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Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, Russianwriter, philosopher, thinker, born in Tula province, in the family estate "Yasnaya Polyana" in 1828- m year. As a child, he lost his parents and was raised by his distant relative T. A. Ergolskaya. At the age of 16, he entered Kazan University at the Faculty of Philosophy, but the studies turned out to be boring for him, and after 3 years he dropped out. At the age of 23 he went to fight in the Caucasus, about which he subsequently wrote a lot, reflecting this experience in his works “Cossacks”, “Raid”, “Forest cutting”, “Hadji Murad”.
Continuing to fight, after the Crimean War Tolstoy went to St. Petersburg, where he became a member of a literary circle "Contemporary", together with the famous writers Nekrasov, Turgenev and others. Already having a certain fame as a writer, many greeted his entry into the circle with enthusiasm; Nekrasov called him “the great hope of Russian literature.” There he published his “Sevastopol Stories,” written under the influence of the experience of the Crimean War, after which he went on a trip to European countries, soon, however, becoming disillusioned with them.
At the end 1856 year, Tolstoy resigned and, returning to his native Yasnaya Polyana, became a landowner. Having moved away from literary activities, Tolstoy took up educational activities. He opened a school that practiced the pedagogy system he had developed. For these purposes, he went to Europe in 1860 to study foreign experience.
in autumn 1862 Tolstoy married a young girl from Moscow S. A. Bers, leaving with her for Yasnaya Polyana, choosing the quiet life of a family man. But in a year it suddenly dawned on him new idea, as a result of which the most famous work “ War and Peace" His no less famous novel “ Anna Karenina"was completed already in 1877 . Speaking about this period of the writer’s life, we can say that his worldview at that time was already fully formed and became known as “Tolstoyism.” His novel Sunday" was published in 1899 , the last works for Lev Nikolaevich were “Father Sergius”, “Living Corpse”, “After the Ball”.
Having worldwide fame, Tolstoy was popular with many people around the world. Being practically a spiritual mentor and authority for them, he often received guests at his estate.
In accordance with your worldview, in the end 1910 year, at night Tolstoy secretly leaves his house, accompanied by his personal doctor. Intending to travel to Bulgaria or the Caucasus, they had a long journey ahead of them, but due to a serious illness, Tolstoy was forced to stop at the small railway station of Astapovo (now named after him), where he died of a serious illness at the age of 82.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1828-1910) - Russian writer, publicist, thinker, educator, was a corresponding member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Considered one of the world's greatest writers. His works have been filmed many times at world film studios, and his plays are staged on stages around the world.


Leo Tolstoy was born on September 9, 1828 in Yasnaya Polyana, Krapivinsky district, Tula province. Here was his mother's estate, which she inherited. The Tolstoy family had very extensive noble and count roots. In the highest aristocratic world there were relatives of the future writer everywhere. There was everyone in his family - a brethren-adventurer and an admiral, a chancellor and an artist, a lady-in-waiting and the first social beauty, a general and a minister.

Leo's dad, Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy, was a man with good education, took part in the foreign campaigns of the Russian military against Napoleon, was captured by the French, from where he escaped, and retired as a lieutenant colonel. When his father died, he inherited a lot of debts, and Nikolai Ilyich was forced to take a bureaucratic job. In order to save his upset financial component of the inheritance, Nikolai Tolstoy was legally married to Princess Maria Nikolaevna, who was no longer young and came from the Volkonskys. Despite the small calculation, the marriage turned out to be very happy. The couple had 5 children. The brothers of the future writer Kolya, Seryozha, Mitya and sister Masha. Leo was fourth among all.

After her last daughter, Maria, was born, her mother began to experience “childbed fever.” In 1830 she died. Leo was not yet two years old at that time. And what a wonderful storyteller she was. Perhaps this is where Tolstoy’s early love for literature came from. Five children were left without a mother. Their upbringing had to be done by a distant relative, T.A. Ergolskaya.

In 1837, the Tolstoys left for Moscow, where they settled on Plyushchikha. The older brother, Nikolai, was going to go to university. But very soon and completely unexpectedly, the father of the Tolstoy family died. His financial affairs were not completed, and the three youngest children had to return to Yasnaya Polyana to be raised by Ergolskaya and their paternal aunt, Countess Osten-Sacken A.M. It was here that Leo Tolstoy spent his entire childhood.

