Home Wisdom teeth The influence of fine motor skills on the development of the cerebral cortex. Lecture by Professor Sergei Savelyev “Calligraphy and the Brain”

The influence of fine motor skills on the development of the cerebral cortex. Lecture by Professor Sergei Savelyev “Calligraphy and the Brain”

Lecture by Professor Savelyev Calligraphy and the brain at the calligraphy exhibition (Sokolniki Park 09/08/2017).

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S.V. Savelyev: Calligraphy

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Lecture by Sergei Savelyev “Calligraphy and the Brain” at the International Exhibition of Calligraphy

Lecture by Professor Sergei Savelyev “Calligraphy and the brain. Influence fine motor skills on the development of the cerebral cortex."

Sergey Vyacheslavovich describes in detail the meaning of written speech and its graphic design for the brain. Talks about the need to develop penmanship and calligraphy skills in children as one of the key pedagogical techniques for differentiating specialized centers of the brain.

Interview with Professor Savelyev at the calligraphy exhibition #2

Interview #2 with Professor Sergei Vyacheslavovich Savelyev about the upcoming lecture Calligraphy and the brain at the calligraphy exhibition (Sokolniki Park 09/08/2017)

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S.V. Savelyev about children. Aplysia and calligraphy

Interview with Professor Savelyev at the calligraphy exhibition

Interview with Professor Sergei Vyacheslavovich Savelyev about the upcoming lecture Calligraphy and the brain at the calligraphy exhibition (Sokolniki Park 09/08/2017)

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S Saveliev The influence of writing on the brain

Expanding Worldview

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Brain and prayer. Savelyev S.V.

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Calligraphy is medicine and gymnastics for the human mind and soul

S V Savelyev How we think. Speed ​​of thinking

Lecture by Professor Savelyev Calligraphy and the brain

Lecture by S.V. Savelyev "The Brain of Modern Man"

Brain modern man

Central House of Scientists 01/30/2017

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Sergey Savelyev _ An amazing lecture about the evolution and structure of the human brain

Sergey Vyacheslavovich Savelyev, Russian scientist, evolutionist, paleoneurologist, Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, head of the development laboratory nervous system Institute of Human Morphology RAS.

Sergey Savel"yev _ Potryasayushchaya lektsiya pro evolyutsiyu i ustroystvo mozga cheloveka

S.V. Savelyev for children. Calligraphy and the cerebellum. Long-term opportunities.

Lecture by Professor Savelyev Calligraphy and the brain

S Savelyev Secret knowledge

Expanding Worldview

Website good lectures

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S.V. Savelyev: How to make the brain work

Professor Sergey Vyacheslavovich Savelyev on VestiFM 04/30/2017

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S V Savelyev for children. Experiments in calligraphy

Lecture by Professor Savelyev Calligraphy and the brain

Sergey Savelyev. Report on terrorists 23-9-2015

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Lecture by S.V. Savelyev "Selection and evolution of the brain"

Lecture by Professor Sergei Vyacheslavovich Savelyev
Selection and evolution of the human brain

Central House of Scientists 03/27/2017

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Sergey Savelyev. Social evolution of the human brain

Publishing house "VEDI" and professor S.V. Savelyev will be grateful for any possible assistance in implementing new publishing projects. Details and personal video message from S.V. Savelyev are on the official website of the publishing house

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Professor Sergey Vyacheslavovich Savelyev. (born 1959) - Russian scientist, evolutionist, paleoneurologist, Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, head of the laboratory of development of the nervous system at the Institute of Human Morphology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. The photographer, a member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, was awarded bronze, silver and gold medals by the Russian Artists' Union.

Report by S.V. Savelyev "Social evolution of the brain"

Report by Professor S.V. Savelyeva Social evolution of the human brain at the Universum Club seminar (12/13/2016)

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5 months ago

S.V. Savelyev is my idol

5 months ago

Abstraction is power!)

5 months ago

Savelyev could have explained in another way why penmanship is more effective than an activity, for example, music: music is “coded” by only 7 symbols-notes, and writing, if we take the Russian language, is 33 symbols-letters. If we compare writing (coding) a calligraphic text composition with a musical one, then this is heaven and earth. A person needs not just to play a ready-made scale, a prelude..., but to write entire concerts for a symphony orchestra in the same way as a composition from a text, and then, I repeat, such a musical composition will be “coded” with only 7 characters.

