Home Gums Opposition Saturn-Jupiter: meaning, features, deciphering the meaning. Transit aspects of Saturn to the planets of the natal chart Square Saturn - Point of Fortune

Opposition Saturn-Jupiter: meaning, features, deciphering the meaning. Transit aspects of Saturn to the planets of the natal chart Square Saturn - Point of Fortune

What is the opposition?

To begin with, I’ll tell you what opposition is in astrology. This is an aspect between two planets, when in the horoscope one planet is opposite the other. That is, the angle between the planets is 180 degrees.

If we consider life as learning, gaining experience (life), then opposition allows us to learn effectively; life situations themselves put us before a choice - to accept something new, a new tactic of behavior, a new view of the world, to expand our borders, or to reject and join the fight, defending your views. The truth is hidden in the middle, as usual. In my opinion, it is better to see the rake in time than to step on it.

The symbolic ruler of the opposition is Libra. And this is an aspect that poses the task of choosing and finding balance. And the possibilities of choice are great. It is most correct to say that we choose a strategy of action. Because our task is to maintain balance, to find exactly the point of balance, without going to extremes, without transferring the entire weight of the problem to one shoulder - the rocker. This aspect seems to force us to always look for a second, additional or opposite point of view; it speaks of interaction, of cooperation with an opponent.

The opposition challenges us, pitting us face to face with the enemy. Often our initial impulse is the desire to argue, to defend our point of view, to defend ourselves, to prove that we are right... We perceive interaction as an attack... and we miss the opportunity to look at the world in a new way, through the eyes of another person. Two signs of the Zodiac stand in opposition, forming a single pair. And each of them has something to learn from the opposite side. For example, Aries and Libra can be considered such a couple. Aries lacks the balance and peacefulness of Libra. And Libra will need the brightness and determination of Aries.

Opposition in the natal chart.

If there is an opposition in the natal chart, then we do not notice the moment of loss of balance, focusing on one end of this rocker. And the second, ignored element appears in front of us in the form of an obstacle, a nuisance or an annoying hindrance. The first movement is to remove the obstacle, fight it, destroy it. But that’s not the point at all. There is a chance to see a gift and an opportunity in a hindrance. Realize and take it into account as a correction for the wind when shooting or plotting the course of a yacht... It would be stupid to ignore the headwind, wouldn’t it?
The same thing is happening in the opposition. If all our attention is concentrated at one end, then we lose balance. And the action of the second planet hits us like a gust of headwind. Let's look at examples of how this works.

Opposition Jupiter - Neptune.

Now on the star map of the sky there is an opposition of Jupiter to Neptune. She talks about the balance of practicality and mercy, common sense and the ability to surrender to your feelings without suppressing them. Listen to yourself, be sensitive and compassionate, not forgetting about simple daily help with deeds. Act without sacrificing, give without regret or arrogance, accept with gratitude what you have. And don't regret what you've done. Jupiter, and especially Neptune, are higher planets, so the task of finding balance in this aspect is, of course, difficult.

Opposition as an aspect most clearly reflects the principle of the mirror. When the opposition acts, exactly what we don’t want to see, what we turn away from, stands before us in full view. And fighting it is like hitting your reflection in the mirror. But the task of the mirror is to show us – us! A mirror helps us get the necessary information and understand what we look like. You can turn away from the opposition, as a reflection, and wait out the period of its action, but this is the path of stagnation, not development.
Opposition ruler Libra, sign of peace, harmony and balance. As an aspect, the opposition talks about finding ways to peacefully resolve the problem. Here we need to look for a combination of interests, a balance between two poles. She sets the task of finding balance and harmony, which will give stability and security. In this sense, beauty will save the world.

Opposition Sun - Chiron.

For example, consider the effect of the opposition of the Sun to Chiron. The Sun in the natal chart often acts as a symbol of life situations in which we act. According to the aspects of the Sun, we manifest our will, express our intentions and make choices. And in this case, the life situation teaches us not to make hasty conclusions, not to judge categorically and unambiguously. Chiron on the other end of the opposition will definitely bring a surprise... and turn the situation inside out, show it from a completely different side. The Sun-Chiron opposition suggests that there are no clearly correct decisions. There are two sides to any situation, and it is useful to look through the eyes of the other, to change the point of view. Often the answer and solution to a problem is found precisely by changing the approach, changing tactics. There are no dead ends here, you can always find a way out, and more than one. And the way out and the solution are often found at the very last moment, when you find the strength to laugh at yourself and at the situation. Chiron loves those who do not lose their sense of humor. The keys to solving any problem are in a non-standard approach, in the ability to look in a new way. But if you stubbornly insist on your vision and do not notice the change in the situation, then they will laugh at you. In general, this aspect teaches you to take risks, make unconventional decisions, and move forward at first without support, since your choice will seem somewhat strange and mysterious to your friends and acquaintances.
But for the owner of this opposition, novelty is attractive, it beckons, calls, attracts... Everything incomprehensible and mysterious looms on the horizon, attracting the eye. And this cannot be ignored, from the interest in new methods of treatment and training, from publications about the capabilities of the human mind, from new technologies and devices using the latest achievements of science.
Chiron is activated by such an internal call, the need to go beyond routine and boredom. It’s hard to ignore, it’s better to immediately notice that you’re bored than to sigh and think later, what was that and what came over me?