The writer's early years

After the death of Aunt Osten-Sacken in 1843, the children had to move again, this time to Kazan under the guardianship of their father’s sister P. I. Yushkova. Yours elementary education Leo Tolstoy received his education at home; his teachers were the good-natured German Reselman and the French tutor Saint-Thomas. In the autumn of 1844, following his brothers, Lev became a student at the Kazan Imperial University. At first he studied at the Faculty of Oriental Literature, later transferred to the Faculty of Law, where he studied for less than two years. He understood that this was absolutely not the occupation to which he would like to devote his life.

In the early spring of 1847, Lev abandoned his studies and went to Yasnaya Polyana, which he inherited. At the same time, he began keeping his famous diary, having adopted this idea from Benjamin Franklin, whose biography he became well acquainted with at the university. Just like the wisest American politician, Tolstoy set himself specific goals and tried with all his might to fulfill them, analyzed his failures and victories, actions and thoughts. This diary went with the writer throughout his life.

In Yasnaya Polyana, Tolstoy tried to build new relationships with the peasants, and also took up:

  • studying in English;
  • jurisprudence;
  • pedagogy;
  • music;
  • charity.

In the fall of 1848, Tolstoy went to Moscow, where he planned to prepare for and pass the candidate exams. Instead, a completely different social life with its excitement and card games. In the winter of 1849, Lev moved from Moscow to St. Petersburg, where he continued to lead revelries and a riotous lifestyle. In the spring of this year, he began taking exams to become a candidate of rights, but, having changed his mind about taking the final exam, he returned to Yasnaya Polyana.

Here he continued to lead an almost metropolitan lifestyle - cards and hunting. However, in 1849, Lev Nikolaevich opened a school for peasant children in Yasnaya Polyana, where he sometimes taught himself, but mostly the lessons were taught by the serf Foka Demidovich.

Military service

At the end of 1850, Tolstoy began work on his first work, the famous trilogy “Childhood”. At the same time, Lev received an offer from his older brother Nikolai, who served in the Caucasus, to join the military service. The elder brother was an authority for Leo. After the death of his parents, he became the best writer and true friend and mentor. At first, Lev Nikolaevich thought about the service, but a large gambling debt in Moscow accelerated the decision. Tolstoy went to the Caucasus and in the fall of 1851 he entered service as a cadet in an artillery brigade near Kizlyar.

Here he continued to work on the work “Childhood,” which he finished writing in the summer of 1852 and decided to send to the most popular literary magazine of that time, “Sovremennik.” He signed with the initials “L.” N.T.” and along with the manuscript he enclosed a small letter:

“I will eagerly await your verdict. He will either encourage me to write more or make me burn everything.”

At that time, the editor of Sovremennik was N. A. Nekrasov, and he immediately recognized the literary value of the Childhood manuscript. The work was published and was a huge success.

The military life of Lev Nikolaevich was too eventful:

  • more than once he was in danger in skirmishes with the mountaineers commanded by Shamil;
  • when the Crimean War began, he transferred to the Danube Army and took part in the battle of Oltenitz;
  • participated in the siege of Silistria;
  • in the battle of Chernaya he commanded a battery;
  • during the assault on Malakhov Kurgan, he came under bombardment;
  • held the defense of Sevastopol.

For military service, Lev Nikolaevich received the following awards:

  • Order of St. Anne, 4th degree “For Bravery”;
  • medal "In memory of the war of 1853-1856";
  • medal "For the defense of Sevastopol 1854-1855".

The brave officer Leo Tolstoy had every chance of a military career. But he was only interested in writing. During his service, he did not stop composing and sending his stories to Sovremennik. Published in 1856, “Sevastopol Stories” finally established him as a new literary trend in Russia, and Tolstoy left military service forever.

Literary activity

He returned to St. Petersburg, where he made close acquaintances with N. A. Nekrasov, I. S. Turgenev, I. S. Goncharov. During his stay in St. Petersburg, he released several of his new works:

  • "Blizzard",
  • "Youth",
  • "Sevastopol in August"
  • "Two Hussars"

But very soon he became disgusted with social life, and Tolstoy decided to travel around Europe. He visited Germany, Switzerland, England, France, Italy. He described all the advantages and disadvantages he saw, the emotions he received in his works.

