Home Orthopedics Any kind of horizontal, vertical, etc. Vertical and horizontal structure of the organization

Any kind of horizontal, vertical, etc. Vertical and horizontal structure of the organization

Imagine that you need to quickly choose a cupcake.

What do you think is the most attractive option for displaying the assortment on the screen?

Or vertical:

Each of us faces both on a daily basis. Everything around us: from supermarkets to online stores is attacking us different options product presentation:

But which one is better? And can this factor really be important and influence anything?

Maybe. And in this article you will learn about which product presentation is more effective and when.

First, we see the world horizontally. We have binocular vision and our eyes are positioned horizontally, giving us a wide horizontal view—approximately 190 degrees.

This is why computers and monitors are made wider (not taller).

Secondly, horizontal scanning is physically easier.

Due to the peculiarities of the human muscular structure, horizontal eye movements are easier to perform. Our head naturally tilts slightly forward, which makes moving our eyes up and down more labor-intensive.

In 2016, a study was conducted in which subjects were offered two options for the placement of lollipops. To study the pattern of eye movements of the participants were used. It was possible to find out that the pattern of eye movements corresponded to the type of product presentation. The eyes made movements in the horizontal plane when the goods were presented horizontally and in the vertical plane when the goods were presented vertically.

But more importantly, because horizontal movements are easier to make, people covered more objects per second with horizontal presentation (3.26 for horizontal and 2.77 for vertical).

3. Horizontal product assortment seems more diverse

Since a person can see more items at a time, he erroneously concludes that there is a wider choice of goods.

4. Horizontal display increases the likelihood of selection

In turn, a wide choice is a factor facilitating the completion of a transaction. Customers have a natural desire to seek variety, which is why they prefer product ranges that meet this criterion.

Plus, it takes people longer to browse through a more diverse selection. As a result, people view more items and have a wider pool of options available to choose from (consider purchasing more options). Unsurprisingly, horizontal presentation ultimately leads to more purchases (and more purchases of several items at once).

A few caveats

1. Use vertical view on vertical screens

Product presentation on smartphones should not be horizontal. It's just reasonable. No other explanation is required here.

2. Use vertical presentation when you need to reduce product variety

Horizontal presentation is effective because the range of products presented this way appears to be wider.

But sometimes a wide choice can be counterproductive.

If customers know exactly what they need, they are unlikely to want to browse through too many products.

Take Amazon for example.

This is right. When people are “just watching,” variety is good.

However, if you pay attention to the search results - the area where people are looking for a specific product - you will notice that here the products are presented vertically.

If users are looking for a specific product, you should reduce the apparent variety and simply help them find the product they need. Therefore, vertical presentation is most preferable.


Horizontal presentation of products is good because it increases the breadth of choice and creates the impression that the product range is more diverse. However, if your goal is to reduce and speed up selection, use a vertical view.

You can follow the example of Amazon or even Walmart. On the latter’s website, if you are not looking for a specific model of a certain product, but make a request for all categories (for example, humidifiers), the proposed results will be presented horizontally.

And this is also correct. Walmart understands that the person searching for such a generic term is in the early stages of the sales funnel, where having a wide selection is an advantage, and horizontal product presentation does just that. But if you search for a specific product, the search results will be presented vertically.

Vertical presentation focuses the buyer's attention on a specific product of interest. In addition, these products will occupy the most advantageous place on the page—that’s where the buyer’s eye will fall first.

The heart of a sewing machine is its shuttle mechanism. The choice of shuttle affects important characteristics sewing machine - speed, reliability, ease of use. There are two types of shuttle mechanisms - horizontal and vertical. Vertical, in turn, can be swinging and rotating (rotational). Each shuttle has its own advantages and features; it is important to understand for what purposes a sewing machine is needed in order to determine which shuttle mechanism suits you best.

Oscillating vertical shuttle

This classic type shuttle, which was used in the old domestic mechanical machines Chaika and the first foreign Veritas, but has not lost its relevance today. Almost all cars in the budget price category work on this shuttle and are widely popular. The reason for this is convenience, simplicity and reliability.

