Home Gums Consolidating what you have learned in AMO with lesson notes. Pedagogical development

Consolidating what you have learned in AMO with lesson notes. Pedagogical development

Meeting with interesting person mother - cook in kindergarten"Let's bake the birds"

This material will be of interest to teachers who use in their work the educational tradition recommended by T.I. Grizik (program “From childhood to adolescence”) - meeting an interesting person.
This tradition allows for a new approach to working with parents: parents have the opportunity to become active participants in the educational process.

Methodological development of educational activities for the development of communicative activities in secondary school children before school age"Let's bake the birds"

(The theme of the month is “Bird Festival”)

Form of joint activity: meeting with an interesting person - my mother, a cook.

Target: develop children's communication skills with adults and peers in the process of practical activities.

Implementation tasks educational field"Socially - communication development»:
show initiative and independence in communicating with adults and peers when solving a practical problem (the desire to ask questions, start a conversation, join in the activity);
teach accuracy in the process of your work, cook and clean your own workplace;
cultivate a value-based attitude towards one’s own work and the work of an adult;

Objectives of the implementation of the educational field " Speech development»:
enrich the vocabulary necessary for mastering educational areas, including through the names of examination actions (wet, squeeze, cut, roll, pour, etc.)
continue to use complex sentences in speech.

Objectives of the implementation of the educational field " Cognitive development»:
update children's ideas about the first signs of spring, about migratory birds;
develop the ability to establish basic dependencies: it has become warm, insects have woken up, migratory birds have arrived from warm regions;

Objectives of the implementation of the educational field " Physical development»:
strengthen personal hygiene skills (wash your hands before cooking dough);
continue to form correct posture while working at the desk.

Material for the meeting: ready-made shortbread dough for baking; for each child - an apron, scarf, cutting board, plastic knife.

Preliminary work:
Educational areas:
"Cognitive development":
conversations, situational conversations and stories from teachers about spring and migratory birds;

Bird watching in the yard;
design of the exhibition “Bird House”;

"Speech development":
reading fiction: M. Gorky. “Sparrow;
memorizing the chant about spring “Go, spring, go, red...”;
didactic game“Who is missing?”, lotto “Birds”, “Confusion”;
guessing riddles about birds;

“Artistic and aesthetic development”:
creating a gift for a guest - collective work “Bird of Happiness”;
exhibition of children's works "Bird of Happiness";
listening to recordings of birdsong;
learning a song about spring;

“Social and communicative development:
looking at postcards, pictures, illustrations from books depicting birds;
conversation with children “How do they greet and see off guests?”

"Physical development":
leisure “Spring has come”;
thematic complex morning exercises"Birds";
outdoor game “Migration of birds”.

Progress of the meeting:

Children sit in a semicircle. They greet the guest, greet them, express joy: we are glad that you came to us, you waited a long time, you prepared.
Guest: Guys, I’m also glad that I came to visit you, I also prepared, I brought everything with me, and today I’ll show you how to bake delicious cookies that look like birds. You know that in the past, long, long ago, Russian people always baked such birds, as if welcoming spring, calling to it, rejoicing in spring. So today you and I will also ring in spring and bake some birds.
Educator: They also welcomed spring with poems and chants. The guys and I also know the same nickname (they tell).
Guest: Well done! And if we bake some cookies, then spring will definitely come to us!
To start cooking, you need to prepare. I will put on an apron and tie a scarf on my head.
Educator: Guys, why do you think mom wore an apron and tied a scarf? (summarizes the children’s answers: correctly, in order not to stain clothes, so that the hair does not interfere, hide it under a scarf).
Guest: I've already kneaded the dough, let's start cooking. Let's wash our hands and put on aprons and scarves.
(Children go to the tables, to their work place, where there is an apron and scarf brought from home; they dress, turn to adults for help or help each other.)
Guest: Prepare a board and rolling pin.
(Children prepare their workplace and check.)
Mom shows how to make a bird.
Sample: First, I roll the dough into a “sausage”, then very carefully cut it in half with a knife at one end, so I get two “sausages”. I will braid them like a braid - this will be my ponytail. I will lift the other end of the “sausage” up slightly - this will be the head. I’ll pinch the nose and the tuft at the top. It turned out to be a bird.
Guest: Want to try it too? Gives everyone a piece of dough. Children make their own birds; bring them to a baking sheet. Decorate them with confectionery powder.
When all the birds are ready, everyone takes the birds to the kitchen together.
Guest: Well, our birds are ready. Now we will take them to the kitchen, ask our chefs to bake them, and after the walk we will try our cookies!
(Children clean up their workplace; see off the guest).
In the evening after sleep there will be a tea party.

