Home Orthopedics Holiday business: how to start from scratch. Selection of qualified employees

Holiday business: how to start from scratch. Selection of qualified employees

Opening a company for organizing holidays today is not difficult - the threshold for entering the business does not exceed 300 thousand rubles. That is why the number of young event agencies is growing every year. Although one or two companies out of ten manage to get promoted. The main work of such agencies is organizing weddings and corporate events, since these services are most in demand among the population.

Choosing premises for opening an event agency

Opening an agency for organizing holidays begins with finding office space. Although for the first time of work you can do without it. This significantly saves the company's fixed costs. As the client base grows, the need for an office increases. It’s more convenient to meet clients here, and in general, the presence of an office means a certain solidity of the company.

Fortunately, the size of the room is not so important. The optimal size is a room of 20-30 m2, rented in the central part of the city. The rental cost, depending on the region, ranges from 500 to 3000 rubles per 1 m2. It is advisable to decorate the room in a bright and unique style, install upholstered furniture, a couple of computers, a fax machine, a color printer and a large screen for showing clients samples of ongoing events. All this will cost from 70 to 100 thousand rubles.

What equipment to choose for this business

The peculiarity of the business of organizing holidays is that it can be started either from scratch or vice versa, spending hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Business gurus recommend not purchasing the most expensive equipment at the start. Most of what is required can simply be rented. For example, sound equipment can be provided by a DJ, costumes and decorations by a presenter. You should buy expensive equipment as needed, in accordance with the growth of your customer base.

The first thing you can buy after promoting your business is audio equipment: speakers, sound amplifier, microphone, mixing console, lighting and laptop. The cost of the entire set starts from 100 thousand rubles. Then you can think about purchasing a video camera, a professional camera and the agency's personal car.

Recruitment for an event agency

In the first stages, a start-up agency will need at least:

- Account Manager. A manager is needed to receive and process calls, which can receive up to 50 per day during the season, as well as to communicate with specific customers. The manager's salary is usually piecework - 5 thousand rubles. plus a percentage (5-10%) of the order.

— Decorator of the hall (festival). Also one of the key employees of the holiday agency. From imagination and work experience this specialist a lot depends. His salary must be at least 30% of the order value.

— A driver with a personal car who will deliver personnel to the customer’s premises. Salary 10-15 thousand rubles per month.

In addition, to perform wide range orders will require hiring musicians, videographers, photographers, DJs, presenters, and so on. But only large and well-established organizations can maintain a large staff. For start-up companies, this business model is fundamentally unprofitable.

Therefore, the key success of a start-up event agency is a wide range of acquaintances with performers. The director's communication skills and ability to communicate with creative people- the key to success of this business. It will be necessary to establish contractual relationships with a variety of performers. For example, DJ services will cost 5-6 thousand rubles per evening. The services of live musicians (violinist, guitarist, etc.) are somewhat more expensive - from 6 thousand rubles per hour of work.

A host of the event (toastmaster) will definitely be required. At the same time, it is advisable to have both expensive and “cheap” performers in service. The services of an ordinary performer are estimated at 5-7 thousand rubles per evening. This category includes aspiring presenters and employees of cultural centers. Their programs are often boring and monotonous.

The next category includes more experienced and creative presenters. Their services cost from 8 to 15 thousand rubles. Such a toastmaster is able to come up with ideas in a few minutes original script for any holiday.

And finally, the last category includes the most expensive “elite” presenters, whose services start from 30 thousand rubles per evening. Such performers can not only spend the evening, but also perform musical compositions or dance themselves. They make every evening truly unforgettable. Such presenters are offered to wealthy customers, large companies and other VIP clients.

The markup on third-party services is no more than 10-15%. Setting prices above the market average, especially for a young company, is not advisable - competition in this market segment is quite serious.

How to use advertising to promote your event business

A start-up business needs advertising like air. But its effectiveness often depends on the quality of the agency itself. More than 80% of clients come on the advice of their acquaintances or friends. That is, the main promotion channel for the agency is ordinary word of mouth.