How does a vertical shuttle work?

Vertical swinging
(classic) shuttle

A bobbin with thread, tucked into a bobbin case, is inserted into a groove, where, under the action of a lever, it swings up and down like a pendulum, leading the thread along with it. This simple device has a high degree of reliability due to the fact that the lever is tightly connected to the machine body and practically does not break. You can thread any thread into the machine without fear that the mechanism will jam.

Features of the vertical shuttle

The vertical swing shuttle has two features that can be attributed to its disadvantages.

  • Firstly, it is noisy;
  • Secondly, it limits the sewing speed.

All the most simple models Brother and Janome. But the developers of modern Bernina machines using an oscillating shuttle managed to overcome both “minuses”, turning them into “pluses”. Thus, the Bernina 330, , and models operate almost silently and develop stitching speeds of up to 900 sti/min.

The owners of machines with a swinging shuttle are creative people who not only sew, but also embroider, do quilting, and come up with new decors. They want a sewing machine that is reliable, can handle a variety of tasks and is easy to use. The undoubted advantage of such machines is their low cost.

Vertical rotary or rotary shuttle

A bobbin case with a bobbin is also inserted into this shuttle, but the system no longer swings, but rotates around its axis. The rotary shuttle is capable of achieving enormous rotation speeds. In modern sewing machines it reaches 1000 sti/min.

Features of the rotary shuttle

Vertical rotating
(rotary) shuttle

  • Since the hook is easy to adjust and fix in relation to the needle, during sewing such unpleasant moments as stitch skipping, thread breakage and tangling are practically eliminated. This leads to another advantage of rotary shuttle machines - the variety of fabrics they sew.
  • Additional benefit – low level noise with high reliability.

A significant plus for craftswomen is that this type of shuttle allows you to increase the stitch width up to 9 mm and the length up to 6 mm, in contrast to machines with a swinging shuttle, where the maximum stitch parameters are 5.5 mm and 4 mm. These technical capabilities of the machine are especially in demand when sewing clothes.

Semi-industrial embroidery machines Brother PR 655, 1000e, Brother VR, as well as modern household machines Bernina 5th series (560 and), 7th series (Bernina 740, , ,) and Bernina 880 are equipped with a rotary shuttle.

The rotary vertical shuttle allows you to sew a lot and almost without interruption.

This is the most common type of shuttle in the average price category of sewing machines. The horizontal type shuttle device has the same rotational mechanism. A stitch is formed when the shuttle makes two full revolutions. The hook works without a bobbin case, the bobbin is placed directly into the hook, making it easy to thread the bobbin. Through the transparent window on the needle plate you can see what color thread is wound on the bobbin and when it should be changed, which is also an indisputable advantage of the machine. Finally, the horizontal shuttle operates silently and, thanks to its simple design, does not allow the needle to tangle the threads and skip a stitch. Most machines have fairly high stitch adjustment capabilities: width up to 7 mm, length up to 4.5 mm. Adding to these advantages the absence of the need to lubricate the machine with oil, we get simply an ideal model.

But the horizontal shuttle also has some features.


  • The disadvantages of this type of shuttle include the inconvenience of adjusting the lower thread. To tighten the nut with a small screw, you now have to get close to the shuttle itself. Which, moreover, is made of plastic, which means that only standard threads are suitable for it.
  • Such a shuttle does not allow any creative experiments and fails. Although in some machines you can change the shuttle yourself for a new one (the main thing is to have it in stock). In modern models, replacing the shuttle is carried out in service workshops and requires equipment adjustment.

All Brother sewing machines are equipped with a horizontal shuttle type, for example, electromechanical ones from the Comfort series - Brother Comfort 10, 15, 25, 25A and 35, as well as electronic models of the Innov-is (NV) series, for example, Brother Innov-is (NV) 10 And . Most Janome household sewing machines also have a horizontal hook. These include the electromechanical Janome Lady 725, 735 and 745, as well as the more expensive Janome Decor Excel series, for example, the electromechanical machine with electronic elements Janome 5124 Exel Pro. Almost all machines of the Bernette series of the Bernina brand, located in different price ranges, are equipped with this type of shuttle.