Photo for a meeting with an interesting person - a mother - a cook on the topic "Let's bake the birds"

Bird specimen - lark
- First I'll roll out the dough. "sausage"

- Then I’ll carefully cut it with a knife "sausage" from one end so that you get two "sausages"

- Now I’ll braid them like a pigtail. This will be my bird's tail.

- The other end "sausages" I'll lift it up a little. This will be the bird's head. I'll give her a nose and a tuft at the top. It turned out to be a bird.

- I’ll decorate my bird with confectionery powder.

- Well, the birds are ready, you can bake them.

- Our birds are baked! We invite everyone to a tea party!

Subject:"Heroes of Russian folk tales"

Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Physical development", "Social and communicative development"


ü Contribute to the expansion vocabulary, speech development.

ü Activate interest in fiction.


ü teach children to select the right words according to their meaning and finish the phrase started by an adult;

ü introduce the sound “ch”, teach how to pronounce the sound “ch” correctly;

ü develop the ability to independently and with the help of a teacher find words with the sound “h”;

ü continue to develop the ability to solve riddles, find a way out of problematic situations, and creative imagination;

ü cultivate a love for Russian folk tales, a sense of camaraderie, a desire to come to the aid of friends.



Summary of OOD on communicative activities and VHL in the middle group

Educator: Tarasova O. V.

Location:group room

Time spending: 20.01.2016, 9:40

Subject: "Heroes of Russian folk tales"

Integration of educational areas: "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Physical development", "Social and communicative development"


  • Contribute to the expansion of vocabulary and speech development.
  • Activate interest in fiction.


  • teach children to select words that have the right meaning and finish a sentence started by an adult;
  • introduce the sound “ch”, teach how to pronounce the sound “ch” correctly;
  • develop the ability to independently and with the help of a teacher find words with the sound “h”;
  • continue to develop the ability to solve riddles, find a way out of problematic situations, and creative imagination;
  • cultivate a love for Russian folk tales, a sense of camaraderie, and a desire to come to the aid of friends.

Preliminary work:reading Russian folk tale"Teremok"

Material: soft toy “Bear”, masks of the heroes of the fairy tale “Teremok”.

Bear: Hello guys, hello friends! You recognized me? Bear - me! And now, everyone, in order, I’ll tell you some riddles:

Jumps deftly, loves carrots

Who walks around angry and hungry in the cold winter?

This red-haired cheat steals chickens very cleverly. The gray wolf has a sister, and her name is......

Pee-pee-pee she said and immediately ran into the hole. What kind of baby is this? This is a small...

IN.: Guys, what are these heroes of a fairy tale?

Let's remember her... Reading a fairy tale.

Bear offers a different ending to the story if the children complete his tasks. Game “Say words with the sound “ch””

DETAILED LESSON PROGRAM AND CONTENT based on moderation technology

Subject on which the lesson is taught

Russian language

Topic “Punctuation marks in a sentence with homogeneous members»

UMK: " Primary School 21st century."


3rd grade

Lesson stage



Forms and methods of teaching

Detailed description forms/methods, content

Goals and objectives of the method


"Start of an educational event."


Organizing time.