Opposition Sun - Uranus.

In a similar way, manifesting itself in curious and unforeseen situations, creating these situations, the opposition of the Sun to Uranus acts. But its action is harsher. The power of Uranus is greater, and your intentions are a complete surprise to others. It is impossible to predict them, and the reaction of your loved ones to your simple desire to go to the moon or just to take a walk in Antarctica will unpleasantly surprise you. In the opposition of the Sun to Uranus, situations change rapidly, with lightning speed. And the plans made for the day (month, year) will collapse a hundred times, everything around flows and changes. People don't show up, meetings get canceled, the coffee machine spits boiling water... if you're not in the mood in the morning. I'm not even talking about burned out light bulbs and canceled flights.
This aspect teaches you to carefully and constantly listen to your intuition, literally read the signs and warnings before anything happens. But if you ignore these weak signals, then an explosion will inevitably occur. An explosion of emotions, a break in relationships, business partnerships. And if everything has already happened, then you need to quickly return to internal balance and act in new conditions. The opposition of the Sun to Uranus suggests developing your own system of predictions. If you ignore your premonitions, then all you can do is repeat “I told you so...”
This aspect gives a love of science, the search for truth and an ability for astrology. The opposition of the Sun to Uranus gives an independent and independent nature, trying everything from its own experience. But your level of independence is determined by life circumstances to a greater extent than you would like.

Opposition Saturn - Mercury.

Let's take Saturn's opposition to Mercury. We can focus on the Saturn side, criticizing any new opportunity, talking about our lack of education and incompetence to start anything. In this case, we are captive to our fears, limitations and attitudes. It is difficult for us to go beyond the familiar, we are “not ready” to learn, search, ask, make contacts. We are convinced that all this is difficult and beyond our reach. And at this moment, all the possibilities of Mercury are simply denied; in other words, we stop moving and developing. This is so dangerous, there are no guarantees, I’ll grow up, I’ll get smarter and then... And at this moment we are becoming stupid before our eyes, this time will not come. Don't flatter yourself. This is the eternal tomorrow or Monday from which I will start a new life. Money, development and training opportunities, acquaintances, meetings, trips - everything passes us by.
What to do? Seek balance between Mercury and Saturn. If you feel scared, then turn on Mercury, telling yourself that I will try. Analyze logically, find weak points, ask questions about whether I’m afraid of him. And what will happen if the worst happens. Face your fears. And doubt them. And you can ask for help, support, discuss options, collect the necessary information. Allow yourself to speak out or write, to finally ask a question. Even if your words are clumsy at first, even stupid, over time you will learn to express your thoughts clearly.
The Mercury-Saturn opposition requires time to learn, you can’t rush here and you can’t hesitate, look for the optimal speed of movement. Caution is necessary, but reasonable. And the essence of the opposition is the choice of this particular measure, the balance of reasonableness. So that, on the one hand, you don’t fall into inaction and fear of mistakes. On the other hand, look for and ask specific things, understanding why you are doing this, what you are learning.
If we leave all our attention on Mercury, then we end up in idle chatter, aimlessly wandering around stores, leafing through magazines and switching channels in search of interesting things. That is, it is very important not to lose sight of Saturn and ask the question - why am I doing this, and how long will I continue to do this? It's time. This is the meaning of the opposition Saturn - Mercury. Criticism and underestimation of your knowledge and abilities greatly hinder your development and advancement in life. Any success is easy to devalue, belittle and doubt what has been achieved.

Opposition Saturn - Neptune.

