Home Tooth pain Dayana's name in English. History of origin and interpretation of the name Diana

Dayana's name in English. History of origin and interpretation of the name Diana

Meaning of the name Dayana: This girl name means "divine".

Origin of the name Dayana: Catholic, Muslim.

Diminutive form of name: Dana, Daya, Dayanka, Daechka, Daika, Yanka, Dayanushka, Dayusha, Daechka, Daenka.

What does the name Dayana mean: The name Dayana has three main variations. According to the first version, Dayana is one of the variants of the name Diana. The second version says that Dayana is a Hebrew name, borrowed from the male counterpart Dayan. Initially, this name denoted the title of judge. It is not surprising that the name itself is interpreted as “God the Judge.” According to the third version, Dayana is a name of Turkic origin, which means “traveler”, “pilgrim”.

Dayana's Angel Day: does not celebrate a name day, since Dayan’s name is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox calendars.


  • Zodiac - Cancer
  • Element – ​​Air
  • Colors – Hot Pink, Gold
  • Metal – Lead
  • Wood – Cedar
  • The planet Mars
  • Constellation – Painter
  • Number – One
  • Food – Dairy products and meat
  • Animals – Squirrel
  • Stones – Ruby

Characteristics of the name Dayan

Positive features: It must be said that Dayana is a proud and brave woman. A girl named Dayana is able to command and take responsibility for any actions that she commits during her life.

Negative features: It must be said that a girl named Dayana is quite impulsive and susceptible to little things. At the same time, she can be quite tough in her actions. This just means that Dayana is painfully worried about how people treat her, how they perceive her.

Personality of the name Dayana: What does the name Dayana mean? If Dayana encounters a hostile person, she may withdraw into herself so as not to provoke conflict situation.

The name Dayan is characterized by the spirit of innovation. She does not tolerate lies and flattery, she can command well and even sacrifice something dear to herself in the name of a good goal. She definitely has a lot of perseverance and diligence - she will pursue her dream long and persistently. IN childhood she also acts wisely and very often behaves with restraint and discipline.

As Dayana's name grows, she becomes more ambitious and not as good-natured as before. Now it is important for her to be noticed and recognized for her talents and merits. Diana doesn’t care much about failures – she’s an optimist. By the way, the financial issue is very important for her, since Dayana perceives money from the position of providing comfort.

Dayana and her personal life

Love and marriage: A man who decides to marry Diana should not have hopes that she will be an exemplary housewife. Yes, there will always be in her house tasty food, cleanliness and comfort. But this woman would be much more willing to engage in social life than housekeeping.

Work occupies a special place in her life. If Dayana finds her place in the professional sphere, then it will be unrealistic to keep her at home. But all this makes sense before children arrive. As soon as the long-awaited babies are born, the whole world begins to revolve around them. Dayana devotes herself entirely to her offspring.

At first glance, this girl is incapable of immersing herself in new feelings. She is very rational and reserved. And there is some truth in this, Diana will not swear eternal love to every man. But if she is lucky enough to meet the one and only, she will be able to truly open up. Only with him can she experience the deepest and most tender feelings. Thanks to this character, Dayana attracts only strong-willed men who are able to achieve her and perform real masculine actions for this.

Diana is not jealous at all, and does not accept such feelings in her direction. For her, love is, first of all, trust, respect and understanding. Despite her strong character, the girl does not strive to become a leader in a relationship. On her ground, she looks for support and a reliable, strong shoulder.

Such girls rarely have casual relationships. They carefully choose a partner; sexuality is not the least important thing for them. And if a man does not arouse desire, then he has no chance to become the only one.

Compatibility of the name Dayana: happiness awaits her in marriage with Yegor, Eric, Nikolai, Vsevolod, Dmitry, Arseny, Vadim, Makar and Rodion. Dayana has an optimal relationship with Anatoly, Bogdan, Valentin, Victor, Nathan, Tikhon and Vasily. The least understanding is in relations with Alexander, Anton, Stanislav, Igor, Nikita and Yaroslav.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Diana is a born careerist, she is very prudent, ambitious and will fight to the end for her place in the sun. When it comes to work, there is no place for tender feelings. She can easily cope with her competitors, but if she has to be torn between work and family, she will choose the latter without regret.

As for the choice of professions, Dayan will make excellent lawyers, managers and financiers, journalists and show program hosts. As well as all leadership positions where her potential can be revealed. Since science is also close to these women, Dayana can work in medicine.

