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How can colloidal systems be purified? Purification of colloidal solutions

The technical control department (QCD) exists at production enterprises for the timely detection of violations in production technology. The quality control inspector is responsible for identifying defects in the manufacture of products and checking product compliance with standards and GOSTs. Control is carried out visually or using instrumentation.

Vika works in the quality department of a Russian-Japanese car painting company. The working day at production begins at 7:15, Vika must be at work at 8 in the morning (a little early, but at least you can go home at 16:15). At approximately 8:15 the daily planning meeting takes place - the entire quality department (20 people) gathers. In 15 minutes, the boss distributes tasks and discusses current problems.

If the beginning of the working day is the same, then the rest of the day goes differently. Time may be spent testing the quality of paint or primer, checking paint colors and discussing future orders with suppliers (for example, coordinating colors), drawing up reports (sometimes this takes many hours), calibrating instruments (usually done monthly ) and other tasks.

Places of work

The position of quality control inspector is required at all manufacturing enterprises. Each product must undergo quality control before going on sale.

History of the profession

The profession of quality control inspector can be said to have appeared thanks to Henry Leland, who made weapons production at the factories of Samuel Colt a role model. The “Master of Precision” introduced the concept of “pass caliber” into use and for the first time in history began to reject outwardly suitable shells due to their non-compliance with the standard. His motto: “Craftsmanship is the credo, accuracy is the law,” is followed by the world’s most successful manufacturers.

Responsibilities of the Quality Control Inspector

IN job responsibilities quality control inspector includes:

  • Output control of finished goods.
  • Verification of actual parameters of manufactured products with the reference indicators specified in technical documentation, drawings, GOSTs.
  • Preparation of accompanying documentation - certificates, defective statements, quality certificates.
  • Checking the quality of the raw materials used.
  • Identification of technological inconsistencies and causes of defects.
  • Promotion of ideas for modernization of production.

Sometimes the functions of a quality control inspector may also include working with complaints (customer complaints).

Requirements for a quality control inspector

The basic requirements for a quality control inspector are as follows:

  • Secondary technical or higher education.
  • Experience from 1 year.
  • Knowledge of production technology, GOST standards.
  • Ability to read drawings and design documentation.
  • Skills in operating control and measuring instruments.
  • Attention to detail.

Sometimes a specialist may be required good vision and excellent coordination of movements, as well additional education(depending on the specifics of production).

Resume sample

How to become a quality control inspector

To become a quality control inspector, it is enough to obtain a secondary technical or higher specialized education. Knowledge is also required production processes, because the specialist communicates with technologists, designers, craftsmen, heads of production departments and the sales department. Knowledge of production often comes with experience as either a technologist or a technical control controller.

Quality Control Controller Salary

The salary of a quality control inspector ranges from 25,000 to 45,000 rubles. When moving through career ladder salary increases significantly. An inspection foreman can receive a salary of up to 65,000 rubles, and the head of a workshop inspection service can receive up to 85,000. The average salary of a quality control inspector is 30,000 rubles.

Where to get training

Besides higher education There are a number of short-term training programs on the market, typically lasting from a week to a year.

Modern Scientific and Technical Academy (SNTA) and a number of its courses in the direction of "".

Institute vocational education"IPO" invites you to go through distance courses in the direction of "" (there are options 256, 512 and 1024 academic hours) with obtaining a diploma or state-issued certificate. We have trained more than 8,000 graduates from almost 200 cities. You can undergo external training and receive interest-free installments.

Fundamentals of Quality Control Organization

TO category:

Control of metal coating works

Basics of quality control organization

The composition and structure of quality control services, their responsibilities and rights are determined by the regulations on the technical control department, approved by the director of the enterprise.

Technical control is considered as an equal and integral element of the product quality management system at the enterprise, therefore the main purpose of technical control is to obtain information about the progress (state) of the relevant process or its results for the subsequent development of decisions on control actions. It follows from this that measurements of geometric, mechanical, physical and other parameters of a product carried out by technical control services at an enterprise are not an end in themselves, and the sorting of products into good and defective, drawing up lists of defects, imposing temporary bans and other local measures cannot significantly influence on the level of defects in production. At the same time, information about the quality of controlled products that is continuously accumulated in technical control services is very valuable. Its correct and timely use allows you to manage the quality of products, quickly improve the design and production technology, and carry out the necessary regulation of technological equipment in optimal timing, without waiting for the appearance of defective products, provide product consumers with firm guarantees about the content of good-quality products in the delivered batch and solve many other problems of product quality management.

Control operations are component technological process; they are developed simultaneously with the development of the technological process. The control operation does not directly affect the quality of the product, therefore, in some cases, control is still considered a secondary, auxiliary, non-production operation. This point of view is wrong.