The Saturn-Neptune opposition makes it possible to emotionally accept and feel your attitudes and rules. If you rigidly and categorically insist on observing all prohibitions, demand strict obedience and discipline, that is, activate the principle of Saturn, then Neptune will manifest itself in deceptions, inexplicable mood swings, painful self-pity, feelings of guilt and hopelessness. Here it is important to pay attention to building personal boundaries, to feeling responsible for what is happening, and not to strive to find someone to blame. They are difficult to find, like a black cat in a dark room. Neptune suggests resorting to deception if seeing the truth is too painful or dangerous to speak. You really want to escape from an unpleasant situation into your dreams and fantasies.
Neptune's opposition to Saturn can cause problems with the sense of time. Getting carried away by something, immersing yourself in your experiences, dreams or memories, or simply thinking, you can completely forget about where you were going, where you are and simply get lost in an unfamiliar city. Most likely, having this opposition in the natal chart, medications should be used with great caution, since they can cause side effects. Fears can be inexplicable, vague, it’s just alarming, but I don’t understand why. It is difficult to express your own achievements in words, to recognize and appreciate your talents. It is important to give yourself support and attention to your feelings. And don’t expect this from others.
It is possible that if we get carried away by complaining about life or describing our experiences, we may encounter not sympathy, but criticism, condemnation and advice like “we should have thought...” But it is almost impossible to think through the consequences, to accurately take into account and calculate everything. Attention slips, floats away, we get distracted. When we try to be precise, Neptune comes into play and confuses all our calculations and plans. Here the combination of creative freedom and goal setting is difficult. At first I do whatever I want, without control or discipline, then I look at everything in despondency and wonder what came over me. The desire to give up on everything and surrender to creativity is replaced by deep doubts and periods of high demands on oneself.
A balance between a creative flight of fancy and staying in everyday reality is necessary. Because, while daydreaming, you can go to God knows where. Or, when you go into a creative search, it’s easy to forget about the project’s deadlines. To master the energies of the Neptune-Saturn opposition, it is important to develop ethics and life principles on which the desire to help people is based. Otherwise, it’s easy to blame yourself for callousness, wallowing in feelings of guilt for any reason. Here it is important to learn to forgive mistakes, allow yourself to make mistakes and at the same time, not to become an insensitive fanatical champion of the rules. Otherwise, the desire to sacrifice oneself can lead to complete inner devastation, since asking or leaving something for oneself is shameful, inconvenient, and inappropriate. A balance between giving and benefiting people and not forgetting your interests, considering them important and worthy of attention. The Neptune-Saturn opposition requires a combination of sensitivity and caution, trust in your feelings and self-respect; it speaks of a rich imagination and the need to find internal support so that the flight of fantasy does not become groundless and divorced from life. Often a person needs proof of his skills and abilities, recognition from society or friends, otherwise his own creative impulses and dreams seem unrealistic, simply empty and ghostly chimeras. But you need to implement them, otherwise dissatisfaction with yourself will drive you into a new round of doubts and self-pity for yourself, so mediocre. The opposition of Neptune to Saturn poses the task of finding a balance of love and severity, sensitivity and care for oneself without connivance and without permissiveness; here promiscuity is harmful, it leads to trouble, since Saturn immediately turns on. But correcting mistakes should happen without self-flagellation. Maintaining a balance between the strict confines of reality and the illusory land of dreams is not easy, but it is vitally important. Otherwise, having forgotten and lost, we return to a severe critical “hangover”.

Opposition Saturn - Uranus.

Let's look at another opposition, Saturn to Uranus. This aspect forces you to listen to your intuition, to acknowledge its existence, this quiet inner voice, elusive at times. And give it a place in your life, take intuition (that is, the voice of Uranus) seriously, according to Saturn. This is how the balance of planetary energy is restored. Here, ignoring the principle of Uranus, that is, an attempt to brush aside the signs, inner instincts, leads to an aggravation of Saturn (read - troubles and restrictions). And by shifting the center of gravity to Uranus, that is, by declaring your complete freedom and allowing yourself another extravagance, you can find yourself completely alone. With such opposition, there are unlikely to be anyone willing to share the desire for independence. As always, there needs to be a balance in freedom to express one's feelings and respect for others. Having the opposition of Saturn to Uranus in the natal chart, it is useful to be aware of internal irritation and ask yourself, why and for what am I putting up with this, and what does this long-sickened activity give me? The tension inside will accumulate and an explosion is inevitable at the moment when patience comes to an end, and then there is a damaged relationship, burnt-out electrical appliances and a scandal in the house. Was it worth delaying the resolution of the issue so much? When Saturn is in opposition to Uranus in the natal chart, any restriction of freedom and independence is met with hostility; there is a tendency to fight where one can simply reach an agreement. The owner of this aspect needs a balance between willfulness and rationality; it is better to build your boundaries consciously, guard them vigilantly, but without scandals. And protect yourself from outbursts of aggression by letting off steam in time. And allow yourself what may seem like a “whim” to others, if that’s what your own soul asks for. Only the person himself can say within himself whether it was done correctly or not... He is afraid of condemnation, and protests against restrictions, and is afraid of the new, and cannot live in boredom and routine. This is the difficult choice Saturn’s opposition to Uranus makes, moving us forward in spurts, with bruises and regrets at times. But it’s better to do it and regret it...

Opposition Chiron - Saturn.