Enough effective method is considered a direct telephone call to customers. At the same time, it is important to monitor the holiday calendar of potential clients. When there is an anniversary at a particular company, when the director’s birthday or a prominent professional holiday - all this will allow you to make very good money if you make a fuss at the time.

It would be useful to create your own business card page on the Internet. Today, almost every more or less reputable agency is represented in the online directory. It will take at least 40 thousand rubles to create your own website, fill it with information and promote it.

How much can you earn from this business?

Organizing holidays is an exclusively seasonal type of business. The peak of orders occurs in June - September, when the wedding season is underway, as well as in December during corporate events. According to experts, it is better to plan the opening of a company in the spring in order to earn a “starting” reputation by the time weddings begin.

You need to be prepared for the fact that for the first 5-6 months of work your income will be negative. It’s good if at this time the number of orders is 2-3 per month at a price of 30-40 thousand for each. This will allow you to pay rent for the premises and wages personnel. Ultimately, the period for an agency to reach a constant profit depends on the efficiency of the business organization and averages 1-2 years.

Which tax system to choose for an event agency

The organizational form of a holiday agency can be the usual individual entrepreneurship. Fortunately, the registration procedure is as simple as possible, and the cost is minimal. As a taxation system, you can use the simplified taxation system (USN 6% or 15%) or purchase a patent.

How much money do you need to start a business?

The costs of opening a small agency, as noted above, start from 200-300 thousand rubles. The main costs are setting up an office, purchasing sound equipment and advertising. But these costs can also be avoided. When starting a business, you can do without an office - start with a simple visit to kindergartens. Hang advertising brochures in them, negotiate with directors. The potential client base of one kindergarten is about 70 people. The average “check” for one holiday is 500 rubles per child. Total revenue from one kindergarten- 35 thousand rubles. Part of the funds will go to pay for animators, a photographer and a musician. The total profit on average is 10 thousand rubles from one kindergarten.

Of course, the business of organizing holidays cannot be called simple. Behind the apparent ease of opening a business, there is a lot of painstaking work hidden. You have to work with musicians and artists - people who are creative by nature. And they, unfortunately, are not always punctual and accommodating.

That is why such a business is more suitable for young and energetic people who can build a successful business on ambition and determination alone. Somewhere you can personally play the role of Santa Claus, DJ or photographer at a wedding. Such people can open a business with almost no starting capital, based on your own originality and creative thought.

Step-by-step business plan: where to start

If in big cities there is quite tough competition in the business of organizing holidays, then in small cities the niche is often practically empty. But in any case, when opening your own agency, you need to know how much its services will be in demand. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly analyze the market, assess the solvency of the population and its needs. It is possible that many residents of a small town will not use the services of an agency, since they simply cannot afford it, or they believe that it is safer and cheaper to organize everything themselves. It is important to draw up a portrait of your intended clients and then decide on a list of services. Then it is necessary to resolve issues with financing, equipment, staffing, advertising and attracting clients.

What documents are needed

When organizing a business, OKVED codes can be specified as 90.01, 92.03. They are associated with the activities of organizing holidays. No special permit is required to conduct business. You only need to prepare a standard package of documents for registering an individual business.

What services can an event agency provide?

The list of holiday agency services may include services for purchasing products and selecting menus, table decoration, musical arrangement, video and photography, delivery of bouquets, and organization of the holiday program. The list of services can be significantly expanded, but this list is enough to organize a business from scratch.

Today, to celebrate an anniversary, wedding, birth of a child, or christening, people are not satisfied with just a feast.

The soul requires something unusual, memorable for a lifetime. In addition, sometimes it’s a good idea to show off. Organizing everything is not easy or cheap.

Therefore, they began to resort to the services of professionals. Event management agencies have gained widespread popularity. That is why this type business is very interesting for entrepreneurs. It is necessary to more carefully cover all the main aspects characteristic of this field of activity.