Returning from abroad in 1862, Lev Nikolaevich married Sofya Andreevna Bers. The brightest period of his life began, his wife became his absolute assistant in all matters, and Tolstoy could calmly do his favorite thing - composing works that later became world masterpieces.

Years of work on the work Title of the work
1854 "Adolescence"
1856 "Morning of the landowner"
1858 "Albert"
1859 "Family happiness"
1860-1861 "Decembrists"
1861-1862 "Idyll"
1863-1869 "War and Peace"
1873-1877 "Anna Karenina"
1884-1903 "Diary of a Madman"
1887-1889 "Kreutzer Sonata"
1889-1899 "Sunday"
1896-1904 "Hadji Murat"

Family, death and memory

Lev Nikolaevich lived in marriage and love with his wife for almost 50 years, they had 13 children, five of whom died while still young. There are many descendants of Lev Nikolaevich all over the world. Once every two years they gather in Yasnaya Polyana.

In life, Tolstoy always adhered to his certain principles. He wanted to be as close to the people as possible. He loved very much ordinary people.

In 1910, Lev Nikolaevich left Yasnaya Polyana, setting off on a journey that would correspond to his life views. Only his doctor went with him. There were no specific goals. He went to Optina Monastery, then to the Shamordino Monastery, then went to visit his niece in Novocherkassk. But the writer became ill; after suffering from a cold, pneumonia began.

IN Lipetsk region At the Astapovo station, Tolstoy was taken off the train, admitted to the hospital, six doctors tried to save his life, but to their proposals Lev Nikolaevich quietly replied: “God will arrange everything.” After a whole week of heavy and painful breathing, the writer died in the house of the station master on November 20, 1910 at the age of 82 years.

The estate in Yasnaya Polyana, together with the natural beauty that surrounds it, is a museum-reserve. Three more museums of the writer are located in the village of Nikolskoye-Vyazemskoye, in Moscow and at the Astapovo station. Moscow also has the State Museum of L. N. Tolstoy.

In 1828, on August 26, in the Yasnaya Polyana estate, the future great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy was born. The family was well-born - his ancestor was a noble nobleman who received the title of count for his services to Tsar Peter. The mother was from the ancient noble family of the Volkonskys. Belonging to a privileged layer of society influenced the behavior and thoughts of the writer throughout his life. short biography Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich does not fully reveal the entire history of the ancient family.

Serene life in Yasnaya Polyana

The writer's childhood was quite prosperous, despite the fact that he lost his mother early. Thanks to family stories, he kept it light image in your memory. A short biography of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy indicates that his father was the embodiment of beauty and strength for the writer. He instilled in the boy a love of hound hunting, which was later described in detail in the novel War and Peace.

He also had a close relationship with his older brother Nikolenka - he taught little Levushka different games and told him interesting stories. Tolstoy's first story, “Childhood,” contains many autobiographical memories of the writer’s childhood years.


A serene, joyful stay in Yasnaya Polyana was interrupted due to the death of his father. In 1837, the family was taken under the care of an aunt. In this city, according to a short biography of Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, the writer spent his youth. Here he entered the university in 1844 - first in philosophy, and then in Faculty of Law. True, studies attracted him little; the student preferred various amusements and revelries.

In this biography of Tolstoy, Lev Nikolaevich characterizes him as a person who disdainfully treated people of the lower, non-aristocratic class. He denied history as a science - in his eyes it had no practical use. The writer retained the sharpness of his judgments throughout his life.

As a landowner

In 1847, without graduating from university, Tolstoy decides to return to Yasnaya Polyana and try to improve the life of his serfs. Reality sharply diverged from the writer’s ideas. The peasants did not understand the master’s intentions, and a short biography of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy describes his management experience as unsuccessful (the writer shared it in his story “The Morning of the Landowner”), as a result of which he leaves his estate.

The path to becoming a writer

The next few years spent in St. Petersburg and Moscow were not in vain for the future great prose writer. From 1847 to 1852, diaries were kept in which Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy carefully verified all his thoughts and reflections. A short biography tells that during his service in the Caucasus, work was being carried out in parallel on the story “Childhood”, which will be published a little later in the magazine “Sovremennik”. This marked the beginning of further creative path great Russian writer.

