Home Oral cavity EGE is Soloukhin's conscience. Memory problem

EGE is Soloukhin's conscience. Memory problem

Vladimir Soloukhin reflects on the important problem of perception of nature.

We all see the beauty of what surrounds us in different ways. Two different look to nature are also presented in the text by V. Soloukhin. Narrator, villager, refers to “river, fields, meadows” as something native, close, familiar from childhood. Valeria, a Muscovite who has visited many parts of the world, knows how to see beauty everywhere. The narrator was in vain to think that his guest would not appreciate the delights of the village landscape. The girl managed to subtly feel the discreet, but no less attractive beauty: “Can such a night, such silence among the grass and stars not enchant?” In my opinion, Valeria expresses the author’s thoughts.

The writer is convinced that it is important to be able to find beauty anywhere on the planet. Then every little thing will charm you - “and if it doesn’t charm you, then the person himself is to blame.”

I completely agree with this point of view. To live in harmony with nature, you need to be able to enjoy its beauty.

Our kinship with nature is obvious. In the poem “My Quiet Homeland,” the poet Nikolai Rubtsov wrote about it this way:

With every bump and cloud,

With thunder ready to fall,

I feel the most burning

The most mortal connection.

Nature has more than once become an object of admiration for people who are able to appreciate it. , for example, saw the charms even in stormy autumn days, as evidenced by the lines from his poem “Autumn”:

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!

I am pleased with your farewell beauty -

The problem identified by the Russian writer and publicist V.A. Soloukhin, in my opinion, is the following: the people began to forget their past. It seems to me that this problem is the most significant from the passage in the book." The last step"V.A. Soloukhina. The question arises: “What will happen if we deprive the people of the past?”

The question of the disappearance of history and customs of the people cannot leave anyone indifferent. The problem identified by V.A. Soloukhin is especially relevant today, because the enemies of our people, our history are trying to rewrite, forget, disfigure the past of our people.

Why does V.A. Soloukhin’s point of view seem correct to me? Firstly, I myself have more than once felt ashamed that I generally do not know the history of my people, but I am proud that I know my ancestors on my mother’s side up to the eleventh generation. Secondly, knowledge is power. The history of the past unites our people in the face of vital difficulties and strengthens our national spirit. Thirdly, articles began to appear in the press about changing the name of the historically settlements, about the destruction of historical monuments, about vandalism committed over the monuments of the heroes of our people.

In an excerpt from the book “The Last Step” by V.A Soloukhin, a very important problem is raised. Although he wrote this at the end of the twentieth century, this problem is more relevant than ever. The people must learn life lessons from their history, remember, respect and never forget.

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Updated: 2017-12-14

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Just as an artist creates a landscape painting, so an entire people gradually, involuntarily, perhaps even stroke by stroke, creates the landscape and landscape of their country over the course of centuries.

The face of an old woman pre-revolutionary Russia was determined, for example, to a large extent by those hundreds of thousands of churches and bell towers that were located throughout its expanses in predominantly elevated places and which determined the silhouette of each city - from the largest to the smallest, as well as hundreds of monasteries, countless wind and water mills . Tens of thousands of landowners' estates with their parks and pond systems also contributed a considerable share to the landscape and landscape of the country. But, of course, first of all, small villages and villages with willows, wells, sheds, bathhouses, paths, gardens, vegetable gardens, pledges, spinning wheels, carved frames, skates, porches, fairs, sundresses, round dances, mowing, shepherd's horns, sickles, flails, thatched roofs, small individual fields, horses plowing... The face of the country changed when all these factors that determined the landscape disappeared.

Just as a landscape artist puts a piece of his soul into his creation and creates a landscape, essentially speaking, in his own image and likeness, so the soul of the people and the idea of ​​beauty that is in the soul of one or another is invested in the landscape of any country. people live.

It is bad if the soul is asleep, if it is distracted, drowned out by side circumstances, interests, noise, self-interest or other considerations, if it is dead or, more precisely, in lethargy. Then spirituality leaves the landscape. The landscape remains a landscape, but it seems to be emptying, the form remains in the absence of content, it emanates coldness, alienation, indifference and, precisely, emptiness. It becomes indifferent to an individual and an entire nation: what will it look like? What will the house, the village, the river, the valley, the hills, the country as a whole look like? What will be the face of the country?