Chiron's opposition to Saturn offers a path from the old, long-known and lived-in to the new, unexpected and surprising. And it does not fit into the known framework, so the path is not easy. He goes through the awareness of his uniqueness, unusual healing abilities, maybe even a feeling of his slight inadequacy in the eyes of others, his dissimilarity. And like air, here you need to allow yourself to be different, unique. Original. Unlike. There are many of them, look for your social circle, where they will understand and support you. Here, old, time-tested schemes and methods do not work and give unexpected results. But it is precisely such people who move the development of science and the world forward - unrecognized at first and unlike others. The owner of the opposition Chiron to Saturn does not have obvious and unambiguous answers; he can listen to other people’s advice, but that’s all. Go on your own and gain your own unique experience. Chiron forces you to go your own way, to look for it. And repeating someone else’s things looks funny, ridiculous, and even useless. This is the situation in which a person finds himself who tells an old joke over and over again, hoping that everyone will laugh. There will be laughter, of course, but at the joke? Chiron's opposition to Saturn through absurd and repetitive life situations poses the task of seeking respect for one's uniqueness. It is important to learn not to discard what does not fit into the usual framework and ideas. You will have to reconsider your rules and beliefs from time to time, testing them for usefulness and practicality, as if you were shaking out old things in the attic. That is, the question constantly sounds: “How often do I use this? Maybe this knowledge is outdated and no longer serves me? Find the answers yourself, they may differ greatly from the generally accepted ones, because Chiron does not like banal answers.
For the owner of the Chiron-Saturn opposition, any “unusuality” can cause internal tension and anxiety. The unknown attracts and stops. You can make it scary, or explain to yourself that all this is nonsense and I don’t need it. And miss your chance. Chiron gives a lot of absurdities, encouraging you to put things in order in ideas, rules, norms and frameworks, and this all takes time. Any opposition to Saturn teaches us not to forget about time. But if you don’t retreat and don’t give in to your fears, the result obtained is usually worth it and will clearly be unexpected.

Opposition Moon - Saturn.

Opposition is our meeting with the shadow, with those qualities that we don’t want to see. For example, the Moon-Saturn opposition allows you to ignore your pickiness, excessive demands, and ignore your fears, doubts, and anxieties. But for some reason these qualities are clearly manifested in the people around us, and they pay little attention to my interests. And here we need to be careful, not find fault and give up trying to re-educate our loved ones, but find those areas where I myself ignore my needs and feelings. It is important to establish a balance between a caring and demanding attitude towards yourself. Careful is different from permissiveness, and a responsible attitude towards everything is different from anxiety and excessive demands. So try to stay in the middle. The Moon-Saturn opposition raises precisely these questions. Do I take my condition into account? Am I ignoring fatigue and discomfort, trying to endure it? How often do I force myself to do something? And the following questions are appropriate to ask yourself if the Moon’s opposition to Saturn is in the chart. Have I not deprived myself? Why do I need this? Do I really want this? Am I happy with myself now? If not, what's wrong? That is, again we are talking about reasonable cooperation with oneself, care and restrictions must be justified and necessary. And this topic is important. The balance between desires and needs is important, and here prioritization helps to find it. The opposition Moon - Saturn requires an attentive and careful attitude towards your health, mood, your environment and property. Finding time for yourself is the essence of this aspect.

With this example I want to complete the topic. Opposition for me is an aspect that brings great opportunities for development, allowing me to look at the world with different eyes. To meet the challenge of circumstances and come out of the situation with a new understanding of yourself and your place in the world, that is its meaning.

The Moon and Saturn are recognized as planets of opposite nature. The first rules Cancer - completely disorganized and so cozy, and the second is responsible for the cold-blooded Capricorn. Such planets are called “oppositors”. How do their difficult relationships affect human destiny and character?

The opposition Moon - Saturn in the natal chart suggests that the native can make a bad impression on others, giving rise to negative emotions. The positive aspects of character are indeed not easy to reveal - isolation, uncertainty and other qualities do not contribute to this at all.

Before deciding on something, such a person will think everything over carefully. The unknown scares him. In everyday life, such troubles can be overcome, but their constant anticipation leads to the emergence of phobias.

Opposition Moon – Saturn in a man’s radix

The presence of these opposition planets in a man’s natal chart confirms his inability to establish a normal family life. Perhaps the marriage will be concluded in adulthood and by convenience. At the same time, the chosen one may turn out to be a strict and tough lady without emotions.

The Moon-Saturn opposition in a man indicates that difficulties in marriage will be caused by the spouses’ keen desire to control everything, constantly raising each other. Imposing values ​​risks leading to constant conflicts. Common causes and difficulties overcome together can bring spouses closer together.