Health and energy

Health and talents: Diana is different good health, and if she is interested in sports, then this strengthens her strength even more. Girls with this name often achieve high achievements in the sports field.

Dayana's fate in history

What does the name Dayana mean for a woman’s destiny?

  1. Dayana Kirillova is a Russian performer from Kazan who became the winner qualifying round Junior Eurovision 2013, after which she will represent Russia at the Eurovision final in November 2013.
  2. Diana Ross is an American singer who has been repeatedly awarded Golden Globe, Grammy, and Oscar awards. She is the owner of two stars on the Hollywood Walk. At the end of the twentieth century it was included in the list of 100 greatest women who left their mark on rock and roll.
  3. Dayana Abdrakhmanova is a Kazakh model who will take part in the 2013 international competition"Top Model of the World"
  4. Dayana Yastremskaya - (born 2000) - Ukrainian tennis player.
  5. Diane Kruger (born 1976) is a German actress and former fashion model.
You must pay Special attention First of all, on the quality of the purchased items. Preference should be given to clothing of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like you’re going to a ball” doesn’t suit you at all. Your appearance number is “Four.” The practicality of the “two” is reflected, among other things, in her manner of dressing. You should pay special attention, first of all, to the quality of the items you purchase. Preference should be given to clothing of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like you’re going to a ball” doesn’t suit you at all.

Compatibility of the name Diana, manifestation in love

Diana, your characteristic qualities are charm, romanticism and the ability to put your feelings into forms that cannot but cause a response. The state of being in love gives you a feeling of fullness of life, continuous euphoria. Your gift for finding beauty in every prospective partner is amazing and delightful. However, as soon as the relationship loses the charm of novelty, becomes ordinary and obligatory, your interest in us quickly fades away. But although you often tolerate the breakup easily, the memories of it remain quite painful for you for a long time, since you like to go through and analyze the smallest details and circumstances, comparing the past with the present.


You are gifted with a bright personality, and all your spiritual aspirations are aimed at realizing your existing abilities in one way or another. This desire often determines your choice.

But there are many abilities, and they are very diverse. Accordingly, there may be several ways to implement them. Therefore, quite often you find yourself having to give up one opportunity in favor of another.

It’s good if you have the prudence to focus on a specific goal and direct all your efforts towards achieving it. It’s bad if you are trying to “chase two birds with one stone”, not wanting to give up even small chances of success. In this case, you risk wasting all your spiritual potential, “spraying” it, letting it go to waste. And - to be left with nothing.

You should trust your heart more. He doesn’t care about external shine, all the tinsel that usually decorates the life of artistic people. Therefore, it is precisely this that will tell you the only right decision at the right moment. Try to “hear” him.

Dayana has three origins.

According to the first version, this name is one of the variants of the pronunciation and spelling of the name Diana, which is written as Diana, read Diana, and sometimes the sound is written down literally - Dayana. According to the second version, the name Dayana is a Jewish name, derived from male name Dayan, which was originally just a title, was a judge in a Jewish religious court. Therefore, the name is given the meaning “God the Judge.” Which in semantic equivalent is identical to the similar-sounding names Dan, Daniel, Daniel, which have the same meaning, and the female name Dayana is similar to female names Daniela and Dana.

According to the third version, the name Dayana is of Turkic origin and means “pilgrim”, “traveler”. A girl named Dayana is very receptive and impulsive. It may be tougher than it actually is, more strict than it really is. She is actually quite sensitive about how she is perceived and is generally quite vulnerable. When faced with hostility, she often tends to withdraw into herself, avoiding confrontation. Nevertheless, she is a brave woman, proud, she hates injustice, flattery, lies, and is quite capable of commanding and taking responsibility. Diana has an innovative spirit, she lives only based on her own experience. For her, a scenario is possible when she is able to sacrifice something very dear to her for the cause. This woman is quite complex. She can often be, on the one hand, selfish, domineering, demanding, and, on the other hand, an altruist, an idealist.

Diana does not lack zeal and perseverance. As a child, Dayana acts wisely, most often behaving in a disciplined and restrained manner. If necessary, she can fully replace parents, look after a small child, or become a housewife for a time while the mother is absent from the house for some reason. But, however, you should not abuse her kindness and responsiveness so that she develops a correct understanding about relationships in the family and in the world around her. Still, Diana is an optimist; failures do not bother her much. Having matured, Dayana becomes ambitious, tries to lead, to be in first place in life, tries to be paid attention to.