2 minutes

AMO "Hello, friend"

Target: create an emotional mood.

Carrying out

After the teacher has said hello to the class, he invites the students to say hello to each other.

Children greet each other by touching each finger in turn and saying:

I wish (big)
success (index)
large (medium)
in everything (nameless)
and everywhere (little finger).
Hello (whole palm).

Entering the topic. Defining Lesson Objectives

Lesson planning

2 minutes

Game "What first, what then..."

Target: develop planning skills educational activities

Carrying out

Signs are scattered on the board. Distributing them, students create a lesson plan:

1. Calligraphy

2. Vocabulary work

3. Repetition of what has been learned

4. “Discovery of new knowledge”

5. Fastening

6. Lesson summary. Reflection

7. Homework


3 minutes

Target: develop calligraphic writing; preparing students to determine the topic of the lesson

Carrying out

Write small letter a

Answer the questions:

- “What role can it play in the Russian language? (forms a syllable, can be an ending, can be a conjunction)

What other unions do you know? (and, but)

Vocabulary work

4 minutes

AMO game "Showcase"

Goal: be able to divide words into groups; preparation for determining the topic of the lesson

Carrying out

Vocabulary words are attached to the board. One student thought of a word. Students in the class buy this word for questions (for example: this word has 2 syllables, the stress falls on the first syllable, this is an animate object, etc.) As they answer, words are removed. In the end, the intended word remains on the board (tit)

Come up with a sentence with homogeneous members using vocabulary words on the topic “Birds”.

Based on the main points of penmanship and vocabulary work, students deduce the topic of the lesson “Learning to put punctuation marks in sentences with homogeneous members, connected by conjunctions and, a. But". Set the goal of the lesson.

Repetition of previously learned

3 minutes

AMO "Express-poll"

Target: update students' knowledge about homogeneous members of a sentence; develop the ability to quickly answer questions posed, develop public response skills.

Carrying out.

3 students are invited to the board, and the class members ask questions about the topic being studied one by one. Responders must quickly navigate and answer

Setting student expectations

3 minutes

AMO "Tree of Predictions"

Goal: develop cognitive independence

The teacher prepares a large poster with a conventional “tree” in advance. At the beginning of the lesson, students are given pre-prepared leaves. Students write their guesses on them and take turns placing them on the tree. There may be several assumptions.

Interactive lecture

based on the knowledge of students discussed above

3 minutes

Computer presentation

Purpose: introduction of theoretical material

Elaboration of topic content

Discovery of new knowledge

10 minutes

AMO "Beehive".

Target: learn to discuss and analyze a given topic in small groups.

Purpose of group work:

Teaching communication skills using the material of the subject being studied

Training in the ability to extract and transform information received from a source

The teacher determines the number of questions discussed on the new topic. Groups of students are distributed. Do the textbook exercise. They observe and draw conclusions - when a comma is placed in sentences with homogeneous members, and when not. They look for the correct solution to the problem, working with a source - a book. Work in a group, distribution of responsibilities and organization of work by the group leader.

Emotional release (warm-up)

3 min.

AMO “Your own director.”

A children's song is played, the children come up with and show movements to it.

Primary consolidation

3 minutes

Interactive test on the lesson topic

Goal: consolidate new material

Laptops are used for work.

Completion of the educational event



2 minutes


AMO "Mukhomor"

Target: evaluate your own contribution to the work of the group, individual work at every stage of the lesson,

Material: Lesson self-assessment sheet, which shows a circle divided into sectors according to the lesson plan

Carrying out:

Answer the question: “How satisfied am I…”

What I saw in class.

We put dots inside the sector with a felt-tip pen.

The closer to the center the dot is placed, the more I liked it.

At the end, after answering the questions, the circle resembles a fly agaric, hence the name of the method.