The main functions of performing quality control at the enterprise are assigned to the technical control department (QCD), which is independent structural unit enterprises. The head of the quality control department reports directly to the head of the enterprise.

Rice. 1. Typical organization diagram of quality control department

In Fig. Figure 1 shows a version of a typical diagram for organizing the quality control service at an enterprise with up to 1000 workers. The diagram shows the main areas and areas of activity of the quality control apparatus - first of all, monitoring the quality of products during the production process, carried out through workshop technical control bureaus (BTK).

If an enterprise produces export products, the quality of which must meet special requirements, the quality control department includes a sector or group of export products.

In general, the structure of the quality control department and the main responsibilities of quality control department employees arise from the functions of technical control at the enterprise. From the list of technical control tasks it is clear that the functions of its services are very diverse, and functional responsibilities Each quality control employee depends on the specific area in which he works.

To carry out a range of work to control product quality at a machine-building enterprise, the quality control service must be fully staffed with highly qualified staff.

In terms of qualifications, the inspector who accepts the product must be superior to the worker who manufactures the product. The average qualification ranks of quality control department workers must be higher than the average qualification ranks of product manufacturers. Thus, in the domestic machine tool industry, the ratio of the average ranks of controller and production worker is 1.1 -1.6.

The quantitative composition of quality control services can be accurately calculated. The calculation can be made based on the labor intensity of control operations, which depends on the quantity and complexity of products received, the content of control operations, the equipment of the quality control department with mechanization and automation equipment, and the qualifications of inspectors. Obviously, this problem has an optimal solution in each specific case, since an overestimated number of controllers at an enterprise is just as undesirable as an underestimated one. In most cases, the number of quality control services is determined by current standards.

When calculating the number of inspectors, they proceed from the standard of service established for the industry, taking into account the type of production, the specifics of the workshop, the class of processing accuracy and the group of complexity of parts. The standard of service corresponds to the average number of workers in the main production per one controller (for electroplating shops of machine-building plants, about six people).

Colloidal solutions.

Colloidal systems are dispersed lyophobic heterogeneous systems with a degree of dispersion of 10 7 – 10 9 m –1 .

Colloidal solutions occupy an intermediate position in terms of dispersion between coarse systems and true solutions.

P.P. theory Weimarn. Conditions for obtaining colloidal solutions.

Russian academician Pyotr Petrovich Weimarn developed the theory of obtaining colloidal solutions.

Colloidal solutions, being heterogeneous systems, are theormodynamically unstable systems, since they have a large interphase area and, therefore, a large supply of free surface energy. That's why for a long time it was believed that a stable colloidal solution could be obtained only from certain substances, which were called colloids. However, Weymarn developed theoretically and proved in practice that a colloidal solution can be obtained from any substance. To do this, three conditions must be met:

1. To obtain a colloidal solution you need a sparingly soluble substance. It is in these substances that the rate of formation of crystallization centers is greater than the rate of their increase in size, which makes it possible to obtain a colloidal degree of dispersion. In this way, a colloidal solution of NaCl can be obtained.

2. The sparingly soluble substance must be obtained in low concentration. At high concentrations, the resulting particles will instantly and spontaneously combine with each other, forming a precipitate. At low concentrations, the aggregation rate decreases sharply, since the distance between particles is large.

3. An electrolyte stabilizer containing related ions must be added to the colloidal solution. Related ions are the ions that are part of the colloidal particle. They are able to adsorb on particles of the dispersed phase, giving them the same charge.

Methods for obtaining colloidal solutions.

1. Condensation method.

Preparation of colloidal solutions from true ones.

physical: solvent replacement, sudden cooling, vapor condensation

chemical: exchange reactions, hydrolysis, redox reactions

2. Dispersion method.

Preparation of colloidal solutions from coarsely dispersed systems.

· physical: crushing by ultrasound, in a mortar, in a colloidal or ball mill

chemical: peptization

3. Dispersion-condensation method.

Bredig's electrical method, obtaining metal hydrosols.

Toolkit"Physico-chemistry of dispersed systems", part I, pp. 9-13

Micelle structure.

The particles in a colloidal solution are called micelles. They have a complex structure:

In the center of the micelle there is an aggregate - a crystal of a sparingly soluble substance. Related and potential-forming ions are adsorbed on it, forming a core. Adjacent to the aggregate is an adsorption layer, which includes related ions and some counterions with molecules of the associated solvent. The core and adsorption layer form a granule. The charge of the granule is the same in sign as that of related ions. The remaining counterions form a diffuse layer. It is wider and when moving the micelle can move separately from the granule. The micelle is neutral.

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