Summary - shuttle systems are neither good nor bad

They are selected taking into account the requirements for household appliances.

  • The machine with a vertical swing hook offers a wide range of possibilities for sewing and even embroidery, depending on the model.
  • The horizontal hook type provides easier threading and, in most cases, a larger stitch width, which is especially useful when performing decorative operations.
  • Sewing machines with high technical and functional capabilities are equipped with a rotary shuttle type, which is why they are chosen by amateurs high level and master sewers.

If you are going to buy a sewing machine, it is very important to know what type of hook the sewing machine has. Which shuttle is better, vertical or horizontal? Or maybe it’s better to buy a sewing machine with an oscillating shuttle? How are they different and which shuttle to choose?

Even if you have already bought a sewing machine, still read this article to know exactly what types of hook a sewing machine has and how they differ. If you are “seriously” interested in tailoring, it won’t hurt to also learn how a sewing machine works. Including how the rotary shuttle differs from the “bullet” shuttle and why the Soviet shuttle in Chaika constantly needs to be adjusted. It is even possible that this will help you avoid many breakdowns of the sewing machine and perform minor repairs and adjust the shuttle stroke yourself.

The swing shuttle is the most common type of shuttle (see photo) and has been used for many decades in the production of most household sewing machines. This is exactly the type of shuttle found in the “Soviet” sewing machine “Chaika” and in almost all brands of machines of the “Podolsk” type. During operation, the shuttle does not rotate in a circle, but oscillates like a pendulum. He will remove the thread from the needle, bring it to the reset position and again return to its original position.

It is quite difficult to adjust the precise operation of such a shuttle. Many parameters must be taken into account simultaneously so that the stitch is formed without gaps, breaks or looping of the thread. This is especially difficult to do for the Chaika sewing machine. Excessive “exit” of the hook nose (more than 4 mm) beyond the needle to the left leads to looping, insufficient output leads to gaps, etc.

The operation of the shuttle is also influenced by its condition. The nose and surface of the shuttle should not be jagged. And they can appear if you pull the fabric by hand while sewing. The needle moves along with the fabric and the nose of the shuttle, falling into the needle, becomes dull.
There are other “little things” that affect the operation of the shuttle, a description of which can be found on the pages of our website.

Modern sewing machines using an oscillating shuttle type no longer have these disadvantages. Almost all nodes have reliable fixed position, which cannot be shifted spontaneously. Therefore, there is no need to adjust the operation of the pumping hook for such sewing machines. But this often has to be done with Chaika sewing machines. Due to excessive load, the rods of shafts that do not have a saw cut for fastening the screw can rotate. It is this design feature of the Chaika that becomes main reason constant disruptions in its operation.

Sewing machines with a Seagull-type swinging hook have an undeniable advantage. The shuttle shaft, in almost all models of sewing machines, is connected to the main shaft by metal levers, the connections of which are securely fastened. This allows the sewing machine to withstand significant loads during sewing. For example, machines with a vertical shuttle use a shaped belt instead of levers, which can slip “by a tooth” and even break due to excessive force.

The operating speed of sewing machines with an oscillating shuttle is slightly lower than machines with a different type of shuttle. But such machines are more reliable, durable and, most importantly, cheaper.
As a rule, all economy-class sewing machines have a swinging hook.
The increased noise level and vibration during sewing, a limited range of stitches and operations, low speed are fully compensated by acceptable, inexpensive price cars.

Higher-end sewing machines, for example the Japanese Brother sewing machine, often use a vertical, circularly rotating shuttle, also called a rotary shuttle or a double-fitting shuttle. What are its advantages and are there any disadvantages? In my opinion, this is the ideal type of shuttle. It is the vertical shuttle that is used in many industrial sewing machines. And even the Soviet-era German sewing machines Veritas 8014 used exactly this type of shuttle. Therefore, many of them still work, and their owners have no complaints against them.