What do you need to remember when opening an event planning agency?

The business plan of such an organization is quite simple. First you need an office. This is the face of the future agency. It can't be boring or standard. The office should demonstrate that creative people work here who can turn life into a holiday. You also need to approach the selection of personnel correctly. Sometimes the toastmaster at a wedding inspires horror, and the clown in a children's restaurant makes you sad. It shouldn't be this way.

Before you open a holiday agency, you will need to prepare and do a lot of things. For example, you need to purchase equipment: musical equipment, projectors, screens, decorations, etc. You will have to buy vehicles. And these are additional costs.

Much will depend on the model vehicle. It would be nice to brand it with the organization’s logo and some funny picture. Just great option will be if all of the above can be rented profitably.

Promotional activities and registration

You need to be prepared for the fact that there will be expenses for advertising and marketing, since the competition in this market is quite serious. You will also need to register your business. As an organizational and legal form, you should choose LLC.

This choice is the most optimal, since among regular customers there will be many companies and corporations. The entrepreneur will also need to select a certain type of taxation. You will not need any licenses or specialized documents to open an agency for organizing holidays.

A business plan should be planned carefully

Before starting your own company, you need to plan all your income and expenses on paper. This is the main part of a business plan. First you need to make a list of services that the agency will provide. For example, organizing celebrations such as birthdays, children's parties, weddings, off-site corporate events, skit parties, etc.

Each service implies a specific scenario for the holiday. In addition, for each item a list of everything necessary is compiled. For example, a banquet hall, a hall with a stage, transport, balloons, doves for a wedding, floral decoration, musicians, actors, costumes, photo and video equipment, etc. Thus, an approximate estimate for each type of event will emerge, at least “ from start to finish."

It will be useful to analyze how busy this market is in the city in which the holiday organization agency will open. The business plan will need to be supplemented if new ideas arise.

Business premises

How to organize an agency for organizing holidays so that it brings the highest profit? This is only possible if you choose the office location wisely.

It would be better if it was the business center of the city. Business centers with many offices are concentrated there (and these are potential customers of the agency’s services), shopping centers with huge traffic of possible private customers.

Such areas usually have good transport links, meaning it will be convenient for clients from other parts of the city to get there.

The office should consist of several rooms. The meeting room should be decorated creatively and expensively. The office for managers may be simpler (this is a back office), but it should be comfortable for work. And, finally, a room for rehearsals, setting up equipment, preparing a phonogram, etc. This is the minimum. After all, the director and accountant may initially share an office with managers.

Purchase of furniture and all necessary equipment

For the office you will need furniture, office equipment, computers, laptops, and stationery. This is in addition to the special equipment described above. The staff you will need is an accountant, a sales manager (one or more), a creative manager (one or more), and a designer.

It is important that the sales manager is a master of negotiations, knows how to talk with any clients, and is a charming and smiling person. He must form and constantly replenish and adjust the client base. Then he will not forget to congratulate you on your birthday, New Year, and housewarming.

It would be nice to know when the birthdays of children and beloved nephews are, to remember even the most unexpected occasions for holidays of all profitable clients. The rest of the employees, such as actors, musicians, waiters, cleaners, of course, do not need to be hired on a permanent basis, but rather use their services from time to time.

The site will be able to increase profitability

To increase the income that the holiday organization agency will bring, the business plan must be supplemented with paragraph detailed description advertising activities. In addition, it is necessary to familiarize the client with full spectrum services provided by the organization. Therefore, you will need a website. Accordingly, there will be costs for promoting the resource.

It would be a good idea to advertise in the press, negotiate with the registry office so that they offer your services, and do mailings. You can hire a team of promoters who will distribute leaflets with information about the agency on the streets. As the agency grows, it is no longer possible to do without a marketer.

The main obstacle to starting a business is lack of money.

Thus, imagination is limited only by budget. After all, an agency can consist of two students who decorate the room with balloons and make the kids laugh in clown costumes. Or maybe a whole creative team that takes 500 people out into nature, organizes parachute jumps, a paintball tournament, fishing, bear hunting, and in the evening Elton John sings for them.

