the most inexpensive holiday destinations in Croatia.

Prices for hotel accommodation in the off-season start from $20, in hostels from $10. Three-course lunch in a restaurant from $15, in a cafe from $8. Visa required.

Where to have an inexpensive holiday abroad. South America.

Bolivia. The cheapest holiday in South America can be found in Bolivia. There are Inca cities, salt deserts, and the Amazon jungle with the Cordillera mountain peaks. With affordable prices and a significant amount of adventurism, you can feel like Croesus and Indiana Jones rolled into one; the cost of excursion services and prices for accommodation and food in the country is the same one of the lowest on the continent.

American Tibet is called this country as the most isolated and highest in Latin America. Best time The best time to visit is at the end of July-September, at this time there are fewer prolonged downpours and the weather is not so hot. The city of La Paz, beloved by tourists, is located at an altitude of 3600 meters above sea level and is primarily known as an administrative and Cultural Center Bolivia.

Prices for hotel accommodation start at $20, lunch for two in a restaurant will cost $15, food prices are approximately 40% lower than in Russia.

A visa is required for entry, which can be obtained directly at the airport upon arrival.

Argentina. The average daily expenditure in this country is about $50 per day per person, including hotel accommodation and meals in a cafe. Prices are slightly more expensive than Bolivia but lower than in other countries of the continent.

Hotel accommodation will cost an average of $20 per night per room, a 3-course lunch in a restaurant will cost $15 or more, a pack of Marlboros costs $1.2. Accommodation prices in Buenos Aires, on the outskirts of the city you can find an inexpensive double standard room from $15. Tourists from Russia do not require a visa to visit Argentina for a period of no more than 90 days.

Where to have an inexpensive holiday abroad. Africa.

SOUTH AFRICA. With the latest fluctuations in the world foreign exchange market prices, the Republic of South Africa has taken one of the first places among African countries where you can spend an inexpensive holiday in comfort. The tourism capital of the country, Johannesburg, is considered one of the most expensive cities in South Africa. Let's look at the prices for accommodation: the average price of a double room in a hotel on the outskirts is from $30, a 3-course lunch in a restaurant is from $15, a pack of Marlboros is $1 .

On average, you can meet the daily amount for accommodation for one person at $33. A tourist visa is required to enter the country.

This is an overview of the top 10 countries for inexpensive holiday I’m finishing up abroad, share your opinions in the comments, good luck and have a good rest.

A small country in Southeast Asia, neighboring Vietnam, Laos and Thailand. In Cambodia, temperatures in summer reach 40 degrees Celsius. Buddhism and Islam are practiced throughout the country. The local currency is the riel. A tourist visa is required. While on vacation you must comply simple rules precautions: do not provoke conflicts (in the country after guerrilla warfare there are enough weapons left), do not walk alone in dark streets, do not carry valuable items with you. Boil local water before drinking. Swim in strictly designated areas. In this country you can stay overnight for 50-60 rubles and have a tasty and inexpensive meal. More and more tourists are coming to the country to make a pilgrimage or to get acquainted with ancient, unique monuments of religion and culture. Cambodia is rich in pagodas, Buddhist temple complexes, palaces and national parks.


Another country in Southeast Asia, neighboring Cambodia, China and Laos. An economically rapidly developing state, where it is not uncommon to meet our compatriots. For 250 rubles a day you can get the minimum necessary for living: overnight accommodation, food, travel and drinks. The only inconvenience is the long flight. If you add a little more money, you can get the cheapest diving in the world, explore stunning temple complexes and national parks.


India has developed hotel and tourism services for wealthy vacationers, but you can settle in those areas of the country where the standard of living is very low. And here accommodation, meals and even taxi rides, with sightseeing and elephant riding, will cost you only 750 rubles per day. Please be careful when handling personal items, drinking water and raw foods. And most importantly - don't kill the cow!


A country very remote from Russia in South America, which seems to have everything: the Cordillera, the Inca city, the salt desert and the Amazon jungle. And also countless political upheavals and poverty. Spend a dollar on a bowl of potato soup and 30 rubles on sightseeing a day, and you will feel like you still have enough money left for a second bowl, an overnight stay and a decent entertainment program. The difficulty is the constant need to protect yourself from the sun's rays.


This is the cheapest option for a holiday in Europe. The proximity of flights with budget airlines has made this country even more accessible for Russian vacationers. 50 rubles for the train, a hotel room for 20 dollars per day and 100 rubles for food. The rest of the money can be spent on thermal springs and tasting Hungarian wines. The main thing is that smokers are not welcome here.


A small state in Central America, not known to our Russian vacationers. Of course, it’s a long flight, and you’ll have to apply for a tourist visa, but then, upon arrival, for just $30 a day you’ll get a real opportunity to relax. Snow-white beaches and diving in the Red Sea, cheap food and accommodation, Indian villages and nature reserves. And a refreshing breeze blows from the ocean.


It is one of the most favorite holiday destinations for Russian tourists in Eastern Europe. For a thousand rubles a day, you can even get comfortable living conditions in the capital of the country: delicious cuisine, pleasant drinks and a comfortable bed.

Sri Lanka

Here you can find a room in a cheap beach hotel for 750 rubles per day. And all the delights of a leisurely outdoor recreation are at your service: fishing, diving, barbecue. It's just a long flight to get here. In order not to spoil your holiday, thoroughly wash and boil everything you can and do not use local drinking water. For your trek through the jungle, be sure to purchase anti-malarial tablets. And most importantly, there are very arrogant monkeys in the country!


Argentina is located in the very south South America and everything in it bears the proud name of “the southernmost”. The country's capital is famous for its very rich nightlife, but far from the entertainment centers you can find a room for 750 rubles a day and relax at your own discretion. The food in Argentina is excellent: meat and wine. And a very wide variety of cultural events and recreational places. But a flight to the “southernmost” country will not be cheap.


The economic crisis in the country forced the Greek authorities to increase the attractiveness of the region for tourists. In particular, accommodation for vacationers has become cheaper, there is the opportunity to relax on free beaches, cheap hotels and food. Well, there is no point in talking about the sights of Greece - they are known to any schoolchild.

To this rating it is worth adding the opportunity to relax in Russia itself. As can be seen from the list, the cheapness of the holiday itself is often offset by the high cost of flights and the need to apply for a tourist visa. In some cases, "cheapness" means a sudden change in climate and food poisoning, extremely unstable political and economic situation in the country.

There are also countries where holidays are considered inexpensive. Bali- heavenly conditions for a vacation at the rate of 60 dollars for a month's accommodation, 20 dollars for food per week, but, again, a very expensive flight. Laos- very beautiful landscapes at an inexpensive level of accommodation. Rent a one-room apartment for a month will cost only 100 dollars. You can buy groceries cheaply, and for about 10 dollars on the Internet. Vacations in Guatemala. All amenities in a one-room apartment for a month’s stay will cost $200. The products are cheap, you can spend 25-40 dollars a week. When creating a budget for your trip, add 20 percent for unforeseen expenses and be sure to stock up on insurance.

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