There are departments for the development and extraction of mineral resources, for road construction, for agriculture, for electrification, for light, heavy and automotive industries, but there is no department for appearance country (land), by its neatness, tidiness, spirituality... We think about the strength of structures, the nature and volume of earthworks, the amount of wood, centners and tons, cubic meters and square meters, but we don’t think about how what will this look like? How it will look not only on its own, but in combination with the surroundings, with the terrain, in accordance with traditions and with a projection into the future.

The landscape in all its complexity and totality is not just the face of the earth, the face of the country, but also the face of a given society. A littered forest, rutted roads with bogged cars, shallow rivers, green meadows striped by tractor tracks, half-abandoned villages, agricultural machines rusting in the open air, standard houses, fields infested with weeds, say nothing about the inhabitants of this or that village, this or that region no less than an unsightly and neglected apartment about its residents. (According to V. Soloukhin)



The work fully preserves the author's style, spelling and punctuation.

Nowadays, many people, on whom the level of development of their country depends, very rarely think about the role of landscape and landscape in the person of Russia. Very often we can hear words such as “Russian nature is the most beautiful.” And very few people think that what they call Russian nature was created not by nature itself, but by the people, people who lived for many centuries and created landscapes and landscapes of their country that would later be called the most beautiful. It’s not for nothing that the author of the text, V. Soloukhin, compares the people with the artist. The people create a picture on canvas in the form of land, our land - Russia. Every detail, every particle into which the love, work and soul of the artist, in the sense of the people, was invested, gives the face of the country an extraordinary shape, beauty and meaning. The earth is a kind of child who grows up depending on how he was raised, how much he was loved and cared for. But in our time, and I would even venture to say that since the beginning of the last century, people began to focus their attention only on politics, war and money, which made them forget about the existence of the only human creation in the world, the greatest work of art, like Russian nature. Churches, monasteries, noble mansions, gardens, endless fields, hills and rivers collapsed. And Russia gradually began to lose its true face, and with it the people, because they are inextricably linked with the shape of the country where they live.

V. Soloukhin is deeply concerned about this problem. Reading the text, one feels that the author is asking questions, to some extent, about the future of his country, and cannot find a clear answer. He believes that the meaning of any landscape lies not in the amount of materials, not in volumes and sizes, but in neatness, tidiness and spirituality. After all, according to him, “the landscape is not just the face of the earth, the face of the country, but also the face of a given society,” that is, indeed, the people are inextricably linked with the landscape of the country where they live.

I believe that the landscape, the landscape, in a word, the face of the country really depends on the people, who, in turn, depend on the country. It is impossible not to notice that nature itself also depends on the condition of the people living in it. Let's remember M. A. Bulgakov's great play "Running", the scene when General Chernota, looking around and seeing the gloomy ruins of churches, fields and mansions, where red flags flash everywhere, exclaims that the people have now forgotten their country, that what the people are, such is and Russia.

I once asked my foreign friends, who came on their first trip to Russia, what they associated our country with before their trip here. They answered: “Oh, this is green Moscow, ancient monasteries and churches in cities, endless fields and forests, snow-covered in winter, and all this accompanied by Tchaikovsky’s “Sixth Symphony.” When asked: “And after the trip?” they frowned and remembered the ruins churches, dilapidated villages, built-up fields. They no longer talked about the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky.

We have been given a great land for which we are responsible. We are obliged to save, help and develop Russia. Not only the economy, not only politics, not only culture, but also the appearance, face, appearance of our country, which was created by our people, everything - from poor peasants to great poets and composers.

Performance evaluation

Criterion What are points awarded for? Maximum In this
K1 Problem Statement source text 1 There is 1
K2 Comment on the issue 2 There is 2
K3 Reflection of the author's position 1 There is 1
K4 Your opinion and its reasoning 3 There is 3
K5 Semantic integrity, coherence,
sequence of presentation
2 There is 2
K6 Accuracy and expressiveness of speech 2 There is 0
K7 Spelling 3 0 errors 3
K8 Punctuation 3 4 errors 2*
K9 Compliance with language norms 2 8 mistakes 0
K10 Compliance with speech norms 2 7 violations 0
K11 Compliance with ethical standards 1 There is 1
K12 Factual accuracy 1 There is 1
Total: 23 16

The volume of work exceeds 300 words, so this is taken into account when assigning points.