Also, the holiday agency business plan should describe the legal aspects of the company. Form of organization, charter, authorized capital, etc. You can invest in business with your own or borrowed funds. In Russia, banks do not lend to an entrepreneurial idea based only on a business plan. There are programs to support small and medium-sized businesses, but even there it is necessary that the company has been operating successfully for some time, and investments are expected in its further development.

The loan must be secured by something: the collateral is highly liquid and exceeds the loan amount by two or more times. Private investors also need guarantees. Plus, they tend to have higher interest rates. That is, it is easy to calculate how much you can count on in a given case. This is how an understanding of the project budget appears.

What expenses will an entrepreneur face?

It is worth summarizing what was described above and going into more detail about the costs. They will be needed for:

  1. Renting premises. You will have to spend about 300 thousand rubles on this in a year.
  2. Repair and finishing work. You will need to spend at least 50 thousand rubles.
  3. The purchase of all necessary equipment costs about 100 thousand rubles.
  4. The salary of managers is about 400 thousand rubles per year.

Thus, it turns out that before opening an agency for organizing holidays, you need to collect an amount equal to at least 850 thousand rubles.

Should you expect big returns at first?

A business plan is a long and painstaking work that may need to be delegated to professionals and ordered externally. You can write it yourself, but you need to take into account some nuances. You will need advice from a lawyer, accountant, tax optimization specialist, realtor, experienced recruiter, marketer, media relations manager, designer. All these services cost money. In the case of an external order, all these costs are the problem of the contractor.

Event agencies have a distinctly seasonal nature. The peak occurs in the summer and early autumn. In winter, corporate events are often booked during the New Year and Christmas holidays. But as experienced entrepreneurs recommend, you should open your company in the spring so that you can have time to gain a client base.

At first, you shouldn’t even think about an income that will exceed 40 thousand. Only after a certain time, when the number of orders is large enough, can you count on a profit equal to 70 thousand rubles. Naturally, profitability will only increase. The payback of the business will occur in approximately two years of active activity.

We hope that this review helped to understand the question of how to open an agency for organizing holidays. In any case, success in all your endeavors and prosperity!

What does it take to throw a great, unforgettable holiday? It was once believed that a table with snacks and drinks was enough, but today the situation has changed. Now an ordinary feast is not enough - for the holiday to be a success, you need to come up with something enchanting - with a performance, competitions and fiery fun. That is why, increasingly, weddings, corporate parties and even presentations are partially or completely entrusted to specialized agencies. Fun and good mood may well be profitable, so it makes sense to understand in detail how to open a holiday agency.

What will your agency be like?

The first thing you need to do is decide what the specialization of your enterprise will be. Children's and family parties, weddings, corporate events - it will be quite difficult to cover everything at once. Although if you have sufficient experience in this area, a large staff and the financial capabilities to implement different projects, you can open a generalist agency.

We prepare documents

To open an agency for organizing holidays, it is best to choose to register as an individual entrepreneur - this way, accounting is much easier. OKVED in this case you need to choose 92.3 and 92.72 - these codes indicate all types of activities that will be needed during holidays, celebrations and parties.

An event agency does not need a license, so after going through a simple registration procedure, you can immediately start working.

Premises and equipment: what you need

To get by with a minimum investment, some agencies begin work and search for orders without having premises - their own or rented. In this case, meetings with potential clients are scheduled, for example, in a cafe. It’s hard to call this a good decision: reputable clients are unlikely to turn to such an organization, which means you can’t count on high earnings.

Rent an office space and properly decorate it - this is the first thing you need to do when starting an entertainment business. Moreover, it is advisable to locate the office in a prestigious area, and approach its design with a certain amount of imagination. Designer decoration, photographs from successfully held events, equipment for viewing slides and videos - all this will indicate professionalism.