Opposition Moon – Saturn in a woman’s radix

With this combination, relationships with older relatives, including parents, are not easy. However, things are no better with children. Moon opposition to Saturn in a woman suggests that she is accustomed to strict control and constant moralizing in the family of her mother and father and, as an adult, repeats this pattern.

Such ladies have teaching talents, taking their role as mothers and wives responsibly. At the same time, motherhood is often not their only calling - many manage to make a very successful career.

A woman's Moon in opposition to a man's Saturn creates a situation of dependence. The fairer sex actively defends emotional freedom. The man tries to influence her and impose his opinion - although not always successfully. Such relationships can last as long as desired - until the partners reach karmic maturity.

Opposition Moon - Saturn in the children's horoscope

For children with this aspect, parental care is important. They must help him believe in himself and overcome his innate modesty and fears.

The Moon in opposition to Saturn also affects studies: difficulties may await here, which are caused by some slowness and health problems. But attention to detail and thoughtfulness helps ultimately achieve success.

Moon and Saturn in different zodiac signs

The tense aspect of the planets is a problematic configuration. But if both luminaries are strong, then the person will be able to benefit from initially negative circumstances. One of the stable positions is the Moon in Cancer and Saturn in Capricorn.

A native with a similar position successfully solves everyday issues and has no financial problems. A certain severity helps him maintain order in the family and discipline in the team.

Moon and Saturn opposition in synastry

The opposition Moon Saturn in synastry suggests that the union is doomed. Such relationships cannot be durable and, most likely, they are built on material interest, and not at all on love. Moon opposition Saturn in the solarium in a woman gravitates towards a similar solution to financial problems. Joint property can force people to live together even if they hate each other. The result is a sharp break and the absence of even friendly relations in the future.


This opposition negatively affects pregnancy. If the planets are flawed, then gynecological diseases may occur. And in terms of conception, the aspect shows severity - most of the women who have it in their natal charts cannot get pregnant safely and give birth on the first try.


Sometimes such people complain about their inability to enjoy life. Perhaps this is due to the depressive mood they are prone to and mental problems.

The world has gray colors. Gloomy views of reality and disbelief in everything good prevail.

On May 10, the Sun will be in exact aspect with Saturn at 18:28 GMT. Now the aspect is taking shape, but its influence is already noticeable. In addition, the divergent aspect of Saturn is often felt more noticeably, so the period for the period May 8 - 15 is worth paying attention to. This period will be most noticeable for those who have an aspect connection between the Sun and Saturn in their natal chart, especially intense: conjunction, square and opposition.

But for many of us, during this period, situations of obligations, responsibility, difficulties in resolving issues with government agencies, time pressure in business, and physical ailments may become acute. There are likely to be problems with those who are older than us in age and position, with those who have the right to say “shoulds” and “shouldn’ts.” Women are likely to have difficulties and conflicts with men: father, husband, brother, boss. Men have personal problems and conflicts with their boss and father.

At this time, we need to be attentive to the demands that life makes on us and follow the established rules. Workarounds and illegal steps may not bring results or may lead to problems later. This is a period when we need to find a balance between personal interests and external obligations, between our “want” and “should”, which life dictates. At the same time, this is the time when we receive signals that we have taken on more than we can fulfill and need to clarify the level of our obligations. This is the time when in response to our proposals and requests we can hear “no”, and this answer will be a sign on the Path, which will indicate the need to reconsider the route and clarify the direction.

Conflict between the Sun and Saturn in the natal chart

The sun in the horoscope is our individuality, ourselves. - this is the norm, rules, law and those people in our lives who personify them. In childhood, this is one of the parents, our teachers, in adulthood - our bosses, government officials, civil servants with whom we have to resolve our issues. The conflict between the Sun and Saturn is our conflict with those who say “we must,” with those who control us, who are older than us in age and status. The square or opposition between the Sun and Saturn suggests that we are a person who does not accept norms and authorities and conflicts with those who represent them. This creates obstacles and difficulties in our self-realization.

A person with intense aspects of the Sun and Saturn may misunderstand what duty and responsibility are. Here, depending on who is stronger, Saturn or the Sun, extremes can be observed - irresponsibility or hyper-responsibility, whena person takes on “his own” and “someone else’s”, takes responsibility for others, because he does not feel where the boundaries of his interests end and the interests of another person begin.

If Saturn is stronger than the Sun in this aspect, we may be faced with a situation of suppression since childhood, we are “built”, kept within strict limits, we may be unsure of ourselves, which reduces our initiative and faith in a bright future. We don’t like being told “we must”, we don’t like external discipline and prefer to live by our own rules, which inevitably leads to clashes with those who dictate these norms and rules in our lives.