2 minutes

Homework of your choice: an exercise in the textbook or a creative task that needs to be found in recreation (the teacher hid it in advance)

Lesson summary on physical culture using AMO technology “Journey to the Land of the Ball” 3rd grade

Author-compiler: Zangieva Tatyana Nikolaevna, physical education teacher in primary school. MAOU "Kurmanaevskaya Secondary School"
This development is designed for children of primary school age and is intended for physical education teachers at school, physical education instructors, students, and preschool teachers educational institutions.
The presented AMO technology (active learning methods) is a system of methods that ensure activity and diversity in the mental and practical activities of students in the process of mastering educational material, which allows you to unobtrusively learn new things and apply both new and existing knowledge, helps to emancipate students.
When developing the lesson I used Toolkit Lazareva T.V. "Educational technologies of new standards."
Target: unerring possession of the ball
Tasks: improving throwing and catching the ball.
Strengthen throwing and catching the ball in relay races.
Development physical qualities: speed, agility, strength of legs, arms.
Foster a sense of cohesion, perseverance, and courage.
Formation of UUD:
Communicative: express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.
Regulatory: carry out actions according to a model and a given rule, maintain a given goal.
Cognitive: do exercises with the ball.
Personal: demonstrate discipline, hard work and perseverance in achieving your goals.
Equipment: volleyballs, chips, hoops, task cards, jump ropes, 2 sheets of paper for each student, red, yellow, green tokens.
During the classes:
I. Preparatory part. Greetings.
AMO "Say hello with your elbows"
Target: create a positive mood for the lesson.
1. create conditions for students to develop positive motivation;
2. create a favorable atmosphere.
Technology: Today, guys, you will greet each other with your elbows. To do this, guys, stand in a circle. Pay for the first, second, third. And you need to do the following:
Each “number one” puts his hands behind his head so that his elbows are pointing in different directions;
Each “number two” rests his hands on his hips so that his elbows are also directed to the right and left;
Each “number three” bends forward, puts his palms on his knees and puts his elbows out to the sides.
Guys, you are given only three minutes to complete the task. During this time you should say hello to as many people as possible a large number classmates, saying their name, and touching each other's elbows.
In three minutes you will gather in three groups so that the first, second and third numbers are together, respectively. Now greet each other within your group.
Immersion in the topic
AMO "Guess the Riddle" (reworked)
Target: focus students' attention on the upcoming activity and topic of the lesson.
1. aim students to understand the upcoming topic of the lesson;
2. motivate students to study this topic;
Required equipment: ball
Technology: guys, guess the riddle and guess what the lesson is about today we'll talk.
Light, sonorous and elastic,
Round, like a bun.
It's a pleasure to spend your free time with him.
Like a bunny, he jumped and hopped.
Enjoys playing
Both a girl and a boy are with him.
Everyone will immediately guess -
Well, of course it is...(ball)
Question. Guys, what qualities do exercises with the ball develop? What kind of outdoor ball games do you know?
-Well done boys.
- Today we will go with you on a journey, but not quite an ordinary one. We are going to a country that is not on any map of the world! To the land of the ball! On our way there will be tasks that you must complete; if the task is completed, then you can move on. Have a nice trip!
Brief safety briefing.
* class “Be equal!”, “At attention!”, “Pay in numerical order!”
* performing drill exercises, turning left, right, around in place
* to the right, walking around the hall with a distance of 1 step on toes
(hands on waist, back straight).
*running at a steady pace
Executing commands.