Ahead of the writer lies the creation of his great works "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina", but for now he is honing his style, publishing in Sovremennik and basking in favorable reviews from critics.

Later years of creativity

In 1855, Tolstoy came to St. Petersburg for a short time, but literally a couple of months later he left it and settled in Yasnaya Polyana, opening a school there for peasant children. In 1862 he married Sophia Bers and was very happy in the first years.

In 1863-1869, the novel “War and Peace” was written and revised, which bore little resemblance to the classic version. It lacks traditional key elements of the time. Or rather, they are present, but are not key.

1877 - Tolstoy completed the novel Anna Karenina, in which the technique of internal monologue is repeatedly used.

Since the second half of the 60s, Tolstoy has been going through an experience that was only overcome at the turn of the 1870s and 80s by completely rethinking his previous life. Then Tolstoy appears - his wife categorically did not accept his new views. The ideas of the late Tolstoy are similar to socialist teachings, the only difference being that he was an opponent of the revolution.

In 1896-1904, Tolstoy completed the story, which was published after his death, which occurred in November 1910 at the Astapovo station on the Ryazan-Ural road.

Lev Tolstoy is one of the most famous writers and philosophers in the world. His views and beliefs formed the basis of an entire religious and philosophical movement called Tolstoyism. The writer’s literary heritage amounted to 90 volumes of fiction and journalistic works, diary notes and letters, and he himself was more than once nominated for Nobel Prize in Literature and the Nobel Peace Prize.

“Do everything that you have determined to be done.”

Family tree of Leo Tolstoy. Image: regnum.ru

Silhouette of Maria Tolstoy (nee Volkonskaya), mother of Leo Tolstoy. 1810s. Image: wikipedia.org

Leo Tolstoy was born on September 9, 1828 in the Yasnaya Polyana estate in the Tula province. He was the fourth child in a large noble family. Tolstoy was orphaned early. His mother died when he was not yet two years old, and at the age of nine he lost his father. Aunt Alexandra Osten-Saken became the guardian of Tolstoy's five children. The two older children moved to their aunt in Moscow, while the younger ones remained in Yasnaya Polyana. It is with the family estate that the most important and dear memories of Leo Tolstoy’s early childhood are associated.

In 1841, Alexandra Osten-Sacken died, and the Tolstoys moved to their aunt Pelageya Yushkova in Kazan. Three years after moving, Leo Tolstoy decided to enter the prestigious Imperial Kazan University. However, he did not like studying, he considered exams a formality, and university professors as incompetent. Tolstoy did not even try to get a scientific degree; in Kazan he was more attracted to secular entertainment.

In April 1847, Leo Tolstoy's student life ended. He inherited his part of the estate, including his beloved Yasnaya Polyana, and immediately went home without receiving higher education. On the family estate, Tolstoy tried to improve his life and start writing. He drew up his education plan: study languages, history, medicine, mathematics, geography, law, agriculture, natural sciences. However, he soon came to the conclusion that it is easier to make plans than to implement them.

Tolstoy's asceticism was often replaced by carousing and card games. Wanting to start what he thought was the right life, he created a daily routine. But he didn’t follow it either, and in his diary he again noted his dissatisfaction with himself. All these failures prompted Leo Tolstoy to change his lifestyle. An opportunity presented itself in April 1851: the elder brother Nikolai arrived in Yasnaya Polyana. At that time he served in the Caucasus, where there was a war. Leo Tolstoy decided to join his brother and went with him to a village on the banks of the Terek River.

Leo Tolstoy served on the outskirts of the empire for almost two and a half years. He whiled away his time by hunting, playing cards, and occasionally participating in raids into enemy territory. Tolstoy liked such a solitary and monotonous life. It was in the Caucasus that the story “Childhood” was born. While working on it, the writer found a source of inspiration that remained important to him until the end of his life: he used his own memories and experiences.

In July 1852, Tolstoy sent the manuscript of the story to Sovremennik magazine and attached a letter: “...I look forward to your verdict. He will either encourage me to continue my favorite activities, or force me to burn everything I started.”. Editor Nikolai Nekrasov liked the work of the new author, and soon “Childhood” was published in the magazine. Inspired by the first success, the writer soon began the continuation of “Childhood”. In 1854, he published a second story, “Adolescence”, in the Sovremennik magazine.