In this video you will see how the vertical hook interacts with the needle of the Juki 510 sewing machine, and you will also learn how to adjust it. The video is in English, but you can select subtitles in the language you need.

One of the advantages of using this type of shuttle is the high speed of the sewing machine. In factories, sewing machines sew at such a speed that even the needles melt in the literal sense of the word. Chaika's swinging shuttle would have shattered into pieces with just one full press on the electric drive pedal of an industrial machine.
Stitch skips, thread looping, and breaks are practically eliminated if all the manufacturer’s recommendations are followed. And even if they appear, they can be quickly eliminated, since the position of the shuttle stroke in relation to the needle is easy to adjust. And most importantly, the shuttle stroke can be securely fixed with as many as 3 screws securing it to the shaft (see photo).

The vertical rotary shuttle does not need to be disassembled and should never be disassembled. The only thing it needs is lubrication. Look carefully at how the shuttle works and lubricate all the parts rubbing inside with a small amount of oil. Just don’t get carried away, otherwise excess oil during sewing can get to the top along with the lower thread and ruin the fabric.

The vertical shuttle shaft on many household sewing machines is connected to the main shaft by a shaped (with ribs) strap, which prevents the machine from being used for sewing fabrics and materials not specified in the instructions. Any sewing machine is designed for sewing certain fabrics; read the instructions first before hemming jeans in 9 layers.
This drive belt cannot be tightened too much, otherwise there will be a “heavy” drive and increased noise from the machine. Strong belt tension leads to premature wear of parts, so it is in a slightly weakened state. In addition, if you try too hard, the belt may jump one tooth due to excessive effort. Then all settings are automatically lost, and the machine requires a master. This is, of course, an extreme case that occurs very rarely, but it clearly illustrates what can happen if you do not follow the factory instructions.

Prices for sewing machines with vertical shuttle stroke are higher than economy class machines. We can say that sewing machines with a vertical rotating shuttle are more suitable for those who sew a lot, using various fabrics and materials for sewing. Such sewing machines usually have a wide range of fabrics that can be sewn, including leather. There are many types of stitches available and the set includes many additional presser feet. An automatic method for sewing buttonholes, etc. is often provided. But, like swing-hook sewing machines, they have a bobbin case into which the bobbin is inserted.

3. Horizontal shuttle type

The horizontal hook does not have a bobbin case; the bobbin is inserted directly into the hook, which is extremely convenient and simple. And most importantly, you can see how much thread is left on the bobbin, what color it is, and even how the thread is removed from the shuttle. Such a machine works much quieter, softer and does its job very efficiently. As a rule, she does not have any skipping, looping or other problems. It’s just inconvenient to adjust the tension of the lower thread, since it is adjusted by a small screw in the side plate of the shuttle. But this needs to be done infrequently, so you don’t have to mention it. But the fact that the horizontal shuttle is made of especially durable plastic should be a warning for those who like to sew everything indiscriminately.

You should only use threads that are specified in the instructions, elastic and thin. No "thirties" and "forties" from grandma. The plastic shuttle will quickly wear out from such threads and then the machine will start making skips and loops and thread breaks. No adjustments will help here, only replacing the shuttle completely. Fortunately, the cost of a horizontal shuttle is not very high and it is easy to remove and replace even on your own.
You can buy a horizontal shuttle at any sewing store, or order it from an online store. But it’s better to immediately, when buying a sewing machine, buy it in reserve.
And yet, the silent operation of the machine is achieved through the use of a belt drive for the shuttle drive and sometimes, in addition to the shuttle, plastic is used for the production of other parts. Therefore, you need to treat the machine with respect and not try to sew “roofing iron” on it; this is not the “Singer” of the century before last.

And this is what the “bullet” shuttle looks like on a Singer sewing machine from the century before last. According to legends and myths, you can sew anything you want on such a machine, with high quality and without gaps. This is actually a myth. The machine is completely outdated and even if you have it, do not try to find a technician and repair it. It is much easier to buy a new machine for 5-6 thousand rubles of the same Singer brand.