She loves spectacles. The money issue is important to her, since having it gives her the opportunity to live comfortably. Dayana is a sentimental person, sensual, faithful, honest and frank, and demands the same from her partner. She will be jealous if her partner treats her the same way, but, in general, jealousy is not characteristic of Diana.

Dayana prefers to choose a profession that combines her ambitions and the importance of her activities. These are medicine, law, banking, management, finance. Also, Dayana may want to become independent from everything and everyone, in which case she will choose completely independent activities. This is show business or a career on television.

  • Short form of the name Dayana. Dana, Daya.
  • Synonyms for the name Dayan. Diana, Dana.
  • Origin of the name Dayana. The name Dayana is Jewish and Muslim.

I want to give my daughter the most non-trivial name, but at the same time it does not sound too exotic and comical for our reality. Diana is just such an option. But will it bring happiness to the girl?

  1. Latin version. This is a different version of the spelling and pronunciation of the name, which translated means “divine.” Yes, yes, it was worn by the Roman goddess of the hunt, a maiden with an owl on her shoulder.
  2. Jewish version. The source of the name was the masculine Dayan (translated as “My Lord is the judge”). The fact is that in ancient times this word was not a name, but a judicial religious title. If this etymological version is correct, then modern name Dayana has common roots with the names Dana (male) and Daniela (), which have identical meaning.
  3. Turkic version. In this case, it is translated as “traveller”, “wanderer” or “pilgrim”.

What character does it impart?

Sides to be proud of: This is a proud girl. She is honest, does not “digest” liars, flatterers, and unfair actions. She has good leadership abilities, she is not afraid of responsibility, so she can become a successful boss. She is very hardworking and purposeful.

If necessary, she can be extremely sacrificial.

Sides that need thinking and elaboration: this is a very touchy person who cannot tolerate criticism. She will not forget an offensive deed or an unfair word for a long time. When meeting an enemy, he withdraws into himself.

Diana has a tendency to act impulsively. With subordinates she can sometimes be domineering, with family members she can be proud (but these are not her permanent qualities).

Deep inside herself, she is very sensitive to the grief of others, so she learns early to close herself off, to hide her emotions, so strangers She is often considered callous and even rude.

This is how Dina's fate changes

  • Childhood. This is a very serious child, just a “little adult.” She is responsible and disciplined. But like all kids, they often don’t mind running, screaming and even playing pranks. Even in kindergarten, teachers notice that this is a little “general”, organizing a group of peers around him.
  • School. Hard work and innate perseverance help the girl get good grades. She is one of those who will study a textbook all evening, but will not cheat or beg the teacher for a better grade. She is also a very economical girl. When she comes home after school, she herself will heat up lunch and clean the house. If she has a younger brother or sister, you can safely leave the baby to this girl - she will cope. Although, of course, parents need to remember that Dinochka should also have a childhood, and if you constantly load her homework, the harmony of its development will be disrupted.
  • Youth. Having started to choose the direction of her future education, the girl will not rack her brains too much: of course, exact sciences! She may have problems with creative disciplines (drawing, singing) since middle school. However, this does not mean that they should be abandoned - on the contrary, imagination should be developed. Young Dina is ambitious, she likes praise (deserved, of course). She's an optimist. True, she hardly shows her feelings anymore, especially to unfamiliar people - just by this period she learned to hide her good nature under a mask of restraint.
  • Mature years. This is a career woman who dreams of earning a lot of money, because these crisp pieces of paper can help her live in maximum comfort. Serious, strong-willed and “buttoned up” in public, maximally relaxed and emotional in a narrow circle - that’s what she is like now.

Astrology and esoterics

  • Ideal zodiac sign: Taurus (that is, Dayana is best called a girl born from April 20 to May 20).
  • Name color: pale yellow.
  • Celestial body providing personal protection: Moon.
  • A stone that turns into a talisman in Dayana’s hands: selenite (pictured above).
  • Plants named: lily of the valley and oak.
  • Animal totem: deer.

Name day: since this name is not mentioned in the calendar, at baptism parents or the girl herself are offered something else church name. Most often, the priest stops at the names of Darius or.

In different life situations, Dayana acts as follows...

  • Family. In a husband, a girl values ​​kinship of souls. Mutual understanding and trust always dominate in her home. She is almost not jealous, very faithful. She becomes a tender mother, but does not spoil the kids, alternating “carrot and stick,” that is, using parental strictness moderately. Despite her inherent careerism, she will, without regret, refuse to work if her children begin to suffer from it (but before their birth, the spouse will have to share her beloved with business trips and constant business meetings).
  • Friendship. The girl has many girlfriends and friends; she enjoys maintaining school and college connections and meeting friends.
  • Job. Dayana is an excellent employee: hardworking, does not accept gossip or intrigue, and knows her worth. This is a born leader. Good industries for her: finance, banking, management, law, medicine. If this woman wants maximum independence, she can try herself on television or in show business (not necessarily in the creative profession - her “leadership” nature is simply created for producing).
  • Diseases. They very rarely attack the bearer of this name, even in childhood.