The office can be small - just a meeting room for meetings with clients and an office where managers will work. In addition, you will need a warehouse where you can store costumes, equipment and props (over time it will become quite large), but it is not necessary to combine it with an office: you can find cheaper premises.

It is very important for a holiday agency to acquire its own transport - a minibus or minivan. Hiring a car every time you need it will be quite expensive.

Agency staff

To start a business organizing holidays, you will need two specialists - a sales manager (he will be involved in advertising the company and finding clients) and a creative manager (the one who will be responsible for the creative part of the process: writing scripts, generating ideas, developing concepts). If you plan to perform one of these functions yourself, at first this will help reduce costs, but this should only be done if you do not doubt your professionalism and have the relevant experience; if not, it is better to entrust these issues to those who cope with them at the proper level.

Your agency will also need an entertainer (toastmaster) and a driver (if you don’t have a car, you can look for a driver with your own transport, this will cost a little more).

The rest of the staff may be freelance, but to get started you will need a solid base of creative teams and artists that you can attract to participate in your projects if necessary. It can be:

  • DJs,
  • musicians,
  • singers or music bands,
  • circus performers: clowns, acrobats, magicians, jugglers, etc.,
  • fire show organizers
  • dance groups or exotic dancers,
  • pyrotechnics.

In addition, your agency may need:

  • decorators,
  • florists,
  • photographers,
  • videographers.

Agency advertising

With time good advertising The agency will receive satisfied clients: people usually share their impressions of holidays - weddings, anniversaries, corporate events. They post videos and photographs on the Internet and gladly answer questions, telling where they went and how much this pleasure cost. So simply doing your job perfectly is already a good advertising strategy.

However, at first you will have to make sure that you are noticed. The most suitable for this different types advertising - business cards and booklets, announcements on local radio and television.

An important part advertising campaign– creation of a website for your agency. Increasingly, potential consumers of services are looking for a suitable contractor on the Internet and this must be kept in mind. The holiday agency website, like the office, should be bright, interesting and eye-catching. It should have detailed information about the services you offer, the company’s offline coordinates and, of course, a form feedback with the ability to order a call from the manager.

Another way to let your customers know about yourself is to advertise in popular groups and communities on social networks (of course, not in any groups, but only in those that are related to your locality).

Income and expenses

To accurately understand upcoming expenses, before you start organizing holidays, you will need to draw up a detailed business plan taking into account the situation in your locality. To do this, you will need to study market saturation, demand and growth opportunities.

According to rough estimates, the purchase of props and equipment will require about 200 thousand rubles (if you rent equipment, the initial investment may be less, but this is not very convenient and much less profitable, so it is better to buy it).

It will cost about 20–25 thousand to rent an office; the payment for permanent employees will be about 60–90 thousand monthly. The rest of the project participants can be paid a certain share of the payment for the holidays in which they participate.

If in the first months of the agency’s work there are not so many orders (2–3 orders for 50 thousand rubles each), and then their number and cost increase (6–8 orders for 70–80 thousand each), the agency can pay for itself in just a few months - year.

Going to work - like going to a holiday? This is quite possible if you open your own business organizing holidays and celebrations! Such an agency can become quite profitable, because there are many holidays in our lives - our birthdays, our children’s birthdays, school graduations, New Year, anniversaries, anniversaries, March 8, corporate holidays, etc. And everyone wants the celebrations to be organized and fun. This is what the so-called holiday agencies do, or in fashionable event agencies. How to start such a business from scratch - about this we'll talk Further.

Business plan for an agency for organizing holidays

When planning a business, be sure to draw up a business plan taking into account your budget and all expenses. A business plan for organizing holidays will help you create a holistic picture of your future business, from which you can safely build on when taking real action. You can download a sample of such a business plan from us. Download the business plan of an agency for organizing holidays

Business in organizing holidays

Business registration

You can register and how individual entrepreneur, and as a limited liability company. The first option is faster and simpler, but the second is much more promising in terms of further development. If you are going to organize corporate events (and this is one of the main activities of holiday agencies), then you will cooperate with legal entities, therefore, it would be more advisable to immediately register an LLC. In addition, you will probably seek the help of other organizations in organizing holidays, for example, paintball clubs, entertainment centers or restaurants. You do not need to obtain a license for this type of activity.