Which shuttle should you choose when buying a sewing machine? I think there is no definite answer to this question. If you need a simple and reliable machine for rare use, the swing type shuttle is the most suitable solution. Inexpensive and reliable.
If you are an experienced “pro,” then you yourself know what kind of machine you need. But I think you should opt for a vertical rotating shuttle.
If you like to sew a lot, but “for yourself,” consider a horizontal shuttle. Neat and careful attitude This type of machine guarantees its flawless operation for many years.
Which sewing machine to buy
Modern sewing machines can be divided into two types: electronic and electromechanical. This is the first thing that distinguishes sewing machines. The second and very important difference is what type of shuttle is used on the sewing machine.

Many companies still produce sewing machines with a swinging shuttle type. This is due, first of all, to the low cost of the machine. The reliability of the machine is much higher than other types of shuttles; only the speed decreases and the noise increases when operating such a shuttle. This article provides a review of an economy-class sewing machine from the Janome brand, with a swinging shuttle type.

It is best to clean the sewing hook with a stiff glue brush or an old toothbrush. In some cases, you can sand the shuttle walls with a special paste. This is necessary if there is a strong coating on the walls that prevents the thread from freely “bypassing” the shuttle.

Externally, the bobbins of almost all sewing machines are similar. But, for each type of shuttle, “its own” bobbins are usually used. Transparent plastic bobbins are used for the horizontal shuttle. They are more convenient because you can see the amount of thread remaining. For the swinging shuttle, metal bobbins or opaque plastic bobbins are often used. Industrial shuttles have only metal bobbins and are much narrower (thinner) than household bobbins.

The sewing hook is one of the integral controls of a machine with a two-thread stitch. Among modern models there are three main types: vertical double-running, horizontal and pendulum. Strictly speaking, the type of shuttle is not the only criterion for choosing a new device, but it is one of the indicators that determines the area of ​​use of the machine, its capabilities, and potential. Let's look at the features of each type of shuttle and find out which one copes better with its responsibilities in sewing machine.

The swinging or pendulum shuttle is found in economy class sewing machines, as well as in obsolete old-style models, for example, “Chaika”. Such machines are the optimal solution for an inexperienced user, or for extremely rare use. From the name you can understand that the shuttle works on the principle of a pendulum, moving from side to side, capturing the thread.

Swinging shuttle of the Seagull sewing machine

The pendulum type is quite reliable and unpretentious in operation. If previous versions of this design were difficult to configure, modern developments are free of such inconvenience. The main components of the shuttle device are tightly fixed, which eliminates seam defects: looping or gaps.

To describe it briefly: the swinging type is simple, inexpensive, durable (resistant to small overloads). Disadvantages of this solution

  • low speed of stitch creation;
  • excessive noise, vibration during operation;
  • limited set of lines.

Vertical double-running shuttle, also known as vertical rotating or vertical rotary shuttle. It should not be confused with the vertical type described above, because the difference between them is very great. The rotating shuttle is usually installed in expensive professional sewing machines, as well as in household products of the highest price category.

For example, the Japanese manufacturer Brother often implements this type in its equipment.

The rotary shuttle unit is what is chosen by “pros” who sew every day for production purposes. Cars with this mechanism are different high speed work, as well as impressive wear resistance. The seam quality is more than decent. If all installation and configuration requirements are met, various kinds stitching defects are practically eliminated, even taking into account heavy loads and prolonged use.

Vertical double-running shuttle in Pfaff sewing machines

Experienced users only confirm the reliability declared by the manufacturer. The device will withstand any load when working with thin or thick fabric. Tangling of the lower thread is completely eliminated. In addition, the rotary hook sewing machine has an impressive range of different stitches, which is what is required from expensive devices for production or industrial purposes.