If the Sun is stronger than Saturn - we may be undisciplined, do not know how to control time, do not recognize authorities, are very independent, but regardless of the aspect and strength of the planets in this pair - we will be forced to learn to obey and accept external rules, gradually incorporating them into our picture of the world.

With opposition and square Sun-Saturn, a person may not believe in his own strengths and capabilities and blocks his own initiatives. His internalth “parent” - subpersonality - is very strict, he does not so much support as criticize and control. This is a kind of self-censorship, when a person does not allow himself to open up, do, start, fearing that he will not succeed, this is the fear of defeat, which does not allow or makes it difficult to succeed. And the task of a person is to realize his problems and cope with it, finding a balance between personal freedom and external restrictions. Transit aspects of the Sun and Saturn create situations where we can gain and realize this experience. Now is just one of those periods.

Conflict between Sun and Saturn - o relations with superiors

With a square and opposition between the Sun and Saturn, we often end up with difficult bosses who make excessive demands on us, find fault with the work done, and control us excessively. But this is only the external side of the problem, the problem itself is inside us. An individual who lives in fear of authority figures, or, on the contrary, an individual who does not want to accept objective norms and rules and conflicts with them in the person of his own boss - this is the reason that gives rise to such situations in our lives.

We can change jobs, trying to find a better boss, but in another place we will inevitably face the situation from which we are trying to escape. Problems with leadership will hang over us like the sword of Damocles. We will not be satisfied with any boss and we will not be able to achieve a strong, stable position in society and in the profession until we learn to accept external restrictions and rules, until we stop being afraid and believe in ourselves (opposition) and until we stop fighting the inevitable ( square), which means until we learn to accept existing rules and stop opposing ourselves and our ideas to existing norms, laws and foundations.

Therefore, those of us whose charts contain a conflict between these two planets need to first of all pay attention to our internal attitudes and learn to accept the demands of our boss, in the person of whom the outside world ambiguously points out to us our internal problems and shortcomings.

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Various sources for a child's horoscope

The child's ability to express himself is hampered, which can affect his studies at school. Self-criticism is often exaggerated. The child may feel that his parents are to some extent disappointed in him. It is possible to help such a child if he strictly receives rewards for his achievements. This will help him gain the necessary self-confidence.
In addition, such a child has a very strong need for a particularly strong relationship with his father. The child may feel that he does not have a father (he may be physically unreachable due to divorce or a profession that takes up all his time). Therefore, the child reacts inappropriately if dad is too critical or too demanding. This can lead to inhibited self-expression and distrust of all people. He needs his father to guide his actions gently, patiently and caringly.
Possible problems with teeth, arthritis.

No Monster. Aspects

They themselves block their possibilities of self-expression, which looks like “coldness”, “inaccessibility”. Restraint and formality in friendships and romances lead to misunderstandings. Lack of self-confidence. Eternal work: work to earn money, without any idealism. Poverty. Often - injury, physical defects. For women - loneliness, widowhood. Dependence on father or critical assessment of him. There are either no children or they bring misfortune. There is also either no marriage or a very late one. Often parents are too strict or a burden. Difficulties with teeth. Insincerity of friends. There may be eye diseases.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary

Opposition, square: a complex of failure, behind which lies the fear of being a bright personality, the inability to tune in to success or enter the time of maturity. This is based on an imaginary imperfection in comparison with the ideal father, which gives rise to self-doubt and depression. However, after going through some experience, undergoing development (for example, burying his father), a person can begin to live in accordance with the positive aspects of this arrangement of planets, becoming wiser and learning to control himself. Indeed, Saturn encourages - and sometimes simply forces - to behave like an adult, which, as a rule, is not given painlessly.