5 months ago

The school director defeated everyone, even the professor stood in front of her like a schoolboy

6 months ago

The desire for Beauty is a new stage in the evolutionary development of humanity!

7 months ago

How late I found out the truth Scientific research,. This is for those who think.

7 months ago

Openly calls things by their proper names and is quite scientifically based. He would be for president. Not only Russia but also civilization would save more fun easier and faster. Soon, like Tesla, they will shut him up by all means. What a phenomenal memory, the philosopher is the wisest specialist from God. Lucky were the students who had the opportunity to study with him. Man of genius. I enjoy listening to him.

7 months ago

It's funny to see a person making a serious claim about baby monkey brains.....they don't remember anything, etc. I remember myself starting from the table where my navel was being treated and I remember the words of the doctor - the first person I saw and the first words I heard in this world from the mouth of this doctor, “my eyes are wide open.” My mother’s breast near my nose (and she fed me for only 2 weeks), a crib, a stroller, people looking into the stroller, vaccinations and in general, I remember a lot of things. My daughter, at 7 months old, unmistakably identified the colors of the ribbons tied to the crib, I told her them only 3 times and, watching her sort through them, .... asked where the red one is ..... she took the red ribbon in her hand and looked at me. ..I was very surprised...I thought maybe it was by accident, but she didn’t make a mistake in a single color, she showed all 7 colors correctly! here's a monkey for you. By the way, I'm left-handed. I agree that you need to breastfeed...preferably until self-weaning. At the age of 40, memories from childhood flooded, seemingly lost forever.... for example... I am sitting at the table on pillows and picking a hole in the oilcloth... and the drawing on the oilcloth is a tractor with little animals in the box... one of them a pig... and so clear and distinct, as if everything happened yesterday, that’s where this information has been sitting in the brain for almost 40 years..... Listen to the professor less, listen to yourself..... if you want to let your child listen to music, give it , if you want to show the letters per year, show them. Without violence and fanaticism. The brain is such a thing that what gets into it stays there forever.

7 months ago

Yes, really... really... yes... I bought myself a fountain pen....

7 months ago

And also about music. Music is sound. Sound is a wave. You can feel it. Therefore, even if the embryo does not hear, it feels it.

7 months ago

How then can I explain that my son taught himself to read at the age of 4? I learned the letters myself. He figured out how to put them into syllables. I'm still a little shocked by this. Because I was studying with my eldest, and I had no way of explaining to her how letters form syllables. I tried really hard, but the child didn’t understand. At the age of 5 they were all taught to read in the garden. And the son somehow finished it himself.
But my daughter has an excellent memory. At the age of 3 she knew all of Barto and Chukovsky by heart. And some stories in prose. She retold it word for word. And she knew which text was on which page in the book. It is amazing. At 2 years old she spoke in sentences. And neither son nor daughter liked to paint. Coloring to develop fine motor skills. They thought it was boring.

Lecture by Professor Sergei Savelyev “Calligraphy and the brain. The influence of fine motor skills on the development of the cerebral cortex"

It has been known for many years that calligraphy not only has an aesthetic function, but also has a beneficial effect on the development of certain parts of the brain. The art of beautiful writing helps in the development of fine motor skills, optical control, attention, accuracy, and perseverance. Calligraphy promotes concentration and improves short-term and figurative memory. The process of writing activates unique neural pathways.

It is this huge and undeniable influence of calligraphy on the development of the human brain that he will talk about on September 8 at 19:00 as part of the event. Sergey Vyacheslavovich Savelyev is a popular scientist, a specialist in the morphology and evolution of the brain with 30 years of experience, the head of the laboratory of the development of the nervous system of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution of the Research Institute of Human Morphology of the FANO (RAS) during his lecture “Calligraphy and the Brain. The influence of fine motor skills on the development of the cerebral cortex."

Sergey Vyacheslavovich will describe in detail the importance of written speech and its graphic design for the brain. He will talk about the need to develop penmanship and calligraphy skills in children as one of the key pedagogical techniques for differentiating specialized centers of the brain.

Lecture by Professor Sergei Savelyev “Calligraphy and the brain. The influence of fine motor skills on the development of the cerebral cortex"

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