This type is slightly different in its location and design. The working body is installed horizontally under the needle plate and covered with a translucent cover. This type of sewing shuttle does not have a bobbin case and is in immediate visibility. The user can control the remainder of the thread, see its color, and the capture process.

The thread itself is wound on a bobbin made of durable plastic; other parts of the mechanism can also be made from it, which does not allow for negligence in operation. The key to durability is to use only recommended types of threads or fabrics. If the bobbin is relatively inexpensive and is available for replacement, then wear on the remaining shuttle components will cost more and require specialized repairs.

Good to know! Trust the experience of the majority and purchase replacement bobbins with your machine. They will always be at hand, which will eliminate the disruption of work, because problems with equipment always occur at the most inopportune moment.

Horizontal hook in the Janome QC 2325 sewing machine

Key advantages of the horizontal version of the shuttle:

  • reduction of noise and vibration during operation;
  • soft, high-quality stitching;
  • adjustment of seam width without distortion;
  • quick access to the bobbin, easy threading;
  • the mechanism will allow you to make buttonholes of different widths, and in electronically controlled machines - buttonholes with an eye or rounded edges;
  • average price category of sewing machines.

Disadvantages include: complex setup. The adjustment screw is located under the build plate and access is somewhat limited. In addition, the horizontal shuttle in a sewing machine is finicky and does not tolerate overloads, and repairing the mechanism is expensive.

Making the right choice

It should be taken into account that the type of shuttle the machine is equipped with, despite important role of this device depends on its category. Conditionally, we can derive a simple algorithm:

  • economy class household machines - vertical pendulum type;
  • middle-class household machines, whose functionality is wider than budget modifications - horizontal shuttle;
  • industrial machines or expensive professional models for intensive work– rotational type.

Here, rather, the question is of choosing exactly the type of sewing machine, and the version of the shuttle unit is only a consequence. This does not mean that this mechanism is not worth paying attention to, because the algorithm described above is not a strict requirement; some manufacturers may deviate from it. Among the described types of shuttle for a sewing machine, you can choose the appropriate solution based on your own specialization.

  1. For users without experience In sewing, simple sewing machines with a pendulum shuttle are suitable. Such models combine a modest option and a reliable, durable shuttle mechanism. This same option would be a good solution if you are looking for a sewing machine for rare “occasional” use.
  2. If you need a car to create a small number of products from fabrics of different densities, and sewing speed is not a priority - you should buy a model with a horizontal shuttle. Modifications of sewing machines with such a mechanism have good functionality, and their price threshold starts from about 8,000 rubles.
  3. Professionals or employees of small studios always opt for a wide range of stitches, High Quality and comfortable work. Machines with such characteristics are most often equipped with a rotating vertical shuttle.

Top 4 most common misconceptions

Sewing technology, like any other, is shrouded in many different myths. Let's consider and debunk the most popular of them.

  1. Chinese made mechanisms are of poor quality. The stereotype was born in the 90s, but today this opinion is no longer relevant. Even industry leaders are increasingly moving production to China. Firstly, it is profitable due to the cheap work force, and secondly, not every country can boast of such experience in the field of production as China. In order not to make a mistake, pay attention to trademark And appearance goods. Low-quality “China” is distinguished by the lack of a complete, competent description and passport, as well as an unknown brand.
  2. The horizontal shuttle is the best. Indeed, this type is the most common today, as it is implemented in the category of sewing machines that combine low cost and wide options. Naturally, such cars are in greatest demand. The disadvantages of the horizontal type speak for themselves, and if you have finances, it is better to opt for expensive cars with rotary shuttle.
  3. Why overpay for a brand when there are cheaper analogues?. This is a popular misconception that leads users to buy cheap devices with an impressive set of lines and useful options. Perhaps at first glance all the machines are the same, but it is hardly possible to find a high-quality and reliable device at a low price. If you have a sewing machine with a rotary hook and a wide range of functions at an economy class price, don’t be tempted; you’ll have to pay more for quality and reliability.
  4. The more expensive the device, the better the seam. Yes, a rotating sewing hook in an expensive machine will provide unsurpassed stitch quality, but under one condition - correct setting. If the setting is incorrect, it does not matter which shuttle is installed in it, the result will not be the best.