K7. Compliance with spelling standards

Find spelling errors in the essay.

Total: no errors

K8. Compliance with punctuation standards

Find punctuation errors in the essay.

Error: ...the author asks questions, to some extent, about the future of his country...
Correct: ...the author asks questions to some extent about the future of his country... Or even better: ...the author asks questions about the future of his country...
("To a certain degree" is not an introductory combination. And this combination of words does not carry much meaning: it is better to omit it altogether.)

Error: that the author asks questions... about the future of his country, and cannot find a clear answer.
Correct: that the author asks questions... about the future of his country and cannot find a clear answer.
(Union And connects homogeneous predicates: a comma is not needed.)

2 mistakes: After all According to him“landscape is not just the face of the earth, the face of the country, but also the face of a given society”...
Correct: After all, According to him, "landscape is not just...
(First, you need to highlight the introductory words " According to him", and secondly, it requires a dash, which is in the source text.)

Total: 4 punctuation errors

K9. Compliance with language norms

Find violations of language norms in the essay.

Mistake: people began to focus their attention not only on politics, war and money...
That's right: people began to focus their attention not only on politics, war and money...

Error: ...this is a certain child who grows up depending on how he was raised, how much he was loved and cared for.
That's right: ...this is a certain child who grows up depending on how he was raised, how much he was loved and cared for.

Error: ...which made them forget about the existence of the only human creation in the world, the greatest work of art, like Russian nature.
That's right: ...which made them forget about the existence of the only human creation in the world, such a greatest work of art as Russian nature.
(Design: such as...)

Error: Reading the text, it feels...
Correct: When you read the text, you feel... Or: While reading the text, I felt...
(An adverbial phrase cannot be in an impersonal sentence.)

Mistake: They frowned and remembered
Correct: ...they frowned and remembered... (both SV verbs) or: ...they frowned and remembered... (both SV verbs)

Error: ruins village
That's right: ruins villages
(wrong form plural R.p. words village)

Error: Us was donated great Earth...
Correct: Us was donated great Earth...
(Subject Earth in the shape of singular, I.p., the predicate agrees with the subject based on number)

Error: We are obliged to save, to help and develop Russia.
Correct: We are obliged to save Russia, help it and develop it. Or: We are obliged to save and develop Russia.
(Word to help requires different controls)

Total: 8 language violations

K10. Compliance with speech norms

Find violations of speech norms in the essay.

Unjustified use of words: Nowadays, many people on whom the level of development depends his countries...
Correct: Nowadays, many people on whom the level of development of the country depends... Or: level of development our countries...

Unjustified use of words: ...very rarely think about the role of landscape and landscape in the face Russia.
That's right: ...very rarely people think about the role of the landscape and landscape of Russia.

Incorrect quote input: Very often we can hear words like"Russian nature is the most beautiful."
Correct: Very often we can hear the following words: “Russian nature is the most beautiful.”

Incorrect use of a verb with a row homogeneous members: Churches, monasteries, noble mansions, gardens, endless fields, hills and rivers collapsed.
Right: Churches, monasteries, and noble mansions collapsed. Gardens, endless fields, hills and rivers perished.
(gardens, fields, rivers cannot collapse)

Unnecessary use of a particle: V. Soloukhina or This topic worries me deeply.
Correct: V. Soloukhin is deeply concerned about this topic.
(Particle or carries here an adversarial connotation unjustified by the context. Now, if the essay talked about other authors, and V. Soloukhin contrasted them, then it would be out of place.)

Wrong choice of word referring to a number of homogeneous members: ... looking around and seeing gloomy ruin churches, fields And mansions...
(Word ruin cannot be combined with the word field)

A violation of the norm, a double interpretation is possible: The people create a picture on the canvas in the form of land, our land - Russia.
That's right: The people create a picture on a canvas in the form of land, our land - Russia.
(Interpretation 1st: a picture in the form of earth...,
interpretation 2nd: on the canvas in the form of earth...)

Total: 7 speech violations

K1. Formulation of source text problems

Is the problem of the source text formulated correctly?