First, you need to analyze the market in your city for the presence of such agencies. If you find agencies with an excellent reputation that have been on the market for a long time, it will be quite difficult to compete with them. In this case, you must come up with some unusual feature that only your company will have in order to stand out from your competitors. This could be a non-standard approach to holding holidays, access to unusual locations, or amazingly witty presenters who will be quoted by the whole city. Entering the market with a standard set of services, if there is already a “shark” of such a business in the city, is also possible. But in this case it is absolutely not a fact that you will be able to achieve success in this business.

Search for premises

The premises are needed for an office in which negotiations with clients will mainly be conducted and materials and supplies will be stored. At first, you can do without an office by making appointments with clients in cafes, restaurants or on their premises. However, keep in mind that having an office will add some credibility to the company. 20-30 square meters of area will be enough. It is better to locate your office in the central part of the city so that any of your clients can quickly and easily find it. This may be a room in one of the business centers or in a separate building on the ground floor. The office should contain three separate rooms and a vestibule. In one room you will conduct negotiations with clients, in another your employees will work, in the third you will store inventory, tools, decorations, and costumes.


For office equipment, you will need standard office equipment - computers, printers, scanners, etc. And be sure to have projection equipment so that you can clearly demonstrate to clients examples of celebration decorations and other important information. You will also need furniture (soft sofas or armchairs) for the reception room and a desk for the receptionist.
For use at events, you will need audio equipment - speakers, amplifiers, mixers, lighting, microphones. You can purchase all this immediately or rent it only on those days when such equipment is needed. But you shouldn’t delay the purchase. It is better to purchase all the equipment at the first opportunity than to spend money on rent, and even have the risk of unforeseen expenses if you need to pay compensation for damaged or broken devices. But anything can happen.

Also, the agency cannot do without costumes and scenery. To begin with, it’s a good idea to have at least several sets of both for different types of celebrations. Over time, you will purchase new ones, thereby expanding the variety of services provided.

And the last type of necessary equipment is photo and video equipment. She must be professional or at least semi-professional at first. Nowadays, almost all holidays and celebrations are recorded on camera, so you can’t do without this technology.

Services and clients

All clients of holiday organizing agencies can be divided into two categories - individuals and enterprises. Private clients will order from you for birthdays, children's parties, family anniversaries, and weddings. Enterprises will order the organization of corporate events - company birthdays, New Year celebrations, March 8 and other dates. It is most profitable to be a company that provides a wide range of services, that is, organizing all the listed holidays for private and corporate clients. Some agencies also undertake the organization of conferences, trainings, seminars, and the organization of sweepstakes for individuals.

Each type of holiday requires a special approach. First, you must listen to the client's wishes regarding where and how they want to spend the holiday. The budget that the customer has is also very important here. If it is small, you should advise the client how to organize the holiday in such a way as to fit within the budget and leave the client satisfied.

Often clients come not with specific proposals, but simply with the desire to have a good rest and celebrate a date. For example, a young couple will come to you and voice what they want “a beautiful wedding, but so that it is unusual and memorable for the guests, and our budget is like this.” Next, your creative managers, through negotiations (often quite lengthy) with clients, come to one celebration scenario. You must offer your customers a wide variety of ideas until you hear from them. “This is really what we want!”.