Absalom the Underwater. Aspects

Sun Opposition: Before you fulfill your intention, you should understand to what extent it is really yours.
The opposition with the Sun actualizes for the Planet the problem of its relationship with the will of man and various imperative circumstances that arise on his path. The very presence of a major aspect between the Sun and the Planet means that its principle will never manifest itself regardless of the will of a person or the circumstances determining his behavior; opposition additionally indicates a certain opposition between these principles, which is often accompanied by the exteriorization of one of them. At a low level, this provokes a conflict, when either a person willfully fights against one or another external manifestation of the Planetary principle, or, conversely, external conditions suppress the internal manifestations of the Planetary principle, with which he himself is identified.
For example, when the Sun is in opposition to Mars, a person will have various conflicts and battles with the outside world (at a higher level - with himself), but if you look closely, you will notice that they are of “two types: in the first case, the person emphasizes and internalizes the principle of the Sun and opposes his will and composure to external aggression (which he actually often provokes himself, on his own initiative), in the second, on the contrary, he takes an aggressive Martian position for himself and actively fights the imperative hostile will, actually submitting to its initiative, i.e. i.e. without having one of your own.At the same time, one type of conflict can easily turn into another, which is easy to notice by the change in the emphasis of the houses in which the Sun and Mars stand.
With the opposition of the Sun and the Moon, a person constantly fights with himself, and the people with whom he enters into battle from time to time are actually figureheads in whom his will and ego are embodied, which in this aspect so need to learn to cooperate and understand each other, because by emphasizing the Moon, i.e., taking the position of the ego, a person immediately feels how clouds are gathering on the outer horizon, threatening to destroy his home, depriving him of family and food (at least, so it seems to him), and taking the position of the Sun, i.e. That is, including his will and initiative, a person begins to act in such a way that (really) painfully infringes on his vital interests (he cannot explain why this happens). Working through this aspect gives extraordinary stability in life - for example, a woman who is able to cure her husband of alcoholism or mental illness and then raise wonderful children with him.
Opposition of Saturn: A person can perfectly hear the voice of reason, but it is disgusting to him.
The opposition of the Planet to Saturn actualizes the problem of internal discipline and external restrictions in areas related to it. In general, the major aspect of the Planet to Saturn gives a deep desire to understand in detail its principle, which is initially presented to a person in a very frozen and undeveloped form. The opposition is characterized by the resistance of the Planetary principle to its elaboration and in-depth study, expressed in the fact that as soon as a person internally gathers, concentrates and begins to carefully consider the problem, it immediately becomes emasculated, becomes flat and completely uninteresting. An unprocessed Saturn kills all life in any matter it touches, and in this case this life goes outside, i.e. The planetary principle is suddenly discovered in the outside world and seems completely inaccessible. As a result, a person gets the false impression that the Planetary principle is absolutely inaccessible to him, that in the case of Pluto it is possible to survive, but in the cases of Venus or the Moon it is much more difficult, and frustrations, neuroses and complete mental ossification are possible. On the other hand, attempts to emphasize the principle of the Planet and identify with it are often accompanied by a complete disregard for the Saturn principle, i.e., deepening and careful elaboration in inner life, and at the same time lead to the strengthening of strict Saturn restrictions in areas ruled by the Planet. Here karma requires a person to establish a very clear interaction between the principles of the Planet and the principles of Saturn, i.e. the necessary self-restraint and accuracy of the chosen direction. With poor development and especially sloppy power techniques, which Saturn does not tolerate, the Planet can literally get stuck in a dead center (that is, its principle will be completely frozen by the lower octave of Saturn) and it will be very difficult to get it out of there; the elaboration of Neptune and Pluto and the harmonious influence of Jupiter or Chiron helps. At a high level, this opposition gives extreme accuracy, depth and effectiveness of the manifestations of the Planet and greater stability in the spheres it governs due to wisdom and foresight.

A. Ryzhov. Health, ASC, Sun, Moon

Considered the worst aspect to the Sun. But for the time being, for the time being. Up to 42 years old.
Saturn weakens health and causes chronic diseases. Prolonged suffering and all illnesses arising from cold. The causes of diseases are negligence and laziness, all kinds of deprivation, this is a planet of the poor.

Francis Sakoyan. Aspects

Blocks the opportunity to express oneself, which looks like coldness, unapproachability. Restraint and formality in friendships and romances leads to difficulties in understanding. Often friends and spouses bring heavy responsibilities. They cannot express themselves due to lack of faith in their capabilities, as well as because of hostility from others. You have to work hard to overcome a lot of obstacles. They either don’t have children, or children bring misfortune. There is no marriage or very late. Often parents are very strict or a burden. Difficulties with teeth, little vitality. We need to develop humor and optimism.

S.V. Shestopalov. Aspects of the planets

"The Seal of Satan." These aspects are characterized by poor, weak health in a person; vitality is reduced; soreness. Ignorance, passivity, slowness, selfishness, coldness, insensitivity, rationality, joylessness, stinginess, greed, greed, indifference, suspicion, skepticism, disbelief, mistrust, disappointment. Depression, depression, tendency to see the bad, tendency to whine, hostility, isolation, unsociability, unfriendliness, disagreement, disagreement, objection, lies, pickiness, grumpiness, irritability; for women - an unhappy marriage or no marriage. Pride, arrogance, contempt, lust for power, temptation to evil; a tool or victim of dark forces. It is also a difficult life; a lot of work, but little use. The vicissitudes of fate, obstacles, crises every 7 years.
The intense aspects of Saturn are overcome with great work and great perseverance and give industriousness, diligence, thriftiness and frugality, economy, severity, severity, but justice, great tact and attention, caution, methodicalness, gradualism, the ability to perform titanic work, heroic, labor, the ability to go to hardships for the sake of a great goal; depth of soul and intellect, self-esteem and pride; a sense of duty and responsibility, part and justice; exceptional integrity and truthfulness.