The hook on your sewing machine is one of the key working parts; both the quality of work and its range depend on it. Unlike the predecessors of sewing machines, modern devices have become more functional, but at the same time more whimsical. They require the user to follow all operating rules and maintain the device in a timely manner. A long service life will be ensured for any type, no matter what you buy, but only with careful and competent handling.

Which better type shuttle in a sewing machine? This question arises in the process of choosing a suitable model of this technical device, which significantly facilitates human labor in the sewing process. The continuity of work and the quality of the resulting products are affected by such a seemingly insignificant detail as the shuttle.

What functions does this element have? What types are there? What are the advantages and disadvantages? What is the best type of hook in a sewing machine? We will look for answers to these questions in this article.

General characteristics of the shuttle

The shuttle is one of the most important elements sewing equipment. Let's take a closer look at what functions this part performs.

When sewing, a loop is formed above the eye of the needle, which is captured by the nose of the shuttle and expanded with the help of the walls. The thread goes around it and goes down the walls. This is how the stitch is formed.

The performance characteristics of the machine depend on the correct settings of the shuttle. If this part is made poorly, then during the sewing process the master will experience a lot of inconvenience, expressed in skipped stitches, broken threads and other negative phenomena. The surface of the part must be smooth, without defects. Notches, rust, and dirt slow down the sliding of the loop, which negatively affects the quality of the stitch.

What type of hook do you prefer in a sewing machine? Which one copes better with the functions entrusted to it? You can answer this question by studying the characteristics of such an important and indispensable part in the operation of the machine, as well as reviews from the craftsmen.


There are three types of shuttles: swinging, vertical and horizontal. In varieties of industrial equipment, a vertical shuttle is installed.

Modern sewing machines are mostly equipped with a horizontal hook. The part has a special design. The spool in such a machine is installed on top and placed in a shuttle under the cover.

It is believed that the most common is the swinging type of shuttle. It is installed in such well-known equipment models as Chaika, Veritas, Bernina. Having become more familiar with the characteristics of each type of part, you can accurately determine for yourself which type of shuttle is preferable to choose in a sewing machine. Expert advice will also help you figure out which one is better.

Swing shuttle

There are three types of sewing hook. Which one exhibits its characteristics better and more qualitatively should be determined by the master working with sewing equipment.

The most common type today is the swinging type, which has proven its effectiveness over decades of work in domestic sewing machines. The swinging shuttle is installed in the Chaika and Podolsk sewing machines.

A special feature of such a device is its movement during operation of the mechanism. The shuttle swings like a pendulum; removes the thread from the needle, brings it to the reset position, and then returns to its previous position.

Setting up the operation of such a machine is quite difficult. For the accuracy and correctness of the stitching, it is necessary to take into account several parameters at the same time. This is especially true for the Chaika brand machine. If the settings are incorrect, looping, skipping, etc. appear.

Old and new type of swing shuttle

Considering how a swing-type sewing shuttle is designed, a few words should be said about the varieties of this piece of equipment that differ in operational characteristics. There are old and new shuttles. The second option is preferable (for example, in a Bernina machine), as it has an improved design.

Old-style shuttles are demanding on the correct execution of the sewing process. To prevent nicks from appearing on the spout, do not pull the fabric by hand. Otherwise, the material and the needle will move at the same time. In this case, the nose of the shuttle will fall into the needle and become dull.

In new varieties of the swinging shuttle, all elements are securely fixed in one position. You will not be able to reset the settings yourself. In such mechanisms there is no need to configure the work. Unfortunately, the Chaika brand of cars cannot boast of such characteristics. Therefore, over time, various malfunctions may appear in its operation.

Advantages and disadvantages of the swinging shuttle

We looked at swinging types of sewing hooks. Which one is better: old or new, can be determined during operation, based on the given loads. In old-style shuttles, the shaft is firmly connected to the main metal lever. When the load increases during operation, such a machine will be able to fully perform the functions assigned to it.