All agency employees must be proactive, active and creative people. This is simply a necessary rule for all staff, because it is on people that the entire business will rest. An event organization agency needs:

- Customer service managers. These people must be sociable and have the gift of persuasion and effective interaction. Managers will conduct initial meetings with clients, negotiate with them and draw up a plan and budget for activities;
- Decorator. Or in other words – a hall decorator. He, in fact, will decorate the room before the holiday with the help of various decorations and interior elements. The decorator must have artistic taste and preferably have an education in the field of design;
- Florist. This is also a decorator, but he decorates rooms with flowers. In addition to working with the premises, the florist will also create flower arrangements for brides and birthday parties;
- Creative managers. These are employees who create scenarios for events - write texts to the presenter, come up with competitions, develop performances and show programs, etc. In principle, education here is not as important as an unconventional mind, resourcefulness and the ability to think creatively. As practice shows, former KVN specialists often work in this direction;
- Presenters. To get started, hire one host who will work on all holidays. As the business develops and the client base increases, it will be possible to add several more presenters, different in their manner of conducting events. This way you can give clients the opportunity to independently choose a host for their celebration;
- Photographers and cameramen. If you hire them with your own equipment, you can save on the purchase of photo and video equipment, however, in this case you will have to offer them higher wages;
- DJ. The person responsible for the musical accompaniment of events. The DJ should be able to easily handle the sound equipment you have and, of course, have good taste in music;
- Driver. The agency must have its own car, or better yet, a minibus. You will need to somehow deliver employees to the venue of the celebration, as well as bring the necessary equipment there.

In addition, the agency must have a wide range of business contacts. These could be musical groups, famous presenters, dancers, clowns, jugglers, magicians, pyrotechnicians, designers working with specific materials, etc. Such specialists can be invited to cooperate at individual events. We recommend creating your own database of people with whom you can collaborate and collecting feedback about them. An irresponsible or frivolous partner will be able to ruin your entire order, which will entail bad problems in terms of your reputation.

Your clients can commission you to do anything from an extravagant fire show to performing unusual magic tricks or cooking exotic dishes - and you should always be able to find people who can do it. Otherwise, you will lose customers and lower your reputation, since you were unable to fulfill the customer’s desire.

You must understand that qualified and creative personnel are main value agencies for organizing holidays. You can have luxurious decorations and expensive equipment, but all this will be useless if the workers do not know what to do with it. You can try to find really worthwhile professionals, pay them decent wages, and then you don’t have to worry about the quality of the services provided. You can also hire amateurs who are just starting their career in event organization. But then be prepared for the fact that the business will take a longer path to success, learning from its own mistakes.


The specifics of the work of event agencies are such that about 80% of clients will come to you based on recommendations from friends and acquaintances. “These guys did our wedding, we really liked it! Order your corporate party from them too"- this will have a much stronger effect than an advertisement found on the Internet. But where to get your first clients? Most likely, these will be your own acquaintances, relatives and friends. With them you can build a portfolio that an event agency needs like air. You can advertise your services on the Internet and in the media without a portfolio, but it will not be very effective. After all, potential clients will want, first of all, to see your already held events and hear feedback from your past clients. You can promote such a business almost anywhere: on television, radio, print media, online forums and social networks.

Create a website for your agency that contains all the necessary information about your activities, and promote it through search engines, as well as on other Internet resources.

Make it a habit to keep a calendar of your clients' events. That is, if you once held a corporate event for a company, call them next year before this date and offer your services again. Find out the birthday dates of the heads of the company, and also offer to organize a celebration for them. Do the same with private clients who ordered anniversaries or anniversaries from you.


Organizing and holding celebrations is a fairly seasonal business. You will receive the largest number of orders in the summer (weddings) and in December (New Year's corporate parties). Accordingly, profits in these months will be higher than in others. The business pays off in about a year, but it all depends on the size of the start-up investment. Even in a good situation, for the first six months you will have no more than 2-3 orders per month. In an effort to quickly cover all investments, you should not inflate prices for services when you do not yet have sufficient experience. It’s better to work on your reputation first and win the trust of your clients. And then in 1-2 years you will be able to achieve stable high profits.

The business of organizing holidays is a difficult business. But it is very interesting, especially for those who do not like to sit still, in whom new creative ideas are constantly born, who want to give joy to people. If you are just such a person, then you have every chance of becoming a successful owner of a company for organizing celebrations and holidays!

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