Recently, somehow a lot of people come across such aspects in their natal chart. I’ll say right away that these aspects are some of the most unpleasant. However, like any aspect from Saturn to a personal planet. Saturn is, in the minds of many, such a nasty and evil old man who can cut off all a person’s aspirations at the root and reward him with low self-esteem, an abundance of fears and complexes, as well as other delights. This is partly true. People with this aspect, from birth, feel as if they were deprived of something. In their minds, you need to work extremely hard and hard to get at least something. Therefore, they very often experience a feeling of resentment and anger at those who do not make special efforts to get what they want and for whom luck comes into their hands.

Probably the most important word that can correctly describe the tense aspect between the Sun and Saturn is self-doubt. It is difficult for a person to believe in his own strength, in the fact that he will be able to carry out his plans, therefore, often, he does not even try to do something, thinking that all attempts are doomed to failure from the very beginning. I remember two years ago on the TNT channel they showed the Eleventh Season of the Battle of Psychics, in which Vitaly Gibert participated. Even then, I got hold of his birth data and built a map. Imagine my surprise when I saw in Vitaly’s natal chart an exact square between the Sun and Saturn. It seemed to me that this was some kind of mistake, because he gave the impression of a very confident young man. Now he gives seminars all over the country, which are attended by thousands of people. And so, recently, I bought his book, in which he talked about what a shy and insecure boy he was as a child. According to his stories, the biggest fear in his life is the fear of public speaking. And when he had to go to the blackboard at school, he blushed, turned pale and made a rather pitiful impression on those around him. But at some point, he simply realized that he didn’t want to be like that anymore, and deliberately did what he was most afraid of - performing. Over time, the fear passed. In my opinion, this is an excellent example of the fact that a tense aspect to the Sun from Saturn is not a death sentence.

In general, the central theme in the life of the owner of the opposition or square of Saturn to the Sun is the theme of fears. Saturn in astrology represents the crossing of the border into something unknown, as it separates us from the higher (collective) planets: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. And everything unknown has always frightened, frightens and will frighten people. Fear is also a kind of border that some cannot, for one reason or another, cross. But if you think logically, what is fear!? It is simply something to which we have attached immeasurable importance. Therefore, the only method of dealing with fears is to simply step over it, try not to pay attention to it.

Some may ask: what is the fundamental difference between an opposition and a square? Let me explain. Opposition is an aspect of constant action, but the square turns on from time to time. Square is an aspect of energy release, it is directed to the outside world, so this aspect is naturally similar in its principles to Mars. The opposition, in turn, has more of a psychological connotation. This aspect connects planets in completely opposite signs, for example, in Aries and Libra. And a person needs to learn to balance between these planets, which is very, very difficult, since the human psyche can only hold one pole of opposition in its consciousness. Therefore, it is good when the affected planet, in our case, the Sun, has aspects to some other planets. Especially if these aspects are harmonious - trine or sextile. These planets provide support to the Sun in the difficult struggle with old man Saturn. Roughly speaking, they are his friends, kind of “lifesavers” who can pull the Sun out of trouble. It is much more difficult if the aspect of the Sun with Saturn is the only one...

The owner receives the greatest negative from such aspects mainly before the age of 29, that is, before the first return of Saturn. Then life becomes a little easier. In general, with the return, Saturn “gets kinder” and turns from a nasty old man into a wise teacher who can give even more than Jupiter. In my opinion, this situation is well described by the well-known saying: “patience and work will grind everything down.” Surely these words were first uttered by a true Saturnian.

Since the Sun in any chart describes the image of the father, the relationship with him, the Sun afflicted by Saturn, with other indications, can indicate either the complete absence of a father figure in life, or a rather tense relationship with the father. A friend of mine has the Sun in opposition to Saturn, and he has repeatedly complained that his father always limits him, does not allow him to breathe deeply, and suppresses him.

Such intense aspects also have positive sides. This is discipline and responsibility. You can usually rely on such people. They will do everything possible not to let down the person to whom they made a promise. But they expect exactly the same responsibility from others. Therefore, sometimes they can be enraged by the disorganization and carelessness of those around them.


Sun square Saturn Stars: Ben Stiller, Pamela Anderson, Carla Bruni, Luc Besson, Woody Allen, Erich Fromm, Julio Iglesias, Eva Braun, Michael Douglas, Angela Merkel, Michelle Mercier, Elka, Igor Krutoy, Veniamin Smekhov, Nikita Mikhalkov, Alena Vodonaeva, Leonid Agutin .

Sun opposition Saturn: Charlie Sheen, Matthew McConaughey, John Nash, Pablo Picasso, Whitney Houston, Anastasia Volochkova, Alexey Smirnov, Tarzan.

With love,

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