Which guy should you build a relationship with, and which one will offend you and leave?

Unsuccessful romance, marriage:

  1. Diana Ross (1244) is an American singer. She performs compositions in different genres, but she is most famous as a rock and roll singer. Has two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
  2. Diane Keaton (1946) is an American actress, producer and director. " Godfather", "Annie Hall", "Love with or without rules" are the best films with her.
  3. Diane Lane (1965) is another American actress. She starred in the films Judge Dredd (with Stallone), Unfaithful, and The Perfect Storm. Also for many moviegoers, she is Martha Kent, Superman's mother from the last few films about him.
  4. Diana or Diane Kruger (1976) is a fashion model and actress from Germany. Filmed a lot in the USA. Known for the films “Troy”, “Whiplash”, “Inglourious Basterds”.
  5. Dayana Abdrakhmanova (1995) - top model from Kazakhstan.
  6. Dayana Kirillova (2002) is a young singer from Russia.

And now we invite you to evaluate the song of little Dayana from Kazan. It was with her that she won the qualifying competition and took part in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2013. Now this composition is sung by hundreds of girls not only in Dayana’s homeland, but all over the world; it is very optimistic and joyful:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

IN Lately young couples who have given birth to a baby tend to choose something unusual beautiful name, which turns out to be singular.

Name Dayana. Origin

One of the rare names is Dayana. “Avenged” - this is how what came to us from the Ancient is translated. This name also takes place in Jewish culture, meaning “God is the judge.” Slavic peoples translate the name as “given by God.” This is an independent name. It may seem similar to the name Diana, which is more popular and well known. But actually it is not. These two names are in no way related to each other and have different meanings.

Spell by letter

D - capriciousness, hidden family orientation, willingness to help, reflection before a responsible step.

A is the beginning of everything, the discoverer, the thirst for comfort everywhere and in everything.

I am the desire to prove myself in society.

N - critic, analyst, sign of protest.

A - capriciousness, hidden psychic abilities, family-oriented, willingness to help, reflection before a responsible step.

Name Dayana. Meaning. Character

This is an unpredictable person, she can surprise and amaze. She has an obnoxious character, her temper and rage sometimes completely overwhelm her, but she manages to maintain clarity of mind and not do too much. In the heat of anger, he can offend a person. The most important thing is that it can be compared to a match: it quickly lit and burned out. Likewise, Dayana quickly leaves.

Name Dayana. Significance in the field of love and marriage

For males, Dayana will be a real find and a mystery, which not everyone can solve. She inspires with her resourcefulness and agility. She doesn’t like it if something doesn’t suit her, so she can easily and quickly break up with a young man, and then greatly regret it. Due to her temper and thoughtlessness, she makes many mistakes. Diana makes decisions instantly without thinking them through in detail. With age, she will learn to control herself. This girl is very popular with the opposite sex and easily accepts courtship without obligation. It can easily turn a man’s head and coldly leave him with nothing. But if she falls in love herself, she is ready to do anything for her beloved. IN family life Diana is faithful to her chosen one and demands this for herself. Devotes himself completely, loves children and believes that the more there are, the more stronger family. Tries to give his all free time husband and children. She is very economical, every thing in her house is in its rightful place. Maintains cleanliness and comfort. Knows a lot of household details such as sewing and knitting. He fills his life and the lives of those around him with them. Shows mastery in cooking.

Name Dayana. Importance in the professional field

Diana takes her work responsibly. Capable of achieving a lot and moving forward career ladder. Feels confident in a leadership position. Persistent and diligent, especially in what she loves. Her character and skills will successfully manifest themselves in professions where you need to have a well-trained voice, and She will find herself in the administrative, legal and economic spheres.

Dayana. A name that predetermines fate

Dayana has a good imagination and composes different interesting stories, especially loves to tell them. In a dream, her talent manifests itself in the form of colorful, vivid and unusual dreams. Those with the name Dayana are also distinguished by their optimism and realistic outlook on life. Failures do not upset her at all. She has a wonderful sense of humor. Tactful in relationships with other people. Well versed in fashion.

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