“The main thing is literary works”

Leo Tolstoy in his youth. 1851. Image: school-science.ru

Lev Tolstoy. 1848. Image: regnum.ru

Lev Tolstoy. Image: old.orlovka.org.ru

At the end of 1854, Leo Tolstoy arrived in Sevastopol - the epicenter of military operations. Being in the thick of things, he created the story “Sevastopol in December.” Although Tolstoy was unusually frank in describing battle scenes, the first Sevastopol story was deeply patriotic and glorified the bravery of Russian soldiers. Soon Tolstoy began working on his second story, “Sevastopol in May.” By that time, there was nothing left of his pride in the Russian army. The horror and shock that Tolstoy experienced on the front line and during the siege of the city greatly influenced his work. Now he wrote about the meaninglessness of death and the inhumanity of war.

In 1855, from the ruins of Sevastopol, Tolstoy traveled to sophisticated St. Petersburg. The success of the first Sevastopol story gave him a sense of purpose: “My career is literature - writing and writing! Starting tomorrow, I work all my life or give up everything, rules, religion, decency - everything.”. In the capital, Leo Tolstoy finished “Sevastopol in May” and wrote “Sevastopol in August 1855” - these essays completed the trilogy. And in November 1856, the writer finally left military service.

Thanks to his true stories about the Crimean War, Tolstoy entered the St. Petersburg literary circle of the Sovremennik magazine. During this period, he wrote the story “Blizzard”, the story “Two Hussars”, and finished the trilogy with the story “Youth”. However, after some time, relations with the writers from the circle deteriorated: “These people disgusted me, and I disgusted myself.”. To unwind, at the beginning of 1857 Leo Tolstoy went abroad. He visited Paris, Rome, Berlin, Dresden: he got acquainted with famous works of art, met artists, observed how people live in European cities. The journey did not inspire Tolstoy: he created the story “Lucerne”, in which he described his disappointment.

Leo Tolstoy at work. Image: kartinkinaden.ru

Leo Tolstoy in Yasnaya Polyana. Image: kartinkinaden.ru

Leo Tolstoy tells a fairy tale to his grandchildren Ilyusha and Sonya. 1909. Krekshino. Photo: Vladimir Chertkov / wikipedia.org

In the summer of 1857, Tolstoy returned to Yasnaya Polyana. At his native estate, he continued to work on the story “Cossacks”, and also wrote the story “Three Deaths” and the novel “Family Happiness”. In his diary, Tolstoy defined his purpose for himself at that time: “The main thing is literary works, then family responsibilities, then farming... And so to live for oneself - according to good deed a day and that's enough".

In 1899, Tolstoy wrote the novel Resurrection. In this work, the writer criticized the judicial system, the army, and the government. The contempt with which Tolstoy described the institution of the church in his novel “Resurrection” provoked a response. In February 1901, in the journal “Church Gazette,” the Holy Synod published a resolution excommunicating Count Leo Tolstoy from the church. This decision only increased Tolstoy's popularity and attracted the public's attention to the writer's ideals and beliefs.

Tolstoy's literary and social activities became known abroad. The writer was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1901, 1902 and 1909 and for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1902–1906. Tolstoy himself did not want to receive the award and even told the Finnish writer Arvid Järnefelt to try to prevent the award from being awarded because, “if this happened... it would be very unpleasant to refuse” “He [Chertkov] took the unfortunate old man into his hands in every possible way, he separated us, he killed the artistic spark in Lev Nikolaevich and kindled condemnation, hatred, denial, which can be felt in Lev Nikolaevich’s articles recent years, which his stupid evil genius egged him on".

Tolstoy himself was burdened by the life of a landowner and family man. He sought to bring his life into line with his beliefs and in early November 1910 secretly left the Yasnaya Polyana estate. The road turned out to be too much for the elderly man: on the way he became seriously ill and was forced to stay in the house of the caretaker of the Astapovo railway station. Here the writer spent last days own life. Leo Tolstoy died on November 20, 1910. The writer was buried in Yasnaya Polyana.

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