There are a number of advantages of the swinging shuttle:

1. All its elements are made of metal. This makes the part durable.

2. Adjusting thread tension is quick and easy.

3. The cost of a machine with such a mechanism is significantly less than equipment with other types of shuttles.

The speed of sewing products is also low compared to new types of equipment. Disadvantages of operation also include noise, vibration and limited operations.

If you need a machine for sewing clothes only for yourself and your family (not for sale), the swing shuttle is one of the best options.

Features of the vertical shuttle

Before purchasing sewing equipment, you need to decide which sewing hook is best. It is recommended to consider a vertical shuttle as one of the preferred options. It is installed in expensive machines such as Brother PR 655, VR, Bernina 880, as well as Bernina 5th and 7th series.

The vertical shuttle moves in a circle and is the most durable type, which can work almost without failure.

In addition to a long service life, machines equipped with a vertical shuttle are characterized by high operating speed. They exclude the possibility of looping or thread breakage, provided that the equipment was initially put into operation correctly. If deviations occur in the operation of this type of shuttle, it is easy to adjust.

Vertical shuttle maintenance

When considering which shuttle in a sewing machine is better, you should pay attention to the rules for servicing the vertical type. It is never taken apart. However, periodically the vertical shuttle requires lubricant, which covers all moving, rubbing elements of the tool. Do not apply too much lubricant, otherwise it will get on the fabric and ruin it.

A sewing machine with a vertical shuttle allows you to increase the stitch length to 6 mm, as well as expand the stitch width to 9 mm. Therefore, this type of parts is used in clothing production workshops. For home use, a machine with a vertical shuttle is also sometimes purchased.

The presented equipment is characterized by high cost. It is suitable for those who sew a lot. For a professional seamstress, such a machine with a vertical shuttle will allow you to process different kinds fabrics.

Horizontal shuttle

Horizontal or vertical shuttle in the machine? Which one is better to choose so as not to make a mistake with the quality and speed of work?

In the first version, the part will not have a bobbin case, which is considered one of the most convenient types of design. In this case, the bobbin will be inserted directly into the shuttle.

The design allows you to visually determine how much thread is left in the spool and how the process of removing it from the shuttle occurs. The advantages of a horizontal shuttle include:

  • quick refilling of the spool;
  • quiet operation;
  • high speed;
  • no need for regular lubrication;
  • simplicity of design to avoid thread tangling.

This is a convenient type of equipment that will create stitches softly and of very high quality.

A feature of the horizontal type part is the complex procedure for adjusting the tension of the lower thread. This adjustment is made using a small screw located in the shuttle plate on the side. However, such a procedure is required extremely rarely.

Features of the horizontal shuttle

When determining which type of shuttle is best for a sewing machine, you should take a closer look at the features of horizontal shuttles. Such parts are almost always made of durable plastic. This feature determines the operating rules of the machine.

The manufacturer's instructions clearly indicate what types of thread can be used in the equipment. If the manufacturer's recommendations are violated, the shuttle will quickly become unusable, and in this case it will be possible to configure its operation. A worn-out shuttle causes skipping, looping and a number of other problems. In this case, the part requires replacement.

The cost of this type of mechanism is low. Therefore, when purchasing a sewing machine with a horizontal shuttle, it is better to buy another one (or a couple) in reserve.

When determining which type of hook is best for a sewing machine, you should read reviews from professionals. This will allow you to make the right decision in the process of choosing sewing equipment.

Experts say that the swinging shuttle is made of durable, reliable materials. It is an order of magnitude more durable than modern horizontal types of parts. However, it also has a number of disadvantages. It will take longer to remove the spool than with modern types of equipment. The part will also make noise during operation.

The swinging hook limits the sewing speed. But the cost of such machines is significantly less compared to modern analogues. For sewing clothes in small quantities, it is still better to prefer this option. For professionals, experts recommend using a vertical or horizontal type of shuttle.

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