Construction and rebuilding. Gives the commands: “Calculate for the first and second!”, “First – one step, second – three steps forward in a march!”, “Open your arms to the sides!”. Guys, take the balls in your hands. The first task is to complete the ORU complex with a ball:
1. I. p. - legs apart, ball in front in lowered hands. 1 – 2. – Raise the ball forward – up. Bend over, move away left leg back on the toe. 3 – 4. – and. n. Repeat 4 – 5 times.
2. I. p. – basic stance, ball at the chest in both hands. 1. – Hands up, rise on your toes, bend over. 2. – Hands on chest. 3. – Lean forward, hands down, touch the ball to the floor. 4. – I. p. Repeat 6 – 8 times.
3.I. p. – legs apart, the ball lies on the left. 1-Lean forward - to the left, take the ball. 2- Straighten up, ball in lowered hands. 3- Lower the ball to the right. 4-I. p. 5 – 8. Do the same, but in the other direction. Repeat 6 – 8 times.
4. I. p. - legs apart, arms to the sides, ball in the left hand, palm down. 1 – 2. – Release the ball from your hand and after the rebound, turning your body to the left, catch the ball with your right hand. The same in the other direction. Repeat 6 – 8 times.
5. I. p. – sitting with your feet apart and the ball at your chest. 1. – Turn your torso to the left while simultaneously straightening your arms forward. 2. – I. p. The same in the other direction. Repeat 4 – 6 times.
6. I. p. - sitting, legs straight, arms to the sides, ball in the left hand. 1. – Raise your legs straight and, lowering your arms, transfer the ball under your knees from your left hand to your right. 2. – Lower your legs, arms to the sides (ball in your right hand). 3 – 4. – The same, moving the ball from right hand to the left. Repeat 6 – 8 times.
7.I. p. – lying on your stomach; the ball is held in straight forward arms. 1- Bend over, bending your elbows, bring the ball behind your head, lift your elbows off the floor. 2 - Return to I. p. 3-4. - Same. Repeat 6 – 8 times.
8. I. p. – basic stance, the ball lies at the toes. 1. – Jump forward over the ball. 2. – Jump backwards over the ball. 3. – Jump over the ball to the left. 4. – Jump over the ball to the right. Repeat 4 – 5 times.
And then you will travel by bus from one stop to another, but do not forget to complete the task.
II. Main part. "Working on the topic."
Consolidating what you have learned (homework)