The problem of the source text is understood and formulated correctly.

Essay on the Unified State Examination

In a short text by V. Soloukhin, many problems are raised, both moral and ethical, aesthetic, and even social.
I want to dwell on the problem of beauty expressed in flowers, its impact on human life in modern society.
V. Soloukhin is concerned about many questions. He answers some of them himself: “Why do people even pay money for flowers? Probably because there is a need for beauty.” And not just a need, but a “hunger for beauty”...
The author claims that people are partial to flowers also because in flowers they deal “with an ideal and a model.” The writer argues that you need to have “honed taste” in order to distinguish a real work of art from a fake. And flowers can help in cultivating this feeling, because “nature doesn’t know how to cheat.”
V. Soloukhin draws the reader’s attention to the power that flowers have over people at all times. But he ends his article with rhetorical questions about how flowers can be combined with the dirt and destruction that surrounds us, forcing the reader to answer them himself.
The author's position, which is typical for a journalistic article, is expressed directly. He argues that in modern society there is a “hunger for beauty”, and this is expressed in the fact that people buy flowers, despite their high cost.
I completely agree with this author’s point of view. I will give some arguments.
A great many poems by poets of all times and peoples are dedicated to flowers. And this is no coincidence! The beauty of a flower has always been associated with feminine beauty, deified her. “Give women flowers!” the poet calls.
Reading fairy tales to children: “The Scarlet Flower” by Aksakov, “ A little prince"Exupery, " The Snow Queen Andersen, - adults consciously cultivate in children the ability to see the beauty of flowers, the desire to take care of it, and appreciate it.
In P. Bazhov’s tale “ Stone Flower“We see the master Danila, who struggled with the solution to the beauty of a living flower, trying to convey it in stone.
Many modern women They grow flowers both at home and in the yard, making the world around them more beautiful, and therefore kinder.
In conclusion, I would like to say that if people buy flowers and grow them, it means that the need for beauty is alive in them, and this is wonderful!

Text by V. Soloukhin

Moscow absorbs great amount flowers, and their prices are always high.
But why do Muscovites pay so much for one flower? Why do people even pay money for flowers? Probably because there is a need for beauty. If we remember flowers, we will have to conclude that people now have a hunger for beauty and a hunger for communication with living nature, familiarization with it, a connection with it, at least fleetingly.
Moreover, in flowers we are not dealing with some pseudo-beauty, but with an ideal and a model. There can be no deception, no risk here. Crystal vase, porcelain cup, bronze candlestick, watercolor, lace, jewelry... It all depends on skill and taste. A thing may be expensive, but ugly and tasteless. When buying, you yourself must have, if not a refined taste and sense of the authentic, then at least an understanding, so as not to buy, instead of a thing full of nobility, a tacky, pompous, vulgar thing, with only a pretense of nobility and authenticity.
But nature doesn’t know how to cheat. We agree that the oxalis flower is not a tulip. You can come into the house with one tulip, but with one sorrel flower it’s a bit sparse. But this is just our human convention. Let's take a closer look at it, at a flower the size of a little fingernail, and we will see that it is the same perfection as a huge, heavy tulip bowl in comparison, and maybe even more graceful than it... As for authenticity, there is no question.
But, of course, it’s better when you don’t have to strain your eyes to look at the beauty. You can walk past oxalis flowers without noticing them, but you can’t pass by a tulip. It is not without reason that, as we know, he was at one time the subject of mankind’s passion.
However, apart from raising a single flower into a cult from time to time, flowers have an imperceptible but constant power over people. The need for them has been great at all times. Moreover, by the attitude of society towards flowers it was possible at all times to judge the society itself and its health or illness, its tone and character. The state is in prosperity and strength - in everything there is measure. Flowers are at a great price, but without any pathological abnormalities. With the decay of the state fortress, the attitude towards flowers takes on the features of excess and morbidity. Isn't this a kind of barometer?
Here, just like everywhere else in the civilized world, we greet a newborn and see off the deceased with flowers, greet the birthday boy and thank the artist. But how can flowers combine with these unwashed staircase glass, with these dark, battered walls? And with this smell in the entrance, and with this elevator, scratched inside by a sharp nail?

(According to V. Soloukhin)

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