AMO "Bus Stop" (reworked)
Target: learn to perform exercises in small groups and analyze a given topic (practical material)
1.test students’ knowledge and skills based on the material covered.
2. ensure the development of cooperation skills in small groups.
Necessary materials: jump ropes, hoops, chips, a large format card with a task on the topic written on it.
Preliminary preparation: organize bus stops (attach sheets with tasks to them) in different corners gym so that the groups do not interfere with each other during the exercises.
Carrying out: guys, now I will divide you into 4 groups of 4 people. Each group needs to be distributed at one of the bus stops. At each stop (on the chip there is a large format card with a task written on it on the topic). Your group needs to read the task carefully - complete this task within 1 minute. Then, at the signal, the groups move clockwise to the next bus stop. Get acquainted with the available records and complete the task within 1 minute. Then the next move to a new bus stop and another 1 minute to get to know each other and do the exercises. When the group returns to its first stop, it will identify a group member to present the work at each stop. At the end, the teacher summarizes what was said by all groups, makes adjustments if necessary and sums up the work.
1 stop – throwing the ball with both hands from the chest in pairs
2nd stop – jumping rope
3rd stop - throwing the ball with one hand, catching with two hands
4th stop – rotation of the hoop.
-Now let’s listen to your captains, how did you cope with the task?
- Well done guys, everyone completed the task, we need to move on.
- Guys, look, we came out into the clearing, you need to line up in two lines and complete the next task.
Presentation of new material
AMO “Get in order!” (reworked)
1. form a primary idea of ​​the basic concepts of the topic.
2. ensure the development of cooperation skills
1to ensure students’ initial mastery of basic concepts.
2. organize work in pairs
Necessary materials: 2 sets of cards for 6-8 exercises
Technology: guys, stand in two lines. Now I will give you cards with the name of the exercises. You need to select the exercise cards that you need to study in this lesson, and you need to put them in order and complete them.
Conducts preparatory exercises:
Explains the technique. Formulates the task, provides motivation for completion, and exercises individual control.
Work in pairs:
- throwing the ball with both hands from behind the head,
- 3 running steps with the ball in hands, passing with two hands from the chest.
Work in groups:
1st group: throw the ball against the wall, let it fall to the floor, at this time turn over in a circle and catch the ball.
Group 2: squats 20 times.
1st group: throw the ball over your head against the wall, standing with your back to the wall, and then catch it with a volley.
Group 2: push-ups 20 times boys, 15 times girls.
- Our journey continues.
Studying the topic
AMO "On the Line of the Ball" (reworked)
Target: mastering new material,
1.organize work in groups
2.ensure the development of communication skills
Necessary materials: red, green, yellow tokens
Preliminary preparation: participants are divided into 2 groups
Technology: guys, now you have to complete several tasks: work in groups. You will complete the task with the ball. And the children released from classes (the jury) will evaluate you; they will evaluate the technique of performing exercises with the ball, each group. You will evaluate with tokens.
Assessment options:
A red token indicates a task completed correctly.
Green token – the task was completed with a defect.
Yellow token – the task was completed with an error. At the end we will summarize which group completed the task today.
Work in groups:
Relay races:
1. “Ball race in columns”
Explanation: At the signal, the guides pass the ball from hand to hand over their heads to the end of the column. The latter, holding the ball in his knees, jumps to the hoop, back - running the ball in his hands, stands at the beginning of the column, etc. The team won if there were no mistakes and finished the game first.
2. “Passed - sit down”
Explanation: Captains stand opposite their teams. At the signal, the captains throw the ball to the first player of their team. He, having received the ball, throws it back to the captain and sits down, etc. The team whose players complete the task first wins.
3. “Ball for the average”
Explanation: The teams form circles. The captains stand in the center of the circle. At the signal, the ball is passed to a partner, who, having received the ball, passes it back. The captain passes it to the next player and so on in succession to each one in a circle. The team whose players complete the task first wins.
- Now we will summarize, which group completed the task, and were there any mistakes when completing the tasks?
- Well done guys, everyone completed the task, we need to move on.
- Now, let’s rest a little and play a little.
III. Final part. Warm-up
AMO "Snowballs" (reworked)
Target: create conditions for physical, emotional and psychological relief.
1. create a positive attitude among students
2. provide motor activity students.
3. consolidate the material studied
Necessary materials: 2 sheets of paper for each student in the class
Preliminary preparation: musical accompaniment
Technology: Guys, line up in two lines. Now I will give you 2 sheets of paper, you need to make snowballs (the paper rolls tightly into a ball). I'll turn on the music, and you have to throw snowballs at the opposing team. After turning off the music, everyone must stop. The team that throws the most snowballs across the dividing line wins. Can be repeated several times.
Summarizing. Reflection
AMO “Throwing the Ball” (author’s)
Target: analyze and evaluate the results of work in the lesson.
Tasks: propose a rule for translating the obtained result into a grade for the lesson.
Required equipment: ball, green, red, yellow tokens.
Carrying out: you guys did a really good job. But in order for the results you get to become even more significant, you need to summarize the work in the lesson and perform a self-assessment.
Guys, I will take turns throwing the ball to you with the words, continue the phrase:
1. I found out...
2. I learned...
3. I proved myself...
4. I can use...
Now answer the questions:
Which task was the most interesting?
Which one is the most difficult?
What educational problem did we solve in class today?
What advice can you give to those children who have experienced difficulties in class?
Now take the tokens of the corresponding color on the bench and do a self-assessment
Green token – everything worked out for me “You can move on.”
Yellow token – not everything worked out, “Need a little help”
Red token - a lot of things didn’t work out “Stop! I need help!"

Strengthen the exercises with the ball.
make a complex of outdoor switchgear with a ball
Technology: guys, as yours homework you will need to perform exercises with the ball and create a complex of ORU with the ball and conduct it in the next lesson.
And now we are returning home. (Close your eyes, music sounds). This is where our journey ends.
- Goodbye, friends!

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